
Why children are not cut before 1. Doctor Komarovsky about children's hair and whether it is necessary to cut a child baldly a year. Tools and techniques


One of the pressing questions of young parents is: is it possible to cut a child up to a year old. What answer do mom and dad want to hear - folk (i.e. signs and superstitions) or medical? And let's analyze both, maybe in this case a compromise will be found.

Roots will accept why it is impossible to cut up to a year

In the first case, one can recall Samson and his wife Delilah, who cut off her husband's hair at night, which completely deprived the strength of the ancient ruler.

The superstition that a child cannot be cut is rooted in the depths of not only ancient, but also Eastern culture, where a man's braid against the background of a shaved skull was considered a sign of distinction and grew up from birth.

The transitional stage from "paganism" to knowledge can be called delusions that have turned into signs:

  • if you cut a child small, then his hair will be stronger and more magnificent, which means healthier and more beautiful;
  • if you cut a child under the age of one year, then his hair color will change (become darker or lighter);
  • some recommend cutting the baby's hair for the summer to avoid irritation on the skin ready.

There are a lot of such "grandmother's signs" among the people, and this despite the fact that cardinally opposite statements can come from the lips of the same people.

General concepts about haircuts for babies

From the very beginning, it is necessary to mark the boundaries between a haircut and a trim, the first implies the complete removal of hair from the head, which, for quite adequate reasons, forbidden.

Why you can not cut children under a year old:

  • the existence of a risk of damage to an unovergrown fontanel;
  • possible damage to the hair follicles, leading to thinning of the hair and their asymmetrical thinning;
  • there is a fear of injury to the scalp (cuts), which will entail at least a scar, and as a maximum - a place where hair does not grow at all;
  • the psychological component cannot be discounted, because for children with an unformed psyche, a haircut is a powerful stress (as a result: tantrums, sleep disturbance, neuroses and mental deviations in development).

If we talk about cutting, like shortening hair, then this is a way out of the situation. Haircuts recommended by pediatricians in cases, when:

  • hair "fits" on the eyes and ears (purely hygienic procedure);
  • the summer period comes (so that the head is lighter and the skin “breathes”);
  • with some diseases (individually for medical reasons).

Tools and techniques

There is no fundamental difference in the use of manual and electric tools, but there is an opinion that the noise of an electric machine can scare a baby or cause some discomfort, after which whims begin.

Most professional hairdressers specializing in children's haircuts prefer to work with mechanical hand tools, avoiding sharp objects (razors, machines).

There are no guidelines for trimming young children, so each case is individual. The only thing that almost always remains unchanged is the game form with the maximum interest of the child (watching cartoons or reading fairy tales, poems in mother's voice).

Special cases

Every baby is born with a certain amount of "fluff" on their head. For some, it barely breaks through, while for others it looks like a full-fledged hair. In such cases, it is necessary to treat the haircut with common sense:

  • if there is nothing special to cut, then you should not think about it (no need to look for a problem from scratch);
  • too big hair is not a reason to sound the alarm, because in 99.9% of cases it will fall out and change (along with color and texture).

Girls' haircuts are the most problematic, as growing hair is accompanied by more frequent and vigorous washing. In this matter, a haircut has a place to be only for leveling bangs, or for styling hairstyles (for children under one year old, there is no question about braids).

Moms opinion

The opinions of mothers drastically differ, because everyone chooses for himself what seems to him the most reasonable. Someone takes risks and shaves the baby with a machine (allergic reactions can develop under the influence of sunlight or when wearing thick warm hats).

Another option, when the option that you can’t cut for up to a year wins, mothers try to get out of the situation with grown hair with the help of invisible and small “crabs”. And this is also not good, because the scalp lacks oxygen, the sebaceous glands become clogged and there is a high probability of lice.

With the advent of the baby in the house, various folk beliefs emerge related to caring for the baby, organizing his life in the family, and feeding. You can’t show a child to strangers before baptism, you can’t bathe in the presence of strangers, you can’t look at a sleeping baby by strangers, you can’t rock an empty cradle, you can’t cut a baby’s hair up to a year. Almost all mothers adhere to this immutable rule, so you can often find a baby a few months old with hairpins on her head. What is the reason for the ban itself, is it worth sticking to?

Old Slavonic version of the ban

The Old Slavic tribes had many beliefs and signs related specifically to hair. The Slavs called hair "cosmos", thereby indicating the connection of hair with the cosmos at the bioenergetic level. A small child is defenseless and weak in front of the vast world, completely dependent on adults, the hairs on the baby's head accumulate strength and are a transmission link at the bioenergetic level. If you deprive him of his hair, then there is a possibility of a disease in a child or even a threat to his life.

Old Russian version of the origin of belief

Another version indicates that the belief arose in Ancient Russia. In the absence of qualified medical care, unsanitary conditions, infant mortality was quite high, and mothers often died in the process and from complications in childbirth. Therefore, the popular belief of the pre-Christian period said that a baby up to a year old looks closely at the family, decides for himself whether he likes to live in it. It was believed that if a small member of the family lived up to a year, then he liked the family, now he will stay. After the child crossed the one-year milestone, it was allowed to manipulate his hair, the so-called “rite of vows” was carried out. After this rite, the baby became a full member of the family, and the whole family stood up for his protection.

Version of the Christian keepers of traditions

With the adoption of Christianity in Russia, the tradition of not touching the baby's hair until he reached the age of one was preserved, but changed a little. The baby still could not be cut until a year old, on the day when the child turned one year old, it was necessary to invite the midwife who took birth and godparents. The rite was called “shrinking”, the godfather cut off several curls from the child in the form of a cross. The curls were tied with a red ribbon and removed behind the main icon in the house, located in the red corner. When the child reached the age of majority, the curls were removed because of the icon. It was believed that such a kind of "amulet" protects the child from the machinations of the evil one.

Modern version of child psychologists

Child psychologists adhere to a completely different version, based on modern research and conclusions. They argue that in the first year of life, the child perceives himself as a whole, so even cutting their nails causes panic and stress in them. Moreover, it is difficult for a baby to transfer a haircut, because he perceives the hair with his head as one whole mechanism. During the hair cutting procedure, the child experiences real fear and stress, which cannot positively affect his emotional and physical condition. Some note that after they tonsured their baby, he fell ill, therefore, the popular belief has a basis. Psychologists comment that such consequences have a real basis, called psychosomatics by experts. A baby can get sick in response to stress and fear because his body reacted that way.

April 11, 2013, 07:00

Trimming nails, cutting a child's hair - these are the most difficult procedures for caring for a child, which almost always scare parents. It is not so easy to keep the baby for such scrupulous procedures that require his complete calmness. And is it worth it to cut a child's hair? Or are there any excuses?

You can not cut a child under a year

In general, you can’t cut your hair, even from the beginning. After all, every pregnant lady has been told more than once that you can’t cut your hair, let alone dye it - go uncombed and look like a savage. Grandmothers will say the same about the baby. You can not cut the hair of a child under one year under any pretext. What are you, what are you! Are you parents and do not want to cut the mind of the baby? Or for the baby to become poor? Here, modern oligarchs are not only not cut for a year, they even had their hair extended! That's how you get on the Forbes list.

So where does this sign / belief come from? In fact, his story is very interesting. In the Old Slavonic language, the word "hair" was not, instead they used the word - cosmos. It is now used as a term of abuse, meaning untidy, disheveled hair. By the way, one can easily trace the connection between space and cosmos (hair) - these are words with the same root, which in Old Slavonic have a hidden meaning. According to beliefs, the hair of a child, or an adult, carries information at the biological level.

And if you cut your hair ahead of time, then the baby loses touch with the cosmos at the biological and psychophysical levels. No wonder there are myths in mythology about hidden power in hair, and warriors lost power when their hair was cut off.

These very cosmos symbolize the connection of the source of power with the person himself, and thus hair is a kind of transmission and accumulation instance. And if you break this connection, i.e. with the bioinformation field, then there may be a threat to the health or even the life of the child - so the beliefs say.

Other sources of information tell a different legend. So, in ancient Russia, in the absence of qualified medical care and unsanitary conditions, infant and maternal mortality was quite high, and many babies did not live to be a year old. It was the anniversary of the child that was considered the end of a critical period of his life. Even in pre-Christian Russia, it was believed that if the baby lived for more than a year, then the family suits him, and he will stay in it. And then the rite of tonsure was carried out. This rite symbolized the initiation of the child into the family, and the whole family took under the protection of a new family member.

What will the psychologist say?

It's no secret that kids have a very negative attitude to hair cutting, and almost always this procedure is accompanied by crying, and sometimes a heartbreaking cry. Psychologists can answer this question - and a very interesting one.

The fact is that babies up to a year do not yet understand that hair is just hair, and not any important organs, the baby perceives himself as a whole. And whoever likes it when someone cuts off, for example, a hand, many would also start screaming. In addition, after a haircut, babies may feel some discomfort, but usually it passes quite quickly. Many nationalities, such as Jews, do not cut their babies under 3 years old.

Even adults can feel uncomfortable when the hairdresser cuts their hair too short or does not like the haircut. And it's not just that it's not pretty. Most often, this is simply not habitual, and this discomfort affects. By the way, psychologists say that bangs are usually worn by hidden, closed people.

After a year - bald!!!

So ... we grow hair in a year, but after a year the hair clipper is bald. It is very stressful for a child. But as practice shows, even modern parents often cut their child's hair. But the question is why? There is a seemingly adequate answer to this question - in order for the hair to grow better, become thicker and stronger. After all, babies have hairs that are soft, delicate, thin.

But this rite also has ancient roots. In fairness, it is worth noting that such a ceremony did not exist in all nationalities, and if in some villages children were cut a year, then in some regions they did not cut their hair until they were 3, 5 and even 7 years old. Sometimes, only boys were sheared - and this rite symbolized initiation into men. After such a ceremony, the child was put on a horse, or they were allowed to hold an ax or a saber. Girls, sometimes they didn’t cut their hair at all, and left their hair as it is. Initiation into women was carried out in a slightly different way. It was considered symbolic when the girl was first braided.

Already in Christian Russia, after the baby was one year old, a certain ceremony of initiation into the family was held. When the family was sure that the baby would stay in the family, the midwife and godparents of the baby were invited to the "trimmed". Then a certain ceremony took place - a sheepskin was laid on the floor and a baby was placed on it. The father cut off a couple of curls in the form of a cross on the baby's head. And this cut hair was tied with a red thread and stored for a long time. By the way, you can’t throw away your hair - your head will hurt, well, or worse! It is also an omen.

Whether to follow this sign or not is the business of every parent. You just need to follow the safety rules, and prevent injury to the baby. Before the procedure itself, parents need to be patient and calm.

Since ancient times, hair has been endowed with a magical effect and meaning. Hair is considered a source of health, energy and strength. They connect a person with ancestors and the cosmos, they are a natural defense against the negative influence of the environment. That is why there were such beliefs that it is impossible to cut the hair of a child under one year old.

Previously, parents tried by any means to protect the baby from dangers, because the mortality rate of children under the age of one year was high. To preserve the energy and vitality of the baby, the hair was not cut. If the baby successfully turned one year old, it was believed that he had coped with all the problems and remained with the family. And the first tonsure in a year became a real rite.

In the modern world, folk signs and beliefs are a thing of the past, but many parents are still afraid to cut babies at an early age. Let's see if it is possible to cut a child's hair up to a year. And we will find out when to cut the hair of a newborn for the first time.

Myths and prejudices

  • According to popular beliefs, if you cut a child under a year old, the development of speech will be disturbed in the baby. The baby will not learn to speak for a long time and will be silent. But these are only superstitions, not supported by facts;
  • If you cut your hair before the baby is 1 year old, along with the hair, he will lose energy and health. This also belongs to the category of folk signs. In fact, regrown bangs will only worsen vision. And the hair that goes down to the shoulders and neck often irritates the skin and can cause an allergic reaction;
  • It has long been believed that a “zero” haircut will strengthen the hair, make the growing curls beautiful, shiny, strong and long. Indeed, there will be a complete renewal of the hair, which will help strengthen them. However, this procedure also has negative consequences. The first such haircut will shake the roots and, conversely, slow down the growth of the hairline. In addition, such a haircut can injure the delicate skin of the baby;
  • There is also an opinion that various hats and panama hats do not allow the scalp to fully breathe. However, the headdress does not affect the density and growth of hair. But the absence of a panama hat can cause heat or sunstroke, and without a hat, the baby will freeze and catch a cold.

When can you start cutting your hair?

It is important that the child adapts to new conditions and copes with such a stressful situation as a haircut. Therefore, doctors do not advise applying for such a procedure earlier than 1.5-2 months from the date of birth.

Note that the rate of hair growth in a newborn is individual. Babies are born with a little fluff on their heads. When it comes down, the hair will grow an average of a centimeter per month. At first, it is recommended only to cut the baby's bangs so that it does not climb and does not close its eyes, does not spoil its eyesight.

It is necessary to cut the baby's hair carefully and carefully. If you are afraid of injuring the baby, you can contact the children's hairdresser. However, many parents prefer to do their hair and haircuts at home. So the child will avoid unnecessary stress. Let's learn how to cut children's hair yourself.

How to cut your child's hair yourself

  • The baby should be comfortable and comfortable to sit. It is advisable to put the baby on the lap of dad, grandmother or other relative. Let him hold the baby so that he does not spin, if necessary, calm the baby. In addition, the child will be calm in the hands of a loved one;
  • To distract the baby, turn on your favorite program, cartoon or fairy tale. But be prepared that the first haircut will be a real stress for the child. To soothe your baby, keep a treat on hand that can soothe her. It can be a cookie or a sweet apple;
  • Take a comb, scissors and a spray bottle with water. Choose blunt scissors with protected or rounded ends that can not hurt the baby's skin. Indeed, at a dangerous moment, the baby may shudder or turn around. And the most restless kids can turn their heads throughout the whole process;
  • Wet hair gently and comb through. Pinch the curl between your fingers and cut the end of the strand. Start cutting from problematic and hard-to-reach places;
  • After completing the procedure, praise the baby for patience. Bathe the baby so that no villi remain on the body. How to properly bathe a newborn, read.

How to care for newborn hair

We examined when a newborn's hair is cut. In addition, it is important to properly care for the hairline and scalp of the child. The baby needs to wash his hair regularly. This is necessary not only to maintain hygiene and cleanliness. Regular washing normalizes heat transfer and improves hair growth.

It is recommended to wash the head with clean water without the use of special products every evening before going to bed. In the process, the skin is massaged and gently rinsed. Shampoos and other similar formulations are used after two to three months of life. Shampoo procedures are used no more than twice a week.

Choose shampoos based on natural ingredients without sulfates, parabens, fragrances and other chemical additives. Buy safe, hypoallergenic formulations designed specifically for young children up to a year old. For more information on how to choose a safe shampoo for a child, read the article. In addition, for washing hair, you can use baby soap made from natural ingredients without chemical additives or universal soft gels for hair and body.

From the first months of life, a hair brush is used for a baby, but not for combing, but for massaging the scalp. Choose products with soft and frequent villi made from natural materials. Such a brush stimulates the growth of hairs and removes crusts from the head of a newborn. After six months, they switch to a children's comb with rounded teeth.

If the hair grows poorly

If the baby's hair grows slowly, or it is too thin and brittle, a number of measures can be taken. For effective hair growth, experts recommend cutting a child's hair on the growing moon. When cutting on a waning moon, growth slows down, but the hair follicles are strengthened, and the hair becomes thicker and stronger.

Comb your hair regularly. Comb the hair left and right, against growth, and finally comb and style the curls according to growth. Combing will be an excellent massage for the head and a hair growth stimulator. It is better to choose a wooden comb, as the natural material is safe and will not cause an allergic reaction. Choose brushes with rounded teeth embedded in soft rubber.

In little girls, it is not recommended to pull the hair too tightly into tight tails, braids and other hairstyles, as they have not yet grown stronger. Otherwise, bald spots may appear, and silky strands may thin or become thin. Restoring such areas is very difficult.

Oh, and life is hard for superstitious people who have recently become parents. Sit, remember where to put the water after bathing the baby, where to hang the diapers washed in the evening, how to go around the mirror and so on. Young mothers and fathers attach special importance to the child's hair. And then the grandmothers are pulling up. Directly sacred sect of infantile hair turns out.

So, we are discussing whether it is possible to cut children up to a year. We will also analyze signs and superstitions.

Will not speak

One of the old beliefs says that you can not cut a child under a year old. They say you symbolically cut off the baby's tongue, which means it will start talking very late.

However, there are vague doubts. The baby will start talking early if you constantly engage with him. Of course, not full-fledged activities, still a baby. But nursery rhymes, poems, short tales will be very out of place. And in general, the usual conversation gives the child more opportunities for development. For mothers who do not speak with children, they begin to talk by the age of 3. And what about an early haircut if parents do not communicate with the baby in a voice?

My child at 1 year and 5 months chattered ditties and spoke quite tolerably. Although they cut his hair to zero at 6 months, he was painfully shaggy. Hair interfered, climbed into the eyes, ears, tangled in the fingers. And all because his father-in-law chatted with him all day long. Didn't shut up for a minute. Songs, ditties, poems, fairy tales, jokes. It happened that like an akyn: what I see, I sing. And the haircut had no effect.

Interesting. There are many signs that require prohibitions on most actions with the baby. And some of them are somehow related to speech. Remember that to a greater extent everything depends on the parents themselves and the environment of the child. But not from “one grandmother said” or “great-grandmother gave me a belief”.

Gets scared a lot

Another sign says that you can not cut a child under a year old, because it will be frightened. Well, don't tell me. It depends how you cut. You can, as in the old days, shred with huge sheep scissors or cut with a knife (well, the peasants did not have elegant manicure scissors or professional hairdressing tools). Here an adult will remain without memory, not like a baby. You can cut your hair with a terrible buzzing electric machine. It is really scary for many children, up to a conscious age.

And you can carefully cut the child with good hairdressing scissors. If at the same time distract the baby, do not shout, but amuse him, then most likely the haircut will go completely unnoticed. The choice is yours.

Interesting. The child will be much easier to endure the first haircut if everything is arranged in the form of a game. That's just not necessary now about "he still does not understand." Maybe he doesn't understand. But this does not give the parents the right to treat the baby with disdain.

unhealthy will grow up

The following superstition says that a child under one year old cannot be cut, because you cut off health. Sorry, this is some kind of obscurantism. Well, yes, that's just an early haircut and steal infant health. And the fact that hygiene, proper feeding, psychological development and other aspects are more decisive is not taken into account.

After all, the main thing is not to cut! And now let's look from the other side. Situation:

  • your child has long hair

Let's compare these three points, what do we have as a result? Right. Prickly heat, irritation, spots on delicate skin, a whimpering and capricious child. Hey mommies, what would you choose? Will I accept or the health of my child?

Or another option. Long bangs have grown, climbing into the eyes. Well, is it really impossible to cut it in order to stop spoiling the baby's eyesight? Or do you need to strictly wait for the achievement of the year, and let the baby suffer?

Interesting. Ask any priest of the Christian church. And each of them will say that a child up to a year old can be cut if the hairs cause discomfort to the child or threaten health.

Poverty tortures

Rumor has it that it is impossible to cut a child's hair before a year, because he will grow up poor. Yes Yes. Our people are used to blaming anyone and anything for everything, but not themselves.

Sorry, but a causal relationship between "early haircut" and "poverty" doesn't line up. Wealth comes to the smart and hardworking. Sometimes to evil and cunning. And how do you know which of the current millionaires still did not cut their hair before the year?

Interesting. There has not been a single large-scale study on the relationship of infant haircuts up to a year and subsequent well-being. Independent experts also refuse to conduct such experiments. The thing is that there are too many influencing factors to take into account. And this is too costly research that does not give any practical results.

Hair will be bad.

What else does folk wisdom threaten us with? She categorically forbids cutting a child under a year old, because the hair will not grow well. And in order for the child to impress everyone with a chic mane in the future, the ritual of shearing the infant cannon should be carried out strictly at the age of 1 year.

There is a certain rational grain in this. Because if you carelessly cut your baby, for example, with a typewriter or, God forbid, with a razor, you can damage the hair follicles. The fact is that they are still located very close to the surface of the skin. Therefore, if you already decide to cut a child up to a year old, then do it very carefully.

And do not forget about the fontanel. Next to him, up to 12 months, it is better not to carry out any manipulations at all. There is no longer up to the beauty of the hair.

Interesting. Did you know that no type of haircut at any age affects the quantity, density and thickness of hair. What mom and dad inherited, then it will grow on their heads. Baby haircut is nothing to do with it. Her Majesty genetics is the defendant for her hair and her condition.

Is it possible to cut children under one year old: signs and superstitions are chosen for themselves by every parent. If the hairs interfere with the baby, then stop listening to grandmother's stories and cut his hair. Why is the child suffering?

If the child lives quietly with long curls, they do not interfere with him, then do not disturb him once again with your hairdressing troubles. Let there be hair.

Video: baby's first haircut