
Why is it important to act decisively and boldly? Courage: features and development opportunities What you need to do to be courageous


Courage is a very important quality that needs to be developed by anyone who wants to achieve success in any area of ​​life. Courage helps a person to believe in himself and act, move forward and achieve his goals. Courage is the key to success.

The image of a brave man

Who is this brave man? What does he look like? How he behaves. Let's create an approximate image of a brave person.

A brave person = a confident person.

A brave person behaves confidently in any situation. He believes in himself and in his strength. And this faith is reflected in his appearance. He keeps his back straight, looks forward and his shoulders are back. His facial expression is calm and peaceful.

A brave person maintains self-control in any difficult situation. He knows how to control his thoughts and at the slightest hint of doubt, he immediately switches his attention to thoughts and images about courage and his own strength.

A brave person knows that there is great potential within him, a great power that can restore health, attract love and achieve success. That's why he's calm. A brave man knows that he is the creator of his life, and he builds it according to his own scenario.

A brave person is not afraid to act. Not afraid to make mistakes. He knows that in every mistake there is a grain of success. He moves forward decisively and swiftly, overcoming any obstacles in his path.

A brave person overcomes his fears by facing them. He constantly cultivates the image of fearlessness in himself, gaining more and more victories over his fears.

How does a brave person overcome his fears?

The first thing a brave person does is admit to himself that he has this or that fear and accept it as part of himself.

And then he goes to his fears. For example, if a brave person learned through self-analysis that he is afraid of birds, then he does not run away from situations where he can meet them, but rather goes outside, first contemplates them, then he can feed them... the same with more serious fears. If a brave person realizes that he is afraid of death, he copes with this fear. First, he begins to think about this topic and understands that death is an inevitability and there is no hiding from it. That you need to live while you live, until the last moment, and when the time comes to die, you need to look death in the eyes with humility and fearlessness.

A brave man faces his own fear of death. How? Well, for example, he starts doing extreme sports, sometimes watching films about death, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. A brave person does everything at the right pace and carefully works with his fears.

How a brave man develops his fearlessness

A brave person takes care to be brave, because he knows that fears have an extremely adverse effect on a person’s life and his health. A brave person visualizes his fearlessness, fixes in the subconscious the image that we are now describing. You can do this too if you want to develop courage. Just meditate daily on the topic of fearlessness and imagine yourself as a brave person and you will become one.

Affirmations for fear that a brave person uses

I'm completely safe. I trust myself and my subconscious. I am under the reliable protection of the Lord God.

I am the master of my fears. I easily manage my fears. I believe in myself and my strength.

Fears have no power over me. They are free. I'm letting them go.

I am developing my courage. I am developing fearlessness in myself.

I face my fears with love and draw strength from them.

I am a brave and confident person.

I accept both fear and courage in myself. Everything has a place to be.

Human life consists of a whole series of situations in which decisions need to be made quickly and confidently. How often have you caught yourself thinking that you missed an important moment, or because of your indecision, you did not take advantage of the chance to succeed in life? The situation is familiar to everyone. Why does this happen, what is missing to become bolder and break out of the circle of failures and disappointments. The problem lies deep in the subconscious, but this situation is not a death sentence at all - start analyzing and acting, and you will notice those small “victories” that will burst into your life!

Trust yourself

If you are concerned about the question of how to become bolder and more decisive , first of all, you need to learn to trust yourself and follow your inner message. It is easier for a person to succumb to the blues and define himself as a weak, weak-willed individual. Well, of course, it’s easier this way, because then personal failures can be attributed to characteristics of character and temperament. Determination is the ability to set a goal, set aside uncertainty and develop the willpower and spirit to achieve any task. How to get rid of doubts and begin to act quickly and decisively, while assessing the rationality of actions? You need to start working on yourself:

  • Listen to your feelings and experiences - we free ourselves from pressure from others. Very often, indecision is formed precisely because of the hyper-protectiveness of relatives or the condemnation of society! A person begins to think that he is weak and unfit. Although it is difficult to get out of this vicious circle, it is necessary to do so - change stereotypes! Try to give up your comfort zone - don’t let everyone do everything for you, from now on only you make decisions;
  • “My Fortress” is an excellent exercise for developing courage. Let’s imagine even the smallest problem as a huge fortress that we are storming. Start small: even if it is refusing a request that is unpleasant to you! Don't be alarmed, it's hard to just start changing;
  • Analyze why you often deviate from what you want, maybe your inner voice tells you that nothing will work out for you? Create an internal dialogue - ask yourself why you are not worthy of becoming the best, what is stopping you? And when you yourself don’t find justified reasons, you will begin to understand that any goal is possible!

Realize that the longer the problem is ignored, the deeper you will sink into the pool of uncertainty and indecision.

Overcome your fear

Fear is not only self-doubt, but also the fear of changing anything in your destiny! Don't let this feeling define you. It is very useful to analyze and even put on paper what you have lost due to your inner “demons”. This will help you understand how you will live your life:

  • Personal life - fear of relationships, attachments and responsibility can doom you to loneliness;
  • Career - can an indecisive person achieve prosperity;
  • Appearance – uncertainty is reflected in appearance, do not be afraid to step out of the shadows. Even if you are afraid of the condemnation of society, you cannot live with these people;
  • Rebel - of course, you should not express yourself in “stupid” actions and harmful addictions, this will only aggravate the internal conflict. Become different from others in any area of ​​life: learn new things, master some new technique, write articles, express any idea openly! And even if it is difficult to achieve this at first, doing it is very pleasant and useful. You will look at yourself from the outside and see how much you can give to the world.

Faith is the absence of doubt

, if you don’t have faith in yourself and in the positive outcome of any situation? Almost impossible. It is very important to understand that you are the center of the Universe, everything revolves around you! Don't think that you were born just to be judged and evaluated. Self-confidence is the most important psychological aspect of a successful personality. The right attitude and intention to act in a new direction is 90% of success in any difficult situation. Psychological attitude is our flagship, leading us through life.

Don't start your day with depressing thoughts, don't prepare yourself for problems, be open to small achievements. Stop internal “digging”, do not judge yourself for failures and do not remember the reproaches of society. This will only lead to depression. It is very important to be able to forgive yourself! “Talk” to yourself and be kind to yourself from this day forward. The mistakes of the past should only strengthen, but not in any way cause, feelings of guilt. Remember, in life there is only one irreparable situation - death. Everything else can be overcome and forgive yourself.

Phobia and fear of life

Very often, an indecisive and timid person “drives” himself into a shell of fear. This leads to complete detachment and isolation; the individual is afraid of his failures and tries to avoid new mistakes. It is very difficult to get out of this state, but it is possible:

  • “I will face my fear” is quite difficult to do, but absolutely necessary. A brave person is not one who is not afraid of anything, but one who is able to overcome his phobia. Go towards this goal every day: start small and develop behavioral tactics.
  • Accept Failure – If you are planning something important, but be afraid of failure. It is very useful to mentally “scroll” the situation and see a possible unsuccessful outcome. Do this a few times and make sure nothing bad happens! Then “review” the favorable outcome and try to feel your success, stop this picture and think only about it
  • More communication and new acquaintances - we are all embarrassed to start new relationships, although there are no special reasons to behave this way. A person is interested in getting to know another person. Be brave, try to make new acquaintances, take the first step. This is a very useful exercise for gaining courage and determination.
  • Praise yourself - be kind to yourself, celebrate even the smallest victory. Praise and appreciate every brave deed! Such activities will help you increase your self-esteem
  • Take risks - remember, it’s better to try and fail than to do nothing and regret it. Gain experience and it doesn’t matter whether it’s positive or negative.

Courage and determination are wonderful qualities that are inherent in every person. The question is how to use them? And here there is only one correct answer - practice and more practice! Start working on yourself, and you will definitely achieve inner harmony!


A short video from the Internet about how to develop courage:

Image: Tambako the Jaguar (

This is the whole essence of human nature - to put off choices that are unpleasant for us as long as possible. Unfortunately, waiting tactics only increases our fear. Everything has its price. Every time we put off an important conversation, we make it more and more frightening for our imagination due to the fact that we have more time to worry. This is how some phobias are formed. Ultimately, all these postponed things snowball into important areas of our lives, for example, relationships or careers. Moreover, over time, this habit of putting things off leads to a decrease in stress resistance, which is precisely what is formed from overcoming such small life challenges.

All we need is to develop a kind of impulse that will force us to immediately rush headlong into the pool and instantly resolve an unpleasant issue. So the main task is to maximize the chances of action and minimize the chances of fear.

1. Long thoughts are the first step to chickening out.

The worst thing in this situation is to get rejected. But the fact is that courage and determination also have an expiration date. So if you decide to have a serious conversation, for example, just talk. There is no need to wait for the right moment, do it now.

2. Focus on getting over yourself

First, decide on the content of the conversation and the result you want to ultimately achieve. After that, decide what first phrase you will say. Many people simply cannot decide to start a conversation for weeks. The hardest thing is to start. It will be easier later.

3. Do the same thing in a less scary environment.

For example, if you have little experience with public speaking and you have a big speech coming up in front of an audience, practice in a less formal setting. Talk to a random passerby and ask him for directions. Do the same several times. Try reading an excerpt from your favorite work in front of your family. Noticing their interest, you will very soon want to add expressiveness and emotionality. You need to get used to the fact that people listen to you, interact with you. After this, you will appear on stage as a person who knows how to command the attention of the audience.

4. Think about the consequences

About the positive ones, of course. Think about the freedom you will finally feel after dealing with an unpleasant matter. It's like exams: you pass once, and then you have the whole summer ahead.

5. Think ahead

This is especially true when saying goodbye to something old. For example, you may find it difficult to end a relationship that continues simply by inertia. Yes, changes take up a lot of internal resources, but they still bring long-awaited freedom and relief.

6. Set a deadline

An important conversation should be like going to the doctor: precisely scheduled and absolutely inevitable. Having a specific date for your conversation will make you finally decide to have it.

7. Take action with someone

To decide to do something that you have been afraid of for a long time, you need support. So don't hesitate to ask your friends and family to come to your lecture where you will be giving a talk. There are many people who do not dare to start something precisely because of the insufficient level of support. They can't decide to go to the gym or see a psychologist. Don't be one of them.

Of course, there are naturally brave people, and there are timid ones, but this does not mean that your courage or timidity is unchanged. Work on yourself, communicate more, and over time you will become who you want to be.

A person notices that certain character traits help or, conversely, hinder him from living happily. It turns out that different qualities were valued at different times. When a person was forced to catch mammoths to feed himself, it was important for him to have strength and courage. When a person lives in an era of public opinion as the only enemy that slows down the path to success, then he needs to have self-confidence and determination.

To become a successful person, you must have courage, self-confidence and determination. To have such qualities, you need to start by defining them:

  1. Courage is taking the necessary actions, despite the fact that a person may be frightened by something in the situation in which he is acting.
  2. is a person’s conviction that he has all the necessary knowledge and resources to achieve his goal. And if he doesn’t know or can’t do something, he will be able to develop the necessary skills and obtain the necessary information.
  3. Decisiveness is not only the ability to make decisions in a specific situation, but also the willingness to implement it. A person intends to act in accordance with his decision.

As you can see, the qualities discussed can really play a useful role in achieving success, no matter how a person imagines it. Each person has their own desires, which are based on the fact that they want to live a little better than they already have today. A goal is something that should improve a person’s life and make him happy. You can enjoy what you already have. However, a person will experience more happiness when he achieves what is his goal for now.

Many people have difficulty achieving their goals and realizing their desires. And the reason for this is the character qualities that they possess. When a person is not self-confident, indecisive and fearful, then he will quickly refuse to realize what he wants, so as not to simply face problems, fears and other unpleasant moments that will unsettle him.

However, if you want to live happily and be proud of yourself, then you need to be able to achieve goals, which will be facilitated by courage, self-confidence and determination, which we will talk about on the psychological help website.

How to become bolder?

Who said that being arrogant is bad? Do you really want to continue to be afraid of every little thing that doesn’t even threaten your life? Do you like being insecure? Of course, all these qualities (or rather, their absence) can be attributed to the fact that you have not achieved something in your life. If you had everything you want, it would give you peace of mind, which in turn would not allow you to be afraid of anything, not to believe in your own abilities, or to let other people down.

Be bold, arrogant and confident. If you don't feel this in yourself, then cultivate these feelings. To begin with, often visualize yourself as a person who has realized all of your goals. It is your own fulfillment that allows you to feel brave, fearless, confident and even a little selfish. Selfishness is not bad if it manifests itself in not allowing others to make you their slave. Therefore, imagine yourself as a successful person who has everything he wants. This will help you feel strong and confident.

In the meantime, don't sit idly by. Still, start achieving your goals. Do everything so that you are a successful person not only in your dreams, but also in reality. Start realizing your desires little by little. And the first successes will give you confidence that you are doing everything right. Don't allow yourself to be bullied, used or humiliated by other people. Be bold, arrogant and confident. You have everything for this. But are you ready to confirm your status as a successful person?

Courage is a quality when you are scared, but your hands continue to do what moves you towards your goal. A person becomes brave not because he is not afraid of anything, but on the contrary, because he is afraid, but at the same time continues to act in the direction of his goal.

To become bolder, a person simply needs to make his goal the most meaningful to himself. No experiences, emotions or other fears should be more important than the goal itself. When you start to be afraid, stop and ask yourself the question: “Goal or fear - which will win in this case?”

  • If the goal wins, that is, you understand that the main thing in this situation is the goal, then you will begin to act and perform actions that should help you achieve it.
  • If fear wins, that is, you understand that the main thing in this situation is fear, which grips you and forces you to run away and defend yourself, then realize that these actions will not lead you to your goal. You are here giving up on achieving your goal to allow your fear to be there.

Every person should know that there are no people who are not afraid of anything. Absolutely everyone has some kind of fears. Only there are people who are brave and fearless - they are afraid, but still continue to act in the direction that guarantees them the achievement of their goals.

How to become bolder and more confident in yourself?

Many people would like to be confident and have great courage. These qualities allow them to overcome any difficulties that frighten them with their presence. Everyone must understand that if they allow their fears and self-doubt to take over, then they give up on achieving their goals. Therefore, you need to develop courage and confidence. How to do it?

  1. Analyze your own. Are they threatening you with death? If you are afraid of things that do not threaten you with death, then you need not be afraid of them at all. Most people are afraid of something that absolutely does not threaten them. Not conforming to social norms or not receiving approval should not become something that is more important than your goals. Understand what you are afraid of and why you are afraid. Realize how petty your fears are.
  2. Be the only person who has the right to criticize or approve of your actions. Don't look at other people's opinions. They only dislike your actions when they interfere with their own happiness or they are jealous of you. It turns out that other people will do everything to prevent you from being better than them or to prevent you from becoming happier than them; they can shape their own happiness at your expense. Are you ready to be a slave to those around you? If not, then become the only judge of your actions.
  3. Record your achievements. Moreover, deliberately set some goals for yourself so that you can later achieve them and make them your new achievements. Self-confidence and courage are not permanent qualities. A person cannot talk about himself as a confident or courageous individual if in reality he does not demonstrate these qualities. Set goals for yourself and be sure to achieve them. Make notes to periodically remind yourself of what you have accomplished. After all, people are accustomed to noticing only the shortcomings and failures that they have encountered, ignoring the achievements that they also have.
  4. Take risks. Courage is overcoming your own fear, which arises in situations that are unknown to you or you assume that nothing will work out. Take risks, overcome difficulties, then you will develop the necessary qualities in yourself.
  5. Improve your appearance, skills and knowledge. For girls to gain self-confidence, advice on improving their appearance is suitable. Surprisingly, when a girl becomes what she wants to see herself as, she feels confident. Guys are more focused on their own knowledge and skills. You don’t need to know and be able to do everything to be confident. However, promise yourself that you will definitely learn or find out everything if necessary in order to achieve your goal.

To become bolder and more self-confident, set a goal that you will definitely achieve - promise yourself this. Then just take action. Take your time, don’t rush, don’t set strict limits, especially in terms of time. Act gradually, systematically, one by one, since not everything is in your control, the world must also have time to rebuild and change under the influence of your actions.

Promise yourself that you will go towards your goal and overcome any difficulties. This will give you confidence. You will encounter troubles along the way. Don't make a tragedy out of them or take them as a sign that you need to stop or give up on your goal. The problem needs to be resolved and eliminated.

How to become bolder and more decisive?

On the way to any goal, a person faces problems, difficulties and troubles. This is normal, since all these events indicate that a person somewhere does not know something, does not know how, or went in the wrong direction, made the wrong decision. Losers begin to get stuck in their problems, that is, they simply do not deal with them. And successful people solve problems that arise, which simply require them to put in a little more effort than a person usually puts in.

To become more decisive, you just need to not shift the solution of your questions and problems to other people. You can ask for opinions and ask for advice, but the final decision should always remain yours.

Educational norms and public morality make people softer and more indecisive. People prefer to deceive rather than tell the truth, to hide their opinions so as not to appear strict and principled, and not to make final decisions because they are not confident in their conclusions. All this cultivates pliability in a person, which is beneficial not to himself, but to all those who can subjugate an indecisive and weak person to themselves.

Be bold and arrogant, especially when the issue concerns your life. Don’t let anyone decide for you who to love, who to be friends with, how to dress, what actions to take, what goals to strive for, etc. You live your life, and no one else can do this for you. Why should you live the way other people tell you to live if it is you, not them, who will suffer all the consequences of bad decisions?

Do not be afraid. It is better for you to lose a person who cannot come to terms with your love of freedom and determination than to begin to obey him. It would be better to be considered a strict person than to be pushed around and use your capabilities for their own selfish purposes. In other words, you, not someone else, are living your life. Therefore, everything that concerns you, you must decide for yourself boldly and fearlessly.

To make the right decision, which is a common fear of many people and makes them indecisive, follow these guidelines:

  1. Remember your goal. Only it should be a guideline for what actions to take in a specific situation.
  2. Get recommendations and advice, but reserve the right to make the final decision for yourself.
  3. Rely only on yourself. Any decision should include something like “what should you do to solve the problem.”
  4. Develop the skills you need to solve your problem. If this does not help solve the situation, then seek help from other people.

How can you ultimately become more confident, decisive and courageous?

To develop self-confidence, courage and determination, a person simply must live his life, allow himself to achieve his goals and not look at others for their approval, praise or other opinion. Allow yourself to be yourself, live for your own pleasure, do what is interesting and important to you, and not live to please other people. Then you will begin to make decisions on your own, rely only on yourself and overcome all the difficulties that frighten you.