
Ways to form a positive attitude towards the work of adults. Levels of formation of a positive attitude towards the world of work and professions. Factors in shaping attitudes towards work


The “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” provides for familiarizing children with the work of adults, instilling respect for the working person, accustoming them to work, and instilling the desire to work for the common good. Gradually, preschoolers develop a certain attitude towards work, in which they show their character: readiness for work, the desire to be useful to loved ones and others, conscientiousness in carrying out everyday duties and instructions from adults. All this forms the basis of a positive attitude towards work.

When familiarizing themselves with the work of adults (builders, grain growers, livestock breeders, doctors, etc.), children awaken a sense of respect for the working person, a careful attitude towards the results of his work, and a desire arises to be like the best people, to imitate them in work and behavior. The fulfillment of these desires of children is possible only if they are directly involved in work.

Labor contributes to the development of children’s mental and physical capabilities, their aesthetic and moral feelings. Participation in general work, in solving everyday affairs, the desire to work, the acquisition of personal work experience - all this psychologically prepares the child for creative work.

The main types of work activity of older preschoolers are self-service, household work (maintaining order in the group room, at home and on the site); manual labor associated with the manufacture of homemade toys from natural materials, paper, cardboard, fabric, and affordable labor to care for animals and plants.

Of great importance for instilling in children a positive attitude towards work are the methods of managing it and how systematically it is organized.

Usually, an adult can quite easily make children aged 5-7 years old want to work. This is explained by the desire of older preschoolers for active practical action, to imitate adults, sincere trust in them, and their increased emotionality.

At the same time, in children of this age there is a discrepancy between the desire to work and the ability to take part in work. Thus, the desire to work develops faster than mastery of work skills. Insufficient physical development compared to adults, unstable attention, lack of self-control, underdeveloped willpower - all this leads to the fact that children, although they have a great desire to work, are unable to do this and are switched off from the labor process ahead of time. As a result, their work often ends in failure and, therefore, does not bring them joy or satisfaction. And a person who does not experience the joy of success in work will never love work and will strive to get rid of it.

When organizing the work of children of senior preschool age, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the feasibility of work, timely switching to other types of work, changing working posture (this relieves physical fatigue and promotes concentration), the correct alternation of work and rest for children.

No less important is the nature of the work itself and its features. Thus, making paper toys, making cookies, picking vegetables and berries is varied and episodic work. There is a lot of novelty and emotionality in it. Self-service and household work, on the contrary, is monotonous, repeated day after day. These types of work require more patience, constant work effort, and daily self-control from children. Naturally, children are much easier and more willing to engage in work that is episodic in nature than in performing everyday work duties for self-care in kindergarten and at home. When putting things in order in their play area at home, tidying up the bed, putting shoes and clothes in proper shape, wiping dust from furniture, etc., they must understand the necessity of this work.

The task of teachers and parents is to instill in them a positive emotional attitude towards any type of work and for this to create conditions that will ensure that children develop the habit of work and hard work.

In this regard, it is of great importance to develop in children at the same time labor skills, motives for work and the right attitude towards people around them. The last two points are most significant when instilling in children a desire to work. Firstly, because a child, having mastered skills, can perform work only out of fear of punishment, under the influence of adult demands, or out of a desire to satisfy his immediate interest; the educational value of such work is extremely low. And secondly, children’s attitude towards work depends on the moral motives that guide them. What comes to the fore here is not so much labor skills and abilities, but rather the attitude towards the person who gives the order or for whose sake it must be carried out, as well as the attitude towards the event for which he is working (a national holiday, awarding his mother with an honorary diploma, returning to the children's peer's garden after illness, etc.). Thus, motives of a moral and social nature = work for the benefit of others, a caring attitude towards loved ones and strangers, adults and peers - are very important for cultivating in children a positive emotional attitude towards work. Therefore, children must first understand the purpose of work.

N.K. Krupskaya and A.S. Makarenko have repeatedly noted that child labor should have great social significance. It should not be a game of work, but real work. The task of adults is to reveal to children the objective necessity of their work and thereby help instill in them a sense of duty.

Collective cleaning of the kindergarten area is underway. The group is divided into two units, and the teacher invites them to compete: which unit finishes the work faster will be given a flag. It seems to the teacher that everything necessary has been done to actively involve the children in work. However, from a conversation with children, it turns out that the goal of the activity for them is to finish their work faster and get a flag. Here, the checkbox has turned from a stimulus to intensify work activity into an end in itself. The result is an indifferent attitude of the guys towards this work, disputes over who finished the work faster, who owns the flag.

It seems that the children were doing useful work, but the accumulation of moral experience in labor behavior did not occur, since the socially significant purpose of labor was forgotten, and during the work process and after its completion, negative actions of the children took place (quarrels, dishonesty in achieving results).




  1. Explanatory note

The developed materials are based on the Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational programs of basic general education, the Concept of spiritual and moral education and development, the program for the formation and development of universal educational activities. Continuity with the program of spiritual and moral development and education of students at the primary level of general education is ensured, as well as consistency with the program of spiritual and moral development and education of students at the basic level of general education.

The subprogram for instilling a positive attitude towards work and vocational guidance of students takes into account the age characteristics of students and the main life tasks of age, domestic educational traditions, basic Russian values, taking into account modern sociocultural conditions of childhood development in modern Russia. The possibility of successful implementation of the program highly depends on how fully the conditions are created for the development of such personal qualities of primary school students as readiness and ability for self-development, motivation for learning and knowledge, value and semantic attitudes that reflect their individual personal positions, social competences, foundations of Russian civic identity.

Goals and objectives of the subprogram:

The goals of the subprogram for instilling a positive attitude towards work and professional orientation of students, based on the priority of the individual over the group and collective, are:

Enriching and improving the human essence of students through socio-pedagogical and socio-cultural support of their own efforts aimed at gaining their personal, civic and socio-cultural identity;

Students acquiring the ability to operationally master a set of programs of activity and behavior characteristic of the current sociocultural tradition and the prospects for its development, as well as their assimilation (interiorization) of the knowledge, values ​​and norms that these traditions express;

Description of the set of conditions that provide professional guidance for schoolchildren at the level of basic general education.
Tasks subprograms for instilling a positive attitude towards work and career guidance for students are:

Development of the ability to reconcile self-esteem and aspirations with the possibilities of their implementation in the existing social environment;

The ability to create socially acceptable conditions for such implementation;

Providing information about the world of professions and career guidance;

Familiarizing students with the natural inclinations of a person and the conditions for their development in abilities;

Creating conditions for the personal development of students;

Identification of natural inclinations and their transformation into abilities;

Familiarization with the relevance of the needs of professions in the labor market;

Together with students, identify the consequences of an error in choosing a profession;

Creating conditions for developing self-presentation skills as a key to starting a successful career.

Considering the exceptional sociocultural importance of this subprogram for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the entire educational institution, it is legitimate to consider the progress of students achieved in this area as a real achievement of the teachers participating in this activity. They acquire an indisputable (publicly confirmed) right to claim material incentives from the incentive part of the wage fund. And what is especially important is that the reasons for this encouragement are transparent and understandable not only to the teaching staff, but to all students and their parents. In addition, teachers receive an additional convincing argument when passing certification to a higher category.

If such activities are successfully carried out by the educational institution successively, year after year, then this can and should become a strong position when it undergoes the state accreditation procedure.

Addressee underprograms for instilling a positive attitude towards work and career guidance for students

At the stage of basic general education, it is important to continue and expand activities aimed at introducing adolescents to the values ​​of family, native and other significant ethnocultural and sociocultural (including religious) groups and communities, as well as to universal human values ​​in the context of the formation of civil Russian identity among adolescents, education among them conscious and responsible love for the Motherland and respect for the cultural and historical heritage and property of its multinational people, a value-based attitude to work and profession.

The principles of state policy in the field of education set the general semantic and content framework for determining the goals and objectives of socialization and career guidance of students:
“...priority of universal human values, human life and health, free development of the individual; education of citizenship, hard work, conscious choice of profession, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, Motherland, family;

... protection and development by the education system of national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics in a multinational state;

... adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students and pupils.”

When carrying out socialization and career guidance of students, it is important to set goals and adhere to certain principles. It is important that the work of a teacher not only has a concrete and good result, but is also imbued with universal human values ​​and the joy of communicating with another person. Therefore, within the framework of the program, the following principles were defined: goodwill and willingness to help those who contact you; scientific nature and reliability of information; accessibility of the information offered; targeting; individual approach; modernity and relevance of materials; collaboration with other specialists (teachers, psychologists, etc.).

Consistent and complete implementation of these principles by the education system means that all citizens who receive an education become their bearers themselves. However, this can only happen if the education system carries out this work in a strictly targeted manner, fully and comprehensively knowing the basic characterological characteristics of both its students and the space in which their socialization takes place. This is extremely important, since this complex and multidimensional process is ultimately centered on the teenager, who at this age (12-15 years old) experiences profound hormonal changes that affect all spheres of the body’s life and significantly change the nature of its socio-psychological connections and relationships. with the external environment. As is known, it is at the beginning of this age period that there is a rapid increase in the rates of delinquency and crime (including on ethnic grounds), the use of tobacco, alcohol, and, somewhat later, drugs. It is at this age that teenagers begin to create their own subcultural communities, often of an antisocial and criminal nature. There is no doubt that the nature and intensity of such manifestations are directly related to the costs of their previous socialization, to the quality of already acquired spiritual and moral ideals and guidelines (and their distorted forms).

The completion of this period is marked for each student with the first social self-determination in his life: whether to continue receiving a full general education at school or choose a different educational path by entering an institution of primary or secondary vocational education. We are talking about a person’s choice of his own future, about the choice of profession, and a lot here also depends, among many other things, on the quality of his socialization.

Socialization as a category of social existence can be defined as the process of an individual’s operational mastery of a set of programs of activity and behavior characteristic of cultural traditions existing in his living space, as well as his assimilation (interiorization) of knowledge, values ​​and norms expressing these traditions (including including professional ones) necessary for interaction and cooperation in society.

It is important to understand that in the final period of adolescence (14-15 years old), there is a rapid presentation by the individual to society of his qualities, which have almost latently developed over more than ten years of socialization in the family, kindergarten, school and society. The teenager needs public recognition of his life experience accumulated by this time and demands the first conscious attempt in his life to assert himself socially. He feels the power and right to openly and fully demonstrate his attitude to the world - through actions, judgments and choice of behavioral strategies. The level of basic general education, thus, accepts a growing person at the dramatic moment of transition of many hitherto hidden processes of his becoming obvious. It is at this stage that the moment of explosive “self-presentation” of a teenager as a young adult occurs.

But not only teenagers, general education itself is today in a state of profound qualitative changes. Being a living state-social organism, it, figuratively speaking, is also experiencing a peculiar period of socialization. This process is due to many factors operating both in the most modern Russian educational space and outside it: the formation of a post-industrial information society is taking place in the world, and completely new socio-economic, socio-cultural and other realities are emerging, requiring education to have a new attitude towards students, first in general, as subjects-bearers of human capital, capable of self-determination and self-development in conditions that do not yet exist in reality and which today can only be judged predictively.

There is another body of objective factors that are extremely important for understanding the problem area of ​​socialization and career guidance of adolescents. This is the multidimensionality of the civilizational space of Russia itself, which in its different parts reacts differently to such objective challenges of the era as globalization, free circulation of information and migration flows, increased competitiveness of human capital, the clash of tradition and innovation in all areas of life and related intergenerational gaps in socio-cultural norms and value systems. And the education system is called upon to find and use such forms and methods of children’s and child-adult activities that would ensure the process of forming an individuality that is most adequate to the tasks of self-actualization and self-realization of young people in these difficult, sometimes extremely contradictory circumstances. Therefore, it is extremely important to take into account as fully as possible the individual variations in the personality types of adolescent students, caused both by the difference in innate psychological characteristics and inclinations, and by the variety of specific private reactions to real and possible social situations.

From what has been said, it inevitably follows that the socialization and career guidance of students at the level of basic general education are not some isolated activities artificially introduced into the educational process. They are carried out everywhere - both in the development of academic disciplines, and in the development of universal competencies in students, and in their own behavior in all kinds of extracurricular activities. They are carried out simply in the life of a child. It is in the degree of development in adolescents of the ability to reflect on the foundations of their own activities and their own relationships to reality that the critical point of both their socialization as a whole and the most important criteria for assessing its effectiveness are fixed. Many of them are determined precisely by the maturity of their social ideas and competencies, embodied in behavior.

When implementing a program of socialization and career guidance at the level of basic general education, it is necessary to constantly keep in mind such a factor as the trust of adolescents in teachers and other persons who communicate with them and participate in joint activities. A sense of trust is built not only on the teacher’s sincere concern for the fate of adolescents, but also on the persuasiveness of his life experience for them, on his ability to put himself in the place of each of them and, in a confidential dialogue, discuss all possible scenarios for the development of specific current situations. It is important to take into account that adolescents’ own social, professional and socio-cultural experience is limited and often dramatically deformed, as a result of which they are often a priori sharply negative about “soul-saving conversations.” This means that from a teacher who claims to be a “significant adult,” in addition to extensive erudition (including general cultural and psychological), the highest pedagogical professionalism is required, including the entire range of means of verbal and nonverbal communication.

It is necessary to note a group of principles that guide teenagers and young people when choosing a profession and place in the social structure of society.

Principle of Consciousness in choosing a profession is expressed in the desire to satisfy with one’s choice not only personal needs in work, but also to bring as much benefit to society as possible.

The principle of matching the chosen profession with the interests, inclinations, and abilities of the individual and at the same time, the needs of society for personnel in a certain profession are expressed by the connection between the personal and social aspects of choosing a profession. By analogy with the well-known idea - you cannot live in society and be free from society - you can also say: you cannot choose a profession based only on your own interests and without taking into account the interests of society. Violation of the principle of matching the needs of the individual and society leads to an imbalance in the professional structure of personnel.

Activity principle in choosing a profession characterizes the type of activity of an individual in the process of professional self-determination. You have to actively look for a profession yourself. The following must play a big role in this: practical testing of the students themselves in the process of labor and professional training, advice from parents and their professional experience, searching and reading literature, work during practice, and much more.

Development principle reflects the idea of ​​​​choosing a profession that would give the individual the opportunity to improve their qualifications, increase earnings as experience and professional skills grow, the opportunity to actively participate in social work, satisfy cultural needs, the need for housing, recreation, etc.

A career guidance program for teenagers should be built on the basis of these principles.

Implementation deadlines for the socialization and career guidance subprogram

Subprogram implementation deadlines:

preparatory - 2013/2014 academic year;

activity - 2014/2015; 2015/2016; 2016/2017; 2017/2018 academic years.

final – 2018/2019; 2019/2020 academic year

The program of socialization and career guidance for students involves implementation in grades 6-11.

Planned results

Socialization, being by its nature a comprehensive and universal process, can, if properly organized, lead to positive results in almost all areas of activity where a person interacts with another person, with a group of people, with a group of professionals, with a large team, society and, indirectly, humanity (especially in the context of globalization, when the so-called global problems of humanity begin to affect every inhabitant of the Earth).

With regard to adolescence, it is impossible to talk about the results of socialization and career guidance as something already firmly established. The process continues, and in this regard, its intensity and the very fact that it has a positive vector of direction can rightfully be considered as a very important result that has already taken place.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that many aspects of this process appear so clearly and permanently that they can also be recorded as a kind of “planned and achieved result.” Here, however, a special reservation is absolutely necessary. It is due to the fact that any person is endowed by nature (at the genetic level) with many unique characteristics that largely predetermine his inclinations, professional interests, type of reactions, character traits, etc. This factor is of exceptional importance in the process of socialization of professional choice. A sanguine teenager and a melancholic teenager can show their attitude to the same circumstance, to the same profession very differently, despite the fact that the attitude itself (i.e., position) for both will be the same. Such discrepancies in emotional and behavioral manifestations, especially when the teacher sets an active type of reaction, are fraught with an erroneous assessment of the “result obtained.” Hence the fundamental requirement for assessing the results of socialization and career guidance: recording not the external “activity” of a teenager, not the words he speaks, but his real social position, his real professional choice, his stability and motivation. A person’s social position can only manifest itself in activity (or lack thereof), and it is in the forms, methods and content of these manifestations that the results of socialization are recorded, which, taking into account the above, can be interpreted as personal involvement of adolescents in real positive social and sociocultural practices. This is the most important general result of the socialization and professionalization of adolescent students.

When considering the planned results of socialization and career guidance of adolescents (personal participation of schoolchildren in various types of activities), it is advisable to distinguish several levels: personal, school, level of local society (municipal level), regional (all-Russian, global) level.

  1. Personal level

  2. Development of ability:
- maintain and maintain your own health and not have bad habits (i.e. harmful to the physical, moral and mental health of yourself and others);

Maintain and develop friendly business relationships with all seniors and juniors included in the circle of current communication;

Critically perceive information broadcast by print and electronic media; have a strong interest in materials on social and socio-cultural issues;

Take a certain position in relation to the chosen profession;

Understand your own characteristics, inclinations, and inclinations for a certain professional type of activity;

Take a socially responsible position in relation to socially negative events and phenomena of life around you; respond to them in accordance with your beliefs within the framework of legal and moral standards;

Be tolerant and empathic towards carriers of other cultural traditions;

Treat education as a universal human value of our century;

Publicly express your opinion, skillfully using a rich arsenal of verbal and non-verbal means of communication;

Be able to carry out goal setting, which allows, based on an analysis of a situation of uncertainty or an underdetermined situation, to suggest the most likely options for the outcome of the situation and the most effective methods of action.

Be able to analyze objects of intangible and material culture, highlight essential and non-essential features of an object, build a model of an object, and fix it in a symbolic form;

Be able to design, with the help of a tutor or trained teacher, your own individual educational trajectory (route);

Work with open sources of information (find information resources, select and analyze the necessary information) about professions, the labor market, its development trends and the future needs of the economy of the student’s region of residence and the country as a whole in personnel of a certain qualification to make a decision on the choice of an individual and professional route;

Together with teachers, draw up an individual educational program in accordance with the requirements determined by the choice of a future profession;

Choose an individual and professional route to implement an individual educational program.

School level

Development and support of the humanistic way of school life and the system of school self-government;

Maintaining the improvement of school and school space;

Participation in the preparation and maintenance of the school website;

Participation in the preparation and publication of a printed or electronic version of the school newspaper;

Participation in school-wide search, environmental protection, volunteer, etc. activities (school theater, KVN, discussion club, etc.);

Participation in public events related to career guidance issues;

Conscious and responsible participation in the implementation of the school’s educational program (for example, participation in the school theater, in preparing public presentations to introduce friends to the basics of various professions, etc.).

Municipal level

Personal participation in activities:

Participation in the study and preservation of cultural and historical heritage and property and preparation of public presentations on this work;

Participation in exhibitions of fine and photographic art, in competitions for young journalists, etc., dedicated to current social problems of the native land;

Participation in research projects (possibly with the participation and under the guidance of older schoolchildren or adults) devoted to the study of such phenomena as government and management bodies (structure, functioning, connection with society, etc.), public organizations and creative unions, using local material, institutions of culture, healthcare, internal affairs, etc. and their role in organizing the life of society, etc.;

problems of in-demand and undemanded professions, employment, wages;

problems of the profession market;

social health issues (crime, drug use, alcoholism and their social consequences);

problems of the level and quality of life of the local population;

ethnocultural communities (peoples) living in their native land (including migrants), their traditions and holidays; personal participation in the development of intercultural dialogue;

environmental issues;

problems of local youth subcultures and many others. etc.

Regional, national and global levels

Personal participation in activities

Disputes of different ages (including in the Internet space), on current social and career guidance problems determined by the participants themselves (youth movements, global problems of humanity, patriotism and nationalism, youth and the labor market, etc.);

Participation in research projects related to the issues of multicultural communities (extremely relevant for Russia), professional elections, iconic professions in modern society, the mutual influence of cultural traditions, the value of monuments of the historical and cultural heritage of native and close and distant peoples, cultures and civilizations; material, cultural and spiritual heritage of the peoples of Russia and their closest neighbors.

II. Main contentsub-programs for instilling a positive attitude towards work and career guidance for students

Principles and features of organizing the content of education and socialization of students

The principle of ideal orientation.

Ideals are preserved in traditions and serve as the main guidelines for human life, spiritual, moral and social development of the individual. The content of the program should update certain ideals stored in the history of our country, in the cultures of the peoples of Russia, including religious cultures, and in the cultural traditions of the peoples of the world.

The principle of taking into account the personal characteristics and abilities of the student in the process of career guidance involves relying on the gender, age, individual and personal characteristics of the student when choosing a profession.

Axiological principle. The principle of ideal orientation integrates the social and pedagogical space of an educational institution. The axiological principle allows it to be differentiated and to include different social subjects. Within the framework of the system of basic national values, public actors can assist the school in developing in students one or another group of social values, including professional values.

The principle of following a moral example. Following example is the leading method of education and career guidance. An example is a possible model for building a teenager’s relationships with other people and with himself, an example of a value choice made by a significant other. The content of the educational process, extracurricular and extracurricular activities should be filled with examples of moral behavior. The examples demonstrate people’s aspiration to the heights of the spirit, personify ideals and values, and fill them with specific life content. The example of a teacher is of particular importance for the spiritual and moral development of a student.

The principle of dialogical communication with significant others. In the formation of career guidance and values, a teenager’s dialogical communication with peers, parents, teachers and other significant adults plays an important role. The presence of a significant other in the educational process makes it possible to organize it on a dialogical basis. The dialogue proceeds from the recognition and unconditional respect of the pupil’s right to freely choose and consciously assign the value that he believes to be true. Dialogue does not allow career guidance and moral education to be reduced to moralizing and monologue preaching, but provides for its organization by means of equal intersubjective dialogue. The development by an individual of his own value system and the search for the meaning of life are impossible without the dialogic communication of a teenager with a significant other.

Identification principle. Identification is a stable identification of oneself with a significant other, the desire to be like him, like a person successful in his profession. In adolescence, identification is the leading mechanism for the development of the value-semantic sphere of the individual. Career guidance and socialization of a teenager’s personality are supported by examples. In this case, the identification mechanism is triggered, a projection of one’s own capabilities onto the image of a significant other occurs, which allows the teenager to see his best qualities, still hidden in himself, but already realized in the image of the other. Identification, combined with following a professional and moral example, strengthens the individual’s reflection, morality – the teenager’s ability to formulate his own moral obligations, social responsibility – the individual’s willingness to act in accordance with morality and demand this from others, professional identity.

The principle of polysubjectivity in career guidance and socialization. In modern conditions, the process of career guidance and socialization of the individual has a semi-subjective, multidimensional, activity-based character. A teenager is involved in various types of social, information, and communication activities, the content of which contains different, often contradictory values ​​and ideological attitudes. Effective organization of career guidance and socialization of modern teenagers is possible subject to coordination (primarily on the basis of common spiritual and social ideals and values) of the social and pedagogical activities of various public entities: schools, families, institutions of additional education, culture and sports, traditional religious and public organizations etc. At the same time, the activities of the educational institution, the teaching staff of the school in the organization of social and pedagogical partnership should be leading, determining the values, content, forms and methods of education and socialization of students in educational, extracurricular, extracurricular, socially significant activities. Social and pedagogical interaction between the school and other public entities is carried out within the framework of the Program for the education and socialization of students.

The principle of joint solution of personally and socially significant problems. Personal and social problems are the main drivers of human development. Their solution requires not only external activity, but also a significant restructuring of the inner mental, spiritual world of the individual, a change in the relationship (and relationships are values) of the individual to the phenomena of life. Education is the pedagogical support provided to significant others for the development of a student’s personality in the process of jointly solving personally and socially significant problems facing him.

The principle of systemic activity-based organization of career guidance and education. Integration of the content of various types of activities of students within the framework of the program of their education and career guidance is carried out on the basis of basic national values. To solve educational problems, students, together with teachers, parents, and other subjects of cultural and civil life, turn to the content:

General education disciplines;

Works of art;

Periodicals, publications, radio and television programs reflecting modern life;

Spiritual culture and folklore of the peoples of Russia;

History, traditions and modern life of your homeland, your region, your family;

Professional and life experience of your parents and grandparents and other significant adults;

Socially useful, personally significant, professionally significant activities within the framework of pedagogically organized social and cultural practices;

Other sources of information and scientific knowledge.

The systemic and activity-based organization of education and career guidance must overcome the isolation of teenage communities from the world of elders and younger ones and ensure their full and timely socialization. Socially, adolescence represents the transition from dependent childhood to independent and responsible adulthood. The school, as a social entity - the bearer of pedagogical culture - plays a leading role in the implementation of education, successful socialization and career guidance of a teenager.

The main content of education, socialization and career guidance of students

Education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for human rights, freedoms and responsibilities:

A general idea of ​​the political structure of the Russian state, its institutions, their role in the life of society, the symbols of the state, their historical origin and socio-cultural significance, the key values ​​of modern Russian society;

Systemic ideas about the institutions of civil society, their history and current state in Russia and the world, about the possibilities of citizen participation in public administration;

Understanding and approval of the rules of behavior in society, respect for the authorities and persons protecting public order;

Awareness of the constitutional duty and responsibilities of a citizen of his homeland;

Systematic ideas about the peoples of Russia, about their common historical destiny, about the unity of the peoples of our country, knowledge of national heroes and the most important events of national history;

A negative attitude towards violations of order in the classroom, school, public places, towards a person’s failure to fulfill his social duties, towards antisocial actions and behavior.

Developing career guidance skills:

Conscious understanding of the significance of the chosen profession;

Identifying your own inclinations, inclinations, abilities;

Making a conscious choice by students about their future professional activities;

Fostering hard work, a conscious, creative attitude towards education, profession, work and life, preparation for a conscious choice of profession:

Understanding the need for scientific knowledge for the development of the individual and society, their role in life, work, creativity;

Awareness of the moral foundations of education;

Awareness of the importance of continuous education and self-education throughout life;

Awareness of the importance of choosing the right profession and carrying out professional work;

Awareness of the moral nature of labor, its role in human life and society, in the creation of material, social and cultural benefits; knowledge and respect for the labor traditions of one’s family, the labor exploits of older generations;

The ability to plan professional activities, rationally use time, information and material resources, maintain order in the workplace, carry out teamwork, including in the development and implementation of educational and work-study projects;

Formation of a positive attitude towards educational and educational work activities, socially useful matters, the ability to consciously show initiative and discipline, perform work on schedule and on time, follow the developed plan, be responsible for quality and be aware of possible risks;

Readiness to choose a profile of study at the next level of education or professional choice in case of transition to the vocational education system (the ability to navigate the labor market, the world of professions, the vocational education system, correlate one’s interests and capabilities with a professional perspective, acquire additional knowledge and skills, necessary for specialized or vocational education);

Careful attitude towards the results of your work, the work of other people, school property, textbooks, personal belongings; maintaining cleanliness and order in the classroom and school; willingness to assist in the improvement of the school and its immediate environment;

General familiarity with labor legislation;

Intolerant attitude towards laziness, irresponsibility and passivity in education and work.

Value-based attitude to the profession, work, professional activity;

An idea of ​​the professions market in modern Russia.

Main directions and forms of pedagogical support for socialization and career guidance through educational, social, communicative and labor activities

The purpose of the Socialization and Career Guidance Program is to introduce into the process of socialization and career guidance a vector of guided and relatively socially controlled socialization and career guidance and thereby help a young person understand how he himself can manage his socialization and professional choice in the future, consciously building his own balance between his adaptation to society ( This refers to the measure of consistency between a person’s self-esteem and aspirations and his capabilities in the realities of the current social environment) and isolation from society (meaning the value, psychological, emotional and behavioral autonomy of the individual).

1 direction: creation by an educational institution of a regime maximally favorable to the processes of positive socialization and career guidance of adolescents

broad social, socio-cultural, socio-economic, socio-professional, etc. the space in which the educational institution operates and which sets the framework for the socialization and career guidance of students;

The psychological, social, cultural “background” existing in the educational institution itself, the degree and methods of influence of external factors on the main subjects of the process of socialization and career guidance: teachers, students and their parents in order to clarify the strengths and weaknesses of the nature of their relationships with each other and with the outside environment, etc.

In this case, special attention should be paid to clarifying the following points related to the positioning of adolescents in the Program:

The presence of their own views on specific areas of socialization and career guidance, the ability to change them and develop new ones;

The presence and nature of the self-concept, the level of self-esteem and self-acceptance, the development of self-esteem;

The degree of selectivity in professional elections;

A measure of creativity as the readiness and ability to independently solve one’s own problems, issues of professional choice, to confront life situations that interfere with self-change, self-determination, self-realization, self-affirmation; flexibility and at the same time stability in changing situations, the ability to approach life creatively.

determination, based on the analysis, of the main deficits of this “background” in the context of the tasks of socialization (targeted social education) and career guidance, recorded in the educational program of the educational institution;

determination of the main forms of educational and extracurricular (including extracurricular) children's and child-adult activities, participation in which promises to lead to the most significant, in the opinion of the authors of the Program, results and effects in the field of socialization and career guidance of students (newspaper, theater, volunteering and other socially useful work, additional education with a pronounced social dimension, etc.);

identifying external partners of the educational institution for the implementation of the Program (both within the education system and outside it), creating a mechanism for their interaction with the Directorate of the Program.

2nd direction: education of citizenship, respect for human rights, freedoms and responsibilities; expansion and deepening of practical ideas about formal and informal norms and relationships that determine the state of local society; about the opportunities for citizens to participate in public administration, practical acquaintance with their activities in their home school, settlement, municipality; taking into account age and cognitive abilities, familiarity with the mechanisms for implementing at the level of one’s society (municipality) the norms of federal and regional legislation, the competencies of authorities and management at various levels;

practice-oriented ideas about the rights and responsibilities of a Russian citizen; direct acquaintance with the implementation of these rights through the example of older family members and other adults belonging to different social and sociocultural strata;

developing interest in social phenomena and turning it into a significant personal and civic need, understanding the active role of a person in society, including through personal participation in available projects and actions; introducing such documents as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms into the minds of adolescents;

development of ideas about the political structure of the Russian state, its institutions, their role in the life of society, and its most important laws; feasible introduction of ideas about Russia’s participation in the system of international political and cultural organizations (UN, UNESCO, Council of Europe, etc.);

deepening ideas about the peoples of Russia, their common historical destiny and unity; at the same time expanding ideas about peoples;

expansion and deepening of ideas about national heroes and the most important events in the history of Russia and its peoples (especially those events that are celebrated as national, state or major religious holidays);

development of personal and collective social activity (participation in the affairs of the class, school, family, village, city; open, reasoned expression of one’s position on various controversial or socially negative situations;

affirmation of the attitude towards the native and Russian languages ​​(if the latter is not native) as the greatest value, which is the most important part of the spiritual and moral heritage and property; awareness of the native and Russian languages ​​as a treasury of means of modern communication; awareness in this context of the importance of speaking foreign languages; conscious mastery of them as a universal means of productive interaction with other people in various cultural spaces;

development of a value-based attitude towards native culture; understanding its connections and mutual influences with other cultures throughout past eras and at the present time; developing the ability to see and understand the inclusion of native and other cultures in the expanding intercultural dialogue; understanding of the fundamental criteria for assessing the positivity or negativity of this interaction.

clarification and discussion, together with groups of adolescents of different ages and interested representatives of the relevant social structures, of the features of the socio-economic and socio-cultural state of society, the reasons for the difficulties of its development, the role of various objective and subjective factors in this process and the possibilities of youth participation in improving the situation;

clarification and discussion, together with groups of teenagers of different ages, of their behavioral preferences (in language, clothing, music, manner of communication, etc.) with the aim of “desacralizing” them (preferences) and transferring them into an open cultural space with the aim of critically understanding their positive and negative value bases;

research work followed by discussions about the reasons why people classify certain figures as heroes, consider them outstanding, remarkable, etc. It would be especially valuable to clarify the circumstances why the same person in different eras was either considered a great hero or politician, or was deprived of this “title”; local history work to identify and preserve places of memory, graves (especially mass graves), care for monuments, etc.; public presentations about famous people of a given area, region, Russia, human race;

a system of discussions about the value of “simple” human life;

acquaintance with preserved folk traditions and crafts;

identifying their cultural and historical basis, discussing their role and value in modern life, their significance for the bearers of these traditions and younger generations, etc.; participation in traditional activities (rites) and (if possible) in handicraft production (wood, clay, painting, etc.); preparing public presentations on these activities;

systematically holding discussions with bearers of different views and traditions regarding the spiritual and moral values ​​of the past and present in the context of the school’s educational program; bringing this issue to school, local and regional media; teenagers preparing their own publications;

organization of social tests, various excursions;

development and design of stands dedicated to the historical evolution of the symbols of the Russian state and a specific subject of the Federation; possible preparation of special presentations on similar historical processes in other countries (for example, the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, etc.). It would be very useful to compare the texts of national anthems of different countries in different historical eras, folk, state and religious holidays with public presentations.
3rd direction: education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness

developing the ability to reflect (criticize) the reasons for the activities of both one’s own and other people, especially peers; the ability to put oneself in the place of another, empathize, seek and find ways of human support even when realizing that he is wrong;

developing the ability to distinguish between positive and negative phenomena in the surrounding society, analyze their causes, propose ways to overcome socially unacceptable phenomena and participate in activities aimed at this; the ability to critically evaluate the quality of information and entertainment offered by advertising, film distribution, computer games and various media;

development of ideas about the religious picture of the world, the role of traditional religions in the development of the peoples of our country and their culture, in the formation and development of the Russian state; feasible expansion of these ideas to the interreligious situation in the modern world;

affirmation as a personal norm of respectful attitude towards all people - from one’s parents to any child, peer, elder, regardless of his appearance (face, clothing, physical characteristics); focus on supporting business and friendly relationships in the team;

conscious acceptance and affirmation of a caring, humane attitude towards all living things as a personal imperative; feasible participation in environmental and environmental activities; intolerant attitude towards manifestations of cruelty towards our smaller brothers on the part of other people.

Types of activities and forms of classes

study of ethical standards of behavior of various local social (sociocultural) and ethnocultural strata and communities in the 19th-20th centuries (for example, nobles, merchants, officers, peasants); comparison of these norms with currently accepted ones, discussion of the causes of evolution and assessment of the emerging picture;

visiting open sessions of the local court, at which cases that have “an outlet” on this issue are considered and subsequent discussion of what is heard;

familiarization, at the request of students and with the consent of parents (legal representatives), with the activities of traditional religious organizations (by conducting excursions to places of worship, voluntary participation in the preparation and holding of religious holidays, meetings with religious figures);

writing an essay on moral and ethical topics based on materials from specific communities (family, teenage yard group (subcultural party), class, etc. (subject to anonymity) and subsequent discussion of the problems raised in the text;

visiting and subsequent discussion of a play or film that touches on moral and ethical issues;

establishment and collective acceptance as a general norm of ethically meaningful relationships in the class team (educational institution as a whole), which involves mastering the skills of polite, friendly, attentive attitude towards peers, older and younger children, adults, mutual support;

participation in collective games, gaining experience in joint activities, social design, social testing, social practice;

feasible participation in charity, mercy, helping those in need, caring for animals, other living beings, nature;

expanding the experience of positive interaction in the family (in the process of holding open family holidays, performing and presenting creative projects together with parents, conducting other events that reveal the history of the family, strengthening and enriching continuity between generations).

4th direction: fostering diligence, a positive attitude towards learning, profession, work, life

gradual textual acquaintance with the current lists of professions and specialties of primary and secondary vocational, higher education in order to correlate one’s own interests, inclinations, opportunities and life prospects with them; awareness on this basis of the universal value of the general education received and “education-throughout-life”;

study and discussion, together with groups of teenagers of different ages, of typical professional life scenarios possible thanks to the educational opportunities provided by educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education in their own and neighboring regions;

the assimilation of a value attitude towards the results of human labor, which make up the entire living environment, all the achievements of science and art, engineering and technology; all the great spiritual and moral breakthroughs in understanding the essence of man and humanity;

gaining experience of one's own participation in various collective work, including the development and implementation of educational and extracurricular projects; development on this basis of project, expert and other competencies that require personal discipline, consistency, perseverance, self-education, etc.;

personal adoption of an attitude of intolerance towards laziness, negligence, incompleteness of work, and careless attitude towards the results of human labor, regardless of what historical era this work was performed;

unconditional respect for any honestly working person; the ability to gratefully admire those who are engaged in creativity - the creation of something that has never happened before: invention, creativity in the field of science, architecture, literature, music and other forms of art, etc.;

encouragement and support of self-education through the Internet, classes in libraries, museums, lecture halls, etc.

Types of activities and forms of classes

Based on familiarization with the current lists of professions and specialties of primary and secondary vocational education and an interested discussion, those types (or areas) of activity that attracted the attention of a particular teenager (group of teenagers) are identified. This is followed by a sequential series of events: a visit (if possible) to the relevant educational institution, specialized enterprise or institution, an invitation for an in-depth conversation with specialists in the chosen field of study, students and graduates, etc.;

organizing communication with professionally successful people in order to discuss the role of the education received (general, professional, post-professional, self-education, etc.) and universal competencies in this success; it is especially valuable if such a professionally successful person turns out to be one of the older relatives of students of this educational institution, as well as graduates;

organization of social tests, professional excursions;

showing examples of high professionalism, a creative attitude to work and life;

conducting role-playing economic games;

creating situations based on various professions, holding extracurricular events (labor holidays, fairs, competitions, cities of craftsmen, organizations of children's companies, etc.), as well as organizing public self-presentations of teenagers “The World of My Hobbies”;

participation of adolescents in project activities, which are possible in all areas of this Program, including those related to the practical (creative) application of knowledge acquired in the study of academic subjects (in particular, within the framework of the subject “Technology”);

acquiring experience in participating in various types of socially useful, creative or research activities is possible on the basis of and interacting with the “native” educational institution of additional education institutions, other social institutions (folk crafts, museum, environmental activities, work of creative and educational production workshops, labor actions, activities of school production companies, other labor and creative public associations);

organization of work in the space of expanded social action - educational Internet resources, social educational networks, distance educational programs and courses;

carrying out individual work with tutors (other trained teachers) on designing individual educational programs, monitoring the success of the implementation of an individual educational program, individual achievements of students, psychological testing, participation in trainings.

Conducting a career guidance lesson is of exceptional importance, since the lesson is the main form of the educational process at school. At career guidance lessons, theoretical and practical issues of preparation for choosing a future profession are considered. During the lessons, different methods are used: conversation, story, explanation, debate, independent compilation of professional charts, reports on career guidance events;

Conducting a career guidance conversation should be logically related to the educational material and prepared in advance. It is advisable to involve the students themselves in the process of preparing a career guidance conversation, for example, instruct them to collect information on this issue. The emotional flourishing of the conversation is added by quotations from famous scientists, inventors, writers who correspond to the topic of the conversation, and the use of visual methods of career guidance work. The topics of career guidance conversations should correspond to the characteristics of schoolchildren and cover the range of interests of students;

holding exhibitions. It is advisable to carry them out during public events (career guidance conferences, meetings, meetings with specialists, etc.);

Conducting an excursion as a form of career guidance gives teenagers the opportunity to directly become acquainted with the profession in real conditions, obtain information from primary sources, and communicate with professionals.
5 direction: education of a value attitude towards nature and the environment (ecological education)

awareness of the emerging crisis in the relationship between man and nature as one of the most pressing global problems of humanity; the ability to see and understand the forms in which this crisis is expressed in the teenager’s place of residence; his voluntary participation in solving this problem at the municipal level as a personally important experience in environmental activities;

awareness of the contradictory role of human activity in relation to nature;

the assimilation of a value attitude towards nature and all forms of life, the development of artistic and aesthetic perception of natural phenomena, the animal and plant world, the ability and need to enjoy nature, not only without causing damage to it, but also supporting its vitality.

Types of activities and forms of classes

development and deepening of the experience of direct emotional and sensory interaction with real living and suffering nature in the place of residence and its immediate surroundings; comparison of current practice with the results of qualitatively different approaches to building these relationships (European, Japanese experience);

against this background - conducting research into the work of lyric poets and philosophical poets, as well as writers and landscape and animal painters, landscape and garden architects (both domestic and foreign), revealing the commonality of the natural world and the human world;

in-depth familiarization with UNESCO World Natural Heritage publications and preparation of special public presentations on selected sites; in the same regard, other richly illustrated publications (as well as films) containing scientific texts that actualize the problems of the value attitude towards nature may be useful;

gaining initial experience in participating in environmental activities (at school and on the school site, environmental campaigns, landings, planting plants, creating flower beds, cleaning accessible areas from garbage, feeding birds, etc.), in the activities of school environmental centers, forestries, environmental patrols;

participation in the creation and implementation of collective environmental projects;

mastering the principles of environmentally conscious behavior in nature (during targeted excursions, hikes and trips around the native land and, possibly, abroad);

understanding the “theme of nature” in one’s own creativity (poetry, drawing, applied arts);

photographic recording of species in the settlement and/or its immediate vicinity that, from the point of view of the participants in this search, are of particular aesthetic value.
6 direction: education of a value attitude towards beauty, formation of ideas about aesthetic ideals and values ​​(aesthetic education).

development of ideas about the mental and physical beauty of a person, as well as its destructive capabilities; about the uniqueness of criteria of human beauty among different peoples and in different historical eras; ideas about the evolution of these ideas using the example of European fashion from antiquity to the present day;

continuation of the formation of a sense of beauty; practical development of the ability to see the beauty of nature, work and creativity; developing the ability to distinguish genuine art from its surrogates; gradual introduction of teenagers to the world of ancient, Romanesque, Gothic, classical, etc. art, including avant-garde and modern art of the twentieth century and the artistic language of modern art; in parallel - mastering the fundamentals of the artistic heritage of the native, Russian and other important cultural, artistic and religious-artistic traditions: Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Arab (Islamic), Christian, Buddhist, etc.;

encouragement and support of teenagers’ own artistic activities in various fields (including fashion, design of their own homes and areas of home and school, etc.).

Types of activities and forms of classes

Since there are innumerable sources of knowledge and imaginative ideas about the beautiful (as well as the ugly), it will not be difficult for an educational institution to creatively choose both objects (artifacts) and ways for teenagers to master them. Today, through the Internet, the collections of all the largest and even regional museums in the world are widely available; it is possible to compile monographic collections of paintings by all artists, sculptors, architects and other masters of all nations and all eras.

Many possible activities and forms of study are mentioned in the areas discussed above. Therefore, here it makes sense to name only those types of activities that seem undervalued in pedagogical practice:

“using” the native village, city and their surroundings as a kind of “educational program” on the cultural history of the people who created this socio-natural phenomenon; comprehension and written recording of the results of such observation-research can turn out to be a very interesting and very useful experience in spiritual and moral terms;

organizing public lectures by teenagers (with the invitation of parents, local residents, etc.) about outstanding works of art;

organizing excursions to art productions and exhibitions, to architectural monuments and objects of modern architecture, landscape design and park ensembles, followed by discussion of what was seen and felt and presentation in the form of presentations, essays and other forms of long-term storage and use.

organization of salons (as an artistically oriented club space), where creative communication between teenagers and interested adults takes place, good music (classical, folk, modern, but not pop), poetry, stories of people who have visited interesting places, etc.;

learning to see beauty in people’s behavior and work, meeting local craftsmen of applied arts, observing their work and subsequent discussion;

supporting teenage creative activity by bringing it into public space, developing the ability to express oneself verbally.

An extremely positive factor for the successful implementation of the school program for the socialization of students is the presence of a similar program at the level of the local municipality, in which municipal authorities define the tasks and formulate the goals necessary to solve these problems: a) to use and intensify the educational capabilities of the city, district; b) to compensate for missing capabilities; c) to minimize, level and correct negative socializing characteristics identified in the process of studying and monitoring.

First of all, we mean the integration of the capabilities and efforts of government and administrative bodies, public, private and religious organizations, institutions of education, health care, law enforcement, social protection, etc., which will allow mobilizing and concentrating funds (material, financial, spiritual, personal resources) for the development of the municipal education system, optimization and development of its infrastructure and human resources.

Pedagogical support for socialization and career guidance is carried out in the learning process, creating additional spaces for self-realization of students, taking into account classroom and extracurricular activities, as well as forms of participation of specialists and social partners in the areas of social education, career guidance, methodological support for social activities and the formation of the social environment of the school. The main forms of pedagogical support for socialization and career guidance are role-playing games, socialization of students in the course of cognitive activity, socialization of students through social and work activities.

Role-playing games. The structure of the role-playing game is only outlined and remains open until the work is completed. Participants assume specific roles based on the nature and description of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional heroes. Players can improvise quite freely within the rules and chosen characters, determining the direction and outcome of the game. In fact, the game process itself is a simulation by a group of students of a particular situation, real or fictitious, taking place in the historical past, present or future.

To organize and conduct role-playing games of various types (for the development of competencies, modeling, sociodramatic, identification, sociometric, etc.), parents, representatives of various professions, social groups, public organizations and other significant adults can be involved.

Stages of organizing socialization and career guidance of students, joint activities of an educational institution with enterprises, public organizations, the system of additional education, and other social entities

The organization of socialization and career guidance for students is based on the fact that adolescents’ expectations are related to success, recognition from family and peers, wealth and independence in realizing their own plans. Purposeful social activities of students should be ensured by the formed social environment of the school and the way of school life. The organization of social education of students is carried out in the sequence of the following stages.

The organizational and administrative stage (the leading subject is the school administration) includes:

Creating a school environment that supports students’ creative social experiences, forms constructive expectations and positive patterns of behavior;

Formation of the way of life and traditions of the school, focused on creating a system of social relations between students, teachers and parents in the spirit of civil and patriotic values, partnership and cooperation, priorities for the development of society and the state;

Development of forms of social partnership with public institutions and organizations to expand the field of social interaction among students;

Adaptation of the processes of spontaneous social activity of students by means of targeted activities according to the socialization and career guidance program;

Coordination of the activities of agents of socialization and career guidance of students - peers, teachers, parents, school staff, representatives of public and other organizations to solve socialization problems, representatives of various professions;

Creating conditions for organized activities of school social groups;

Creating opportunities for students to influence changes in the school environment, forms, goals and style of social interaction of the school community;

Maintaining the subjective nature of the student’s socialization and career guidance, developing his independence and initiative in social activities.

The organizational and pedagogical stage (the leading subject is the teaching staff of the school) includes:

Ensuring the purposefulness, consistency and continuity of the process of socialization and career guidance of students;

Ensuring a variety of forms of pedagogical support for social and career guidance activities that create conditions for students’ personal growth and productive behavior change;

Creating, in the process of interaction with students, conditions for social and career guidance activities of the individual using knowledge of age-related physiology and sociology, social and educational psychology;

Creating conditions for social and career guidance activities of students in the process of training and education;

Providing opportunities for socialization and career guidance for students in the areas of adaptation to new social conditions, integration into new types of social relations, self-actualization of social activities;

Determining the dynamics of social roles performed by students to assess the effectiveness of their entry into the system of social and professional relations;

The use of social activity as a leading factor in the formation of a student’s personality;

Using the role of the team in the formation of the ideological and moral orientation of the student’s personality, his social and civic position;

Stimulating conscious social initiatives and activities of students based on the motive of activity (desire, awareness of need, interest, etc.).

The stage of socialization of students includes:

Formation of an active citizenship position and responsible behavior in the process of educational, extracurricular, extracurricular, socially significant activities of students;

Assimilation of social experience, basic social roles corresponding to the age of students in terms of mastering the norms and rules of social behavior;

Formation of the student’s own constructive style of social behavior in the course of pedagogically organized interaction with the social environment;

Achieving a level of physical, social and spiritual development adequate for one’s age;

Ability to solve socio-cultural problems (cognitive, moral, value-semantic) specific to the student’s age;

Maintaining various types and types of relationships in the main areas of one’s life: communication, study, play, sports, creativity, hobbies;

Active participation in changing the school environment and in changing accessible areas of life in the surrounding society;

Regular rethinking of external interactions and relationships with various people in the system of public relations, including using self-observation diaries and electronic diaries on the Internet;

Awareness of the motives of one’s social activities;

Development of the ability to voluntarily fulfill obligations, both personal and based on the requirements of the team; formation of moral feelings, necessary habits of behavior, strong-willed qualities;

Mastery of forms and methods of self-education: self-criticism, self-hypnosis, self-commitment, self-switching, emotional and mental transference to the position of another person.

The career guidance stage assumes that the student:

A position has been formed as a subject of one’s own activities.

A position has been formed as a subject of one’s own professional activity.

An awareness of the characteristics of certain professions that are interconnected is stated;

The ability to design individual educational programs individually or together with peers, accompanied by tutors (or specially trained teachers), and then implement them, monitor their own results of mastering the program, and adjust the programs if necessary, has been developed.

The organization of student activities within the framework of the socialization program for career guidance of schoolchildren at the level of basic general education is carried out within the hours allocated for educational classes, as well as within the hours of extracurricular activities, which are determined by the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education.

The mission of the school in the context of this program at the level of basic general education is to give the student an idea of ​​the profession market, social values ​​and patterns of behavior oriented towards these values ​​through the practice of social relations with various social groups and people with different social statuses.

DswMedia -> Program for the formation of universal learning activities for students at the level of primary general education
DswMedia -> Meetings of the pedagogical council
DswMedia -> Material prepared by teacher-psychologist GBOU TsPMSS Kochubey Tatyana Valentinovna Psychological personality traits of gifted children as an important element in identifying and supporting these students

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Nurturing a positive attitude towards work begins, obviously, with the formation in preschoolers and primary schoolchildren of a respectful attitude towards the work of their parents, nannies, and school staff, as A. A. Lyublinskaya writes (1977). But for this, children must understand what kind of work adults put in when doing this or that work. In a survey of 12th grade children conducted by A. A. Lyublinskaya about where and who their mothers work for, what they do at work, and whether it is difficult for them to work, the overwhelming majority of responses revealed a complete lack of understanding by children of the essence of the work of a person close to them. “My mother is an engineer. Works at a factory". - "What is he doing?" - “He walks around the plant and gives orders. The work is not difficult. After all, mom only gives orders, and the workers do the work”; “My mother is a cashier at a savings bank. Receives and records money. The work is not difficult at all. She has an abacus and this typewriter. She does everything herself."

“Can we expect,” asks A. A. Lyublinskaya, “that children will respect the work of their mothers if they imagine it so superficially, so primitively? In this case, respect cannot be brought up<...>attitude towards a working person” (p. 114).

It may be too early to demand from preschoolers and first-graders a correct understanding of the nature of work in a particular profession, but it is necessary to achieve respect for any profession and the work put into this or that business. After all, this affects the culture of behavior of children on the street, at school, and at home. Students who respect the work of other people will not litter, walk on lawns, dirty or spoil things, etc.

Fostering a positive attitude towards work includes:

  • fostering respect for working people and the products of their activities;
  • instilling in schoolchildren a desire to work (hard work);
  • developing an understanding that work is the primary, vital duty and need of a person;
  • awareness of the importance and social significance of each person’s work for the development of the entire society;
  • fostering an honest, responsible attitude towards any work;
  • nurturing a creative attitude towards any work.

Hard work- this is not only a person’s awareness that the essence of life is work. This is the acquisition of a skill or habit - the moral and ethical habit of working.<...>

It is not easy to cultivate this moral quality. The practice of educational and educational work convinces us of this. At our school there were various types of work activities for students: training in workshops, industrial training, socially useful work, work on state and collective farm fields. All this happened, but we were not always able to achieve the necessary educational results: some of the children, after leaving school, were never prepared for work and did not acquire this invaluable moral quality - hard work. Why?

Maybe the school simply did not have enough teaching hours for physical productive work for students, and this is the solution to the whole issue? Is it enough to introduce training in labor skills from the 1st grade, and in the upper grades not only to increase the number of hours of work, but to make it productive - and the problem of instilling hard work will be automatically solved?

This, in my opinion, is a great danger.<...>When they talk about student labor, they usually mean only the physical activity of students in labor training lessons, when performing socially useful work, production activities, etc. And this leads to a confusion of two close, intertwined, but still different concepts: labor education and labor training. After all, labor training (skills, abilities, professions) in no way guarantees the cultivation of hard work: it may or may not educate, or it may not educate enough. The thing is that most often the work activity of students (including educational activities) is considered as a universal means of labor education. It is forgotten that it is not the work activity itself that educates, but the interpersonal relationships that are created during this process. Even A.S. Makarenko warned that from the point of view of education, work can be neutral or even harmful if the necessary organization of this activity is not created. Teachers need to think about how to organize this activity so that it is not only productive (which is important!), but also truly educational.<...>It is very important that the student participates conscientiously and consistently in a variety of activities that have social or personal significance to him. Only then will not only the process of instilling hard work take place, but also the accompanying and extremely necessary skills for work: work discipline, accuracy and responsibility.

Naturally, cultivating a positive attitude towards work should not be limited to conversations with students and taking them on excursions to enterprises. It is necessary to introduce schoolchildren to various types of work that are feasible for them. These problems should be solved not only in labor lessons, but also in physics, chemistry, biology, physical education and others.

When setting as our goal the formation in young people of a real need for work, the habit of working, it should be borne in mind that it is, of course, impossible to achieve this with the same person in relation to all types of work and at the same time it is hardly necessary. Awakening in the same person a love for every type of work is an impossible task.<...>You cannot love every type of work and want to do it. But the opposite is also unacceptable: disrespect for certain types of work of social importance, including those that, due to the prevailing conditions, turned out to be less qualified and less rich in intellectual content.

The task of educational and labor activity is to develop in students psychological readiness for work as a stable mental state of the individual(Faraponova E. A., Ushnev S. V., 1990). Psychological readiness for work is characterized by such qualities that determine a positive attitude towards work, the possibility of its active creative implementation, and the actualization of this opportunity when social and personal needs arise. Psychological readiness for work is a complex multi-level education, which includes both personal components - characteristics of motives, interests, attitudes towards work, certain personality qualities important for productive work activity, and operational ones - a system of polytechnic knowledge, general labor skills, characteristics of technical thinking.

Forming psychological readiness for work is a long and multi-stage process. At school, students go through the first stage - pre-professional labor training, including educational and labor activities and socially useful productive work (work on improving school sites, field work, etc.).

In a study by A. B. Orlov (1979), it was shown that students who are inclined towards professional work are characterized by “developed prospects”: their intentions in time extend far into the future, while for those who do not have a developed inclination to work, they extend no further than for one year. The former are characterized by internal responsibility for the results of their actions: they consider them as a consequence of largely personal, controllable factors - knowledge, skills, abilities, willpower, etc. The latter attribute the success or failure of the results of their actions to such uncontrollable factors as chance , fate.

E. A. Faraponova and S. V. Ushnev note:

“A characteristic disadvantage of the traditional organization of labor training is that in labor lessons and in productive work, students mainly carry out individual isolated operations according to externally prescribed developments and plans, which are also externally controlled and evaluated.”

At the same time, independence, initiative, creativity and meaningfulness of the entire labor process are not required. There is little use of joint and collective work (with the participation of the whole class) activities. Its necessity is due to the fact that during joint educational and work activities, relationships of mutual assistance, responsible dependence, and the desire to achieve a common goal are formed. Collective educational and work activities contribute to the discussion of individual projects, the search for optimal options for solving a work problem, which contributes to the formation of communication and interaction skills (Ushnev S.V., 1985, 1986; Faraponova E.A. et al., 1989).

An unjustifiably narrow understanding of labor as an activity for the creation of material values ​​has become quite entrenched in practice and in psychological and pedagogical literature.<.>However, the products of labor in modern culture are not only material values ​​in the traditional sense of the word, but also information, useful actions to serve people, and the orderliness of social processes.<.>If so, then the resources and opportunities for labor education and training of schoolchildren are significantly expanded. Namely, if it is possible to interpret as labor not only the collection of scrap metal, sweeping garbage in the park or assembling magnetic latches on a school assembly line, but also the work of collecting, organizing, processing information, patronizing younger people, organizing peers, then the sphere of labor education can be understood as broader and it may not be an addition to many interesting activities, but an organic component of any school and extracurricular activities.<.>Thus, for education to become essentially labor-based, it is not at all necessary (and at the same time insufficient) to place every student at a workplace in a workshop, workshop, or farm.

The truth of these words can be seen if we remember how the plumber Afonya from the film of the same name “taught” his students this craft.


Kulysheva Yulia Sergeevna

MBDOU No. 79, teacher

One of the most important tasks of preschool education is to promote the harmonious development of the child’s personality, which is impossible without the formation of knowledge about social reality. This knowledge forms the basis of human consciousness, acts as the most important component in the structure of the personality, and influences its attitude towards the world.

Labor activity contributes to the development of children’s mental and physical capabilities, aesthetic and moral development. In work, such significant qualities as a sense of mutual assistance, responsibility, hard work, etc. are cultivated.

In clause 2.6. The Federal State Standard of Preschool Education, among the most important tasks of teaching and upbringing, notes the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity, which means both one’s own work and the work of other people - children and adults.

Modern preschoolers have a discrepancy between the desire to work and the ability to take part in work. As noted by T.A. Markov, in some children the desire to work develops faster than the formation of labor skills; the degree of expression of the desire to work in many children is quite low; there are no basics for accustoming to work in the family. Insufficient physical development, instability of attention, poor development of regulatory functions, self-control, and willpower lead to difficulties in mastering work skills.

The difficulties of forming a positive attitude towards the work of adults are also due to the fact that the world of adults’ professions is becoming more complex, the number of professions is increasing, the types of activities themselves are becoming more difficult for children to understand, children have much less experience in contact with the world of professions, children rarely go on excursions to different enterprises, The work experience of children in kindergarten is not sufficiently enriched; insufficient attention is paid to the labor education of children in the family. Therefore, there is a need to organize targeted pedagogical work to develop a conscious attitude towards the work of adults.

S.A. Kozlova believes that in relation to preschool age, the attitude towards the work of adults can be considered as a stable positive attitude towards the work of adults, based on knowledge of various types of adult work, an understanding of the importance of adult work and readiness to master these types of activities as they grow older.

The structure of work attitudes includes cognitive, affective and behavioral components. The cognitive component of adults’ attitudes toward work includes children’s knowledge and ideas about professions, types of activities that are typical for adults, and their significance in human life and society.

The affective component is characterized by the fact that it includes an emotional attitude located between the poles of sympathy and antipathy towards a particular type of adult work.

The behavioral component reflects the child’s desire to get acquainted with a particular profession and type of activity, the presence of interest in it, the desire to know as much as possible and the desire to master this profession in the future, i.e. elementary forms of professional motivation.

In the works of L.V. Zagik, G.S. Malunova and other authors emphasize that the formation of adults’ attitudes towards work is an important component of the overall process of children’s labor education, and it is based on several aspects. First of all, it should be noted that an adult’s attitude towards work is formed on the basis of awareness of the essence of this work, its value, understanding of the relationship between the actions of individual people, the results of their work and certain events, phenomena, situations in the life of a particular child. Therefore, it is very important to form in children ideas about the work of adults, about different professions, about their distinctive features, about their meanings, about what role they play in the life of each person.

IN AND. Loginova notes that the next important aspect of adults’ attitude towards work is the cultivation of a number of positive personality traits. A positive attitude towards the work of adults helps to develop in children such qualities as: hard work, respect for the work of other people, accuracy, attentiveness, responsiveness, responsibility, discipline, etc.

Increasing the awareness of preschool children in matters of adult labor, introducing children to the process of labor activity, the production process, and elementary labor actions - all this plays an important role in shaping their desire to master any labor actions and develop their own skills.

R.S. Bure and other authors identify three main directions for developing a positive attitude towards the work of adults: monitoring the work of adults, partial assistance to adults, organizing joint activities of adults and children.

As T.A. points out. Markov, the formation of a conscious positive attitude towards the work of adults is interconnected with the expansion of older preschool children’s ideas about the surrounding reality with the development of their ability to generalize, the development of their own experience of participating in feasible work, which help to understand the social significance of work and the interconnection of people in various types of activities.

As V.I. emphasizes Tyutyunik, a role-playing game, being the leading activity in senior preschool age, is one of the most common and effective, along with the direct work activity of children, as a means of developing a positive attitude towards the work of adults.

In the work of R.S. Bure considers the collective work of children as one of the means of developing a positive and conscious attitude towards work. The organization of various duties, regular assignments, work in nature, a combination of individual and collective forms of work for children contribute to achieving high results in terms of cultivating an attitude towards work. Another important aspect of developing a conscious attitude towards the work of adults is the interaction between kindergarten and family in matters of labor education.

In the studies of T.A. Markova, notes that the main motive that encourages children to work is the desire to help adults, therefore joint activity is the optimal form for the formation of a conscious attitude towards work and the development of preschoolers’ own work activity. Awareness of the importance of work contributes to the desire to help adults, and the experience of joint activities shapes the attitude towards the work of adults.

Thus, The organization of pedagogical work on labor education includes the formation of a conscious positive attitude towards work in older preschoolers, which is carried out on the basis of expanding ideas about the work of adults, its significance, the formation of labor skills in children, and interaction with adults. For this, various means are used: observations, excursions, games, work assignments, studying fiction, project activities.


  1. Bure, R. S. Preschooler and labor: theory and methods of labor education: educational method. allowance / R.S. Bure. - St. Petersburg. : “Childhood-Press”, 2006. - 139 p.
  2. Zagik, L.V. Education of preschool children at work / L.V. Zagik.- M., 2013. – 184 p.
  3. Kozlova, S.A. Moral and labor education of preschool children / S.A. Kozlova. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2012. - 271 p.
  4. Loginova, V.I. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten / V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva, N.A. Notkina. - M.: “Childhood-Press”, 2008. - 224 p.
  5. Malunova, G. S. Labor education of children in the family, kindergarten, school / G. S. Malunova. – M.: APK and PPRO, 2005. - 208 p.
  6. Markova, T. A. Cultivating hard work in preschoolers / T. A. Markova. - M.: Education, 2011. - 112 p.
  7. Tyutyunnik, V.I. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the “internal position” of the subject of labor in preschool age / V.I. Tyutyunik // Vestn. Moscow un-ta. Ser. 14, Psychology. - 2009. - No. 4. - P. 39-48.