
Dolls in Bashkir national costumes. Master class “Dolls in national costumes Panels with folk rag dolls


Elena Zhevlakova

In my presentation I will show you Master Class,By making a national frame doll, which introduces children to national Bashkir game.

For work you will be needed:

Cable VVG 3; - Fabric for vest, trousers, shirts;-Children's sock (For making a skullcap) ;-Threads;-Needle;-Scissors;-Paralon;-Foam plastic blanks for head making;-Band;-Plastic mass for sculpting legs and arms dolls;-Marker for drawing the face;-Elastic flesh-colored fabric to fit the head;-Fur (to imitate hair dolls) ;-Glue gun;-Tree branch with a knot, for making logs;-Wooden stand;-Screws;-Hacksaw;

1. We make a leg for ours from salt dough doll and let it dry.

2. made of wire making a frame for a doll where the body and arms are black.

3. Using frame, fabric edge shirt and trousers.

4. We sew, turn the product inside out and put it on frame.

5. We add fabric to give volume to the chest. Trying on a shirt.

6. Sew a braid with an ornament along the bottom of the product.

7. Cut out the vest.

8. Try it on doll frame vest

9. Take two halves of a foam ball.

10. We strip the wire and stick it in the middle into the halves (head blanks. Next, we glue them with a heat gun.

11. We cover our head with elastic flesh-colored fabric. At the top of the head we gather the fabric into a bun and pull it together, leaving 1 centimeter at the top.

12. Apply glue at the level of joining the workpieces.

13. Glue the strip of fur. This will be the hair for our future dolls.

14. Leave the top of the head open.

15. Cut off the nose of the baby's sock - this is the future skullcap.

16. Trying on the base of the headdress made from foam rubber.

17. Having made a hole in the foam rubber, we put it on the top of the head and try on the future skullcap

18.*Measure the braid, choosing it by color. *Sew the braid to the headdress

19. We secure the foam rubber blank by threading a bundle of head trim through the hole. The skullcap is ready!

20. Trim the fur, imitating a man's haircut. We fix the skullcap on the head, grabbing it in several places with threads.

21. We sculpt hands for dolls.

22. We fasten the trousers at the waist.

23. Using a gun, we attach the arms and the first leg blank.

24. Having attached the leg blank to the wire frame, wrap it with a strip of fabric for better fastening.

25. We cut out the log blank, securing it with self-tapping screws on the stand.

26. Additionally gluing the wire to the branch "logs" and wrap it with cloth and glue. We fix the support "leg" on a log.

27. We sculpt the foot of the supporting leg. The doll is ready!

Publications on the topic:

My next folk rag doll is the Bell. The choice was not accidental. I've been working in the same children's office for almost 30 years now.

This work was carried out as part of a week-long research and game project “Droplet” in the second junior group. Nurturing love.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I am very grateful to you for your warm feedback about my dolls and today I want to present to your attention a master class.

In the modern world, interest in folk crafts is increasing. The desire of modern man to know what the folk toy was like.

If you or someone you know grew up with a fidgety little girl, then there are probably a lot of broken dolls left in the house that have been around for a long time.


"Doll in Bashkir national costume"

There is an opinion: “A people who do not know their past have no future.” Modern man is the bearer of folk culture passed on to us by our ancestors. Acquaintance with the national culture of the native land is one of the most important components of the socialization of students. Creative project activity is one of the productive methods for the perception by primary school students of information about the national culture and history of their native land. Also, in the process of creative activity, a sense of aesthetic taste and spiritual culture develops, a caring attitude towards nature and a love of work are instilled.

Instilling in the younger generation respect for the spiritual culture of their people, their history, and a careful attitude towards national traditions is also relevant in today’s rapidly developing world.

Project type: cultural and educational

Objective of the project: to stimulate students' interest in Bashkir folk culture.

Project objectives: acquaintance with the national culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan, its traditions, the history of the Bashkir national costume and its elements; studying the history of the origin of dolls; making a doll in Bashkir national costume; instilling love for the national culture of the region; development of aesthetic taste, spiritual culture, ingenuity, creative thinking, nature and work;fostering a sense of patriotism and respect for national traditions; socialization of students in society.

Performers: teacher Mukhamadeeva Dinara Rafailovna and a working group consisting of first grade students.

Project implementation timeline: October 2017 – December 2017

Project location: GKOU Shafranovskaya sanatorium boarding school

Target group: group of six 1st grade students 7-8 years old

Partners : teacher of Bashkir language and literature Arslanova G.A.,Shafranovskaya rural library.

Project implementation stage: completion of the project



1. Determining the theme of the creative project.

The theme of the creative project: “Doll in the national Bashkir costume.”

2. Justification for choosing this particular topic of creative work.

Educational activity, as a leading one at primary school age, is closely related to gaming activity, the relevance of which remains.For a primary school student, gaming activity, although it has an auxiliary value, remains very important and significant, since it allows one to make the meaning of objects and phenomena more explicit. With the help of play, a child learns more deeply the meaning of these things, masters high social motives of behavior, and learns to subordinate his behavior to rules. Play activities contribute to the development of all cognitive processes of the child.The main functions of games at primary school age are: teaching ways to navigate in a specific game situation; development of basic mental neoplasms; developing skills of self-control and evaluation of one’s actions; formation of adequate relationships in a team of classmates and mechanisms for mastering social roles. Pupils participating in the implementation of this project at the age of 7-8 years. Being in the dormitory building of the boarding school, and having free time, they love to play “Mother and Daughter”. For certain reasons, not all girls have dolls to participate in this game. Therefore, being the class teacher of these students, I decided to organize a creative project activity, the product of which will be the creation of designer dolls. In addition, I submitted for discussion a proposal to create original dolls with a national Bashkir flavor. The group accepted my proposal with approval.

3. Drawing up a plan for creative work.

Drawing up the plan took two classes, since this type of activity was new for the students.

4. Determination of possible material costs during the production of creative work.

During the classes, together with the students, we determined what material costs we could incur in the process of making a designer doll.



1. Collection and processing of information necessary for the implementation of the work from literary and other sources.

Since the students did not know how to read when they started working on the project, I prepared interesting information about the history of the emergence of toys, in particular dolls, in our lives. In the process of preparing this information, I began to involve students in searching it on the Internet based on their existing computer skills. The children were looking for models of dolls that they could make with their own hands from scrap materials and with minimal help from adults.

I invited G.A. Arslanova, a teacher of the highest category in Bashkir language and literature, to introduce the project participants in more detail to the history and culture of their native land, the Republic of Bashkortostan. Galima Akhmadeevna spoke very colorfully about the life and traditions of the Bashkir people. She paid special attention to the national Bashkir costumes. The teacher's story was accompanied by a presentation and displays of bright illustrations from books. Next, Galima Akhmadeevna introduced the children to the types of ornaments applied to clothes and household utensils by the Bashkirs. Organized the game “Collect a Bashkir ornament.” In conclusion, the teacher asked the students to draw a conclusion about how to relate to the history and culture of their native land, what needs to be done so that our descendants know and honor it.

The group visitedShafranovskaya rural library in search of information about the history of Bashkir costume. We were mainly looking for illustrations with images of Bashkir national costumes.
2. Studying the manufacturing technology of the planned object, carrying out calculations, measurements, and solving the necessary problems.

The group studied doll making technologies. We chose a suitable blank model to create the image of a doll in the national Bashkir outfit. We prepared templates for the basis of creating doll clothes.
3. Preparation of the necessary high-quality materials, safe equipment and tools, workplaces.

Prepared the necessary materials and tools to create a doll
4. Determine how to present results.

The working group unanimously decided to organize an exhibition of dolls.

5. Setting criteria for evaluating the final result and the work process.

We established criteria for evaluating finished works: accuracy of execution, accuracy, adherence to national style, creativity.
6. Distribution of tasks and responsibilities between students in the group.

Students distributed responsibilities among group members.



1. Carrying out the most practical work on manufacturing the product.

The children enthusiastically created images of their designer dolls. Everyone received a lot of positive emotions.
2. Monitoring compliance with safety regulations when working with equipment and tools.

I monitored compliance with safety regulations throughout the entire creative process.


1. Presentation of results.

The finished works were presented in an exhibition with national Bashkir flavor.

2. Formulation of conclusions.

Upon completion of the work, the creative group members concluded that it is necessary to know the history and culture of their native land. That this is very interesting and exciting. A doll they create with their own hands is much more beloved and valuable to them than one bought in a store.

3 . Reflection.

The children assessed their work. They talked about the emotions they experienced during the work process. What feelings did they experience when they saw the finished result of their work? The assessment given to their work by other boarding school students and parents was very important for the children.

The goal of the project was to stimulate students' interest in Bashkir folk culture. As a primary school teacher, during the implementation of the project, I wanted to show the children that studying the history of their native land is not boring, but very interesting and exciting.

The educational process carried out by our educational institution uses a regional component. The regional component is given attention in all lessons. But due to the large volume of educational material that needs to be presented to students during the lesson, there is not as much time left for this as we would like. Therefore, a way out of this situation may be the introduction of a regional component into extracurricular activities, through scientific, research, and creative projects.

In the process of completing this work, students encountered the project method for the first time. The method turned out to be new and interesting for the children. What the group members liked most was the hands-on process of making dolls. This is due to the age of the students, since at primary school age play activities predominate over academic activities.

I also see one of the important results of this creative project in the fact that the children expressed a desire to participate in other projects, and even began to suggest topics.

I plan to use this method in my future professional activities, since, in my opinion, it is productive and interesting for students. The project method teaches you to search for information, analyze, systematize, and draw conclusions.

Studying folk costumes is a very interesting and educational process with many amazing discoveries. Such dolls in Bashkir national costumes can be made from ordinary plasticine using a plastic bottle as a base. By creating such crafts with children, you introduce them to folk traditions through familiarity with dolls, cultivate a love for folk culture, veneration and respect for folk traditions, and also teach them to take care of the objects of their work.

Creating dolls in national costumes often becomes the only way to get acquainted with the culture of one’s people, since a conscious study of folk heritage is often impossible due to lack of time, employment and other reasons.

The traditional Bashkir national costume does not replicate the clothing of any other people and it is very rich in decorative elements.

Dolls in Bashkir national costumes

This is a more modern women's costume, in which the famous “Seven Girls” dance.

The main element of the Bashkir costume presented on the doll is a camisole. First of all, it is worth noting the originality of the camisole shape - a sleeveless vest with a straight silhouette at the front, and a semi-fitting one at the back, with a significant widening at the bottom.

Embroidered yelan is a type of long-skirted coat made of cloth, leather, felt, fur, or sheepskin. The more clothes, the richer a person looked in the eyes of his neighbors.

Men's elyans for summer were cut from dark cotton fabrics, while festive ones were cut from velvet, white satin, and silk.

The national costume of the Bashkirs, even everyday ones, is always elegant. It was decorated not only with embroidery and appliqués, but also with coins and corals. The women's national costume of the Bashkirs required great skill, patience and perseverance from the seamstress.

The fur of marten, otter, beaver and other animals was used for headdress.

Stages of making dolls

Irina Kurka

This manual is relevant in the training and education of both preschool and school-age children. Moral education is one of the sections of all educational programs. Both in kindergartens and schools they study in detail the country in which you live and your city. Of particular importance is the education of patriotic feelings: love for the native land, the Soviet Motherland, respect for other people nationalities. Everyone should know the history and sights of their region. It is interesting to learn about the peoples of your city, their culture, folk suits. Telling children using illustrations is boring; it is much more interesting when the information is supported by exhibits that you can pick up and examine in more detail. And when the office is decorated in a variety of ways, this is a plus for the teacher. But public education is poorly funded, so many benefits have to be made with one’s own hands. I offer detailed execution techniques dolls in Azerbaijani costume made of simple, improvised materials. Using the same technology you can make any National Costume.

Materials used:

Plastic bottle - 1 liter,


Textile: burgundy and red satin, white nylon,

Black or brown yarn

Meter, pencil, scissors, sewing machine,

Sketch suit.

Description of work:

Before you begin, you need to find an illustration of this national costume.

We begin to form the head. Having folded the nylon in half (so that the padding polyester does not show through), we cut out a circle with a diameter of 25 cm.

Wrap the bottle cap with a piece of padding polyester, cover it with nylon on top and wrap it tightly with thread.

Form a head according to the shape, pull the fabric up by the edges, you get a head.

Having measured the volume of the bottle, we will calculate the pattern.

Draw a rectangle where width: bottle girth+2cm (on the side seams) and divide everything by 2.; and the length is the height of the bottle to the neck + 3 cm (for the hem and seam, neck: circumference of the neck of the bottle + 2 cm. Draw the lines of the shoulders and cut them out.

Using a paper pattern, we cut out the fabric parts. We get 2 main parts (front and back, two squares (sleeves), and a strip with a length equal to the circumference of the neck of the bottle and a width of 3-4 cm.

We stitch the sleeves and stuff them with padding polyester and we get hands.

We sew two parts of the main pattern along the shoulders and connect them to the arms

Turn it inside out and it looks like a dress.

We put it on doll.

Now let's start making the outer dress. Using the finished paper pattern, cut along the waist line. Using the top of the paper pattern, we cut out the top of the back. Then we cut this paper pattern in half and cut out two parts of the front. We cut out two parts of the flared skirt, then cut one part in half. All that remains is to cut out the sleeves with the train.

Having sewn all the details, we try them on doll.

If necessary, trim with scissors, then pin only the top of the dress to the lower dress.

We take openwork braid and sew it along the edge of the burgundy dress, around the neckline fastening the top with the bottom dress.

Let's take care of the head. Take a large needle and black or brown yarn. We stretch the pieces of yarn through the nylon, making a parting on the head.

Then we braid the resulting hair into braids.

All that remains is to decorate the head. We cut out a circle from burgundy fabric with a diameter the size of the head and a strip as long as the circumference of the head. We sew them together and get a headdress. We trim it with braid and sew it to the head. We complement the product with a veil - which corresponds to the accessory of this national costume.

Different people live in our city nationalities: Kazakhs, Tatars, Russians, Azerbaijanis, etc.

Using this technology, I made data dolls in my office nationalities. Children really like them, they enjoy using them, looking at them, dolls These are quite durable, since all the parts are sewn together. So it's finished Master Class, after reading which you can also make such a manual.

Thank you for your attention!

Target: To form a value attitude towards the man-made world.

Tasks: stimulate initiative and a creative approach to making and decorating a paper doll, and cultivate aesthetic taste. To teach to understand the patterns of combination of shapes, light and compositional arrangement of painting, the technique of its implementation, to introduce children to Bashkir folk art, to consolidate knowledge about nationalities, to continue to introduce Bashkir folklore, to continue to acquaint children with the performance of Bashkir folk songs, to improve the ability to properly use glue and scissors .

Material: model of a Bashkir dwelling, samples of national clothing, dolls in national costumes, multi-colored sheets of paper (red, green, black, white), glue, materials for decorations: braid, foil, confetti, corrugated paper.

Activating the dictionary: rag doll, amulet doll, amulet, craftsmen.

Children enter the decorated hall. Dolls of different types (rag, in Russian costume, in Bashkir costume, plastic).

Teacher: Hello children! You have come to a toy museum, namely a doll museum. Today we will find out how the doll appeared, the history of its origin.

The doll is the oldest and most popular toy to this day. It is an obligatory and faithful companion to children's games, but at the same time it is also the most accessible work of art for children. A doll is a children's toy in the form of a human figurine.

In ancient times there were rag, wooden, paper, and straw dolls. Rag dolls did not have a face. Such dolls were called amulets dolls.

The faceless doll played the role of a talisman. A talisman is like a magic spell that saves a person from danger.

Tell me guys, do you think dolls always had clothes? Children: Yes.

Teacher: That's right, the dolls always had clothes. Doll dresses were sewn for a reason, but with meaning. The outfit had to include the color red - the color of the sun, warmth, health and joy. Craftsmen invented and dressed dolls.

What qualities do you think craftsmen should have in order to make a beautiful, folk doll? Children: They must be diligent, diligent, attentive, be able to invent and fantasize, and be kind.

Teacher: Well, you said “kind”. Is it really necessary to be kind in order to make a good toy or doll? Children: Yes, if a person is not kind, then the product he will make will not turn out beautiful, gentle, it will probably be rough and uncomfortable. And children will not be interested in playing with such a toy.

Teacher: Well done guys! You are thinking correctly. Look at the dolls we have in the museum, pay attention to their clothes, what kind of outfit they have.

Tell me, do you know our national costumes? Children: Bashkir, Tatar, Russian, Mari, Chuvash.

Teacher: Well done! Today we will talk about the Bashkir national costume.

Look, there is a doll in front of you, dressed in a dress. Look carefully and tell me what is included in the Bashkir national costume? Children: Headdress, shirt, dress, swing caftan (elen), boots, leather boots.

Teacher: Correct! What does the Bashkir men's national costume consist of? Children: Headdress, or skullcap, shirt, trousers, camisole.

Teacher: Do you know what colors of fabrics were used to make Bashkir national costumes? Children: No.

Teacher: Young girls loved the beautiful color, older women and men wore green dresses and shirts.

Teacher: Today we will make a doll in the Bashkir national costume.

But first let's play

Physical education lesson Bashkir game “A clever horseman”.

Teacher: Do you like to play with dolls? And in ancient times, children loved to play with dolls. True, they didn’t have such beautiful factory dolls before. While the children were small, their parents made dolls for them; when they grew up, they made their own dolls from different materials: wood, straw, fabric, but they always decorated them with elements characteristic of their people. What can we make a doll from? Children: From paper.

Teacher: Correct. We will need sheets of paper in red, green, black and white. Where do we start? Children: First, let's prepare paper for work. Wrinkle the sheets several times until they become completely soft (they do).

Teacher: Correct, and after the paper becomes soft, what needs to be done?

(During the lesson, a Bashkir melody sounds). Children: Divide the white paper into two parts.

Teacher: That's right, we will make the heads and necks of dolls out of them. Roll one part of the sheet into a tight ball, wrap the second part around the ball and twist it from below. Let's get the head and neck. Girls, please take a red sheet of paper, and you boys, take a green one! Girls will make dresses for their dolls, and boys will make shirts for theirs. We fold the sheets of paper diagonally, tear off the upper and lower corners along an arc, and glue them together to form a cone. We will need the remaining paper to make sleeves. From small rectangles of the same size, we glue together tubes - these are the sleeves of dresses and shirts.

To make doll legs, girls need to take sheets of black paper, carefully tear off two narrow strips and twist them with a rope.

The boys will make trousers for their dolls. Take sheets of black paper, divide them into two parts and roll them into a tube. The main details are ready! What should we do now? Children: Connect!

Teacher: That’s right, we’ll insert the head into a small hole in the dress or shirt, glue the sleeves to the sides, and the legs or pants at the bottom. The dolls turned out wonderful! To make their clothes look like the Bashkir national costume, they need to decorate it with characteristic elements. How did the Bashkirs decorate women's costumes? Children: Braid, multi-colored embroidery from beads, corals, pearls, and also silver coins.

Teacher: And what about the men's suit? Children: Shirts were embroidered with red silk, skullcaps were decorated with embroidery, appliqués were made of fabric and leather on helens and camisoles.

Teacher: What else besides the costume did the Bashkirs decorate with appliqué? Children: Yurt, your own home. Before decorating the dolls, I suggest you relax and play a game called “Yurt” (play.) Now let’s start decorating the dolls’ costumes. We will need beautiful braid of suitable colors, corrugated paper, confetti, foil, etc. Next is the analysis of the lesson.

Title: Summary of educational activities “Bashkir amulet doll”
Nomination: Class notes, GCD / local history

Position: senior teacher
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 219
Location: Ufa city