
Solution for cleaning silverware. How to quickly clean silver at home. Jewelry Cleaning Methods


Silver is a light-colored metal, which is easily adhered to by impurities. It may turn yellow or blacken, lose its luster. You can clean the product in jewelry workshops, or you can do it at home, because not only jewelry is silver, but also cutlery, which also needs effective care and quick cleaning from blackness.

Why silver begins to blacken

There can be several reasons for the darkening of silver or a change in the intensity of its brilliance. First of all, it really does not like humidity, it must be stored in a dry room. Jewelry can become darker and lose its luster from prolonged contact with human skin, because our sweat contains sulfur compounds, which chemically react with prolonged contact - it begins to oxidize, due to which chains, bracelets or rings are first covered with a thin film of a grayish color, and then it gets darker and darker.

The amount of copper as a chemical element is individual in the sweat of each person, therefore there are also people on whom silver does not darken at all even from prolonged wear.

Another reason for changing the color of silver products is the very composition of jewelry or cutlery, as a rule, this metal is not used in its pure form, its alloys with other substances are used in production, for example, gold or copper, zinc or platinum. The less pure silver in the alloy, the more prone the product is to darkening.

In jewelry stores, we can often find 925 sterling silver, which means that the proportion of silver in this alloy is 92.5%. Such an alloy does not oxidize very much (however, this depends on the care of the product and on its storage, as well as on the individual characteristics of the person wearing it).

What else can affect the state of silver? The substances with which it comes into contact:

  • some of the products that we use daily - washing powders, washing gels;
  • cosmetics;
  • food products - salt, chicken eggs, onions;
  • household gas;
  • rubber.

What other contaminants are “friendly” with silver products

In addition to the fact that silver turns black, it can also turn yellow, becoming like copper (from hydrogen sulfide or carbon dioxide), or turn green from contact with iodine. Sometimes dark spots form on it.

Do they get rusty?

Rust on noble silver happens, but quite rarely. Old ones usually rust silver coins, less often - jewelry or cutlery. You can clean the product from rust with citric acid or tooth powder.

How professional cleaning works in jewelers' workshops

In jewelry workshops and cleaning salons silver products use special cleaning wipes or liquid cleaners, such as Silver Quick cleaning fluid from Johnson or Leuchtturm. Contaminated or darkened products are dipped into such a solution for a small amount of time (it is indicated on the bottle), then they are taken out, washed with clean water and wiped dry. In such liquids, they are cleaned as decorations with precious stones, and without them. After cleaning silver in such compositions, a thin transparent coating remains on the products, which for some time protects earrings and chains from darkening. Similar compounds can be bought at jewelry stores, as well as in the household chemical departments of ordinary department stores, and used at home every time your silver items need cleaning.

Napkins for cleaning from yellowness and darkening - what are they

There are two types of napkins designed for noble light metal - with or without special impregnation. Their main material is microfiber, a soft fabric that does not harm the smooth, shiny surface of silverware. Unimpregnated wipes are polished, impregnated are cleaned. Quite difficult to clean with paper towels silver jewelry with stones and inserts or dishes with a complex protruding pattern, as well as chains with small links.

What are wet wipes

A special solution is applied to special wipes, which is based on finely dispersed active substances. Silver cleaning wipes can be disposable (if cleaned quickly, one wipe is enough to clean 15–20 items) or reusable. Do not use these wipes to clean jewelry with stones, especially pearls, amber and mother-of-pearl.

What can not be cleaned

Silver cannot be processed with hard, abrasive agents - they leave scratches on this metal. We use only gentle methods. Aggressive products are allowed only when cleaning a heavily soiled canteen.

Is it possible to clean at the same time as gold

Do not clean silver items together with gold items, they are suitable for different means and cleaning methods.

What products do not pose a danger to the smooth surface of tableware and decorations

Silver can be safely cleaned with special tools designed for this (Aladdin, Talisman, Silbo, Silver Solution), and in addition - citric acid, soda (sometimes a mixture of salt and soda), soapy water. Ammonia is often used for these purposes (in some cases, tooth powder, crushed chalk are added to it), vinegar, even soda - Coca-Cola is more often used.

How to clean silver at home from blackness


When cleaning silver, you should not use pure ammonia (aka ammonia), so let's prepare the following mixture: 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of ammonia in half a liter of water, to add shine to the products, add a few drops of liquid soap or hydrogen peroxide (this is not an obligatory step). We moisten a woolen cloth in the resulting liquid, wipe the decoration, wipe it dry. For silverware, it is quite delicate, but very effective way getting rid of blackening.


We dilute baking soda in water, lower jewelry there for 5-7 minutes, take it out, wipe it dry. Soda cleans dirt well and does not harm the smooth surface of products.


For cleaning from dark spots heated 6% table vinegar is well suited (the acid contained in it dissolves impurities without damaging the precious metal itself), moisten a piece of cotton cloth or suede, wipe the blackened silver jewelry with a damp disk until the blackness disappears, then with a dry cloth.


The ideal option is Coca-Cola: pour a little soda into a separate bowl, put the silver there that needs to be cleaned, leave it for 3-4 hours, take it out, wipe it. There is another variation of this method - bring the Cola to a boil and lower the decorations into boiling soda, then 5-10 minutes will be enough for cleaning. However, if silver jewelry or cutlery is heavily soiled, Cola may not be able to cope.

We breed 4 tbsp. spoons citric acid in 1/2 liter of water, heat in a water bath so that the acid is completely dissolved and we get a saturated solution. We dip a small piece of copper into the acid (you can use a copper earring or wire) - and our darkened silver, keep it on fire for about half an hour, take it out, rinse it with cool water. Cleaning silver with citric acid can leave small scratches on it, which are noticeable only with a very careful examination of the product.

This method is effective, but it is not suitable for cleaning products with gold inserts or with precious (semi-precious) stones - sapphire, amethyst, rock crystal, turquoise, serpentine, jade ... In addition, many stones are afraid of high boiling temperatures, for example, turquoise, tourmaline , aquamarine, amethyst.


Let's dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 glass of water, soak silver for 2-3 hours or boil in saline for 10-15 minutes, blackening from silver will disappear.

Tooth powder or cigarette ash

We mix tooth powder or ashes with water to the state of slurry, wipe the silver thing with this slurry, rinse, wipe. It is important to remember that these are abrasives, harsh products, and they are used on silver products with care - scratches can form on the metal, and silver can also tarnish. For products with stones, this method is not recommended.

Detergent and a mixture of salt and soda

We use aluminum dishes: add detergent, soda and salt to 1 liter of water, in total - 1 tbsp each. spoon. We lower silver products there, put on fire and bring to a boil. We boil until our things are completely cleansed. This usually takes about 20 minutes.

Water from boiled eggs

Boil 2-3 hard-boiled eggs in water, take them out, let the water cool, then put silver items in it for 15-20 minutes, take it out and wipe it dry.

soldering acid

This method will help to clean silver from rust - wet a cloth, wipe, rinse, dry.

Paste GOI

This polishing agent comes in solid and pasty form. We need a pasty mass. The surface of the silver product just needs to be rubbed soft cloth with paste - calmly, without fanaticism, otherwise we can get unnecessary scratches. Thus, we remove all stains, blackness, yellowness or rust, rinse the product and wipe it dry. Paste GOI - effective remedy, however, like cigarette ash or tooth powder, it is an abrasive and should not be used on silver items with stones, blackened silver, and silver plated with gold plating.

Cleaning with a solution in an ultrasonic bath

Ultrasound removes dirt from silver products in the most inaccessible places, well cleans silver with stones (except for products with opal, amber, emerald, sapphire, moonstone, turquoise) or a complex pattern. A special liquid is poured into the ultrasonic bath and the silver object that we want to clean is placed. As soon as we turn on the device, high-frequency sound vibrations appear in the bath, which affect the dirt.

Video: how to clean silver in different ways?

How to quickly and effectively clean silver jewelry

Jewelry "under silver" can be cleaned with toothpaste or tooth powder, soda and chalk. If the product is copper, you can clean it with a mixture of salt and vinegar. In the event that metal and plastic are combined in jewelry, you need to clean it very in soft ways e.g. with shampoo or dishwashing detergent. Jewelry "under silver" in no case should not be rubbed, you need to carefully wash it in soapy water. It may take more than one pass to do this.

Important nuances

How to work safely

Silver should not be cleaned in "rough" ways, for example, using a toothbrush with paste applied to it or a mixture of ammonia and tooth powder, because unpleasant microcracks can form on the surface of the product. It is safe to use a soft cloth such as microfiber to clean silver.

You should also not use wet soda powder (you can use soda diluted in water), it can also leave scratches.

How to clean cutlery

Silver cutlery can be boiled in a solution of 5% formic acid or 5% sulfuric acid, or cleaned with citric acid. You can also prepare a solution of water and washing powder (we take arbitrary proportions) and boil cutlery in it for 10 minutes, a solution of water and soda is also suitable.

Another way is to clean your silverware with window cleaner. Of course, after this, the product must be rinsed well with running water and wiped dry.

Only those silver cutlery that have a special coating can be washed in the dishwasher, silver cutlery must not be mixed with other metal cutlery, and only a gentle detergent can be used.

Cleaning from dirt and dust blackened silver

For such silver there are methods:

  1. Mix 10 g grated laundry soap(you can also use liquid) and 1 teaspoon of soda, dissolve in 1/2 liter of water, dip blackened silver into the solution for 15 minutes, remove, rinse, wipe.
  2. We cut 1-2 raw potatoes, fill it with cold water and immediately dip silver there, leave it to soak for 3 hours, then everything is according to the previous scheme - we wash, wipe, clean.

How to clean silver with gold inserts, with cubic zirkonia

Cubic zirconias and gold inserts tolerate cleaning in soapy water well.

How to process a rhodium-plated item

Rhodium-plated silver is coated with a special solution that prevents oxidation and corrosion. Such silver is very easy to scratch, although it is quite resistant to aggressive dry cleaning. The product does not become dull, so it can be cleaned less often than regular silver. When cleaning, do not use ammonia-containing products, such as ammonia. You can - soapy water and special cleaning wipes.

How to make gold-plated metal cleaner

If the dirt on gilded silver is not strong, you can wipe it with dry suede. If there is darkening, we use a cotton pad soaked in ethyl alcohol or turpentine, or table vinegar.

Helpful Hints

In almost every home you can find items made of silver, be it dishes or jewelry. Sooner or later the time will come when they need cleaning. The question comes to mind how effective and without harm to health or to the subject itself you can clean silver at home.

It is worth noting that cleaning silver is not a very difficult process, and everyone is able to choose the appropriate method for themselves. It is natural that For cleaning silver antiques, you should contact a specialist., but in other cases, you can do it yourself using improvised means.

Despite the fact that every family knows its "most The best way"cleaning silver, exists several generic methods, which can be used even by those who have never cleaned such products before.

Let's look at a few well-known universal ways with which you can clean silver at home.

How can you clean silver from blackness?

Blackness is perhaps the only drawback of silver. Over time, silver objects become covered with an unpleasant black coating.

It should be noted that before cleaning silver it is necessary to determine the degree of contamination of the object and its sample. It's because base products include impurities of other metals, which means that when cleaning them, it is advisable to use special tools.

It happens that the alloy from which the product is made includes copper. You can find out about this by contamination - the product not black, but green. For cleaning, you will need a solution of Trilon B (10%). It will dissolve the green layer, after which you can adopt one of the following methods.

1. Special liquid for cleaning silver

You can buy it at the store in the household chemicals department. Still, this liquid can not be found in every store. Try to look for it in a specialized store that sells household chemicals.

Follow the instructions when using this liquid, although it can be said that this method is very simple - you need to wipe silver items with an ordinary cloth dipped in this special liquid.

If you visit a jewelry store, they will be able to offer you a set that contains a special liquid and a few soft rags. Some liquids allow not only to clean silver, but also protect it from re-contamination by covering the product with a protective layer.

2. How to clean silver with ammonia

At home, ammonia will greatly help clean your silver. It can be bought at every pharmacy.

Just make a solution of ammonia and water (1:10), apply it to a cloth and start rubbing the silver until the tarnish disappears.

3. How to clean silver with lemon juice or citric acid

If you have no time to go for a special liquid or ammonia to a store or pharmacy, lemon juice or citric acid will come to the rescue. This method will very quickly help you clean silver at home.

Immerse the silver item in a strong solution of citric acid. Wait a few minutes and the blackness will disappear by itself. It is important to use enough citric acid so that the silver can be completely immersed in it.

4. How to clean silver with baking soda

Pour a little baking soda into a saucer and moisten a little with water. Soak a cloth in the solution and start wiping the silver. It is important to do this carefully so as not to scratch the silver items. It is worth noting that this method more suitable for items without complex patterns.

5. Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide

Dip a silver object into this solution and wait 20 minutes. Next, wipe the silver with a thick cloth.

6. Tooth powder or toothpaste

This is also effective if the item has been exposed to high levels of oxidation.

Make a mixture of toothpaste, baking soda and ammonia. Evenly coat silver objects with it using gruel. Do everything carefully so as not to scratch the object. It is better to rub with a soft brush and without effort.

Do not use this method when cleaning patterned items, as the paste can get stuck between them and ruin the silver.

7. Boiling water with soda

Suitable for silverware. Boil silver items in this solution, and they will acquire their former brilliance.

8 Curdled Milk

Suitable for removing tarnish from silver items. Place the silver items in curdled milk for a few minutes. Then wash them in warm water and wipe with a dry cloth.

9. Soap solution with ammonia

Silver dishes can be washed in soapy water once a week, adding a few drops of ammonia to it. Thus, you will ensure the shine of the dishes for a long time.

10. Potato decoction

Boiled potatoes? Don't pour out the water. Let it cool a little, and then put the silverware into the solution. You can also add a piece of foil there. In 5 minutes you can get your brand new silver.

How to clean silver with stones?

Silver jewelry containing stones must be handled with care, as cleaning with some cleaning agents can damage the stones. Be especially careful with amber and pearls.

Most the best way will hand over such jewelry to a specialist who knows how to clean them.

You can also use a special liquid for jewelry, which can be found in jewelry stores.

Helpful Hints

If you do not want the cleaned product to no longer oxidize and darken further, you need to monitor the humidity in the room. It is also necessary to prevent the contact of silver with medicines and preparations, which include sulfur.

While these tips won't guarantee that your silver won't blacken over time, it will increase its lifespan and make it much easier to clean in the future.

Silver is a noble metal used to make dishes, interior items, and jewelry. Its ions have disinfecting properties, which means that the use of silver cutlery has a positive effect on health. But over time, the surface of the metal changes - it grows dull, dark deposits and spots appear on it. We will figure out how to clean silver at home so that it acquires its original appearance.

Before we figure out how to clean silver at home, let's find out why it darkens. In the old days, it was believed that black magic was to blame. But now it has been established that the metal reacts with different elements.

Reasons for the darkening of silver:

  1. Excessive humidity in the room or contact with wet skin.
  2. Reaction to human sweat. If there is a lot of sulfur in it, then silver turns black quickly. The predominance of nitrogen in the secretion of sweat glands contributes to the long-term preservation of the appearance of the metal. TO a large number sulfur in secretions can lead to pathologies, as well as taking medications.
  3. Interaction with cosmetics, food (onions, yolks, salt), household chemicals, rubber, gas.
  4. Incorrect storage.
  5. Low quality metal.

How to choose a cleaning method

The answer to the question of how you can clean silver at home is determined by factors such as:

  • product sample, composition, if we are talking about an alloy;
  • the presence of gilding, precious stones, enamel and other additional elements;
  • degree of pollution;
  • the size.

Exists important rule: aggressive agents can only be used for simple decorations and household items made of silver. If they have stones, enamel, gilding, engraving, then only sparing methods are allowed. Expensive filigree jewelry made of high-quality metal is best left to professionals.

Sold special preparations for the processing of silver. Popular brands are Talisman, Silbo, Aladdin, Silver Quick. They are available in the form of sprays, solutions, pastes, wipes. Such products clean effectively and gently, but it is important to follow the instructions carefully.

Important: Silver is a soft, ductile metal. When working with it, do not use rough cloth, hard brushes and metal scrapers.

Cleaning methods

High-quality silver cleaning at home requires preparation. It is necessary to remove grease, dust, residues of cosmetics, products and other contaminants from the surface. To do this, prepare a warm solution of water and soap, shampoo or detergent in random proportions.

In the liquid, you need to thoroughly rinse the silver product. If it has indentations, it is recommended to use a soft toothbrush. At the end, you need to rinse the jewelry or cutlery in clean water and let it dry.

Toothpaste and powder

You can quickly clean silver from blackness at home using tooth powder or paste. But this method is considered rather rough, so it is better not to use it for jewelry and expensive household items.

The powder should be diluted with water to a slurry state. The paste does not need to be prepared, it should be white without impurities and large abrasive particles. The mass must be applied to a soft flap and gently rub the thing made of silver. You can use a soft toothbrush. It is important to move in one direction in a straight line. Do not press too hard on the metal, otherwise the surface may be damaged.

Note: With any cleaning method, the final treatment consists in rinsing the silver item under running water, drying it and carefully polishing it with a soft cloth.


An available silver cleaner is baking soda. To process simple products, it is enough to combine the substance with water to make a slurry, apply it to the surface, and after 10 minutes remove it by gently rubbing the thing with a cloth.

If there is a problem than carefully cleaning silver at home, it is better to use a soda solution. Action algorithm:

  1. Boil 250 ml of water, add 20 g of soda to it, stir.
  2. Drop a piece of foil into the bottom of the container. If an aluminum pan is used, this can be dispensed with.
  3. Put silver objects into the hot solution. Wait 15 minutes.

Citric and other acids

An effective silver cleaning solution can be prepared with citric acid. Stages of work:

  1. Dissolve 100 g of acid in 500 ml of water.
  2. Put a container with liquid in a water bath, put a piece of copper wire into it.
  3. After the solution boils, lower the silver into it for 15 minutes.

If the silver item is small and not very dirty, you can simply soak the cloth in vinegar (6%) and wipe the surface. Another option for a cleanser is a 10% citric acid solution (10 g of powder per 100 ml of water).

Coins and other simple items that have become very dark will help clean formic or sulfuric acid. Items should be boiled for several minutes in a 5% solution of one of these substances.

Important: When using various acids and substances with a strong odor, wear gloves in a room in which air circulates.

ammonium chloride

Thinking about how to clean silver at home quickly, you should resort to ammonia. Products that are slightly darkened, it is enough to wipe with cotton wool soaked in it. Heavily contaminated items should be placed in a 10% ammonia solution for 10 minutes, then rinsed with water.

You can also use the following methods:

  1. Combine water, ammonia and tooth powder in a ratio of 5:2:1. Soak a napkin in the solution and rub the silver. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in equal amounts. Hold the product in the liquid for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Pour a little ammonia into the chalk powder to make a paste. Process metal. Instead of chalk, you can use tooth powder.


Ordinary table salt will help to give silver a shining look:

  1. Dissolve 25 g of salt and 10 g of cream of tartar in 0.5 l of hot water. Dip the products in the liquid for 10-20 minutes.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of water into an aluminum pan. After it boils, add 10 g of salt, soda and dish detergent, mix. Put the silver into the bowl. Boil 30 minutes.

Other Methods

For cleaning simple silver items, there are several more effective methods:

  1. Pour Sprite, Cola, 7-Up, or similar drink containing phosphoric acid into a pot. Submerge an object made of silver into the liquid. Boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat.
  2. Prepare a solution of laundry detergent and water in arbitrary proportions. Dip the decoration or cutlery into it. Boil 10 minutes.
  3. Spray the product with window cleaner. Wipe with a cloth.
  4. Polish the contaminated item with a regular stationery eraser. For openwork jewelry, the method is not suitable.

The nuances of cleaning products with stones, gilding and other features

How to clean silver with stones so as not to damage it? Such products require careful handling, especially if they are inlaid with turquoise, moonstone, amber, malachite, coral, pearls.

Dust and light dirt can be removed with regular alcohol or cologne. Wipe the jewelry with a cotton pad soaked in the substance. A cotton swab is suitable for processing recesses and various decorative details.

You can remove plaque and stains by soaking silver items for 15-30 minutes in a solution prepared according to one of the following recipes:

  • grate laundry soap, dissolve in warm water to make foam, add a few drops of ammonia;
  • pour a tablespoon of ammonia or vinegar into a glass of water.

The same methods work for . After soaking, the jewelry should be rinsed with water, dried with a paper towel and rubbed with suede.

The original way to clean jewelry with stones is to use lipstick. She needs to lubricate the surface of the metal, and then process it with a flannel flap. If the silver is decorated with pearls, you need to sew a linen bag, pour a spoonful of salt into it and put the product, then wash it in warm water.

Blackened silver needs special care. Cleaning methods:

  • hold the jewelry for 20 minutes in a solution of soap (10 g), soda (1 teaspoon) and water (500 ml);
  • cut raw potatoes, pour water over it and lower the silver there, pull it out after 3 hours.

General rules for cleaning

In order for cleaning to be effective and not harm silver products, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Wash jewelry and household items regularly until the dirt becomes very strong.
  2. Do not use harsh abrasives. When processing simple objects, you can use a soft toothbrush. If you need to clean jewelry, it is better to take a brush with natural bristles.
  3. only allowed to be lubricated by special means. Home methods can damage it.
  4. Radiated metal is resistant to chemical damage, but its surface is easily scratched. It can only be cleaned with a soft cloth.
  5. After pastes and solutions, the product should be washed under running water. It is especially important to do this if foil or aluminum utensils were used during the cleaning process. Otherwise, a film of aluminum sulfate may form on the surface.
  6. To give shine, the metal should be treated with lemon juice and hot water.
  7. Products can be dried on paper napkins or under a hair dryer.
  8. Dry silver items should be polished with suede, flannel or wool.
  9. It is better not to wear jewelry for 2-3 days after cleaning, so that a protective layer forms on them.

How to properly store silver

Silver products will retain a shiny, clean surface for longer if properly cared for. Fundamental rules:

  1. Products should be stored in separate closed boxes (cases, caskets) in a dry place. If an item is not going to be used long time, it should be washed with soapy water, dried and wrapped in flannel, foil or parchment.
  2. It is impossible for silver to come into contact with medicines, food, household chemicals, plastic, rubber during storage.
  3. Jewelry made of silver is recommended to be removed before applying cosmetics, taking a shower, bathing in the bathroom, the sea, visiting the pool, sauna. It is also undesirable to clean them so that detergents do not get on the chain or ring.
  4. If the product gets wet or dirty, wipe it dry with a cloth.

Silver jewelry and household utensils proper care can please their owners for a long time and benefit them. If, nevertheless, the products are covered with a dark coating, they are easy to clean with toothpaste, powder, ammonia, soda and other means. It is better to entrust the processing of very valuable silver items to professionals.


Silver is one of the oldest metals on earth. From time immemorial, it has been used to make dishes, cutlery, household utensils and jewelry. Sparkling metal looks elegant and expensive. Silver nobly emphasizes the play of facets precious metals and their color depth. But it also has one major drawback. In conditions of high humidity, under the influence of chemicals and simply from contact with the human body, silver darkens, turning into “ferrous metal” after a while. Baking soda is used to clean silverware at home. We will tell you more about how this happens in our article.

Anyone who is starting to clean silver jewelry for the first time will benefit from the following recommendations:

  1. To clean the sparkling metal, ordinary baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, food additive E500) is used, which is widely used in the preparation of dough products.
  2. Silver jewelry with precious stones can only be cleaned with soda by hand. It is strictly forbidden to use boiling water or vinegar. If this condition is not observed, the stones may peel off from the jewelry or they will lose their original appearance, burst, become cloudy, etc.
  3. To clean silverware and some other items, you can use soft toothbrushes and sponges.
  4. It is not recommended to clean silver objects with metal brushes, after which scratches remain on the surface of the product.

Cleaning silverware with baking soda

To clean silver items that are slightly cloudy and have lost their original luster, a solution of ordinary baking soda with water is suitable. In addition, you will need a toothbrush and a container for preparing the solution. How to clean silver with baking soda at home?

A tablespoon of soda should be diluted with water to a paste. Apply a small amount of the prepared mass to the toothbrush and clean the product. After completing the procedure, wash the item to be cleaned under running water, and then wipe it dry with a cotton cloth. This method is good for cleaning silverware and jewelry with precious stones. The main thing is not to use any metal brushes and sponges so that there are no marks on the surface of the product.

salt and soda?

This method of cleaning silverware is also called "grandmother's". At the same time, it is one of the most effective ways returning products to original condition. But, despite the popularity of the method, not everyone knows how to clean silver with soda and salt. To do this, you need to take both ingredients in equal proportions and add a little water to bring the dry mass to a slurry state. Then apply the resulting product to the product and leave it in this form for 10 minutes. After the specified time, rub the object with your hands or a toothbrush.

This method has certain advantages and disadvantages. It can only be used on products whose surface is not smooth, but embossed. This is due to the fact that salt is the strongest abrasive and leaves serious scratches on the surface. But with the help of such a slurry, you can get to hard-to-reach areas and remove all stagnant dirt.

Toothpaste for cleaning silver

Another simple and affordable way to clean blackness from silver is with toothpaste and soda. But it should be noted right away that if the surface of the product is corrugated, with thread or strong torsion (chain), then it is unlikely that it will be possible to clean it completely to a shine. This is related to the fact that toothpaste does not penetrate very well into hard-to-reach places with pollution. How to clean silver with baking soda and toothpaste?

To do this, mix the paste with soda, approximately in the same ratio, apply the mass on a napkin and rub the product in a circular motion. Then it will need to be washed with water and wiped dry.

Clean silver at home with baking soda and ammonia?

If, as a result of testing all the previous methods, it was not possible to remove dirt from hard-to-reach areas, then it is worth using another method. It is based on how to clean silver with soda and ammonia quickly and efficiently.

In this case, after cleaning with soda, the product is recommended to be placed in a solution of ammonia with water. In its preparation, a ratio of 1:10 is used. This means that for 5 ml of ammonia, you need to take 50 ml of water. The product is placed in the solution for 45-60 minutes, and then washed with clean water and wiped dry.

Another interesting way

How to clean silver from blackness with soda and foil? This method is the most effective and 100% effective, but it should be used as little as possible. Thanks to step by step instructions you can learn how to clean silver with soda at home to a shine:

  1. Pour two cups of water into a small saucepan.
  2. Add soda (2 tablespoons).
  3. Put the dishes on the fire and let the solution boil.
  4. Dip a silver item wrapped in foil into the soda solution and hold it in boiling water for 15 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, remove the product from the solution, rinse and wipe.

If the contamination of the silver object was insignificant, then it can not be boiled in a solution, but only poured over it. In this case, the container in which the product is placed must be covered with foil.

Since ancient times, silver has been used to make jewelry, dishes and coins. Mystical properties were attributed to this metal. It was believed that products made from it are able to protect a person from evil spirits and diseases. Therefore, silver amulets and household items were in every home. This noble metal has many positive properties:

    Thermal conductivity - it is not in vain that the habit of putting a silver spoon into tea has been preserved so that it cools faster.

    The ability to kill microbes. Scientists have proven that silver really has disinfecting properties, and when people put silver objects into the water, they did it not because of prejudice, but in order to purify it.

    Wearing silver jewelry helps with many diseases: improves eyesight, treats hypertension and diabetes, improves immunity and normalizes activity. internal organs. This has been confirmed by scientists and silver ions are added to many medicines.

    Another property of this metal is that it cleanses the energy of a person, helps to think more clearly, increases intuition and promotes spiritual development. But scientists are skeptical about this.

Everyone who has used silver items knows that this metal has one negative quality that often overshadows the joy of owning such lovely little things. This is that silver darkens with time, spots appear on it, a greenish or yellowish coating. Previously, this was explained by mystical reasons, but now it is known that this metal easily reacts with various substances in the air or on the human body.

What can cause silver to darken?

    from high humidity;

    wearable silver darkens due to human diseases or the characteristics of his sweat;

Various drugs and chemicals that come into contact with silver items can cause it to darken;

    under influence cosmetics that a person uses;

    silver darkens from contact with onions, egg yolks, salt, rubber and household gas.

But silver items are still popular because they are very easy to clean and do not lose their properties if properly cared for.

Cleaning silverware is not too difficult

Silver cleaning methods

V Lately appeared on sale special means for cleaning silver products. But they are not available to everyone, in addition, professionals believe that they contain aggressive chemicals that are harmful to human health and can corrode silver items if they are not washed off well. Yes, and before, when they were not, people cleaned silverware and jewelry, and there are many effective folk methods for this. You can choose any that you like best and that takes into account the characteristics of your silver items. It is recommended that before using any method, hold the product in soapy water and rinse under running water. So, how can you clean silver?

  1. The most famous and common method is brushing with toothpaste or tooth powder. Moisten a soft cloth and squeeze some white paste onto it. If you use a powder, then first dilute it to a mushy state with water, and preferably with a solution of ammonia. Then with this cloth you need to gently rub the product with straight-line movements. But keep in mind that this is a rather rough method, and along with the blackness, you can remove a lot of particles of the silver itself. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for cleaning jewelry and valuables.

  1. Very often they also use soda for this. You can simply dilute baking soda with water in the palm of your hand or on a soft cloth and rub your silver items. But there are also more gentle ways. For example, it helps if silver is dipped in a soda solution for several hours, and then rinsed with water and polished with a soft cloth. But it is most effective if you use an aluminum pan for this or put a piece of foil into the solution. Bring a liter of water to a boil and dilute two tablespoons of soda in it. Dip your silver items for 10-15 minutes and they will shine like new. Instead of soda, you can use salt or mix them together.

Silver products rubbed with soda shine brighter

    Silver products are well cleaned of blackness with the help of ammonia. Not very contaminated items are cleaned immediately, one has only to lower them into its solution - two tablespoons per liter of water. You can keep silver in it for 10-15 minutes. Or you need to wipe the products with a cloth dipped in this solution. More persistent plaque can be removed by mixing ammonia with water and adding a little washing powder. Rinse the products well in this solution and rinse thoroughly with water. Ammonia can also be mixed with hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions and lower the silver there for 15 minutes. Small items, such as a silver ring, can be lightly rubbed with a gruel of chalk and ammonia.

    Silver is often cleaned with acid. It is best to take a 6% solution of vinegar or a 10% solution of citric acid for this and rub the products with a cloth soaked in it. Or dip them for a few minutes in lemon juice. Be sure to rinse your silverware well. Coins and other heavily discolored items can be boiled in a five percent solution of sulfuric or formic acid. V last years an alternative remedy appeared - Coca-Cola and some other carbonated drinks containing phosphoric acid.

    The people often cleaned silver with potatoes. The easiest way is to hold the product for several hours in the water where the chopped raw potatoes lie. To enhance the effect, it can be rubbed. It is also good to use the water in which the potatoes were boiled, especially if you add a piece of foil to it.

    Less known ways for cleaning not heavily contaminated products - this is boiling them with garlic husks, washing with hot broth eggshell with salt or mechanical cleaning with a regular stationery eraser. Sometimes instead of an eraser they use lipstick. It is also easy to clean silver items from ordinary dirt by washing with soapy water, you can take washing powder or "Fairy".

All these methods are quite aggressive and are only suitable for cleaning simple items without stones, gilding or engraving. And for such items there are special cleaning methods. Do not use abrasive materials, strong temperature changes and aggressive liquids in such cases.

How to clean silver jewelry with stones

Such items should be regularly washed in soapy water and not allowed to become heavily soiled. They need to be cleaned very carefully. Amber, pearls and coral are especially sensitive.

Take care of your stone products regularly

    It is best to have them cleaned by a specialist or cleaned with special products.

    But if this is not possible, prepare a solution of laundry soap and a few drops of ammonia and, moistening a soft cloth in it, gently wipe the products. The cracks and the space around the stone can be cleaned with a cotton swab, after dipping it in the same solution.

    Wrap silver jewelry with pearls in a thin linen cloth, pouring a spoonful of salt into it, and rinse in warm water.

    Normal dirt and dust around the stones can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in cologne or alcohol.

How to clean silver plated jewelry

Such jewelry should not be cleaned, but soaked for half an hour in a cleaning solution. And then wipe with a soft cloth or cotton swab. What solutions are used for gold-plated silver?

    soap solution;

    a tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of water;

    a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water;

After soaking, rinse the product in running water, dry and rub with a soft cloth, and even better with suede. You can wipe silver instead of soaking cotton buds, dipped in alcohol or cologne, or with a cloth on which a little lipstick has been applied. Such items need to be cleaned regularly, because it will be very difficult to clean old dirt from them.

How to clean 925 sterling silver

Such products are cleaned only with special tools or in the workshop. Any solutions, and even more so abrasive substances, can cause irreparable harm to these valuable things.

How to clean silver alloys

Cutlery, figurines, and other household items are often made from an alloy of silver with nickel and copper, or with additions of zinc or iron. Such alloys are called cupronickel or nickel silver. To clean them, they are placed for 3-4 hours in a zinc container filled with salted water.

There are conditions for cleaning alloys

How to clean rhodium sterling silver

Sometimes jewelry is plated with rhodium. It is quite chemically stable, but wears off over time. Do not use any abrasive materials and brushes to clean such products, only a soft cloth.

    Silver items should be cleaned regularly, fresh dirt is easier to clean.

    There is the so-called filigree silver, it is specially blackened, this gives the products a special charm. They don't need to be heavily cleaned.

    It is not recommended to use hard brushes and abrasive materials, as they can damage the top layer of the product. Clean them only with a soft cloth. Toothbrushes are especially harmful, as their plastic bristles scratch soft metal. In rare cases, if the product has gaps or carved pattern You can use a soft natural bristle brush.

    After using aluminum for cleaning, be sure to polish the product well with a soft cloth to prevent the formation of aluminum sulfate deposits.

    To make your silver items sparkle, wipe them with a cloth soaked in lemon juice and rinse with hot water.

    Don't get carried away with silver cleaners. They contain strong chemicals and can damage your jewelry if used incorrectly. So follow the instructions carefully. Better yet, get special wipes for cleaning silver.

    After using any cleaning method, rinse the silver item well with warm water and dry with a soft cloth.

    If the silver is very dirty, blackened, or the item is very valuable to you, it is better not to risk it and entrust it to a specialist for cleaning.

    In order not to have to clean your favorite silver items often, you need to properly store them and follow special rules when using them.

How to store and care for silver

In order for silver things to darken less, you need to properly store and use them. In this case, you still have to clean them, but less often. Jewelery must be handled with special care.

    store them in a closed box in a dry place, and if you do not use some decoration for a long time, it is better to wrap it in a flannel cloth;

    before putting the product for long-term storage, wash it in warm water with soap and dry thoroughly;

    do not wear silver jewelry when visiting a bath or pool;

    remove them also during the application of cosmetics and the reception of cosmetic procedures;

    wash jewelry after sports and heavy feasts;

    remove rings and bracelets while doing housework so that they do not come into contact with household chemicals.

Store your silverware properly

Special conditions are also required for other silver products. Spoons, glasses, trays or salt shakers may darken from contact with certain foods, household gas, or improper care. They need to be washed immediately after use. It is best to store silver items in boxes or boxes lined with flannel, or wrapped in parchment. Never place them in such a way that they come into contact with plastic or rubber. Before storage, all silver items must be thoroughly washed and dried. Rinse salt from salt shakers especially well. Never use silver serving trays with eggs and mayonnaise, or they will tarnish quickly.

If you follow these rules, then your silver products will delight you with their brilliance and beauty for a long time.