
Perfect parents in 60 minutes. Books of the series “Education according to Faber and Mazlish. Sometimes just listening is enough.


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Elaine Mazlish, Adele Faber
Perfect parents in 60 minutes. Express course from the world's parenting experts

Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish


Illustrations by Kimberly Ann Coe

Text copyright © 1992, 2013 by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

Illustrations copyright © 1992 by The International Center for Creative Thinking, division JMW Group, Ltd.

Illustrations Kimberly Ann Coe

© Novikova T.O., translation into Russian, 2013

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2013

Books of the series "Education according to Faber and Mazlish"

"How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk"

This book is a sensible, understandable, well-written guide on how to properly communicate with children. No boring theory! Only proven practical recommendations and a lot of live examples for all occasions! The authors, world-famous experts in the field of parent-child relations, share with the reader both their own experience (each of them has three adult children) and the experience of numerous parents who attended their seminars. The book will be of interest to anyone who wants to come to a complete understanding with children and forever end "generational conflicts."

How to talk so teens will listen and how to listen so teens will talk

In their new book, the authors show how, using their famous communication technique, to find contact with children of adolescence, build trust with them, talk about difficult topics such as sex, drugs and defiant appearance, help them become independent, take responsibility for their actions and make informed, reasonable decisions.

"Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live together

Having another child, parents dream that the children would be friends with each other, that the elder would help the younger one, giving the mother time to rest or do other things. But in reality, the appearance of another child in the family is often accompanied by numerous childhood experiences, jealousy, resentment, quarrels and even fights.

“Perfect parents in 60 minutes. Express course from world experts in parenting»

The long-awaited novelty from the #1 experts in communication with children Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish! Fully adapted to modern realities, the 1992 edition! In the book you will find: excerpts from the legendary technique of Faber and Mazlish - briefly the most important; analysis of difficult situations in comics; tests for "correct reaction"; practical exercises to consolidate skills; Answers to frequently asked questions from parents.

Perfect format for busy parents!

Other books by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk

How to talk to children so they learn

How to talk so teens will listen and how to listen so teens will talk

Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live together

Free parents, free children

Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, world-famous experts in communication between adults and children, have earned the endless gratitude of parents and the enthusiastic recognition of the professional community.

Their first book Free parents, free children was awarded the Christopher Prize for "literary achievement that upholds the highest values ​​of the human spirit." The following books How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk» 1
These and other books are published by the Eksmo publishing house.

AND " Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live together”, which became a bestseller and took first place in the rating The New York Times, have sold over 3 million copies and have been translated into more than 20 languages. Thousands of parenting groups around the world use video programs and attend workshops led by these authors. Adele and Elaine's latest book How to talk so kids learn was voted "Best Family and Education Book of the Year" by Child magazine.

Faber and Mazlish studied under renowned child psychologist Dr. Chaim Ginott at the New School for Social Research in New York City and at the Family Life Institute at Long Island University. They frequently lecture in the US and Canada and appear on every major TV show from Good Morning America to The Oprah Winfrey Show. They live on Long Island and each have three children.

Dear friend, this book did not appear immediately

We first thought about it a few years after our first books won awards and topped the bestseller lists. We held a seminar on the theme of harmonious relations between parents and children, based on mutual respect. A lot of people gathered. People vying with each other tried to tell us which of the techniques we recommended they tried and what results they achieved: “It was incredible! .. I couldn’t believe my own ears! .. It works!”

But among the beaming faces we saw one gloomy woman. What worried her?

“It's all wonderful,” she said. But what am I to do with my husband?

Tell him about what you learned last night.

He never listens to me.

“And if you give him one of our books?”

He never reads books.

Even short ones?

- Well, only if the book is really very short ...

The man raised his hand.

– I heard your talk last year and after the lecture I decided to stay for the seminar. I have to admit, I became a fantastic father... but only for a week.

- And then?

“And then I became the same. That is why I am here again today. Hope everything works out better this time.

Someone changed the subject and we got back to what we were going to talk about. But these words remain in our memory. On the way home, we decided to discuss what was troubling our readers.

In these days when no one has time, how can you help parents learn how to communicate with children in a new way?

How to convince them that a few simple skills can make their relationship with children completely different?

How to help them get rid of all the false things that they have been taught for so long by a popular culture that preaches humiliation, long sermons, threats, orders and sarcasm?

It is not easy to change a long-established way of speaking. It is especially difficult to do this in a state of stress, fatigue, depression and ordinary fatigue. We hope these concise tips, illustrated with comics, real-life examples and simple exercises, will help you cope with one of the most difficult and important tasks of your life!

Best wishes,

Adele Faber,

Elaine Mazlish

Part I
Principles and skills

About feelings

“The thing that irritates me most about children is that they cry and throw tantrums from scratch. They are completely devoid of common sense."

About feelings

Children become even more irritated when their negative feelings are denied or considered insignificant.

And even a simple, logical parental solution does not help.

Children want you to know how they feel.

Sometimes just listening is enough.

Sometimes you can show that you understand the child's feelings by using simple interjections: "oh!", "mmm ...".

Sometimes it is helpful to name a feeling a child is experiencing.

Most children love it when you give them fantasy things they can't get in reality.

You can acknowledge the child's feelings even if you choose to limit his actions.

Practice affirming feelingsPart I

For each of the examples below, choose an answer that shows that you understand the child's feelings.

1. Child: Dad almost killed me when he pulled a splinter out of my finger...


a) You couldn't have been in so much pain.

b) It looks like you were really in a lot of pain.

c) He did it for your good.

2. Child: Because of this light snow, the coach canceled our game!


a) You must be very disappointed. You were so prepared for the game, and now you have to wait.

b) Don't be upset. You will have many more opportunities to play.

c) Your coach made the right decision. Sometimes a light snowfall turns into a real blizzard.

3. The child plays with your new beads.


a) How many times have I told you not to touch my jewelry?! You are a bad girl!

b) Please don't play with mother's beads. You will break them.

c) You like my new beads. But they are very easy to break. Play with wooden ones or with this scarf.

4. Child: I don't like spiders.


a) Don't you love? Why?

b) Don't say that. They are part of nature.

c) I don't like them either.

5. Child ( anxiously): Tomorrow I have a math test.


a) Relax. I'm sure you'll make the right decision.

b) If you were more engaged, then now there would be nothing to worry about.

c) You are worried. I'm sure you wish it were all behind you.

6. The child eats spaghetti with his hands.


a) You behave disgustingly at the table.

b) I know that it is easier to eat spaghetti with your hands. But when we all eat together, we would like you to use a fork.

c) I can't believe you still eat with your hands at your age.

7. Child: David invited me to the dance. I like it, but I don't know whether to go or not...


a) Sure, go ahead. You'll see, it's going to be fun.

b) Find out for yourself. Either you want to go or you don't.

c) So you want to go, but you're not quite sure?

8. Child: I will run away from home!


a) Excellent! I'll help you get ready.

b) Don't talk nonsense! I don't want to hear that kind of talk!

c) You are unhappy. I'm sure you wish things were different.

Correct answers: 1b, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7c, 8c

Part II

Under each statement write:

a) wrong response

b) the correct response that confirms the child's feelings.

Not right: ________________

Correctly: __________________

3. "My picture is ugly."

Not right: ________________

Correctly: __________________

Not right: ________________

Correctly: __________________

Not right: ________________

Correctly: __________________

Possible answers

Here are some possible reactions in the situations described above. There is no single correct answer in this situation. If we respectfully acknowledge the feelings of the child, then we are doing the right thing.

1. "I will never play with Susie again!"

Not right: You don't think so! Susie is your best friend!

Right: Sometimes she really pisses you off.

2. “Why did my sister get so many presents for her birthday?!”

Not right: And on your birthday, you received gifts, but your sister got nothing.

Right: It's not nice when all the gifts go to your sister. I'm sure you would like today to be your birthday.

3. "My picture is ugly."

Not right: No, what are you! She's beautiful!

Correct: I see that you are not very satisfied with your work ...

4. "The teacher asks me too much."

Not right: You complain about everything. You can not do it this way!

Correctly: If you were the teacher, you would ask children much less.

5. The child looks unhappy.

Not right: What happened? If you don't tell me, I can't help you.

Right: Something happened. Is something bothering you?

How to get cooperation

“It annoys me when I ask children to do something, and they don’t pay attention to me.”

How to get cooperation

Children do not want to meet their parents halfway when their parents accuse them, call them names, threaten or order them.

Several ways to get your child to cooperate

Practicing for CollaborationPart I

In each of the situations described, choose a response that will help to achieve cooperation and at the same time reinforce the child's self-esteem.

1. The child draws in the living room.


a) If I ever see you in the living room with paints again, I will throw them away.

b) Paints can stain the carpet. You can paint in the kitchen or your room. Choose yourself.

c) Are you out of your mind? Do you know how hard it is to get paint off a carpet?!

2. Child ( in a whimpering tone): Mom! You promised to go to the bookstore today! You promised!


a) Stop whining!

b) Get away from me. Maybe later.

c) I would like you to say differently: “Mom, could we go for books today?”

3. The child runs out of the room, leaving notebooks on the table.

Adult: a) Jimmy, your notebooks!

b) Jimmy, come back! You are such a slob! Look what you left on the table?!

c) You have been doing your homework all evening, and now you have left it on the table. Amazing!!

4. Child: Mom, hang up! I need to tell you something.


a) Leave me alone! Can't I talk quietly on the phone for five minutes?!

b) Shhhh! I will be free in short time.

c) I will finish soon. And you can write what you want to say or draw.

5. The child does not water the flower you bought him.


a) You wanted this flower so much, and now it is dying through your fault.

b) Your flower is shedding leaves.

c) Next time I will buy you an artificial flower.

Correct answers: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5b

Part II

The child brushed his teeth and closed the faucet badly after himself.

1. What can be said in such a situation that does not hurt the child's self-esteem and ruin your relationship?


2. Show how each of the following methods can be used.

a) Describe what you see

b) Give information _________________

c) Offer a choice _________________

d) Tell in words _________________

e) Describe your feelings _________________

f) Write a note _________________

Possible answers

Here are some useless reactions to the situation described above: after brushing his teeth, the child did not close the water well.

Not right:

Who hasn't turned off the water?

How many times do you have to be reminded to turn off the faucet?!

Why are you so irresponsible?!

It is because of such people that there is not enough water in the world!

Here are a few reactions that can encourage a child to cooperate. At the same time, both parents and the child will be completely satisfied with each other and with themselves.

a) Describe what you see.

Water is dripping.

b) Give information:

Even a thin trickle results in gallons of water being wasted.

c) Offer a choice:

You can turn off the faucet with your right hand or your left hand.

d) Say everything in words:

e) Describe your feelings:

It pains me to see precious water being wasted.

f) Write a note:

“If you hear: “Drip, drip, drip!”,

run to the bathroom and turn off the faucet.


If possible, write a note in verse - children love rhymes, and your note will take effect faster. But even the simplest request can be effective.

Alternative to punishment

“Should a guilty child be punished? How else can it be taught?

The Problem of Punishment

Many parents believe that the only way to bring up a delinquent child is punishment. These parents are convinced that this is the only way to “teach a lesson”.

But most children react to punishment in a very different way.

Some kids think...

Others think...

And others think...


How can parents motivate children to behave responsibly? Are there alternatives to punishment? Here's one option: sit next to your child and try to solve the problem together. Here is how this problem solving method works.

Step I Listen to the child and acknowledge their feelings and needs.

Do not criticize what the child says. Encourage him to examine his own feelings for himself.

Summarize the child's feelings and thoughts.

Step II. Talk about your feelings or needs. (It's best to make this step shorter.)

Step III. Invite your child to look for a solution with you.

Step IV. Write down all ideas. Do not judge whether they are good or bad. (If possible, have the child come up with ideas first.)

Step V Determine which ideas you do not like, which ones need to be implemented. Work out a plan.

Practice problem solving

Imagine that you have a 6-year-old daughter, Amy, who clearly does not get along with your 18-month-old son, Billy. You have repeatedly told Amy not to offend her brother, but she does not pay attention to your words. Yes, Billy does sometimes take her toys, but you explained to Amy that he is still small and does not understand. Billy tore a page out of her favorite book today. Amy pushed him hard and he fell down with a bump on his head. She will have to be punished. But how? You can hit her the same way she hits her brother. Or you can forbid her to play with her friends for a whole week. And you can take away a new toy from her.

Step I Listen and acknowledge the child's feelings and needs. Here's what to say in such a situation:

Adult: I noticed that when Billy takes your toys, you hit or push him because you're angry. I'm right?

And here's how a child might respond:

Adult (continues the conversation, confirming the child's feelings): ___________________

Adult (Trying to find out if brother is doing something else that hurts sister): ___________________

Child (what else can be added?): ___________________

Adult (summarizes and sums up the child's feelings): ___________________

Step II. Talk about your feelings or needs.

Adult: ___________________

Step III. Invite your child to work with you to find a solution to the problem.

Adult: ___________________

Step IV. Write down all ideas. Do not judge whether they are good or bad. If possible, have the child offer first. For example:

Let him live with his grandmother ... ___________________

Step V Discuss what ideas you do not like, what can be implemented. Develop an action plan.

Adult: ___________________

Child: ___________________

Adult: ___________________

Child: ___________________

Step VI. Shake hands - you have reached an agreement.

Joint problem solving

Here is our version of discussing the problem and finding a solution. The situation is the same: the older one hit the younger one.

Step I Listen and acknowledge the child's feelings and needs.

Adult: I noticed that when Billy takes your toys, you hit or push him because you are very angry. So?

Child: Yes, he is so nasty! He always climbs to me! He tore up my favorite book. I had to push him. He must play with his toys!

Adult ( confirming the child's feelings): So when you hit him, you really want to say: “Don't break or tear my things. Play with your toys and leave me alone"?

Child: Yes.

Adult ( figuring out what else the child wants to say): Does Billy hurt you in any other way? I really need to know.

Child: When I let him play with my puzzle, he lost two pieces. And he threw my teddy bear down the toilet.

Adult ( summing up and acknowledging the child's feelings): So it doesn't only bother you when you're playing. When you try to be nice to him, he loses your toys or ruins them.

Step II. Tell your child about your feelings and needs.

Adult: That's how I see it all. It is very unpleasant for me when one of my children offends another.

Step III. Invite your child to help you find a solution to a problem.

Adult: Let's think about how to make sure that you play peacefully, your toys remain intact, and your brother does not get hurt.

Step IV. Write down all ideas without judging whether they are good or bad. Let the child speak first.

Child: Send him to live with his grandmother.

Adult: I wrote it down. Anything else?

Child: Let him sit in his playpen.

Adult ( writing down): Sitting in the arena. Okay, anything else?

Child: I can lock my door.

Adult ( writing down): Lock the door. We can put those toys you don't want to give him on the top shelf so he can't get them.

Child: Or put them in my closet.

Adult: I wrote everything down. But what can you do when he takes your favorite book?

Child: I can tell him: “This is my book!” And then I'll give him another, which is not a pity.

Adult ( writing down): And if you want to play alone, you can tell him: "Now I want to play alone."

Step V Discuss what ideas you don't like, what might work. Work out a plan of action.

Adult: I can't agree with your first suggestion - Billy won't go to grandma's. I will never send my child from home. Therefore, it is better to delete this paragraph.

Child: And if we leave him in the arena, he will cry. So delete that too.

Adult: But you can lock your room door if you want to be alone.

Child: And we can lock my best toys in the closet.

Adult: Don't you think Billy can be gently stopped if he tries to take a toy you want to keep for yourself?

Child: That's good! What if I tell him I want to play alone and he doesn't listen?

Adult: If you try everything we've talked about and it doesn't work, you can always call me and I'll take him. But I think you'll learn to handle Billy on your own.

Step VI. Shake hands. You have reached an agreement.

Adult: Let's shake hands. We agreed on everything. I'll put the list on the fridge for all of us to remember.

Elaine Mazlish, Adele Faber

Perfect parents in 60 minutes. Express course from the world's parenting experts

Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish


Illustrations by Kimberly Ann Coe

Text copyright © 1992, 2013 by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

Illustrations copyright © 1992 by The International Center for Creative Thinking, division JMW Group, Ltd.

Illustrations Kimberly Ann Coe

© Novikova T.O., translation into Russian, 2013

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2013

Books of the series "Education according to Faber and Mazlish"

"How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk"

This book is a sensible, understandable, well-written guide on how to properly communicate with children. No boring theory! Only proven practical recommendations and a lot of live examples for all occasions! The authors, world-famous experts in the field of parent-child relations, share with the reader both their own experience (each of them has three adult children) and the experience of numerous parents who attended their seminars. The book will be of interest to anyone who wants to come to a complete understanding with children and forever end "generational conflicts."

How to talk so teens will listen and how to listen so teens will talk

In their new book, the authors show how, using their famous communication technique, to find contact with children of adolescence, build trust with them, talk about difficult topics such as sex, drugs and defiant appearance, help them become independent, take responsibility for their actions and make informed, reasonable decisions.

"Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live together

Having another child, parents dream that the children would be friends with each other, that the elder would help the younger one, giving the mother time to rest or do other things. But in reality, the appearance of another child in the family is often accompanied by numerous childhood experiences, jealousy, resentment, quarrels and even fights.

“Perfect parents in 60 minutes. Express course from world experts in parenting»

The long-awaited novelty from the #1 experts in communication with children Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish! Fully adapted to modern realities, the 1992 edition! In the book you will find: excerpts from the legendary technique of Faber and Mazlish - briefly the most important; analysis of difficult situations in comics; tests for "correct reaction"; practical exercises to consolidate skills; Answers to frequently asked questions from parents.

Perfect format for busy parents!

Other books by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk

How to talk to children so they learn

How to talk so teens will listen and how to listen so teens will talk

Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live together

Free parents, free children

Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, world-famous experts in communication between adults and children, have earned the endless gratitude of parents and the enthusiastic recognition of the professional community.

Their first book Free parents, free children was awarded the Christopher Prize for "literary achievement that upholds the highest values ​​of the human spirit." The following books How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk" and " Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live together”, which became a bestseller and took first place in the rating The New York Times, have sold over 3 million copies and have been translated into more than 20 languages. Thousands of parenting groups around the world use video programs and attend workshops led by these authors. Adele and Elaine's latest book How to talk so kids learn was voted "Best Family and Education Book of the Year" by Child magazine.

Faber and Mazlish studied under renowned child psychologist Dr. Chaim Ginott at the New School for Social Research in New York City and at the Family Life Institute at Long Island University. They frequently lecture in the US and Canada and appear on every major TV show from Good Morning America to The Oprah Winfrey Show. They live on Long Island and each have three children.

Dear friend, this book did not appear immediately

We first thought about it a few years after our first books won awards and topped the bestseller lists. We held a seminar on the theme of harmonious relations between parents and children, based on mutual respect. A lot of people gathered. People vying with each other tried to tell us which of the techniques we recommended they tried and what results they achieved: “It was incredible! .. I couldn’t believe my own ears! .. It works!”

But among the beaming faces we saw one gloomy woman. What worried her?

“It's all wonderful,” she said. But what am I to do with my husband?

Tell him about what you learned last night.

He never listens to me.

“And if you give him one of our books?”

He never reads books.

Even short ones?

- Well, only if the book is really very short ...

The man raised his hand.

– I heard your talk last year and after the lecture I decided to stay for the seminar. I have to admit, I became a fantastic father... but only for a week.

- And then?

“And then I became the same. That is why I am here again today. Hope everything works out better this time.

Someone changed the subject and we got back to what we were going to talk about. But these words remain in our memory. On the way home, we decided to discuss what was troubling our readers.

In these days when no one has time, how can you help parents learn how to communicate with children in a new way?

How to convince them that a few simple skills can make their relationship with children completely different?

How to help them get rid of all the false things that they have been taught for so long by a popular culture that preaches humiliation, long sermons, threats, orders and sarcasm?

It is not easy to change a long-established way of speaking. It is especially difficult to do this in a state of stress, fatigue, depression and ordinary fatigue. We hope these concise tips, illustrated with comics, real-life examples and simple exercises, will help you cope with one of the most difficult and important tasks of your life!

Best wishes,

Adele Faber,

Elaine Mazlish

Principles and skills

About feelings

“The thing that irritates me most about children is that they cry and throw tantrums from scratch. They are completely devoid of common sense."

Perfect parents in 60 minutes. Express course from world parenting experts Mazlish Elaine

Books of the series "Education according to Faber and Mazlish"

"How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk"

This book is a sensible, understandable, well-written guide on how to properly communicate with children. No boring theory! Only proven practical recommendations and a lot of live examples for all occasions! The authors, world-famous experts in the field of parent-child relations, share with the reader both their own experience (each of them has three adult children) and the experience of numerous parents who attended their seminars. The book will be of interest to anyone who wants to come to a complete understanding with children and forever end "generational conflicts."

How to talk so teens will listen and how to listen so teens will talk

In their new book, the authors show how, using their famous communication technique, to find contact with children of adolescence, build trust with them, talk about difficult topics such as sex, drugs and defiant appearance, help them become independent, take responsibility for their actions and make informed, reasonable decisions.

"Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live together

Having another child, parents dream that the children would be friends with each other, that the elder would help the younger one, giving the mother time to rest or do other things. But in reality, the appearance of another child in the family is often accompanied by numerous childhood experiences, jealousy, resentment, quarrels and even fights.

“Perfect parents in 60 minutes. Express course from world experts in parenting»

The long-awaited novelty from the #1 experts in communication with children Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish! Fully adapted to modern realities, the 1992 edition! In the book you will find: excerpts from the legendary technique of Faber and Mazlish - briefly the most important; analysis of difficult situations in comics; tests for "correct reaction"; practical exercises to consolidate skills; Answers to frequently asked questions from parents.

Perfect format for busy parents!

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From the book Perfect Parents in 60 Minutes. Express course from the world's parenting experts by Mazlish Elaine

Other books by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk How to talk to kids so they learn How to talk so teens will listen and how to listen so teens will talk Brothers and Sisters. How to help your

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Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish


Illustrations by Kimberly Ann Coe

Text copyright © 1992, 2013 by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

Illustrations copyright © 1992 by The International Center for Creative Thinking, division JMW Group, Ltd.

Illustrations Kimberly Ann Coe

© Novikova T.O., translation into Russian, 2013

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2013

Books of the series "Education according to Faber and Mazlish"

"How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk"

This book is a sensible, understandable, well-written guide on how to properly communicate with children. No boring theory! Only proven practical recommendations and a lot of live examples for all occasions! The authors, world-famous experts in the field of parent-child relations, share with the reader both their own experience (each of them has three adult children) and the experience of numerous parents who attended their seminars. The book will be of interest to anyone who wants to come to a complete understanding with children and forever end "generational conflicts."

How to talk so teens will listen and how to listen so teens will talk

In their new book, the authors show how, using their famous communication technique, to find contact with children of adolescence, build trust with them, talk about difficult topics such as sex, drugs and defiant appearance, help them become independent, take responsibility for their actions and make informed, reasonable decisions.

"Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live together

Having another child, parents dream that the children would be friends with each other, that the elder would help the younger one, giving the mother time to rest or do other things. But in reality, the appearance of another child in the family is often accompanied by numerous childhood experiences, jealousy, resentment, quarrels and even fights.

“Perfect parents in 60 minutes. Express course from world experts in parenting»

The long-awaited novelty from the #1 experts in communication with children Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish! Fully adapted to modern realities, the 1992 edition! In the book you will find: excerpts from the legendary technique of Faber and Mazlish - briefly the most important; analysis of difficult situations in comics; tests for "correct reaction"; practical exercises to consolidate skills; Answers to frequently asked questions from parents.

Perfect format for busy parents!

Other books by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk

How to talk to children so they learn

How to talk so teens will listen and how to listen so teens will talk

Brothers and sisters.

How to help your children live together

Free parents, free children

Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, world-famous experts in communication between adults and children, have earned the endless gratitude of parents and the enthusiastic recognition of the professional community.

Their first book Free parents, free children was awarded the Christopher Prize for "literary achievement that upholds the highest values ​​of the human spirit." The following books How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk» 1
These and other books are published by the Eksmo publishing house.

AND " Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live together”, which became a bestseller and took first place in the rating The New York Times, have sold over 3 million copies and have been translated into more than 20 languages. Thousands of parenting groups around the world use video programs and attend workshops led by these authors. Adele and Elaine's latest book How to talk so kids learn was voted "Best Family and Education Book of the Year" by Child magazine.

Faber and Mazlish studied with renowned child psychologist, doc.


Here is an excerpt from the book.
Only part of the text is open for free reading (restriction of the copyright holder). If you liked the book, the full text can be obtained from our partner's website.