
Put on a bandage. In what cases is a bandage extremely necessary during pregnancy. Rules for choosing and wearing a bandage during pregnancy: which one and why? Contraindications to use

Pathology of the uterus

The answer to the question of whether to wear a bandage while carrying a child is ambiguous among gynecologists.

However, statistics claim that wearing it has a beneficial effect on the health of expectant mothers.

This is a kind of underwear used by pregnant women, as well as newly minted mothers.

Types of a bandage for pregnant women

Bandages are pre- and post-natal, as well as universal.
  • The combined bandages are designed to be worn in the pre- and post-natal period. These are in the form of a belt - their fabric does not stretch, rubberized. Fastened with Velcro: during pregnancy, their narrow part supports the abdomen in the correct position, the wide part strengthens the back. After giving birth, she fastens in reverse: the belly tightens the wider part, the narrow one is fastened at the back.
  • A bandage corset is impractical and uncomfortable - it is fastened with lacing.
  • The bandage belt is worn over the underwear. The elastic band prevents stretch marks and supports the abdomen. Very comfortable. On the sides there are valves that adjust the density and size.
  • The bandage panty has a special insert that supports the front of the stomach. It can be worn in place of underpants, but will require daily washing.
  • The briefs are equipped with an elastic, supportive insert in the front.
Read more about the types of bandages before and after childbirth.

Who needs a bandage and when

As soon as the belly begins to grow, you need to think about purchasing a bandage - from 4 months or 20 weeks. It is necessary for women who are on their feet for a long time or leading an active, mobile life. It eases the load on the spine, calms the pain arising from the pressure of the baby on the tailbone and pelvic bones. It is necessary if the abdominal muscles are weakened in a pregnant woman, as it holds the baby. It should be worn when there is a threat of miscarriage, premature birth, and obstetric pathologies. This list also includes varicose veins, osteochondrosis.

Benefits of wearing a brace during pregnancy

  1. Invisible under clothes.
  2. It is easy and convenient to use.
  3. Can be worn even in hot weather, as modern bandages are made of breathable fabrics.
  4. With the help of the bandage, the fetus in the abdomen takes the correct position.
  5. Minimizes the likelihood of pregnancy failure.
  6. Does not allow abdominal prolapse.
  7. Prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen.
  8. Relieves lower back and back pain.
  9. Does not give the possibility of pain in the legs.
  10. It is indicated for underdevelopment of the cervix.
  11. A scarring area is formed on the uterus due to a cesarean section.
  12. Supports in case of insufficient tone of the abdominal muscles.

Indications for wearing a bandage during pregnancy

This specific underwear is recommended to be worn for the following indications:
  • with multiple pregnancies;
  • with neuralgic pain;
  • if at least 1.5 years have passed since the operation of the abdominal cavity;
  • If there is a scar on the uterus;
  • if the child is in a low position, and at the same time there is a weakening of the abdominal muscles;
  • with a poorly developed cervix;
  • when there is a threat of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • if a woman feels back pain.
In the absence of such symptoms, you should not purchase a bandage.


  1. the bandage makes the abdominal muscles lazy, and they do not recover well after childbirth;
  2. in the last months of pregnancy, when the fetus takes a wrong position;
  3. the bandage prevents the child from returning to the previous position.
  • it makes sense to use a bandage until the end of pregnancy, taking into account your feelings at the same time - it should not cause discomfort;
  • its purpose is to support the tummy without squeezing it;
  • if there are indications for wearing a bandage, then you should not take breaks in wearing it;
  • with constant use of the bandage, you should not sleep in it and every few hours you should take forty-minute breaks.

A growing belly during pregnancy evokes tender glances from others and pride in the expectant mother. However, an increase in the size of the abdomen causes not only positive emotions, but also negative sensations that affect the well-being of a woman. In this case, various bandages come to the rescue.

The use of a bandage during pregnancy has the most controversial reviews from women and radically different opinions of doctors.

Frightening myths alert pregnant women and cause fear of using a bandage during pregnancy. But there are situations when a woman desperately needs a supportive element. And the correct choice and adherence to the recommendations for wearing a bandage during pregnancy alleviate the condition and exclude possible consequences.

What is a pregnancy bandage?

A bandage is a specific supporting element. The bandage belongs to orthopedic devices. It allows you to support a growing belly during pregnancy without affecting the fetus, contributes to the correct position of the baby in the belly.

Bandage - an irreplaceable assistant to the future mother.

With the correct choice of the product, the support element:

Significantly reduces fatigue;

Removes heaviness in the legs;

Prevents the appearance of pulling pains in the abdomen;

Facilitates the movement of women;

Relieves stress from the spine.

There are several types of bandages that differ in their type and purpose of use.

1. Prenatal bandage - an irreplaceable device that greatly facilitates the condition of the expectant mother.

2.Postpartum bandage allows you to significantly reduce the recovery period. By tightening the abdominal wall, the bandage improves muscle tone, affects the condition of the abdominal skin, and normalizes intra-abdominal pressure.

3. Universal band used by women, both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. The special cut of the product allows it to be used in different periods. During pregnancy, to support the back, such a bandage is worn, placing its wide part on the back. After childbirth, to tighten the abdomen, the bandage changes its position and is put on with its wide part on the peritoneal area.

The universal band is used during pregnancy and after childbirth

There are also specific postoperative bandages that are recommended for women after caesarean section.

Modern prenatal bandages have a rather attractive appearance, are made of safe hypoallergenic materials, breathe well, and are comfortable to wear. When used correctly, the expectant mother does not feel the presence of the orthopedic device on herself.

Bandages for pregnant women are available in the form of:

1. Panties that have an elastic insert to support the abdomen.

2. The belt, which is made as an elastic band with side flaps, adjusts the tightness of the fit.

3. Corsets with lacing, which are now considered a relic of the past and are quite rare.

It should be borne in mind that a corset for pregnant women belongs to the elements of underwear. Therefore, it requires proper care and regular washing.

Who needs to wear a corset during pregnancy?

The need to wear a corset arises with a significantly enlarged abdomen. Basically, this process occurs in the fourth month. However, the change in the size of the abdomen for each woman is very individual. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account your own feelings and well-being.

Even if you are completely sure of the need to use a bandage, you should not rely on your own intuition. A brace is a medical orthopedic device. And only a doctor can decide on the appropriateness of its use. Because there are contraindications that categorically do not allow wearing a bandage during pregnancy.

Not every pregnant woman will be recommended by the doctor to wear a bandage. If the muscles are well developed, and after prolonged exertion in the form of being on your feet, walking, physical exertion, there are no unpleasant sensations in the back, abdomen, wearing a bandage simply does not make sense.

But for women who have a pelvic or transverse presentation of the child, wearing a bandage is simply contraindicated. The support device will not allow the baby to turn around in the stomach and take the correct position.

Therefore, for pregnant women after 24 weeks, if the fetus is not located head down, wearing a bandage is strictly prohibited.

In the event that the fetus has turned over and assumed the correct position, the use of a bandage will fix it in this position and prevent unwanted self-activity.

There are a lot of situations when a bandage during pregnancy is simply necessary.

The bandage will help improve the condition:

When there is a threat of termination of pregnancy in the later stages;

If a woman has to lead a fairly active lifestyle and is on her feet for a long time;

With osteochondrosis pain;

For any pathologies of the spine;

If a woman's pelvic floor and abdominal muscles are too weak;

With varicose veins;

When there is excessive heaviness in the legs;

With pathologies of the cervix and with polyhydramnios;

After surgical interventions on the peritoneal area;

When the fruit is too low;

With multiple pregnancies;

If the fruit is very large.

It should be borne in mind that nature provides all the possibilities to bear fruit without the use of additional supporting devices. It is inappropriate to resort to this method unless absolutely necessary. The abdominal muscles are able to cope with stress on their own, and constant support deprives them of their physiological abilities, which leads to excessive weakening.

The myths that the bandage prevents the appearance of stretch marks are refuted by doctors. The process of striae formation is associated not only with the tension of the skin, but to a greater extent with hormonal changes.

The decision to use the bandage will have to be taken by the pregnant woman on her own, but the recommendations of the gynecologist should be heeded.

How to choose a bandage during pregnancy?

When choosing a bandage, keep in mind that it is a personal, intimate wardrobe item. Therefore, in this situation, you should not resort to the help of friends and acquaintances who offer to use a thing that has become unnecessary for them.

It is worth purchasing a bandage only in specialized stores, pharmacies or in the department of gynecology. The device must meet medical safety requirements. Bandages offered in general sale or in online stores may be made of low-quality materials and do not meet medical standards in elasticity and cut. In addition, the bandages are personal hygiene items and cannot be exchanged. And, having acquired a low-quality or unsuitable product, there will be no opportunity to exchange it.

When choosing a bandage, you need to rely on your own feelings. Therefore, you will have to resort to fitting. It is advisable to try several types and stay at the most comfortable one.

Remember that the bandage will have to be used for a long time. In an ideal adaptation, a woman should not sense his presence. Consider when choosing the size of the bandage that the belly will still increase. Therefore, preference should be given to elastic products with volume control.

Not in the last place is the material from which the bandage is made. Cotton is ideal. But cotton products are not elastic. Therefore, manufacturers add artificial fibers to cotton or viscose in the form of polyamide, microfiber, polyester, lycra. Such high-tech materials are safe for the expectant mother, and thanks to their unique properties, the product becomes durable, elastic, suitable for frequent washing. If the material of the bandage contains solid synthetics, the skin will lose the ability to breathe freely, prickly heat, diaper rash and allergic rashes will begin to appear.

How to wear a bandage correctly during pregnancy?

First of all, you need to learn how to put on the bandage correctly during pregnancy. The accompanying instructions detail this process. If you have any difficulties, and you could not figure out the intricacies of using a support device on your own, you can contact a gynecologist. The doctor will tell you in detail about the rules of wearing and teach you how to use the bandage safely.

To properly put on the bandage, adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Lie on a comfortable, flat surface with a small pillow under your buttocks.

2. Lie down for a while so that the muscles relax and the child takes a comfortable position. This will allow the bladder to relax and the feeling of heaviness go away.

3. Carefully put on the bandage, firmly fixing it on the body. Do not apply excessive pressure - it will harm your baby. But even a weak fastening of the bandage will not give the intended effect.

If the brace is put on correctly, the woman does not feel discomfort, regardless of the position in which she is.

When wearing a bandage, follow a number of rules:

1. Wear the support for no longer than three hours. Then you need to take a break for half an hour.

3. If the baby behaves too restlessly in the abdomen, it is better to remove the bandage. To reapply, not earlier than after half an hour.

Do not ignore the rules for the care of the bandage, which consist in regular washing at a certain temperature.

If a decision is made to use a bandage during pregnancy, and the doctor has no prohibitive reasons, do not listen to negative reviews.

This unique device is not capable of harming either the expectant mother or the child, but will help get rid of many of the negative symptoms present during pregnancy.

Wearing a bandage during pregnancy always raises questions among expectant mothers: how to choose it, how to wear it and how long to wear it. This information is very important for the bandage to perform its functions effectively. Can I sleep and sit in a bandage during pregnancy?

How to wear a maternity bandage correctly

After the expectant mother has decided on the choice of a prenatal bandage, she will have to master the science of putting it on and wearing it. How correctly the girl will use this accessory depends on her well-being and the development of the child. A well-chosen bandage does not slip off the pregnant woman's tummy, does not press and does not cause discomfort.

We will tell you in detail whether it is possible to sit in a prenatal brace, when it is best to wear it and when it is necessary to rest from it.

How to put on a maternity bandage correctly

The way the girl puts on the bandage depends on its effectiveness, as well as the comfort of the pregnant woman herself. Most expectant mothers, purchasing this accessory, do not know how to put on a prenatal bandage. This information must be indicated on the product packaging. In some cases, there are even pictures on the box suggesting how to properly put on the prenatal bandage from this company.

First of all, you should know that the bandage is only worn while lying down.

The girl should lie on her back and put a pillow or roller under her buttocks. So the load will be evenly distributed throughout the body, and the baby in the womb will be able to move from the lower abdomen to the top. The pressure on the bladder is relieved and the brace can be put on and closed tightly. A properly dressed accessory goes under the belly, rests on the pubic bone and thighs. However, he should never put pressure on his stomach!

When to start wearing a bandage during pregnancy

One of the most frequent questions for expectant mothers is when to start wearing a bandage during pregnancy. In most cases, this accessory is required when the baby begins to actively gain weight and the tummy grows. It is then that there is a lot of pressure on the spine and legs of the expectant mother. To find out from what week you will be wearing a maternity bandage, it is best to first consult with your gynecologist. On average, the duration varies from 22 to 27 weeks of pregnancy. In case of multiple pregnancies, a prenatal bandage is required, when to start wearing it, your gynecologist will tell you. Most likely, this will be less than 20 weeks, depending on how the girl is feeling.

Information about which month to wear a bandage for pregnant women with a scar on the uterus or polyhydramnios may vary. Most often, this is a period of 4 months. It should be added that if there is a medical indication for wearing a bandage, only a doctor can determine the start date of its use. Each pregnancy is individual, therefore, in order not to harm yourself and your baby, consult your gynecologist.

There is only one contraindication when you cannot wear a bandage during pregnancy. If, before 30 weeks, the fetus has not taken the correct position, head down. Then wearing a bandage will prevent the baby from changing position, and you will have to wait, even despite severe back pain.

Let's summarize a little. From what stage of pregnancy you need to wear a bandage for you, only the attending physician who is leading your pregnancy will tell you for sure. He will also tell you until what week to wear this accessory. With medical indications, the bandage is usually worn until the very birth, only from the 38th - 39th week, the wearing is limited in time, since the tummy is already starting to sink, and the baby is moving along the birth canal, preparing for birth.

How long can the maternity bandage be worn

When buying, not all expectant mothers know how many hours pregnant women can wear a bandage without interruption. Usually doctors recommend wearing it for 3-4 hours if the girl has a long walk. If you are going to wear the brace all day, take a break for 30 minutes every 3 hours. At this time, it is advisable to lie down, if possible. The bandage must be removed at night. It is best to wear it when the girl walks or sits a lot.

If you are uncomfortable in the brace, dizziness has appeared, and the child has become very active, you should immediately remove the brace.

The attending physician determines how long to wear the maternity bandage if there are special medical indications. For example, with severe lower back pain, it is worn daily throughout the day until the very birth. Remember to take breaks and rest. If the bandage brings significant relief to the pregnant woman, then doctors are allowed to wear it all the time, removing it only at night. However, all these cases must be considered individually, taking into account the history of each girl's pregnancy.

Painful, unpleasant sensations in the back often occur during pregnancy. A pregnancy bandage should relieve pain in the back and lower back caused by the fact that the belly growing during pregnancy puts a significant load on the spine. The bandage is a medical orthopedic underwear that performs a supportive function. The need to wear it is discussed with the gynecologist who is leading the pregnancy. It is customary to wear it from the time when the stomach begins to intensively and significantly increase in size, from about 22-25 weeks.

Depending on the purpose, there are three types of bandages:

  • prenatal - supports the abdomen during pregnancy;
  • postpartum - tightens the belly sagging after childbirth, contributes to the rapid recovery of the abdominal muscles;
  • universal - suitable for wearing both in the prenatal and postnatal period, due to the design features.

In addition, the bandages differ in their shape. It can be a bandage in the form of panties and a bandage - a belt. In the first case, they are equipped with an elastic insert that will be located over the stomach, and thus support it. A belt-shaped bandage looks like an elastic band - wide in the middle and narrower at the ends. At the ends of the tape on the sides there are special valves ("Velcro"), allowing you to adjust the size of the abdomen and the tightness of the fit. The choice of one form or another of the bandage is determined by personal preference. These items should be made of breathable materials to make them easier to wear in summer.

When is a bandage worn during pregnancy?

Not all pregnancies require wearing this product.

If the growing belly does not bring any discomfort and painful sensations, the abdominal muscles are strong enough, then there is no need to wear a bandage during pregnancy.

It is recommended in the following cases:

  • if the pregnant woman leads an active lifestyle and is in an upright position for most of the day;
  • there were pains in the back and lumbar region;
  • if the pregnant woman suffers from osteochondrosis;
  • there is a curvature of the spine;
  • with pain in the legs and varicose veins;
  • weakening of the abdominal muscles with repeated pregnancies.

It is considered that the bandage is required if:

  • there is a scar on the uterus due to a cesarean section;
  • there is a threat of premature birth;
  • there is a low location of the placenta or fetus;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • big fruit.

Incorrect position of the fetus in the uterus is a direct contraindication for wearing a bandage during pregnancy. If the baby is not properly positioned in the womb, the bandage can cause significant harm, since it will not allow the baby to roll over into the desired position. But if the fetus, which occupied the wrong position, again takes the desired position, then the bandage will hold it in that position, preventing it from re-accepting the undesirable position. Wearing it in this case, as a rule, is mandatory. Most often this applies to the third trimester of pregnancy.

Wearing a bandage should not bring any inconvenience to a pregnant woman, provided it is chosen and worn correctly. It should support the belly with a tight fit, but it should not press on the belly. If, nevertheless, wearing a bandage during pregnancy is necessary, then some rules must be followed. In particular, you cannot wear it around the clock, you need to take short breaks, take it off for 30-40 minutes every 3-4 hours. It must be taken off during night and day sleep. In the case of mandatory wearing for medical reasons, it is necessary to wear it until the onset of labor. When used correctly, it will not pose any threat to either the pregnant woman or the fetus.

Do you need a bandage after childbirth?

The overwhelming majority of women after childbirth ask themselves the question: will the belly remain in a hanging flabby state and how to prevent this. In this case, postpartum bandage can help. However, the benefits of using it are controversial. There are two very opposite positions regarding the use of this accessory. Some believe that when using special underwear in the postpartum period, it is much easier and faster to return the previous shape of the abdomen. This kind of bandage helps not only to support the abdomen and hips, but also helps to relieve back pain by relieving stress on the spine.

If the birth took place by caesarean section, then the bandage will support the abdomen and thus facilitate the postoperative condition, it will be easier for the woman to walk and take care of the newborn. The postpartum bandage can be put on almost immediately after natural childbirth, and after the doctor's permission in case of operative delivery.

There is also an opposite point of view on the need to wear this kind of product in the early period after the birth of a child. It is not recommended to wear it in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, since it can squeeze these internal organs. In addition, wearing it will inhibit the natural contraction of the abdominal muscles.

Compression stockings during pregnancy and childbirth

During pregnancy and childbirth, in the presence of diseases of the veins and blood vessels, it is recommended to wear special knitwear, due to a significant increase in the load on the circulatory system during this period. Statistics show that the first pregnancy and childbirth can cause this pathology in about 30% of women, and the second and subsequent pregnancies - in more than 50% of women.

Therefore, in order to avoid the occurrence and complications of this disease due to pregnancy and childbirth, the doctor may recommend wearing special compression stockings - stockings for childbirth. A feature of such stockings is that they are made of natural, elastic materials, fit the figure tightly and have no seams that can cause discomfort and friction. This kind of underwear is designed to prevent the development and progression of varicose veins and the development of thrombophlebitis. Compression stockings perform the following functions:

  • protect the legs from excessive stress;
  • have a tightening effect by evenly distributing compression;
  • improve blood circulation, preventing stagnation in blood vessels;
  • prevent the occurrence of swelling of the limbs and the formation of blood clots;
  • maintain the necessary muscle tone;
  • reduce pressure by redistributing the load to parts of the limbs.

It is not always possible to put on such stockings on your own, and therefore it is recommended to put them on even before the onset of labor (if there is a need to be in them during childbirth), resorting to the help of relatives. Usually, they are worn immediately after a night's sleep, without getting out of bed. They must be worn all day, taking them off only during a night's sleep or during the day, for several hours. The assortment of these products is quite diverse (in color, size, degree of compression), it is recommended to purchase it in specialized stores or in pharmacies. The necessary advice on their purchase can be obtained from a doctor.

Thus, compression stockings for pregnant women and during childbirth are a means of preventing diseases of the veins and blood vessels, in persons with a predisposition to them, as well as complications of the existing disease. The indication for wearing this type of medical linen during pregnancy and childbirth is spider veins on the legs, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

Expectant mothers always have many questions about a prenatal bandage: how to choose it and how to wear it, what are the indications and contraindications for wearing it? In our article we will talk about what a prenatal bandage for pregnant women is and what are the advantages of using it.

Why do you need a prenatal bandage

The prenatal bandage for pregnant women is a special accessory that supports the belly of the expectant mother and reduces the load on her spine. The assortment of bandages is now truly high: bandages-panties, in the form of a belt, corset, as well as universal models that combine the functions of prenatal and postnatal bandages.

In order not to get confused when choosing this useful accessory, the expectant mother must first understand whether she needs a bandage and consult with her gynecologist.

Why wear a bandage during pregnancy

First of all, when studying model lines, you need to understand what a bandage is needed for during pregnancy. It supports the visibly rounded belly of the expectant mother, without squeezing it, and allows you to fix the correct position of the fetus in the uterus. In addition, it significantly reduces the load on the girl's spine, due to which she does not experience lower back pain. However, when answering the question of why a prenatal bandage is needed, you need to know that there are special medical indications for wearing it:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • osteochondrosis and back pain;
  • the threat of miscarriage and premature abortion;
  • the presence of stitches after a cesarean section;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • weak muscles of the anterior abdominal cavity.

If one of these points applies to your pregnancy, then the bandage will undoubtedly be very useful to you. Why wear a bandage during pregnancy if you have no problems and you are pregnant with one baby? Most likely, you do not need a bandage. And if you want to avoid the formation of stretch marks with its help, then it is unlikely to help you.

Pros and cons of maternity bandage

A lot of experts give their opinion on the topic of prenatal braces - for and against. However, its positive characteristics in the presence of problems in the expectant mother and in multiple pregnancies are obvious. What are the benefits of a bandage during pregnancy:

  1. Helps to fix the correct, head, presentation of the fetus in the uterus.
  2. Facilitates carrying twins or triplets.
  3. Relieves pain in the lower back and legs of the expectant mother.
  4. Prevents premature prolapse of the baby in the uterus.
  5. Reduces the load on the pelvic organs.

When assessing the benefits and harms of a bandage for pregnant women, one should also take into account its disadvantages:

  1. Some doctors are convinced that wearing a brace will relax your abdominal muscles during pregnancy and make them harder to repair after childbirth.
  2. Individual allergic reactions to the materials from which this accessory is made are possible.

And yet, the advantages of a bandage are much greater. However, every pregnancy is different, so consult your gynecologist when making your decision.

Is it necessary to wear a bandage during pregnancy

When answering the question whether it is necessary to wear a bandage during pregnancy specifically in your case, you should remember the indications for wearing it. If you do not have problems while carrying a baby, you feel good, then you should not buy unnecessary accessories. Nature has created the female body in such a way that it itself is able to withstand all the stress of pregnancy and childbirth.

Is it mandatory to wear a prenatal brace if indicated? Yes. In this case, you should choose a convenient model for yourself and follow the recommendations of the gynecologist. Even if you do not want to wear it, you need to understand that it will bring relief to you and help in the development of your baby in the womb.

Modern bandages are very comfortable, made from natural materials and cannot be seen under clothes.


In fact, contraindications to a maternity bandage are quite rare. Most often, wearing it is prohibited if by the 30th week of pregnancy the fetus has not yet taken the correct, that is, cephalic presentation. This means that wearing a bandage will restrict his movements in the womb, and he will not be able to roll over with his head down. When the child takes a cephalic presentation, the bandage, on the contrary, will help fix it.