
Skyrim Romantic Adventure 3.0 crashes. Download video and cut mp3 - it's easy with us


Version: 4.1
Language: Russian

Mod adds the castle of Minas Morgul, the tower of Orthank, Saruman, 9 Nazgul ring-bearers, Uruk-hais, Gandalf, Sauron, Frodo, Helm's Fall to the expanses of Skyrim from the author Myprism"Sky Castle". After finding the Ring of Power, 9 Nazgуловl leave Minas Morgul and look for you along the main roads of Skyrim. To make them disappear, you need to throw the Lava Ring of Minas Morgul.

Update: 4.1
- Added Gollum
- Fixed a bug with the dominance of music from The Lord of the Rings
- Found bugs fixed
- Added compatibility with mods that improve the view of Skyrim from a distance. If you have such mods:
1.) Check if you have the Data \ meshes \ terrain \ tamriel \ objects folder in the game. If so, delete the files in it:
Tamriel. 4.-20.-4.BTO
2.) Check the existence of the Data \ meshes \ terrain \ tamriel \ Trees folder If there is, then delete the files in it:
Tamriel. 4.-28.-12
Tamriel. 4.-28.-16
Tamriel. 4.-32.-12

Previous change log:
- Compatible with the Third Era War mod.
- Correct appearance in inventory and collisions for all armor.
- Changed musical accompaniment.
- Improved compatibility with other mods.
- When dressed, the Ring of Power draws the Nazgуловl to itself.
- Minor improvements.
- Removed the erroneously placed shout learning marker on Minas Morgul. There was no learning, but only a marker by which the game could randomly send a player to learn a shout
- Measures have been taken so that Svetlana no longer returns to captivity in Morgul

- Fixed some shortcomings in the translation
- Mod rings are now worn on the left hand, and you can put on 4 rings at once in addition to the vanilla ring on the right hand. You can wear any of the Nazgul rings on the first phalanx of the index finger, the "firefly" ring on the second phalanx of the index finger, the Ring of Power on the middle finger and Sauron's ring to the nameless.
- In the forge of Sauron, you can now forge 4 rings without enchantment, enchant them to your taste and put everything on your left hand. But you can forge them only in Minas Morgul, only if you have the skill of forging Daedric weapons and this will also require ebony ingots and Daedra hearts
- Removed the erroneously placed shout learning marker on Minas Morgul. There was no study, but only a marker by which the game could randomly send the player to learn shout
- Svetlana no longer returns to captivity in Morgul
- Fixed grey colour Saruman's hood when dressing him on a female character
- Cleaned up small debris in the navigation grids
- Dragons no longer fly through the walls of mod buildings
- The two dragons guarding Minas Morgul are replaced by four wyverns
- Added Lava Cave leading from Morgul to Barad-Dur
- Added the throne room of Barad-Dur and Sauron himself. You can now personally tell him everything that you think about him
- New high-poly model used for rings
- Nazgul now ride horses
- Added the Hall of Palantirs and the Observatory to Orthank. Palantirs allow you to look into a dozen other worlds, including Mordor

- Minas Morgul is now also guarded by dragons
- Added staves of Saruman and Gandalf (two each)
- Mod locations are accompanied by classical music
- Many small changes and improvements
- A barracks has been added to Minas Morgul and it is guarded by a garrison of strong orcs. There you will also free Svetlana from the cage, who can become a cute companion
- Added the Orthank Tower to the world of Skyrim (east of Rorikstead). It is guarded by the Uruk-Hay garrison. In its basement there are forges where orcs work day and night with whom you can trade. In the tower you will meet Sauron. Next to the tower there is a sawmill, workers carry firewood to Orthank
- The strength of the Nazguls has been more than halved, but now it grows with the player's level. In reality, the extermination of the Uruk-Hays and Nazguls should be taken no earlier than level 20. The Nazguls will respawn, the Uruk-Hai and Sauron will not. But since Orthank is connected with With a Morgul portal, the Nazgулыl love to walk to Skyrim through Orthank.
- The Mace of the Witch-king now knocks back enemies. Enchantments of the Nazgul rings have been improved. A firefly ring has been added to Saruman.
- The mod is extremely cleaned of unnecessary influence on Skyrim and thus, increased compatibility with other mods.
- Added support for English. Now for owners of the English version of the game, the mod will work on English language, the language is automatically selected according to the language of the game version.
- The Ring of Power is now acquired as a result of completing a quest. The Nazgулыl only come to Skyrim after the player finds the Ring of Power. This ring can now be destroyed by throwing it into the lava in Minas Morgul. Then all the Nazgулыl disappear. You can also forge a new ring there. The ring put on attracts the Nazgуловl.
- Added Helm's Deep.
- Added the dwelling of the hobbits and Frodo.
- Made special models for Orthank to facilitate the work of weak computers.
- Made new models to improve the view of objects at large distances.
- Improved many architectural objects. So, now you can shoot through the balustrade in the Lava Cave.
- The Nazgулыl no longer travel to Skyrim via Orthank.
- Changed the effects of the Ring.

Minas Morgul

The mod uses architectural elements and lava from Downgard, but Downgard itself is not required for the mod to work.
- Minas Morgul is located south of Mt. Throat of the World, on the Wind Arc.
- The castle is guarded by a garrison of powerful orcs. There you will have the opportunity to free the pretty Svetlana from the iron cage. -She is a distant cousin of Serana from Downgard, but she does not have a vampire background or problems with marriage. She is Saruman's niece, but does not love her uncle, although she lives in Orthanka.
- In Morgul you will find weapon racks with Morgul and Orc weapons. Don't be surprised to find Orcish axes on the racks. The mod fixes a game bug with the impossibility of installing this ax on a weapon rack.

Ring bearers

Now you can forge the main Ring of Power and other Nazgul rings yourself in the forge of Minas Morgul, but only on condition that - you have achieved the highest blacksmithing skill and know how to forge Daedric weapons. You might argue with me that the Ring of Power was forged in the fire of Mount Orodruin, not in Minas Morgul. True, but there is no Orodruin in Tamriel, and you will probably want to forge these rings yourself ...
- Morgul blades, upon impact, poison the enemy with poison and make it ghostly. The Witch-king's mace knocks an enemy back a great distance and stuns them.


Orthank is located east of Rorikstead. It is impossible not to notice it on the map, since it is only slightly inferior in height to the Throat of the World.
- Orthank is connected by a portal to Minas Morgul, so the Nazgулыl can walk to and through Skyrim, and they can be met in Orthanka.
- Orthank is guarded by the Uruk-Khayev garrison. They have their own armor and weapons. Once killed, Saruman and Urk-Khai no longer respawn. But the Nazguls cannot be killed, so after a while they will return again, like the garrison guarding Minas Morgul.
- There is a sawmill next to the tower, its workers carry firewood to Orthank. One of them, Nina, is pretty cute. She is not very strong, although she always gets into a fight on the side of Dovahkiin, but you can marry her
- In Orthanka, it is now possible to free Gandalf. He is a strong magician and is suitable for companions. If he is not offered a job immediately after liberation, he will go to Whiterun and help Farengar there in studying dragons, or dine in a tavern

Forge in Orthanka

In the basement of Orthank there are forges, where orcs work day and night, with whom you can trade. In each of the four wings of the tower, trade takes place separately, so there are 4 shops at once.


In the tower you will meet Saruman. He is a strong magician and will have to be killed. He has a ring - a firefly. If you put it on your finger, a source of magical light will appear above you. A good replacement for torches when exploring dark dungeons, it can be forged at Sauron's Forge in Morgul.

Hall of Barad-Dur and Sauron

In the new throne room of Barad-Dur you will find Sauron himself. You can now personally tell him everything that you think of him.

Helmova Pad

Fortress Helmova Pad is located to the southwest of Orthank (visible on the map). You can take part in protecting it from the orcs. There is also the entrance to the Helm's Deep Cave. Don't forget to save as you go through it.

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What's missing in the cold and inhospitable land of Skyrim? Warmth and romance. What is lacking for a girl who, by the will of fate, turned out to be a hero of ancient prophecies? Admiration from the fans! Courtship of a stern and courageous ranger, sweet speeches of the Outcast Leader ready to give her his heart, compliments from a humble magician who is ready to fight for her in a duel and a real knight with whom she will go to the ball! What is lacking for a man who, by the will of fate, turned out to be a hero of ancient prophecies? Eh, no, he probably doesn't need this. A ball gown won't fit.

Immediately screenshots

So what exactly is this mod?

The mod adds a new companion with whom you will have a full-fledged romance.
- Lots of options for flirting and romantic interactions.
- Lots of new characters.
- All remarks are voiced, the voice language is English.
- Several romantic adventures in the cities of Skyrim.
- Several new locations and new house for the player.
- Several outfits for your beautiful heroine.

The mod is designed to be played by a female character, but you can also play it with a male character. Of course, if you are not embarrassed by an appeal to you in the feminine gender and an affair with another man. The mod's script is focused on your character. Your Dragonborn heroine turns out to be the center of attention and desire of many men.

The main characters of the mod:

- The first meeting and standard location is Riverwood, at the door of the "Sleeping Giant" tavern.
- Bishop is a companion and central character of the mod. At first, he will meet you unfriendly, doubting your abilities, but as you get to know you, you will have a chance to prove to him that he is wrong.
- Bishop gives a quest to find his faithful wolf Carnwyr in the Cregslane cave. Once the wolf is freed and the bandits are killed, Bishop becomes a full-fledged companion.
- He has his own opinion about some cities and some events in the game.
- You can flirt with him, receive signs of attention from him, he will even impudently pester you, but these romantic interactions do not carry the development of your romance.
- For the progress of your relationship, you will need to talk with other characters in the mod (Nishka, Kasavir, Cale).
- First encounter - Kreglane Cave. The standard location is Riverwood.
Bishop's Wolf. He can be interacted with like any dog ​​in Skyrim, plus he can be stroked and treated with meat.
- First meeting - Solitude. The standard location is the Laughing Rat Tavern.
Casavir is a gallant knight, and you are his lady of the heart. He will offer you to get a new dress at his expense and go with him to the ball held in the Blue Palace of Solitude.
- The first meeting is a cage at the gate in Markarth. The standard location is the village of Keila in the mountains above Markarth.
Cale is the outcast leader captured by the guards of Markarth, whose life will be in your power. He can be killed on the spot, left to wait for his fate, or released. In the latter case, he leaves for his village, and a friendly settlement of Outcasts will appear in the game.
- Meeting - Whiterun, Prancing Mare tavern.
No, this lady is not interested in you, but she has her eye on Bishop. In the tavern, you will find a small scene that can make you jealous.
- Meeting - Winterhold, at the door of the Frozen Hearth tavern.
Darren will ask you out on a date at a tavern, and now it's Bishop's turn to get jealous.
- Meeting - Riften, not far from Medovik.
A burglar ready to steal your kiss.
- Meeting - Riften, Bee and Sting Tavern
The priestess who marries you to Bishop.
Thorne and his gang.
- Meet at the main gate of Falkreath.
Thorne is a dark personality from Bishop's past. Very strong and dangerous, the same can be said about his entire gang.

Other characters:

Eric and Rose. Visitors to the Laughing Rat Tavern in Solitude.
Meirin and Arias. Visitors to The Drunken Hunter in Whiterun.
Anomen and Frodo. Bosom friends, found near the temple of Mary in Riften.
Thomas and Darian. Friends hunters from Riverwood.
Thallium. The Sleeping Giant's maid in Riverwood.
Victoria. The owner of the Jewel clothing store in Solitude.
Ray. Citizen of Solitude, usually near the Laughing Rat.

Locations added or modified by the mod

House " Honeymoon"
Nice country house, taken over by the player after the wedding with Bishop. Located north of Riften.
- "Jewel"
Luxurious outfit store. Located in Solitude on the market square, by the well
- Garden of the Blue Palace and the Great Crystal Ball
The Blue Palace garden has been slightly modified to suit the needs of the mod. it is from there that you can get into the room where the ball is taking place.
- Forest and glade "Maiden Veil"
Wasteland, the wilderness of Skyrim. A beautiful and quiet place where the wedding ceremony with Bishop will take place. The location has 2 exits to Skyrim. One not far from the Honeymoon house, the other off the beaten path in the heart of Skyrim.
- Keila village
It is located in the mountains southeast of Markarth.

Frequently asked Questions

1: Endless loading screen when trying to enter the room where the ball is supposed to take place.
Bug of the original game. The solution is to install the mod
or SKSE with memory patch

2: Bishop refuses to follow your character.
Fire other satellites via the console with the command set playerfollowercount to

3: Bishop is stuck in Frozen Hearth with Darren.
Events in the Frozen Hearth should have the following sequence:
1) your conversation with Darren,
2) interruption of your conversation by Bishop and a fight with Darren,
3) second conversation with Darren,
4) Bishop's final remark.
Either you didn’t have time to talk to Darren again until the end of the scene, or Bishop didn’t have time to say the final line.

4: Bishop is stuck in The Prancing Mare.
After the scene with Nishka, 10-20 seconds must pass before he will follow you again.

5: Is Carnveer's presence necessary to develop an affair with Bishop?
No, the wolf can be released at any time.

6: Characters speak English or are silent and nothing happens.
You need to turn on subtitles.
The voice acting of the mod has been left original, besides, most of the flirting consists of describing the actions. But there are moments that are animated.

7: After the wedding with Bishop, the quest remains hanging in the magazine.
Enter the command in the console CompleteQuest KVMWeddingCeremony

What's new in version 1.0-2.0

Re-voiced main character fashion Bishop.

Reworked and improved the lines of the player and Bishop.

Although the mod is not declared animated, in fact the old animations that were present in the previous version are preserved.

What's missing in the cold and inhospitable land of Skyrim? Warmth and romance. What is lacking for a girl who, by the will of fate, turned out to be a hero of ancient prophecies? Admiration from the fans! Courtship of a stern and courageous ranger, sweet speeches of the Outcast Leader ready to give her his heart, compliments from a humble magician who is ready to fight for her in a duel and a real knight with whom she will go to the ball! What is lacking for a man who, by the will of fate, turned out to be a hero of ancient prophecies? Eh, no, he probably doesn't need this. A ball gown won't fit.
Immediately screenshots
So what exactly is this mod?
- The mod adds a new companion, with whom you will have a full-fledged romance.
- Lots of options for flirting and romantic interactions.
- Lots of new characters.
- All remarks are voiced, the voice language is English.
- Several romantic adventures in the cities of Skyrim.
- Several new locations and a new home for the player.
- Several outfits for your beautiful heroine.

The mod is designed to be played by a female character, but you can also play it with a male character. Of course, if you are not embarrassed by an appeal to you in the feminine gender and an affair with another man. The mod's script is focused on your character. Your Dragonborn heroine turns out to be the center of attention and desire of many men.
The main characters of the mod:
- The first meeting and standard location is Riverwood, at the door of the Sleeping Giant tavern.
- Bishop is a companion and central character of the mod. At first, he will meet you unfriendly, doubting your abilities, but as you get to know you, you will have a chance to prove to him that he is wrong.
- Bishop gives a quest to find his faithful wolf Carnwyr in the Cregslane cave. Once the wolf is freed and the bandits are killed, Bishop becomes a full-fledged companion.
- He has his own opinion about some cities and some events in the game.
- You can flirt with him, receive signs of attention from him, he will even impudently pester you, but these romantic interactions do not carry the development of your romance.
- For the progress of your relationship, you will need to talk with other characters in the mod Nishka, Kasavir, Cale.
- First encounter - Kreglane Cave. The standard location is Riverwood.
Bishop's Wolf. He can be interacted with like any dog ​​in Skyrim, plus he can be stroked and treated with meat.
- First meeting - Solitude. The standard location is the Laughing Rat Tavern.
Casavir is a gallant knight, and you are his lady of the heart. He will offer you to get a new dress at his expense and go with him to the ball held in the Blue Palace of Solitude.
- The first meeting is a cage at the gate in Markarth. The standard location is the village of Keila in the mountains above Markarth.
Cale is the outcast leader captured by the guards of Markarth, whose life will be in your power. He can be killed on the spot, left to wait for his fate, or released. In the latter case, he leaves for his village, and a friendly settlement of Outcasts will appear in the game.
- Meeting - Whiterun, Prancing Mare Tavern.
No, this lady is not interested in you, but she has her eye on Bishop. In the tavern, you will find a small scene that can make you jealous.
- Meeting - Winterhold, at the door of the Frozen Hearth tavern.
Darren will ask you out on a date at a tavern, and now it's Bishop's turn to get jealous.
- Meeting - Riften, not far from Medovik.
A burglar ready to steal your kiss.
- Encounter - Riften, Bee and Sting Tavern
The priestess who marries you to Bishop.
Thorne and his gang.
- Meet at the main gate of Falkreath.
Thorne is a dark personality from Bishop's past. Very strong and dangerous, the same can be said about his entire gang.
Other characters:
Eric and Rose. Visitors to the Laughing Rat Tavern in Solitude.
Meirin and Arias. Visitors to the Drunken Hunter in Whiterun.
Anomen and Frodo. Bosom friends, found near the temple of Mary in Riften.
Thomas and Darian. Friends hunters from Riverwood.
Thallium. The Sleeping Giant Maid in Riverwood.
Victoria. The owner of a clothing store Jewel in Solitude.
Ray. Citizen of Solitude, usually near the Laughing Rat.
Locations added or modified by the mod
- House Honeymoon
Nice country house, taken over by the player after the wedding with Bishop. Located north of Riften.
- Jewel
Luxurious outfit store. Located in Solitude on the market square, by the well
- Garden of the Blue Palace and the Great Crystal Ball
The Blue Palace garden has been slightly modified to suit the needs of the mod. it is from there that you can get into the room where the ball is taking place.
- Forest and Glade Maiden Veil
Wasteland, the wilderness of Skyrim. A beautiful and quiet place where the wedding ceremony with Bishop will take place. The location has 2 exits to Skyrim. One near the Honeymoon house, the other off the beaten path, in the heart of Skyrim.
- Keila village
It is located in the mountains southeast of Markarth.
Frequently asked Questions
1: Endless loading screen when trying to enter the room where the ball is supposed to take place.
Bug of the original game. The solution is to install the mod
or SKSE with memory patch

2: Bishop refuses to follow your character.
Fire other satellites via the console with the command set playerfollowercount to

3: Bishop is stuck in the Frozen Hearth with Darren.
Events in the Frozen Hearth should have the following sequence:
1 your conversation with Darren,
2 interruption of your conversation by Bishop and a fight with Darren,
3 second conversation with Darren,
4 final line from Bishop.
Either you didn’t have time to talk to Darren again until the end of the scene, or Bishop didn’t have time to say the final line.

4: Bishop is stuck in the Prancing Mare.
After the scene with Nishka, 10-20 seconds must pass before he will follow you again.

5: Is Carnveer's presence necessary to develop an affair with Bishop?
No, the wolf can be released at any time.

6: Characters speak English or are silent and nothing happens.
You need to turn on subtitles.
The voice acting of the mod has been left original, besides, most of the flirting consists of describing the actions. But there are moments that are animated.

7: After the wedding with Bishop, the quest remains hanging in the magazine.
Enter the command CompleteQuest KVMWeddingCeremony in the console
What's new in version 1.0-2.0
- Re-voiced the main character of the Bishop mod.
- Reworked and improved the lines of the player and Bishop.
- Although the mod is not declared animated, in fact, the old animations that were present in the previous version are preserved.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Romance Adventure

Game platform: TES V: Skyrim Legendary Edition

English name: Skyrim romance mod

Russian name: Romantic adventures

Current version: 1.0-2.0​

Fashion language: Russian

The size: Optional


The modification adds a real romantic story to Skyrim. As a matter of fact, the mod is intended, rather, for the female sex, since men, drawing in their beer bellies and proudly straightening their shoulders, in such circumstances utter some bad words about the secretions of the glands of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

What's missing in the cold and inhospitable land of Skyrim? Warmth and romance. What is lacking for a girl who, by the will of fate, turned out to be a hero of ancient prophecies? Admiration of fans, courtship of a stern and courageous ranger, sweet speeches of the Outcast Leader, ready to give her his heart, compliments of a modest magician, ready to fight for her in a duel and a real knight with whom she will go to the ball!

What is lacking for a man who, by the will of fate, turned out to be a hero of ancient prophecies? Oh no, just not that ... If you are not one of those who are ready to try on a ball gown and listen to how other men compliment you, referring to you in the feminine gender, then pass by. The dragonborn will become the center of attention for other men. Do you need it?

More details:

  • The mod adds a new companion with whom you will have a full-fledged romance.
  • Lots of options for flirting and romantic interactions.
  • Lots of new characters.
  • All lines are voiced (in English).
  • Several romantic adventures in different cities of Skyrim.
  • Several new locations and a new home for the player.
  • Several outfits for your beautiful heroine.

Main characters:

  • Bishop
    • The first meeting and standard location is Riverwood, at the door of the "Sleeping Giant" tavern.
    • Bishop is a companion and central character of the mod. At first, he will meet you unfriendly, doubting your abilities, but as you get to know you, you will have a chance to prove to him that he is wrong.
    • Bishop gives a quest to find his wolf Carnwyr in Kregslane Cave. Once the wolf is freed and the bandits are killed, Bishop becomes a full-fledged companion.
    • He has his own opinion about some cities and some events of the game, which he does not hesitate to express.
    • You can flirt with him, receive signs of attention from him, he will even impudently pester you, but these romantic interactions alone will not develop your romance.
    • For the progress of your relationship, you need to communicate with other characters in the mod (Nishka, Kasavir, Cale, etc.).
  • Carnveer
    • First encounter - Kreglein Cave. The standard location is Riverwood.
    • Bishop's Wolf. He can be interacted with like any dog ​​in Skyrim, in addition, he can be stroked and treated with meat.
  • Casavir
    • First meeting - Solitude. The standard location is the Laughing Rat Tavern.
    • Kasavir is a gallant knight, and you are his lady of the heart. He wants to buy you a new dress and offers to go with him to the ball held in the Blue Palace of Solitude.
  • Cale
    • The first meeting is a cage at the gate in Markarth. The standard location is the village of Keila in the mountains above Markarth.
    • Cale is the outcast leader captured by the guards of Markarth, whose life will be in your power. He can be killed on the spot, left to wait for his fate, or released. In the latter case, he leaves for his village, and a friendly settlement of Outcasts will appear in the game.
  • Nishka
    • First meeting - Whiterun, Prancing Mare Tavern.
    • This lady is not interested in you, but she has her eye on Bishop. In the tavern, you will find a small scene that can make you jealous.
  • Darren
    • Meeting - Winterhold, at the door of the Frozen Hearth tavern.
    • Darren will ask you out on a date at a tavern, and now it's Bishop's turn to get jealous.
  • Raven
    • Meeting - Riften, not far from Medovik.
    • A burglar ready to steal your kiss.
  • Ari
    • Meeting - Riften, bee and sting tavern.
    • The priestess who marries you to Bishop.
  • Thorne and his gang
    • Meet at the main gate of Falkreath.
    • Thorne is a dark personality from Bishop's past. Very strong and dangerous, the same can be said about his entire gang.

Minor characters:

  • Eric and Rose... Visitors to the Laughing Rat Tavern in Solitude.
  • Meirin and Arias... Visitors to The Drunken Hunter in Whiterun.
  • Anomen and Frodo... Bosom friends, found near the temple of Mary in Riften.
  • Thomas and Darian... Friends hunters from Riverwood.
  • Thallium... The Sleeping Giant's maid in Riverwood.
  • Victoria... The owner of the Jewel clothing store in Solitude.
  • Rey... Citizen of Solitude, usually near the Laughing Rat.