
You can set an achievement as a goal. How to set a goal correctly and achieve it. What to do right now to ensure you achieve your goal


In the previous issue, I talked, but today, I will talk about how to place them correctly, so that attention: achieve them and achieve success.

P.s. I regularly set goals for myself; as proof, I show you my Whatman paper, which hung in my house, on which were my goals for 2016. (they are all done now):

PPs. I provided a photo so that you understand that everything that I will tell you below is from my own experience (I do not claim anything). This is how I personally achieve my goals.

The scheme really WORKS and REALLY HELPS TO ACHIEVE GOALS and, accordingly, SUCCESS! Of course, provided that you act, if you do not act, even if you have correctly set goals, nothing will come of it. I think this is already clear, but still 😀

And so, I remind you for those who forgot or did not read the previous article at all:

Target- this is the final result you desire, to achieve which a clear, specific action plan has been developed with a specific time frame for completing the plan.

Example of final goals:

  • Burn FAT (lose weight) by 24 kg in 3 months (February, March, April).
  • Gain 10 kg of MUSCLE in 5 months (February, March, April, May, June).
  • In 4 months (February, March, April, May) earn and collect $5,000 and buy a “brand” car.
  • In 1 month (February) earn and collect $700 to buy a “brand (brand)” watch.
  • etc.

The final goal means the final desired RESULT! What must be achieved!

The ultimate goal must HAVE SUBGOALS!

Subgoals- this is what specifically needs to be done to realize the ultimate goal. Without subgoals, achieving a serious final goal is very, very difficult, and most likely completely impossible.

Well, imagine, your ultimate goal is to BURN FAT (lose weight) by -24 kg in 3 months (Feb, March, Apr).

Without a clear plan (specific actions, what and how to do, how much weight to lose per week, per month, in general, without clear actions of what and how to do in the time frame you need in order to achieve the final goal by the time you need), it’s unlikely that you will have anything it will work out.

You will have doubts, what if it doesn’t work out, what if it doesn’t work out, what if I can’t fit in, in general, you will be unsure of yourself and your abilities. And damn it, this is the wrong way to approach things!

And when there are subgoals (specific actions, a plan for how much weight you need to lose per week, per month), you understand that the final goal is not so incredible and unattainable. And doing this, this and that, within such and such a timeframe (according to our example, losing so much weight per week and per month) = you will definitely reach the final goal within the time frame you need, which at first (without subgoals) seemed to you somehow... then blurry, incomprehensible, incredible...

EXAMPLE OF SUBGOALS, final goal: BURN FAT -24 kg in 3 months (February, March, April)

3 months; in every month there are 4 weeks each, which means 1 week. (7 days) I will lose weight by -2 kg, and then for each month I will lose -8 kg and, accordingly, in 3 months I will get exactly the same -24 kg I need;


MARCH: overall, lose 8 kg; there are 4 weeks, -2 kg/1 week (-2x4 = -8).

APRIL: overall, lose 8 kg; there are 4 weeks, -2 kg/1 week (-2x4 = -8).

TOTAL 3 FOR MONTH (Feb.March.Apr):-24 kg. (final goal achieved).

This is how I briefly show you an example. It could be much more detailed. See for yourself. I would do this because everything is already clear to me, i.e. I know that I need to lose -2kg per week, and in 1 month, ultimately, I should lose -8kg. And so 3 months and I will reach my goal (-24kg).

If there were no subgoals, you wouldn't know how to achieve -24 in 3 months. You would think, damn, well, I need -24kg in 3 months. Ok, I'll try. It's no longer correct. There is no need to try, you need to clearly know how much weight you need to lose per week, per month, in order to meet the required -24 kg in 3 months. There should be no doubts, no lack of self-confidence and self-confidence. There must be a clear end goal with clear subgoals. That's it! If you don’t have this, it means you set the goal incorrectly. And most likely (probably) you will not achieve it. That's why it's so important to get it right.


All your goals need to be recorded in writing on paper. In a notebook, notebook, on Whatman paper, a blackboard, on a smartphone, in general, wherever you want. Keeping goals in mind = what is it anyway? What the hell is this? This is the wrong approach. Be sure to SET a goal! Do you hear? BET! Write down.

Everything must be clearly stated: clear, specific end goals with clear subgoals.

Formulate your goals as precisely as possible.

If you LOSE WEIGHT, HOW MUCH? How much?

Example: BURN FAT -24 kg in 3 months (February, March, April).

All. Do you see? Clear goal statement! If you write a goal: lose weight by summer. This is not the goal. This is some kind of blurry crap, because... There is no time frame, no how much weight to lose, no specifics. Do you understand?

There will be no correctly formulated, clear specific goal, there will be no correct subgoals, in the end, well, this is the wrong approach to business, nothing will be achieved this way!

Set goals that you can achieve (realize).

If you earn 10-20 thousand rubles/month there, and set a goal to earn money and buy a Ferrari by next year, well, this task is beyond your capabilities, and the goal = will not be fulfilled.

Because you are jumping in over your head. You understand? Set realistic goals that you can achieve in the foreseeable future.


The fact is that there is a direct connection between how clearly you see a goal and how quickly you achieve it. The blurrier the picture = the slower the process. And vice versa, if it is overly clear, you will get closer to it (to your goal, to what you want) very quickly.

So visualize your goal, attach photos. This will encourage/motivate you to move forward more and more to achieve what you want (realize your goal).


Inaction will not bring you anything. If there is no action, even if there is an ultimate goal (and subgoals) = nothing will come of it. There must be constant work, work and more work to achieve your goal (desires, dreams). And then, and only then, will there be a RESULT.

By the way, yes, on your way, you will undoubtedly have difficulties, failures, failures, stress, jambs, etc. etc., without this - nothing. At least, I don’t know any people who achieve their goals by moving in a straight line. This is impossible! Well, that doesn't happen.

Therefore, TIP: do not be afraid. Don't be afraid to endure and fail (or fail). Don't quit, don't get depressed, etc. but just continue, be prepared to make many attempts to realize your goals (desires, dreams, etc.), and all these failures are an invaluable EXPERIENCE that makes you stronger, better, etc. HE only DEVELOPS YOU!

MORE IN-DEPTH (and efficient) control scheme

You can go even deeper and constantly (daily) control your life and time:

  1. SET YOUR END GOALS FIRST(what must be achieved by you).
  2. DAILY in the morning or evening (before bed) write down in your diary (you will need a diary) what you need to do today (if you wrote it down in the morning) or tomorrow (if you wrote it down in the evening, before bed) in order to get closer to achieving these final goals .
  3. When completing all TASKS for the day - if, of course, you want your life to pass with meaning)) - you need to encourage yourself(hang out with friends, go to the movies, buy yourself something, etc., etc.).

The vast majority of people have no goals. There are only dreams. But dreams = not goals. DREAMS are just dreams, which often remain dreams until the end of their days. Unlike goals! Set your goals correctly, constantly work to achieve them, and success is guaranteed to you.

Best regards, administrator.

In order to feel that life is filled with meaning, you need to have clear goals. Until they are set and then achieved, there is no point in talking about luck. Plans for the future make up everyday existence, which makes a person’s destiny happy. Until he learns to set achievable goals and then achieve them, he cannot be called successful. Vague life guidelines prevent you from achieving important aspirations. In this regard, people lose self-confidence, cannot decide on their priorities and rush from side to side. They feel that they are unable to achieve anything and become depressed.

Resources to achieve the goal

The following requirements must be presented for setting goals:

  • definition;
  • absence of insurmountable difficulties;
  • at least minimal accessibility;
  • availability of opportunities for implementation;
  • clear time frames;
  • specificity, etc.

For example, if the goal is to become healthy and in good physical shape, it is worth clearly defining what diseases you want to get rid of.

It is very important to bring out the realism. If a plump woman wants to become thin despite the fact that all the representatives of the fair sex in her family were obese, then the desire has no prerequisites for fulfillment while maintaining good health and beautiful appearance.

If a brunette intends to be a blonde, then she needs to think about why she needs such changes and whether she is ready to accept the fact that her hair will be hopelessly damaged in order to attract the attention of a person who in six months will become indifferent to her.

If the goal is to improve the functioning of the body, then you need to meet a specific time frame, for example, three months. If after a period of time no improvements are detected, you should consult a doctor or change specific tasks.

It is also necessary to consider the availability of funds, the availability of certain procedures, or the actual need to achieve the goal.

Personal components

In the list of personal qualities, the following behavioral models should be highlighted.

  1. Honestly and frankly answer the question of why you need to achieve such a goal. If the result is an improvement in the quality of life or the acquisition of health, then it is necessary to begin its implementation immediately. If a person seeks to prove something to others or gain a higher status, then there is hardly any need to waste time on these things.
  2. Assess the resources that a person has. The ideal option would be if you initially do not need to have anything to achieve the goal; it is already available. It’s more difficult if you want to buy something or save money. Another obstacle will be the complete or temporary impossibility of acquiring initial funds. In this case, it is necessary to reorient the final goal, focusing on obtaining the required minimum.
  3. Ability to focus on achieving goals. First, it is advisable to clearly imagine the results of implementing plans, and then weigh whether they are really needed.

How to set goals to achieve them

You should daily and continuously try to move towards your goal, at least in small steps. Every free minute must be devoted to fulfilling your plans.

There is no need to try to achieve everything at once and without much effort. It is necessary to distribute forces and allocate a time period. Then it’s time to set the motivation correctly. Necessary:

  1. Write down your goal.
  2. Break it down into stages.
  3. Indicate the required steps.
  4. Evaluate what is available.
  5. Draw up a rough plan for moving towards your goal.
  6. Indicate the amount required for this.
  7. Estimate the time frame.
  8. Find out what is missing to achieve.
  9. Think about ways to get what you need.

For example, the desire is to visit Italy. Then it is worth clearly defining in what capacity the trip is planned: a seaside holiday, a city cruise or a visit to friends.

Then you need to understand exactly what steps need to be taken and how feasible they are. Available financial resources and the possibility of obtaining leave should be assessed. You need to realize what is missing and whether such things can be compensated for. If the issue is resolved positively, then it is advisable to set intermediate goals and again think through ways to implement them. If everything is considered real, then it is necessary to set an approximate date for visiting the country.

If all the points are completed, it turns out that the goal is too cumbersome and difficult to achieve, then you need to postpone your plan or focus on achieving intermediate results. It is also possible to change it. For example, instead of visiting Italy, plan a trip to Turkey or Georgia.

Sequential steps

After the intermediate task is completed, each item should be filled out and thought through carefully.

If there are a lot of them, you need to sort through the list and bring some tasks together. Then it is advisable to arrange them in accordance with. Sometimes they are broken down by ease of achievement. What cannot be done under any circumstances must be removed from the list or replaced with more realistic plans.

Then you need to mark those that can be done right now and immediately do what you have planned, without delaying for a minute.

If a person has no idea how to get started, he needs to look on the Internet for ways to achieve his goal or consult with knowledgeable people. Only those items that have been highlighted as the most important or accessible should be acted upon without delay. You can’t take on the most difficult tasks right away. Most likely, it will not be possible to fulfill them, and the person will lose.

If something doesn’t work out, you need to re-read the list again, note the difficulties that have arisen and add to the list of desired resources. It is also necessary to imagine alternative plans or how to fill in what is missing. Goals must be achievable.

Motivational components

In the future, you should determine those moments that will allow you to achieve the required.

You must have:

  • wish;
  • the ability to find the right sources;
  • the ability to not give up in the face of difficulties;
  • flexibility;
  • openness;
  • the desire to achieve a lot;
  • realism;
  • hard work, etc.

In order not to deprive yourself of motivation, you should highlight those components that can be completed in the next hundred days.

It is necessary to determine the importance of the task, think through what awaits a person if the plan fails, identify all the risks and reflect on why the goal is so important to achieve. It is worth having a clear idea of ​​how realistic it is to achieve results. If they are very doubtful, then you need to weigh whether you need to take them on.

If it is decided that they are required, then it is worth considering ways to retreat in case of failure and developing alternative ways to implement the plan. They should be extremely specific, not far-reaching plans, but a task that must be completed today or in the coming days.

Evaluation of results

You don't need to demand too much from yourself or from life. In this case, every failure will be perceived very painfully.

You should prepare in advance for the fact that a number of factors will be difficult or unforeseen circumstances will arise. On the other hand, you shouldn’t be discouraged by every difficulty. The fact that they appear only means that it is advisable to take up the compiled list again and correct it.

Review of first completed items

There is no need to set yourself a maximum goal. Fulfillment of plans is a matter of chance or luck. It is better to set small goals for yourself, but clearly achieve their implementation.

  1. You need to allocate enough mental and physical strength to achieve results. If they have to risk their well-being, finances or health, then it is advisable to think about the correctness of the chosen path. It is necessary to pay attention to unexpected obstacles that arise along the way. If any parallel tasks appear, they need to be taken into account.
  2. It should always be remembered that there are only one hundred days left and the countdown has already begun. At the same time, do not panic if you cannot meet the allotted deadline. It is advisable to understand what exactly has been achieved and again adjust the goals taking into account the lengthening time frame. If nothing definite was achieved during the specified period, it is necessary to consider the option of canceling or reorienting the goal.
  3. You need to improve your skills and constantly be on your toes. It shouldn’t be that a lucky break comes along and the person has no desire to move forward.
  4. All tasks must be completed strictly. Nothing should be left for later or considered unimportant. You should prepare for the fact that you will have to do a lot, sacrificing your free time.
  5. If, in the process of striving for a goal, a person discovers that he has become bored or uninterested, then he should again take his list of priorities and reflect on the desirability of achieving his plans and ultimate success. If they have lost importance, then you need to consider a potential abandonment of it.

List adjustment

Even if there are no obstacles to achieving your plan, you should take the list compiled in connection with the intended goal, re-read it and mark what has been accomplished. Sometimes it turns out that a person is already halfway to fulfilling it or, conversely, unnecessarily overestimates his successes.

You should not fall into extreme optimism or pessimism. Everything must be thought out very clearly and specifically.

It is necessary to honestly admit to yourself what feelings a person is experiencing. If passion or stubbornness, you need to understand whether they are required in this case. If the mood is defeatist or doubt arises, then it is also worth recognizing where it came from. It is advisable to constantly listen to your intuition.

Realism of the goal

After summing up the first results, it is necessary to think about whether the task set was a goal, a difficult aspiration, or remained just a pipe dream. You need to analyze each of the concepts and think about how they fit the plan.

A large amount of energy is subconsciously allocated to the goal, much less to the desire, and the dream is sometimes completely divorced from life. Therefore, it will most likely remain unfeasible.

Only if the aspiration is conscious and has a clear goal, it has a chance to come true.

Moreover, if a person has no idea what he wants to achieve with his plans and what the benefits of achieving them will be, he will not put in too much effort. He will mark time until he is convinced that nothing is changing, and then he will retreat from the goal. Therefore, it is better to weigh its realism in advance before wasting physical and mental strength.

Achieving Your Goals: A Step-by-Step Guide

In order for your plan to have every chance of being realized, it is necessary to limit it to clear boundaries. Records should be re-read and corrected daily.

Fixing Intention

You need to keep a diary where you will record the steps and the usefulness of your progress along the intended path. You should also check how much they bring a person closer to the final result.

It is required to indicate the degree of movement towards the goal as a percentage. All failures, unforeseen circumstances and difficulties encountered must be recorded.

When achieving an intermediate result, it is also worth noting what exactly contributed to it.

It is advisable to praise yourself, reward yourself when you spend a lot of effort, and consolidate the resulting effect.

You should also communicate your success to others in order to increase your self-esteem. It is precisely this circumstance that most often forces people to stop moving along the intended path.

You should understand in advance that there will be a very large number of individuals who will try to pull the rug out from under your feet. You shouldn’t ignore them completely, but it’s also unacceptable to tune in to the negative. It is advisable to note their opinion and try to get rid of your real, not imaginary, shortcomings.

Under no circumstances should one think that a person is unworthy of his desires. If he wants it, it means they are important to him. You just need to find a realistic approach. There is nothing that is unworthy if it is legal and achievable. Even the greatest people started small and also heard doubts about achieving their goals at the beginning of their journey. Of course, there is no point in persisting in a project that is obviously hopeless. But there is no point in giving up what you have planned either. You just need to correlate it with reality and find common ground.

Clarifying the direction of movement

You should define your goal as accurately as possible.

Therefore, it is necessary to write it down in the form in which you would like to see it come true.

For example:

  1. I am well.
  2. I work in Moscow.
  3. My earnings are one hundred thousand rubles a month.
  4. I live in a large apartment.
  5. I have a car.
  6. My children go to the best school.

You are allowed to have multiple goals at once. They can flow from one another or be parallel.

Fixing the time frame

Then a clear deadline for achieving them is determined. It should not be limited to too long a time. If clear results are obtained, it can be extended. In their absence, the goal should be removed from the priorities.

For example, the task: “I work in Moscow” should be given six months. A person must understand that he does not have many years to procrastinate with his intentions.

In addition, the desire may turn out to be extremely difficult to implement due to the presence of difficulties that he was not aware of from the very beginning. Therefore, if after six months he has not come a step closer to what he had planned or even lost something of what he had already achieved, plans must be abandoned or made more realistic, for example, “I am looking for a job in Moscow.” For a new goal, you again need to allocate a deadline, and a fairly short one.

Specification of goals

It is very important not to get distracted by vague ideas. They cannot be formulated like this: “I am a respected person.” The task should look like: “I work in a bank” or “My children go to a prestigious school.”

Again, you should think about what exactly you would like to achieve and what benefits the realized goal will bring. If there is nothing other than stroked pride, then it is not worth making efforts in such a direction.

“I work in a bank” also needs to be divided into several stages. For example, you can set the following conditions in parallel: “I serve as a bank manager,” “I earn seventy thousand rubles a month,” and “I have mastered the necessary computer programs.”

Be sure to include deadlines for each task. If it was not possible to meet them, then you need to understand what prevented this and whether it will become an insurmountable obstacle in the future. If such a circumstance arises, then the goal should be reconsidered. For example, not “I work as a manager,” but “I serve as a cashier at a bank.” Not “I get seventy thousand rubles,” but “I get fifty thousand rubles.” “I have mastered computer programs” change to “I am fluent in English.”

Drawing up a detailed plan

In order not to get stuck halfway, it is advisable to think through a set of steps to achieve the goal. They should be small and quite achievable.

When planning “I work in Moscow”, they need to be divided into stages:

  • I visit the city to study the situation.
  • I allocate the required amount for travel to interviews.
  • I'm looking for free time to travel to Moscow.
  • I'm researching vacancies in the region.
  • I determine what I need to get a job offer.
  • I am looking for contacts with friends who have moved to the capital.

For each task, deadlines and completion criteria are determined. If you haven’t been able to find friends in three months, then you should expand the task (look for mutual friends or try to communicate with city residents) or abandon it in favor of studying the issue yourself.

Usually, in cases where the goal is feasible, achieving the result is not too difficult. The occurrence of an increased number of difficulties indicates that the chosen path is unrealistic.

Adjusting goals

Constantly, even at intermediate stages, it is necessary to weigh the desirability and benefits of achieving the goal.

If a person seeks to unite with a family or get a job that simply does not exist in his region, then the goal is well worth the effort and can be achieved.

The goal of becoming successful or finding balance should be immediately discarded as not leading to a certain result. You only need to set yourself specific tasks.

If the end result is an increase in well-being, then you should think twice. Most often, a person simply does not take into account increased expenses when increasing income.

As already mentioned, the desire to stand out or prove something must be eliminated immediately. If moving to Moscow is aimed at increasing self-esteem or the goal of becoming no worse than a friend, then there is no need to spend your life achieving this intention. Even if it is successfully implemented, it often turns out that the situation has become even worse than it was before.

Checking yourself

In order to assess the degree of progress towards the goal, the final result should also be broken down into minimal components. For example, “I work in Moscow” must be divided into:

  1. I have a place to live in the capital.
  2. My job is no worse than what I did at home.
  3. I am officially registered at my workplace, etc.

Naturally, the goal cannot be considered achieved if a person finds temporary employment or lives in inhumane conditions. If in order to get a vacancy in Moscow you had to change from a department head to a courier position, this result does not become a step up.

On the other hand, if the goal was to unite with the family, then such achievements would be justified as a temporary measure and if there were clear benefits from one's new position.

If the plan was to stand out among their classmates, then those who have successfully settled in their city find themselves in an advantageous position compared to those who work in Moscow as a cleaner or janitor. In this case, you need to adjust the goal again, changing it from the desire to be better to very specific things.

At the same time, you should ask yourself why such an intention is needed and how long it will be important. If moving is desirable in order to fulfill the dream of the parents, then there is no need to persist too much on this path. In the end, it turns out that this is not what they dreamed of at all, and the person himself will spend completely meaningless efforts to achieve a goal that was not set for him.

Interference Analysis

When making plans worthy of attention, it is also worth considering what prevents progress on the path. Impatience, criticism and doubts must be discarded immediately.

You need to think about your every action and what makes it difficult to move towards your goal. Such things include understatement, painful experiences in the past, uncertainty about the future, or temporary setbacks.

When giving up bad habits and cravings for helplessness, you should think about the benefits of achieving your goal every time and concentrate on them.

It is imperative to understand that there have always been and will be unforeseen circumstances, mistakes and illusions. It is worth very clearly separating them from failure or, conversely, success.

When successfully moving towards a goal, it is advisable to keep in mind changing economic conditions, one’s own health, or basic luck.

There is no need to strive too hard for an unshakable result. It must be weighed and refined or changed.

In order to reduce the effect of unforeseen factors to a minimum, you should constantly study the issue, check the stability of the situation and communicate with people. Everything that enriches knowledge must be mastered thoroughly.

If there is no one to expect help from, then you need to explore ways to achieve the goal on your own, and if you are unable to, abandon it or postpone it until you obtain the desired resources. In this case, the goal also changes in accordance with new circumstances.

If you do not learn to set goals correctly, identify ways to achieve them and consistently move in this direction, then it will hardly be possible to achieve anything at all. There is no need to confuse your dreams and goals. Even a very strong desire to become a millionaire has no chance of being realized in the absence of the necessary data. Nevertheless, the goal of ensuring a decent existence for yourself and your family deserves some effort.

Assessing your capabilities

It is also very important to count on yourself first. If the fulfillment of a plan depends entirely on other people, then the slightest change in intentions on their part immediately nullifies all the efforts made.

On the other hand, the intentions of others cannot be controlled, so building your life around them is very dangerous.

A goal will only become meaningful when a person acts in accordance with his own needs, aspirations and abilities. You should count on the support of other people only within very limited and adjustable limits.

The effort expended should also bring satisfaction to the individual himself, and not to anyone else. A clear understanding that he is acting in his own interests, and not in order to prove something, help someone else, or please his parents, will allow him to clearly achieve what he wants.

There is no need to think that the final goal is something unshakable. It can change, expand or, conversely, contract. It may well follow a parallel path or degenerate into a completely different desire. Such changes do not mean a retreat from one’s intentions, but simply reveal a clear understanding of the path along which to move forward.

Each of us dreams that his most cherished desires will always come true. But first of all, for this to happen, the dream must become the main goal, and not a flight of fancy. To achieve a good result, the first thing you need to understand is how to transform a desire into a feasible idea.

To do this, consider the main differences between a desire and a real idea:

  1. Desire is characterized by a certain general awareness of what a person wants to receive. The goal has the specific form of an object, object or event.
  2. A desire is expressed by vague outlines of how it can be realized. Goals take clear, deliberate steps to achieve them.
  3. Desire does not always answer the question of why I need it. A goal is always motivated by the result that awaits you.

Correct formulation of the task increases the chances of obtaining the expected result. Therefore, goal setting should take into account the following rules:

  1. Exact wording. By expressing your wishes accurately and clearly, it immediately becomes obvious what and how to do to achieve the desired result.
  2. Conceived plans must become concrete “objects” that can be seen and perceived by touch. To do this, you need to write down your wishes on paper or depict them in pictures.
  3. Ideas should be real, not fantastic.
  4. We need to dream more globally. After the implementation of small plans, it is necessary to set more global goals.
  5. Temporary restrictions. When setting a goal, it is necessary to indicate exactly by what point in time in life it should be fulfilled. Abstract concepts reduce the chances of a positive outcome.
  6. Replacing dreams with actions. To achieve your goals, you need to take real action. Talk less and do more.

When setting global goals and objectives, it is important to have a planning strategy. One type of such strategy is the goal matrix, which is structured in four categories: acquisition, conservation, avoidance and elimination. With its help, the necessary goals are visualized, as well as an analysis of which tasks still need to be completed, which ones to avoid, which ones to save, and which ones to completely eliminate.

Of course, achieving goals depends on the environment in which we find ourselves and the people with whom we communicate. But the main key to success is still the individual knowledge, skills and abilities of each person, which will allow you to achieve your goals at the highest possible level.

Books on how to set goals correctly

Often we don’t know where to start setting a goal, how to implement it, and what to do so that the steps we take are productive and have a positive outcome. Various trainings, marathons and, of course, book publications will help solve this problem.

A marathon to achieve goals is an event that is conducted by people with special education. Its essence lies in the fact that a person defines plans for himself and undertakes to bring them to life according to the developed scheme within the agreed time of the marathon (for example, 100 days). At the same time, a constant report is kept on the implementation of planned tasks and the effectiveness of their solution.

The training is a system of working with a trainer to set and plan a goal, choose a method for achieving it, and analyze specific actions.

Books are the most accessible source of information on the methods of correct goal setting. Let's look at the most popular publications in this area:

  1. Living a Purposeful Life by Canfield J. It describes the key skills that help make goal setting a habit.
  2. The book “Focus” by Stephen Coley and Steve Jones talks about how to learn how to plan and set priorities correctly, as well as how to focus your attention on them in a timely manner.
  3. The book “Achieving Goals” by M. Atkinson and T. Choice talks about how to learn to unlock your inner potential by defining values ​​in life.
  4. Jay Elliott published a book called “Steve Jobs. Leadership Lessons,” which describes what helped Jobs achieve success at such an early age and become one of the richest people in the world.
  5. Seth Godin "Try and it will work." The book talks about where to start when bringing your ideas to life. The publication provides specific instructions and recipes for success.

To become successful in business and be able to plan a family budget, you need to know the basics of proper financial goal setting. A financial goal is an achieved result that must be measured by something. Therefore, you need to formulate your ideas in financial or material terms. An example of an incorrect intention is “I want to be rich and successful.” This is an abstract concept that, in principle, cannot be measured by anything.

The following rules will help you achieve your final goal:

  1. One main task instead of several secondary ones. It is better to set one task for yourself, complete it, and then move on to another. Otherwise, a lot of effort will be spent without results.
  2. Determine deadlines. It takes more time to implement a large, global goal than smaller plans.
  3. Long-term goals need to be broken down into stages. This helps study progress and renew motivation. Stages represent an algorithm for performing certain actions in a certain time period.
  4. Adjusting assigned tasks instead of completely canceling them when circumstances change.
  5. Maintaining a continuous report on the actions performed and the results obtained.
  6. Developing financial habits. To do this, an action plan is drawn up that must be followed.

You need to implement your ideas and plans gradually, starting with the smallest. Determine what is your priority at the moment and begin to bring it to life. Even completing a small task is considered a success. This means that we can move on and move on to the implementation of more global plans.

The fulfillment of our desires and the realization of our dreams largely depends on how correctly we set our goals. Rules for setting goals help turn our aspirations and desires into reality. Therefore, in this article we will consider in detail the question - “ How to set goals correctly?”, and we will understand how to translate our desires and dreams into the category of real and clear goals that can be achieved.

How to set goals correctly

Rely only on your own strength

Before you set a goal, make it clear to yourself that all responsibility for its implementation falls entirely on your shoulders. To avoid the temptation to blame someone else for your failures, set goals that you can achieve without outside help. This goal-setting rule will save you in the future (if you don’t achieve something) from making the wrong conclusions when working on mistakes.

Formulate your goals correctly

First, goals, like ideas need to be written down on paper (notebook, diary, diary). A goal written down in detail has a much greater chance of being realized.

If you believe that you can keep them in your head without formulating goals on paper, then do not flatter yourself about achieving them. Such goals can safely be classified as dreams. Dreams and desires wander chaotically in our heads, they are chaotic, disorderly and completely unclear to us. The efficiency of such dream goals is extremely small; in reality, they are achieved very, very rarely. Even with words, we often cannot describe what we really want. Therefore, formulating a goal must necessarily take place with a pencil in hand. The saying is true - “ What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax».

Setting and formulating a goal with the help of a recording involves our subconscious in active work; a formulated goal gives confidence and makes each next step meaningful.

Secondly, correct goal setting and its formulation presuppose that the goal must carry positive charge. Therefore, it is better to formulate it using rules of affirmations- talk about what you want, not what you don't want.

The right goal – « to be rich», « be sober», « be slim». Wrong goal - « escape poverty», « not to drink», « get rid of excess weight».

If nothing positive comes to mind and something like “I don’t want this, I don’t want that” is constantly spinning, try ask correctly: « This is what I don't want. Then what do I want instead?»

Also, following this rule of goal setting, when formulating it, it is better not to use words that create resistance and reduce the effectiveness of the goal - “necessary”, “needed”, “should”, “must”. These words are the antipodes of the word “want”. How can you want, using blocking words to motivate? Therefore, replace “must” with “want”, “should” with “can”, “should” with “will do”.

The right goal - « I want to relax and will go on vacation», « I can and am able to earn money and will earn a lot of money». Wrong goal – « I need to relax and go on vacation», « To pay off my debt I have to earn money».

It is also best to formulate a goal in terms of a result rather than a process: that is, “do this” rather than “work better.”

Break big goals into subgoals

Any big goal seems overwhelming until you begin to divide it into parts. For example, the desire to buy real estate abroad seems impossible at first glance. But if you move towards your goal in systematic steps, dividing it into stages, it will be easier to achieve it. You can first set a goal to earn 3 thousand rubles a day, then 5 thousand, etc. Step by step (goal by goal) you will reach a level where you can think about buying real estate.

Setting complex (global) goals and objectives, breaking them down into smaller ones, has an excellent motivational effect. Having achieved one, albeit insignificant, goal, you will feel satisfaction and the desire to move on. Reaching near goals, you gain strength and confidence to reach distant ones.

The way of thinking will gradually change. Understand, it is unrealistic to earn 20 thousand a month, and then in a few weeks increase your income to 500 thousand. Big money loves the prepared.

Specification of the goal

Often the reason why a set goal is not achieved is its lack of specificity, namely:

  • Lack of clearly formulated specific results. What means - " I want to learn Chinese”, - learn a couple of hundred words or does it mean learning to communicate fluently in this language, or maybe “learning Chinese” means learning all 80 thousand hieroglyphs and reading the text without a dictionary?
  • There is no way to measure this result. At setting goals and tasks, it is important to consider the further possibility of measuring the result. For example, if you want to lose weight, you need to know how much weight you want to lose, five, ten, or maybe thirty kilograms.
  • Lack of clearly defined deadlines. Here are two examples of goal setting: the first is “ I want to increase my website traffic to a thousand unique visitors per day", second - " I want to increase my website traffic to a thousand unique visitors per day in three months" The first option, without clearly defined deadlines, looks more like a desire than a goal. Well, a person wants to increase traffic to his resource, so what? He can come to this only in five years. The second option is a different matter - there is a set deadline that will stimulate and encourage in every possible way. Surely the deadline was determined reasonably, and not taken from the ceiling, and therefore you will have to forget about laziness and work productively.

More, more specifics!

Goal adjustment

Be flexible! Just because you've set a goal doesn't mean you can't make adjustments as necessary. Anything can happen, circumstances may arise that can slow down or speed up the achievement of the goal, so you need to be prepared to adjust the goal. Remember that inertia in aspirations has never made anyone either successful or happy man. Life changes, and you must have time to change with it!

Attractiveness of the goal

The goal and the consequences that its achievement will lead to should attract you! Choose goals that attract, inspire and inspire you, otherwise “the game is not worth the candle.”

Believe that your goal is achievable

After formulating and setting a specific goal, you need to penetrate it and consolidate it in the subconscious. It happens that while consciously trying to achieve a goal, we are subconsciously not ready to achieve it. You can desire a goal, but deep down in your soul you don’t believe in its feasibility, you don’t believe in your abilities, or you simply consider yourself unworthy.

It is not enough to correctly formulate a goal, you need to charge it with the energy of confidence - this is the most important condition for readiness to achieve your goal.

All successful people, from television stars (Oprah Winfrey, Larry King...) and outstanding athletes (Michael Jordan, Fedor Emelianenko...), ending with politicians (Mitt Romney, Silvio Berlusconi, Arnold Schwarzenegger...) and businessmen (Richard Branson, Lakshmi Mittal...) achieved what they have thanks to the ability to correctly formulate and set goals.

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Goals make us develop and move forward in life. Setting is the first step to successfully achieving a goal. You switch from a passive observer to an active participant in your life. It is important that you understand the importance of goal setting and apply this knowledge daily. Then the goals will gradually begin to be realized. We will talk about how to set goals and achieve them correctly in this article.

I propose to first consider the main reasons for the need to have your own goals. This will make the goal setting process more conscious and dispel all doubts. The main reasons include:

  1. You will be in control of your own life.
    Today, a large number of busy and working people do not feel that they are enjoying life. The reason for this is the fact that they do not know what they want. Children finish school and are not sure what they will do next, adults work for many years and reach the age of 40 and feel that they have not used their potential.
    In reality, you are simply carrying out the goals of others. For example, fast food corporations convincing you that you “love it.” Or the consumer products industry telling you you need this shampoo at 70% off. When you think about your own goals and understand what you really want, you will seem to come out of autopilot. Instead of letting people tell you what to do, you will take responsibility for your choices.
  2. You will get maximum results.
    Top performers, world-class athletes and successful people have set goals. Michael Phelps (23-time Olympic swimmer), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook co-founder), Richard Branson (business tycoon) and Elon Musk (CEO of Space X and Telsa Motors) had clear goals and achieved success.
    What goals do you want to achieve in a year? By setting goals, you think ahead, after which you can work on an action plan. Remember that all objects are created twice: initially they are invented in the mind, then they “come to life” in the real world. Setting goals is a mental creation. Physical creation is accomplished only when you begin to make efforts and bring your plans to life.
  3. You will have clear focus.
    While life gives you general direction, your goals allow you to focus on what's most important, spending your time efficiently and channeling your energy in the right direction. Let's imagine that you dream of opening an online store and have set yourself such a goal. You have no idea how to achieve it, but setting a goal gives you focus. You start brainstorming and get ideas. You realize that you can start by analyzing the demand in the market in your city, understand what products are popular and what people buy most. Then choose a niche that is in demand and interesting to you. All that remains is to find a supplier, post photos of the goods on the website or on social networks, organize delivery and receive calls. This way, focusing on your goal guides you in the right direction.
  4. You will take responsibility.
    Setting goals helps you become more responsible. Instead of just talking or blaming others, you now have a responsibility to take action. This accountability is for yourself, not for anyone else. No one knows the goal you have set and no one will bully you. Only you will win if you achieve it.
  5. You will increase your motivation.
    Setting goals is like connecting you to your inner desires. They help motivate you and strive for your ideals. This is especially effective if you are going through a difficult life stage; goals help remind you of what is important, focus on your desires, and overcome obstacles.
  6. You will become a better person.
    Goals will help you reach your highest potential. Without them, you habitually do the routine work that makes you feel safe every day. But it doesn't allow you to grow. This robs you of your infinite potential. Motivation will force you to take risks, experience new situations and go beyond the usual, thereby giving you the opportunity to reach new heights.
  7. You will live better.
    Last but not least, goals guarantee you a better life. Time passes, and it is the set goals with specific actions that ensure that you use your potential and gain the most useful experience in the allotted time.

Setting a goal

To achieve a specific result, you can use different methods. One of the most effective methods is the “SMART” technology. The word is an acronym and includes five main criteria. Any task you set must correspond to them.

  • Specificity. It is not enough to set yourself the goal “I want a house by the sea.” It is necessary to describe all the nuances and preferences in your mind as accurately as possible. Otherwise, you may have a house, but it will belong to a relative and you will not be able to dispose of it as you would like. The goal seems to have been achieved, but you don’t get what you wanted. Example:
    Wrong: I want a house by the sea.
    Right: Personally owned two-storey house with good repair and a swimming pool in Phuket near the sea.
  • Measurability. You have talent and good ideas, so you want to open your own business. This is interesting and, if successful, will allow you to make good money. In this case, you need to set a goal of how much income you want to receive per month from your business and gradually achieve it. Example:
    Wrong: I want to become a successful and rich entrepreneur.
    Right: Income 500,000 rubles per month from your business.
  • Reachability. Try to jump above your head and set ambitious plans for yourself, while relying on objective reality. Example:
    Wrong: I want all people to be healthy.
    Right: Learn to become a doctor and develop effective ways to heal the body.
  • Significance. When setting a specific goal, ask yourself the question “why do I need this?” in order to come to a specific answer “I will become happier”, “I will be able to help people”, etc. Money cannot be a goal - it only provides an opportunity to acquire something what do you desire. Example:
    Wrong: I want more money to travel.
    Right: Traveling through European cities.
  • Deadlines. Without a time frame, a goal can stretch out over many years. An approaching deadline encourages action and increases productivity. Example:
    Wrong: I want to learn English.
    Right: Next year I will pass the TOEFL exam with excellent marks.

How to achieve your goals

Achieving what you want can sometimes be very difficult. We blame our colleagues, friends and even fate for our failures and failures, but, of course, we don’t think about ourselves. To achieve your goals, you need to consider several points.

  1. Write down your goals. It’s even better to supplement your written wish with pictures (for example, magazine clippings). The collage visualizes your desires.
  2. Form your desires as precisely as possible. Avoid expressions that can be interpreted in two ways so that additional questions do not arise.
  3. Set realistic goals that you can achieve in this life. Agree that you are unlikely to be able to ride a unicorn on your birthday.
  4. Dream big. Don't limit yourself to mundane goals like buying a new bag. Dream about traveling around the world, a house with a garden, or a successful business. Don't force yourself into rigid boundaries, let your potential unfold.
  5. Move from desires to actions. Study, read and try - this is the only way to achieve what you dream of.

List of 100 goals for the year

I usually make a list of 100 goals before the New Year. This is a very useful practice. I tell you how to write such lists correctly in this video.

Analyze your actions, draw conclusions and expand your knowledge. Correct goal setting, your efforts and efforts will allow you to achieve the desired results and achieve success. I wish you good luck and start conquering the peaks today!