
Autumn cosmetology procedures - recommendations from an experienced cosmetologist. Facial beauty in autumn: rules, salon procedures The most relevant procedures in autumn in a beauty salon


Radio wave (radio frequency) lifting is a gentle alternative to plastic surgery. Using a special apparatus, electrical impulses are passed through the tissues of the face and body, causing local heating to 65°C. Under thermal influence, collagen, the protein responsible for skin elasticity, folds and hardens. And lipolysis occurs in subcutaneous fat tissue. In this regard, radiolifting is indicated for fat deposits, stretch marks, and sagging skin. To obtain a lasting anti-aging effect (for 2-3 years), 6-12 procedures will be required. Radio wave lifting goes well with other cosmetic procedures: mesotherapy, peelings, photorejuvenation.

Mid-autumn is the best time for facial dermabrasion. After some types of mechanical exfoliation, rehabilitation is required, which includes sun protection for six months. The essence of the method is hardware scraping of the upper layer of the epidermis with diamond microparticles, a laser or an abrasive cutter. Dermabrasion is an aggressive and painful procedure, but it copes well with pigmentation, post-acne, and scars. Exfoliation activates regeneration processes, stimulates the synthesis of elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid. That is why the procedure is indicated for atonic skin and wrinkles.

If necessary, quickly strengthen and tighten the muscles of the face and body, resort to myostimulation. The pulsed current used during the procedure causes contraction of muscle tissue, restoration of damaged fibers, and increased elasticity and tone of the skin. At the same time, metabolism, lymph and blood flow are activated. The procedure is indicated for excess body weight, cellulite, swelling, ptosis and atonicity. The effect of the procedure is visible after 10-15 sessions, performed once or twice a week.

Superficial and superficial-medium peelings

One of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the fall is peeling. Ultrasound allows you to gently exfoliate dead epidermal cells. It has a triple effect: mechanical, thermal and physico-chemical. A local increase in temperature and cell fluctuations lead to a restructuring of intracellular structures and acceleration of metabolic processes. Laser peeling is also a gentle treatment method. It is recommended for uneven skin texture, enlarged pores, scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, post-acne, dullness and dehydration of the skin.

Among peelings, chemical peels are in greatest demand. Enzymes and acids can be used as an exfoliant. Enzyme peeling is more gentle and is therefore recommended for those with reactive, very dry skin prone to rosacea. It has a superficial effect and can be done at home.

Acid peels include:

  • almond;
  • glycolic;
  • lactic;
  • retinoic;
  • salicylic;
  • phytic;
  • fruit;
  • trichloroacetic.

Young and very sensitive skin will benefit from a mandelic or phytic acid treatment. Among the advantages of the glycolic procedure: versatility (suitable for all skin types), variability in penetration depth, and low-traumatic. Compositions based on fruit acids (citric, tartaric) cope well with teenage acne and post-acne. Those with oily and problematic skin should pay attention to salicylic peeling. Lactic acid not only exfoliates, but also moisturizes the skin. Medium peels include trichloroacetic and retinoic.

Mesotherapy: anti-aging, anti-cellulite, anti-scarring

Sometimes, to get a noticeable and lasting result, superficial manipulations are not enough. Mesotherapy comes to the rescue, during which biologically active substances are delivered into the deep layers of the skin through injections. The effect of the procedure is achieved through pharmacological influence and physical stimulation. Depending on the chosen drug, mesotherapy can have a rejuvenating, lipolytic, and whitening effect.

Anti-aging care programs often use hyaluronic acid with added vitamins. Active substances accelerate skin regeneration, normalize water balance in tissues, and stimulate collagenogenesis. After 3-5 procedures, the skin is noticeably smoothed, tightened, and complexion improves. Mesolifting is indicated for sagging and wrinkled skin, ptosis, and the presence of a double chin. Rejuvenating procedures are carried out not only on the face, but also in the neck, décolleté, and hands.

Lipolytic, vasodilating, and fortified complexes allow you to cope with the “orange peel”. These drugs improve microcirculation in tissues, destroy fat cells, and promote the elimination of toxins. They are injected into problem areas: buttocks, thighs, abdomen, legs, shoulders. With the help of mesotherapy, normotrophic and atrophic scars are eliminated. They use cocktails with hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen, chondroitin sulfate, and vitamins.

So, salon skin care for the face and body in the fall may include hardware procedures: myostimulation, dermabrasion, radio wave lifting. Superficial peelings with acids and enzymes are relevant. For medial exfoliation, retinoic and trichloroacetic acids are used predominantly. Mesotherapy can radically improve the condition of the skin. Injection procedures will help quickly solve the problem of cellulite, eliminate scars and post-acne.

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Autumn season- one of the best periods in cosmetology. The fact is that in summer, due to high solar activity, some cosmetic procedures cannot be carried out. But autumn is a wonderful time to get yourself in order, pamper yourself with pleasant treatments and prepare for winter.

Our expert cosmetologist Anastasia Goncharenko will tell you about the main procedures of autumn.

Autumn facial treatments: 5 tips from a cosmetologist

1. Peeling

Among beauty treatments in autumn First of all, peeling should be highlighted.

Peeling- This is a complex cosmetology technique that allows you to deeply cleanse the skin, exfoliate and remove the upper keratinized layer.

In modern cosmetology, there are many types of peelings: acid peelings, cryopilling, laser peeling, enzyme peeling and other types of peelings. A cosmetologist will tell you which peeling is right for you, based on a study of the condition of your skin, its needs, your lifestyle and health status.

2. Masks

Autumn facial cosmetic procedures are not possible without masks. Masks will help restore skin after summer, restore skin elasticity, deep moisturize facial skin.

Masks can be made at home or in a cosmetologist’s office.

3. Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy in autumn- this is an extremely effective way to quickly nourish the skin with vitamins and microelements; moisturize it and restore firmness and elasticity. Mesotherapy is a type of injection cosmetology in which special vitamin cocktails are injected into the skin to a shallow depth - up to 3 mm. Mesotherapy is an effective way to combat dryness, sagging, scars, age-related changes, and hyperpigmentation.

4. Cleaning and polishing the face

Comprehensive face cleaning is a multi-stage complex facial skin cleansing procedure that combines mechanical and ultrasonic skin cleansing. Undergoing this procedure in the fall is a mandatory stage in preparing the skin for moisturizing, nutrition and other cosmetic procedures.

With the help of resurfacing with ultrasonic or laser cosmetology devices, it is possible to eliminate small scars, remove the stratum corneum of the skin and achieve maximum smoothness of the skin.

5. Massage

Cosmetology massage The main goal is not only to preserve beauty, but also to ensure skin health. With the help of massage, lymphatic drainage is restored and normalized, blood supply to facial tissues improves, muscle tone is restored and skin elasticity returns.

Massage The course should be taken at least twice a year, and autumn is a great time to start the course.

After going through these procedures you will be able not only preserve your beauty, but also to cheer yourself up in the autumn months.

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It became sharply cold, and not a trace remained of the previous summer. And our skin needs different care than on hot summer days. Our consultant, cosmetologist at the Studio of Youth, Alexandra Chernyavskaya,, told us how to properly care for facial skin in the fall so that the winter cold does not become destructive for it.

Autumn skin care can be divided into two parts: September and the first half of October and the second half of October and November.

Beginning of autumn – recovery after summer. As a rule, at the beginning of autumn it is still quite warm. And during this period, it is important to properly restore the skin after the summer, because the skin loses many vitamins through the sweat glands in the summer heat. Not to mention the effects of ultraviolet radiation, which affects collagen and hyaluronic acid. Good for skin restoration non-injection mesotherapy– a procedure by which hyaluronic acid-based serums, specially developed meso-cocktails, and cell nutrition complexes are introduced into skin cells. Non-injection mesotherapy is also the introduction of oxygen into cells, with the help of which the skin begins to “breathe” better and better tolerate the effects of summer.

End of autumn - preparation for winter cold. In the second period of autumn, when the skin has already been restored after summer, peelings. It makes more sense to do it first superficial-medium peelings based on fruit acids. Vitamin C contained in fruit acids improves skin immunity, which is very useful given the sudden cold snap. brighten and even out the skin, get rid of pigmentation due to ultraviolet abuse, and prepare the skin for the coming cold weather. Such peelings take place in courses. However, it is important to consider that peels based on fruit acids are not suitable for people with allergies to vitamin C. Other peels can be selected for such clients.

After superficial-medium peelings, we gradually move on to medium peelings, exfoliating the epidermal layer. These can be peelings with a high degree of acidity (60% or higher), as well as phytopillings based on herbs and algae. Phytopillings can be done even for people with an allergy to vitamin C.

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A course massage completes the preparation for the winter cold. Massage can be done in early December, at the very beginning of winter. This procedure tones the muscles, stimulates collagen production, and deeply moisturizes the skin. Massage also eliminates the problem of skin peeling, which most often appears with cold weather, since in addition to massage, the skin is fortified through the introduction of ampoule concentrates and deep nourishing masks. Effectively combine massage with thermolifting, since this procedure also stimulates collagen production well. The paraffin mask moisturizes and nourishes the skin well. It is also good in the cold season because it is warm.

Features of autumn care

The pressure drop characteristic of autumn has a negative impact on blood vessels, so it is important to use programs that strengthen blood vessels. This can be thermolifting, which is very effective for rosacea. This procedure uses radio frequencies and infrared light to strengthen blood vessels and stimulate their normal functioning. There are also masks with ampoule concentrates that soothe blood vessels, and special anti-rosacea masks that are used during massages.

In autumn there is a lack of heat, so thermal warming procedures are used. The peculiarity of the autumn period is that the skin seems to be unable to decide whether it is dry or oily. On the one hand, after the summer it lost moisture, on the other hand, it suddenly became cold, and the skin, like a protective shell, has to adapt to the cold. The listed procedures can maintain the level of warmth on the surface layer of the skin.

Interestingly, autumn weather, when there is a very light drizzle, is very beneficial for the skin, in such weather the skin is moisturized.

Home care in autumn

If there is no reaction to vitamin C, you can use creams containing vitamin C. It is important to use fatty and nourishing creams, and apply serum under the cream. There are serums with vitamin C to support immunity. Masks should be thicker. If in the warm season, home peels, which are done once a week, need to be done in the first half of the day, then in the fall - only in the evening, so that the skin has time to recover.

It is important to eat right, be sure to eat enough fruits and vegetables. Ginger is very useful in autumn.

By doing procedures appropriate for the autumn period, we not only solve current problems, but also prepare the skin for winter. Thus, skin care is a continuous process. If this process occurs gradually and harmoniously, then the skin will not suffer from weather conditions.

Tatyana Koryakina

The hot summer days are behind us. And even if it’s gray and rainy around us, let our appearance and mood contrast with the dull autumn weather. Autumn brings so many new opportunities for beauty care! Dermatologist-cosmetologist Elena Gennadievna Korshunova told us about what cosmetic procedures are relevant in the autumn period and what new opportunities for this have appeared at the Scandinavia clinic.

The hot summer days are behind us. And even if it’s gray and rainy around us, let our appearance and mood contrast with the dull autumn weather. Autumn brings so many new opportunities for beauty care! A dermatologist-cosmetologist told us about what cosmetic procedures are relevant in the autumn period and what new opportunities for this have appeared at the Scandinavia clinic ElenaGennadievna Korshunova.

– Elena Gennadievna, tell us what cosmetic procedures should be performed in the fall?

– The autumn period, from the point of view of cosmetology, is universal. At this time, procedures can be performed with virtually no restrictions. In summer, during the period of increased solar activity, many cosmetic manipulations that have a deep effect on the skin (for example, peelings) are not recommended - this is fraught with pigmentation. And in very frosty winters, such procedures can result in discomfort for delicate skin. But in the fall, cosmetologists, one might say, have their hands completely untied. This is the time for active procedures such as chemical peels, anti-aging treatments with active acids, photo and laser treatments. –

Give advice to our readers - how to care for their skin in the autumn?

– Women in the fall strive not only to preserve their summer “achievements”, for example, a beautiful tan and slim figure, but also to prepare their skin for winter. After summer, the skin is dry, very sensitive and needs intensive hydration. So in the fall, any procedures that saturate the skin with nutrients and moisturize it are especially relevant. There are still a lot of fruits and vegetables in autumn, so you need to take advantage of the moment and diligently replenish the reserves of vitamins and microelements in the body. At the same time, it is important not only to diversify your diet with all kinds of gifts of nature, but also to introduce them into nourishing and moisturizing masks.

– Elena Gennadievna, what new equipment has appeared in the cosmetology department and what is it for?

– Our cosmetology department tries to regularly update the range of services to keep up with the times. We purchased two new devices – the Beauty Chic radiofrequency lifting device and the Dibiskin Power non-injection meso-device. For some patients, these devices may be a complement or alternative to plastic surgery and injection therapy. Not every woman is able to easily tolerate injections, and many do not want to rush into surgery. In such cases, hardware therapy comes to the rescue.

– Please tell us more about these devices.

– Beauty Chic is an Italian invention that uses pulsed current that matches the frequencies of radio waves. This is why the technology is called “radiofrequency therapy”. One of the main uses of Beauty Chic is tissue rejuvenation. Radiofrequency energy promotes compaction of collagen-containing structures in the deep layers of the skin. During the procedure, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation and lymph flow increase, and neocollagen production accelerates. The result is a lasting rejuvenation effect and elimination of age-related tissue sagging. Thanks to Beauty Chic, you can just as easily and quickly say goodbye to the hated cellulite.

The second acquisition of the Scandinavia clinic is the Dibiskin Power device. This procedure is based on the use of new electro-penetration technology that directly affects skin problems. This process is otherwise called electroporation. During therapy, the same substances are used as in mesotherapy, and this gives comparable results. However, mesotherapy is impossible without injections, but Dibiskin Power allows you to deliver therapeutic and cosmetic products to the deep layers of the skin without any injections. This device can solve problems such as loss of elasticity and firmness, dehydration of the skin, deterioration of its color, expression wrinkles, and deformation of the oval of the face. After a pleasant, relaxing procedure that feels like a massage, the patient does not need rehabilitation, which is a big plus for people who cannot afford to take a break from work for a long time.

– What else can clients of the cosmetology department of the Scandinavia clinic pamper themselves with?

– The cosmetology department of the Scandinavia clinic has a full range of necessary services, thanks to which you can postpone the meeting with wrinkles, say goodbye to cellulite, double chin and acne: this includes laser lifting, oxygen mesotherapy, microcurrent therapy, and pressotherapy. We select an individual program for each patient, depending on his problems and preferences. I would like to note that all procedures in our department are carried out by cosmetologists, because today cosmetology is not just a set of corrective procedures. This is a whole science that includes knowledge from the fields of biology, chemistry, nutrition and dermatology, and not just a set of services that can be offered to you in any beauty salon.

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