
What is needed for the baptism of a 2-year-old boy. What parents need to know about the christening of a boy and a girl: signs, rules for baptism in the Orthodox Church and recommendations. Rules for godparents


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Christening is a great sacrament, a responsible and important step both in the life of a child and his parents. This means the acceptance of the newborn by the church, and in her guise and by the Lord Himself. This procedure is one of the oldest and has a long history. The tradition itself, although it has changed to this day, still retained all the most basic rules and canons.

How the boy's christening goes, you can find out from our article. Baptism prepares a little person for life through spirituality and faith, and the one who cognizes and understands this, the Almighty bestows his eternal grace.

In Christian culture, there are a number of rules for the baptism of a boy and a girl, as well as the duties of godparents, which must be strictly fulfilled.

The main church laws for the baptism of a boy:

a few days before the christening, it is very desirable that the godparents go through the rite of purification and confess;

  • everyone who takes part in the ceremony must arrive at the temple in advance, be peaceful and calm;
  • the parents of the child in the church during the sacrament should not be present in the church;
  • the godmother brings the boy into the church as soon as the priest gives her a sign;
  • the child should not be dressed, you can wrap him up in a white cloth;
  • godparents clearly repeat all prayers after the priest, thus renouncing everything sinful and accepting God's commandments for fulfillment;
  • the boy is turned to the west, anointed with oil and immersed in a font (the coming of the Holy Spirit);
  • then they put on a baptismal set and put the baptism on the chest (protection from sin);
  • further, the passage around the font (the Christian symbol of eternity) takes place;
  • at the end, the priest himself carries the boy to the altar, where the completion of the sacrament takes place;
  • after the christening, all those present go to the child's home for the celebration.

If twin boys are baptized, then their godparents must be different, but they can be baptized on the same day.

There are also questions that the parents of the baby, in particular the mother, need to know. Basically, the church does not allow her presence in the temple during the ceremony, but if the desire is strong enough, but this is possible if the following conditions are met:

  • the priest must read a special prayer both before the sacrament and after it;
  • a mother to undergo a confession ritual (if she did not do it in the near future);
  • the mother should fast for several days just before the christening.

On average, the entire ceremony takes from 30 minutes to an hour. The main thing is that everything goes right, this is very important for the boy, and for the godparents, and for his parents, because from that moment on they are one spiritual family, which has been blessed by the Almighty.

Baby boy christening set

This set is also a very important part of the sacrament. Therefore, adults need to approach his choice with all seriousness and responsibility. It includes:

  • the most important element is a kryzhma (a white diaper, often openwork with embroidered baby's initials or an Orthodox cross);
  • baptismal shirt (simple, or elegant with decoration);
  • white blanket.

It is not necessary to purchase a cap and socks for a boy. The set itself is a relic that should be kept in the house for many years, it cannot be used in everyday life. But it's worth remembering that the kryzhma is endowed with healing properties, so if a child suddenly falls ill, then this baptismal cloth can help him in recovery.

There is also a belief: if parents want the next boy born in this family to be friends with his brother, then he too is baptized in this baptismal shirt.

Boy's christening, rules for a godmother

There is a certain set of rules for each of the godparents, which must be followed clearly, because the whole future life of the baby depends on it.

  • Rules for the godmother:
  • must not be pregnant;
  • have no mental illness;
  • conduct a confession before the ceremony;
  • not be married to a godfather and not be his close relative;
  • not be a nun;
  • be of legal age.

What the godmother buys for the boy's christening:

  • the fabric in which the baby is wrapped (kryzhma);
  • baptismal set (shirt, blanket, cap can be used);
  • silk scarf for the priest.

Boy's christening, godfather rules

  • confess before the sacrament of baptism;
  • not be married to the godmother, not be her closest relative;
  • not have problems with the law and mental illness;
  • not be a minister of the church (monk);
  • come of age.

What the godfather buys for the boy's christening:

  • purchase of a cross for a child;
  • buying a gift;
  • fulfillment of all financial obligations.

Duties of godparents when a boy is baptized

  • be sure to be an example for inheritance;
  • prays regularly for his godson;
  • to instruct the boy on the true path according to God's commandments;
  • always keep in touch with him (even if they live far from him);
  • be present at the first communion of the baby;
  • in the event of illness or death of the parents, take full responsibility for the upbringing of the child.

But the most important thing is that the godparents understand the importance of their rank, and the boy knows that there are always people next to him who will help, prompt, support. Godparents are spiritual educators, and their role in the life of a godson cannot be overestimated.

Duties of the godfather when a boy is baptized

Another rather important duty of the godfather is to buy a gift for his godson. And its implementation must be treated with special understanding. Traditionally, the godfather must give a silver spoon for the christening.

It must be said that it is products made of this noble metal that are the most frequent gifts for the rite of baptism. This is a symbol of prosperity and fullness of life. The Bible can be a wonderful gift. Reading it will help in the formation of the boy's spiritual world.

Also often engraved. This thing for the child becomes very personal and goes with him along the path of life, protecting him from all sorts of adversity.

In addition, the godfather can give:

  • silver or gold jewelry;
  • personalized photo album;
  • clothes;
  • thematic religious and art books;
  • various toys.

Names for the baptism of a boy

The choice of a name for the christening is a very important issue in preparation for them and a rather big problem, since sometimes there are different opinions here, which it is not always possible to agree on. But most of the time, parents turn to a priest.

If the boy's name is Orthodox, then it is possible not to change it, but nevertheless, many are trying to do this, because in this way they want to protect the baby from everything bad. The name is selected mainly according to the calendar, taking into account the day (or period) in which the child was born, while the name can be either consonant with the mundane, or completely different from it.

What you need to baptize a boy

Baby baptism is a great human mission on Earth. What is needed for the baptism of a child, a boy - the main thing, you need to be especially careful and prepared. Godfathers should read as much spiritual literature as possible in order to be able to help their godson in any life situation.

And what is important, the godfather as a man must develop and form the best male qualities, such as: courage, endurance, self-control, willpower and spirit. After all, the role of godparents does not end immediately after the rite of baptism, it is a long way of becoming a little person, and there can be no room for error.

Therefore, preparing to become godparents, you need to weigh the pros and cons many times, try to understand yourself, study religious literature, be educated in the field of spirituality, and most importantly - be a real example for the child.

Life prepares tests for everyone, but not everyone can cope with them. And often there come such moments when it is not parents, close relatives or friends who can help, but the godparents, because their spiritual level and knowledge of life are quite high.

They are like “faithful companions” who walk with a person through life, and when necessary - lead to God with the help of communion, confession, prayer. And it is thanks to them that from the earliest childhood the child feels the boundless confidence, care and grace of the Almighty.

The Lord is always with you!

Watch also a video about the sacrament of baptism:

- the moment a person enters the Christian faith. It is believed that on this day the child acquires a guardian angel and his spiritual birth takes place. This is an important holiday in the world of Christianity, so they carefully prepare for it in advance.

Parents decide who will be godparents, what clothes to prepare, what to take to church, how to celebrate at home, etc.

Let's look at one of the main questions: in what way can a boy be baptized? It should be noted that clothes are often presented by future godparents. But it is better to agree on this in advance so that there is no unnecessary fuss before the crucial day. So let's get started.

Christening clothes for a boy

Clothing should be chosen in light shades. This will mean the festivity of the moment and symbolize the cleansing from sins.

The main part is the shirt. It can be plain or decorated with blue patterns and lace. You can sew it, knit it yourself, buy it in a store or order a personalized shirt from a specialized studio. If you have the appropriate clothes left from the eldest son, then the younger one can be baptized in it. This is even considered a good omen, since serves as a sign of the brothers' spiritual closeness.

For newborn babies sold It usually includes: a diaper, a shirt, a cap. You will also need a large towel to dry off after bathing, socks and a pair of diapers.

Boys can be dressed in a festive outfit. When choosing clothes, you need to take into account that you will need to undress during baptism. Therefore, it is desirable that the suit can be easily removed.

For older boys, shirts are also sold - these are long christening shirts up to the ankles.

After baptism, clothes and a towel are taken care of all their lives and are not washed. They are believed to help in recovery and have the power of amulets.

The appearance of an heir in the family is a joyful event. A newborn is in dire need of parental love and care. When changing the baby's diaper, keeping his body clean, one must not forget about the cleanliness of the soul.

Orthodox parents try to baptize their son as early as possible. After all Sacrament- this is the spiritual birth of a child for life with God.

In contact with


The baptismal font symbolizes the “womb” of the Church, in which the soul dies to a sinful life and is resurrected by the Holy Spirit into heavenly life. This is just an external ceremony, but at the same time, on the invisible plane, the little man communes with God, becomes open to the eternal.

Sometimes you can come across materialistic views on the Sacrament of Baptism. Children are baptized in the hope that they will stop getting sick and live a happy life. However, baptism does not save one from earthly adversity. Health, money, long life in the body given at birth - all this is temporary, transitory. God, first of all, takes care of our eternal soul, gives strength and courage to fight against sinful nature, shows the path leading to Him.

When to baptize a child?

You can baptize a boy at any age... Orthodox families try to do this as early as possible. There is a custom to baptize a baby on the 40th day after birth. It comes from the times of the Old Testament church. In those immemorial times, a child was brought to the temple on the 40th day.

In addition, according to church customs, the mother should not take part in the Sacraments 40 days after giving birth. This time she should devote to the newborn and the restoration of her health. After the expiration of the term, she has the right to attend the christening of her son.

Let's look at the main arguments for early child baptism:

  • newborn boys sleep peacefully during the Sacrament, while grown-up babies can hardly withstand the hour-long ritual, begin to be capricious;
  • a child under 6 months old is not frightened by being in the arms of strangers;
  • up to 3 months, babies retain intrauterine reflexes, and they more easily tolerate immersion in the font.

However, parents have the right to postpone this event until a later date. It all depends on the circumstances, as well as the boy's well-being.

The choice of godparents

Since the beginning of the Church any person preparing to come to God was helped by godparents. Usually pious people, sincere believers, ready to vouch for their godson were chosen for this role. They instructed the new converts in the basics of Orthodoxy, brought them into conversations with priests, and answered questions. It was the godparents who helped the person get out of the font after baptism - they took him into their own hands. Therefore, they are called "receivers".

At the christening of the child, the presence of godparents is required ... The infant cannot consciously accept this or that belief. To educate him as an Orthodox Christian is the responsibility of his parents and foster parents. Godparents act as representatives of the Church, that is, the community of believers. Their task is to bring the recipient to the church, to Christ, so that after several years he will voluntarily join the ranks of the Orthodox.

Parents should carefully choose godparents for their son, because it is impossible to change them after the sacrament has been performed. For twins, it is worth choosing different recipients.

Who Can't Become God?

The Church says that one cannot be godparents:

  • the parents of the child;
  • representatives of other religions or atheists;
  • monks;
  • mentally ill people;
  • boys under 15 and girls under 13;
  • people who are married to each other or about to get married.

But, an unmarried or pregnant woman it may well be, contrary to popular belief. The main thing is that she regularly goes to church and has a desire to participate in the upbringing of the godson.

Godfather for the boy

Only one recipient is allowed when the child is baptized. A boy should be baptized by a man willing to become his second father.

For this role, it is better to choose a church-going person from the immediate circle of the family. It could be a friend or relative. The godfather must meet several requirements:

  1. serve as a positive example for the boy;
  2. be able to communicate with the child frequently;
  3. visit the temple regularly, including with the baby, pray for the godson;
  4. consciously approach their duties.

Sometimes there is no suitable candidate for the role of the recipient. In this case, you can ask the priest for advice. He will tell you which of the parishioners of the temple can become a good godfather for the boy. You can also invite a priest to this role.

Where to baptize?

Most often the Sacrament of Baptism takes place in the temple. The parents of the baby can choose a temple for the ceremony at their discretion. You can baptize any day by agreement with the priest. Check in advance if it is possible to photograph the process, shoot a video. Some priests have a negative attitude towards this.

Large churches have a separate baptismal room. For newborn babies, this is preferable, as it will avoid drafts and crowds of people. Find out in advance how many children will be baptized on the day you have chosen so that there is no pandemonium.

If the baby or his parents are sick, clergymen can be invited home. In the most severe cases, the child can be baptized in intensive care by the parents themselves or by medical personnel. To do this, it is enough to wet your hands in water and cross the boy three times, saying:

The servant of God (name) is baptized in the name of the Father. Amen (sprinkle with water and baptize). And the Son. Amen (we sprinkle some water for the second time and make the sign of the baptism). And the Holy Spirit. Amen. (we repeat the procedure for the third time).

After the child is discharged from the hospital, he must be taken to the temple and Confirmation performed, explaining the situation to the priest.

Preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism

Before the baby is baptized, his parents and godparents must:

1. Find out in the temple how much the ceremony costs... If the family has a difficult financial situation and there is no money, the boy should be baptized free of charge. But usually people pay a fee as a donation. Traditionally, the godfather bears the cost, although exceptions are possible.

2. Choose a name for baptism... It is customary to name a child with the name of a saint who will later become his patron. It can be a saint with the same name or a name similar in sound (Egor - George, Jan - John). You can choose a saint especially revered by parents. Often a Christian name is determined by the calendar - they choose a saint whose memory is honored on the boy's birthday, as well as on the 8th or 40th day from his birth.

3. Come to a conversation with a priest... Now this is a mandatory requirement in all churches. The priest will tell about the meaning of the Sacrament, about Christ, about the Gospel. The task of such a conversation is to make sure that the parents and godparents of the baby are Orthodox people and consciously relate to the ceremony. The Church does not approve when children are baptized out of superstition, "because it is fashionable" or "it will not get worse." If the need to talk scares or displeases you, consider postponing baptism. It is unlikely that people who do not trust God will be able to instill in a child love for Him.

4. Learn prayers, confess, receive communion... This requirement applies to the baby's receptor. During the Sacrament, they must know by heart the Word of Faith prayer. They are also advised to fast for three days, go to confession, and receive the Sacrament of the Sacrament. On the day of baptism, you cannot eat anything until the completion of the ceremony.

5. Prepare everything you need to baptize your child... The boy must be properly dressed, to, the icon of the saint, who will become the patron saint of the child. The godfather must purchase a cross with a crucifix and the words "Save and preserve." It is good if the ends of the cross are rounded and do not hurt the baby. It can be of precious metal, so as not to cause allergies, or wood. It is better to choose a soft and short chain or ribbon for a cross so that the boy does not get entangled in it.

What to baptize a boy with?

For the baptismal ceremony, the boy will need:

How is the Sacrament of Baptism carried out?

On the day of the ceremony, come to the Church in advance in order to calmly prepare for the solemn event, to tune in the right mood. Feed your baby so that he behaves more calmly. The boy is undressed, wrapped in a blanket. The diaper can be left on. When the priest gives a sign, the godmother brings him into the temple.

In the process of the Sacrament, the godparents with the baby and candles in their hands are near the font. They repeat prayers for the priest, renounce the devil in place of their godson, and vow to keep God's commandments. Then the priest blesses water and plunges the baby into the baptismal font three times. At this time, the Holy Spirit descends on him. The water used for baptism is warm, so the child will not catch a cold.

The godfather takes the boy from the font and wraps him in a canopy. The priest hangs a cross on his chest as protection from sin. Then the godfather puts on a baptismal shirt on the baby and the sacrament of Confirmation begins.

Certain parts of the child's body are smeared with sacred oil while reading prayers for his health and well-being. The godparents with the baby in their arms walk around the font three times after the priest. The circle is a symbol of eternity. This procession of the cross means the initiation of the child into eternal, heavenly life.

In gratitude for what has happened the boy makes a sacrifice to God. As a sacrifice, the priest cuts the hair off his head in a cruciform manner. At the end of the ceremony, the priest brings the boy to the altar, which means his churching.

The Sacrament of Baptism is solemn, because this is the first Sacrament in the life of a baby, the first meeting with God. After the ceremony, everyone who loves the baby and was present in the temple celebrates the christening, gathering at a common table.

Gifts for the holiday

It is customary to give gifts to the baby for christening. These can be ordinary things, for example, educational toys. But still, spiritual gifts are more appropriate: an icon, the first Bible. The godmother usually gives the boy a kryzhma and a christening gown. If a woman is engaged in needlework, she can sew them on her own. The set, which contains motherly love and warmth, will become a reliable amulet.

Godfather by tradition buys a silver spoon that can be engraved with the boy's name. Silver is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. This spoon is later used in the church to teach the child to Communion. From it, the baby is given bread soaked in red juice.

Baptism is only the first step on the path to God. This is a great grace and at the same time a tremendous responsibility. It is very important that parents and receivers can to open before the boy an amazing, deep, bewitching world of Orthodoxy. We must ourselves devotedly and joyfully serve the Lord in order to become a guide for the child on the spiritual path.

Baptism is the first of the seven main sacraments, symbolizing the birth of a person in faith. Parents want the meeting of their baby with the church to be remembered as a bright, joyful event, and they try to foresee in advance everything that is needed for the baptism of the child, as well as to properly prepare for it.

What you need to know about baby baptism

Having decided on the place and date of the christening, parents and future godparents need to agree with the priest the days of attending public talks, during which the priest will explain the essence of the sacrament, tell how the ceremony is carried out, and also what responsibilities the recipients have. In addition, immediately before baptism, the godparents must fast, confess and commune for three days.

Baptism interview

The main purpose of public talks is to convey the essence of the Orthodox faith and convince those who wish to accept Baptism or become a recipient of its truth.

The organization of these interviews depends on the rules of the temple. Meetings can be regular - held on specific days for parents and future godparents, for example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In some churches, such conversations are purely individual and are scheduled at an agreed time. There are temples that, after listening to lectures, practice exams and the issuance of a corresponding certificate. The duration of such a course can be up to 7 days.

The interview does not have to take place in the temple where the baptism is scheduled. Nonresident godparents can listen to catechumens in the nearest church.

Communion and fasting before the Sacrament

A day or two before baptism, both parents and recipients need to visit the temple, confess and receive communion in order to be cleansed of sins before the bright event.

The godfather is supposed to fast before the sacrament for three days, refraining from profanity, pleasures and amusements. On the day of baptism, the recipients are forbidden to take food until the end of the rite, since very often after the rite, communion immediately takes place, and the godparents are given the opportunity to commune with the godson.

Preparation for the rite of Baptism

At what age should a child be baptized

The Orthodox Church encourages the baptism of infants as early as possible, so that grace will descend on the child as soon as possible, and he will find his Guardian Angel.

Most often, the 40th birthday is chosen as the date of christening. Several prerequisites contribute to this:

  • up to 40 days, a woman in labor is not allowed to attend church sacraments, after which a cleansing prayer is read over her, allowing her to participate in baptism;
  • in babies in the first months of life, intrauterine reflexes do not completely fade away, so they easily tolerate dipping under water;
  • newborns behave more calmly when strangers (godparents, priest) take them in their arms.

What days can a baby be baptized

Baptism of children is carried out on any day, including festive and fast. On weekends, services are usually longer and the number of parishioners is larger, so it is better to arrange for baptism on a weekday. On the days of major holidays, when services that are special in content and duration are performed, Baptism may not be carried out at all, it all depends on the particular church. It is also worth considering that during the fast, the refreshments at the christening celebration should be fast.

It is good to choose a day when the church is quieter and there are few people, but it is better to agree with the priest about an individual sacrament, discussing the main nuances of organizing the ceremony:

  • the date of the ceremony is agreed;
  • a list of necessary baptismal accessories is announced;
  • the name of the child who will be named at baptism is being specified.

Is it possible to baptize on critical days

On the days of monthly cleansing, women are forbidden to participate in church ordinances, so the date of baptism should be chosen when the godmother and mother of the child will not have their periods. If the critical days unexpectedly came earlier or later and fall exactly on the christening, then it is necessary to inform the priest about this. The priest may recommend to transfer the sacrament, and if this is not possible, then give certain recommendations. Most likely, the godmother will simply be present in the church, not taking full part in the ritual, that is, she will not be able to accept the child from the font and hold him in her arms, as well as kiss the icons. Prayers are permitted.

What you need to take to church for the baptism of a girl: a list

Godfathers need to prepare the necessary baptismal accessories in advance:

  • A pectoral cross on a string or chain - the godfather must buy. If purchased in a jewelry store, then the priest must be warned before the beginning of the sacrament so that he can consecrate the product. All the crosses in the church shop have already been consecrated.
  • - a white linen (diaper, towel) to be taken from the font, bought or sewn by the godmother. In the cold season, you may additionally need a blanket or blanket to wrap the child before the font and to warm it after.
  • or a dress - clothes after the font, bought by the godmother. The cut of the shirt should be free and give access to the breast, arms, legs for the anointing of the priest. The fabric should be natural and pleasant to the body, absorb moisture well.
  • ... Its presence for a baby girl (up to 7 years old) is not necessary, but for newborn children, parents themselves prefer to wear caps, even for boys. But one-year-old babies and girls are picked up from year to year with lace headscarves, headbands - they beautifully complement the image. It is advisable to buy a product that goes well with the dress. In ready-made sets, all baptismal accessories are made in the same style, so such an outfit will be preferable.
  • Icon by name. If the image of the heavenly patron was not available, then you can purchase an icon of the Mother of God or revered saints - Nicholas the Pleasant, Panteleimon the Healer, Matrona of Moscow.
  • Church candles for the sacrament.

What you need to buy for a boy's baptism: a list

The list of things for the boy's christening is practically the same. Godfathers and parents will need to bring with them:

  • Pectoral cross -, or.
  • - terry or cotton (according to the season).
  • or a ready-made baptismal set without a headdress. For newborn boys, the presence of a cap is allowed.
  • Name icon or image of the Savior.
  • Church candles.
  • The second small towel so that the priest can dry his hands. After that, it remains for the needs of the church.
  • A bottle of water, a pacifier.
  • Spare clothing.
  • Birth certificate, mom and dad passports.

Rules and duties of parents and godparents

All those invited to the church for the sacrament must wear body crosses, and also know their responsibilities.

Godfather and godmother

The girl should be taken from the font and held in her arms throughout the entire sacrament by the godmother, the boy by the godfather. Godparents will also have to dress the baby in baptismal clothes, so it is good when they have experience of communicating with newborns.

Recipients instead of the baptized one renounce the unclean and his deeds and take a vow of fidelity to the Lord, thereby promising God to help the newly made Christian to believe and live according to the laws of the church.

Mother and father

Parents of a child under seven years old (baby) must give their consent to baptism, since they will be responsible for the spiritual education of the baby and his introduction to the church. A child over 7 years old (adolescent) makes such a decision himself.

The presence of the mother at the baptism depends on how many days have passed since the birth. Only after 40 days and after reading the cleansing prayer, the young mother is allowed to attend the ceremony.

When, after baptism, the priest conducts churching: he brings and lays the baby to the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God (the boys are first brought into the altar), then after that he is given either to the godfather or to the present father and mother.

The first sacrament can be scheduled for some other day, for example, a week later. Parents or mother will need to come with the child to the morning prayer service for the priest to commune the baby. Children should be given Communion as often as possible, preferably every week.

Grandmother and grandfather

Grandparents present at the baptism offer prayers and can help the godparents to dress the child. Being one of the closest relatives, they take part in solving organizational issues. If desired, they can buy additional baptismal accessories, for example, a blanket, rug, booties, socks, which will be needed during the ordinance, and will also be useful to the child in the future.

What prayers you need to know to baptize a child

The main prayer pronounced by the baptized or his successors is. You need to know it by heart, as a last resort, confidently read from the sheet, understanding the meaning. This prayer consists of 12 statements and briefly describes the essence of the Orthodox faith.

Also, the recipients say the prayer words of the godfather and godmother, in which they ask to be named godparents and bless them for this sacred mission.

It is customary to know and well-known to all Orthodox believers of the prayer and "Virgin Mary, rejoice."

How to baptize a child? What are the rules for the rite of baptism? How much is it? The editorial staff of the Orthodoxy and Peace portal will answer these and other questions.

Baby baptism

When to baptize - different families decide this issue in different ways.

Most often they are baptized on +/- the 40th day after childbirth. The 40th day is also significant from a religious point of view (in the Old Testament church, on the 40th day, the child was brought to the temple, on the 40th day, a prayer is read over the woman who gave birth). 40 days after childbirth, a woman does not participate in the sacraments of the Church: this is connected with the physiology of the postpartum period, and in general it is very reasonable - at this time all the woman's attention and strength should be focused on the child and her health.

After the expiration of this period, it is necessary to read a special prayer over it, which the priest will do before or after baptism. Very young children behave much more calmly at baptism and are not afraid when someone else (godparents or a priest) takes them in their arms. Well, do not forget that up to three months, children can more easily tolerate dipping with their heads, because they retain intrauterine reflexes that help to hold their breath.

In any case, the choice of the moment remains with the parents and depends on the circumstances and state of the child's health. If the baby is in intensive care and there are health problems, you can baptize the baby in intensive care. To do this, you can invite a priest or MOTHER CAN BAPTIZE THE CHILD HIMSELF.

You can baptize after 40 days.

If a child's life is in danger

If the baby is in intensive care, then you can invite the priest to baptize the baby. From the hospital church or from any church - no one will refuse. Only first you need to find out what the order of baptism is in this hospital.

If there is no admission of strangers to the intensive care unit, or if the situation is different - an accident, for example - the mother or father (and even the resuscitation nurse at the request of the parents and in general anyone else) the child can be christened by YOURSELF. A few drops of water are needed. With these drops, the child must be crossed three times with the words:

Baptized servant (s) of God (s) (NAME)
In the name of the Father. Amen. (for the first time we cross and spray with water)
And the Son. Amen. (second time)
And the Holy Spirit. Amen. (third time).

The child is baptized. When he is discharged, the second part of baptism will have to be performed in the church - Confirmation - joining the Church. Explain in advance to the priest that they baptized themselves in intensive care. You can also baptize the baby at home, having agreed about this with the priest in the church.

Whether to baptize in winter

Of course, they drown in churches, the water is warm in the font.

The only thing is that if there is only one door in the temple and the temple itself is small, one of the relatives can be on duty at the entrance so that suddenly the door does not open completely wide open.

How much to pay? And why pay?

Officially, there is no payment for the sacraments and services in the temples.

Christ also said: “Freely you received, freely give” (Matt, 10: 8). But only the believers fed and watered the apostles, let them stay for the night, and in modern realities, the donation for baptism is one of the main income items of churches, from which they pay for light, electricity, repairs, fire-prevention work and the priest, who most often has many children. in the temple - this is the approximate amount of the donation. If there is really no money, MUST baptize for free. If they refuse, it is a reason to turn to the dean.

Do I have to be called according to the calendar

Whoever wants it. Someone calls it according to the calendar, someone in honor of a beloved saint or someone else. Of course, if the girl was born on January 25, then the name Tatiana is very asking for her, but the parents choose the name of the child themselves - there are no "must" here.

Where to baptize?

It is unlikely that this question will arise before you if you are already parishioners of a temple. If not, choose a temple to your liking. There is nothing wrong with visiting several temples. If the employees are unfriendly and rude (it happens, yes), you can look for a temple where you will be treated kindly from the very beginning. Yes. we come to God in the temple, but there is no sin in choosing a church according to our liking. It's good if the temple has a separate baptismal. In it, as a rule, it is warm, there are no drafts and there are no strangers.
If there are few churches in your city and they are all with large parishes, then be sure to find out in advance how many children usually attend baptism. It may turn out that a dozen babies will be baptized at the same time, each of whom will be accompanied by a whole brigade of relatives. If you don't like this kind of mass, you can agree on an individual baptism.

Baptism photography

If you decide to hire a photographer for the christening, be sure to find out in advance whether he will be allowed to shoot, use a flash. Some priests have a very negative attitude to the filming of the Sacraments and an unpleasant surprise may await you.
As a rule, photography and video filming is not prohibited anywhere. Photos from baptism are a great joy for the whole family for many years, so if you cannot take pictures in the temple, then you need to look for a temple where you can take pictures (but even in Old Believer churches it is allowed to take pictures at christenings)
In some cases, the child can be baptized at home. The main thing is to agree on this with the priest.


Who can and cannot be godfather is the most frequent question. Can a pregnant / unmarried / unbeliever / childless girl baptize a girl, etc. - the number of variations is infinite.

The answer is simple: the godfather must be human.

- Orthodox and Church (HE is responsible for raising a child in the faith);

- not the child's parent (godparents must replace the parents in case of something);

- it is impossible for a husband and wife to be godparents of one baby (or those who are going to get married);

- a monk cannot be a godfather.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all necessary that there be two godparents. One thing is enough: women for girls and men for boys. ...

Conversation before baptism

Now it is a must. For what? In order to baptize those who believe in Christ, and not those who come, so that "the child_ is ill_must_baptized_and_that_signed_and_we_the_Russian_and_ Orthodox".

You have to come to the conversation, this is not an exam. usually the priest talks about Christ, the Gospel, reminds that the Gospel must be read independently. Looks like this.

Often, the need for a conversation causes indignation among relatives and many try to "get around" them. Someone, complaining about the lack of time, or even just desires, is looking for priests who can neglect this rule. But first of all, this information is needed by the godparents themselves, because by inviting them to become godparents of your child, you impose a great responsibility on them and it would be nice for them to find out about this. If the godparents do not want to waste time on this, then this is a reason for you to think about whether the child needs supporters who cannot sacrifice just a couple of their evenings for him.

If the godparents live in another city and can come only on the day of the sacrament, then they can have conversations in any temple in which it is convenient. Upon completion, they will be given a certificate with which they can participate in the sacrament anywhere.

It is very good for the godparents, if they do not yet know, to learn - this prayer is read three times during baptism and it is likely that the godparents will be asked to read it.

What to buy?

For baptism, a child needs a new baptismal shirt, a cross and a towel. All this can be bought in any church shop and, as a rule, this is the task of the godparents. The baptismal shirt is then kept along with the baby's other memorabilia. Overseas stores have a whole line of stunningly beautiful christening clothes, you can also use some beautiful set for discharge.

Baptismal name

Find out in advance what name the child will be baptized with. If the child's name is not in the calendar, select in advance a sound that is close (Alina - Elena, Zhanna - Anna, Alice - Alexandra) and tell the priest about it. And sometimes the names are given strangely. One of my acquaintances, Jeanne, was baptized by Eugenia. By the way, sometimes there are unexpected names in the calendar, for example. Edward is such an Orthodox British saint (though later all the church employees will not believe that there is such an Orthodox name). In church notes and when performing other Sacraments, you will need to use the name given at baptism. Based on it, it will be determined when the child has an Angel day and who is his heavenly patron.

We arrived at the temple, what next?

At the church shop, you will be asked to pay the baptismal donation. Before the sacrament, it is better to feed the baby so that he is more comfortable and calmer.

Feed in the temple It MAY be good for this to be in nursing clothes or have an apron with you. If you need privacy, you can ask someone from the staff of the temple to find a secluded place.
The only thing is that if the baby is feeding for a long time, it is better to have a bottle-syringe with food, so that it does not happen that the baby is hungry in the middle of the service and you have to either wait half an hour until he eats or he will cry from hunger.

During the sacrament, the godparents hold the child in their arms, the parents can only observe. The duration of the Epiphany is usually about an hour.

It is useful to familiarize yourself in advance with what will happen at the service in order to understand the meaning of what is happening. Here .

But mothers are not allowed to be baptized everywhere - it is better then to clarify this issue in advance.

Cold water?

The water is WARM in the font. First, hot water is usually poured there, before the Sacrament it is diluted with cold water. But the water in the font is warm :)

The servants of the temple, who collect it, will make sure that the water is warm - they do not want the baby to freeze as much as you do. After dipping, the child will not be able to dress immediately, and here again it is worth mentioning that it is good to baptize very little ones in separate rooms and not in the church itself, where it is cool even in summer. In any case, do not worry, everything happens quickly and the child will not have time to freeze.

Does the child have to wear a cross all the time?

Often parents are concerned about the safety of the child wearing a cross. Someone is afraid that the child may suffer from the rope or ribbon on which the cross hangs. Many are worried that the child may lose the cross or it may be stolen, for example, in the garden. As a rule, the cross is worn on a short string that cannot get tangled anywhere. And for a kindergarten, you can prepare a special inexpensive cross.

And they say that….

Baptism, like many other things in our life, is surrounded by many stupid superstitions and prejudices. Older relatives can add worries and excitement with stories of bad omens and inhibitions. It is better to clarify any questionable questions with the priest, not trusting, even very experienced, grandmothers.

Can baptism be celebrated?

It is quite logical that relatives who gather for Epiphany will want to continue the holiday at home or in a restaurant. The main thing is that during the holiday they do not forget the reason for which everyone gathered.

After baptism

When the Sacrament is over, you will be given a certificate of baptism, where it will be indicated when the baptism was performed, by whom, and also the day when the child has a name day will be written. After the baptism, you will definitely need to go to the temple again to give the infant communion. In general, babies should be given communion on a regular basis.