
Chrysocolla is a stone from the mines of King Solomon. The magical and healing properties of chrysocolla What sign of the zodiac is the chrysocolla stone suitable for?


The chrysocolla stone is one of the most ancient and mysterious on Earth. He has, according to lithotherapists, the most powerful healing properties. The stone has come down to us from ancient times, for which there is a lot of archaeological evidence. Long before our era, people learned to use it for cosmetic purposes, in the production of household items and jewelry, in the decoration of dwellings and places of worship. The mineral was widely used in medicinal and occult activities.

How our ancestors used chrysocolla

How long ago a person began to use chrysocolla is impossible to say for sure. Historical artifacts were found during excavations of Ancient Egypt, Israel, Ancient Greece, American culture of the pre-Columbian period. That is, chrysocolla and its processed products began to be used long before our era. In other words, we are not talking about centuries, but about millennia.

The mineral is sometimes called the Elat stone. The stone got this name because of the place where it was first discovered - in ancient Israel near the city of Elat on the Red Sea coast. According to legend, it was chrysocolla that made the Jewish king Solomon fabulously rich. Chrysocolla deposits on the Elat land turned out to be unusually rich. The king rebuilt palaces and temples and turned Israel into the most powerful country of his era. In addition, the demand for the stone was strong outside Israel.

Chrysocolla stone was widely used during the Ancient Egyptian Kingdom. It was used directly as an ornamental and precious stone to obtain a coloring pigment - frit. When chrysocolla is mixed with malachite in various proportions, a huge palette of colors of blue and green is formed, which were later used for murals and decorating household items. It was the Egyptians who first used frit to create decorative cosmetics, in particular? paints for eyelids. The Egyptians are responsible for the invention and widespread introduction of colored decorative mosaic tiles in the decoration of building structures, made on the basis of mixing pigments from chrysocolla and malachite.

The paint, created with the use of chrysocolla, turned out to be surprisingly resistant: paintings on the walls of temples, tombs and pyramids, dishes, mosaics, crafts and decorations have survived to our time. Many of these artifacts of Egyptian culture are presented in world museums, for example, in the Hermitage.

Chrysocolla was also used overseas long before Columbus arrived there.

The richest deposits of the mineral were discovered in South America in the Andes in the territory of the modern country of Peru. The cultures of the Incas and Aztecs widely used the mineral for the production of religious objects, jewelry or crafts. The objects of pre-Columbian culture that have come down to us have also perfectly preserved their original color.

The mineral was named chrysocolla by the Greek scientist Theophastus (Theophastus), who lived in the 4th century BC. e. Scientists of Ancient Greece have always tried to reflect in the name the main property or purpose of the subject. So, the mineral got its name from its use in the craft. Chrysocolla was used in ancient times for soldering gold items. So they gave the mineral a name of two words: "krizos" - golden, "kolla" - glue, that is, "golden glue". As already mentioned, the mineral has several names, but this is the most common.

Chrysocolla through the eyes of a geologist

Chrysocolla is a mineral that is quite common in nature. It is mined in countries of all continents:

  • Eurasia;
  • Africa;
  • North and South America;
  • Australia.

Gem deposits are found in areas with a dry hot climate and always refer to deposits of copper ore.

Chrysocolla is a hydrous copper silicate. It contains copper oxide, silicon oxide and water. At the same time, an important distinctive feature of the gem is the inconstancy of the percentage of the chemical composition. The copper content can vary from 16 to 75%, silicic acid - from 10 to 67%, water - from 7 to 31%. As a result, the mineral has an uneven structure and uneven color.

In addition to the main components, chrysocolla usually contains many impurities of kaolinite, manganese, iron, calcium. The unstable chemical composition contributes to the formation of various color variations and physical properties of the mineral. Thus, a stone can have a hardness of 2 to 4 on the Mohs scale and a density of 2 to 2.3 g / cm². The density will determine the color intensity and transparency of the mineral. Transparency can range from glassy to fully opaque with a matte finish.

As for the color, there may be variations of blue, blue-blue, greenish-blue. If there is more copper in the composition, then the color will turn out to be turquoise. An admixture of kaolin gives the mineral a sky-blue hue. The combination of copper with aluminum and iron makes the stone emerald. An admixture of manganese gives a cinnamon color of varying intensity up to black. The amount of water contained in the rock is of great importance. If there is little water, then the mineral acquires an indigo color, if there is a lot, then the color will be emerald.

Due to its high pollution, chrysocolla is often confused with turquoise and blue chalcedony.

Chrysocolla deposits and variations of its names

As already mentioned, chrysocolla is found everywhere. But since the conditions for the formation of a mineral are different, its chemical composition is also different. And this, in turn, led to the emergence of many different names for the stone.

In Russia, large deposits of chrysocolla are found on:

  1. Urals;
  2. Transbaikalia.

In the Urals, chrysocolla forms as a thin layer on malachite. Such combinations of minerals have a bluish-green hue and are the most expensive type of gem. And it is called in honor of the first Russian Ural industrialists Demidov - Demidovite. In the Transbaikal region, near the city of Udokan, there are the most large-scale placers of chrysocolla. From the countries of the former Soviet Union, the mineral is found in industrial volumes in Tajikistan.

The famous ornamental Elat, or Eilat, stone is still mined in Israel near the city of Eilat. The stone is a mixture of chrysocolla, malachite and turquoise. The gem that is mined near the city of Dillenburg is called Dillenburgite in Germany. In India, near the city of Mysore, a rock consisting of chrysocolla, malachite and calcite is mined, and it is called mysorin. In Zaire, a dark green gem is mined in the Katanga province and is called katangite.

In Mexico and the USA, ornamental chrysocolla is called "psilomelan"; in Arizona, quartz chrysocolla, called Arizona, is mined. The stone mined in Chile is called Lanka. Chrysocolla chalcedony and green Andean opal, which are known worldwide as Peruvian chrysocolla, are mined in Peru.

There are also other names for chrysocolla: mountain green, green stone, cornuit, copper malachite, etc.

The value of chrysocolla and jewelry made from it

Chrysocolla is a common and inexpensive mineral. It is still used in the manufacture of small crafts and a variety of jewelry, as well as decorative and collectible material. The fragility of the stone does not allow the production of large carved products, but the mineral is well polished and retains its smoothness for a long time. This property is widely used in jewelry.

Since chrysocolla is of different composition, type and quality, the cost of stones and objects made from them also differs.

A distinctive feature of natural stone is the restraint of tone, the absence of bright colors.

The price of a necklace made from the most expensive and rare gem with a blue-blue tint and rare splashes can go up to $ 100-120. This stone has a composition close to turquoise. This type of gem is sometimes confused with varascite, but the latter has an ultramarine hue, which is uncharacteristic for chrysocolla.

Jewelry made of stones interspersed with bluish and greenish colors will cost less. The price of beads does not exceed $ 90. The selection of beads by shade and pattern affects the determination of the cost of jewelry.

The cheapest variety of chrysocolla is yellow-green or dirty green in color. Used for collections, rarely used in jewelry making. The cost does not exceed $ 70 per item.

Fake chrysocolla is a pointless business, since the stone itself is inexpensive. However, in handicraft shops and small cheap jewelry boutiques, stones covered with colored glue are found. If there are suspicions, the stone can be scraped or wetted a little, and the artificial coating will immediately peel off.

The chrysocolla mineral can often be very similar to other copper-bearing gems. Therefore, it is easy to confuse it or deliberately pass it off, for example, as turquoise. But you need to know that natural turquoise practically does not go on sale. If you cannot afford natural turquoise, then you can purchase a chrysocolla product.

If we talk about chrysocolla raw materials, then it is sold on the market in pieces or in square inches. So, the Arizona chrysocolla, the most suitable for cutting, costs from 10 to 60 dollars per square inch, a piece of stone weighing up to 25 g - from 1.5 to 6.5 dollars.

The finest quality cabochon raw materials cost up to $ 30 per square inch.

How to care for chrysocolla

The gem is pretty easy to care for and doesn't require too much attention. Nevertheless, you should know and follow several basic rules for caring for this stone, and then it will not lose its brightness for a long time and will delight the eye for a long time with its brilliance and soft restraint of color.

The gem is very sensitive to temperature, chemical and mechanical stress. Therefore, the mineral should not be kept near heating devices, in direct sunlight, or exposed to temperature changes. Products containing minerals should not be washed with hot water, especially with the use of cleaning agents; chemical, abrasive or ultrasonic cleaning should not be used. Do not expose the stone to prolonged exposure to water: from this it tarnishes. Therefore, the jewelry should be removed when washing dishes, washing or bathing. The main care should be regular processing of the jewelry with a soft flannel or suede cloth.

The stone should be protected from mechanical damage.

The healing properties of chrysocolla

According to lithotherapists, the range of effects of chrysocolla on human organs is excessively extensive. The healing effect is associated with the presence of copper in the composition of the gem.

For a long time, healers have used the gem to treat all kinds of female diseases: inflammation, dysfunctions of the reproductive system, irregularities in the monthly cycle and pain during menstruation. Jewelry with chrysocolla is recommended for pregnant women, which should have a positive effect on the health of the mother and the unborn baby, and for those who are just planning a baby. Hence, the people began to call the mineral "female stone".

According to healers, the stone also helps with pathologies of the thyroid gland and various inflammatory diseases of the throat: sore throat, bronchitis, pharyngitis or chronic cough.

To do this, beads from this mineral should be worn around the neck.

For those who suffer from nervous diseases or psycho-emotional disorders - insomnia, depression, apathy, nervous exhaustion - chrysocolla pendants should be worn on their heads every day.

There is an opinion that the stone has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties and can be used to prevent viral diseases.

The constant wearing of chrysocolla helps to regulate and restore the work of almost all organs, promotes the formation of articular fluid, has a beneficial effect on the structure of bones, and normalizes the activity of the immune and circulatory systems. The constant wearing of the gem around the neck contributes to the enrichment of the blood with oxygen, and therefore to the facilitation of breathing.

Some lithotherapists recommend wearing chrysocolla products for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, believing that the stone affects the restoration of the mucous membrane of organs. At the same time, healers emphasize that the stone does not heal, but only helps in combination with traditional methods of treatment.

Chrysocolla stone is widely used in the fight against addiction - alcoholism. Shamans and sorcerers use it in conspiracies from drunkenness.

The magical properties of chrysocolla

In addition to medicinal, chrysocolla is also credited with many magical properties. Chrysocolla is considered a female stone for a reason.

Magicians claim that this mineral has a much stronger effect on a woman than on a man, especially in the spiritual sense.

According to legend, the use of the mineral gives girls and women a fuller sense of their inner strength, femininity, to reveal sensitivity, to become softer, softer, sexier, the number of conflict situations around her sharply decreases. If a woman begins to wear a ring with chrysocolla on the ring finger of her right hand, then thoughts of having and raising children will take possession of her. If a man decides to change his wife's character for the better, then he should first of all present her with a chrysocolla jewelry.

The gem brings happiness and tranquility to the family life of those whose feelings have begun to fade over the years. And for those who are still lonely, it will help to find their half.

A chrysocolla figurine by the baby's bed will help the baby sleep peacefully.

Chrysocolla promotes peace of mind and peace: it helps to moderate ardor, cope with fears, soothes thoughts, while stimulating the work of the mind. The stone helps to establish harmony between the spiritual and physical state of a person.

The gem has the strongest energy and has a powerful effect on the human nervous system and brain, effectively strengthens the weakened aura. Given these magical properties of the stone, one should not neglect it during difficult trials: stress, shock, personal loss, serious illness. The stone is able to protect against negative energy coming from outside.

Chrysocolla jewelry is preferable to wear on the right side. Rings, bracelets - on the right hand, amulets and charms - in the right pocket, brooches - on the right side.

The power of the effect of chrysocolla is to purify consciousness and increase intuition.

Of all the signs of the zodiac, chrysocolla is most suitable for Sagittarius and Taurus. The stone will help Sagittarius cope with impulsivity, and Taurus will gain prudence and sensitivity. For these signs of the zodiac, the gem will help develop intuition and gain wisdom, give clarity to thoughts, protect from deception or bad influence of other people.

It is believed that the stone helps people employed in the field of knowledge and science in leadership positions. It helps to make the right decisions, see deception, make less mistakes.

Chrysocolla, the magical properties of which contribute to the strengthening of intuition, endurance and making the right decisions, is recommended to be taken with you to business meetings, dates, signing contracts and agreements for Libra, Leo, Aquarius and Cancer.

Chrysocolla will give fish confidence, help them become more collected, organized and more purposeful.

The mineral will bring good luck, health and life wisdom to men with the names:

  • Julian;
  • Artem;
  • Emilia;
  • Alla;
  • Love.

But the mineral is completely unsuitable for:

  • Igor;
  • Herman;
  • Thomas;
  • Natalia;
  • Barbarians.

In order for the stone to have the maximum effect on its owner, it should be purchased (bought or given) on the fifth lunar day. It is at this time that the energetic power of the gem becomes maximum and helps to establish the best "mutual understanding" with its new owner.

Chrysocolla stone is included in the lists of the most mysterious natural resources. The unique abilities of this stone, its origin, chemical properties, as well as belonging to any species have not been fully studied by scientists.

The mineral is ranked among the group of the most ancient precious stones. Many evidence has been found that chrysocolla was used by peoples living long before the civilization we are accustomed to.

Chrysocolla stone - historical background

In ancient Egypt, for example, people used a mixture of chrysocolla and malachite to produce a rare paint called fritta. This paint was blue or green. It was used to create wall frescoes that were applied to the walls of pyramids or ancient temples. Also, paint was used to decorate dishes or jewelry accessories.

The women painted their eyelids with frit. The ancient inhabitants of Ta-Kemet also used chrysocolla to create mosaic tiles. A huge number of shades of this stone opened up many opportunities for realizing the most daring creative idea.

The chrysocolla stone was used by the Incas and Aztecs as an ornamental material. South American artisans used chrysocolla to make figurines, beads or cabochons for earrings and rings.

The chrysocolla stone was also mined in Peru. Its inhabitants used the gem to inlay decorations that were found in burial places in the ancient city called Cantour-Ouassi. The largest deposits of stone are found in the Andes. Also, this breed is mined in Russia.

The most important area of ​​using chrysocolla has always been the soldering of gold items. In ancient times, it was used as gold solder or gold glue. The mineral got its name just because of these features.

Chrysocolla is a name that consists of a couple of words, translated from ancient Greek meaning "gold" and "glue". This is how the stone was named by the ancient Greek scientist Theophrastus, who lived in the 4th century BC. Celestial jewelry was worn by such famous personalities as Queen Cleopatra and the Roman emperor Nero.

Types and colors of the mineral

Chrysocolla is a translucent stone with a beautiful luster (from glass to waxy). The most common minerals are pale blue and blue tones. But you can find specimens of turquoise, greenish, brown or black. The shade of a gem changes depending on the predominance of certain elements of the periodic table in its composition. If copper prevails in the mineral, it will acquire a turquoise hue. A stone interspersed with manganese will have a brown tint. The combination of aluminum, iron and copper gives it an emerald color.

Chrysocolla is divided into three types, depending on where it is mined: Arizona, Peruvian and Mexican. By structure and chemical formula, it has the following classification:

  • The indigo mineral that contains a low percentage of water is called bisbeit.
  • A turquoise stone is called asperolite. It contains a lot of water.
  • The mineral, which is formed in a fine layer on malachite, has the name demidovite. It comes in blue, light blue or green. This type of stone is the most expensive.

Chrysocolla properties

The mineral is of serious interest to magicians, scientists, lithotherapists and collectors, as it has a wide range of useful properties. Not only jewelry is made of it, but also decorative items, as well as souvenirs.

The magical properties of chrysocolla

Mages value chrysocolla very highly. It is believed that the stone will help to understand all the secrets of the surrounding world. Because of these qualities, it is also prized by philosophers and scientists. It is recommended for people engaged in scientific research to wear it on the right hand (left-handed, respectively, on the left).

Daily observations of chrysocolla will help people who live in fantasies, make unrealizable plans, or just constantly dream and hover in the clouds. Mineral will bring them back to reality and give them an opportunity to take a sober look at the situation.

It will not be superfluous to place such a charm in the children's room. The stone will help a little person to overcome his fear of the dark, for example. Chrysocolla can also relieve a child of the fears that come with age. The chrysocolla charm will help the dreamer find the line between fiction and real life. The mineral can make a woman more tender or sensitive. If she wears a ring with him on the ring finger of her right hand, he will remind of the need for marriage, as well as inspire a desire to become a mother and take care of children.

In addition to all the already listed features of chrysocolla, the stone also creates a strong connection between the physical and spiritual state of a person. The gem will teach you how to receive knowledge from space and apply the information received in life, as well as develop intuition.

The stone is associated with the throat chakra, which is responsible for creative expression and communication. Therefore, he endows his master with an oratorical gift and helps to make the right choice.

When entering a meditative state, chrysocolla will help to concentrate on the real causes of the anxiety state of a person, will help get rid of insecurity and fear. Placing a stone on the throat chakra will completely change the mood for the better.

It is believed that as a talisman, he reconciles quarreled lovers, attracts wealth, luck and personal happiness.

Chrysocolla energy for meditation. Video

The healing properties of chrysocolla

Chrysocolla stone helps to treat gynecological diseases. Traditional healers recommend wearing it for women suffering from menstrual dysfunction. Some lithotherapists believe that chrysocolla has a positive effect on the thyroid gland and vocal cords.

They also advise wearing a pendant or beads with chrysocolla for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and diseases of the respiratory system. It is believed that the mineral is endowed with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Chrysocolla is used for sleep disorders, depression and other nervous diseases. In addition, the stone is used to combat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Thus, the properties of chrysocolla stone help to get rid of:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • gynecological problems;
  • neuroses and other disorders of the nervous system;
  • chronic or acute infectious processes.

Chrysocolla for zodiac signs

Green stones in astrology are traditionally associated with Venus, which rules Taurus and Libra. The "Supreme Venus" is called Neptune, who rules Pisces and Sagittarius. Chrysocolla works best on such zodiac signs as Taurus and Sagittarius. The magical properties of the gem will help them improve their intuition, increase intelligence and become wiser.

The chrysocolla stone will help Sagittarius temper excessive impulsiveness. They will get an excellent response and intelligence from the mineral. Taurus is prudence and great perception. Also, this noble stone will give great luck to those who were born under the sign of Libra, Cancer, Aquarius and Leo. Chrysocolla will help fish to become more self-confident and give dedication and organization.

A certain position of the night star will affect the "understanding" of the owner and his stone. Therefore, it is preferable to acquire a chrysocolla stone on the fifth lunar day. At this time, the energy power of the gem reaches the highest level and allows you to improve the connection between it and its owner. Spanish astrologer Tito Masia associates chrysocolla with the star of Nu Hercules.

Chrysocolla in the photo

Products and prices

Even in ancient times, chrysocolla was valued among jewelers, who used it in combination with chalcedony (it is too fragile in its pure form) to make various jewelry. The prices for accessories made from this natural material vary, depending on the size and type of stone. A signet with a chrysocolla stone one to two centimeters in size in a silver frame can be bought for three to four thousand rubles. The cost of a small figurine made of this stone will be about twenty-five to thirty thousand rubles.

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Related materials:

Chrysocolla is a very unusual mineral, a close relative of turquoise and malachite, as well as azurite, often lies next to them. This stone is also known under other names - mountain greenery, demidovite, gold-clove, copper malachite, Eilat stone.

The properties of chrysocolla stone fully justify these names - it was used as a solder for gold due to its softness and high copper content; the structure and pattern, and sometimes the color, is similar to malachite; it actually occurs in highlands and is often green in color. The Eilat stone was named after the Israeli city of Eilat, where it was mined and sold all over the world. It was through this trade and the chrysocolla stone that King Solomon made Israel a rich country and became rich himself. The modern name has been preserved since the times of Ancient Greece and comes from two words that translate as "gold" and "glue".

The origin of this mineral and the conditions for its formation have been studied very little, although it has been known for a long time.

In ancient Egypt, the famous frit paint was made from the powder of chrysocolla and malachite, which could be of any shade from blue to dark green, depending on the specific specimens of stones and the ratio of their powders in the mixture. This pigment was used everywhere: for painting dishes and walls, producing ceramic tiles and creating frescoes, as well as decorative cosmetics for women - eye shadow and eyeliner. The mineral itself was used to create interior items and jewelry.

The ancient peoples of South America, the territories of the modern countries of Chile and Peru, and partly Brazil, including the Incas and Aztecs, were also familiar with the chrysocolla mineral. During the excavations of their settlements, a wide variety of crafts and decorations from this gem, dating from different periods of history, were found.

Today, chrysocolla is used as an ornamental stone and to create bijouterie and jewelry, often in combination with chalcedony. From this mineral you can find a wide variety of souvenirs, key chains, figurines, boxes, vases. From jewelry and bijouterie, these are rings, signets, rosary, beads, necklaces, earrings, bracelets. Also popular are natural pieces of mineral with a beautiful, sometimes polished cut - just as a piece of furniture. In short, the variety of products with Eilat stone will satisfy even the most demanding customers.

Stone properties

Chrysocolla is a soft mineral, its hardness on the Mohs scale (it is ten points) is only 2 - 4. Its density is also quite low, which makes it light, and this stone is fragile - prone to chips and cracks. All these qualities together make it possible to process it with minimal expenditure of effort, however, and determine the need for extremely careful handling and maintenance.

From a chemical point of view, chrysocolla is a hydrous copper and aluminum silicate with impurities of other elements. Moreover, the content of specific elements is not constant, in particular, water can be from 7 to 31%, and copper - from 15 to 75%. This is due to the huge variety of this mineral, both structural and color.

Externally, chrysocolla can be translucent or only slightly translucent in thin places in bright light. The luster can be very faint, waxy, but in denser species of chrysocolla it is brighter, up to glassy. The color ranges from blue to greenish, sometimes brown and even black; depends on the chemical composition of the mineral. So, dark to black and dirty tones indicate the presence of manganese, emerald - to iron and aluminum, and blue - to kaolinite. Copper in different compounds also colors the mineral in blue or green tones.

There are 3 types of chrysocolla:

  1. Demidovite is the most valuable species; it is formed by a thin layer on malachite deposits, and may contain its inclusions. It is often used to imitate turquoise.
  2. Bisbeit is a fairly dense blue or light blue mineral that forms clusters. Contains a minimum amount of water, therefore it is harder.
  3. Asperolite is a greenish-blue stone with a high water content and forms kidney-shaped growths.

These minerals are mined in Chile and Peru, Kazakhstan and Russia, France and Germany, Italy, the USA and Mexico.

It is quite simple to check whether the chrysocolla that you are offered is natural: touch it with your tongue. It will begin to actively absorb moisture and will instantly adhere. For bisbeit, this effect is maximum; it sticks even to a damp finger. The mineral also differs from plastic fakes in temperature - natural is colder, but it is very difficult to determine naturalness by weight, because there are very light and rather dense types of chrysocolla. Do not believe in the naturalness of cheap minerals - a bracelet made of real chrysocolla stone or just a piece of mineral about 3 cm in diameter costs at least $ 10, and a silver signet with this gem will cost about $ 50 or more.

Care for products with chrysocolla should be very careful. It can be damaged by high temperatures, exposure to acids and household chemicals, shock, sweat and some cosmetics, temperature extremes or touching hot, hard and abrasive materials, fumes, prolonged contact with water or drying out. In particular, this mineral readily dissolves in acids; changes in the amount of water in its composition can change color and texture, and any solid object can scratch the stone.

Therefore, you can give the following tips for caring for chrysocolla and products with it:

  • Store in a separate upholstered box - after all, chrysocolla can scratch not only precious, but also most semi-precious stones.
  • Take off rings and bracelets with this stone at the time of household chores - washing, cooking and cleaning, as well as all jewelry - before showering, bathing, swimming in a pool or pond.
  • Wearing chrysocolla products should be very careful, put them on only after applying all the cosmetics and perfumes, be doubly careful and careful not to hit the jewelry.
  • Chrysocolla cleaning should be dry, without the use of any cleaning agents and detergents, as well as water - just wipe the stone with a clean flannel or woolen cloth or a piece of chamois leather.

The magical properties of the stone

Chrysocolla is a mineral with a rather strong, pronounced feminine energy. It helps to learn the secrets of the world around us, to see the common, high goal behind the everyday vanity. Chrysocolla is often used by magicians and sorcerers, philosophers and natural scientists.

Chrysocolla helps yogis to concentrate, to look at everything from the outside and to reveal the true causes and consequences of a wide variety of events, fears and other feelings. And identifying the cause is a strong impetus to get rid of the problem.

Philosophers and researchers are advised to wear chrysocolla products on the dominant hand (right-handed on the right, left-handed on the left). So the stone will be able to tell them the right path, the direction of the search, the shortest path to new discoveries and solutions.

This gem will help the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to become more feminine, sophisticated and gentle, sensitive and caring. He is able to turn even the most convinced feminist, careerist and man-hater into a loving wife and caring mother. If a ring with this stone is worn on the ring finger of the left hand, it will attract love, desire and the opportunity to have a family and give birth to a child, or even several, into the life of the hostess. Agree, in our time of courageous and independent business women, this stone is very useful!

This gem will protect children from a variety of fears, including the fear of the dark - just place a pebble at the head of the child's bed. Chrysocolla will help lovers to make peace after a quarrel and sincerely forgive each other.

This stone is useful for overly dreamy people - it sobering them up, "brings them back to earth" and reconciles with reality, and also extinguishes excessive impulsivity. The ability of this mineral to reconcile a person with the surrounding reality is also useful for reducing cravings for alcohol, nicotine and soft drugs - it can help a lot in the treatment of addictions, but only during a period of remission (not a binge).

Chrysocolla also sharpens the mind and reaction, intuition, helps a person become more creative and communicative. All these qualities will help to achieve wealth, good luck and happiness.

A charm with this stone will protect against temptations and fears, temptations, illusions and deception, dark magic, evil forces and spirits.

Healing properties

Lithotherapists use this stone primarily for the treatment of female, gynecological diseases. Here its effect is most pronounced - it relieves pain and a wide variety of inflammations, restores the normal functioning of the reproductive system, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and eases the course of serious diseases. Chrysocolla also normalizes libido - in both women and men - and reduces the risk of infection and exacerbation of sexually transmitted diseases.

The gem normalizes the work of the nervous system - eliminates sleep problems, eliminates apathy and feelings of depression, depressive states. Chrysocolla helps to normalize hormones, the work of the thyroid gland and ovaries.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. This mineral is successfully used in the treatment of influenza, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, as well as infections - both chronic and acute. In addition, chrysocolla strengthens and heals the human musculoskeletal system.

Separately, mention should be made of the treatment of alcoholism with this mineral. It is used during the period of remission to relieve obsessive thoughts about drinking, reduce cravings for alcohol. This stone will help to accept the world around as it is without the mediation of alcohol, and will also reduce euphoria and hallucinations from drinking it, will help in the fight against insomnia, apathy, nervous exhaustion and other consequences of prolonged binge drinking.

A prerequisite for successful treatment is long-term direct skin-to-stone contact. It is recommended to wear a necklace, pendant, necklace or bracelet with a minimum frame.

Who is chrysocolla stone suitable for?

This mineral is under the auspices of Venus, the poet is recommended to all women and lovers.

Zodiac signs can all wear this mineral - there are no contraindications. However, it will have the strongest and most beneficial effect on Taurus and Libra, a little weaker - on Pisces and Sagittarius. Chrysocolla also quite favors Leo, Aquarius and Cancer, albeit a little less than the previous signs.

Thus, absolutely everyone who likes this mineral can use the magical properties of chrysocolla or simply wear jewelry with this gem.

Chrysocolla has the greatest magical power on the 5th day of each lunar month - this is the best time to acquire and use this wonderful mineral.

Since antiquity, humanity has been intoxicated with the beauty of precious stones. Even today, it is drunk with the multitude of seductive gems and the legends that surround these earthly riches. How many souls of desperate seekers have been destroyed by ghostly treasures! How many minds have been owned by stones for millennia!

Many conflicting legends tell about the riches of King Solomon and one of them is the Eilat stone. It is now well known and widely used in jewelry and art. The name chrysocolla is most often used now, but others are also known:

  • demidovitis;
  • goldglass;
  • copper greens;
  • copper malachite;
  • mountain greens;
  • green stone;
  • copper malachite.

Place of Birth

Chrysocolla is a stone with a mystical blue-green color. The various shades range from blue as the firmament on a clear day to black as night. The admixtures in it create not only beautiful colors, but also bizarre patterns that make crafts and decorations with this gem especially attractive.

Chrysocolla is found in copper deposits around the planet. Today it is mined in the Urals and Transbaikalia in Russia, in Kazakhstan, in the USA and Mesquica, in Chile and Peru, throughout Africa and Australia. In ancient times, the largest production was in Peru, along the Amazon and near the Red Sea.

It was near the Red Sea in the Timna Valley that the famous Eilat stone was found. He is one of the untold riches of King Solomon. There are legends and stories about them and about the mines where they were mined.

This culturally immortalized gem has a natural feature - it is a natural alloy of chrysocolla, and.

Chrysocolla is also found with a lot of other impurities, for example, with manganese and iron, but these varieties of the mineral are not as valuable to collectors and lithotherapists as the Eilat stone.

Lithotherapy: using the healing properties of chrysocolla

The chrysocolla stone is widely used primarily for the treatment of women. It is used for PMS, menstrual irregularities and gynecological diseases. Eilat stone normalizes hormones in women and men, treats infertility.

Chrysocolla has a positive effect on all organs of the digestive and circulatory systems due to its cleansing properties. This stone promotes the regeneration and renewal of organ tissues, improves blood quality, normalizes insulin production and metabolic processes, and normalizes blood pressure. It is used for arthritis and infections.

Chrysocolla is a stone that is associated with the throat chakra - vishudha. It has a positive effect on the organs that are located in the zone of the fifth chakra: throat, thyroid gland, lungs, chest. For example, severe coughing and choking attacks make it easier to wear beads made of this mineral. Even for a short time, the use of any chrysocolla jewelry improves the mood and tone of the body.

The magical properties of the stone

Has chrysocolla and magical properties. The main one is cleansing. Interior decor elements made of this mineral or just pieces of stone remove negative energy from living quarters. The same chrysocolla has a positive effect on the vacated space, bringing calm and tranquility. Under such influence, family and marital relations are improved.

The use of chrysocolla in offices also creates a favorable environment: it calms emotions and the mind, contributes to the fact that in the team they would find a common language and show resistance to stress.

The chrysocolla stone is also useful for the mood for meditation. It relieves negative emotions, feelings of guilt and resentment, relieves mental stress and pain. This gem awakens love and joy in a person, gives healthy optimism and a sense of significance.

Although it is generally accepted that chrysocolla corresponds to the fifth chakra, it has a positive effect on all seven. For example, an adornment with this stone or a piece of mineral placed between the eyebrows, i.e. on the sixth chakra - ajna, awakens clairvoyance, intuition and "open" the third eye. And if you put chrysocolla on your eyes, then thanks to its cooling property, it will relieve fatigue from them.

The Eilat stone encourages development and improvement, creativity and creation, motivates to deliberate and balanced actions. It is also called the stone of wisdom because it makes the mind clear, "grounds" dreamers.

Chrysocolla promotes women's health in its broadest sense. In addition to treating related bodily illnesses, it enhances feminine qualities: sexuality, attractiveness, tenderness and sensuality, as well as maternal feelings. The fact that chrysocolla has such an effect on women does not mean that its use is contraindicated in men.

Astromineralogy: features of chrysocolla

Chrysocolla stone has a positive effect on both sexes and representatives of all zodiac signs. Astromineerologists attribute water and earth signs to the most susceptible to the effects of chrysocolla. However, this is most noticeable for Taurus, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Cancer. She gives them deep wisdom and good health.

Astrologers calculated that the fifth lunar day is most favorable for purchasing chrysocolla for personal use or as a gift. The conditions that develop on this day will contribute to a strong relationship between the new owner and the mystical stone.

Chrysocolla talismans endow their owners with enthusiasm, inspire creativity, and bring success in communication. Another property of amulets made from this mineral is to return to reality those who live with illusions and see the world through rose-colored glasses.

Chrysocolla stone is a suitable material for amulets against phobias and fears. For example, to combat the fear of the dark, a figurine or a piece of mineral can be placed near the bed.

Silver allows you to enhance the healing and magical abilities of chrysocolla in jewelry, as well as highlight the beauty of this gem.

A pendant with an Eilat stone on a silver chain is useful for those who smoke. Chrysocolla beads have a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. The same jewelry awakens sexuality and sensuality in young girls, and maternal feelings in married women.

Lithotherapists recommend wearing a silver bracelet with chrysocolla for those who have digestive problems.

Rings and rings made of the same materials will help those who are engaged in mental work and science. He believes that such decoration also enhances supernatural abilities. To do this, wear the ring on the right hand for a right-hander or on the left for a left-hander.

The same ring on the site of the wedding or together with it awakens age-old family values ​​in women.

Regardless of the purpose of using jewelry with chrysocolla and stones of this mineral, they will need careful care. By its nature, chrysocolla stone is fragile and actively reacts with various substances, is sensitive to temperature changes and damage. To clean the stone, gently wipe it with a dry soft cloth. Gentle polishing will give the stone a waxy or glassy sheen.

So, chrysocolla is a blue-green fragile stone that is widely used for making jewelry and crafts. This gem is distributed throughout the planet and has been mined for several thousand years. Chrysocolla has many names and has a lot of useful medicinal and mystical properties. It is considered a stone of wisdom. Most favorable for women, Sagittarius, Taurus, Pisces, Aquarius. Enhances the properties of the silver gem. The influence of the stone is noticeable at the level of the body - healing, and at the level of the chakras - the harmonization of their work.


The name of the mineral is also old. The concept " chrysocolla stone"Theophrastus also used in his works.

The philosopher lived in the 4th century BC. In those days, it was mined on the shores of the Red Sea. This is the story.

Now, it's time to talk about the modernity of the stone and what scientists have found out about it over the long millennia.

Description and properties of chrysocolla

Copper in stone combines with water and. It turns out, chrysocolla - mineral groups of hydrous silicates.

Full formula: - (Cu, Al) 2H 2 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4 * nH 2 O. As you can see, it is adjacent to copper. It also adds fusibility to the stone.

Outwardly, the stone resembles an opaque, or slightly translucent blue-green color. The color of the mineral is due to copper.

Aluminum gives only a shade. Sometimes, it is brownish and even tones. For the uninitiated chrysocolla on the Photo and in real life it resembles.

A gem with an already complex formula tends to capture additional impurities, connecting with,, and.

So, chrysocolla properties has different. Varies, density, chemical resistance. it can be not only glass, but also wax.

Only one parameter is unshakable. The gem does not form. The aggregates resemble drip crusts on other minerals and rocks.

The surface of the stone is bubbly, bumpy. Therefore, gem aggregates are often called cluster-shaped.

Their structure is cryptocrystalline, or amorphous. The latter implies only partial ordering of the crystal lattice.

That is, the arrangement of atoms in a stone is very chaotic. This leads to the fragility of the aggregates.

In addition, they are never high, fluctuating within the range of 2-4 points on.

2 to 2.5 grams per cubic centimeter is the density possessed by chrysocolla. Stone, formula which includes water can lose it.

Evaporation is possible at temperatures from 110 degrees Celsius. Only about 10% of the moisture remains intact. These are reserves "closed" inside the molecules of the stone.

Copper and aluminum silicate is sensitive not only to high temperatures, but also to acids. In them, the stone decomposes, releasing powdered silicic acid.

If the gem is calcined with baking soda, copper will separate. Even soapy water and ultrasonic exposure are dangerous for chrysocolla.

This complicates the care of jewelry with a gem, specifically, cleaning them. You also have to wear the products neatly. However, we will talk about this separately.

The use of chrysocolla

Chrysocolla in jewelry effective. The mineral looks especially beautiful on a fracture. It is shell-like by the stone.

They try to leave the chips of the gem intact, dispensing with polishing. If it is carried out, the chrysocolla is cut.

They are rounded, without protruding corners. Cabochons can be made chrysocolla bracelet, or .

But, due to the complexity of caring for them, only a few buy products. The offer, in fact, is also not great.

Pendant With chrysocolla, a ring, or other decoration, is unlikely to survive a fall, blow. Remember just 2-4 points?

Given the softness of the stone and its fragility due to the amorphous structure, they take it up only being confident in their skill.

The artist must have a desire to create something special. The design project always includes a closed stone fixing.

In other words, they try to protect it with metal to the maximum, leaving only one of the sides open.

Products are made massive in order to use a large piece of mineral. This is harder to damage. As a result, it turns out to be an amateur.

The impressive dimensions of hydrous copper silicate lead to an impressive cost. The mineral is classified as semiprecious.

However, the stone has its own buyer. Someone is captivated by the beauty of the gem, and its problematicness recedes into the background.

And someone is ready to suffer inconvenience for the healing and magical properties of the stone.

It is believed that it helps to see objective reality, relieves of illusions. Concentration and concentration also provide chrysocolla.

Magical properties gems continue with protective qualities. The stone is able to protect against witchcraft.

Protects chrysocolla and from alcoholism... The gem has a particularly strong effect on women. In hydrous copper silicate, in general, their energy.

Therefore, in lithotherapy, that is, treatment with stones, chrysocolla is "prescribed" for diseases of the uterus and its appendages.

The mineral also restores estrogen levels. The female hormone comes in handy especially during the premenopausal period.

Wearing products with chrysocolla push it aside, prolonging the female cycle, leveling the unpleasant expressions of its extinction, for example, sudden changes in body temperature.

Chrysocolla stone meaning in magic rituals and alternative medicine significantly expands the market for copper and aluminum silicate. We will find out if there is enough raw material for everyone and where it is mined.

Chrysocolla harvest

Where is the chrysocolla formed, you can guess based on the composition of the stone. The first in his formula is copper. So, you need to search in copper ores.

Water silicate. This means that it is worth studying the zones of ore oxidation, where there is contact with moisture.

The water is saturated with silicic acid, which, as you remember, is also present in the composition of the gem. Geologists, by the way, do not classify it as a separate mineral.

Chrysocolla is considered a diopase silicate with various impurities. There can be both oxide hydrates and aluminosilicates. Even silicic acid in the composition of the stone is an impurity.

Chrysocolla is rarer than other copper oxides, for example, malachite,,, tenorite. The relative rarity increases the value of the stone.

On the chrysocolla price starts at 4,000 rubles for simple beads 40-45 centimeters long. The price, of course, includes the work of the master.

If you take only a stone without processing, you will give 1,700-2,300 rudders for a sample weighing about 150 grams. This is just enough for the above beads.

Chrysocolla shipped to the USA. There, the bowels of Arizona and the state of New Mexico are rich in gem. In America, the mineral is mined, as well, in Chile and Peru.

The stone is also imported from German Bavaria. About 10% of chrysocolla is the stocks of the Czech Republic. Here the deposits are located in the famous Bohemia.

B also has chrysocolla. Where can I buy? Contact the industrialists of the Sverdlovsk region.

It is in it that the city of Krasnoturinsk is located, and near it is a copper mine rich in sky-blue masses of chrysocolla.

There are several Turinsky mines. Chrysocolla is everywhere mixed with stilpnosiderite. It is a resinous iron ore, hydrous iron oxide.

Copper silicate partially captures it. So, in the formula of the Ural gem there is a ferrum, which gives the stone additional.

Chrysocolla from the Turinsky mines of the Sverdlovsk region "boasts" the highest mark of 4 points on the Mohs mineralogical scale.

So, if you are looking for hydrous copper silicate, choose products with Russian inserts. These will last longer.