
Teach time for children. How to teach your child to tell time using a clock. How to explain to a child what time is


Your little “why” has a million questions every day, and sooner or later he will begin to wonder “where the day goes” and “where the night comes from.” He understands what time is. This is a sign that you can soon begin to teach your baby to navigate the clock face. Let's figure out how to teach a child to tell time using a clock with hands. So that the little one can understand it, and mom and dad don’t need to drink valerian.

When to start teaching your child to navigate time

The principle of starting to learn to navigate time using a clock is the child’s ability to count to 100. Or at least to 60.

This is interesting. It is better if by school age the child already has a good understanding of time: this will help not only rationally distribute hours and minutes for homework, games, etc., but will also help him understand the value of time.

Thus, it is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of when to teach a toddler how to handle a watch. Some children can count well already at 4–5 years old, and some even at 6 may be confused in the order of numbers. But parents should not worry about this - such different age indicators are considered a variant of the norm, so humble yourself and be patient, because without knowing the rules of counting it is impossible to understand the mechanism of counting time. In addition, to understand the clock, the baby must:

  • be able to visually distinguish numbers from 1 to 12;
  • understand the principle of counting in 5-5, 10, 15, 20, etc.;
  • write numbers from 1 to 12.

Is this all a passed stage for your child? Great, you can start mastering the concept of time.

How to correctly explain what time is

Let's figure out what time is, from the point of view of a child's understanding of this concept. This is a certain number that mom and dad, as well as other adults, look at the clock and call.

This is interesting. If there are no wall clocks in the house, and everyone only uses phones and other gadgets to determine the current time, then teaching your child how to use a clock will be very problematic.

The main task at the stage of familiarization with the intangible concept of time is to give the child a feel for intervals and the length of intervals using specific life examples.


  • We explain the concept of “second”. Clap your hands so that one movement is equal to 1 second. This should be done in time with the clock with the second hand. And be sure to emphasize that now you are moving your palms in time.
  • We turn time into duration. Say that one episode of the cartoon about Luntik lasts, for example, 10 minutes, and the baby spends 15 minutes getting dressed. Be sure to talk about how much time the little one spent on a particular game. This exercise will show your child what “fast” and “long” mean.
  • We explain the concept of “day”. In fact, this is not so difficult to do; it is only important to consider the essence of the issue from the baby’s perspective. We can say that our day consists of 24 hours. Of these, half - 12 - the baby spends in the crib, resting, and the remaining 12 are distributed among food, activities, walks, games, etc. All these important things require different amounts of time, since some things are done quickly, and others - that's a long time.

How to quickly teach how to use a watch

So, the child already knows that time is determined by the clock, but has absolutely no idea how they work. To do this, you need to “make friends” with a watch, for example, by making a simulator. We recommend using a cardboard model of the dial.

This is interesting. You can use an old wall clock as a sample.

Making a training watch


  1. Take a sheet of thick cardboard and cut a circle out of it. It is convenient if its diameter is 25–30 cm.
  2. Using a bright felt-tip pen (you can take felt-tip pens of different colors) we mark the clock.
  3. We cut out two hands (a larger minute hand, a smaller second hand) from pieces of cardboard of different colors.
  4. Use a nut to secure the minute and hour hands on the simulator.

Learning to understand watches with a cardboard model-picture

  1. First of all, you need to explain to the child that two hands are very important in a watch - the hour and minute, which moves the hour hand. Some watch models also have a second, which is followed by a minute. This is where you can ask your child a random question: which arrow, in his opinion, is the main one. (The minute, or, if there is one, the second, since they pull the others along with them.) This image will be appropriate at the stage of the baby’s understanding that when the minute hand, having passed one circle, stands at 12, one hour will end.

    Ready-made manuals can be used for training

  2. The next important step is to explain the "clockwise move". Show your child that the arrows “move” exclusively from left to right, this movement goes in a circle, and is defined as “clockwise movement.” Accompany these explanations with a demonstration of how the arrows go around a circle by setting them to 12.
  3. Then you can master whole time values. To do this, move the hour hand around the simulator and ask your child to tell the time. This is important: move only in a clockwise direction, and its movement should only follow the minute one.

Find out what an hour, a minute and a second are

The sequence of explanations will be as follows:

You need to carry out all these explanations and do the exercises on a working watch.


  • Observation. Follow the circle that the second hand makes to understand the movement of the minute hand.
  • Time tracking. Draw the baby's attention to the position of the minute and hour hands. Now indicate the period of time that you are timing (at least 2 minutes so that the movement of the minute hand is clearer). Let the baby mind his own business during this time, and after the measured period, look at the dial and tell him what he managed to do during this time. This way you will also clearly demonstrate to your little one the value of every minute.

Recognize half an hour and 15 minutes

The kid has already understood what a “whole hour” is; it’s time to move on to half and 15 minutes. To do this, you need to remind him that an hour is 60 minutes, which means that half an hour is 30 minutes. After this, it is worth drawing the child’s attention to the fact that the minute hand can point to half of this half - 15 minutes.


Let's figure it out in 5 minute increments

Smaller time intervals can begin to be explained to the baby only after careful assimilation of large time values.

We start with 5 minutes. We explain to the child that a long arrow can move smaller. This is where the baby’s ability to “jump” over 5, which can be practiced on the simulator, comes in handy. To do this, it makes sense to put on the cardboard dial the values ​​that will correspond to the minutes - opposite 1 we put 5, opposite 2-10, etc.

This is interesting. There's no need to rush here. First you need to fix the principle of moving the minutes on the right side of the dial, and only then move to the left.


This is interesting. Teachers do not advise introducing the concepts of “five to five” and “quarter to a quarter” until the child learns to tell time well using a clock.

How to learn to tell time in the form of a game

The game form of learning is the most effective when working with children. To master clocks with hands, there are a number of proven simple games:

This is interesting. For those children who understand the time on an electronic clock well, the online game “Learning the time on a clock” will help them study the movement of a clock with arrows.

They say that all the necessary skills come to a child at the right time, and there is no need to rush his development. But when the child himself begins to show genuine interest in a particular topic, then it will not be superfluous to help him in mastering it. Today we start new series of articles, which will help you teach your children all sorts of useful life skills.

How to teach a child to tell time using a clock?

Time is an abstract concept and it is difficult for kids to understand what we are talking about when we try to explain what minutes and hours are.
How to touch them? How to feel it? Where do the hands on the clock go? And why does time pass faster in a fun game than in boredom?

It will be difficult for a child to immediately understand the clock mechanism. Therefore, it is easier to divide the process of getting to know time into several stages, starting not with minutes and hours, but with longer time intervals:

Teaching a child to read a dial is not an easy task. We advise you to be patient, slow down your inner running and not rush anywhere. Remember: "Everything has its time!"

Hello again! We continue to develop, going “ahead of the rest.” Not every first grader can boast that they know how to use a clock and, without the help of others, can determine when the lesson starts, when it’s lunch time and when it’s time to go home.

If your child has not yet made friends with clock hands, do not be upset or despair. As teachers say, it is not at all necessary to teach future first-graders to tell time using a clock at the age of 3. These lessons are much easier when the child is already 6-7 years old. At the same time, there are several quite effective techniques for teaching a child to tell time. Sometimes only about five lessons are enough for your child to confidently navigate hours, minutes and seconds.

Lesson plan:

Where to begin?

Before you excitedly tell your child about the two hands on the dial, pointing your finger at the watch glass, and get annoyed because he stares at you with his amazed eyes, you need to understand what to explain to your child about what you can’t touch, feel, or see , nor to hear, quite difficult.

We, adults, sometimes cannot feel the passage of time: it either flies at the speed of light, snapping away mercilessly pleasant moments and carrying away months and years, or it drags on endlessly, no matter how much we rush it. At the same time, he does not stop for a moment and does not turn back. How to tell this to a kid who is used to trying everything “by tooth”?

Therefore, first the child is introduced not to the clock mechanism, but to the components of the day, that is, they explain that there is morning, day, evening and night.

Children understand faster when you give them examples from their lives. So, in the morning we get up, get ready to go to the garden and to work, play and walk during the day, in the evening moms and dads come to pick up the children, everyone goes home together, and at night we all sleep so that the next day we can greet the morning again vigorously.

The past, present and future are closely related to the abstract concept of time, which are also mastered with the help of examples. So, yesterday was a day off, and we went ice skating; Today is Monday, and we are going to the garden; tomorrow will be your birthday, and you will treat your friends.

At this same stage, the child becomes acquainted with the seasons, already easily determining that spring will definitely come after winter.

Thus, the preschooler gradually develops a general idea of ​​time as events following one another. Do not forget that the most important element of learning for children of preschool and primary school age is play, through which the material is absorbed much better.

Meet the hour, minute and second

Has your baby already mastered large time intervals and is not confused about what happened yesterday and what will happen tomorrow? Then, most likely, he is already ready to get to know better what time is made of?

What is a clock for our children? These are some numbers that adults determine from a dial. Our task is to explain that a watch is a device that “measures” time. What does time consist of? It has a second, a minute and an hour.

How to show that there is a second? Yes, very simple! Clap your hands - once a second! Clap your hands again - two seconds! Clap with your child, counting out loud 60 times, explaining that you have a minute. I think you managed to show that a second is the smallest amount of time, and a minute lasts much longer. What can you do in a second? Yes, absolutely nothing!

A good example to see how long a minute is is the second hand. If you have such a clock at home, show your child how the hand moves. You can also clap and count 60 times along with its progress. What did you do in a minute? Well, for example, you took a book from the shelf or washed an apple! Already more than nothing!

Of course, watching the minute hand to clearly show that an entire hour has passed is a difficult task. But there is a way out in this situation. Focus children's attention on the position of the clock when the large hand is at 12, and the hour hand is at any value. Invite your child in exactly one hour!

You know what will happen, but for the child it will be a discovery that the big hand is there, but the small hour hand has moved to another number! And how much he managed to do during this time: play and watch a cartoon. That's how long it is - one hour!

What will such a simple acquaintance give us?

  1. Firstly, the child will feel “on himself” the intervals of time and learn to compare what is more and what is less, what consists of what, that minutes are shorter than an hour.
  2. Secondly, it will finally settle into the child’s head that time only moves forward.
  3. Thirdly, a preschooler will have the opportunity to use a watch to measure something that cannot actually be seen and touched.

Making a watch

A clock mechanism or a copy of it will help you consolidate the material you have covered. If you don’t mind the real wall ones, you’ll have to remove the glass from them so that you can freely move the arrows with your hands as you want. But more often, parents and their children make a one-hour simulator with their own hands.

  1. Firstly, creativity as an element of the game makes its contribution - it makes the learning process more interesting.
  2. Secondly, even if the watch breaks due to diligence, it’s not a pity to throw it away.
  3. Thirdly, on a homemade watch you can mark something in different colors, add and draw it to make it clearer and more visual, which you can’t really do on a real one.

What is the most important thing in a watch? Numbers! They must be big. And of course, arrows! You need at least two, or preferably three, to fully master all parts of time. And don’t forget that they differ in thickness and length! Everything is as if for real!

You clap and the child moves the second hand. How long has it been? Then why is our minute hand stuck, let it jump forward!

Now it’s your turn to move the minute hand. If she runs the entire dial from number 12 and gets back to number 12, how long will she go? Why didn't the hour hand move anywhere? Well, that’s better!

Place the arrows at the current time and invite the child in a couple of hours to set them to a new position. Get up in the morning, show your child what time looks like on your homemade simulator when you sit down to breakfast. How will it change when you are ready to go to school and work?

So, day after day, the child consolidates intervals and becomes familiar with the time meter.

From half to half, from five to ten...

Teachers say that it is enough for six-seven-year-old preschool children to learn to tell time on a clock exactly up to half an hour. But for this they must be able to count to 60, at least in tens.

If you want to teach your child to distinguish five-minute intervals, then you will first have to teach him to count in 5s. Only closer to the age of ten do children begin to confidently operate with a quarter of an hour, and even more so with such familiar ones as “five to five”, “ten to ten”. So “don’t rush to live”!

So, on our simulator, already half-worn during training, we set the minute hand to the number 12, and the hour hand to any number. If you completed the previous stage successfully, then at this moment the child will easily tell you how much time you have now.

What is half an hour? Yes, this is an ordinary half or 30 minutes! The minute hand runs half a circle and stops! Dear Parents! Be carefull! The hour hand also moves half its way! Now let's train! We set the clock hand with the hour hand, leaving the minute hand halfway. Have you honed your skills? The next task is more difficult!

Using the same principle, we learn to identify smaller intervals. And here there is one trick! In order for children not to get confused and to develop the definition of five to twenty minutes before automaticity, give hints! Write the minutes next to the main numbers: 5,10,15,20 and so on. Rest assured, visual memory and repeated repetitions will make themselves felt, and soon these tips can be safely removed!

OK it's all over Now! Consolidate the results by looking at the clock face as often as possible and asking the time from your student, and you can safely buy a wristwatch as a gift on September 1, since the newly minted first-grader already knows how to use it!

How are you doing with time? Does your future schoolchild know what time his favorite cartoons start? Share your secret, was it difficult to teach how to count time?

And listen to the funny Fixie about a watch)

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The baby is growing and every day shows more and more interest in the world around him. For his attempts in this to be successful, his parents must provide him with help and support. Studying time is a difficult process that will take more than one day. From our article you will learn how to teach your child to understand time by clock easily, using useful tricks.

To make the process of learning time easy and fun, parents are recommended to initially teach their child the following:

  • The concepts of “morning” and “evening”;
  • Seasons;
  • Count up to 100;
  • Folding at intervals of “5”.

It’s good if the child perceives learning as a game. In this case, there is no need to force him to get acquainted with new concepts: he will be interested himself.

Parents should stock up on bright didactic material, since visualization of the process of time affects the child’s speed of perception. In addition, color pictures will remain in his memory for a long time.

How to explain to a child what time is

Considering that today adults look at the time on the screens of their mobile phones, it is not so easy to explain to a child why this is done. It is better to purchase a large dial with arrows for your home so that you can clearly see the passage of time.

By watching the movement of the arrows, you can tell what time there will be breakfast, a walk or sleep. Invite your child to complete some simple task, for example, in one minute. Show him how the arrows managed to move during this period.

We master the concepts of past, future and present

In order for your child to be able to better determine time, it is worth introducing him to the concepts of past, future and present. Visual materials are ideal for these purposes.

The past can be explained by showing the child old photographs from the childhood of adults or pictures of dinosaurs. The present is what we are doing now: having breakfast, walking, reading or going to bed. To introduce your child to the future, you can tell him about planned family purchases or trips.

The main thing in this matter is to show imagination and interest the child.

We make watches and learn to be friends with them

The most useful teaching material is the one you make yourself. You can cut a circle with a diameter of at least 25 cm from a rectangle of colored cardboard. Mark the divisions on it with strokes, and the time values ​​with numbers.

Using a long and short pencil, imitate the movement of real arrows. It is better to put a real dial and a homemade one in front of the baby. This way he will quickly learn to move the arrows in the right direction on his own. Tell your child a specific time and depict it on the dial.

The easiest way to master time is with visual material.


Invite your child to name the time value himself, and at this time you will reflect it on the dial using arrows. When you notice that your child has understood the essence of the task, deliberately make a mistake in the number or swap the arrows. If the child did not notice this, you need to repeat the exercise.

How to teach your child to tell time using a clock

It is best to start learning at the age of 4-5, perhaps earlier if your child already knows numbers and can operate with the concepts of “past”, “present”, “future”.

So that your baby can navigate time, you can show him all the clock shapes available at home. Place a mechanical, electronic, or hourglass on the table. Observe with your child how the one-minute interval is reflected differently on them.

It is worth making your child associate any activity with a specific time. When going for a walk, point to the dial and explain the location of the hands.

After the walk, tell your child how much time has passed. You can also track the minutes spent brushing your teeth, eating, or packing your school bag. Such exercises help develop memory and thinking.

How to explain what an hour, minute, second is

The easiest way is to tell your child what a second is. You can simply clap your hands every time the arrow moves. This fun activity will arouse interest and help you quickly master counting time.

The minute hand is 60 seconds or the same number of claps. It may seem tedious at first, but clapping is easy for kids. This exercise can be accompanied by counting from 1 to 60 out loud.

Since an hour contains a full 60 minutes, you should not bother your baby with clapping. Instead, you can cook a pie together or go to the store. As time passes, you need to remember to draw the baby’s attention to the dial.


On a homemade clock, parents can use short dashes to indicate minute divisions. Using a long pencil as the minute hand, show your child how it moves. Explain to your child that the totality of all divisions is 60 minutes. Ask him to move the pencil for a certain number of minutes, and also offer to measure out several hours.

We study the hour, half an hour and its quarter

To explain to your child what a quarter of the dial is, it is better to divide the dial into sectors, each of which corresponds to 15 minutes. Together with him, count the number of divisions in one sector. To make it easier to memorize, draw on the dial, for example, pieces of a pie, the edges of which will correspond to an interval of 15 minutes. Paint each piece a different color.

To study the half hour, divide the dial into 2 equal halves and shade them differently. Explain to your child that there are two equal intervals of 30 minutes in an hour. You can draw a line dividing the dial in half not through “6” and “12”, but, for example, through “4” and “10”.

Having traced both halves along the outer edges, tell your child that together they make up an hour. You can combine all the pieces of the pie in a similar way.


Tell your child that in 15 minutes you will go for a walk. Show him the correct location of the hands on the dial. Ask your child to remind you when a quarter of an hour has passed. This exercise can be done several times a day. It will not only help you learn new information, but also instill in your child a sense of responsibility, which will play an important role in his future life.

Teaching the concept of “time” is an important step towards a child’s growing up.

How to teach your child time by the clock in 5 minute increments

If, before learning, a child knows how to accurately add the number “5” to the previous number, this is a big plus for him. You can cut out a new circle for the dial and divide it into sectors, each of which has five divisions.

In order for the baby to better understand what a step of 5 minutes means, you can count the divisions in each sector. Please note that each compartment has an equal number of minutes.

To ensure that your child fully understands the material covered, tell him that in five minutes you will be preparing lunch or going to visit. Ask him to watch the arrows and report as soon as the appointed time has passed.

For these purposes, you can also take a circle of cardboard and draw short lines for each number that is a multiple of five. Invite your child to independently identify all the numbers on the dial, starting from zero. This will help the child concentrate and remember all the divisions well. Don't rush him when completing a task, he may figure it out himself at his usual speed.


Prepare for your child an empty circle made of cardboard, as well as 12 small colored circles with numbers from 5 to 60. The exercise is that the child must independently distribute the prepared numbers on the dial. When completing a task, prompt him if a mistake is made.

First of all, learn to recognize your child’s needs and do not force him to learn anything. Interest will soon fade away, and you will not achieve the desired result. The first acquaintance with the dial can be made at the age of five years. At this time, the baby is already showing interest in the clock hanging in the children's room.

To make learning engaging for your child, use colorful materials. It is best if the baby participates in its production. The dials created in this way can be hung in his room to secure the material.

Teaching older children

For school-aged children, teaching time is easier. Knowledge of the multiplication tables is considered an advantage. If the baby has mastered it, then there will be no difficulties in getting to know the dial.

Students can also be attracted to electronic exercises using children's videos on the Internet. These are exciting activities that develop logic and focus attention. Cheerful music and bright pictures evoke positive emotions in the baby.

Teaching time through play

If parents take a creative approach to teaching their child, then the whole process will be perceived as a fun activity that does not require effort. Take your child to a store that sells watches and show him different types and shapes. Get him interested in pictures of watch faces in magazines or on the Internet.

The best way to teach your child time is to buy him a watch. He will appreciate this gift and will look at the dial more often. The child can also act as a teacher and give parents tasks to show this or that time. Adults may deliberately make mistakes several times to give the child the opportunity to express himself.

Some children are able to learn to tell time using a clock as early as 3-4 years old.

How to teach a child to understand time using a clock with arrows

It would be good if there was a dial without glass on which you could turn the hands. This way, the baby will be able to control the clock himself. Ask him to show specific hours and minutes. Make sure your child points the arrows along the clock line.

If you don’t have such a watch, you can buy a special children’s watch, which is placed on a large poster and hung on the wall. Their advantage will be bright colors and numerous clues.

You can also use a cardboard circle. Instead of arrows, attach pencils of different lengths or cut them out of cardboard of a different color and secure them with a button in the middle so that they can move freely with the help of the baby’s hands.

  • Encourage your child for every correct answer;
  • Do not allow long daily exercises, 15 minutes is enough;
  • Whenever possible, point to dials at home, on the street, or in stores.

How to consolidate the result

To ensure that your child’s knowledge is not lost over time, be sure to follow these rules:

  • Hang a clock in the children's room;
  • Tell your baby every day what time he wakes up, eats, goes to bed or goes for a walk;
  • Even after your child has learned the basics of time, practice with him in a playful way every day for at least 5 minutes.

Teaching time may take a week for some children and a month for others. This is a normal phenomenon: it all depends on age and ability to count. You can start getting acquainted with the dial only when you see that the baby himself shows interest in it. If a child has his own desire to learn new information, then it is given to him without unnecessary difficulties.

See how you can teach your child to understand time by the clock in a preschool:

Alexey Mishnev (22:34:50 03/14/2013):
What is time? Time is the sequential awareness of felt real events or received from information and stored in a person’s memory: in the past, present and expected in the future. The sequential duration of these events is divided into shares and expressed mathematically initially in the form “from sunrise to sunset”, “day -night.” As a result of the development of civilization, modern mathematical chronology arose, dividing events into parts: week, month, year, century, millennium, day, hour, minute, second. Alexey Mishnev. March 14, 2013.

Sofokl (23:00:43 01/28/2016):
The confusion is due to the fact that the word “time” has two meanings: 1) duration. 2) the object’s own time. Duration is measured in seconds. But duration is not time. The proper time of an object is a relative value that reflects the measure of the object’s transition from the fact of the beginning to the fact of the end of its existence, showing what part of its existence potential the object has spent at the time of observation. In other words, the time of an object is its (relative) age. For more details see: Ilyasov F.N. Time as the spent potential of existence. Institute for Research into the Nature of Time. Moscow State University, 2015. /ru/rnameindex/item/

Guest (11:27:25 03/28/2019):

Guest (09:06:50 01/05/2019):

Sergey (19:15:13 06/17/2019):
If you understand that your need is charitable assistance, then pay attention to this article. Those who, without your participation, may lose an exciting business have turned to you for help. Many children, boys and girls, dream of becoming pilots on the track. They attend classes where, under the guidance of an experienced trainer, they learn high-speed driving techniques. Only constant exercises allow you to overtake correctly, build a trajectory and choose speed. Winning on the track is based on good qualification. And, of course, a professional kart. Children who participate in clubs are completely dependent on adults, because lack of money and broken spare parts do not allow them to participate in competitions. How much pleasure and new sensations children experience when they get behind the wheel and start driving the car. Maybe it is in such a circle that not only Russian champions grow up, but even future world champions in this sport?! You can help the children's karting section, which is located in the city of Syzran. They are in a really bad situation right now. Everything rests on the enthusiasm of the leader: Sergei Krasnov. Read my letter and look at the photos. Pay attention to the passion with which my students work. They love this developmental sport and really want to continue learning. I am asking you to help the karting section in the city of Syzran survive. Previously, there were TWO young technician stations in the city, and each had a karting section. There was also karting at the Palace of Pioneers. Now there is not a single station in the city, and the circle in the Palace of Pioneers was also destroyed. They closed it - it’s hard to say, they simply destroyed it! We fought, wrote letters, and everywhere they had the same answer. About five years ago I went to the governor of the Samara region for a reception. He didn’t accept me, but my deputy accepted me. After that, we were given premises where we were based. We have a lot of children who want to go karting, but very poor material conditions do not allow us to recruit children. And most of the karts require repairs. This is the situation our circle is in. We also turned to the mayor of the city of Syzran for help. This is the second year we have been waiting for help. We decided to turn to you via the Internet for help. Contact me, ADDRESS FOR PACKAGES, 446012 Samara region, Syzran, Novosibirskaya str. 47, PACKAGE CAN BE SENT BY BUSINESS LINES, my data is full there, you can contact through social networks SERGEY IVANOVICH KRASNOV.or write to xxUbahbi4xx@ Always, while on wave of success, one must do works of mercy, give alms. And if the Lord helps in difficult circumstances, then do not forget about gratitude afterwards. Then He will not forget about your needs.

Guest (16:50:10 06/19/2019):

Sergey (20:23:23 03/07/2019):
The karting topic is still relevant, write if you want to help.

at (08:57:55 08/07/2019):

Sergey (17:47:39 08/09/2019):
We also have a petition, if you don’t mind signing it. /cPmmdqsk

Lenya (14:20:16 09/27/2019):

Lenya (14:23:38 09/27/2019):

Lenya (14:24:48 09/27/2019):

Guest (18:23:05 30/11/2019):

Guest (18:24:16 30/11/2019):