
Moisturizing cream for men: nutrition for the face. Choosing the best men's face cream Moisturizing cream for men


Skin care is not only a woman's task. Many men who want to look fresh and young for as long as possible also take care of their appearance. To do this, they not only attend gyms and lead a healthy lifestyle, but also resort to the help of cosmetic products in the form of creams and gels. Men's anti-wrinkle cream and other anti-aging products are in great demand among the stronger sex, but there are those who doubt the effectiveness of such products.

Do men need to use face cream?

Everyone is subject to aging. Physiological processes take their toll, but if measures are taken in time, they can be slowed down. To do this, you need to acquire a line of cosmetic skin care products that will fill it with valuable nutrients. There is an opinion that an anti-wrinkle cream for men is such a PR move, and the stronger sex will be quite satisfied with the funds that are intended for women. Actually this is a delusion. Naturally, you can use such cosmetics, but here the question arises about its effectiveness. The thing is that men's skin is different from women's. It is much denser, which means that it is difficult for active substances to penetrate into it. That is why the cream for men differs in its structure. Such funds are absorbed faster and are characterized by greater penetrating power.

Regular shaving also deals a powerful blow to the male dermis. As a result of such procedures, the epidermis loses its protective layer, as a result of which its susceptibility to the negative influence of environmental factors increases. That is why the composition should contain antiseptic, wound healing, moisturizing components. With age, sebum production in men decreases, so the skin becomes thinner and dehydrated. Wrinkles appear on it, which become deeper and more noticeable over the years. Reduce their visibility under the power of cosmetic products with anti-aging action.

How to choose a men's cream?

Many representatives of the stronger sex have to work hard in industries where not the best working conditions are provided. This, of course, leaves its mark on the skin, and it undergoes early aging. The skin begins to fade and under the influence of other factors. These include smoking, drinking alcohol, prolonged exposure to the sun, unfavorable ecology. To look young and fresh for as long as possible, a man needs to take care of his skin. To do this, you need to purchase an anti-wrinkle cream (for men) and use it regularly. Judging by the reviews, already after 3-4 weeks you can notice the first results and evaluate whether this or that product really works.

Cream for men "Shiseido"

Japanese cosmetics brand Shiseido produces products that provide professional skin care at home. Pleased with the company and representatives of the strong half of humanity. Anti-aging products have appeared on the market, among which there is a cream that normalizes the balance of the skin and an eye wrinkle cream for men.

Cream TM "Shiseido" has a powerful regenerating effect. With it, you can reduce the depth of wrinkles, eliminate the first signs of aging of the skin and make it supple and smooth. Damage Defense Complex, which is enriched in the cream, is characterized by protective properties. Thanks to him, the oval of the face is corrected. The product includes vitamin A (retinol), which is known for its anti-aging effect.

In addition, the product contains LAG Revitalizer, which resumes the regeneration of epidermal cells. Castor oil is aimed at eliminating dryness, peeling. It normalizes the processes of regeneration in tissues, fills the cells with moisture. Ginseng root extract gives the skin a healthy look, restoring its smoothness.

Cosmetics "Collistar" for men

The Italian brand "Collistar" also took care of the representatives of the stronger sex and released a cream for men (for the face) from wrinkles, which can be used after 25 years. Revitalizing cream refers to professional facial skin care products.

Collistar Daily Revitalizing Anti-Wrinkle Anti-Wrinkle Cream for men is enriched with a unique formula that fills the skin with vitamins and valuable ingredients. Their task is to rejuvenate the dermis and prevent its early aging. Antioxidants fill skin cells with moisture, restore metabolic processes in the deep layers. It is advisable to use the remedy twice a day. According to consumers, the product may well replace cosmetics after shaving. The disadvantages include the high cost of funds.

Cream Health And Beauty

The Israeli brand H&B has released a cream for men for the face (anti-wrinkle) with SPF 15. The product can be used from the age of 30. The cream protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, moisturizes it and makes it elastic. Produced in glass containers, which means that its consumption can be adjusted independently. This product is ideal for all skin types. The product also contains tea tree oil. In combination, these components provide an antiseptic effect, which is especially needed by the skin after shaving. Fatty acids fill the dermis with active substances, Dead Sea minerals slow down the aging process and reduce the number of visible wrinkles.

Men who have experienced the effect of this cream note that its plus lies in its versatility. The tool perfectly replaces cosmetics intended for use after shaving, but at the same time penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and fights the first signs of aging.

Premier for men

Another Israeli brand that has released a line of anti-aging products. Night cream for men against wrinkles fights the first signs of skin aging, activates the regenerative processes in it, and eliminates puffiness. In addition, Premier gives an excellent lifting effect. Includes Dead Sea minerals and beta-carotene. Suitable for face and neck.

Cosmetics "Loreal" for men

The world has released a series of cosmetic products that cope with early skin aging. from wrinkles for men from this French brand - "Men Expert Vita Lifting". It has a lifting effect, makes the skin smooth, fills the first wrinkles. Thanks to the Pro-Retinol formula, the skin is noticeably transformed, its tone and facial contours improve. The ADC complex enhances its protective properties, thereby neutralizing the harmful effects of the environment.

Users note that the cream has an oily consistency, so it is most suitable for severely dehydrated skin. The advantages of this tool can be attributed to its neutral smell.

"Bioterm" for men

Biotherm Homme Age Refirm anti-wrinkle cream for men, based on thermal water, gives the skin a complete care. Suitable for men over 30 years old. The tool reduces the number of wrinkles, tightens the skin and restores regenerating processes. Cosmetics "Biotherm" includes silicon, which strengthens the structure of the epidermis. Enriched with substances in the form of glycerin and tallow tree oil. Provides sun protection.

Biotherm Homme Age Refirm is an anti-wrinkle cream for men, reviews of which are mostly positive. The main disadvantage of the tool is its high cost, but at the same time it does an excellent job with the task. Men note that the cream is well distributed over the skin and is instantly absorbed. Already after a month of regular use, the depth of wrinkles is significantly reduced, the skin becomes smoother and fresher.

Men's skin is not as elastic as women's. Most representatives of the stronger sex do not take care of their skin, while work is often associated with physical labor and emotional stress. There is also a hostile work environment. These factors, including not always ideal weather conditions and stressful situations, lead to accelerated skin aging.

For many centuries, everyone has become accustomed to the fact that men should be strong, and ladies should be beautiful. First impressions of a person are based on the visual perception of their appearance. Skin condition can tell a lot about a person's lifestyle. Let's find out which men's anti-wrinkle face cream is effective and how to choose the one that's right for you.

How to find the perfect match?

The choice of women's creams is impressive, and the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity know what they need. If you look into men's anti-wrinkle face creams, then the range is not so extensive, and men know almost nothing about how to properly care for themselves. However, the lack of such a baggage of knowledge should not be reflected in appearance.

When choosing the best anti-wrinkle cream for men, you need to find in the composition:

What is more expensive is not always better. Effective men's facial anti-wrinkle cosmetics can be offered at a loyal price, but at the same time provide a noticeable effect.

You will have to use trial and error to look for a suitable option, based on the characteristics of the skin, but what to do?

What do manufacturers offer?

Many cosmetic companies offer anti-wrinkle products for men. But some of the manufacturers get more positive reviews than others.

So let's take a look at the suggestions:

What Men Talk About?

Alexey Petrenko, Krasnouralsk “I use Oriflame anti-wrinkle cream for men. I read the reviews and decided to try this product for myself. It worked out great. And I didn't notice how old I was. My wife forced me to buy the cream, because she takes care of herself and wants me to look young too. It was dumb to apply it, I got used only to shaving foam. But nothing, it does not bake, the face does not itch. I read that a lot of men use cosmetics, but I thought it was all women's stuff. Something really got carried away :)))) "

Vasily Simichev, Moscow “Recently I was in a beauty salon, and the girls, while doing my pedicure, were discussing the cream that the husband of one of the craftswomen uses. I asked what kind of miracle this is, which is so praised. I bought a Korres cream. And not only from the reviews of this anti-wrinkle facial cream for men, I was convinced that I had made the right choice. And most importantly, there is no allergic reaction. I have sensitive skin, so shaving products are rarely suitable. Now they are thinking about getting a cream or gel under the eyes.

The opinion that the appearance of a man is not important is erroneous. Many famous personalities use not only men's anti-wrinkle face cream, but also other types of cosmetics in order to look attractive for as long as possible. Be on top too. Neatness, lack of wrinkles, a cheerful appearance will be assistants in achieving success in life.

A modern man, despite all his brutality, must be well-groomed and polished. At the same time, he will not be able to use the tubes from the cosmetic bag of his girlfriend or wife, because his skin is significantly different from women's.

On the one hand, it is rougher, thicker, stronger. On the other hand, it retains its youth, elasticity and firmness longer. And she constantly has to experience stress while shaving. So, the men's face cream has recently become extremely popular and is in great demand in the cosmetic market. How not to make a mistake with the choice and get exactly what you need?

Miraculous composition

Let's make a reservation right away: we will not be interested in a shaving product, but in a cosmetic cream for men, the purpose of which is regular, high-quality facial skin care. After all, the epidermis of the representatives of the strong half of humanity also requires moisturizing, cleansing and rejuvenation, just like the female one. But a quality tool on the market does not always come across. And first of all, when choosing, you should study its composition to make sure that the manufacturer does not deceive you.

An effective facial skin cream for men will contain the following ingredients:

  • essential fatty acids (omega-3, 6) - excellent moisturizers;
  • glycerin: if you feel dry and tight after every shave, buy a moisturizing men's face cream with this ingredient;
  • silicone also perfectly fights against the dryness of the epidermis of the face;
  • natural plant extracts (carrot, cucumber, green tea) and oils (): nourish men's skin during the off-season;
  • various minerals, vitamins treat, have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • a sun protection factor is a must if you are looking for a men's day cream;
  • hyaluronic acid in the composition of the product should be listed if you are already over 40 and you are thinking about rejuvenation processes.

These are the ingredients that a high-quality, effective cream for men should contain, from which you should expect results. But the more incomprehensible chemical formulas appear on the package, the more carefully you should approach the purchase of such a product. Keep this in mind. In addition to the composition, when choosing a cream for yourself, your loved one, you need to be guided by a number of important factors.

It is interesting! On average, men's facial skin is 20% thicker than women's. Therefore, it is stronger and not so much injured.

Criterias of choice

Oddly enough, it is better to entrust a woman with choosing a cream for male facial skin. She certainly knows a lot about cosmetics, understands the manufacturers and the main ingredients. If you still want to figure out all these subtleties yourself, well: study, assimilate the material and enjoy the results. Where to start?

  1. Search the Internet for ratings of the best men's creams. Explore their price range and key features. Select 4-5 suitable options for yourself. At the same time, consider not only their cost, but also the main function. If your epidermis suffers from dryness, look for a moisturizer. The first wrinkles appeared - you need an anti-aging cream. Too many black dots? The cleanser will take care of it.
  2. Read on the same Internet forums for reviews of brands you like. And only 2-3 funds will remain on your list.
  3. Now it's time to go in search of them in a store or pharmacy. Found? Carefully read the composition on the package, compare with the one we described above.
  4. Once again, make sure that this cream will solve your cosmetic problem: moisturizing - from dryness, anti-inflammatory - irritation after shaving and acne, cleansing - black dots, anti-aging - from wrinkles, sunscreen - saves you from ultraviolet radiation in the hot season, tonic or refreshing - improves complexion, for oily skin - takes control of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Look at the expiration date.
  6. If something remains unclear, ask a sales assistant. It will be ideal if the cream you like has small samplers. They will allow you to test the cream at home and draw the appropriate conclusion: continue searching or opt for this remedy.

To a beginner, all this may seem too complicated and almost impossible. But believe me: this is only at first. As soon as you choose the right cream for your face and enjoy its effectiveness, you will appreciate its effect at 100% and believe that well-groomed male skin is pleasant and attractive for women. To guide you in modern cosmetic brands and prices, we bring to your attention a rating of the best products.

Curious fact. And now - attention, to all women the envy of a hot fact: men's skin contains 20% more collagen fibers than women's. So the aging process affects it much later.


No cosmetologist will give you a definite answer to the question of what is the best men's face cream. Efficiency depends on many factors. For some, only the most expensive, branded product is suitable. And someone solves their problems with the help of the cheapest and ugliest. So you may have to choose among the options before you find your perfect cream. This rating is to help you.

  1. Creme For Men. From Japan. From 2 500 rub.
  2. Homme Dermo System. From Christian Dior. France. From 2 100 rub.
  3. Line Control Men. From France. From 2 000 rub.
  4. Borage anti-shine moisturizer for men's skin. From Korres. Greece. From 1 300 rub.
  5. ENERGIZING HYDRO-GEL Men. From Janssen Cosmeceutical. Germany. From 1 000 rub.
  6. From Laneche. Holland. From 800 rub.
  7. Homme Hydra Mag C+. From France. From 700 rub.
  8. Men Energy 3D. From France. From 600 rub.
  9. Hydra Energetic Men Expert. From L'Oreal. France. From 400 rub.
  10. Sensitive For Men. From Germany. From 230 rub.

As you can see, the price difference offers both budget options for men's face creams and premium products. Different manufacturers, a range of quality characteristics will allow you to choose what is suitable for your skin type, to solve your particular cosmetic problem and will not be too expensive in terms of finances. If you still find it difficult, a few more useful tips will help you.

Stubborn statistics. The average man spends about 1,400 hours shaving in his lifetime. Of course, this is very thinning of male skin and makes it experience severe stress.

Since male facial skin is not alien to various cosmetic problems, creams must be selected in accordance with them. We will help you do this by suggesting specific brands and manufacturers of products to address certain deficiencies.

The best moisturizers for men

If you constantly feel dry and tight skin, then you need to look for a good moisturizing men's face cream that will hydrate your cells. Pay attention to the following tools:

  • LAVERA BIO (Germany). 1 100 rubles
  • Vichy (France) Homme Hydra Mag C. 750 r.
  • D'oliva (Germany). 560 r.
  • Nivea (Germany) for Men "Charge of energy". 320 r.
  • Avon (USA) Quadra FX. 270 r.

All these men's creams for dry skin have an excellent moisturizing effect. These remedies are also good in winter for weathering the face, when it is very flaky due to low temperatures and frosts.

The best anti-aging male creams

Despite the fact that men's skin ages much later than women's, treacherous wrinkles still appear on it, betraying the age of a gentleman. Therefore, representatives of the strong half of humanity are offered creams for facial skin rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid and other antioxidants:

  • Vichy (France) Homme Liftactiv - the best men's face cream after 40 years, as it not only eliminates wrinkles that have already appeared, but also prevents the appearance of new ones. 1400 rubles.
  • AGE FITNESS Biotherm (France). 600 rubles.
  • INTENSIVE AGE-FIGHTING FORCE. Givenchy (France). 500 rubles.
  • nord. Oriflame (Sweden). 400 rubles. Suitable for men over 30 when the first signs of aging appear.
  • L'Oreal (France) Men Expert Vita. 400 rubles.

All these creams are just perfect for men over 50, as they have a noticeable rejuvenation effect.

The best nourishing creams for the male face

If there are no specific cosmetic problems, but you want your skin to look more well-groomed, its color to be more natural, choose a men's nourishing face cream with vitamins and minerals. The best in this line of products are:

  • Nature's (Italy). 2 300 rubles
  • Osmium (China). 1 700 rubles
  • Whamisa (South Korea). 1 600 rubles
  • Premier (Israel). 1 000 rubles
  • Rainbow (Switzerland). 300 r.

If until recently it was believed that only women needed cosmetics, the modern beauty industry offers a wide variety of creams for the male face. Moisturizing, nourishing, rejuvenating - all of them are designed to take care of the skin of the strong half of humanity, making it healthy and attractive.

Skin care is not just for women. There are men's face creams that are designed specifically to maintain the beauty and health of any skin type.

Many representatives of the stronger sex, who want to look young and fresh as long as possible, take care of their appearance, and especially the condition of their face. In addition to visiting gyms, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, they resort to the help of cosmetic products.

There are a number of rules that must be observed when choosing a cream:

  • The product should correspond to the type of skin (oily, dry, normal, combination).
  • When choosing cosmetics, you should take into account your age, as there are lines for young and mature skin.
  • Be sure to read the composition of the product, pay attention to the expiration date.
  • Do not use drugs of unknown origin and unknown manufacturer.
  • Give preference to trusted brands and specialized stores.

Men's skin is different from women's. It is much denser, so it is more difficult for active components to penetrate into it. Based on this, preparations for men differ in their structure from women's. They absorb faster and have greater penetrating power. In addition, such cosmetics have a more persistent aroma and other packaging. If women's is more often sold in jars, then men's in bottles with dispensers, special tubes.

The composition of men's cosmetics very often includes antiseptic additives that contribute to the rapid healing of microcracks. This is due to the fact that the skin is very often injured during shaving. To choose the right drug, you can contact a beautician. The doctor will determine the type of skin and recommend cosmetic products for the care or treatment of certain problems.

Indications for the use of face creams for men

Indications for the use of a male face cream depend on the characteristics of the skin and cosmetic problems. Most often, a cosmetic product is used in such cases:

  • Strong peeling.
  • Regular redness.
  • Deterioration of complexion.
  • The appearance of rashes.
  • Loss of elasticity, wilting and other signs of aging.

Face care cosmetics can be used from any age. Especially if there are factors that negatively affect the epidermis:

  1. Bad habits such as smoking and drinking lead to dehydration of the skin, making it dry and flaky. The face of smokers acquires a grayish tint.
  2. Regular stress and chronic fatigue negatively affect the entire body, including the skin, causing premature aging.
  3. Frequent shaving leads to irritation and removes a certain layer of the face's natural lubrication. Because of this, moisture decreases and wrinkles appear.
  4. With age, sebum production in men decreases, so the face quickly loses elasticity, which leads to the formation of deep wrinkles. Also, do not forget about metabolic disorders and various chronic diseases.
  5. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation leads to photoaging and dehydration of the skin. Harmful working conditions, increased dustiness and regular weathering have a negative effect on collagen.
  6. Intensive facial expressions with facial muscles lead to the fact that the skin gradually gets used to this position, and deep wrinkles form.

All of the above factors provoke the loss of elastin and collagen. This is the reason for the rapid withering of the skin, a decrease in its elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles. Due to the lack of moisture and nutrients, dryness and peeling develop. Pigmentary changes are also possible.

Release form

To date, there are many cosmetic lines that manufacture and offer cosmetics for the stronger sex. The names of men's face creams are varied. The most popular manufacturers are Ahava, Gillette, Nivea, L'Oreal, Payot and Matis, Lancome, Adidas, Declare, Lavera, Avon, Oriflame and many others.

Names of men's face creams

Consider the popular names of men's face creams:

  1. Hyalogy Emulsion for Men by Forlled is a light, creamy daily care emulsion. The drug is made in Japan. Effectively yet gently soothes and hydrates. It has antibacterial properties, promotes intensive regeneration, prevents dehydration and premature aging. Contains a complex of eggshell membrane and pearl protein. Restores the lipid barrier and normalizes the pH level.

  1. Line-Control Men by Clarins is a men's anti-aging cream to tighten the skin and fight wrinkles. Fights mimic wrinkles, puffiness and sagging. Smoothes the epidermis, softens and improves complexion. Contains Caffeine, Bison Grass, Shea Butter, Brazilian Cress & the exclusive patented Expertise 3P Complex.

  1. Vichy's Homme Hydra Mag C+ is a magnesium-dextran and vitamin C product. Suitable for daily use. Effectively moisturizes, has a decongestant effect, relieves signs of fatigue. Normalizes cellular metabolism and moisturizes the skin for 24 hours.

  1. Men Renergy 3D Lifting And Anti-Wrinkle Firming Cream by Lancome is a remedy for wrinkles and other age-related changes. Contains in its composition micro-lifts, which gradually restore the ideal contours of the face, smoothing and tightening the skin.

  1. Sensitive For Men by Lumene is a moisturizing and soothing cosmetic product. Contains spruce shoot extract and other antioxidants. Effectively moisturizes and evens out the color. Does not contain synthetic dyes, alcohol or fragrances.

Regardless of the manufacturer, the drug should be well absorbed, leave no shine or greasy marks. Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the cosmetic product. High-quality cosmetics should contain the following components:

  • Essential fatty amino acids Omega 3, 6 - moisturize.
  • Glycerin - eliminates the feeling of dryness and tightness.
  • Silicone - fights dryness, creates an invisible protective film on the skin.
  • Minerals and vitamins - have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Natural plant extracts - nourish the skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid - fights aging, should be present in skin care creams 40+.
  • Sun protection factor - should be in a day cream, moisturizes and prevents the harmful effects of solar radiation.

Such ingredients should be part of an effective care product. That is why you should pay attention to the label of the drug. With extreme caution, you should approach cosmetics with incomprehensible chemical formulas in the composition. Properly selected face cream will allow you to enjoy its effectiveness to the maximum and provide comprehensive skin care.

Men's anti-wrinkle face cream

Skin aging is a physiological process that affects both men and women. Men's anti-wrinkle face cream helps to prevent the first signs of wilting. Despite the fact that men begin to age later than women, they show more pronounced signs of aging: deep and difficult to minimize wrinkles. Wounds on the skin begin to heal longer, there is a tendency to irritation, discomfort after shaving or contact with water.

Anti-aging cosmetics are necessary for skin care and protection from the negative effects of the environment. Many cosmetologists recommend that men start using anti-wrinkle products from the age of thirty, when the signs of aging only make themselves felt. The composition of a good preparation for the face should include the following components:

  • Hyaluronic acid - found in a small amount in the body, is involved in the processes of tissue repair. A decrease in this substance leads to a loss of moisture and elastin, which is manifested by the formation of wrinkles.
  • Vitamins - the preparation should include vitamins C, E, P, D and group B. They prevent aging, maintain a normal level of moisture, and nourish.
  • Elastin and collagen - tighten wrinkles, have a lifting effect.
  • Natural plant substances - anti-aging cosmetics should contain avocado, olive, grape seed, almond oil. Useful properties have various plant extracts, for example, chamomile and calendula. Seaweed extracts are considered effective in the fight against wrinkles.
  • Carrot extract - is not part of all age-related cosmetic preparations. But this component is rich in vitamins and oils, which effectively restore the skin, prolonging its beauty and youth.
  • Antiseptic, wound-healing, moisturizing components - fight the negative effects of the environment.
  • UV protection - prevents dryness and flaking, which are a frequent companion of the withering epidermis.
  • Silicone and glycerin - create a protective barrier that prevents moisture loss. Helps restore elasticity.

Also, the composition of cosmetics should include various nutrients, fatty acids and antioxidants.

Consider the most effective men's face creams for wrinkles:

  • Shiseido

A product from the line of Japanese professional cosmetic products. It has powerful restorative properties. Its regular use can reduce the depth of wrinkles and eliminate the first signs of aging, restoring smoothness and elasticity. Contains Damage Defense Complex, which has a protective effect and corrects the oval of the face, preventing sagging skin. Vitamin A and LAG Revitalizer restore the cell regeneration process. Castor oil eliminates dryness and flaking, fills the cells with moisture. Ginseng root extract gives smoothness and a healthy toned look.

  • Daily Revitalizing Anti-Wrinkle by Collistar

This is Italian anti-aging cosmetics. This anti-wrinkle cream can be used from the age of 25. The unique formula of the drug saturates the skin with vitamins and nutrients. Effectively rejuvenates the dermis and prevents the symptoms of early aging. Contains antioxidants that restore metabolic processes in the deep layers and fill the cells with moisture. The product is recommended for daily use.

  • Health & Beauty by H&B

Israeli anti-wrinkle cosmetics. Contains UV protection factor SPF 15. Recommended for use from the age of 30. Protects from the negative effects of the environment. Ideal for all skin types. Contains chamomile extract and tea tree oil, which provide an antiseptic effect. Dead Sea minerals reduce the number of visible wrinkles and slow down age-related changes. Fatty acids fill the skin with active ingredients. The tool is valued for its versatility, as it can be used after shaving.

  • Premier

A line of anti-aging cosmetics from Israel. Premier has a lifting effect, activates the processes of skin cell renewal. Effectively removes puffiness, and beta-carotene rejuvenates and fights existing wrinkles. Can be used for face and neck care.

  • Homme Age Refirm by Biotherm

Anti-wrinkle cream for men based on thermal water. Recommended for use after 30 years. Significantly reduces the number of wrinkles, tightens the skin, activates regeneration processes. Contains silicon, which strengthens the structure of the epidermis. Glycerin and tallow tree oil moisturize. Has UV protection factor.

  • Men Expert Vita Lifting from L "oreal

Cosmetic treatment to combat the early signs of aging. It has a lifting effect, gives smoothness and evens out shallow wrinkles. The unique formula of the drug promotes rapid transformation, improves the tone and oval of the face. Contains an ADC complex that neutralizes the negative effects of the environment and enhances the protective properties of the epidermis.

  • Homme Liftactiv by Vichy

A remedy for premature skin aging. Recommended for use after 30 years. Smoothes and fills the intracellular space, eliminating wrinkles. Protects against the negative effects of environmental factors. Fights the appearance of bags under the eyes and other signs of fatigue. Activates cellular blood supply. It has a light texture and absorbs quickly.

  • Intensive Age-Fighting Force by Givenchy

Cosmetic product with marine collagen. Smoothes out wrinkles quickly. Stimulates elastin particles responsible for the synthesis of substances for tissue tone. Protects from dehydration, gives softness, firmness and elasticity.

Moisturizing men's face cream

The skin of men has a large number of sweat and sebaceous glands, which provide it with a sufficient level of moisture. But very often problems arise due to the active functioning of these glands and high testosterone levels. This leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the skin, increases the risk of seborrhea, dryness, peeling, acne.

Moisturizing men's face cream is essential to maintain optimal levels of hydration. This can be achieved only with the regular use of properly selected cosmetic preparations. It is the degree of hydration that is responsible for the tendency to irritation, loss of elasticity. Lack of moisture leads to early signs of aging. Moisturized skin quickly becomes smooth and supple. With regular care, irritation, acne and other dermatological problems rarely occur.

To prevent dryness, tightness and peeling of the face, it is necessary to choose a good moisturizing men's cream that will saturate the cells with moisture and beneficial trace elements. When choosing cosmetics, it is recommended to pay attention to such products:

  • BIO from Lavera

Plant bio-complex from Germany. Contains melissa, calendula and echinacea extract. Perfectly soothes the skin after shaving and moisturizes it. Chestnut extract and licorice root have a disinfecting effect, prevent irritation, redness and inflammation. Sandalwood, nutmeg and vanilla are refreshing and invigorating.

  • Homme Hydra Mag C by Vichy

Prevents dehydration, tones and moisturizes. Helps to strengthen the immune defense of cells. Contains a vitamin and mineral complex. Suitable for sensitive skin, hypoallergenic.

  • PER UOMO by Doliva

German moisturizer based on extra virgin olive oil from Tuscany. Contains a special anti-stress formula, which consists of caffeine, gingko, olive leaf and ginseng extract, vitamin B5 and E. Does not contain dyes and paraffin, nourishes the skin, improves its tone, protects against various negative factors and prevents wilting.

  • For Men "Energy Boost" by Nivea

Moisturizes and protects from environmental influences. Softens the skin after shaving, tones it. Contains coenzyme Q10, creatine and menthol, which cool, restore the normal functioning of the skin, eliminate signs of fatigue and give a boost of energy.

  • Avon QuadraFX

Contains antioxidants, hydro and hydroxy acids, plant extracts, essential oils. Absorbs quickly and moisturizes. It acts as an excellent prevention of the formation of age spots and wrinkles.

  • Weleda

Gentle men's face cream, great for sensitive skin. Contains sesame and jojoba oils, which nourish and moisturize, regulate the functions of the sebaceous glands. It activates and maintains metabolic processes at the lipid level, accelerates metabolism and prevents moisture loss. Beeswax protects against dryness, cracking and peeling.

  • Men 2in1 Sensitive Moisturizer Day Cream by Lumene

Moisturizing and soothing cream without synthetic colors and parabens. Ideal for use in changing seasons. Rich in antioxidants, contains spruce shoot extract.

  • Femegyl

Moisturizing and regenerating cream, perfectly nourishes the skin of the face and neck. Contains natural oils, vitamin E and panthenol. Relieves dryness and irritation, improves elasticity. Contains highly concentrated seaweed extract, olive oil & argan oil.

  • Apivita Moisturizing Cream-Gel with cedar & propolis

Moisturizing gel with 92% natural ingredients. Protects against premature aging, tones and rejuvenates, normalizes fat balance. Contains cardamom, aloe, chamomile & St. John's wort to soothe & leave you feeling refreshed. Propolis provides an antiseptic effect. Olive extract and almond oil protect against premature aging. Beech and birch extracts provide long-lasting hydration, while organic sage, cedar and lemon oils improve color and elasticity.

Night cream for men

The skin constantly needs comprehensive care, regardless of the time of day. Night men's face cream is essential for recovery, nutrition, hydration and rejuvenation. This tool provides care after daytime stress. A good night cream should contain the following ingredients:

  • Vitamins - vitamin E preserves youth, relieves puffiness and saturates cells with oxygen. Vitamin A eliminates the feeling of fatigue, rejuvenates, and vitamin C promotes collagen production and protects against harmful substances. Pantothenic acid (B5) is involved in the biosynthesis of fatty acids, relieves itching and irritation.
  • Bisabolol - activates the healing processes and has a deodorizing effect.
  • Elastin - restores elasticity, gives a well-groomed look and a healthy glow.
  • Plant extracts - aloe vera fights various defects, disinfects. Oats stimulates intracellular processes, helps to restore weakened skin. Carob extract promotes the growth of new cells and has an antiseptic effect.
  • Natural oils - sesame oil has an immunostimulating and bactericidal effect. Shea butter softens, rejuvenates, tones. Sesame has a bactericidal and immunostimulating effect. Argan oil helps to smooth out shallow wrinkles, eliminates dryness.

Popular night face creams for men:

  • Roc Retinol Correction

Hypoallergenic agent. Contains a large amount of retinol, which strengthens and smoothes wrinkles. Does not cause irritation and does not clog pores.

  • Metro Sexual Recovery Night Cream by Sea of ​​Spa

Men's regenerating night face cream, effectively nourishes and moisturizes, eliminates irritation, smoothes. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, has a light unobtrusive aroma.

  • By Dead Sea Anti Wrinkle Night Cream for Men by Premier

Anti-wrinkle night cream for men. Used to care for the skin around the eyes and neck. Fights wrinkles, strengthens, stimulates the process of regeneration at the cellular level and metabolism, eliminates puffiness. Contains beta-carotene and seaweed. Nutritious oils saturate with nutrients and moisture, strengthen collagen fibers and increase the synthesis of hyaluronic acid.

Men's nourishing face cream

Comprehensive skin care involves cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing. Food deserves special attention. A high-quality men's nourishing face cream contains useful vitamins and minerals that even out the color, care for the skin, and improve the appearance.

Consider the best cosmetics for men with nutritional properties:

  • Dead Sea Nourishing Cream for Men by Premier

An all-in-one product with Dead Sea minerals, vitamins, organic extracts and oils. Protects against the negative effects of environmental factors and ultraviolet radiation. Restores skin tone, evens out its relief, improves structure. Suitable for all skin types and can be used as an aftershave.

  • Organics Nourishing Cream For Men by GRATiAE

Men's nourishing face cream with a light structure. Absorbs quickly, leaving skin hydrated and smooth. Tightens the contour of the face, evens out the color and protects against negative effects throughout the day. Allows you to preserve the natural youth and beauty.

  • Excellence ATP Energize by Nannic

This tool is from the Excellence line. Contains liquid crystals that promote the penetration of active ingredients into the deepest layers of the dermis. Adenosine triphosphate accelerates the growth of new cells. Nourishes, protects against pollution, reduces wrinkles and age-related pigmentation, moisturizes, maintains water balance. The drug contains amino acids that neutralize free radicals, which allows cells to breathe freely.

  • Dr.Sante Cremme

Inexpensive nourishing cream. Great for sensitive and dry skin that needs nourishment and regeneration. It has a special formula that contains natural ingredients and vitamins that moisturize, nourish and protect the epidermis. Moisturizing components gently penetrate the dermis and saturate it with useful trace elements, give silkiness and freshness. Nutrients normalize water balance, activate regeneration processes. Vitamin E removes toxins and toxins, prevents premature aging.

Men's face cream for oily skin

Male skin is dense and thick, it contains many sebaceous glands and hair follicles. This explains the propensity of the stronger sex with acne and acne. There are certain factors that lead to increased fat content of the epidermis: heredity, increased testosterone production, smoking, stress, a large amount of carbohydrates and sugar in the diet, improper facial care.

Oily skin care for men should consist of several stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. The main mistake of all those who are trying to deal with high fat content is overdrying. Therefore, you need to stop washing with soap with alkali, which causes dryness and irritation. If this is not done, then the sebaceous glands will begin to work more intensively and a greasy sheen will appear on the face. The peculiarity of men's creams is that they contain silicon, allantoin and iron, which tighten, strengthen and saturate with oxygen.

A male face cream for oily skin is necessary to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The right product provides comprehensive care and fights the signs of aging. Consider effective preparations from this category:

  • Cucumber Balance Control by Dr. Sante.

Eliminates oily sheen and intensively mattifies. Suitable for both oily and combination skin. Moisturizes, nourishes, normalizes tone. It consists of a combination of dwarf palm and cucumber. These elements well tone and refresh the skin, narrow pores and stop the increased production of sebum. Shea butter and rooibos are organic UV filters that protect fabrics from ultraviolet radiation, saturate them with vitamins and moisture. Vitamins A and E soothe irritations and prevent itching, redness, peeling, improve metabolism.

  • Healthy Skin+ by Lirene

Normalizing and mattifying cream. Eliminates oily sheen in the T-zone, fights clogged pores, irritation, blackheads and pimples. The product has a non-greasy texture that is easy to apply and quickly absorbed. The active ingredient is matting micro sponges that absorb excess sebum. Another valuable source of vitamins and amino acids is algae. This substance maintains an optimal level of moisture, smoothes wrinkles and gives elasticity. Allantoin soothes, relieves inflammation and redness.

  • Cream F from Freedom

Vitamin product that can be used after shaving. Effectively tones and restores, heals damage. Normalizes the production of sebum, gives a feeling of freshness, softness and velvety. Contains vitamin F, which intensively moisturizes, prevents dryness and flaking. Vegetable oil and glycerin give the skin softness and elasticity. Linoleic acid moisturizes and soothes, eliminates irritation. Allantoin has an anti-inflammatory effect, restores damaged epidermis. Menthol refreshes and tones, improves blood microcirculation, prevents the production of sebum and tightens pores.

Nivea men's face cream

Nivea produces a variety of cosmetic products for men and women to care for all skin types. Particularly noteworthy is the Nivea Men series, which includes Nivea men's face cream and moisturizing gel. Consider the features of this cosmetics:

Designed specifically for men's skin, taking into account its characteristics. Its formula actively moisturizes and protects against dryness. Contains vitamin E, quickly absorbed and does not leave a sticky film on the skin, has a persistent pleasant aroma.

Moisturizer with a light texture. Does not contain sleep, enriched with natural extracts of chamomile and aloe. Instantly moisturizes, reduces irritation after shaving.

All Nivea products are dermatologist approved.

Japanese male face cream

Japanese cosmetics are becoming more and more popular every day, both among women and men. And this is not surprising, since the preparations contain many useful substances with unique regenerating, nourishing and moisturizing properties.

Japanese-made male face cream has its own characteristics. First of all, the concentration of useful substances in such a product is much higher than that of our analogues. A high level of technological process and innovative formulas ensure the creation of preparations with comprehensive care for any type of skin. The main goal of Japanese cosmetics is to preserve the natural radiance of the skin and health.

Japanese facial cosmetics do not contain dyes, parabens, fragrances and harmful preservatives. Most often, its composition includes such components: hyaluronic acid, collagen, various vegetable oils and extracts, the action of which is aimed at solving both cosmetic and dermatological problems.

The best men's face creams made in Japan:

  • Miccosmo WHITE LABEL Premium Placenta Essence

Cosmetic product, which includes a placental emulsion. Perfectly tightens and moisturizes, normalizes the balance of substances. It has a gel-like consistency, spreads well over the face and absorbs quickly.

  • Shiseido

This cosmetic brand is represented by a whole series of professional cosmetics for skin care at home. Restores damage, restores elasticity and smoothness. Tones, fights signs of aging and smoothes existing wrinkles.

  • Naris Cosmetics

Cream with hyaluronic acid for night use. Contains peach and artichoke leaf extract, collagen. It nourishes even the deepest layers of the epidermis with moisture. Arbutin and vitamin C strengthen and protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment.

  • To Plan Aloe Cream

An effective rejuvenator. Smoothes wrinkles and eliminates the first signs of aging. Contains aloe extract, collagen & squalane. It has a light texture, gently lays on the skin and is quickly absorbed, has a pleasant smell.


A cosmetic product, like any other drug, has certain pharmacological properties. Pharmacodynamics of face creams depends entirely on their composition.

Active components are quickly absorbed into the deep layers of the dermis. Hydrates, tones and fights the signs of aging. Herbal ingredients contribute to the solution of both dermatological and cosmetic problems.

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The main distinguishing feature of high-quality cosmetics is its light texture and herbal composition. The pharmacokinetics of such components indicates their rapid penetration into the deep layers of the dermis. Due to this, the skin is saturated with useful trace elements and moisturized. Face creams do not have a systemic effect, and their active ingredients do not enter the systemic circulation. The effect of such drugs lasts about 6-12 hours.


Like any cosmetic product, men's face cream has certain limitations and contraindications for use, consider them:

  • Individual intolerance to cosmetic components.
  • The skin has significant damage, open or weeping wounds, suppuration.
  • There is a tendency to allergic reactions, as the skin is very delicate.
  • The drug does not correspond to the type of epidermis.

In addition to the above factors, it is contraindicated to apply the cream before playing sports, water procedures or going to the sauna, as cosmetics can clog pores. Before you start using any remedy, you should conduct a fairly simple allergy test. Apply a small amount of the drug to the inner crook of the elbow for 20-25 minutes. If during this time redness, itching and other adverse symptoms do not appear, then cosmetics can be safely applied to the face.

Most men in our country still perceive cosmetics as a feminine attribute, believing that they themselves do not need anything other than shaving cream. But men's skin also undergoes aging, negative environmental factors act on it, which leads to dryness, irritation, and the appearance of wrinkles. And the cosmetic industry has long stepped forward, having studied the characteristics of male skin and offering effective specialized products to representatives of the strong half.

Why Men Should Use Facial Moisturizers

Men's skin has the same structural principle as women's, but due to a different hormonal background, its aging process proceeds differently. So the dermis of men is denser, better protected from the action of light, wind and frost. Wrinkles on such skin are formed deeper and more prominently, respectively, it is much more difficult to eliminate them.

In addition, men have more sweat and sebaceous glands, which often become clogged, especially during periods of hormonal changes. Teenagers face this issue more often, and if they take care of their face incorrectly, then in the future they may have acne scars. With age, the production of glands becomes less, but the pores are less cleaned, which leads to the appearance of blackheads.

Read about non-comedogenic moisturizers.

Another point is shaving. The daily procedure often injures the upper layers, causing irritation and the formation of mini-wounds. This also contributes to the coarsening of the skin and an increase in the connective scar tissue in it.

With age, the dermis itself loses not only elasticity, but also its natural shade, becoming gray, this happens especially actively in people who spend a lot of time indoors and adherents of bad habits (alcohol and smoking have an extremely negative effect on skin condition). Internal diseases also have an impact, manifested, among other things, in a deterioration in appearance.

As a result, a still young man looks much older than his years, which his skin “screams” about.

What should be included

Using cosmetics like face cream is not as complicated and costly as it might seem at first glance. A quality cream should contain natural ingredients:

  • glycerol- one of the most popular moisturizing substances that can retain moisture inside the epidermis;
  • nourishing oils: jojoba, olive, cocoa butter, apricot and others. They moisturize and nourish, but you should be careful with this component, because it makes the skin more oily, which is absolutely not necessary for those whose sebaceous glands are already working actively. Oils can often be found in the composition;
  • hyaluronic acid- a natural component of any dermis, maintaining its water-lipid balance. With age, its quantity becomes insufficient, which is compensated artificially;
  • vitamins A and E exhibit antioxidant, moisturizing, firming properties and others. When applied as a cream, they act directly on the skin, nourishing it;
  • silicone used to create a protective film on the surface of the epidermis that can retain moisture;
  • anti-aging ingredients: coenzyme, proteins collagen and elastin and others. These substances have a rejuvenating effect, restoring skin cells, so they can often be found in anti-aging creams.

Application features

In addition to the composition, the correct use of the product is very important. It should not just be smeared on the face, but correctly applied, after preparing the skin.

Apply the composition with light massaging movements.

The application process can be represented as a sequence of actions:

  1. The face should be cleaned of dust and dirt with soap or other means intended for this purpose.
  2. Dry the skin, for which it is better to blot it with a towel.
  3. Squeeze the required amount of cream into the palm of your hand and rub lightly.
  4. Apply the cream on the face in different areas in small portions.
  5. Spread it over the entire face with patting movements so that the cream lies evenly, while it is undesirable to rub it, and especially stretch the skin;
  6. Wait for complete absorption.

The use of a moisturizer should be regular. Isolated cases and individual procedures will not bring any result. Ideally, if the cream is used twice a day, morning and evening. At the same time, it is important to follow hygiene procedures: clean the face, treat scratches and inflammation, and so on.

It is important to check the product for an allergic reaction. To do this, you need to take a small amount of the mass and put it on your hand, wait a couple of minutes and see. If redness and burning have begun, then the remedy is not suitable, an allergy is manifested to its components.

You will find a list of creams for scars and scars on the face.

Rating of the best

As it was said, the assortment of cosmetic stores is very diverse, among the products presented on their shelves there are a lot of men's cosmetics. Most large companies today produce separate lines for men, which take into account the characteristics of men's skin. Girls are more preferred. Here is a list of the most popular tools:

Nivea for Men Energize

Produced by a well-known German company and designed for owners of very dry or flaky skin. The cream has a light pleasant texture, is squeezed out with a convenient dispenser, is well absorbed and has a pleasant smell. The cream shows good moisturizing and protective properties, eliminating peeling and softening the epidermis.

The cost of the product differs from different distributors, and also depends on the volume of the cream. On average, it is 350-500 rubles.

With regular use, the skin is visibly moisturized, becomes smoother, more elastic, acquires a natural color, and irritation disappears.

You can familiarize yourself with the features of the moisturizing fluid.

Vichy Homme Hydra Mag C

The drug of a well-known brand is designed for men suffering from peeling skin and irritation after shaving. The cream contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, which forms a protective film on the surface of the epidermis, which does not allow the harmful effects of the sun and other factors to penetrate inside, but at the same time retains moisture in the skin.

The drug belongs to the line of more expensive ones, its cost is 700-1500 rubles, but the package volume is much larger.

The cream is hypoallergenic, so it can be used by men with sensitive skin. It has a good effect on the protective properties of the skin, strengthening them, which allows wounds to heal faster. In addition, the cream can be used in the area around the eyes.

As studies show, in men who used this remedy, the tone of the epidermis noticeably improved, the feeling of dryness and irritation disappeared, fine wrinkles disappeared, and youthful skin remained longer.

Avon Quadra FX

Another tool that got into the rating of the best creams for men. The cream is designed for men who want to slow down the aging process. Due to a specially developed complex, Avon Quadra FX cream exhibits moisturizing and anti-aging properties. It delays the formation of deep wrinkles, improves the nutrition of the upper layers of the skin, due to which the complexion improves and regeneration processes take place faster. The tool is included in .

In terms of cost, this is one of the most affordable creams, in the price range from 300 to 500 rubles.

The product absorbs well and does not leave a filmy feeling on the face.

Read about regenerating face creams.

Hydra energy drink from L`OREAL

The cream contains the company's developed moisturizing complex, vitamin C and magnesium, which help to nourish the dermis with moisture, relieve signs of fatigue and reduce enlarged pores.

This remedy is recommended for those who have combination skin and enlarged pores. After a week of regular use, dullness disappears, tone improves, characteristic velvety skin appears, wrinkles begin to smooth out. The cream can be used in the morning or in the evening, manufacturers advise applying it before shaving as a protective agent against damage. There are others for different skin types.


See the video for details on facial skin care for men.


  1. In addition to women's skincare, brands such as L`OREAL, Vichy, etc. produce men's lines of facial moisturizers. It is especially popular.
  2. Men's skin is just as susceptible to aging as women's, but due to the difference in hormonal levels in men, this process proceeds differently. Although male wrinkles appear later, they are deeper and more prominent. To prevent early aging of the skin, it is important to moisturize and nourish it.
  3. The composition of male products should include components such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid, silicone, vitamins A and E.
  4. To achieve the desired effect, the cream must be correctly applied to pre-prepared skin.