
Compression tights for pregnant women firm. Maternity tights. How to choose the right elastic tights for expectant mothers


In addition to the fact that pregnancy in a woman's life is the most wonderful waiting time, it is also a time of worries and fears for herself and her baby. Constant changes cannot but worry a young mother. What if something is wrong? Take it easy. All is well, because professionals are working on your peace of mind, creating preventive and curative items of clothing, such as compression tights.

Features and Benefits

A feature of compression tights is their effect on blood vessels by compression. The elastic and dense material of the tights compresses the superficial veins and acts on the internal ones, reducing congestion and accelerating blood flow.

The therapeutic effect of compression hosiery has been proven by numerous studies of scientists and doctors, so there is no reason to talk about the unfounded statements about the positive impact on the health of expectant mothers.

The advantage of compression tights is their different compression on different zones of the legs. So, the greatest compression falls on the ankles, and the least on the hips. It is thanks to such differences that the blood rises easily without causing edema.

The advantages of tights do not end there. Among other things, the complete safety of the product has been proven. Tights not only do not harm the future baby, but also protect his health, which directly depends on the health of the mother.

Compression tights, although they have a positive effect on blood vessels, are still a difficult element to put on. For this case, experts suggested other types of compression hosiery for expectant mothers, for example, knee-highs and stockings. The convenience of one or another is a matter of taste and skill.

When choosing underwear, you can pay attention to compression panties. Their effect is especially significant at long periods of pregnancy. They redistribute the load on the spine and support the abdomen, acting as a bandage. As a result, pregnant women notice the cessation of back pain and its relaxation.

Compression classes

The compression class determines the degree of compression of the vessels by the pantyhose. Having 4 classes in its arsenal, tights can have not only a preventive effect, but also quite successfully treat painful problems.

1 class

When visiting doctors during pregnancy, a woman may hear a recommendation to purchase a class 1 compression hosiery from a surgeon, therapist and even a gynecologist. Possessing a preventive effect, this class of compression protects against the appearance of spider veins on the legs, edema and the formation of blood clots, which are so dangerous in their last stages.

2nd grade

If first class tights can be worn by almost all pregnant women, then class 2 is appointed exclusively by a doctor.

A woman who has had vein surgery, varicose veins and dilatation of small vessels in the past will be referred to a phlebologist, who will determine the required compression class.

Grade 3

Compression class 3 refers to therapeutic. It is prescribed for complicated varicose veins and venous shunts. It is impossible to buy such jersey without a prescription.

Indications and contraindications

Pregnancy is the main indication for wearing prophylactic compression tights. Indeed, even with today's lack of reasons for concern, it is much easier to prevent the disease than to carry out its treatment in the future. A young mother is worthy of beautiful legs without a hint of varicose veins.

If time has already been lost and spider veins have confidently declared themselves, and swelling in the legs is causing more and more discomfort, it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible for the correct appointment. Tights with the right compression will stop the development of the disease.

Any medical device has contraindications, and tights are no exception. So, heart failure and various pustules on the legs prevent wearing tights. The condition of the skin is, indeed, important in choosing tights, because too thin skin can be injured by dense and tight material, and those with venous ulcers can develop into more complicated forms.

The doctor is the only person who has the right to say with certainty whether a pregnant woman needs tights. Do not save time on a visit to the doctors, because this will help save time on further treatment in case of inconsistent wearing of compression hosiery.

How to choose

The choice of compression tights will become much easier if you visit a phlebologist. He will be able to accurately determine the desired compression and size. If there are indications for wearing, it's time to go to an orthopedic salon or pharmacy.

Compression tights are dense and can be difficult to wear on hot days. Depending on the season, it is important to pay attention to the density, which is measured, like with ordinary Den tights. More Den is good for winter and less for summer.

In most cases, tights are made in two colors: nude and black. It is important to choose a universal color that suits most of the wardrobe, because you will have to wear them all the time.

The most important selection criterion is size. All manufacturers producing compression hosiery apply a dimensional grid to the garment. The more measurements you have to take, the more accurate the result will be. In this case, excessive simplicity is not an ally of a good buy.

The RAL mark on the packaging is a guarantee of the tights' compliance with all quality standards.

How and how much to wear

In most cases, experts recommend wearing tights every day throughout the day. In order to put on the product without much loss of strength, you should do it while lying in bed immediately after waking up. Relaxed legs will have less volume in the ankle area, making it easier to don the compression hosiery. If your nails are long, wear rubber gloves.

The beginning of wearing preventive compression hosiery is the middle of the first trimester, that is, 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. It continues to be worn before and after childbirth, when the body is still weak and needs additional support. Experts advise to spend 3 months after the birth of the baby in preventive underwear.

Comparative analysis of brands - which is better

There is a competitive atmosphere among the manufacturers of compression hosiery. Some delight customers with low cost, others with high quality, and some with a symbiosis of price and quality.


The Italian company Relaxsan produces compression tights for pregnant women in two directions: elastic and durable Basic and with the addition of Microfiber microfiber, which are particularly soft.

Can pregnant women wear tights is a question that interests many women. We will tell you why underwear with a compression effect is not only allowed, but also needs to be worn during gestation and some time after childbirth.

Pregnancy and the problem of varicose veins

Varicose veins are accompanied by thinning of the venous walls and an uneven increase in blood vessels. This problem is known to many women during pregnancy. The main provoking factor of venous insufficiency is an increase in blood in the system almost twofold, which leads to an increase in blood pressure.

Several factors provoke varicose veins during pregnancy.

  • Changes in the hormonal background. In the female body at this time, the level of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for relaxing the muscles of the walls of the uterus, rises. In this case, the relaxing effect is also on the walls of blood vessels. The result is a more difficult pumping of blood through the ascending veins. As a result, the blood stagnates at the bottom, which leads to the formation of blood clots and enlargements.
  • Increased platelet count. The number of platelets in the blood increases sharply. So the body prepares for the upcoming birth in order to protect itself from significant blood loss.
  • Decreased physical activity. During pregnancy, many women reduce the load, giving up sports and walking, preferring to spend their free time on the couch. Meanwhile, moderate activity has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels, and periods without movement are just as harmful as excessive exertion.

The most effective method of dealing with venous insufficiency is by wearing special shaping underwear. Photographs of expectant mothers are printed on packages of tights intended for pregnant women. This suggests that there are no contraindications to wearing such products.

The basic principle of the linen action is the graduated pressure on the vessels. The products provide maximum tension in the lower legs, which decreases in the lower leg area and practically disappears in the thigh area. This action allows you to increase the outflow of blood to the heart, normalize the work of blood vessels (in particular the valve apparatus), eliminate the symptom of "heavy legs".

For the manufacture of medical knitwear, a special thread with high elasticity is used. In this parameter, fibers are superior to conventional materials. The degree of pressure on the legs varies from 18 (for prevention) to 18.5 mm Hg.

Elastic compression compresses the saphenous veins and increases the blood flow velocity 3-5 times. You can use underwear for both treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

The effectiveness of the products in the fight against varicose veins is due to the following features:

  • creation of a supporting "frame" that protects the veins from stretching;
  • elimination of edema and painful sensations caused by blood congestion;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation;
  • exclusion of the possibility of expansion of venous vessels in the pelvic organs and the formation of blood clots.

What to choose, stockings or tights?

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of what is better for pregnant women, stockings or tights, - every woman proceeds from her own feelings when wearing compression underwear. Below we list the main advantages of those and other products.

Tights are the best option for women who are expecting a baby

  • The presence of special models with a weakened pressure on the abdomen and thighs, produced especially for women in an interesting position.
  • The products are easy to take off and, after a short training, put on.
  • The linen fits perfectly to the figure, distributes pressure correctly, does not slip and does not gather in folds.
  • The height of the belt is selected so that it is above the waistline, under the bust, without squeezing the fetus.
  • Models gently support the enlarged belly.
  • In cold weather, warm tights are preferable, since hypothermia should be avoided during pregnancy, which can provoke colds.

Stockings - the choice of those who did not fit tights

Tights are not always comfortable for pregnant women. In this case, you can pick up a pair of stockings.

  • The stockings will fit even if you buy them in the first trimester, planning to wear them before giving birth.
  • The enlarged uterus presses on the bladder. Frequent trips to the toilet are not very suitable for putting on and taking off clothes, as this procedure is quite complicated. In the case of stockings, you do not need to remove anything.
  • Stockings from all manufacturers are cheaper.
  • You can also wear stockings after childbirth, while a special "pregnant" insert in the pantyhose makes them unsuitable for further use.
  • Stockings are better for summer as they don't get hot in them. However, in winter they will have to be worn along with trousers.

How to choose tights?

Medical jersey is available in a variety of designs. It is advisable to choose special compression tights for pregnant women on the recommendation of a doctor - he will advise how to calculate the size and establish the degree of compression. For a consultation, you must make an appointment with a phlebologist, a specialist in venous diseases. The doctor will give advice on choosing a set of parameters from the account.

  • Compression class provided by the linen. The doctor makes the choice of jersey after getting acquainted with the patient's medical history and conducting a thorough examination, including palpation of the vessels. Self-diagnosis often leads to a worsening of the condition. Knitwear should compensate for the state of blood vessels, and not be useless.
  • Linen size. The effectiveness of treatment and prevention depends on this parameter. If the size is large, the result will not be noticeable. With a small one, a deterioration in the general condition and complications are possible. The best way to determine the size is to use special tables from manufacturers and fitting, which it is better not to refuse, since the linen cannot be exchanged or returned.
  • Life time. The declared service life is 6-10 months. You will learn about the exact period of operation guaranteed by the manufacturer by examining the packaging.
  • Material. Elastic threads of medical jersey are double braided with dense cotton fibers. Synthetic materials are not welcomed in the production of lingerie for expectant mothers.
  • Quality mark. Doctors recommend choosing products that comply with the RAL standard. This marker on the packaging guarantees excellent performance and a long service life.
  • Manufacturer. Better to give preference to proven brands. Low prices should be perceived as suspicious - quality is never cheap. The minimum cost of good models is 6,000 rubles.

VENOTEKS maternity compression tights are created taking into account all the anatomical features of the figure during pregnancy. They have a special elastic insert in the front, which does not exert pressure on the abdomen. The special weaving of the fabric provides excellent wear resistance, high-quality graduated compression effect and wrinkle-free distribution of the tights over the leg.

The assortment of Venotex anti-varicose tights for pregnant women is presented in three compression classes: preventive, 1st class and 2nd class. In appearance, they are divided into three types: transparent Trend series, dense Classic series and semi-transparent with microfiber Comfort series.

Compression hosiery VENOTEKS 1st compression class is indicated for all pregnant women for the prevention of chronic venous insufficiency. Class 2 compression is indicated for the treatment of early forms of venous disease in pregnant women.

How to buy VENOTEX maternity tights:

Prices for VENOTEKS maternity compression tights in our online store start at 1560 rubles. There is delivery in Moscow, the Moscow region and all over Russia. You can pay for your order in any way convenient for you: in cash to the courier or at the pick-up point, by credit card or electronic money through Yandex.Money. In case of difficulties or if you need advice, call the phone number indicated at the top of the site.

While carrying a child, women have an increased risk of developing varicose veins, due to the increasing load on the lower extremities. Special tights and stockings for pregnant women from varicose veins will help reduce the risk of developing the disease. They reduce the risk of ailments in the vascular system to a minimum. Compression underwear will help not only during the period of bearing a child, but also after childbirth. For those patients who already have convulsive phenomena in the lower extremities, pain and spider veins, compression stockings and tights will become a real salvation.

Indications for use

It is worth remembering that before purchasing anti-varicose stockings and tights for pregnant women, you should consult your doctor. Indications for the use of medical jersey are:

  • Insufficiency of the chronic type in the veins;
  • Chronic fatigue in the lower limbs;
  • Swelling of the legs at the end of the day;
  • Leg pain;
  • Convulsive phenomena in the calf muscles;
  • Expansion of the veins in the legs;
  • Formed blood clots in the cavities of the veins;
  • Dermatitis and eczema of the venous type;
  • Characteristic spider veins on the legs.

During pregnancy, one of the above symptoms must appear. Therefore, tights and knee-highs made of special fabric are simply irreplaceable for the normal well-being of a woman.

Therapeutic effect

The therapeutic effect of compression garments is that:

  • Veins are protected from overstretching;
  • Pressure is exerted on the surface of the lower extremities, forcing the blood to circulate more actively;
  • The supply of tissue structures with oxygen and nutrients increases;
  • The ability of the vascular walls to absorb extracellular fluid is increased.


Classification of compression garments

You need to know how compression stockings and tights are distributed, depending on the classification, in order to purchase the right ones. Anti-varicose tights and stockings for prophylaxis are sold in the pharmacy without special instructions. Unlike prophylactic, therapeutic tights and stockings can be purchased only after the appointment of a phlebologist. They are divided into 4 classes:

  • First grade. The compression exerted by pantyhose or stockings on the lower limbs is equal to 23 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Such underwear is recommended for use in case of spider veins and infatuation of venous vessels in pregnant women;
  • Second class. The pressure of this type of compression hosiery reaches 33 mm. RT. Art. It is prescribed for the complex treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis in pregnant women;
  • Third class. It is characterized by the provided compression over 45 mm. rt. Art. Tights and stockings of this class are prescribed by a specialist in case of severe complications in the form of insufficiency in the veins, characterized by malnutrition in the tissues of the lower extremities;
  • Fourth grade. The pressure exerted by this type of compression stockings or tights reaches 50 mm. rt. Art. This jersey helps to eliminate disturbances in the lymph flow, and also helps to eliminate the strongest edema in the legs.

Prevention of varicose veins also involves wearing special tights and socks. Preventive compression tights belong to a separate group, and they can be worn by women who are just planning a pregnancy. This will help prevent the appearance of varicose veins during the period of gestation.

Types of tights and stockings

Each type of compression hosiery has a number of features, advantages and disadvantages. A woman has the right to choose which type of knitwear she will be most comfortable wearing:

  • Knee-highs - are prescribed for use in cases where pain, cramps and dilated veins are manifested only in the area of ​​the gastrocnemius muscle, without rising higher in the limb. Knee-highs do not always look aesthetically pleasing, and this is their main disadvantage. It is best to wear such underwear under trousers or floor-length skirts;
  • Stockings are one of the most popular types of medical compression garments. They look very aesthetically pleasing on the legs, do not cause unnecessary discomfort when going to the toilet, do not create pressure on the growing belly. A significant disadvantage is that they sit unstably on the leg and slide. At this moment, the uniformity of the pressure exerted by them is disturbed;
  • Pantyhose are a good alternative to stockings when carrying a baby. The main advantage is that proper pressure is applied to the lower limbs. The disadvantage is pressure on the stomach, but manufacturers of tights for varicose veins for pregnant women are struggling with this;
  • Elastic bandages - indicated for use only in cases of localized problems on the legs. Doctors rarely recommend elastic bandages for women in position.


In addition to the class and type of compression stockings and tights, you need to know the size you need, as this will allow you to properly distribute the pressure on the legs.

Correct use

To achieve maximum efficiency from the use of compression tights and stockings for pregnant women, you can follow the rules:

  • First you need to consult with your doctor;
  • Stockings and tights should be selected individually depending on the woman's size;
  • It is important to choose a certified product with European quality;
  • The warranty storage period should be no more than a year.

In order to choose tights or knee-highs as comfortable and comfortable as possible, you need to write down some numbers:

  • Calf circumference - measured in the morning after waking up;
  • Hip girth;
  • Leg length;
  • Waist circumference.

The results obtained and the appointment of a phlebologist will help you get the right tights or stockings. The pharmacy should have a special table with sizes, for the selection of the appropriate one for a woman. It should be noted that ordinary nylon panty hoses, even with high strength, are not therapeutic or prophylactic.

Prices for compression tights and stockings for pregnant women

The cost of tights, stockings or golf will depend on the size, type and classification. The country of origin also plays an important role, since high-quality European stockings and tights to put pressure on the legs will cost several times more than domestic ones. Prices in pharmacies can range from 1,800 rubles to 7,000.

Outwardly, the products are indistinguishable from ordinary tights, but the dense elastic fabric ideally distributes pressure on the legs to improve blood circulation.

Compression tights for pregnant women (for varicose veins) are made of hypoallergenic and safe materials, they are suitable for women with sensitive skin. Nice and silky to the touch, comfortable to wear and elegant in appearance. The composition includes 80-85% nylon and 15-20% lycra (there are models with the addition of microfiber or cotton).

The easily stretched waist insert will not allow the growing tummy to be squeezed at any stage of pregnancy.

How to choose the right product

There are 3 compressions in our catalog (there can be 4 in general):

  • Compression class 1 tights create pressure up to 15 mm. rt. Art. and are recommended for preventive purposes;
  • Compression class 2 (up to 32 mm Hg) is used for medicinal purposes to eliminate edema and venous "mesh";
  • Grade 3 (from 34 to 36 mm Hg) is used to treat varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

The sizes of elastic tights for expectant mothers are selected in consultation with a phlebologist.

In the online store site you can buy compression tights for pregnant women from leading manufacturers: Orto, Venoteks, Medi. Prices start at 1,700 rubles. We provide an opportunity to place an order online or carry out self-pickup in the Orto-Plus salon in Moscow. We recommend that you consult your doctor before purchasing.