
An empirical study of the problem of psychological compatibility in married couples. Diagnostics of compatibility. questionnaire "measurement of attitudes in a married couple" by yu.aleshina Diagnostics of social and psychological compatibility of spouses


The invention relates to medicine, namely to psychology. The diurnal-cyclical characteristics of the galvanic skin reaction of people in the process of their contact are recorded, compared and, in the event of their phase mismatch, psychological compatibility is determined. The method allows you to give an objective assessment of psychological compatibility. 3 ill.

The invention relates to the field of research and registration of the reaction of biological objects to external influences for diagnostic purposes by measuring electrical quantities characterizing the surface galvanic skin reaction (GSR). There is a known method for determining psychological compatibility, which includes identifying the relationship of sociometric emissions of psychophysiological compatibility of characters and temperament of consistency of sensorimotor actions, etc. (Psychological dictionary. - M., 1983, p. 346). The aim of the invention is to determine the psychological compatibility of people due to the mutual influence of subjects on each other. The invention is based on the well-known concept of assessing the psychophysiological state of a person by the work of his endocrine system, objectively reflecting the impact on the body of internal and external factors. The direct factor of influence in this case is the influence of one person on another in connection with the implementation of joint work. The essence of the method lies in the fact that one or two sensor elements made of materials with different electrode potentials are placed in the area of ​​active skin water exchange of the body (for example, on the palms of the hands), and an electric measuring recording device connected to the sensor elements discretely or continuously records the GSR parameter - the interelectrode potential difference or the magnitude of the galvanic current flowing through the meter. A time sequence of values ​​of the GSR parameter is obtained, which in the observation interval forms an amplitude characteristic of the parameter change, which has an oscillatory character during the daily measurement cycle (Fig. 1). The obtained individual daily-cyclical characteristics are compared with each other, and with phase mismatch, the psychological compatibility of these specific subjects is determined. The novelty of the proposed method is determined by the use of the GSR method in order to determine the psychological compatibility of people, subject to their direct contact. This task at present it is solved by test methods that extrapolate the test result to a given situation. In this regard, the proposed method has a higher reliability. In order to increase the reliability of the results, the problem was solved by the method "by contradiction", that is, with a priori known characteristics of behavior, which were determined by the testing method. In the process of performing the joint work by the subjects, the individual daily-cyclical characteristics presented in Fig. 2, 3. In this case, in FIG. 2 they correspond to subjects 1 and 2 with a mutual negative compatibility characteristic, and in FIG. 3 - subjects 1-3 with neutral indicators. An analysis of the individual characteristics of FIG. 2, 3 shows that if the GSR parameter in all three subjects as a whole was kept within the deviation norm, which indicates their normal physiological state, then comparing them according to the a priori scheme 1-2, 1-3 gives the following result: - subjects with mutual immunity have almost synchronous characteristics (Fig. 2), - normally contacting exhibits asynchronous characteristics (Fig. 3). In this case, the condition of in-phase diurnal-cyclic characteristics can only be explained by the correlation of the GSR parameters of subjects 1, 2 due to their mutual psychological influence according to estimates testing. Thus, the condition for the phase mismatch of the diurnal-cyclical characteristics is sufficient from the point of view of the problem being solved to determine the psychological compatibility in the joint performance of work.


A method for determining psychological compatibility, characterized in that individual diurnal-cyclical characteristics of the parameter of galvanic skin response of people are recorded and, in their phase mismatch, psychological compatibility is determined.

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The invention relates to medicine and medical technology and can be used for non-invasive remote diagnosis of pathological and pre-pathological conditions, as a means of preliminary diagnostics, for topological diagnosis of organ diseases in dynamics, as well as for monitoring the dynamics of the treatment process

Psychological compatibility can be expressed by general, integrative indicators that characterize the psychological state of the group in various fields of activity and communication. In practice, there are three main approaches to obtaining these indicators:
a) sociometric;
b) experimental;
c) test.
The sociometric approach is based on the study of the nature and characteristics of interpersonal relations in the process of group formation and in the course of joint activities and the degree of "psychological comfort" of a person's position in the group. The very term "sociometry" means the measurement of interpersonal relationships in a group. The famous American psychiatrist and social psychologist J. Moreno became the founder of the sociometry method.
The set of interpersonal relations in a group constitutes, according to Moreno, that primary psychological structure, the characteristics of which largely determine not only the integral
the state of the group, but also the state of mind of the person. Within the framework of the sociometric approach, by now there has been a large number of methods based on questionnaires, surveys, methods of competent judges, expert assessments, etc., allowing one-act to determine the "photo" of the group structure, and multi-act - the nature of its change. At the same time, taking into account the objective complexity of measuring any socio-psychological phenomenon, a mathematical apparatus has been introduced into the methodology, which makes it possible to increase the diagnostic value of the measurement and the comparability of the results obtained.
The experimental approach is based on the statement that experiment as an activity is a type of human practice, due to which the experimental act acquires the properties of the criterion of truth. Leaving aside the theory of experiment and the history of its development as a method of cognition (these issues are widely covered in the philosophical and general psychological literature), let us briefly dwell on the features of the application of experimental methods in the study of groups and collectives for the needs of economic management.
The penetration of technical means of communication between people in socio-psychological research has made it possible to significantly expand the capabilities of the experimental method, creating a real prospect for modeling more and more complex phenomena by a group of activities. The development of this trend has led to the development and use of the homeostatic principle in a socio-psychological experiment.
alt = "" /> The basis for the development of the homeostatic technique was FD Gorbov's observation of the work of the shower installation in one of the medical institutions. This installation had four cabins, but the diameter of the pipes did not provide enough hot water for all the washers. When four people entered the cabins at the same time, it was possible to observe various actions of the washers, taken in order to create a regime close to optimal (comfortable). Trying to achieve best conditions by one person led to the fact that it caused a quick response from the rest of the washers. They began to turn the taps, as a result of which either cold or excessively hot water fell on the first. Only at the cost of abandoning egocentric tendencies was it possible to regulate an acceptable regime for all, which required considerable efforts on the part of all participants in the experiment. Even if one of them
tried to create advantages for himself, the system lost its stability and all four left the shower unsatisfied.
From this life experiment, it was concluded that purposeful interconnected activity is the more effective, the smaller the range of oscillatory processes in it. Therefore, the compatibility of a group can be assessed on the basis of whether or not a given level of equilibrium is established in the system. Thus, an active and effective group that quickly established equilibrium can be characterized as stable, with homeostatic features of adaptation. In accordance with these requirements, the so-called homeostatic technique was created. Experimentally, a situation close to a "shower" was reproduced on a specially designed device, which was called a homeostat.
With the creation of the homeostat, its widespread use began in research works... Without dwelling on the technical description and the principle of operation of various homeostats, we only note that any principle can be used as the basis for the creation of homeostatic technical devices: mechanical, electrical, optical, electronic, etc. imbalance ". In this case, the control of the adjustment and the expression of its quantitative characteristics, measured by instruments (counters, recorders, etc.) in certain units (measures of length, deflection angle, electric current value, number of pulses, light intensity, etc.) are of decisive importance. ). The design of homeostats can be very diverse - from a complex used stationary in laboratory conditions to lightweight portable devices designed to solve relatively elementary issues directly at the workplace.
The homeostatic method has the following main advantages:
a) is relatively simple and effective method laboratory research of applied problems of personality, groups and collectives;
b) allows the use of portable devices with a simplified methodology for obtaining operational, integrative applied information in vivo at
evaluating the performance of various working groups;
c) allows the use of mathematical methods and computers to control the experiment and the subsequent analysis of the information obtained.
The main disadvantage limiting the use of homeostats in socio-psychological dimensions is the presence of an intermediate mechanical link in the connections between members of the studied group. An attempt to overcome this drawback was made in the works of a number of our psychologists, who propose various models of joint group activity on specially designed integrators that imitate the real activities of working groups.

To be productive, a work team of men and women must set themselves up to work. This can be helped by training in empathic listening.
Time - 1.5 hours.
The place is the classroom.
Procedure. The group is divided into two subgroups (one for men and the other for women). The training participants sit in a circle. Someone sits in the center of the circle. The leader asks this person to comment on the topic "A man in a working group for men and among women" or "A woman in a working group for women and among men". The monologue should be up to 10 minutes long. Group members are required to listen with full attention, not to argue, not interrupt
nat the speaker. If he speaks for less than 10 minutes, then at the end of the speech he must sit in silence. After ten minutes, the other participant takes a seat in the center of the circle, and so on.
In the mature group, the exercise is conducted so that the men and women take turns speaking.
The topic of the statement is very significant for every employee. Labor productivity in mixed groups depends on the business sentiment of men and women. This is helped by the stereotypes that develop in the process of listening and speaking.
N. Rudestam. Group psycho-a therapy (Translated from English). Moscow: Progress,; ^ 0 ^

Despite the complexity of the proposed devices and the sophistication of the techniques used on them, experimental methods are still limited in their capabilities. In addition, in practice, it is often rather difficult to apply them. In this regard, experimental methods for measuring and assessing compatibility are still only laboratory ones. In practice, semi-

chile proliferated empirical instrumental methods. The word instrumental in this case is used in the sense of test.
First of all, it is a method for determining the value-orientational unity of a group (COU). This method determines the level psychological development group, while it is postulated that the higher this level, the higher the degree of cohesion. The procedure here is extremely simple. Each member of the group is offered a list of personality traits that characterize it from different sides: from the side of the attitude to work, from the side of the attitude to the norms of social morality, from the side of the forms of behavior. Individuals must choose from this list of five traits that they consider to be the most important for the individual in the team. If all members of the group choose the same qualities, then the COE acquires the maximum possible value and the compatibility is then assessed as the highest. If there is a scatter in the choice of qualities, then the degree of compatibility is assessed as tending to a minimum.
Quite valuable information about the degree of compatibility is obtained using a semantic differential, which is a system of polar profiles (up to 20 lines):
Pessimist Suspicious Egoist, etc.
The procedure consists of three dimensions:
a) plotting an average personality profile for each member working group(everyone appreciates each other);
b) plotting the average profile of the group;
c) comparing the group profile with individual profiles and assessing the degree of group compatibility. These measurements, in addition, can serve as a basis for organizing group communication training and a starting point for self-education by each member of the working group.
As indicated, interpersonal compatibility often depends on the degree of acceptance of the personality by the group members. It has been empirically proven that people with high self-esteem are considered unacceptable. If the formal leader turns out to be such, then the level of compatibility of the group will be underestimated.
wives. As you can see, knowledge of people's self-esteem gives certain information about the level of compatibility.
To assess the level of self-esteem, questionnaires, questionnaires, and blank tests are widely used. Here is one of them.
The form contains 20 different personality traits. The subject in column (# 1) ranks these qualities (from 1 to 20) depending on how they like them. Then, in another column (No. 2), he ranks the qualities relative to himself, that is, he determines to what extent they are inherent in him. Next, the difference (d) of each quality between columns (No. 1 and No. 2) is calculated. This difference is squared (d) and the total (X) is calculated. Then the correlation coefficient is calculated using the formula:
r (n2 - n) n
The closer the coefficient approaches one, the higher the self-esteem. A value of 0.7 is considered high. An individual who received such a coefficient can be considered unacceptable. If the formal leader turns out to be such, then interpersonal compatibility in the group may be absent. Those with very low self-esteem are also unacceptable.
Interpersonal compatibility is often determined by the characteristics of temperament. Moreover, the terms of temperament affect both the compatibility in reactions and the pace of activity (which is important for the workers of conveyor sections), and the compatibility in the control system. The type of temperament can be quite successfully determined using the questionnaire of G. Aysenck (by the way, along with a full set of two questionnaires of 57 questions, a truncated version, including 12 questions, works quite well).
If the interpretation of the data obtained from the questionnaire for workers of conveyor sections, carried out on the basis of the principle of complementarity (complementarity), does not cause difficulties, then such an interpretation for the control system is complicated by a great many variables. However, the assessment of the obtained data according to the questionnaire on the basis of a logical

analysis makes it possible to advance in this matter. With this approach, it is possible to solve the problem of determining compatibility, for example, between the first head and his deputies. The general scheme of 10 factors, obtained by generalizing the polls of students of the Academy of National Economy, the most favorable combinations of various qualities in the general director and chief engineer may turn out to be the same as given in the table.

General manager Sanguine Phlegmatic Choleric Imperious, demanding tough Assumes collective decisions Prefers to make decisions alone Sociable Self-confident Stubborn Hot-tempered
Chief engineer Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic Sanguine or choleric Sanguine or phlegmatic Inclined to collective action, executive Determination, active initiative
Thoughtful, judicious, not in a hurry

The manager's compatibility with his deputies, as well as with the entire work collective in general, as has been shown, is largely determined by his adherence to a very specific leadership style. In this regard, when the work on the selection of the first leader is planned, it is advisable to provide for an assessment of the selected candidates according to the style of dealing with people they have mastered, decision-making, communication, educational actions. For this purpose, you can use the techniques known to us.
Questions to clarify the problem What is the essence of psychological compatibility? What types of compatibility are usually highlighted?
How should the phenomenon of compatibility be taken into account when forming working groups and management levels?
How to assess the degree of compatibility of workers in labor collectives and work groups?
How do known methods of measuring and assessing psychological compatibility "work"?

_ When answering, choose a, b, c, d, e, f, respectively.
Exercise # 1 Answer quickly.
a ^ Re ™ ness 1. You found out that your acquaintance did not say very much about you
pleasant. What will you do?
a) talk to him about it;
b) stop communicating with him. When entering a tram (bus, metro) you are roughly pushed in the side. In this case, you
c) try to get ahead;
d) wait for everyone to pass;
e) protesting out loud. During disputes, you notice that the interlocutor has his own point of view. You:
b) try not to induce him to give up his opinion;
e) trying to convince the interlocutor that you are right. You are late for the meeting. All the seats are already taken, except for one in the first row. You
b) stand in the back of the room;
f) looking for another chair;
e) without hesitation go to the first row. Do you think that you apologize very often?
food; e) no. Is it difficult for you to enter into a conversation with by a stranger?
Yeah? Really; e) no. You did not find the product you are looking for in the self-service store. Is it inconvenient for you to leave empty-handed?
b) yes; a) no. At work, they collect money on some occasion. You
c) immediately give the due amount; a) waiting for you to be asked;
d) You are pleased when you are asked about such things. You are being asked for a service that could cause you trouble. Is it easy for you to refuse?
c) yes; b) no. You have the opportunity to talk to a famous person. You /> e) use an acquaintance; f) refuse; You were forgotten to be included in the promotion list even though you deserve it. You
a) require an explanation;
d) be silent so as not to have trouble. Your child (grandson, granddaughter) received an unfair low grade at school, you
b) do nothing;
f) meet with the teacher for an explanation. You have previously worked with this test for a different reason (see 1.3.2). Now compare the two results.

Processing of results
Count the answers marked with the appropriate letters and write them in the column. Multiply the points by the numbers shown to get the total. ahZ = inx5 = dx4 =
6x0 = rx2 = exl =
Assessment (self-confidence):
38 ~ 42 points - very high (means that the compatibility is low);
30-37 points - high;
26-29 points - average;
25 or less points - low (also indicates insufficiently high compatibility).
On the form, you see 20 personality traits. Rank these qualities in columns (# 1) from 1 to 20 as you like. Then rank these same qualities in the column (# 2) to the right from 1 to 20 as they are inherent in you (in your opinion). Next, for each line, calculate the difference between # 1 and # 2 and write it in column (d). After that, square this difference (d2), calculate the total amount (X) and determine the correlation coefficient using the formula:
r “1 6 (n2 - n) n

The closer the correlation coefficient is to 1, the higher the self-esteem of the individual is inherent in the subject. Too high and too low self-esteem indicate a low degree of compatibility.

In front of you is a scorecard made in the form of a semantic differential. Follow these procedures:
a) evaluate yourself. To do this, determine your coordinates on each line of the differential, putting a point corresponding to the degree of closeness of the left or right criterion. After that, connect all the received points and you will receive your personal profile;
b) draw the average profile of the group;
c) draw conclusions about the psychological compatibility of each member of the group.








Optimist Inspires Confidence Understandable Tactful Relaxed Self-Confident Bold Outgoing Active Responsive Gullible Compliant Altruist Erudite

Causes mistrust

One of the successful techniques measuring family attitudes in married couple is the methodology of Yu.E. Aleshina, I. Ya. Gozman, E. M. Dubovskaya [Aleshina Yu. E. et al., 1987].

In family studies, the study of the "family" attitudes of spouses takes a significant place. The most popular and frequently used scales of attitudes are such as attitudes towards marriage, children, divorce, sex, and towards members of the opposite sex. The use of attunement scales in family studies is also very popular because they are sensitive to the changes taking place in the modern institution of marriage. So, it is precisely thanks to the wide measurement of attitudes that such facts as a more positive attitude of people to egalitarian relations in the family, to the work of women, changes in attitudes towards the value of children, etc. became obvious. But nevertheless, other studies indicate that certain attitudes of people interfere with them adequately function in various areas of life and situations. Such attitudes also exist in family relationships. Apparently, these include an orientation toward traditional relationships between men and women and a patriarchal type of marital relationship, etc.

The value and importance of attitudes scales for the psychology of family relationships is largely due to the fact that their use is directly related to solving one of the most important problems of family psychology: studies of the influence of similarity - differences (personality traits, attitudes, value orientations, etc.) on the relationship of spouses and the quality of the marriage.

Following R. Levis and Gr. Spanier, many psychologists believe that the more spouses have similar views on various issues, the better for their relationship. This finding makes attitudes scales particularly valuable for predictive studies. For example, the knowledge of how similar the views of those who are getting married are, allows us to assume the most conflicting areas in the future for these partners and, if necessary, use this data in premarital counseling. Similarity information can also be useful for single marriage services, as people with similar attitudes are much more likely to form successful relationships.

The convenience of using setting scales in empirical research is determined, in addition, by the speed of these techniques and a certain ease of their creation: in order to determine a person's attitude to something, it is enough to invite him to evaluate 4-6 judgments regarding this subject or phenomenon of reality.

Test Material

The methodology of Yu.E. Aleshina is 40 judgments expressing one or another position in 10 areas that are significant for people:

1) attitude towards people;

2) the alternative between a sense of duty and pleasure;

3) attitude towards children;

4) attitude towards the autonomy or dependence of the spouses;

5) attitude towards divorce;

6) attitude to love of the romantic type;

7) assessment of the importance of the sexual sphere in family life;

8) attitude towards “forbidden areas of sex”;

9) attitude towards patriarchal or egalitarian family structure;

10) attitude towards money.

The respondents should rate the degree of their agreement with each of the statements.


We ask you to assess the degree of your agreement with the propositions below, expressing one or another position of a person in life. There are no and cannot be "right" or "wrong" answers, it is important that the chosen option most fully reflects your personal point of view.

The text of the questionnaire "Measuring attitudes in a married couple"

1. I think that many people are left indifferent by the troubles of others.

A. Yes, it is.

B. Probably so.

Q. It is unlikely that this is so.

D. No, it is not so.

2. Most people are busy only with themselves, and they have little interest in what is happening around.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

3. I'm sure) that there are certain moral principles that should be guided in all circumstances.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

4. People do bad deeds most often not of their own free will, but through the fault of circumstances.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

5. Whatever a person does, the main thing is that he gets pleasure from it.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

6. I believe that even strangers willingly help each other, not to mention close people.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

7. I think that whenever possible, you should avoid doing what is unpleasant for you.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

8. To be happy, you must first of all fulfill your responsibilities to other people.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

9. The only thing that gives meaning to human life is children.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

10. I think that spouses should tell each other about everything that worries them.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

11. A family without children is a defective family.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

12. I think that in a good family, spouses should share each other's different hobbies and interests.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

13. The more children there are in the family, the better.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

14. It is much more difficult for a child to be a constant witness of parental quarrels than to remain with one of the parents after a divorce.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, regardless of the parental relationship, it is better for a child to live with his father and mother.

15. In a good family, spouses should always spend their free time together.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. I think that free time should be spent separately.

16. The joy a child gives to his parents does not compensate for all that they are deprived of because of him.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, a child in the life of a family can replace everything.

17. I think that true love happens once in a lifetime.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, you can love several times in your life.

18. Often times, people get divorced without taking full advantage of the opportunities to mend their relationship.

A. Yes, it is.

B. Probably so.

Q. It is unlikely that this is so.

D. No, it is not so.

19. When people love each other, then nothing really pleases them if there is no loved one nearby.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, love does not mean that nothing else pleases.

20. I think that the mutual respect and love of spouses towards each other is often much more important than the sexual harmony between them.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

21. Divorce, in my opinion, gives a person the opportunity in the end to find such a life partner as he needs.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, the possibility of divorce only hinders this.

22. I believe that if a loved one has any shortcomings, then you need to strive to correct them, and not close your eyes to them.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, if you really love a person, then you love both his merits and his demerits.

23. V Lately there is too much talk about sexual problems.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

24. I think that the availability of divorce has led to the collapse of many marriages that could have been successful if divorce was not possible.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, the possibility of divorce helps to maintain a successful marriage and provides a means to correct the mistake.

25. I believe that everything family problems easily solvable, if physical intimacy for both is real satisfaction.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

26. If people love each other, then they strive to spend every free minute together.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, I think that the fact that people love each other does not mean that they constantly want to be together.

27. In my opinion, it is best for spouses to discuss problems related to physical intimacy as little as possible.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

28. I think that the importance of sexual harmony in family life is usually exaggerated.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

29. I believe that family relations depend only on how the sexual relations of the spouses develop.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

30. Sex can be as much a topic of conversation between spouses as any other.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

31. I think that you should not go to a specialist about difficulties in your sex life.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, you need to contact.

32. Modern women are less and less consistent with the true ideal of femininity.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

33. Both now and in the future, all the main responsibilities of a woman will be associated with the home, and men with work.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

34. For modern woman it is just as important to have business qualities as it is for a man.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, for a man it is much more important.

35. Both the wife and the husband should have a certain amount, which everyone can spend as they see fit.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, all expenses should be discussed together.

36. The professional success of the wife interferes with a happy family life.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

37. If you have money, then you should not hesitate to buy or not buy the thing you like.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, it is not so.

38. I think that all expenses incurred should be recorded (eg recorded).

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be true.

D. No, it is not so.

39. The family budget needs to be planned down to the smallest purchases.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. This is unlikely to be the case.

D. No, I think there is no need to plan a budget.

40. I believe that it is necessary to make savings, even if you have to deny yourself something.

A. Yes it is.

B. Probably so.

B. It hardly makes sense to save if funds are insufficient.

D. Savings should only be made if there is no

need to save.

All judgments are grouped into 10 setting scales:

1. Scale attitudes towards people(positivity towards people): judgments 1, 2, 4, 6.

2. Scale alternatives between a sense of duty and pleasure: judgments 3, 5, 7, 8.

3. Scale attitudes towards children(the value of children in human life): judgments 9, 11, 13, 16.

4. Scale orientation towards predominantly joint or predominantly separate activities,autonomy of spouses or dependence of spouses on each other: judgments 10, 12, 15, 35.

5. Scale relationship to divorce: judgments 14, 18, 21, 24.

6. Scale romantic love relationship:judgments 17, 19, 22, 26.

7. Scale assessing the importance of the sexual spherein family life: judgments 20, 25, 28, 29.

8. Scale attitudes towards "forbidden sex"(idea of ​​the forbiddenness of the sexual theme): judgments 23, 27, 30, 31.

9. Scale attitudes towards patriarchal or egalitarian family arrangements(focus on traditional views): judgments 32, 33, 34, 36.

10. Scale attitude to money(ease of spending - frugality): judgments 37, 38, 39, 40.

For each scale, the arithmetic mean of the four responses is calculated.

At the same time, in direct questions (in the keys below them there is a “+” in front of them), the following values ​​are attributed to the alternatives in the answers: 4 points (“Yes, this is so”); 3 points (“Probably so”); 2 points ("It is unlikely that this is so"); 1 point (“No, it’s not like that”).

In the inverse, intertwined questions (in front of their numbers below there are signs “-”), points are awarded according to a different principle: the following values ​​are assigned to alternatives in the answers: 1 point (“Yes, this is so”); 2 points (“Probably so”); 3 points ("It is unlikely that this is so"); 4 points (“No, it’s not like that”).

Keys for processing results

Scale 1 (-1-2 + 4 + 6): 4. The higher the score, the more optimistic the respondent has about people in general.

Scale 2 (+ 3-5-7 + 8): 4. The higher the score, the more pronounced the respondent's orientation toward debt versus pleasure.

Scale 3 (+ 9 + 11 + 13-16): 4. The higher the score, the more significant the respondent sees the role of children in human life.

Scale 4 (+ 10 + 12 + 15-35): 4. The higher the score, the more pronounced the respondent's orientation toward joint activities spouses in all areas of family life.

Scale 5 (-14 + 18-21 + 24): 4. The higher the score, the less loyal the respondent's attitude to divorce.

Scale 6 (+ 17 + 19 + 22 + 26): 4. The higher the score, the more pronounced the orientation towards traditionally imagined romantic love.

Scale 7 (+ 20-25 + 28-29): 4. The higher the score, the less significant the sexual sphere in family life seems to the respondent.

Scale 8 (+ 23 + 27 -30 + 31): 4. The higher the score, the more taboo the topic of sexual relations seems to the respondent.

Scale 9 (-32-33 + 34-36): 4. The higher the score, the less traditional the respondent's perception of the role of women.

Scale 10 (-37 + 38-39 + 40): 4. The higher the score, the more frugal attitude of the respondent to money, the lower - the easier he considers it possible to spend it.

The preliminary analysis of the responses of men and women did not show significant differences; therefore, the main results were calculated jointly for respondents of both sexes.

The discrepancy between the results on different setting scales among the spouses (in the case of the methodology for a married couple) can show the direction in which correction work should be carried out, and the specific content of the answers of each of the spouses provides information about possible options for individual psychological counseling of members of the surveyed family.

Compatibility is one of the most difficult phenomena in social and psychological science in general and family psychology in particular. Compatibility is manifested in the interaction and communication of spouses.

The purpose of the experimental part of our work is to study the characteristics of psychological compatibility in married couples.

The hypothesis of the research is the assumption that the psychological compatibility of spouses affects the satisfaction with the marriage: compatible combinations of personality orientation, interpersonal relationships increase satisfaction with the marriage.

To achieve this goal and test the hypothesis put forward in the experimental study, the following tasks were identified:

1. Determine the compatibility of spouses and the consistency of role expectations and claims in marriage.

2. To study the satisfaction with marriage of men and women in married couples.

3. To identify various combinations of temperament types and their correlation with marital satisfaction.

4. To identify the general patterns of the relationship of compatibility in married couples, role expectations, satisfaction with marriage and temperament.

Subject of research: married couples aged 20 to 32 years.

Research subject: psychological compatibility in married couples.

In total, the study involved 50 married couples aged 20 to 32 years. Study participants have been married for no more than 5 years. 38 couples are in a registered marriage, 12 couples live together in an unregistered marriage. For all participants in the study, this marriage is the first. 36 couples have one child, 6 couples have two children, 8 couples have no children.

At the first stage of the study, empirical data were collected. Psychodiagnostic research was carried out on an individual basis, during its course the following research methods were used:

1. To study the compatibility of spouses, the questionnaire of interpersonal relations by V. Schutz was used.

2. For express diagnostics of the degree of satisfaction - dissatisfaction with the marriage, as well as the degree of coincidence - mismatch of satisfaction among the spouses, we used the method of V.V. Stolin, T.L. Romanova, G.P. Butenko.

3. To study the consistency of family values ​​and role attitudes in a married couple, the methodology "Determination of the consistency of family values ​​and role attitudes in a married couple" was used. Volkova.

4. To study the features of interpersonal interaction between spouses, the test "Self-assessment of constructive interaction in marital relations" was used.

5. To determine the type of temperament, in order to diagnose the psychophysiological compatibility of spouses, the method for determining the type of temperament by G. Eysenck was used.

V. Schutz's questionnaire of interpersonal relations (Appendix A).

V. Schutz's questionnaire makes it possible to obtain data on the social-need (interpersonal) compatibility of spouses in the form of total compatibility indices. It is assumed that the three types of needs (inclusion, control, affect), which measure the scales of the questionnaire, are essentially social (to be included in relationships and maintain them; control the behavior of others and make decisions; create close relationships), because determine the behavior of the individual precisely in situations of interpersonal interaction and communication.

The questionnaire is aimed at diagnosing various aspects of interpersonal relationships. An individual's behavior is assessed in three areas of interpersonal needs: inclusion (I), control (C), and affect (A). Each area is subdivided into expressed (e) and desired (w) behavior.

The questionnaire contains 6 scales, 54 tasks (9 points per scale).

Questionnaire scales:

1f - pronounced behavior in the area of ​​inclusion (the desire to attract attention, interest in oneself, to get involved in relationships, to enter various social groups, to be among people).

Iw - the required behavior in the area of ​​inclusion (the desire for others to be interested in the individual, invite the individual to take part in their activities and seek to communicate with him).

Ce - pronounced behavior in the field of control (the desire to control and influence others, to take leadership into their own hands, to determine what and how will be done).

Cw - the required behavior in the area of ​​control (the desire for others to control the individual, influence him and tell him what to do and how to do it).

Ae - pronounced behavior in the area of ​​affect (the desire to be in close, intimate relationships with others, to show friendly, warm feelings towards them).

Aw - the required behavior in the area of ​​affect (the desire for others to be closer to the individual).

Further, when analyzing the data, attention is paid to the ratio, the combination of points on the main scales, which allows you to calculate the index of the volume of interactions (e + w) and the index of the inconsistency of interpersonal behavior (e - w) within and between individual areas of interpersonal needs. The data obtained also make it possible to determine the coefficient of mutual compatibility in the Dyad. It is calculated as follows; if we denote the expressed bringing of individual A in one area or another by the symbol e1, and individual B - by the symbol e2, and the required behavior of these persons is respectively w1 and w2, then the compatibility coefficient has the form K = [e1 - w2] + [e2 - w1] ...

The nature of marital relations largely depends on the degree of consistency of the family values ​​of the husband and wife and the role representations of who and to what extent is responsible for the implementation of functions in a particular family sphere. The adequacy of the role behavior of the spouses depends on the correspondence of the role expectations (the attitude of the husband and wife to the active fulfillment of family responsibilities by the partner) to the role claims of the spouses (the personal readiness of each of the partners to fulfill family roles).

Marriage Satisfaction Questionnaire (V.V. Stolin, T.L. Romanova, G.P. Butenko) (Appendix B).

Satisfaction with marriage was measured using the method of V.V. Stolin, which has a high correlation with other methods for satisfaction with marriage and high reliability of results.

When developing the questionnaire, the authors proceeded from the thesis that the main factor that holds marital unions together is emotional bonds - love, emotional attachment... In accordance with this, it can be assumed that subjective satisfaction - dissatisfaction with marriage by its nature is more a generalized emotion, a generalized experience, rather than a consequence of a rational assessment of the success of a marriage in one way or another.

Initial data:

Marriage Satisfaction Test scores for husband and wife;

The total coefficients of interpersonal compatibility of spouses;

Scores of consistency of family values ​​and roles in various areas of family life.

Methodology "Determination of the consistency of family values ​​and role attitudes in a married couple" A. N. Volkova (Abbreviated name - ROP) (Appendix B).

This technique, developed by A. N. Volkova, is included in a comprehensive program of practical work with a married couple.

The "ROP" methodology allows you to determine:

1. The spouses' ideas about the importance of sexual relations in family life, personal community of husband and wife, parenting responsibilities, professional interests of each of the spouses, household services, moral and emotional support, external attractiveness of partners. These indicators, reflecting the basic functions of the family, constitute the scale of family values.

2. The spouses' ideas about the desired distribution of roles between husband and wife in the implementation of family functions, united by a scale of role expectations and aspirations.

Despite the fact that this technique is used more often in consulting work, and in scientific research much less often, nevertheless, with its help it is possible to determine the consistency of family values ​​and role attitudes in a married couple separately for men and women, and on the basis of average results to make specific conclusions.

Test "Self-assessment of constructive interaction in marital relations" (Appendix D).

The technique is a blank test - a questionnaire containing a description of 15 situations of spousal interaction, which are of a conflict nature.

As an answer, the respondents (subjects) are offered a scale of possible reactions to a certain situation, which contains 5 possible options. The left pole of the scale is the greatest expression of agreement, a concordant, neutral attitude, an expression of disagreement and, finally, the right pole is an active expression of disagreement.

Personality questionnaire G. Eysenck (Appendix D).

We considered it necessary to include in our study a test for determining the type of temperament as a diagnostic tool for psychophysiological compatibility. This technique is designed to determine the degree of extraversion and introversion, as well as neuroticism and emotional stability, and to increase validity, it has a lie scale: if the subject gets a high score on the lie scale, he passes the test again. However, all these components of temperament are interpreted in more detail during individual or family counseling; in a mass study, the specificity is somewhat different, and for the analysis of the results, general characteristics of the type of temperament are more needed.

Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was used for statistical processing of the results obtained

Spearman's rank correlation method allows you to determine the tightness (strength) and direction of the correlation between two features or two profiles (hierarchies) of features.

The calculation of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient consists of the following steps:

1. Ranking of signs in ascending order.

2. Determination of the difference in the ranks of each pair of compared values, d = dx-dy.

3. Squaring the difference di and finding the total,? D2.

4. Calculation of the correlation coefficient of the ranks by the formula:

where d 2 - the squares of the differences between the ranks; N is the number of features that participated in the ranking.

When using the coefficient of rank correlation, conditionally assess the tightness of the relationship between the signs, considering the values ​​of the coefficient equal to 0.3 or less, indicators of weak tightness of the relationship; values ​​of more than 0.4, but less than 0.7 - indicators of moderate tightness of communication, and values ​​of 0.7 and more - indicators of high tightness of communication. The level of significance is determined according to a special table.

Thus, in our study, we used five different methods to identify various aspects family relations necessary to confirm or refute the thesis of the hypothesis.



3.2 Diagnostics of the socio-psychological compatibility of spouses

3.2.1 Role Expectations and Aspirations in Marriage (ROP) Questionnaire

3.2.2 Questionnaire "Measurement of attitudes in a married couple"





Marriage and family are among such phenomena, the interest in which has always been sustained and massive. For society, the issue of knowledge of these social institutions and the ability to manage their development is of paramount importance already because the reproduction of the population, the creation and transmission of spiritual values ​​largely depend on their state.

Many psychologists believe that marital compatibility is essential condition stability and well-being of the married couple. Compatibility is partly determined by its researchers through satisfaction: "If for harmony sympathy is a secondary element in assessing interaction, then for compatibility sympathy (as satisfaction with relationships) is the main element."

“Compatibility can be described mainly by two characteristics included in the affective component of the interaction: indicators of subjective satisfaction with a partner (psychological sign) and indicators of emotional and energy expenditures of an individual, a participant in communication (physiological sign). Wherein emotional background relations are accompanied by some, perhaps the most emotional and energy costs of communicating partners. " In conditions of non-formalized relationships (intimate-emotional), the optimal interaction will be one that is characterized by the maximum satisfaction of partners with the relationship, the duration of the relationship, and the frequency of contacts.


A.N. Obozova identified four aspects of marital compatibility, the need to separate which, in her opinion, is justified by the difference in their inherent criteria, patterns and manifestations:

Spiritual compatibility - characterizes the consistency of the goal-setting components of the partners' behavior: attitudes, value orientations, needs, interests, views, assessments, opinions, etc. (the main regularity of spiritual compatibility is the similarity, similarity of the spiritual ways of the spouses);

Personal compatibility - characterizes the correspondence of the structural and dynamic characteristics of partners: the properties of temperament, character, emotional-volitional sphere: one of the criteria for personal compatibility is the conflict-free distribution of interpersonal roles. The main regularity of this aspect of the compatibility of spouses is the complementarity of the structural characteristics of partners;

Family and household compatibility - functional features of marriage partners: consistency of ideas about the functions of the family and the corresponding way of life, consistency of role expectations and claims in the implementation of these functions. The criterion is the effectiveness of raising children;

Physiological compatibility.

Signs of physical, including sexual, compatibility is the harmony of caresses between a man and a woman, bodily contact, satisfaction from intimacy. "

This understanding of marital compatibility is close to the concept of marital satisfaction. Indeed, in this case, compatibility is interpreted as the consistency of attitudes, the similarity of the spiritual structures of the spouses, the conformity of character, the consistency of ideas about the functions of the family - that is, in principle, all this can be designated as ideas about family life, and the implementation of these ideas in marriage determines the assessment spouses of their own marriage, their satisfaction with family relationships.


Based on the aspects of spousal compatibility highlighted by A. N. Obozova, all studies on this problem can be divided into three groups:

1. Structural approach focused on the study of personal compatibility - the ratio of various static characteristics of spouses: characterological, intellectual, motivational, etc. In this case, the compatibility of spouses is expressed in the ability to form a harmonious couple: a structure that has signs of integrity, balance, completeness. The basis for such studies was the hypothesis of R. Vinch about the so-called complementarity (complementarity), according to which the needs of partners, members of a small group (in this case, such a group is a family), should complement each other in terms of the quality of their personal properties.

2. Functional approach based on the representation of the individual through her roles and functions in the group. With regard to marriage, the functional approach is expressed in the study of the relationship between the psychological family roles of spouses, their ideas about the family. At the same time, compatibility acts as an agreement, similarity of ideas, expectations of spouses about family life, consistency of roles in a married couple.

Supporters of the functional approach believe that if family members understand their roles differently and present to each other uncoordinated expectations, rejected by the partner and corresponding requirements, the family is deliberately incompatible and conflicting.

An interesting work in this direction was carried out by T.A. Gurko. She found that in cases where women are satisfied with their husband's participation in household chores, they are more often satisfied with the marriage (50%, not satisfied - 19%). On the contrary, dissatisfaction with the spouse's attitude to household matters is clearly correlated with dissatisfaction. family life(12% and 58% respectively). By the nature of the distribution of responsibilities, all families are divided into 3 groups: with significant, moderate and weak participation of the husband in household work. It was found that the number of women dissatisfied with marriage significantly increases with the transition from the first to the second and third groups of families, while the number of satisfied women, on the contrary, decreases.

Interestingly, in the same direction, although not so significantly, the level of satisfaction with marriage in men changes. Apparently, if the husband is removed from housework, the wife constantly expresses dissatisfaction about this.

3. And finally third approach to studying compatibility - adaptive- focuses on the study of weak, problematic aspects of marital relations that cause conflicts, disagreements, misunderstandings. This approach is, on the one hand, common to the two above, and at the same time a special direction. Its task is to search for reserves of adaptation of spouses to each other by harmonizing the marital union. This approach is most fully implemented in practical work to provide psychological assistance to the family, in particular family counseling.

So, the concept of marital compatibility is somehow defined through the concept of satisfaction with marriage, its stability, while many researchers understand marital compatibility as something static. However, we must not forget that every family is unique, and there is no psychological pattern that can be applied to everyone without exception.

For diagnostics, I chose 3 young married couples without children, with the same age difference.

1. Skripnik Tatyana Ravilievna (25 years old) and Gennady Petrovich (30 years old) - married for 4 years.

2. Polyukhovich Oksana Vladimirovna (26 years old) and Vladimir Evstafievich (31 years old) - married for 6 years.

3. Yakimets Tatyana Nikolaevna (24 years old) and Yuri Vladimirovich (29 years old) - married for 5 years.


3.1 Diagnostics of the psychophysiological compatibility of spouses

Research in the psychology of sexuality, although it has a long history, still remains to be done in order to help people better, to know themselves, to solve problems that cause trouble, to prevent conflict situations, which are so often and so painfully experienced by both men and women. For this, methods are needed psychological diagnostics in the field of the psychology of sexuality.

1 Methodology for assessing sexual profile

Purpose: diagnostics of the characteristics of sexual behavior.

Description of the methodology: it contains 14 basic scales that make up the distribution of polar forms of sexual behavior, as well as individual questions regarding some forms of sexual behavior. The technique has such an advantage as the convenience in processing the data obtained, which is important when conducting individual consultation, especially in a blank way.

Procedure for carrying out the technique: the subjects are asked to answer the questions by filling out the protocol form below.

Instructions: "Answer the following questions in two ways:" Yes "or" + "if your behavior matches the affirmative answer to the question, and" No "or" - "if your answer is negative."

Data processing (see Appendix 1).

Interpreting data

The results of processing the questionnaires of married couple No. 1 showed the following:

The wife is characterized by a violent manifestation of her feelings, emotional expressiveness and relaxedness in reactions, while the husband is characterized by calmer behavior, and emotional outbursts in behavior are less observable. The husband's characteristic is restraint;

When communicating with people of the opposite sex, spouses have no problems, they are both confident in their sexual capabilities. This gives me the right to assume that in this regard the spouses easily understand each other, which makes it possible for them to communicate easily and uninhibitedly in any society;