
Annual analytical report of the teacher. Creative report by a teacher of a mixed age group Analytical report by a teacher of a mixed age group


In the 2015-2016 academic year, based on the results of the PMPK, children of a compensatory orientation came to our group - children with disabilities aged 5-7 years. 8 people attended the Sunflowers group for two years (since November 2014). 6 people were newly admitted. Of these, 8 are boys and 6 are girls.

The work of the ZPR group was carried out based on the main annual tasks in accordance with the Annual Plan of the MBDOU No. 26, the educational program of the MBDOU “Compensatory Kindergarten No. 26”, developed on the basis of the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova and Preparing children with mental retardation for school. /Ed. Shevchenko S.G.

The effectiveness of correctional and educational work in children's mental health groups is determined by the clear organization of children's lives during their stay in kindergarten, the correct distribution of the load during the day and continuity in the work of the teacher-defectologist and educators.

In September, the educational process was monitored by educators and a special education teacher.

Based on this diagnosis, we built:

  • planning educational and correctional work with children;
  • setting corrective goals and objectives;
  • drawing up individual correctional and speech therapy programs;
  • the use of methods and principles of correctional education;
  • creating a correctional and developmental environment in the group;
  • organization of subgroup and individual work with children in a group.

During the year, we considered the following tasks important:

  1. Determining ways to prevent and coordinate mental disorders.
  2. Selection, systematization and improvement of techniques and methods of work of defectologists and educators in accordance with the program content.
  3. Comprehensive development of all mental processes, taking into account the capabilities, needs and interests of preschool children.
  4. .Care and health of every child.
  5. Well-being and comprehensive development of every child.
  6. Creating a friendly attitude towards all students in the group; maximum use of various types of children's activities and their integration.

During the school year, children developed according to their age, studied program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development.

Health-saving technologies were effectively introduced into the educational process. We carried out systematic, systematic work to improve the health of children with disabilities. As part of additional education (the “Health” circle), we used various technologies for preserving and stimulating health in a complex: orthopedic gymnastics, articulation gymnastics, eye gymnastics, relaxation, breathing exercises, finger exercises, outdoor and sports games, dynamic pauses, corrective exercises.

Much attention was paid to the prevention of flat feet: special exercises were carried out with children, massage mats and health paths were used. Special attention was paid to a rational daily routine and a balanced diet.

For each educational topic, we have selected finger and outdoor games, developed dynamic pauses, which are arranged in the form of card files and presented in the speech therapy corner.

All GCD is conducted on lexical topics. We have developed comprehensive thematic planning in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for almost all educational topics and selected didactic materials on the topics studied, including various tasks for the prevention and correction of mental retardation.

We also prepared and replenished the developmental environment, which plays a special role in strengthening the child’s health, his comprehensive physical and mental development, and for the realization of potential mental and motor abilities. The group's development environment was divided into centers taking into account a gender approach and in accordance with the principle of flexible zoning. The placement of equipment is organized in such a way that it allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage and communicate at the same time, without interfering with each other, with different types of activities.

Much attention is paid to educating parents. Seasonal folders have been created - movements and on other topics related to the lives of parents and children: “Advice for parents of aggressive children”, “Basics of safety”, “What is mental retardation?”, “A healthy child - a happy family”, “Games for speech development”, "We are raising patriots."

Parents were involved in the life of the kindergarten: competitions “Gifts of Autumn”, “For every little bird a feeder”, “Best New Year tree”, “Best plot”, joint holidays and entertainment.

Thanks to the daily activities of the speech pathologist and teachers, monitoring the quality of children’s mastery of the basic general education program for the 2015-2016 academic year showed an average level of development. Based on the results of the PMPC, one child was diagnosed with mental retardation, three children were recommended to study according to the general education program in class VIII, and one child was recommended to study according to the general education program in class VIII. The rest are recommended to continue their education and training at MBDOU No. 26.

Thus, in our group we have created a favorable environment for children in order to demonstrate motor, play and intellectual activity and satisfy interest in a variety of activities.

In the next academic year we plan:

  1. Create a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the group for a new set of children with mental retardation.
  2. Maintain partnerships between teachers, children and parents.
  3. To assist parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the development of children 5-7 years old with mental retardation, and the ability to apply it in communication.

MKDOU "Swallow" Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten

Progress report

for the 2016 – 2017 academic year

№3 "Fairy tale"

Educator E.V. Klochkova

Annual report of a teacher of different age groupsNo. 3 "Fairy Tale"

for the 2016 – 2017 academic year.

In multi-age group No. 3 “Fairy Tale” there are two teachers: Elena Viktorovna Klochkova, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Kravchenko and an assistant teacher: Natalya Ivanovna Borisova.

Total number of children:

Start of the year: 32

End of year: 28

The roster of the group consisted of 28 children, of which 14 were girls and 14 were boys.

We worked on the basic general educational program of preschool education, which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” - An exemplary general educational program of preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC SYNTHESIS, 2014.

The main priority areas of the general developmental group from 4 to 5 years old are:

Sports and recreation

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

- a game;
- labor activity;
- personal example of an adult;
- objects of nature;
- objective world, etc.
Forms of work:
- GCD;
- regime moments
- work with parents;

1. In the educational field “Physical Development”, they continued to develop children’s ability to walk and run, observing the correct technique of movements, climb a gymnastic wall without missing slats, climb from one flight to another, crawl in different ways, stand long jump, and land softly , catch the ball with your hands, throw objects with your right and left hands. Hit the ball on the ground. Perform static and dynamic balance exercises. Form a column one at a time, in pairs, in a circle, in a line. Ride a scooter, bicycle, roller skate. Make turns right and left. Navigate in space, come up with options for outdoor games.

Outdoor games were played with the children: “Geese, geese...”, “At the bear in the forest”, “Run quietly”, “Cat and mice”, “Planes”, “Owl”, “Homeless hare”, “Fox in the hen house”, “Hares and the Wolf”, “Birds and the Eagle”, “Traps”, “Freeze”, “Hide and Seek”, “Football”, “Basketball”, “Hopscotch”, “Skittles”, “Hit the Target”, “Big Ball” , “Ball Up”, “Shaggy Dog”, etc.

We used various means of physical education in combination:

rational regimen, nutrition, hardening, massages, various types of physical activity (morning exercises, physical education, developmental exercises, sports games, leisure, sports activities).

Children were taught basic hygiene rules: to use a comb, soap, a towel, and a handkerchief. Eat food carefully and use cutlery correctly. Use a napkin and seek adult help if necessary.

2. In the educational field “Social and communicative development”:

They developed the ability to take care of their clothes and be able to put them in order;

They aroused the desire to independently maintain order in the group and in the kindergarten area, clean the workplace after classes and perform the duties of cafeteria attendants;

Instilled skills in caring for plants and birds in the group and on the site;

Developed the ability to master safe behavior skills in mobile and

sports games;

Formed primary skills in using sports and gardening equipment, taking into account safety rules;

Children have developed basic rules for safe behavior and movement indoors, outdoors, in transport, at home, on winter roads;

Know the purpose of a traffic light in general;

They know what kind of transport moves on the road (roadway) and railway;

Children know and explain the purpose of such road signs as “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground crossing”, “Overground crossing”, “Stop”;

The children had observations, conversations, outdoor games, competitions, role-playing games, didactic games, drawing pictures on relevant topics, applications, and read stories, fairy tales, and poems to the children.

3. In the educational field “Cognitive Development”, children are able to:

Distinguish from what parts a group of objects is made up, name their characteristic features (color, shape, size);

Compare two groups by individually correlating objects (pairing);

Arrange 3-5 objects of various sizes (length, width, height) in ascending and descending order; talk about the size of each item in the row;

Distinguish and name geometric figures, their characteristic differences;

Distinguish between left and right hands;

Determine the directions of movement from yourself (right, left, forward, backward, up, down), as well as parts of the day;

Name a variety of objects that surround them indoors, on the site, on the street; know their purpose, name the properties and qualities available for perception and examination;

It is a pleasure to talk about family, family life, traditions; actively

participate in events prepared in a group at a preschool educational institution;

Write a story about your country or village;

Talk about your desire to acquire a certain profession in the future;

Participate in observing plants, animals, birds, fish; share your knowledge about living and nonliving things; do not tear or break plants, treat living beings with care and do not harm them;

Talk about seasonal phenomena and changes in nature;

Repeat the experiments done with an adult yourself; compare

observation results, compare, analyze. Draw conclusions and generalizations;

In direct educational activities on FEMP with children, we carried out: observations, experiments, conversations, read fiction, as well as outdoor games, role-playing games,

didactic games, used TRIZ, mnemonics, used health-saving technologies: speech therapy, music therapy, sand therapy.

4. In the educational field “Speech development”, children’s vocabulary was enriched

polite words, encouraged to use folklore (proverbs, nursery rhymes, songs, sayings) in speech. They continued to develop speech as a means of communication. The child’s attempts to share various impressions with the teacher and peers were encouraged. In everyday life, in games, she suggested to children forms of expressing politeness (ask for forgiveness, apologize, thank, give a compliment).

We developed children’s ability to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts with the help of speech: to convince, prove, explain. We enriched children's speech with nouns denoting objects in their everyday environment; adjectives characterizing the properties and qualities of objects; adverbs denoting relationships between people, their attitude to work. They reinforced the correct and distinct pronunciation of sounds, as well as distinguishing by ear and clearly pronouncing consonant sounds that are similar in articulation and sound. We continued to develop phonemic awareness and determine the place of sounds in a word (beginning, middle, end). We practiced intonation expressiveness of speech. They developed monologue and dialogic forms of speech, the ability to compose stories about events from personal experience; formed the ability to compose short stories of a creative nature on a topic proposed by the teacher, express a desire to listen to a certain literary work, look with interest at illustrated editions of children's books, and with the help of an adult, dramatize and stage short fairy tales. For a more solid assimilation of knowledge by children, mnemonic tables were used.

5. In the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development,” children are able to: identify the expressive means of Dymkovo and Filimonov toys, show interest in book illustrations.

In visual arts: children learned to depict objects and phenomena, using the ability to convey them expressively by creating distinct forms, selecting colors, carefully painting, using different materials: pencils, felt-tip pens, paints (gouache), colored wax crayons. She developed the ability to convey a simple plot by combining several objects in a drawing, placing them on a sheet of paper in accordance with the content of the plot.

In Lepka: they developed the ability to create images of various objects and toys, combine them into a collective composition, and use all the variety of learned techniques.

In Applique: developed the skill of holding scissors correctly and cutting with them in a straight line, diagonally, cutting a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, smoothly cutting and rounding corners, carefully sticking images of objects consisting of several parts, making patterns from plant shapes and geometric shapes .

In Construction: expanded knowledge and ideas about the objects being constructed, about the activities of people associated with construction, the creation of equipment, objects, things. She taught me to analyze buildings, designs, and play with them. Improved constructive skills. They developed spatial orientation skills, creativity, and ingenuity.

Work with children was planned in accordance with comprehensive thematic planning, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and SANPIN.

Group No. 3 “Fairy Tale” has created comfortable conditions for working with children. The developing environment is rich. Play areas contain everything necessary for the formation of positive relationships in children, moral qualities and instilling an interest in play and new knowledge. The group has such play areas as: hairdresser, kitchen, mummers corner, traffic rules corner, applied arts corner, book corner, music, theater, sports, animal corner of different climate zones - in this corner there is a zoo with animals, and a map of the animals of the world . All this contributes to the creation of a desire to play, communicate, expand horizons, expand life experience, cultivate moral qualities, helps develop children’s speech, fine motor skills, careful attitude to toys, attention, memory, and hard work.

Play and play techniques accompany preschoolers throughout their entire stay in kindergarten.

Features of the educational process are focused on creating favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.

The organization of the educational process is based on a complex thematic principle with leading play activity, and the solution of program problems is carried out in various forms of joint activity of adults and children, as well as in the independent activity of children.

During the year, the group regularly carried out educational, physical education and health activities.

Hardening and preventive measures were carried out during walks and in groups. Morning exercises and walks with outdoor games were carried out every day. During the autumn and winter period, great importance was given to health-improving activities: breathing exercises, awakening exercises, physical exercises.

Interaction with parents of students

Parents actively participated in making crafts with their children for shows and competitions.

In the All-Russian creative competition “Sun-bell”:

Diploma of the winner of the 1st degree Zhidkikh Roma, Dikareva Sofya, Zhidko Polina, Gaina Bogdan, Voevodina Agata, Zaitseva Liza, Bezrukova Dasha, Bakhmutskaya Zhenya, Katunin Maxim, Kuchin Egor, Babnyukhov Roma.

Gratitude for active participation in the reading competition dedicated to “Mother's Day” -2016 to Dmitry Kalyapin, Vadim Shevyrev, Yaroslava Tolmacheva.

In the review-competition of crafts made from natural materials “Gifts of Autumn”, a diploma was given to Elizaveta Zaitseva who took 2nd place, Sofia Pidanovo - 3rd place, Romana Babnyukhova - 3rd place, Konstantin Filippov who took 1st place.

In the regional creative competition of the soft toy “Little Fluffy” in the “Red-haired Cheat” category, Gain Bogdan took 2nd place and Filippov Kostik took 3rd place.

Babnyukhov Roman took 2nd place in the city literary and creative competition “The City That Marshak Built” Nomination “Multi-colored book”

Diplomas were awarded to the family: Dima Kalyapina, who took 2nd place, Filippova Kosti, who took 3rd place, Misha Emelchev’s family, who took 1st place, Daria Bezrukova’s family, who took 2nd place, Agata Voevodina, who took 3rd place, Polina Zhidko’s family, who took 1st place in the show-competition of crafts “Grandfather’s Workshop” Mroz".

In the 24th All-Russian creative competition “World of Creativity”. In the nomination “Decorative and Applied Creativity” with the work “House of Father Frost” the winner’s diploma (3 places) was awarded to Dasha Bezrukova,

For the “Young Cosmonaut” competition, a winner’s certificate from Mikhail Emelchev and Agata Voevodina, a winner’s certificate from Zhidkiye Roma

All educational work in the group was carried out in close contact with parents.

In our work we use various ways to involve parents in the educational process:

pedagogical conversations, thematic consultations, meetings, round tables, open doors, visual propaganda: information stands.


The results of the group’s activities for the 2016-2017 academic year were carefully analyzed and allow us to conclude that, in general, the work was carried out purposefully and effectively.

I think that I completed the tasks set.

1. Continue targeted work with children in all educational areas.

2. Continue working with children using project technologies.

3. Continue to improve the subject-development environment in the group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard - supplement the corner for role-playing games with materials.

4. Increase the level of teaching skills by participating in seminars, master classes, and training in advanced training courses.

5. Deepening work with children in the “Social-communicative area”.

6. Use didactic games that allow you to consolidate and develop relevant knowledge, skills and abilities. In work activities, pay more attention to collective work and assignments. In speech development, pay more attention to the individual preparation of children.



MKDOU "Swallow" Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten A

Progress report

for the 2016 – 2017 academic year

multi-age group teacher No. 3 "Fairy Tale"

Educator E.V. Klochkova

Annual report of the teacher of the mixed-age group No. 3 “Fairy Tale”

Elena Viktorovna Klochkova about the work done

for the 2016 – 2017 academic year.

In multi-age group No. 3 “Fairy Tale” there are two teachers: Elena Viktorovna Klochkova, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Kravchenko and an assistant teacher: Natalya Ivanovna Borisova.

Total number of children:

Start of the year: 32

End of year: 28

The roster of the group consisted of 28 children, of which 14 were girls and 14 were boys.

We worked on the basic general educational program of preschool education, which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” - An exemplary general educational program of preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC SYNTHESIS, 2014.

The main priority areas of the general developmental group from 4 to 5 years old are:

Sports and recreation

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

To carry out high-quality work in these areas, we used the following educational tools in our work:
- a game;
- labor activity;
- personal example of an adult;
- objects of nature;
- objective world, etc.
Forms of work:
- GCD;
- regime moments
- work with parents;
- independent activity of children.
The pedagogical tasks that guide us in teaching and educational activities are:
- protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;
- intellectual development of children;
- education of human moral qualities;
- introducing him to social values.
In our work with children, we focus on new approaches to educational problems, innovative methods and new items in methodological literature, periodicals, and Internet resources:
(practical magazine “Preschool Education”, “Child in Kindergarten”, etc. We are systematically working to equip them with a subject-development environment.
1. In the educational field “Physical Development”, they continued to develop children’s ability to walk and run, observing the correct technique of movements, climb a gymnastic wall without missing slats, climb from one flight to another, crawl in different ways, stand long jump, and land softly , catch the ball with your hands, throw objects with your right and left hands. Hit the ball on the ground. Perform static and dynamic balance exercises. Form a column one at a time, in pairs, in a circle, in a line. Ride a scooter, bicycle, roller skate. Make turns right and left. Navigate in space, come up with options for outdoor games.

Outdoor games were played with the children: “Geese, geese...”, “At the bear in the forest”, “Run quietly”, “Cat and mice”, “Planes”, “Owl”, “Homeless hare”, “Fox in the hen house”, “Hares and the Wolf”, “Birds and the Eagle”, “Traps”, “Freeze”, “Hide and Seek”, “Football”, “Basketball”, “Hopscotch”, “Skittles”, “Hit the Target”, “Big Ball” , “Ball Up”, “Shaggy Dog”, etc.

We used various means of physical education in combination:

rational regimen, nutrition, hardening, massages, various types of physical activity (morning exercises, physical education, developmental exercises, sports games, leisure, sports activities).

Children were taught basic hygiene rules: to use a comb, soap, a towel, and a handkerchief. Eat food carefully and use cutlery correctly. Use a napkin and seek adult help if necessary.

2. In the educational field “Social and communicative development”:

They developed the ability to take care of their clothes and be able to put them in order;

They aroused the desire to independently maintain order in the group and in the kindergarten area, clean the workplace after classes and perform the duties of cafeteria attendants;

Instilled skills in caring for plants and birds in the group and on the site;

Developed the ability to master safe behavior skills in mobile and

sports games;

Formed primary skills in using sports and gardening equipment, taking into account safety rules;

Children have developed basic rules for safe behavior and movement indoors, outdoors, in transport, at home, on winter roads;

Know the purpose of a traffic light in general;

They know what kind of transport moves on the road (roadway) and railway;

Children know and explain the purpose of such road signs as “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground crossing”, “Overground crossing”, “Stop”;

The children had observations, conversations, outdoor games, competitions, role-playing games, didactic games, drawing pictures on relevant topics, applications, and read stories, fairy tales, and poems to the children.

3. In the educational field “Cognitive Development”, children are able to:

Distinguish from what parts a group of objects is made up, name their characteristic features (color, shape, size);

Compare two groups by individually correlating objects (pairing);

Arrange 3-5 objects of various sizes (length, width, height) in ascending and descending order; talk about the size of each item in the row;

Distinguish and name geometric figures, their characteristic differences;

Distinguish between left and right hands;

Determine the directions of movement from yourself (right, left, forward, backward, up, down), as well as parts of the day;

Name a variety of objects that surround them indoors, on the site, on the street; know their purpose, name the properties and qualities available for perception and examination;

It is a pleasure to talk about family, family life, traditions; actively

participate in events prepared in a group at a preschool educational institution;

Write a story about your country or village;

Talk about your desire to acquire a certain profession in the future;

Participate in observing plants, animals, birds, fish; share your knowledge about living and nonliving things; do not tear or break plants, treat living beings with care and do not harm them;

Talk about seasonal phenomena and changes in nature;

Repeat the experiments done with an adult yourself; compare

observation results, compare, analyze. Draw conclusions and generalizations;

In direct educational activities on FEMP with children, we carried out: observations, experiments, conversations, read fiction, as well as outdoor games, role-playing games,

didactic games, used TRIZ, mnemonics, used health-saving technologies: speech therapy, music therapy, sand therapy.

4. In the educational field “Speech development”, children’s vocabulary was enriched

polite words, encouraged to use folklore (proverbs, nursery rhymes, songs, sayings) in speech. They continued to develop speech as a means of communication. The child’s attempts to share various impressions with the teacher and peers were encouraged. In everyday life, in games, she suggested to children forms of expressing politeness (ask for forgiveness, apologize, thank, give a compliment).

We developed children’s ability to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts with the help of speech: to convince, prove, explain. We enriched children's speech with nouns denoting objects in their everyday environment; adjectives characterizing the properties and qualities of objects; adverbs denoting relationships between people, their attitude to work. They reinforced the correct and distinct pronunciation of sounds, as well as distinguishing by ear and clearly pronouncing consonant sounds that are similar in articulation and sound. We continued to develop phonemic awareness and determine the place of sounds in a word (beginning, middle, end). We practiced intonation expressiveness of speech. They developed monologue and dialogic forms of speech, the ability to compose stories about events from personal experience; formed the ability to compose short stories of a creative nature on a topic proposed by the teacher, express a desire to listen to a certain literary work, look with interest at illustrated editions of children's books, and with the help of an adult, dramatize and stage short fairy tales. For a more solid assimilation of knowledge by children, mnemonic tables were used.

5. In the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development,” children are able to: identify the expressive means of Dymkovo and Filimonov toys, show interest in book illustrations.

In visual arts: children learned to depict objects and phenomena, using the ability to convey them expressively by creating distinct forms, selecting colors, carefully painting, using different materials: pencils, felt-tip pens, paints (gouache), colored wax crayons. She developed the ability to convey a simple plot by combining several objects in a drawing, placing them on a sheet of paper in accordance with the content of the plot.

In Lepka: they developed the ability to create images of various objects and toys, combine them into a collective composition, and use all the variety of learned techniques.

In Applique: developed the skill of holding scissors correctly and cutting with them in a straight line, diagonally, cutting a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, smoothly cutting and rounding corners, carefully sticking images of objects consisting of several parts, making patterns from plant shapes and geometric shapes .

In Construction: expanded knowledge and ideas about the objects being constructed, about the activities of people associated with construction, the creation of equipment, objects, things. She taught me to analyze buildings, designs, and play with them. Improved constructive skills. They developed spatial orientation skills, creativity, and ingenuity.

Work with children was planned in accordance with comprehensive thematic planning, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and SANPIN.

Group No. 3 “Fairy Tale” has created comfortable conditions for working with children. The developing environment is rich. Play areas contain everything necessary for the formation of positive relationships in children, moral qualities and instilling an interest in play and new knowledge. The group has such play areas as: hairdresser, kitchen, mummers corner, traffic rules corner, applied arts corner, book corner, music, theater, sports, animal corner of different climate zones - in this corner there is a zoo with animals, and a map of the animals of the world . All this contributes to the creation of a desire to play, communicate, expand horizons, expand life experience, cultivate moral qualities, helps develop children’s speech, fine motor skills, careful attitude to toys, attention, memory, and hard work.

Play and play techniques accompany preschoolers throughout their entire stay in kindergarten.

Features of the educational process are focused on creating favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.

The organization of the educational process is based on a complex thematic principle with leading play activity, and the solution of program problems is carried out in various forms of joint activity of adults and children, as well as in the independent activity of children.

During the year, the group regularly carried out educational, physical education and health activities.

Hardening and preventive measures were carried out during walks and in groups. Morning exercises and walks with outdoor games were carried out every day. During the autumn and winter period, great importance was given to health-improving activities: breathing exercises, awakening exercises, physical exercises.

Interaction with parents of students

Parents actively participated in making crafts with their children for shows and competitions.

In the All-Russian creative competition “Sun-bell”:

Diploma of the winner of the 1st degree Zhidkikh Roma, Dikareva Sofya, Zhidko Polina, Gaina Bogdan, Voevodina Agata, Zaitseva Liza, Bezrukova Dasha, Bakhmutskaya Zhenya, Katunin Maxim, Kuchin Egor, Babnyukhov Roma.

Gratitude for active participation in the reading competition dedicated to “Mother's Day” -2016 to Dmitry Kalyapin, Vadim Shevyrev, Yaroslava Tolmacheva.

In the review-competition of crafts made from natural materials “Gifts of Autumn”, a diploma was given to Elizaveta Zaitseva who took 2nd place, Sofia Pidanovo - 3rd place, Romana Babnyukhova - 3rd place, Konstantin Filippov who took 1st place.

In the regional creative competition of the soft toy “Little Fluffy” in the “Red-haired Cheat” category, Gain Bogdan took 2nd place and Filippov Kostik took 3rd place.

Babnyukhov Roman took 2nd place in the city literary and creative competition “The City That Marshak Built” Nomination “Multi-colored book”

Diplomas were awarded to the family: Dima Kalyapina, who took 2nd place, Filippova Kosti, who took 3rd place, Misha Emelchev’s family, who took 1st place, Daria Bezrukova’s family, who took 2nd place, Agata Voevodina, who took 3rd place, Polina Zhidko’s family, who took 1st place in the show-competition of crafts “Grandfather’s Workshop” Mroz".

In the 24th All-Russian creative competition “World of Creativity”. In the nomination “Decorative and Applied Creativity” with the work “House of Father Frost” the winner’s diploma (3 places) was awarded to Dasha Bezrukova,

For the “Young Cosmonaut” competition, a winner’s certificate from Mikhail Emelchev and Agata Voevodina, a winner’s certificate from Zhidkiye Roma

All educational work in the group was carried out in close contact with parents.

In our work we use various ways to involve parents in the educational process:

pedagogical conversations, thematic consultations, meetings, round tables, open doors, visual propaganda: information stands.


The results of the group’s activities for the 2016-2017 academic year were carefully analyzed and allow us to conclude that, in general, the work was carried out purposefully and effectively.

I think that I completed the tasks set.

The following tasks are planned for the 2017 - 2018 academic year:

1. Continue targeted work with children in all educational areas.

2. Continue working with children using project technologies.

3. Continue to improve the subject-development environment in the group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard - supplement the corner for role-playing games with materials.

4. Increase the level of teaching skills by participating in seminars, master classes, and training in advanced training courses.

5. Deepening work with children in the “Social-communicative area”.

6. Use didactic games that allow you to consolidate and develop relevant knowledge, skills and abilities. In work activities, pay more attention to collective work and assignments. In speech development, pay more attention to the individual preparation of children.

Report on the work done by the teacher of the senior group “Storks” for the academic year 2015-2016.

The senior group “Storks” is for me a cheerful, favorite group of the kindergarten of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Karalat Secondary School”, which creates favorable conditions for the natural development of children. Total number of children in the group: 20 people.

Educational work in the group is based on the creation of a special subject-development environment, long-term and calendar planning in accordance with the annual tasks of the kindergarten, implementing the educational program of the preschool institution.

Annual objectives for the 2015-2016 academic year:

1. Plan educational activities based on modern educational technologies in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, ensuring the speech development of children.

2. Organize work to introduce a project-based method of teaching and educating preschoolers to develop their cognitive and creative abilities.

3. To form family values ​​in preschoolers, maintain and strengthen the health of pupils, their physical development through joint activities with the families of pupils.

4. Maintain continuity in the work of kindergarten and primary school.

In this regard, the educational process in the group is based on new pedagogical technologies, innovative methods, taking into account the individual psychological and physiological characteristics of each child and using health-saving technologies.

Based on the latest educational technologies, the group has developed and used multimedia equipment: electronic presentations, visual demonstration material, audio fairy tales, educational and educational cartoons. This methodological material contributes to the development of processes and increased interest in educational activities.

The children have free access to all the development corners that are in the group: a book corner, a theater activity corner, a fine arts corner, a role-playing games corner for girls. All toys, didactic, board and printed games, as well as building materials are freely available.

In educational, educational and everyday play activities, children gained knowledge about the work of people, about seasonal changes in nature, about the conditions necessary for plant growth, about domestic and wild animals, migratory and wintering birds, and about the state of water. Many conversations were held about the phenomena of social life, about the native country, about family members and their care for each other and about its significance.

Children are able to distinguish: in case of careless handling of fire or electrical appliances, a fire may occur; rules for hanging out with strangers; traffic rules and behavior on the street; traffic lights; special transport; rules of behavior in public transport Children's performances correspond to the program.

All the students in the group love to dramatize excerpts from familiar fairy tales using tabletop theater figures. Not all the children pronounce sounds clearly and find it difficult to compose stories from personal experience and from pictures (Sasha Kosinov, Lesha Stepanov, Khadija Magamedova). In-depth work on this topic will continue.

All children are interested in cognitive and research activities in design and mathematics. They know how to group objects by shape, color, size and select one object from the group. Find objects of the same shape in your surroundings. Identify geometric shapes. They understand the words: in front, behind, above, below, above, below. Solve the simplest arithmetic and logical problems with counting within “10”.

Assimilation of program material causes difficulties for Magamedova Kh., Shpotina N., Kosinova S., Stepanova L., Abisheva Ya.. With these children I continue to solve the problem in the development of the cognitive sphere using individual work and didactic games.

In productive activities, a lot of work has been done to cultivate emotional responsiveness when perceiving illustrations and works of folk arts and crafts. In their works, children use different color schemes to create expressive images and intricate plots. They use pencils and paints correctly, and are happy to use non-traditional methods, techniques, forms of drawing, appliqué and manual labor. Without much difficulty, divide the plasticine into pieces, calculating the number of parts of the intended craft and its size. Ryazantsev R., Kosinov S., Karpunin S., Shpotina N., Magamedova Kh. are experiencing difficulties. Individual work is carried out with these children in the afternoon.

Work on familiarization with fiction was carried out very successfully throughout the year. Pupils listen with interest to fairy tales, stories, both while reading and audio recordings with musical accompaniment. They know a lot of poems, name the works after listening to an excerpt from it. Cross-sectional quizzes and dramatizations on knowledge of fairy tales, short stories, and poems were repeatedly held. Children show good knowledge of works of art.

The group provides conditions and systematic work is carried out for the moral education of children.

Children learn to play together and help each other in times of difficulty, politely greet each other, say goodbye, thank them for their help, master knowledge and skills - adequately navigate the accessible social environment, using the skills of social partnership for personal harmonious development in society. Complexity in the group is created by the behavior of hyperactive children: Andreev K., Konkov L., Stepanov L., Karpunin S., Grazhdantseva N., I constantly carry out work and, in the future, I will pay special attention to and teach children to live together and help each other , use toys, books together and follow the rules of behavior in kindergarten.

During the year, much attention was paid to the work of instilling patriotic feelings. Conversations were held about fathers and grandfathers as defenders of the Motherland, and demonstration material was examined: WWII monuments, photographs of the war years, photographs of Children of the War. The guys know who veterans are and have an idea of ​​what feats they performed and for what purpose. Also, children know their address and navigate the immediate surroundings of the kindergarten.

The use of innovative technologies in the upbringing and teaching of children influenced the dynamics of improving the quality of assimilation of program material, which gave stable results based on the results of children mastering the preschool program, in particular the speech development of children. (Annex 1.).

Using the project method in preschool education as one of the methods of integrated teaching of preschoolers can significantly increase children's independent activity, develop creative thinking, children's ability to independently find information about an object or phenomenon of interest in different ways and use this knowledge to create new objects of reality. It also makes the educational system of preschool educational institutions open to the active participation of parents. This year, the children and I were participants in the “Vegetable Garden on the Windowsill” project; the children, with the help of the teacher, planted seeds, looked after the plants every day, and observed changes. Thus, the children developed such qualities as: curiosity, activity, hard work.

All this provides prerequisites for further education at school.

Systematic work with parents was carried out throughout the year. Consultations were held on various topics provided for in the annual plan. Parents helped in setting up the group, purchasing new toys and educational games, improving the kindergarten area, attending events for parents and children organized by the preschool, and following the teachers’ recommendations for teaching and raising children. During the year the following events were carried out:

1. “Hello Golden Autumn!” - November,

2. “Hello New Year’s Holiday!” - December,

3. “Health Day” - January,

4. "Defender of the Fatherland Day" - February,

6. “It was the Great Victory Day” - May,

7. “Hello Red Summer!” - June.

This year, as a teacher, I took part in the following competitions:

Diplomas, diplomas, commendations, certificates, certificates


Place and date of receipt

Document's name

Participation level*

Internet portal "Ogonyok", 2015

1st degree winner diploma, competition for teachers “Fun Experiments”


MBOU "Karalat Secondary School", 2015

Certificate for conscientious work in the education system.


Internet portal "Ogonyok", 2016

Winner diploma 2nd place, photo competition for teachers “New Year’s Interior”


Website of the All-Russian competitions “Roskonkurs. RF", 2016

Diploma of the winner of the 3rd degree of the All-Russian testing “Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the educational sphere”


All-Russian online publication “Portal of the Teacher”, 2016.

Diploma of the winner of the 3rd degree in the competition for teachers “Federal State Educational Standard Requirements for the Preschool Education System” (testing)


Administration of the village of Karalat and MKUK Dm Culture "Delta", 2016.

Gratitude for help in holding the holiday “So she was called Tatyana”


Publishing house "Teacher", 2016

Certificate of participation in the webinar “Technology for organizing project activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education”


Internet portal “Ogonyok”, 02/05/2016

Certificate of publication, title of the work “Analytical report of a secondary group teacher.”


1. Participation in the pedagogical council on the topic “Speech development is a necessary prerequisite for successful school education in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.”

2. She spoke at a methodological association of kindergarten teachers on the topic “Introduction of a project-based method of teaching and educating preschoolers for the development of their cognitive and creative abilities.”

Pupils of my group took an active part in holidays and competitions within the educational institution, as well as in Internet competitions.

1. Konkov Lesha, participant of the All-Russian competition “Our Christmas tree is a green beauty!”, Internet portal “Ogonyok” 2016.

2. Anya Suscheva, winner of the 3rd degree of the All-Russian competition “Winter’s Tale”, Creative Center “My Talents” 2016.

Throughout the year, the group carried out health-improving, therapeutic and preventive work with children.

The use of health-saving technologies and an individual approach to each child made it possible to reduce and maintain morbidity rates at a high level. Solving the problems of preserving and strengthening the health of children, I use a variety of forms and methods in my work: morning exercises, exercises after sleep, breathing exercises, physical education, outdoor games and exercises throughout the day were and are carried out daily. In the summer, air and sunbathing, barefoot walking on grass and sand, pouring cool water on your feet.

Children have become accustomed to taking care of their appearance, washing their hands before eating and after using the toilet, eating food nicely and correctly, although there are exceptions - Stepanov L: but he tries to match the level of other children.

In the group room, children know how to maintain order and clean their play areas. Labor education at the end of the school year is at a fairly high level. The supposed reason for this phenomenon is the independence and interested activity of children. A significant place in solving the problems of physical education is occupied by various forms of active recreation: leisure sports, holidays, health days. They help create an optimal motor mode, which helps to increase the child’s functional capabilities, improve his performance and toughness, and are an effective means of comprehensive development and education.

Thus, by analyzing your work, you can draw certain conclusions:


The attendance of children in the senior group at kindergarten has increased;

Elements of modern technologies, in particular the use of ICT, have been successfully introduced into educational activities;

Children freely express their needs and desires through speech, master the basic skills of motor culture;

Children are actively involved in independent experimental activities and take part in projects with pleasure.


Two children from the group have many absences, these are Magamedova Kh. and Shpotina N., because of this, the level of final diagnostic indicators decreases, because these girls do not fully master the material;

The children are too active and are not attentive in class: Andreev K, Kosinov S, Konkov L, Stepanov L., because of their bad behavior, it takes a lot of time to organize the rest of the children, thereby the lesson takes more time than it should according to San.Pin.

Lack of funds to purchase additional didactic and visual material

Small group room: children do not have enough space to fulfill their needs and desires.

For next year I plan:

1. Continue to carry out preventive measures to increase children’s attendance.

2. Continue to take an active part in the methodological activities of the school and kindergarten.

4. Continue to cultivate creativity, emotionality, and activity in children for their further achievements and success.

5. Work with parents of hyperactive children (conversations, consultations, parenting advice, etc.)

6. Replenish didactic and handout material for the development of logical thinking; corner of role-playing games; book corner with literature by age. Purchase new educational games for preschool children.

7. Parents are advised to visit our school’s website.

8. Increase the level of pedagogical skills through self-education, exchange of work experience, participate in various events (seminars, workshops, master classes);

9. Continue to maintain continuity with elementary school.

Overall, I consider my work fruitful and meeting all requirements.

Preschool education within the framework of federal state requirements Today, society is in the process of establishing a new system of preschool education. It is not enough for a child entering school to have a certain amount of specific knowledge, skills and abilities; the main thing is that it is necessary to have a set of personal qualities that ensure the child’s psychological readiness for systematic learning at school. It should be noted that the most significant difference between preschool education and general education is that in kindergarten there is no strict subject matter. Child development occurs through play, not through learning activities.

Moral and patriotic education. Concern for the education of morality and a sense of piety should begin from early childhood... Jan Amos Kamensky Our group does a lot of work with children and parents on moral and patriotic education. The Lavrushin and Golovachev families visited memorable places in Luga.

Experimental activities The work of preschool educational institutions in an experimental mode determines the systematic improvement of the content and methods of education and training of preschoolers, advanced training of teachers, as well as the organization of psychological and pedagogical education of parents. The purpose of the experimental work: To promote the development of children's cognitive activity, curiosity, desire for independent knowledge and reflection. Relevance of the problem: Today, in preschool education, the problem of organizing the main leading type of activity in understanding the surrounding world during preschool childhood is especially acute - experimentation. This activity equally influences the development of the child’s personality as well as gaming. Ideally, the presence of these two truly childlike activities is a favorable condition for the development of preschoolers.

Experimental activity Conclusion: Preschool children are by nature inquisitive researchers of the world around them, therefore the organization of children's experimentation, which we understand as a special way of spiritual and practical development of reality, is aimed at creating conditions in which objects most clearly reveal their essence hidden in ordinary situations and how play activities contribute to the development of a holistic personality. Search activity, expressed in the need to explore the world around us, is genetically determined and is one of the main and natural manifestations of the child’s psyche.

Experimental activities During the year, in our multi-age group “SOLNYSHKO” we were engaged in various types of experimental activities. The most memorable were the open events, especially those with the participation of parents. This is the collective work of the senior group “Funny Fishes in the Aquarium”, the project activity of children 5-7 years old “Beautiful Spring” with the invitation of a library employee, the project activity “Space”, “My family, my family”. Children really like the role-playing games “Theater”, “Concert”, “Hospital”, “Barbershop”... Various natural resources and observations of their properties are of great interest. In a specially designated place there is a collection of cereals, grains, minerals, shells of various types and sizes, beads... A Green Room has been set up for observing plants. There are models of fruits and vegetables, and herbariums of various plants. The material and technical base for experimental work is constantly updated.

Safety. Traffic rules Teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the street is an area that I pay great attention to in my work. Because Most of the children live in a village where there are no pedestrian crossings or traffic lights; holidays and sporting events follow the rules of the road, allowing students to consolidate their knowledge in a playful way.

Ecology April 1 is Bird Day. We looked at what and how to make a birdhouse correctly. They made a nest with chicks. We made applications “Birdhouse” and “The Birds Have Arrived”. In the Green Room, plants were observed and cared for. In the spring we got a cheerful Travyanchik.

Irina Volynskaya

Annual report from teachers of Volynskaya I. Yu. and Sheshukova T. A.

In our The group is staffed by two teachers and an assistant teacher.

NUMBER OF CHILDREN 30- 31 (beginning of year - end of year)

Payroll the group consisted of 31 children, of which 14 are girls, 17 are boys. All children were attending kindergarten as of September 1, 2015. After a summer absence from kindergarten, the children quickly got used to the institution's regime.

Educational work in a group is based on the creation of a special subject-development environment, long-term and calendar planning in accordance with the annual tasks of the kindergarten, implementing the educational program of the preschool institution, developed based on the educational program for preschool education “Childhood” edited by T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze.

Main priority areas groups are:

Physical education and health development

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Job planned in accordance with comprehensive thematic planning, taking into account the integration of areas, SANPIN.

Annual objectives for 2015-2016 academic year:

1. Deepen the content of activities for the cognitive development of children by introducing them to the nature of their native land.

2. Continue to work on the development of physical culture of preschool children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle through sports games and exercises in various types of children's activities.

3. Deepen work on the formation of the foundations of artistic culture and the artistic and creative development of children, through familiarization with various types of artistic and creative visual activities.

Due to this educational-educational process in group is based on new pedagogical technologies, innovative methods, taking into account the individual psychological and physiological characteristics of each child and using health-saving technologies.

Based on the latest educational technologies, using our own experience in improving the quality of education and education, V group developed and used: electronic presentations, visual demonstration material, audio fairy tales, educational and educational cartoons on various electronic media. This methodological material contributes to the development of processes and increased interest in educational activities.

IN educationally- through educational and everyday play activities, children gained knowledge about the work of people, about seasonal changes in nature, about the conditions necessary for the growth of plants, about domestic and wild animals, migratory and wintering birds, and about the state of water. Many conversations were held about the phenomena of social life, about the native country and the native land. About family members and their care for each other and its importance.

Children can distinguish: in case of careless handling of fire or electrical appliances, a fire may occur; rules for hanging out with strangers; traffic rules and behavior on the street; traffic lights; special transport; rules of behavior in public transport.

Provisions for children are consistent with the program.

Most children are interested in cognitive and research activities in design and mathematics. They are able group objects by shape, color, size. Skillfully use such educational logic games How: Blocks "Dyenesha", Sticks "Cuisenaire", Cubes "Nikitina", Square "Voskobovich". They are well oriented in parts of the day, days of the week, and are well oriented on a sheet of paper and in space. Understand words: in front, behind, above, below, above, below. Solve the simplest arithmetic and logical problems with counting within "20".

Some children have difficulty mastering program material. With these kids let's continue solve a problem in the development of the cognitive sphere using individual work and educational games. Recommendations are given to parents.

IN group conditions are provided and systematic work for moral education of children.

Children learn to play together and help each other in times of difficulty, politely greet each other, say goodbye, thank them for their help, master knowledge and skills - adequately navigate the accessible social environment, using the skills of social partnership for personal harmonious development in society.

Difficulty in group creates the behavior of hyperactive children, we constantly conduct work and in the future we will pay special attention to and teach children to live together, help each other, use toys and books together, and follow the rules of conduct in kindergarten.

Much attention was paid during the year work of education patriotic feelings. Children recite poems about their Motherland. Conversations were held about fathers and grandfathers as defenders of the Motherland, demonstrative material of the Eternal Flame was examined, and presentations were also shown about "Defenders of our Fatherland", "On the branches of the military". They know their address and navigate the immediate surroundings of the kindergarten; they name the streets adjacent to the kindergarten.

Interaction with parents pupils

All educational - educational work in a group was carried out in close contact with parents.

IN work We use different ways to involve parents in educational and educational process:

Pedagogical conversations with parents;

Thematic consultations;

Open days;

Visual propaganda;

Parent meetings;

Phone calls;

Joint entertainment;

Collaborative creativity, etc.

Matinees were held and entertainment: "Osenins", "Day

Mothers", "New Year", February 23, March 8, Maslenitsa, on the day of Easter, Father Pavel was invited to visit the kindergarten. For Victory Day, Graduation party.

Parents helped with registration groups, in snow removal in winter, attended events for parents and children organized by a preschool institution, beautification of the kindergarten territory. Followed the recommendations of teachers for training and raising children.

Together with parents we organized EXHIBITIONS:

Crafts made from natural materials "Golden Autumn"

"New Year's Fantasy!"

"Beloved Mommy"

Mini museum: "Battle Glory"

"Immense Space"

"Easter Miracle"

"Chronicle of the Immortal Regiment"

….Children's drawings.

"Childhood's Colored Sail"


To the autumn park

To the children's library of the Moscow region

Along the streets of Dzerzhinsky and Volochaevskaya

To the pond

To the regional puppet theater

To the monument to Major Kozenkov


City children's drawing competition "To the 71st anniversary of the assault on Konigsberg"

Sports competitions between preschool institutions of the city.

All-Russian choreographic competition "Youth of the Baltic"

Remote competitions

All-Russian educational quiz "Road ABC" (2 winners)

All-Russian distance competition "Getting ready for school" (7 winners)

All-Russian distance environmental competition "Ecological trail"

(7 winners)

Throughout the year to our children groups were invited:

Circus performers

Theater artists

Pony club "CAPRIOLE"

Military father of a child

Father Pavel

The teachers of this group personal pages have been created and are being maintained. On the international educational portal Maam, which is constantly updated and new material is posted.

Participated in a remote all-Russian competition “Federal State Educational Standards requirements for the preschool education system” (Winner diplomas received - 1st place)

This year teacher Volynskaya I. Yu. completed advanced training courses under the program “Modern approaches to organizing educational activities for preschool children”;

Also attended seminars:

Regional seminar “Formation of love for the native land through local history”

“Game technologies within the framework of museum pedagogy”

Seminar MPADO "Modern content of preschool education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education"

Volynskaya I. Yu. received a Certificate of publication of methodological development

at MOP Maam "Our home is nature"

The topic of self-education for Volynskaya I.Yu. was “Children’s experimentation as a means of developing the cognitive activity of preschoolers,” the topic of self-education for Sheshukova T.A. was “Development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers in literacy classes.”


Use of innovative technologies in raising and teaching children, influenced the dynamics of improving the quality of assimilation of program material, which gave stable results based on the results of children’s mastery of the kindergarten program.

Evaluate the dynamics of achievements pupils, effectiveness and balance of forms and methods work allows monitoring of children's achievement of the planned final results of mastering the basic general education program implemented in a preschool educational institution, which has shown stability and positive dynamics in all areas of development.

Analysis shows that work done promotes the intellectual, moral and physical development of the individual in accordance with the goals and objectives. In the new work will continue during the academic year in main directions.

Generally educational work in a group can be considered successful and fruitful. This means that we have met the federal state educational standard.