
Classes for a 1 year 6 month old child. How to raise a child aged one and a half years: developmental features. Physical development of the child


By the age of one year and six months, the child begins to develop speech - the most important tool, thanks to which others begin to perceive the baby as a full-fledged member of society, capable of expressing himself. And the baby tries to use the new skill, makes attempts to tell others about his feelings and desires. It is important at this moment to support the need to speak, and not switch to sign language or use lightweight words. Your child is quite ready to listen and comprehend complex words. And the time is not far off when he himself will compose sentences.

How a baby develops at one and a half years old - the physical development of a child at 1 year and six months

Height and weight standards developed by the World Health Association


  • Height — 79.6-85.0 cm
  • Weight 9.8-12.2 kg
  • Head circumference - 46.0-48.7 cm


  • Height 77.8-83.6 cm
  • Weight 9.1-11.6 kg
  • Head circumference - 44.9-47.6 cm

At one and a half years old, the child:

  • walks confidently, carrying objects in his hands, bending around and (or) stepping over small obstacles;
  • sits down and gets up from a chair without support;
  • climbs and descends low steps;
  • can eat independently, holding a spoon in his fist, not only thick dishes, but also semi-liquid ones, without spilling them;
  • he drinks from a mug;
  • pulls a toy behind him on a string;
  • calmly responds to hygiene procedures: washing, hand washing;
    leafing through a book;
  • strings a pyramid of two or three rings, observing the dimensions;
  • distinguishes between rolling and throwing the ball, and upon request throws it forward, up or down;
  • realizing that he does not know how to do something, he is upset about this, for example, he may refuse to do something that he could not do before;
  • moves objects from place to place, collects them in a box or takes them out of it;
  • fulfills simple requests from others, for example: give me a mug, bring a ball, come to me;
  • speaks about forty simplified words;
  • distinguishes between simple geometric shapes: circle and square;
  • distinguishes 2-3 colors.

How to do and what to play with a one and a half year old child - games for babies at 1 year and 6 months

Of course, reading continues to be a source of new words and knowledge, broadening one’s horizons. There is no need to be afraid that the baby will not understand some words in the fairy tale or will not understand a complex sentence. After all, it is precisely listening to new words and speech structures over and over again that gives impetus to the further development of speech. It is important not to get carried away and not set the goal of mastering as many books as possible. Choose 4-5 of your favorites and re-read them periodically, gradually adding new ones. At the age of one and six months, children are very happy when they hear an already familiar text, when they imagine what will be discussed next.

Have an active conversation while walking with your baby , using as many adjectives and characteristics of surrounding objects as possible.

It’s just wonderful to act out mini skits in front of your child. with two or three toy characters (for example, rubber ones). These can be both everyday scenes (toys sat down, ate and went for a walk), or acquaintance, for example, with the voices of animals, their diet, and cubs.

Teach your baby to hygiene: teach how to wash your hands, face, dry yourself with a towel, put away toys, go to the potty

Salt dough modeling
Prepare the modeling mixture: 4 tablespoons of salt, 2 cups of flour, water. It should be a stiff dough. Make figures of animals, fruits, and vegetables from it with your child. If your baby accidentally swallows a piece, there is nothing to worry about, the mass is safe. Dried crafts can be painted.

Blow out the candle
Light a candle and have your child blow it out. Exercise helps the child's lungs develop.

Hide and seek
Mom or another loved one hides, but at the same time constantly makes a voice, for example, saying “ku-ku.” The child is looking.

Difficulties in raising a one and a half year old child

Since your baby is already a fully formed personality, he may begin to resist your desires and, conversely, achieve his own. But, since he is not yet able to convey all this to those around him, he suddenly begins to be stubborn, capricious and even hysterical. It is necessary to try to switch the baby’s attention to something else, to distract it.

Do not try to adopt the style of simplified communication. Say “dog” and not “av-av”, because you are teaching your child, not him teaching you.

A child of one and a half years is still very self-centered, he is not ready to share toys with his peers. Often his behavior can be unintentionally rude due to ignorance of socially accepted norms of behavior.

What to feed a baby at the age of one and a half years: the diet of a child at 1 year and 6 months

Parents often want to please their baby by treating him to something sweet. But it’s still better not to rush with chocolates. Chocolate often causes allergies, and it may not appear immediately, but make itself felt after two years. It is better to enjoy marmalade, jam, marshmallow, honey.

You can include greens in your diet: lettuce, parsley, spinach, green onions. If your child doesn’t immediately like the new tastes, don’t insist. Just treat him again in a week, and then again. Research states that a person must try a new product 7 to 14 times before liking it.

Sample menu for a one and a half year old child

1st day 2nd day 3rd day
Breakfast Herring pate
Grated carrot salad with apples
Bread and butter
Boiled egg
Millet porridge with milk
Bread with butter and cheese
Tea with milk
Semolina-pumpkin soufflé
Tea with milk
Bread and butter
Dinner Potato salad with tomatoes
Cauliflower soup
Chicken and carrot stew
Berry juice
Salad with green peas and carrots
Vegetable soup with cereals
Steamed fish meatballs
Mashed potatoes
Tomato and egg salad
Milk noodles
Steamed meatloaf stuffed with omelette
Afternoon snack Kefir
Cottage cheese
Dinner Carrot zrazy with cottage cheese
Cabbage casserole
Tea with milk

An 18-month-old child becomes more and more independent and communicative. He is already able to connect words into short phrases. Walking skills also improve, thanks to which the baby explores the world around him with great speed and great curiosity. Let's find out in more detail what else has changed as the toddler grows up, what skills a 1.5-year-old child pleases parents with, how to assess the baby's development and how to stimulate it.

Features of age

  • An 18-month-old baby has already stopped waddling on straight legs, with his arms out to the sides to maintain balance. Now the baby takes small steps, does not spread his elbows and practically does not fall. He has also already learned to turn while walking and avoid obstacles. As coordination of movements improves, the baby begins to try to run.
  • A child aged 1.5 years is very sociable. He wants to take part in all the events that he sees, and is also keenly interested in other people. The baby enjoys playing with other children, copying their actions.
  • The intellectual development of an 18-month-old child is also progressing at a high pace. The kid became smarter, learned to lay out molds and build towers. The child is able to set goals for himself and think about a plan for their implementation. For example, when getting ready to get an apple from a shelf, a child will put a chair next to the sideboard.
  • The vocabulary question of a child of this age increases daily. The baby not only pronounces simple words that parents can understand, but also babbles a lot in his own language.
  • At 1.5 years old, a child feels like an individual. After realizing that the baby can perform many actions without help, his independence increases. The baby tries to eat, undress, wash, and push the stroller on his own.

Height and weight

Compared to indicators at 1 year, a child of 18 months gains about 1300 grams and approximately 6-7 centimeters of height. During this period, the chest circumference increases by 1.5-2 cm, and the head circumference - by 1-1.5 cm.

We presented the average indicators of physical development, as well as the normal limits of these indicators in the table:

You can use a calculator to calculate the norms for your child. The calculator is based on height and weight standards from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Height and weight calculator

Diversify your day with a lesson using the “Little Leonardo” method by O. N. Teplyakova, an expert on intellectual development.

Calculate your vaccination schedule

Enter the child's date of birth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

Daily regime

For a child of 18 months, it is very important to have a daily routine, as it allows you to properly organize the baby’s periods of wakefulness, provide the baby with adequate sleep and a proper diet. Children of this age sleep approximately 14 hours a day. Most of this time is spent sleeping at night (it lasts 10-11 hours), and the child sleeps the rest of the time during the day.

Many 1.5-year-old babies still sleep twice during the day, with the first nap lasting about 2 hours, and the second (afternoon) nap being shorter. It is at 18 months that some babies transition to one nap during the day lasting 2.5-3 hours.

It is recommended to go for walks with a 1.5-year-old child twice a day. If the weather is good, then it is worth organizing a walk so that it includes a nap (then the baby will sleep in the fresh air). Depending on the weather, the duration of daily walks can be 2-6 hours. It is not recommended to go for a walk if the air temperature is below -10o, there is a very strong wind or there is heavy rain.

A baby at the age of 1.5 years remains fed five times a day with intervals between feedings of up to 4 hours. Offer your baby food at the same time every day and do not allow very long breaks between meals. On average, 18-month-old babies eat from 1000 to 1300 ml of food per day (a more accurate daily volume can be found by dividing the baby’s weight by 9). At one meal, the child eats approximately 200-260 ml of food.

Many children who were breastfed until 1.5 years of age begin the weaning process. Doctors advise making it gradual, then both the mother’s breasts and the baby’s psyche will not suffer. If the mother still continues breastfeeding, she will note that during the day the baby less often remembers the breast (mainly before bed, after eating, after a fall, and in similar situations), but at night (mainly in the morning) she sucks very actively.

The food of a one and a half year old baby is becoming more and more varied. It already contains sweets, salt, fresh herbs, and some spices. However, the food remains for children and differs significantly from that for adults. The baby still cannot eat fried foods, sausages, smoked meats, sausages, fatty meats, mushrooms, chocolate, exotic fruits and some other foods.

It is very difficult to be with a child around the clock for 1.5 years, so many mothers are upset about the baby. To learn how not to yell at a child, watch Larisa Sviridova’s video.

What should a baby be able to do?

Most children at 1.5 years old can:

  • Walk without support. Some kids are already able to run and jump.
  • Climb onto the sofa.
  • Pronounce up to 20-40 facilitated words.
  • Eat with a spoon.
  • Understand much of what an adult says (answer requests and questions).
  • Bend over when he wants to pick up a toy.
  • Pull a toy tied to a string.
  • Point to an item that interests him.
  • Turning cardboard pages of children's books. Show familiar images in books.
  • Go up and down stairs.
  • Build a tower using 2-4 cubes
  • Throw the ball and push it with your foot.
  • Drink from a cup.
  • Show body parts.
  • Remove shoes and coats yourself.
  • Draw with crayons and pencils.
  • Some children ask to use the potty.

To learn how to teach a baby to ask to go to the potty, and whether you should worry if a child of 18 months does not go to it yet, see the following video by Dr. Komarovsky.


  1. To develop logic, invite your child to collect from many different objects only those that the mother asks for (for example, only red or only balls).
  2. Teach your child to sort toys by color and size, as well as shape.
  3. Invite your little one to assemble puzzles from 2 parts, and also to make simple figures from 2-3 parts (mushroom, house).
  4. Give your child frames and sorters to play with. In addition, play with clothespins, locks, and knockers.
  5. Teach your baby to build a pyramid from cubes of different sizes, and also to build a tower from stacking cups.
  6. To develop attention, invite your baby to find a pair using lotto cards, socks or mittens for this game.
  7. Offer to find an object in the room by name or by its characteristics (find soft, find blue).
  8. Play hide and seek with your baby so that it is easy for your child to find you.
  9. Teach your child the properties of objects through play. Let the baby learn to distinguish them by size, temperature, quantity, geometric shape, color, height, softness, dryness, cleanliness and other characteristics.
  10. Chat with your baby about home, transport, vegetation, animals, food, furniture, body parts, natural phenomena and many others.
  11. In addition to drawing with crayons and felt-tip pens, offer your little one paint. You can draw with your fingers, a sponge, or a brush.
  12. Start mastering coloring (paints are best for this).
  13. Model from dough or plasticine, making flat cakes and sausages. Also make appliqués with crumbs using torn paper or cereal.
  14. Invite the baby to string not only pyramid rings, but also large beads.
  15. When playing with water, show your baby how to collect the water with a sponge and then squeeze the sponge out.

  • Buy quality toys for your child. They should be bright, have an interesting shape and a texture that is pleasant to the touch.
  • Set aside time to “read” books together, looking at pictures with your little one and discussing them.
  • Talk to your baby more often and listen carefully to his words. Ask again, and also clarify what the baby said so that you can have a dialogue.
  • Whenever possible, allow your baby to make decisions on her own, such as choosing a T-shirt for a walk.
  • Always praise your baby when he tries something successfully, so that this stimulates the baby's further development.

Features of the child’s physical development this month

Now that your baby has been able to walk for months, he is much better able to stand on his feet. As a rule, he falls less, is able to turn well, hold toys and even swing them on the go, and easily overcomes uneven ground. Kids at this age love to climb ladders, various interior items, climb gymnastic walls, slides, and everything that is possible.

It is advisable to give the little climber as many chances as possible to practice this, while maintaining safety and good supervision. In a child's world, practice and constant repetition are the most important thing, because in this way acquired skills are reinforced. Therefore, you should not be surprised if your child climbs constantly, in any environment. If, for example, a chair in your living room has already been mastered, the baby will want to start conquering a chair at his grandmother’s, or a chair in a store. If he has already conquered the stairs in your house, he will tackle the neighbors’ steps to cope with them too. Over the next few months, your child will have to learn other interesting, more complex motor skills, such as jumping or running.

And every new step forward will help to gain strength, give confidence and independence. Approaching the age of one and a half years, the baby becomes like a bundle of energy and resembles a restless perpetual motion machine. Your child's motor skills and coordination continue to develop. He can already build a tower of three to four cubes, throw a ball, drag toys behind him on a string, turn pages and turn doorknobs. Also, the child can already put and take things out of drawers, boxes and use cutlery (although not as carefully as you would like), he is able to quench his thirst from a sippy cup and draw his own children's masterpieces (mainly on furniture and wallpaper) . At the same time, the concept of “make-believe play” is being mastered, so your baby can use his old toys from a new perspective. Cubes can play the role of boats and airplanes, a toy on a string can turn into a stroller, molds can become cups, and plasticine can become donuts. Watch how your child can use his or her imagination while you can see how your child uses his motor skills to use creative approaches to play.

The child and his social development at 1 year and 6 months

A child and his intellectual development this month

Around this age, your baby may ask questions: “What is this?” about almost everything that comes into his field of vision. The desire to learn the names of objects around him contributes to intensive replenishment of vocabulary at the age of approximately 18 to 20 months. Once a child enters this phase of rapid increase in word usage, he becomes capable of learning up to several new words per day. (You may be amazed at what comes out of his little mouth!) Because language learning at this stage is based on repetition, babies tend to enjoy simple songs, finger games, and games using fun words and sounds. Children can often practice using new words before bed, or during a walk, so you should not be surprised to hear your child constantly repeating “siskin, dog, Petka the bully” (or his own version of this work). Children quickly understand the power of words, especially when they see that with the help of words they can get what they need.

Child aged 1 year 6 months to 1 year 9 months: long live independence!

Over the past six months, the baby has changed: his body has become longer, his facial expression has become more meaningful. At this stage, it is very important for the baby to continue exploring the world, which is possible only under one condition - the constant presence of one of the parents nearby, acting as a guarantor of safety.

Physiological development of a child at 1 year 6 months

For a one-and-a-half-year-old fidget, physical activity is still indicative. The baby runs confidently, plays with the ball, overcomes obstacles, and squats. Movements become more precise and therefore bring genuine joy. The baby is already looking at his feet, sees obstacles and goes around them.

The little one confidently climbs up the stairs, placing two feet on each step, but to descend he still needs the help of an adult. The baby is able to independently get out of the playpen, open the door, sit on a bench, that is, coordinate all muscle groups to achieve the desired result.

Psychological development at 1 year 6 months

At this time, the formation of pronunciation occurs. The baby is in search of new phrases in order to explain his desires and needs to adults. Simplified words are converted to full ones (“bi-bi” to “car”, “ba-ba” to “granny”), except those that are a complex or long word.

The baby plays most of the day, practically without being distracted by extraneous sounds. Increases focus and concentration.

Mom, be there!

The little explorer becomes more and more independent: the child resolutely refuses the help of his elders. The feeling of fear of strangers fades into the background: constant acquaintances on the playground and “dialogues” with strangers give joy.

The child spends most of the day playing, during which he is practically not distracted by extraneous sounds. Increases focus and concentration.

It is very important that in moments of mastering the world, the little one feels the support of someone close to him, best of all - mom or dad. Lack of attention can give rise to uncertainty, which after a few years can develop into constant shyness and passivity.

Growth markers

A one and a half year old toddler should be able to:

  • confidently walk, run, squat;
  • jump in place and forward;
  • kick and throw the ball up;
  • play with toys and household items, invite peers or adults to have fun;
  • move rhythmically to music, hum;
  • copy drawings or fill a sheet with scribbles;
  • have several dozen short words in your vocabulary.

Behavioral tests

Test games will help determine the level of development:

  • if the baby offends you, he will try to cheer you up;
  • at the moment of loss of interest, he will ask for another game;
  • when demonstrating an unfamiliar product, he will look at it carefully, then touch it with his finger and pick it up.

Control your emotions!

With a conscious perception of the world comes many emotions that a little man cannot always keep under control. Old whims are being replaced by new ones. Coping with disappointments is becoming increasingly difficult. The task of mom, dad and the rest of the household is to set the baby up in a positive way, praise her for her achievements and help her overcome failures. Remember: splashed out anger can cause irreparable harm to a child’s self-esteem. If conflicts arise, explain and criticize constructively, giving the restless person the opportunity to make amends and learn the lesson with dignity.

By the age of one and a half years, the baby’s daily routine is finally formed, which he will adhere to until school.

Now the toddler only needs one afternoon nap, and the duration of morning and evening walks increases to 2-3 hours.

A child aged 1 year and 6 months eats four meals a day - breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.

For the normal growth and development of a little tomboy, it is important that his diet is balanced and includes all the necessary nutrients.

How to create a balanced diet for a child aged 1 year and 6 months

At one and a half years old, most children not only walk confidently without assistance, but also run, climb stairs, and learn to play with a ball.

At this age, intensive development of the speech apparatus begins - the toddler’s vocabulary already includes about 40 words and is constantly growing.

In order for the physical, mental and emotional development of a child to be complete, the body must receive proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

In accordance with the standards, the daily nutritional requirement of a one and a half year old baby is:

  • Proteins – 52 g;
  • Fats – 52 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 195 g.

To create a balanced diet for your child, you need to find out which foods contain the most beneficial components.


Proteins are the main building material of a child's body. Their deficiency can slow down a child’s growth and lead to mental and mental retardation.

According to the standards, among all protein products included in the diet of a child at 1 year and 6 months, 80-85% should be animal proteins.

The largest amount of animal proteins is found in the following products:

Milk. Nutrition for one and a half years includes drinking at least 500-600 ml of milk per day.

It can be given to the child in its pure form (for example, for an afternoon snack with cookies or biscuits) or used to prepare milk soups, porridges, omelettes, puddings, etc.

Dairy products. At 1 year and 6 months, the baby should receive daily 40-50 g of cottage cheese, 10-15 g of cream or sour cream, 5 g of hard or processed cheese, 100-150 ml of kefir.

Preference should be given to homemade products with a low fat content.

Meat . The consumption rate is 100 g per day of lean meat. The best are considered to be veal, beef, as well as rabbit, chicken or turkey.

At one and a half years old, the baby can be given pate made from offal - liver or heart.

In addition, steamed and oven cutlets, stews, meatballs, puddings and casseroles are prepared from meat.

Fish . At 1 year and 6 months, you can use not only sea fish (hake, pollock, cod), but also river fish (carp, catfish, pike) for cooking.

The daily dose is 30-40 g. The exception is fatty or gourmet fish (salmon, salmon, halibut), as well as smoked and canned fish.

Caviar and seafood, which are highly allergenic products, are still prohibited.

Eggs. One quail egg or ½ chicken egg per day is the norm for a one and a half year old baby.

The egg should be given hard-boiled, since the liquid yolk and white are poorly absorbed by the child’s body.

The little one will surely like a fluffy omelette, which is best cooked not in a frying pan, but in the microwave or oven.

Plant proteins, the share of which is 20-25%, are no less important for the formation of a child’s body. Most of them are found in cereal products, which the baby should receive in the amount of 25-30 g per day.

Although oatmeal and buckwheat porridge are considered the healthiest, the menu should also include barley, rice, corn and millet cereals.

It’s worth abstaining from wheat and semolina for now - they don’t have too many nutrients, and their calorie content is high.

The famous children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky recommends combining plant and animal proteins in one dish when creating a menu for a child.

For example, oatmeal with milk, chicken meatballs with rice, millet casserole with cottage cheese, etc.


Fats are the supplier of energy necessary for a growing body. In addition, fats promote the breakdown and better absorption of vitamins A and D, which play a big role in the full development of the child.

Insufficient intake of fats leads to a slowdown in the baby’s growth and weakening of the body’s defenses.

This makes it vulnerable to many viral and infectious diseases and worsens the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

However, excessive consumption of fatty foods can also have a negative impact on the child's body.

It not only leads to excess body weight gain and the development of obesity, but also inhibits the absorption of proteins, upsets digestion, and disrupts metabolism.

In order for a child’s diet at 1 year and 6 months to be balanced, it must contain 70% animal and 30% vegetable fats.

Their main sources are butter, sour cream, milk, meat, as well as sunflower, olive or corn oil.


The intensive development of a child in the first years of life requires constant replenishment of energy reserves. This is achieved through the consumption of carbohydrates.

A deficiency of these important substances leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular, nervous and other systems of the body.

But a large amount of carbohydrates, especially easily digestible sucrose, also harms the baby’s health.

Excess sugary foods can cause diabetes, tooth decay, urticaria and other diseases.

Daily sources of carbohydrates in the diet of a child aged 1 year and 6 months should be:

  • Sweet fruits and berries – 150 – 200 g;
  • Bread and flour products – 100 g;
  • Cereals and pasta – 50 g;
  • Confectionery – 10-20 g.

The best sweets for a baby will be homemade jams, preserves, marmalade, marshmallows or marmalade.

Chocolate and chocolate candies can not only cause allergies, but also increase the excitability of the nervous system.

You should also not give your little one various caramels to which dyes, sweeteners and other chemical components are added.


The daily diet of a one and a half year old child should contain foods containing vitamins that promote growth and development.

The table below will help you determine which foods contain the largest amounts of essential vitamins.

VitaminBeneficial featuresWhere is
AResponsible for visual acuity, bone tissue development, helps improve immunityAll vegetables and fruits are yellow and orange - carrots, pumpkins, apricots.

Eggs, liver, milk.

Groups BEnsure normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, promote metabolism in the bodyCereals, bakery and pasta products, apples, broccoli, beets, carrots
CStrengthens the body's defenses, accelerates wound healing and recovery from illnessesBlack currants, sea buckthorn, rosehip infusion, sweet peppers, apples, onions, cauliflower
DHelps strengthen the musculoskeletal system, prevents rickets and other diseasesChicken and quail eggs, fish, white cabbage, potatoes
EPrevents the penetration of harmful substances into the body, helps remove toxinsVegetable oils, broccoli, green salad

The inclusion of foods containing substances beneficial to the body will make the diet of a one and a half year old child balanced and nutritious.

What dishes can you prepare for a child aged 1 year and 6 months?

Recipes for children's dishes should be simple, without many ingredients. Do not put spices and seasonings in them, and also do not use a lot of salt.

You can add flavor and aroma to dishes using herbs - dill, parsley, celery.

And to enhance your appetite, serve on beautiful plates, arranged in an original way and decorated with pieces of vegetables and fruits.

Food for your baby should be prepared shortly before consumption. At one and a half years old, you should not offer your baby yesterday’s soup or reheated cutlets.

You should also not mix the first and second courses in one plate to make it easier for your baby to chew and swallow.

Firstly, the child will not feel the taste of the food, and secondly, such serving does not look aesthetically pleasing and does not promote appetite.


The best time for breakfast is 7:30 – 8:00. According to nutritionists, it should account for 25% of the total daily diet.

Therefore, you can offer your baby the following dishes:

  • cottage cheese with sour cream and applesauce;
  • oatmeal with fresh berries;
  • milk vermicelli;
  • rice casserole with carrots;
  • broccoli or cauliflower soufflé;
  • buckwheat porridge with milk;
  • egg omelette with milk;
  • pumpkin baked with millet porridge.

Breakfast can be supplemented with herbal tea, rosehip decoction or light jelly. You can serve them with a sandwich with butter and grated cheese, low-fat cookies or a piece of biscuit.


After breakfast, the child goes for his first walk. If for 2-2.5 hours he not only rode in a stroller, but walked, ran and played with a ball, then he will definitely work up an excellent appetite.

After all, as Dr. Komarovsky rightly notes, if a healthy baby refuses to eat, parents only need to blame their own laziness and reluctance to play with the baby.

For lunch, which will take place at 12:00 -12:30, the baby should eat 35% of the daily amount of food.

According to established tradition, the first course is offered to the little one. It could be:

  • borscht with beets and cabbage;
  • vegetable puree soup with broccoli;
  • meat broth soup with pasta;
  • fish soup with cereals;
  • soup with poultry meatballs;
  • cabbage soup with fresh cabbage;
  • pumpkin puree soup with croutons.

At one and a half years old, the child is served a salad of fresh vegetables as a second course. To make it easier for the baby to chew, they are grated and then seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil.

Suitable for preparing salads: cucumbers, green onions, white cabbage, radishes, carrots, pumpkin.

For the second course, the baby is given one of the following dishes:

  • steamed veal cutlets with porridge;
  • zucchini stuffed with meat and rice;
  • pasta casserole with meat;
  • minced beef meatballs with millet groats;
  • turkey beef stroganoff with mashed potatoes;
  • cabbage stewed with rabbit meat;
  • steamed liver cutlets with carrot puree;
  • fish balls with a side dish of vegetables;
  • fish fillet baked in foil;
  • cabbage rolls

As a drink, the baby is offered compote of fresh or dried fruits, berry jelly or juice. Moreover, after 1.5 years, you can give not only clarified juices, but also with the addition of pulp.

Afternoon snack

After lunch, the baby goes to bed until 15:30 -16:00, after which an afternoon snack awaits him. This meal is the lightest, only 15% of the daily diet.

The most suitable dishes would be:

  • cottage cheese with sour cream and fruit;
  • kefir and biscuit;
  • warm milk and cookies;
  • berry mousse;
  • baked apple with cottage cheese;
  • fruit soufflé;
  • milk jelly with cookies;
  • sandwich with liver pate and juice.

In the summer, for an afternoon snack, you can offer your child fresh fruits - apricots, plums or berries - strawberries, raspberries, blackberries.

In this case, you must first make sure that the little one is not allergic to them.


Before dinner, you need to take a second walk with your child. This time, you can refrain from active games and let your baby calmly wander around the park or square.

The time for the evening meal is usually planned for 18:30 -19:00, two hours before the baby goes to bed. This meal, like breakfast, makes up 25% of the daily volume.

At one and a half years old you can cook for dinner:

  • “lazy” dumplings with cottage cheese;
  • zucchini or pumpkin pancakes with sour cream;
  • vegetable stew;
  • potato zrazy with meat;
  • pasta casserole with jam;
  • cabbage cutlets;
  • fish meatballs.

The best evening drink is herbal tea with the addition of mint and lemon balm, after which the baby will sleep soundly and sweetly.

If the little one gets hungry before bedtime, then in bed you can give him half a glass of warm milk or kefir.