
Stones for attracting money and luck for Cancer. Use stones correctly to attract money. Gems for attracting good luck in business and financial success


The term “money stone” came to us from astrology and esotericism. Bioenergetics experts believe that some natural minerals, acting on subtle planes, attract the energy of money and good luck to their owner. If the vibrations of the stone coincide with yours, the crystal will make you a wealthy person and protect you from accidents and unprofitable financial transactions. From this article you will learn which stones have the ability to attract money and how to choose the right mineral.

Peridot stone

The second name of peridot is dragon stone. Mystics believe that this money stone loves gold, and therefore attracts it to itself.

This is the mineral of businessmen and people involved in finance. It is recommended to wear it to business meetings, to have it with you during partnership negotiations and concluding transactions for a large amount.

Chrysolite will help not only successful people, but also those who are experiencing financial difficulties and have already given up.

If you make this stone your talisman, cash flows will open and your business will go uphill. It is important to discern successful offers in time, and peridot will help ensure that its owner is in the right place and at the right time.

The mineral is an ideal talisman for the Leo sign.

It is believed that the gem activates inner strength, leadership qualities and awakens courage. It awakens in a person the inner potential that is dormant or does not find a way out. Carnelian enhances the positive qualities of the owner and improves his talents.

The advantage of a talisman with carnelian is its ability to ward off people who bring misfortune and material losses away from the owner.

If you experience discomfort when talking with colleagues, or have conflicts with partners and superiors, carnelian will smooth out rough edges and improve communication.

To make the stone “hear” you, before going to bed, place it under your head and mentally say your wish. Give your talisman a program for prosperity and wealth.

The stone is suitable for Capricorn, Libra and Pisces.


In ancient times, this mineral was considered the privilege of rulers. He was singled out from all the stones that attract money.

It increases self-esteem and gives you a feeling of confidence in your capabilities. The crystal also attracts positive events in the life of its owner.

Citrine increases concentration, therefore it is a reliable assistant in making difficult decisions. Esotericists claim that the effect of citrine will increase if it is inlaid into a ring and worn on the left hand. The ring finger is better suited for this.

They say that stones for attracting money related to the element of Water have strong energy. The chrysoprase water crystal brings good luck to its owner even in the most difficult situations. The greatest of the generals, Alexander the Great, knew about this. Therefore, the king always carried it with him on campaigns and battles.

The stone has a soft green color with a turquoise tint. If its owner is in danger, the mineral darkens noticeably. In such cases, feel free to cancel the meeting or delay making investment investments. It is recommended to wear chrysoprase in the form of a talisman figurine, beaded jewelry, rings, pendants and bracelets.

Suitable for the signs Cancer, Taurus and Scorpio.


The Chinese consider this stone sacred. According to magicians, it helps not only attract money, but also radical changes for the better. Holders of a talisman with jade discover new personality qualities in themselves.

Jewelry with jade shapes the necessary events, makes life eventful, joyful and rich. A person who carries a jade talisman with him feels confident even in difficult moments of life. Jade attracts new successful relationships in your personal life and business sphere.

This money mineral is suitable for Sagittarius, Virgo, Aquarius.


The name of this stone comes from the Greek term "rhodos", which means "pink". The shades of the mineral vary from soft pink to rich cherry.

Magicians claim that rhodonite awakens hidden potential in a person, sharpens intuition, and activates vital forces. This helps to establish cash flows on subtle levels.

The owner of a talisman with rhodonite often receives lucrative offers from partners, has a high chance of winning a large sum in the lottery, and receiving a rich inheritance.

Suitable for zodiac signs of the Earth element.


According to esotericists, this is one of the strongest stones for attracting money. Attracts wealth to those engaged in trade and other commercial activities.

In nature, chrysoberyl is found in two varieties: cat's eye and transparent alexandrite. Both stones are equally effective. Regardless of what kind of decoration chrysoberyl is dressed in, it gives its owner insight. Thus, the owner of the talisman senses danger and protects himself in time from troubles associated with material losses.

At the same time, with the help of chrysoberyl, cash flows are also improved on subtle planes. And events come into life that attract wealth.

The stone is an ideal companion for Taurus and Virgo. In September and May, its effect is especially strong.


Under this unfamiliar name lie ordinary salt crystals.

Salt is believed to have the power to attract the energy of money, prosperity and good luck. However, it will not act as a talisman, but will only help in identifying it.

In order for halite to indicate your talisman, choose large crystals. Table salt and table salt do not have this magical ability.

Place a green candle on the halite crystals. Light it and for 13 minutes go through in your head all the possible gems that you know about. The subconscious must produce at least five minerals. They are the ones who will become your assistants in gaining wealth.

Attracting money using stones according to the horoscope

Depending on a person’s date of birth, astrologers recommend focusing on the stone that protects their zodiac sign:

  • Aries are recommended to wear bracelets made of diamonds, rubies and garnets on their left hand.
  • Emerald, turquoise and sapphire are suitable for Taurus. They are worn in any color variations and on various decorations.
  • Crystal, aquamarine and agate help Gemini in money matters.
  • Money will be attracted to Cancer by moonstone and pearls of any shade, framed in silver.
  • Astrologers recommend any natural yellow stones for Leo, as well as rubies and diamonds.
  • Virgos are better off wearing rings inlaid with jade.
  • Rings with natural lapis lazuli will bring good luck to Libra, and the more expensive the crystal, the better.
  • Scorpio is impressed by corals and malachite.
  • Peridot, topaz and amethyst will help Sagittarius in gaining wealth.
  • Capricorn - green malachite, onyx and ruby.
  • Aquarius - zircons and garnets.
  • Amethysts of any shade and pink pearls are suitable for Pisces.

Features of wearing money stones

There are rules by following which you can enhance the effect of the natural money mineral.

First of all, don't skimp on crystal. A price that is too low indicates that this is an imitation.

Choose only noble metals for framing. Gold, silver and platinum are friends with natural crystals. This way the force will be fueled by the energy radiation of the metal. When choosing an amulet, be guided by which metal suits your zodiac sign.

Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

Precious stones are actively used not only as jewelry , but also as financial assistants. Minerals selected in a certain way are a powerful source of positive energy, with the help of which the owner’s material well-being improves, promotes career growth and prosperity. Each stone, with its individual energy, helps improve a person’s financial situation, however, some gems act quite definitely and narrowly. Using knowledge about precious stones, you can choose a talisman with a certain spectrum of action. However, it should be remembered that using a stone to attract money will require more serious work from the owner.

Stones for financial prosperity - choose yours

1. Chrysoprase.

By an amazing coincidence, the natural bluish-greenish tint of the mineral corresponds to the color of some world currencies. In order for the effect of the talisman to manifest itself in full force, you need to use it correctly:

– to quickly and competently resolve organizational issues related to finance, for example, negotiations with clients or partners, you need to wear the stone on the left side, that is, a ring on the left hand, jewelry on the left side of the clothes;

– to attract money and quickly solve material problems, chrysoprase is worn on the right.

Note: chrysoprase stones are most active in spring, early autumn and December.

Since ancient times, people have used gemstones to attract money, and not just as jewelry. Minerals, selected in a certain way, serve as a powerful source of positive energy, which improves the owner’s financial situation.


The power of the gem brings luck and financial well-being. The mineral will help the owner become more successful in any business. It is ideal for open-minded people who are delighted with their business and dream of its development. For them it will be an amulet that attracts money and reliable partners.

Chrysoprase will relieve fears, anxieties and rash actions. The gem will help you make the right decision, start your own business or expand your business. If you wear it on your right hand in a silver frame, your financial situation will improve very soon.


Talisman for businessmen and bankers. This gem brings good luck to its owner and secures his successful financial future. An amulet with chrysolite can be worn by lawyers, financiers, etc. The stone helps to find the right path to achieve material well-being.

Determined, resourceful and courageous people can use it as a talisman. To do this, you will need to wear a ring with peridot in a gold frame on the index finger of your right hand. Women can wear earrings or a pendant to gain luck in money matters.


The gem helps you get out of poverty. The likelihood of financial losses decreases, and after a while it stops completely. Thanks to the magic of the stone, a person finds the right way out of difficult financial situations. The financial situation improves over time.

An excellent amulet for sellers, gambling fans and all people with difficult financial situations. In order for its power to begin to manifest itself, you need to desire it with all your heart and act without deception. Jewelry with a stone in a silver or gold frame is worn on the middle finger of the right hand.

There can be very different ways of raising money, too.

Today we will talk about how to attract luck and money with the help of precious stones. After all, among them there are the best helpers for your material well-being and prosperity.

Stones that attract money and wealth were glorified in the legends of Atlantis, whose inhabitants began to abuse it, and the great civilization perished.

After all, the process of crystallization - the birth of a crystal - absorbs enormous energy, which the Indians call prana, the Japanese - qi, and the Chinese - chi.

For stones to attract money to work, you need to choose the right option that suits you.


Olive color stone, the second most powerful stone that attracts money.

Those who are unlucky and have completely lost faith in themselves and their strengths need this talisman stone. Peridot will help you start life from scratch.

Peridot loves gold, so such pendants will help a woman dealing with financial issues to win a money dispute, and a ring on the index finger of her left hand will help her quickly receive money.

Peridot is especially suitable for Leos.


In the old days, topaz was called the stone of courtiers: it helped its owner to receive the patronage of the powers that be and brought financial well-being.

To a greater extent, this mineral is suitable for people endowed with inner strength and prone to leadership. The magic of the gem manifests itself through increased intuition, the ability to foresee the actions of business partners and influence them in one’s own interests.

Golden topaz helps most in financial matters. It attracts the respect of business people and creates an atmosphere of goodwill around the owner.

It is better to wear a ring with a golden topaz insert on the ring finger of the right hand, thereby expanding the space of personal influence.

The maximum strength of topaz occurs on Thursday and Saturday.


The warm energy of this fiery gem has always attracted talented people. Carnelian attracts money and success through unlocking a person’s inner potential.

The stone helps bring ideas to their logical conclusion, stabilizes financial flows, cuts off unreliable partners, attracting honest and decent ones.

The magic of carnelian is most active from March to November and is almost invisible in winter.

Black tourmaline

Black tourmaline will protect against negative influences from the outside, and will make its owner luckier.

The product, made in the shape of a daisy from black tourmaline, is considered a talisman for merchants.

Ideal for Scorpios, as it can pacify their ardor and balance their mood.


Many people know garnet as a stone that attracts love and passion into a person’s life, and do not even realize that this mineral has one more property: to help with money matters. But, unlike other gems, the power of garnet manifests itself indirectly.

Once you become the owner of a ring or earrings with this stone, do not expect fabulous riches to immediately fall on your head!

Garnet will “do” differently: it will endow you with those qualities - activity, initiative, determination, perseverance and self-confidence - that will help you achieve success.

Keep in mind that garnet is one of the most energetically powerful stones, and its positive vibrations do not apply to those who are weak in spirit—you shouldn’t even try it.


The energy of a Labradorite is capable of changing circumstances that are unfavorable to its owner and reflecting away from him the arrows of negative sha energy, which often hit his pocket.

In addition, it awakens hidden talents in a person and gives him the strength to accomplish the seemingly impossible.

As a talisman, the Labrador is recommended for people whose profession involves constant making important decisions. A short meditation on this stone is very useful before starting any business, especially those related to financial investments. The power of the mineral is most felt on Monday, as well as on the days of the full moon.


This amazing mineral is known for its ability to change color depending on the mood of the owner. It is also one of the few gems that enhances the energy of the throat chakra, promoting the development of the gift of persuasion.

And in our time of intensive communications, this quality is worth its weight in gold. After all, let’s say, convincing a client of the high quality of a product or service is exactly what brings professional success, and therefore financial well-being.

When choosing aquamarine jewelry, remember that this stone requires only moral actions from the owner.


A variety of quartz with a soft lemon-yellow hue, citrine carries the energy of optimism.

The magic of the stone helps you get out of the most difficult and confusing situations by making non-trivial decisions. In addition, it brings more connections into our lives, on which well-being sometimes depends.

It is better to wear a ring with citrine on the index finger of the right hand. This way the stone increases internal self-esteem, enhancing the energy of the individual.


A bright, orange gem will help you retain positive energy and not waste it in vain. Carnelian will attract wealth to the home of anyone who can get this stone; the owner of a natural stone will never know poverty.

Putting carnelian on the middle finger of the left hand will suggest new projects, and on the ring finger it will allow you to attract faithful work partners.

Carnelian as a stone for attracting money is especially suitable for Gemini and Aries.

Eye of the Tiger

An opaque stone with golden-yellow splashes on a dark brown background, the tiger's eye has long served people as a talisman against ruin and the evil eye.

The gem has the property of creating a “weighting effect” when dangerous situations arise. Therefore, if you feel tension from a ring with a tiger's eye cabochon, then do not ignore it.

This is probably how the mineral warns you of a threat. The magic of the stone gives its owner sanity and willpower. The energy of the mineral acts most strongly on Saturday and Sunday.


Rhodonite is a raspberry-pink stone and creative people should be inseparable, since it is rhodonite that will reveal their hidden talents and reach the most hidden depths of your soul. It will awaken everything that is dormant and make intuition stronger.

A rhodonite bracelet on your left hand will become a real money talisman.

Most suitable for Gemini and Libra.

The power of minerals is limitless. Their energy helps people in any life situations. You just need to learn how to use it for your benefit. Natural stones act by changing the frequency of oscillations and vibrations of the human body. As a result, they transform the mental, astral and etheric shells, which undoubtedly affects the physical and mental state.

Gems hidden in the depths of the earth can awaken sexual energy in a person, making him younger, more beautiful, and more attractive. Minerals have the power to expel illness from the body and relieve depressive thoughts. There are also stones that attract money and wealth. How do they do it? In each individual case it is different, because the money channel for each of us is fed from different sources. Some make money with their minds, some with their talent, and some with their strength. It is advisable to select a talisman in accordance with your occupation.

Chrysolite – “I am the master of my destiny”

The greenish-yellow crystal is sometimes confused with emerald. Under artificial lighting, it really takes on a very beautiful deep green hue. And this is the color of wealth, money, prosperity. The energy of peridot primarily fuels determined, self-confident and honest people.

Chrysolite is a stone of entrepreneurs and intellectuals.

If you are looking for which stones bring wealth, do not hesitate - buy a ring with this mineral. Decoration will make you the master of your destiny. No one will dare to stop you from going your own way, building your own life brick by brick. The energy of chrysolite helps:

  • become your own person in a society of successful and influential people;
  • build a wall between yourself and ill-wishers;
  • develop willpower, endurance;
  • strengthen mental health;
  • develop intuition;
  • attract good luck.

Chrysolite takes a person by the hand and leads him along the right path. It protects against negative energy and does not allow you to act rashly. Natural stone is suitable for businessmen, bankers, financiers, in general, anyone who deals with impressive cash flows. It also brings success to people who earn money with their intellect. Chrysolite is also suitable for those on whom the fate of other people depends, for example, judges and lawyers.

If we consider which stones bring wealth and good luck according to the signs of the Zodiac, then chrysolite is ideal for Leo. But it is not advisable for Pisces to buy jewelry with a crystal. His pressure and determination can frighten suspicious representatives of the water sign.

Chrysoprase – “I am lucky in life”

Turquoise crystal is ideal for those who make their living through intuition and are familiar with the mystical picture of the world. Chrysoprase is associated with water, so it will become a reliable assistant for Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces. The mineral attracts not only money, but also harmony, positivity, and respectable people. Chrysoprase is capable of:

  • expand financial flow;
  • connect to cosmic, universal harmony;
  • attract honest, sincere friends;
  • enhance mystical abilities.

Chrysoprase awakens intuition and tunes in to the frequency of universal harmony.

Money mainly comes into the life of the stone owner through business partners. Mineral will make sure that they are decent. Chrysoprase enhances intuition, allowing a person to read others like an open book. The gem stimulates the imagination, thanks to which it helps science fiction writers or artists make a living.

Stones that attract wealth love noble people. Chrysoprase is no exception. He may simply refuse to serve a self-interested owner. It is not recommended to wear the mineral for those who like to indulge in daydreaming. Chrysoprase can lead you into the world of illusions, which will do you a disservice.

If you urgently need money, wear a silver ring with chrysoprase on your right ring finger. If you need to conduct important business negotiations, put the jewelry on your left ring finger. If you want to become a magnet for money, carry an unmounted gem in your left pocket.

Rhodonite – “I am talented and successful”

The gem of the morning dawn favors those who make money with their talent and intuition. Rhodonite awakens hidden powers and abilities. This is a faithful assistant for those who like to get to the bottom of things and examine an object or situation from the inside. The stone will not tolerate superficial acquaintance.

Rhodonite is capable of:

  • protect property from robbers;
  • awaken a love for art;
  • attract luck, money and love into life.

Rhodonite patronizes creative individuals.

Citrine – “I am prudent and lucky”

The delicate lemon crystal patronizes those who like to walk on the edge, influence other people, and be lucky in all areas of life. Citrine is called the talisman of swindlers, casino lovers, and gambling. But the stone also helps jewelers, illusionists, and fortune tellers achieve success.

Citrine makes a person more calculating and cold-blooded.

The mineral helps you make money by pushing you to the right thoughts. The stone of wealth awakens inner strength, gives insights that allow you to find a way out of even dead-end situations. It is sometimes said that citrine helps make money out of thin air. Perhaps this is why he is the talisman of Gemini and Aquarius. Citrine is capable of:

  • give a successful idea for making money;
  • improve such a valuable quality in business as prudence;
  • provide protection from theft, the evil eye, and envy;
  • provide a stable income.

To protect yourself from negativity from ill-wishers, it is recommended to wear a citrine ring on your left index finger. If you want to ensure a comfortable existence and increase cash flow, wear jewelry on your right index finger. Citrine is not recommended for Scorpios, as well as earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Stones that give power, wealth, success do not do anything supernatural. They simply change a person’s perception and direct his energy in the right direction. Select minerals taking into account your type of activity, as well as your character. In this case, the gem will show itself in all its glory, becoming a reliable assistant and protector.

Remember, when choosing jewelry, it is better to give preference to products made from natural materials. Rings, earrings, and pendants that are popular today with natural stones and a scattering of artificial cubic zirconia have less strength than similar jewelry without synthetic stones. Artificial crystals change the energy of natural gems, preventing them from doing their job. In addition, cubic zirconia vampirizes a person’s energy.