
The origin of the holiday Valentine's Day briefly. St. Valentine's Day. History of occurrence. Love Day in Japan


Everyone knows the legends associated with Happy Valentine's Day The 14th of February. Allegedly, during the time of the Roman Empire, Bishop Valentine lived, who married soldiers with beloved girls, which violated Roman laws. Later, several more similar legends arose, however real story February 14 celebrations are more prosaic.

Today's roots Valentine's Day leaves for the Lupercalia, which was celebrated during the New Year's festival. The festival was dedicated to the supreme goddess of love, Juno. The inhabitants of Rome believed that the founders of the city, Romulus and Remus, began to celebrate Lupercalia in honor of the she-wolf who fed them with her milk. The name of the holiday comes from lat. lupa - she-wolf).

In the same period, shepherds began to mate their cattle. They have their patron - the god Faun, also known under the names of the Lord, Satyr, and also - Luperk (guard against wolves).

On this day, the priests made generous sacrifices and other rites of veneration for Juno and Faun.

Two not at all modest rites are connected with these celebrations. After all the sacrifices, the confessors removed the skin from the slaughtered goats and dressed up the so-called "luperks" with it. Naked young men were girded with leather, and belts made of the skin of these very sacrificial goats were given into their hands. "Luperki" ran around the Palatine Hill, and then marched through the streets of Rome and beat the women they met with belts. By the way, the Romans were very willing to expose themselves to blows, especially their shoulders and chest - this was considered a good sign that a woman would have a baby this year. Often the celebrations ended with the fact that, in the end, the women were also naked and it all came down to mass orgies.

The celebrations ended with another peculiar rite. Unmarried girls threw notes with their names into a large urn, and men took out these notes. The girl whose name was on the note became his mistress in the next Lupercalia.

The first Christians treated the Lupercalia extremely negatively. And after the legalization of the Christian faith, the Roman Church repeatedly tried to eradicate the Lupercalia, who, in their opinion, cultivated corruption. The first such attempt, and as it turned out quite successful, was made by Pope Gelasius in 496. He replaced the Day of Unbridled Passion with the Day of Christian Love. Instead of stormy festivities, Christians walked in procession with candles. Notes with the names of girls were replaced with notes with the names of Christian saints - men and women pulled out notes and for the next year they were asked to follow the virtues of the saints indicated in the notes.

Since the holiday was scheduled for The 14th of February, then his patron was the saint, whose name day was celebrated on this day - the martyr Valentine, the same Bishop of Interamna. This method partially worked - lupercalia sunk into oblivion, but the people's consciousness, which was hard to part with paganism, gave rise to legends about St. Valentine - the patron saint of lovers.

Of course, Valentine's Day is the most romantic holiday when you can express your feelings to another person and get recognition in return. Everyone exchanges gifts, sweets and cards with gentle words about love. Let's plunge into the history of this holiday together and remember why St. Valentine became the patron saint of loving hearts and what he did for all lovers. There is a sad and at the same time beautiful legend about the origin of this holiday. True, she has several different versions.

The first mention of Valentine's Day

Version one

The story of Saint Valentine began in ancient Rome. He was a young Roman priest who, even under pain of death, helped lovers become legal spouses and secretly betrothed them. The thing is that in those distant and harsh times, all single men were soldiers of their state and its ruler Julius Claudius II forbade them to marry. He believed that in this way they would better fight for new lands, and would not be distracted by thoughts of family and beloved wife. Soon the authorities nevertheless found out that Saint Valentine was violating the ban, and he was sent to prison and sentenced to death. While in prison, he himself met his love, she turned out to be the beautiful daughter of one of the guards - Julia. It was to her that the first valentine was written, in order to express his feelings, the loving priest wrote and gave a message for the girl, which was signed “Your Valentine”. Unfortunately, Julia found out about the bright feelings of the guy only after his execution, which took place just on February 14, 270.

Version two

There is another version of this story. According to which, the patrician Valentine was a Christian, and was imprisoned for his unknown ability to heal even the seriously ill. People did not forget his kindness and handed him notes with words of support and gratitude. By chance, one of them ended up in the hands of the head of this prison, and in the hope of a miraculous healing, he asked to cure his blind daughter from a serious illness. Saint Valentine managed to help her, and he himself was executed in the morning. The girl eventually saw the light and became a beauty of extraordinary beauty.

Fertility Festival

According to another legend, the history of Valentine's Day began in ancient pagan times. In order to increase the birth rate, people arranged unusual holiday eroticism and fertility. It was held in ancient Rome and was called the Lupercalia festival in honor of the fertility god Luperka (Faun). On February 14, the girls wrote down their names on paper and put them in a common basket. Then the guys, relying on their lucky chance, took out at random a note with the name of their future chosen one for the whole next year. And on February 15, a noisy crowd of naked men and young priests had to run around the sacred hills and whip everyone who gets in their way with belts. Women were especially willing to expose themselves to goat-skin rods, as they believed that this rite would certainly bring them fertility.

Where and how did valentines appear

The Lupercalia feast soon died out, but a similar tradition eventually revived in England. In the Middle Ages, young girls and boys chose their life partner in a similar way. They wrote notes to each other with names, and a relationship was born between the matched couples.

And so this romantic custom appeared, to exchange love confessions and notes. The peak of the popularity of valentines falls on the 18th century, when people gave each other home-made colorful cards with tender poems.

How Valentine's Day is celebrated around the world

In all countries, Valentine's Day is perceived differently, respectively, and it is not celebrated in the same way everywhere. But one thing remains unchanged, all lovers, regardless of their location, consider him truly theirs.

Rome is the origin of Valentine's Day. All Italians on February 14 tend to come to Verona and kiss the statue of the famous Juliet. It is believed that in this way a person becomes more successful in love. In Italy, Valentine's Day belongs only to lovers. Italians do not skimp on gifts on this day and present dear hearts to their ladies. Jewelry with diamonds. It is also traditional for Italians to give each other candies with hazelnuts on this day, each of which contains a declaration of love in four languages ​​of the world.

France is called the country of love and freedom for a reason. Indeed, on Valentine's Day, it is customary here to make a marriage proposal to your beloved! It is considered a great happiness to receive a box with a treasured ring from your chosen one on this day. The French also organize large-scale festivities on February 14, called "Une Loteried Amour", which in translation sounds like: "Drawing of love." Each participant of the holiday, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, what age he is and what country he is from, must approach any open window and shout out the phrase: “Become my Valentine!”. Statistics say that alliances formed on this very day become very strong and durable afterwards.

In the UK, all the inhabitants of the country love this holiday so much that they send romantic cards not only to their soul mates, but also to all friends, relatives and even their beloved pets.

If you have been unsuccessfully dreaming of getting married for a long time, feel free to go to Canada! After all, only there, a girl who confessed her tender feelings February 14, any man, in any case, will receive a positive response. Otherwise, a substantial fine is imposed on the man, which should be enough for a shopping therapy for the young lady after the refusal.

Americans celebrate Valentine's Day in a special way. A month before the holiday, tables are booked in restaurants, crazy romantic surprises are invented. Marzipans are considered a traditional gift in America for Valentine's Day.

For Russia, this holiday is quite young, because it appeared with us only in the early nineties. But this did not prevent him from gaining wild popularity among the Russian people and will fall in love with everyone. After all, even at school, children willingly exchange cards and confessions on February 14th.

Traditions and signs of Valentine's Day

  • It is customary not to sign a valentine and even try to change the handwriting so that the loved one himself guesses from whom he received the message.
  • Since ancient times, there has been a belief that the first person you meet along the way on this day is the one who is destined for you by fate.
  • The couple should spend Valentine's Day together, you can't quarrel, and swear even because of the little things. Because it can lead to a breakup in the future.
  • Happy hours are not observed, so if you are in love, forget about the hours on this day and enjoy the wonderful moments spent together.
  • A traditional gift for Valentine's Day are paired items. It can be anything: figurines, mugs, pendants, etc. The main thing is that half of the gift is always kept with you and not passed on to anyone, so your couple will always be strong.
  • There are some signs that on a normal day would make us very upset, but on February 14 they bring only happiness! If you broke a mirror on Valentine's Day, do not be discouraged, this means that you will have a happy and strong family life. And if you forgot something when leaving home, expect some good news from your loved ones. Also, if on this day, your loved one turns out to be the first guest, then the whole next year you will be inseparable from this person.
  • There are signs that do not carry anything good. For example, tripping on Valentine's Day can lead to separation from a loved one. To prevent this from happening, stomp several times in the place where you stumbled. Also on this day you can not lose personal belongings, so as not to lose a loved one. Be sure to try to find the lost item.

Do not forget that the most important gift is always attention, love and care. So it doesn't really matter what you present to your loved one on Valentine's Day, the main thing is sincerity and mutual feelings. Then you will never be able to separate some minor signs.

Valentine's Day— the most romantic holiday! All over the world it is celebrated as a day of love: boys and girls, men and women exchange valentines- greeting cards in the form of hearts. This tradition appeared a very long time ago, back in the 7th century. But how exactly did she appear?

There are many legends. Valentine, according to the Catholic Church, really healed a blind girl - the daughter of a dignitary Asterius. Asterius believed in Christ and was baptized. Claudius then ordered the execution of Valentine. That is, Valentine suffered for the faith, and therefore was canonized as a saint.

More romantic is another legend. In 269, the Roman emperor Claudius II forbade his legionnaires from marrying, so that the family would not distract them from military affairs. But there was the only Christian preacher in all of Rome, Valentine, who sympathized with the lovers and tried to help them. He reconciled quarreling lovers, composed letters for them with declarations of love, gave flowers to young spouses and secretly married legionnaires - contrary to the law of the emperor.

Claudius II, learning about this, ordered the priest to be seized and thrown into prison. But even there, Valentine continued to do good deeds. He fell in love with the blind daughter of his executioner and healed her. And it happened like this: before the execution, the young priest wrote a farewell note to the girl with a declaration of love, signed: "From Valentine." Having received this news, the jailer's daughter received her sight. Valentine was executed on February 14, 269. Since then, people celebrate this day as a holiday of lovers.
Two hundred years later, Valentine was proclaimed a Saint, the patron saint of all lovers. world holiday declarations of love are now celebrated everywhere. And in memory of the letter written by Valentine to his beloved, on February 14, lovers give each other Greeting Cards— valentines. According to tradition, they are not signed, but they try to change the handwriting: it is believed that a person must guess who sent him a Valentine. In addition to valentines on this day, men give their loved ones flowers, most often red roses.
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Gradually, Valentine's Day turned from a Catholic holiday into a secular one. He is loved by men and women, boys and girls. This holiday is celebrated with pleasure, although it is not listed in the calendar among the official holidays.

In Russia, Valentine's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently - somewhere at the end of the last century. And on this day, everyone congratulates not only their loved ones, but also friends. Well, why not? After all, this is a great occasion to wish friends love and happiness! By the way, in Finland this day is really celebrated not only as Valentine's Day, but also as Friends Day!

In almost all countries on Valentine's Day, it is customary to give gifts and valentines to loved ones. And on this day they like to arrange weddings and get married. But it should be noted that Valentine's Day is still not popular everywhere. For example, in Saudi Arabia, this holiday is generally prohibited. There is even a special commission in the country that strictly ensures that no one celebrates Valentine's Day.


At the beginning of the 19th century, the Americans had a custom - on Valentine's Day, give marzipan figurines to their loved ones. And marzipans in those days were considered a great luxury! And it is also customary for American children to give gifts to sick and lonely people on this day.


In England, they used to carve wooden "spoons of love" and give them to their loved ones. They were decorated with hearts, keys and keyholes, which symbolized: the path to the heart is open.

There is a very beautiful legend about how Aphrodite stepped on a bush of white roses and stained the roses with her blood. This is how red roses were born. It is believed that the ancestor of the tradition of giving red roses to loved ones was Louis XVI, who presented such a bouquet to Marie Antoinette.

Even in England there is a belief - the first man you see on this day is your betrothed. Therefore, unmarried girls get up early on this day and run to the window to look out for their betrothed.


On Valentine's Day, the French hold various romantic contests. For example, the competition for the longest serenade - a song about love - is very popular. And it was in France that the first quatrain message was written. And of course, it is customary to give jewelry on this day.


This holiday has been celebrated in Japan since the 1930s. last century. Interestingly, in Japan, Valentine's Day is considered an exclusively male holiday, so gifts for this holiday are given mainly to men, as a rule, chocolate (mainly in the form of a figurine of St. Valentine), as well as all kinds of colognes, razors, etc. And if a woman gave a man such a chocolate bar, then exactly one month later, on March 14, he presents her with a return gift - white chocolate. So on March 14, the Japanese again have a holiday called "White Day".

And the Japanese hold a competition for the loudest and brightest love message. Boys and girls climb onto the platform and shout from there about their love.
The store staff congratulates all lovers on the upcoming holiday - AFTERNOON SAINT VALENTINE'S!!!


Valentine's Day is also known as Valentine's Day, and more commonly referred to as Valentine's Day. The history of the holiday dates back to ancient times, and is closely connected with ancient Roman pagan practices. The precursor to Valentine's Day is brutal pagan holiday Lupercalia, which was also celebrated on February 14th. On this day, the Romans made sacrifices to the goddess of feverish love and the god Faun. After the ceremony, the Romans made scourges from the skins of sacrificial animals, with which they went out into the streets and beat all the women they met with them. It was believed that spanking helped infertile women acquire the ability to bear children. Subsequently, after the Christianization of Rome, the Lupercalia were banned.

Who is Saint Valentine

The personality of St. Valentine over the centuries has managed to acquire beautiful legends. Most historians agree that the ancestor of the holiday of all lovers was a field doctor and priest Valentine. He lived in the third century BC and served under the Roman Emperor Claudius II.

© Sputnik / Natalia Seliverstova

Lovers in Gorky Park in Moscow

Claudius II was a cruel dictator, and at some point came to the conclusion that unmarried men are not useful for the state, and therefore it is better for them to fight on the battlefield. For this reason, he soon forbade men to marry and girls to marry.

Valentine was a field doctor, and personally saw the suffering of soldiers, therefore, under the cover of night, he secretly married lovers. Soon, rumors reached the emperor, and Valentine was sentenced to death for his activities. In prison, Valentine met the warden's blind daughter Yulia and fell in love with her. Intoxicated with feelings, he wrote the first Valentine in history - a letter signed "Your Valentine". Unfortunately, the letter reached Julia only after the execution of Valentine, and he was executed on February 14, 269. And as the legend says, after reading Valentine's letter, Julia regained her sight.

Valentine's Day Customs

In America, on Valentine's Day, it is customary to give brides a red and white heart-shaped caramel. The red light symbolizes passion, while the white light symbolizes devotion and sincerity. In Italy, they also give each other sweets on Valentine's Day, and in France they delight each other with expensive jewelry.
In Japan, Valentine's Day is more of a men's holiday - only men receive gifts.

© Sputnik / Alexey Malgavko

Signs for Valentine's Day

There are several folk signs for Valentine's day. For example, if on this day you look at the sky and see a sparrow there, then you should beware of dishonorable suitors. And if a tit flies over you, then the husband will be faithful and family. A similar sign is associated with dogs: if a dog runs up to you on Valentine's Day and starts sniffing your boots, then the future husband will be a family man and henpecked. And if you meet a cat, then your spouse will be windy and unreliable.

Or Valentine's Day - a holiday that is celebrated on February 14 all over the world. There are several versions about the origin of this holiday, according to one of which Valentine's Day was once called the "Bird's Wedding", since it was believed that on this day, February 14, birds choose their mate. According to another version, many years ago, a Christian priest named Valentine performed a wedding ceremony forbidden by the Roman emperor, for which he was executed on February 14 and since then he has been considered the patron saint of lovers.

Another legend refers to the time when Rome was pagan. It tells how the Christian preacher Valentine was imprisoned for his faith and in front of everyone healed the jailer's daughter and gave her sight. He was sentenced to death, and on February 13, on the eve of his execution, he sent her a tender farewell letter.

The next legend combines the previous two. They say that Valentine, being the bishop of Terni, showed a special disposition to young lovers, helped write letters with declarations of love, reconciled those who quarreled, gave flowers to young spouses. His arrest was allegedly caused by the fact that the Roman emperor Julius Claudius II did not allow the soldiers of the imperial legions to fall in love and marry, and Valentine secretly married legionnaires. When Valentine was in prison, he, as legend has it, fell in love with the blind daughter of his executioner and healed her. Before his execution, he left her a farewell note signed "Your Valentine".

Subsequently, as a Christian martyr who suffered for his faith, Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church. And in 496, Pope Gelasius declared February 14th St. Valentine's Day. Since then, lovers have revered St. Valentine and consider him their intercessor. In memory of the letter written by Valentine to his beloved, on this day it is customary to give each other greeting cards "valentines" in the form of hearts, with Best wishes, declarations of love, marriage proposals or just jokes.

Later, in the Catholic Church, Valentine's Day began to be considered an optional holiday. Since 1969, as a result of the reform of worship, Saint Valentine was removed from the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church (along with other Roman saints, information about whose life is contradictory and unreliable).

Despite this, Valentine's Day, the patron saint of all lovers, has received truly worldwide recognition, it has become popular in many countries, among believers and non-believers, regardless of nationality and religious denominations. In addition, in many countries there were analogues of Valentine's Day, and often the inhabitants of these countries celebrate the holiday twice - in February, on Valentine's Day, and on their traditional day.

In Russia, this holiday has been celebrated most massively and openly since the early 1990s. A kind of domestic analogue of St. Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day in Soviet times was International Women's Day on March 8, and now - the All-Russian Day of Conjugal Love and Family Happiness, celebrated on July 8. On this day, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who since ancient times were considered in Russia as the patrons of the family and marriage.

The love story of Peter and Fevronia is described in detail and colorfully in the famous old Russian "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia". According to the Lives of the Saints, Prince Peter ascended the throne of Murom in 1203. A few years earlier, he had contracted leprosy, from which no one could cure him. In a dream, it was revealed to the prince that the pious peasant girl Fevronia could do this. The prince fell in love with Fevronia for her piety, wisdom and kindness and vowed to marry her after the healing. Fevronia cured the prince and married him. The holy spouses carried love and fidelity to each other through many trials. They became famous for their righteous life and mercy.

Saints Peter and Fevronia died on the same day and hour on July 8, 1228, having previously taken monastic vows with the names David and Euphrosyne. The bodies of the saints were placed in one coffin. The Russian Orthodox Church canonized Peter and Fevronia as saints. Today their relics rest in the Holy Trinity Convent in Murom.

At the initiative of the inhabitants of the city of Murom (Vladimir region), where the relics of the holy spouses rest, the pre-revolutionary traditions of celebrating the day of Sts. Peter and Fevronia. This idea was supported by the deputies of the State Duma Russian Federation and in 2008 the holiday received official government status.

On March 26, 2008, at a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, the Federation Council unanimously approved the initiative to establish a new public holiday - the All-Russian Day of Conjugal Love and Family Happiness. In 2008, Russia for the first time celebrated July 8 as a national Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

However, unlike its Western counterpart, Russian holiday several patron saints at once. patron saints family well-being a pious couple is considered - Joachim and Anna, in whose family the Mother of God was born, on August 29, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the miraculous Fedorov Icon of the Mother of God, which is revered as the patroness of brides, family well-being, the birth of children in childless couples, helping in difficult births. In Russia, there is another holiday during which the Orthodox pray for the gift of a prosperous family life, is the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. From Intercession Day - October 14 - they began to celebrate weddings, and the girls went to church that day to pray that the Lord would send them good grooms .

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources