
Outline of the lesson (senior group) on the topic: Leisure on the topic "International Day of Lefties". Outline of the lesson (senior group) on the topic: Leisure on the theme "International Day of Lefties" World Day of Lefties holiday script


Informative game hour "Congratulations to left-handers" (on the Day of Left-handers) for elementary school

author Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 47 Samara city district
Description This material can be used by primary school teachers, counselors, educators for extracurricular activities, thematic conversations, games in a summer camp for elementary and middle school students.
Target Organization of children's leisure, acquaintance with the holiday "Day of left-handers".
-Expand children's horizons, enrich vocabulary;
- To develop the cognitive interest of students, thinking, memory, speech;
-Clarify and consolidate knowledge on the topic.

Event progress

Today is a holiday for left-handers -
Today will be great!
But first I would like to say
About their contrasting secrets.
Who was sitting with a left-hander from the left -
So luck will suddenly go
Who has business with the left-hander -
That will be lucky in life.
Lefties fill the world
Today will be in honor of their feast!
Happy holiday, dear left-handers!
2 Lead
Today is an interesting day for lefties,
May it be more fun for everyone.
And surprise us with unusual moments,
And we responded with our applause.
1 presenter

World Left-Handed Day was first celebrated on August 13, 1992, at the initiative of the British Left-Handed Club, created two years earlier. According to statistics, about 10% of the world's population is left-handed.

In everyday life, they often have to deal with such a problem as the suitability of many household items, such as writing instruments, computer mice, kitchen utensils, manual coffee grinders and mills, exclusively for the needs of right-handed people.

Those who use the left hand as a leading hand, this is more than 500 million people around the world, are striving on this day to draw the attention of designers, manufacturers and sellers of goods to the need to take into account the convenience of left-handers when using various objects.

On August 13, public organizations of left-handers organize various events and competitions "on the contrary", not allowing participants to use their right hand when eating, at work, and various subtle manipulations.
2 Lead
In Russia, left-handers were forbidden to testify in court, and in the Soviet Union, all left-handers were retrained without fail at school, which could cause psychological stress and lower student performance.
On International Left-Handed Day, of course, it is customary to give gifts. Now in stores you can already find products designed specifically for left-handed people: pens,

rulers, computer mice, scissors, keyboard,

kitchen knife,

There are even musical instruments and sporting goods that lefties can use comfortably.

3 Lead
Psychologists are sure that left-handers are special people, very gifted, creative and extraordinary thinking.
It is believed that the whole thing is in the well-developed right hemisphere of the brain.
The hemispheres have different functions. If we separate these functions of the hemispheres, then the right one is artistic, and the left one is cognitive, that is, it is responsible for cognitive processes.
1 presenter
It is known that left-handedness is inherited, and equally owning both hands,
definition of the French, are called "racemates", or "graphic left-handers, but everyday right-handers", and finally -
a couple of centuries ago, it was believed that a woman must be right-handed, in order to hold the baby near her heart.
I propose to try to become left-handed today and draw a hare with your left hand for everyone. Make sure it's easy.
1 Game "Lefty"
And those guys who are left-handed draw with their right hand.

Well, how did you do it? Who was easy? (children's answers)
2 Lead
When a man picked up a tool of labor, the world was divided into left-handers and right-handers. And endless disputes began - where did this division come from and who is still better? The subject of the dispute is still relevant today.
One thing I can say is that those people who have developed left-handedness are people who are impressionable, excitable, sensitive,
responsible, sociable, but often not self-confident.
Those who have a developed right hand are calm people who gravitate towards the exact sciences.
There are a lot of lefties among great people. Now you will be divided into two teams and each team will try to guess some of them. You need to make up their first or last name from scattered letters.
2 Competition "Find out the name"
Task 1st team
1. Famous composer: TSORTMA

2. Famous actress: LDOIZH
(Angelina Jolie)

3. Great commander:
(Alexander the Great)

4. Great storyteller:

Assignment to the 2nd team
1.Great Emperor:
(Peter the First)

2. Famous composer:

3. Famous comedian:
(Charlie Chaplin)

4. Famous Emperor:

3 Lead
Well done! You correctly called their names. These famous people really were or are left-handed and this did not prevent them from becoming great. And this list can be continued for a long time.
3 Competition "Rybak-left-handed"

Teams become against each other. Opponents are taken with left hands. The task of each player is to pull the opponent to his side.
4 Competition "Nimble lefty"

Team relay. Players, on the left foot, go the distance, carrying a tennis ball on a racket.
5 Competition "Left-handed center"

Team relay. Players, in turn, dribbling a basketball with their left hand, pass through the pins.
1 presenter
So, our game hour is over. Tell me guys, what holiday do we celebrate on August 13?
(children's answers)
So is being left-handed bad or good?
Neither, that is, as bad and as good as being right-handed. So, go ahead, learn to use both hands to the full extent. Someday you will need it!
You are gallant, very polite,
Cute too though.
You are always ready to help
You will do everything right.
Be like yourself only
May all the years be bright.

We call you lefty
And we consider it unique.
It is not for nothing that they say that left-handers,
Just wonderful people.
They are all smart, active, good,
We will congratulate them today.

May success accompany everything
Let love warm you with warmth.
Let smiles, laughter surround
Well, let happiness always accompany you.
(Left-handed children are given cards and gifts)

Today is International Left Handed Day. Left-handers are creative, creative people with a strong character. There are examples of this among famous people - world politicians, writers, musicians, actors and directors. We wish all lefties the achievement of all plans and success in achieving their goals!

Although today is Left-Handed Day,
Don't rush to relax
All normal routine
Write with one right hand.

The right hand will suffer
Although the load is great,
After all, the left has a holiday today,
Let her rest a little.

Everything is more convenient for you to do
With my left hand,
Have you noticed since childhood
This is a property for itself.

And today we celebrate
Glorious holiday - Day of left-handers,
We wish you much happiness
Your life will be more fun!

No need to think with your head -
Which hand to take.
If you were born left-handed -
Let everyone be proud of you.

There are many like you on earth
But the sun shines brightly on everything in the world,
Let you be left-handed, but you are doubly smart,
And he is not right, who does not notice it!

We wish that all left-handed people in the world,
Lived comfortably, cheerfully, conveniently,
And life was open to miracles,
And you were capable of feats!

God does not divide us into right-handers, left-handers,
He loves all who trust God.
May your every day be happy
Love always accompanies you!

I'm left handed and that's true.
And it's probably not a secret.
I decided to collect all the lefties,
Congratulations to say to everyone in the next.

We are so unique
That's what I wish everyone
Live to make everything seem right
So that your family appreciates you.

Everyone is doing the right thing
You are on the left!
And often capable, and often skillful!
You are very sensitive
You are very talented
And even the story of the left-hander was puzzled!
Kasparov, Da Vinci, Rodin and Obama -
Replenish this company gloriously,
We congratulate you, wish you success,
And we believe that you are the decoration of the century!

Happy left-handed day today, I congratulate you,
Happiness to you, health, and love, friends!
You work miracles with your left hand,
Let joy and fun flow like a river to you!
May life smile at you, cherish and dove,
And may everything be wonderful in your life!

There are a lot of left-handers in the world,
Once retrained strictly
Now we are proud of you in earnest,
Listening to the voice of reason.

It doesn't matter how you write, eat,
But, most importantly, you live in joy,
And be happy, healthy for ages,
Let life be like a free river:

So wide, pure and full-flowing,
Wise and patient, noble,
So that the soul blooms with joy,
Big love has driven you crazy!

congratulations lefties,
But by no means crooked.
These people are brilliant
And all original.

Their desire to "left"
Let's respect together.
If they leave us with horns,
We won't mind.

It so happened in our world that 1/10 of the people differs from the bulk of the people. Who are they, lefties? How do they live in the world of the right-handed population? In a world where everything is created for people whose "main" hand is the right one.

International Left-Handed Day was born to draw attention to the left-handed members of our society.

Any household items, from scissors to a computer mouse, are adapted for right-handed people, while left-handed people have to adapt in their lives to what has already been created for the majority.

It is not easy for them to fasten the “zipper” on jeans, it is not very easy to use the rulers familiar to most, to start alarm clocks and watches. The secret pockets of their jackets are not suitable for them... Nature took care to make these people unique, and society indifferently passed by their urgent needs and requirements.

In many languages ​​of the world, the word “left” means something not quite good, insincere, deceitful, dangerous. There is some disdain in this word. Who knows why this happened. After all, science has proven that left-handed people do not choose which hand to use. This phenomenon is inherent in the child even before his birth, and is not the result of an acquired skill.

There were times when left-handedness was considered a sign of the devil. In ancient tribes, left-handed people were forbidden to cook food: it was believed that by stirring the brew in the cauldron with the “wrong hand”, a person invokes unclean spirits.

Left-handers, like redheads, were forbidden to testify in court; during the Inquisition, they were burned at the stake: it was believed that left-handedness was a sign of witchcraft.

The denseness of past centuries is gradually disappearing, but some prejudices remain to this day.

The modern world does not treat left-handed people carefully enough. In Islamic countries, the use of the left hand as the main one is strictly prohibited. In Japan, a left-handed wife is a ground for divorce.

A few decades ago, in schools, left-handed children were forced to write with their right, to be like everyone else. Fortunately, today these methods have sunk into the past. But the problems associated with the adaptation and life of left-handers in the world still remain.

An interesting fact: the orientation “to the left” is observed not only among sentient beings. Left-footedness also exists in the animal kingdom. Exceptional lefties are polar bears. Almost half of the rats are left-handed. Almost 30% of cats prefer to use their left paw.

It is believed that those whose actions are controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain are the most artistic, creative, athletic, prone to the manifestation of many talents. There are not so many “physicists” among them, but there are enough “lyricists” in full.

left handed celebrities

And since we are talking about talents, then lefties have something to be proud of. Among them are politicians and musicians, artists and writers, actors and businessmen. These names are on everyone's lips.

Famous singers and musicians

Paul McCartney, Mireille Mathieu, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Caruso, Celine Dion, Sting, Lady Gaga, Ricky Martin, Michael Jackson, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, Yolka, Valery Meladze.

Chopin, Beethoven, Schumann, Paganini, Mozart, Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff. Skyabin, Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Wagner.

Notable artists

Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh, Raphael, Michelangelo, Rodin, Picasso, Rubens, Rembrandt, Lautrec, Surikov.

famous writers

Andersen, Nietzsche, Kafka, Carroll, Twain, Wells, Leo Tolstoy, Dal, Pushkin, Leskov (author of the famous story “Lefty”), Mayakovsky.

Prominent military and politicians

Egyptian pharaohs Thutmes III, Ramses II, Macedon, Caesar, Tiberius, Nero, Columbus, Napoleon, Charlemagne, Bismarck, Churchill, Franklin, Mahatma Gandhi, Queen Victoria of England, Admiral Nelson, Fidel Castro, Hitler, Che Guevara; American presidents Hoover, Clark, Garfield, Truman, Gerald Ford, Reagan, Bush (senior), Clinton, Obama.

Notable businessmen

Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey.

famous scientists

Archimedes, Aristotle, Newton, Einstein, Lomonosov, Pavlov, Tesla, Darwin, Sklodowska-Curie, Niels Bohr, Maxwell.

Brilliant actors and directors

Marilyn Monroe, Chaplin, Cary Grant, Robert de Niro, Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, Greta Garbo, Jim Carrey, Vin Diesel, Milla Jovovich, Bruce Willis, Julia Roberts, Whoopi Goldberg, Demi Moore, Mickey Rourke, Keanu Reeves, Brad Pitt , James Cameron, Marina Neyolova, Yuri Lyubimov, Viktor Sukhorukov, Alexander Inshakov.

Famous sportsmen

Pavel Bure, Oleg Blokhin, Alexander Volkov, Elena Isinbaeva, Garry Kasparov, Maradona, Platini, Pele, Marco van Basten, Bobby Charlton...

…and many, many others.

You can't count all the celebrities, and if you consider that there are about 7-10% of left-handers on the planet, then even this incomplete list is impressive.

Since August 13, 1992, the International Day of Left Handers has been celebrated annually. This holiday was founded by the British Left-Handed Club to draw the attention of the public and manufacturers of goods to the needs and problems of those for whom the left hand is the main one.

Happy Holidays, lefties. May the world become more comfortable for you every year.

Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich.



Three master gunsmiths.

Three secular ladies.

Leading. N.S. Leskov

Scene I
Decorations of the imperial reception. Near the table, on which lies a box with an item of English craftsmen, there are three ladies.
1st lady. Ah, what a delight!

2nd lady. What a miracle!

3rd lady. This is admirable!

1st lady. I have never seen anything more beautiful!

2nd lady. What a huge diamond!

1st lady. It seems to open. It must be a very expensive box. But what's inside?

2nd and 3rd ladies (together). I don't see anything...

Platov. And you won't see. Inside the nut lies a steel flea made by the British and presented by them to the late Emperor Alexander Pavlovich. This flea can only be seen through a microscope, and to the naked eye it seems that it is just a grain of sand.
Ladies look through a microscope.
1st lady. Oh!

2nd and 3rd ladies (together). Oh!..

1st lady. I've never seen anything like it. Everyone should be told about this miracle.

2nd and 3rd ladies (together). Of course of course…
One of the courtiers announces the departure of the emperor. Everyone is silent. Solemn music sounds. The Emperor enters. The ladies curtsy.

Scene II.

The same emperor.
Emperor (to the first lady). Glad to see you, sir.

1st lady. Oh, Your Majesty, we are Your obedient servants, ready to fulfill any will of Your Majesty.

Emperor. What are you considering here? Probably something very unusual, since you are so interested.

Platov. Yes, Your Majesty, we were looking at a flea.

Emperor. Flea?! Yes, this subject is worthy of attention.

Platov. This is not a real flea, but a metal one. And next to it lies a key that can start it. And in the microscope you can see how that flea starts jumping.
The emperor (with great care and attention) takes a flea and examines it under a microscope. Then everyone else comes up to the microscope, expressing their admiration in every possible way. With the first words of the king, everyone falls silent.
Emperor (Platov). Where is this flea from? Why haven't I heard of her?

Platov. This flea was presented by the British to Your Majesty's brother, the late Sovereign Alexander Pavlovich. The sovereign admired the work of the English masters, saying that ours would not be able to do this ...

Emperor (with a touch of slight irritation). Can't?! I did not expect such words from you, an old brave warrior who knows the strength of the Russian peasant well.

Emperor. These are the words I like. It does not befit us to praise foreigners, forgetting about our craftsmen. Tsar Pyotr Alekseevich was more than once convinced that the Russian muzhik could do a lot.

Addressing everyone (ladies respectfully curtsy).

Go, Platov, for example, to Tula. Seek out there a gunsmith who will not yield to the English in skill.

Platov bows and leaves.
Scene III.
Two leading, three gunsmiths (among them Lefty), Platov.
Leading. Platov took a steel flea and, as he went through Tula to the Don, showed it to the Tula gunsmiths. The old general believed very much in Russian masters. The Tula gunsmiths examined the flea with attention and promised Platov to stand up for the Russian craftsmen.

Gunsmith (to Platov). Fine work we will not hurt. In two weeks, when you return back, you will have something to show the sovereign.
Platov leaves. Masters remain. Once again, carefully examine the flea.

The second presenter comes out, stands between the masters and reads such a text.
Leading. Platov left. And the Tula gunsmiths went to Mtsensk, to the county town of the Oryol province, in which there is an ancient icon of St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas is generally the patron of trade and military affairs, and the “Mtsensk Nikola” in particular, the Tula people went to bow to him. They served a prayer service at the very icon, returned to Tula and, without telling anyone anything, set to work.

Leader (lighting a candle). Day, two, three, they sit, and work day and night, they don’t go anywhere, everyone knocks with hammers. Everyone is interested, but no one can find out anything. Masters work with great secrecy. We've already finished our work...

Leading. And then Platov returned. He called the Tula masters to him, demanded to show the work. Gunsmiths came and brought a diamond nut.

Platov. Where is the work?

Lefty. Yes, right here before your eyes.

Platov. I see an English flea. And the key is right there. What did you do? You didn't keep your promise...

Lefty. It hurts us to hear such words. We have done our work with honor. And they are ready to tell the sovereign about it.

Leading. Lefty went with Platov to the sovereign. A day later, the general's carriage was already driving along the pavements of St. Petersburg. Lefty watched attentively, admired the beauty of St. Petersburg palaces, listened attentively to the sound of wheels. Everything captured his imagination.
Scene IV.
In a palace. The same characters as in the first scene. Platov and Lefty appear.

The attention of all ladies is riveted to the gunsmith.
Platov. Here, gentlemen, is a Tula gunsmith. He says that he surpassed the English in skill.
The emperor appears. Everyone bows respectfully.
Emperor. Hello, Platov, hello, my faithful warrior. What will make you happy? Did my masters manage to prove their superiority over the English?

Platov. Here, Your Majesty, master. Let him tell everything.
Platov pushes Lefty forward.
Lefty. Your Majesty, we, Tula gunsmiths, are always ready to stand up for the greatness of our fatherland. We did everything we could. Take a closer look through the microscope, then consider our work.

EMPEROR (looks attentively into the microscope). I don't see anything...
Platov raises his eyebrows, frowns, pushes Lefty again.
Lefty. And you turn the flea on its side and look at the paws.

Emperor (attentively examines, then changes his face). So you nailed her! ..

Everything. Oh!..

Lefty. Yes, Your Majesty, we have forged horseshoes for each foot of this English flea. Take a closer look, you will see that each horseshoe bears the mark of a master.

Emperor (considering). And is your name here?

Lefty. No, Your Majesty, I had a job even finer than that of my comrades. I forged the carnations with which these horseshoes were nailed.

Platov. Your Majesty, all this delicate work was done by Tula craftsmen, trusting only their eyes.

Emperor. How did you do all this by eye, without a microscope?

Lefty. We are poor people, it is not appropriate for us to have such expensive things as a microscope. With God's faith, we have fulfilled Your will, sir.

Emperor (addressing all present). Truly, my masters are the best in the whole world. Such people can stand up for the glory of Russia.

(referring to Lefty only). Thank you, my faithful master.

(referring to Platov). And you, Platov, reward the Tula masters for their work.

Lefty. We don't need money. This is not what we worked for. We would stand up for the honor of Russia.

Emperor. Well, these are the words of a man who truly loves the fatherland. Go, Lefty, to England and show foreign gunsmiths the art of Russian masters.
Lefty bows. The emperor and courtiers continue to examine the flea.
Leading. And the Tula master went from St. Petersburg to London, not stopping anywhere to rest. And Lefty didn’t eat so much as he sang songs. In distant England, he did not forget for a second about the fatherland, about his hometown, his parents.

Leading. When the British saw a shoeed flea, when they examined each horseshoe with great attention, they were amazed. And they tried to do everything to ensure that Lefty stayed with them, told about his skill.

Leading. However, Lefty was not like that. No wonder he sang Russian songs along the way. Here in England he thought about what he could do for Russia. The left-hander carefully examined the English weapons, but not new ones (Russian masters do just as well), but those from which they had already fired.

Leading. The British did not clean their guns with bricks, as the Russians did, so the weapons did not deteriorate, they fired properly.

IN riding. The way back to Russia turned out to be difficult for Lefty. However, in the last minutes of his life, he thought not about himself, but about Russia: “Tell the sovereign that the British don’t clean their guns with bricks: let them not clean ours either, otherwise, God forbid, they are not good for shooting.”

Leading. Such was the life of the Tula gunsmith, whose name history has not preserved, only the nickname left - Lefty.

Leading. Why is history so unfair? We would be interested to know his name.

Leading. And for what? Would that change anything? I think no. The hero would not be better or worse for this. For us, the descendants of that Lefty, it is important that there were people who served for the good of Russia. They exist even now.

"Lefty" - a dramatization based on the tale by N.S. Leskov "Lefty".


Emperor Alexander Pavlovich

New Sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich,

ataman Platov,


two Tula gunsmiths,

two Englishmen,

two buffoons.

1.buffoon: Dear audience! Now the performance will be given to you! The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea!

2. Skomorokh: Leskov? They pass it at school. He lived (remembers) from 1831 to 1895. For the first time, "Flea" was staged in 1924 on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater by the famous director Alexei Dikiy.

1 buffoon: And today you will watch a staging of excerpts from the tale of Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov "Lefty" performed by our students.

Scene 1

(Drumroll. Buffoonsshift the shields of the booth, on the cabbage souptah image of Big Ben clock andthe inscription "London". swiftlyEmperor Alexander entersPavlovich. On his clothes there are labels "Made in abroad". stoppedwaking up, peering into the hall fromunder the arms. Behind him - the Don CossackPlatov: cloak, saber, mustache, flaskka on the belt with the inscription "Vodka".)

PLATOV: Let's go home, sir!

EMPEROR: I'm not all over yet See Europe!

PLATOV: Let's go, AlexanderPavlovich, home. You are veryforeign all interestedtes. But they, foreigners, what is needed...


PLATOV: Show superiority over us in all things. And at us at home (dreamily) its not worse to eat.

EMPEROR: Don Cossack Platov! Now we are going with you them (points to Big Ben) yell look at the woman's cabinet of curiosities. There, they say, such natures withperfection, that as you see,then you won't be with me anymoreargue. You'll see for yourself - we, russky, with its meaning we are no good. To the cabinet of curiosities!(Quickly leaves.)

PLATOV: Well, here is the coven.So far, I have endured, but no longer. I am my people not you ladies. (Leaves after the Emperor rum.)

Scene 2

(The Emperor and Platov enter.)

EMPEROR: This is a real miracle! Such a huge buildingI have never seen: corridors to infinity, and in the verythe main hall in the middle under the baldachin stands Abolon Polvedersky! How is that possible - why are you so insensitive? Is there anything that surprises you here?

PLATOV: I have one hereit's amazing that my bottoms are moboats fought without all this andtwenty languages ​​were driven out.

EMPEROR: It's reckless doc!

PLATOV: I don't know what frombear, but I dare not argue and must women to be silent.


(entering the stage with a cardboard pis flight): H owdoyoudo? This pi so unknown, inimitablemy skill!

EMPEROR (considering pistol): Oh! How can this evenbut so subtle!

PLATOV: Went how!

(Platov takes out of his pocket fromscrewdriver, approaches the pistol and begins to disassemble it.)


H owdoyoudo? ? It doesn't open!

PLATOV (removing the part from the pistol): But look whatis there an inscription here?

EMPEROR (leaning over the detail, reads in syllables): "Ivan Moskvin in the city of Tula"...

PLATOV: That's it!

(Englishmen, swearing in English,take away their pistol. Emperorrunning after them, trying hold.)

EMPEROR : Why did you embarrass them, Platov, I feel very sorry for them now. I'll go to the ball (Exits.)

PLATOV (takes out a flask):How I embarrassed these Englishmen! Tula master on the point of viewset! That's just what it's throughwas the king angry? Quite that I do not understand. (Drinks and leaves.)

(Peeking out from behind the shields of the booththere is a farce Grandfather.)

1. Buffoon: And the British are in this sa my time too did not sleep because which got them hooked. While the sovereign had fun at the ball, they told him so a new surprise set up that Platov was stripped of all his fantasy.

(The Emperor and Platov enter.)

EMPEROR: Platov! Let be now they will lay a two-seaterretu. Let's go to the new kunstkame ry watch.

PLATOV: Dare dolo live, your majesty, not up towhether foreign products are freesee if it's better for youRussia to gather...

Scene 3

(Sounds "Flea" M. P. Mussorgsko go. English , firmament " H ow do you do?bring in an empty tray and from to a clone is served to the sovereign.)

EMPEROR: What does this mean?


This is our Majestyroot offering.

EMPEROR: What is this?

SECOND ENGLISH: And in t, would you like to see a speck?

EMPEROR: Exactly. From the market.

SECOND ENGLISH: If you please, spit your finger on hertake it in the palm of your hand.

EMPEROR: What do I need this speck for?

FIRST ENGLISH: BUT This is not a mote, but a nymphosoria.

EMPEROR: Is she alive?

FIRST ENGLISH: No, not alive, but from purefrom English steel in the imagefleas forged by us, and in the middlenot in it the plant and the spring. If you please turn the key: shewill now begin to dance.

EMPEROR: And where is the key?

SECOND ENGLISH: Here is the key in front of your eyes mi.

EMPEROR: Why can't I see him?

FIRST ENGLISH: BUT Here's a small scope, you'll see it.

EMPEROR(looking at car tonne microscope): Flea! Key!

SECOND ENGLISH: Please take her in the palm of your hand wow her belly clockworkhole, and the key has seven turnshas, and then she will dance...

EMPEROR: oh, mustache drives, moves with legs, cadRil is dancing... Platov! Dai anga million lychans.

PLATOV: And let first they will give a case for this flea, otherwiseafter all, both the flea and the key will be lost chik.

FIRST ENGLISH: Please pay extra.

PLATOV: How so? Why is this a scam!

EMPEROR: Leave it, please lusta, it's none of your business - don't spoil politics for me. They have their own custom. Pay! (To the English.) You are the first masters in the whole world, and my people cannot do anything against you.(Takes from the tray mote, puts it in a snuffbox ku.) Platov! I have become melancholy from you and from military affairsliya. I am going to Taganrog for a spiritual confession to priest Fedot. And I don't need you anymore.(Exits.)

(Platov takes away from the British melkoscope.)

PLATOV: The melkoskop was yours, became ours, he belongs to a flea, and you already have money we got a lot.

(The British and Platov leave at oncesides. Because of the escape shieldsthere is a farce Grandfather.)

1 Buffoon: Emperor Alexander Pavlovich visited Taganrog, there he died. English flea inherited a new Sovereign - Nikolai Pavlovich.

Scene 4

(Drum roll. Shields shiftare fighting. They say "Peterburg "and the spire Pet is drawnRopavlovskaya fortress. Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich enters.Buffoons with a bow gives himflea box.)

NEW SOVEREIGN: What is it still for a trifle and what is it forhere with my brother in such a state research institutes?

PLATOV (hung with orders): I know!

NEW SOVEREIGN: Who are you, brave old man?

PLATOV: Dare dolo live, your majesty, I - MatWei Ivanovich Platov, AtamanDon Cossacks, general from kavalerii, in the war of the twelfth yearglory received, Emperor AlekSandra Pavlovich to London with saw off!

NEW SOVEREIGN: What in this box, you know?

PLATOV: How not to know. Nimesphosoria here. She has a key with her, and I also have a small scope, through which all this can be seen. And with this key through the belly this nymphosoria can be turned on,and she will ride in any waybut space and sideways do rotations. (Starts up.)


PLATOV: Exactly, work tonekaya. But only we are surprised at this with one delight of feelingsdo not do it. And get her to Tulazit yes to find out if our masters can not surpass this, so that the British do not over the Russians towered.

NEW SOVEREIGN: Here I am I entrust this task to you, old man. I don’t care about this box now with my troubles, go to the quiet Don, find out if your Don Cossacks are devoted to me. And when you go throughTula, show my Tula maI will erase this nymphosoria and let them think about it. I believe that my masters are no worse than foreign ones.(They leave.)

Scene 5

(Drumroll. Buffoons shiftput up shields on which it is written"Tula" and drawn samovar, straightnicknames and a gun. Two tulles come outski gunsmith and southpaw in workersaprons, with sledgehammers and a hammerwe are in the hands. Platov is with them.)

PLATOV: How should we be now, Orthodox?

FIRST GUNSHER: We, father, have a merciful wordwe feel sovereign, but how do webe, that we cannot say in one minute. Because Englishwhich nation is also not stupid, but beforedeliberately even cunning.

SECOND GUNSHER: You have to fight against hermavshi and God blesseat. And you go to the Don, having healedpour out the wounds you have taken for the fatherland.

LEFT-HANDED: And you will go back, we will by that time, God willing,We'll come up with something.

PLATOV: Don't take too long.I drive fast, not two weeksit will pass like I'm from the Don to St. PetersburgI’ll turn around - then I don’t want toit was sure that the sovereign say. (Gives the box to the masters ku, everyone is leaving.)

Scene 6

(Skomorokh and Grandfather move the shields on whichwritten "Lefty House" and vyrebut the window. Enter Gunsmiths.They carry a box of fleas. sound sorgsky.)

LEFT-HANDED: Lock the doors, becomingwe won't close the windows.

FIRST GUNSHER: Before Nikolay's image of lamas let's warm the pad.

SECOND GUNSHER: And to work!

(The gunsmiths leave behind the shields.anvil. buffoons tortureto look out the window.)

1 Buffoon: Third day of dyat, they don’t go anywhere, everyone is young poked with dots. Forge something such, and what is forged - nothing is known.

(Platov runs in, a whip in his hand, wipes sweat from forehead.)

2 Buffoons: Welcome, wa oh nobility! Quickly youmanaged on the Don.

PLATOV: I hurried a lot. What did I think of: I put two whistling Cossacks with whips on both sides of the driver on the goats.They are a coachman and watered without miloserdia to jump quickly. BUTif any Cossack dozes off, so II'll poke him with my foot and even angrierrush. Tulu was almostpassed, flew first hundredjumps further. Spin atit went. Where are the masters?

2 Buffoons: Locked up and knocking.

(Platov knocks on the window. Silence. It knocks harder. Buffoons also knock.)

PLATOV: Do open up! BUTthen the roof is a log now staski we'll wat!

(Everyone crowded around the house Left-handers, trying to push the shchi-

you. The shields are moving. All wa fall off your feet - and Platov, and Skomo Rohi, and the Lady with the Barin, and the rest of the "spectators". All clamps poke their noses, turn away.)

PLATOV: Fu you, kicks off your feet.

(Armories come out from behind the shieldski, wipe the sweat from their foreheads. Wu Leoshi in the hands of a box.)

PLATOV: What are you, so- some, you do, and even thatyou dare to make a mistake!

LEFT-HANDED: Everything is ready.

PLATOV: Give it here.

(Lefty gives Platov's box, he looks at her.)

PLATOV: What is this? BUTwhere is your work, which youwanted to console the sovereign?

FIRST GUNSHER: Here is our work.

PLATOV: What does she include herself in? Here one English flea lay as it is. And there is nothing but her ... I'll take your head off! What are you scoundrelsdid nothing!

SECOND GUNSHER: On the you are wrong to offend us so much - we are from you, as from the sovereign's ambassador, allgrievances must endure. Pleasetake our work to the sovereign -he will see what kind of people we are with him.

PLATOV: I'm so not with youI’ll be, one of you will go to Petersburg with me, and I’ll try to finish him there, what are your cunning sti. (Grabs Lefty by the collar.) Will you ride at my feet in a carriage all the way to St. Petersburg, like this, like his? - pubel! And for answer everyone! (They leave.)

Scene 7

(Drumroll. Buffoons move shields with the inscription "Pe terburg ".)

PLATOV (enters, clinging to own box): That's even though I'm noin the light of the enemy was not afraid, butI'm shaking here. I'll go to the sovereignwithout a box, all of a sudden, yes, no problemsieve And I order Lefty in the fortresshide the casemate without a deadline. MoWell, the sovereign will not remember.(Straight even for the shield box.)

NEW SOVEREIGN: Ah, this are you a brave old man? And what, my Tula masters are againstEnglish nymphosoria myself op ravdali?

PLATOV: Not at all, my lord.

NEW SOVEREIGN (image addressing the "spectators"): Can not be my deceptions can't be wat.

(Platov gets box and gives Nikolai Pavlovich. He opens it.)

NEW SOVEREIGN: What the famously! The flea lies as it was before. Let me give her the key. So! One more time! What's happened?Don't dance, don't jump...

PLATOV: Oh they are roguesdaddy! Now I understand whythey don't want to say anything to mebodies. It's good that I took one of their fools with me.Hey, how are you, bring Lefty!

(Buffoons are dragged by the collarLefty. Platov begins his tre fall.)

LEFT-HANDED: I have everything inelks are torn out during study, and notI know now what is the needDo I need such repetition?

PLATOV: And for the fact that youbone thing ruined!

LEFT-HANDED: We didn't spoil anything. You are the strongestlook at the smallscope.

NEW SOVEREIGN: I knew, that my Russian people don't deceived.

(Buffoons serve melkoscope -the same, but with the inscription "strny". The sovereign looks at him.)

NEW SOVEREIGN: A flea is like a flea, I don't see anything else.

LEFT-HANDED: It is only necessary to bring one of its legs in detail under the entire small scope and separatelylook at every heelwhich she must step.

NEW SOVEREIGN: Pomy luy, this is already very small!

LEFT-HANDED: And what to do, if only in this way it is possible for our work to betag: then everything and surprise will turn out.

NEW SOVEREIGN: I see I see! My dear you!(Throws kiss Lefty.) I am the best knew that my Russians didn't care about memanut. Look everyone, please:because they, rogues, the English blohu on horseshoes shod!

(Everything - Buffoons, Platov, even "spectators" - crowded over the chalkcoscop and admire.)

LEFT-HANDED: That's not all significant.

(Everyone looks at Lefty in surprise.)

LEFT-HANDED: If it were bettermelkoscope, so you would deign to see that on each horseshoethe name of the master who made that horseshoe is displayed.

NEW SOVEREIGN: And is your name here?

LEFT-HANDED: No way, my od leg and no.

NEW SOVEREIGN: Why should I?

LEFT-HANDED: But because I worked smaller than these horseshoes: I forged carnations with which the horseshoes were clogged - no small scope can take it there.

NEW SOVEREIGN: Where your melkoscope with which you botali?

LEFT-HANDED: We are poor people and due to the poverty of his melkoscope notwe have, and we have such an eye liafshy.

PLATOV: Forgive me bra dude, that I tore you by the hair.

LEFT-HANDED: God will forgive - this is not the first time we have such snow on head.

NEW SOVEREIGN: Pove to the left: Lefty will be lucky flea angto the lichans as a gift, so that therewe realized that this is not a surprise to usbut. Yes, wash it and dress it up.(They leave.)

    buffoon (leaves behind shields): They washed Lefty in the national baths, gave tea to drink on the road,belt belt thatif the guts were not shaking, and they were taken in London.

Scene 8

(Drum roll. Buffoons cabbage soup you shift: "London".)

1. Buffoon : In London nymphosoriawho needs to be handed over. The British examined it in the most powerful small scope and now in the public statements a description, so that tomorrow for everyone to know slander came out.

(The British come out with newspapers in hands.)

ENGLISH (in chorus): Slander, slander!


We now want the master himself see.

lefty(entering) Here I am.

ENGLISH (clap lion shu on the shoulder, shake hands): Kamrad! Kamrad! Good master! Let's drink to your well-being!(By give him a cup.)

lefty (baptized left ru coy, drinking): For your health.

FIRST ENGLISH: BUT why do you cross with your left hand hustle?

Lefty: And I I'm left handed, I do everything with my left hand.

SECOND ENGLISH: Where you studied and how long do you know arithmetic?

LEFT-HANDED: Not I know arithmetic.

FIRST ENG LICHANIN: It is surprising!

LEFT-HANDED: We have it's so ubiquitous.

SECOND ENG LICHANIN: It's a pity, it would be better if you were from arifat least four metricsre knew the rules.Then could youfigure out that ineach machine force calculationthere is, but at least you are very much in the handsskillful, but did not realize thatsuch a small machinenymphosoria, to the very accumilitary accuracy is calculated andshe cannot carry her horseshoes.So now she doesn't jumpand dance does not dance.

LEFT-HANDED: Yes, to Of course, we did not agree in the sciences, onlydevoted to the fatherland.

FIRST ENG LICHANIN: Osta stay with us, wethank you very muchfront calldim, you are an amazing master will come out.

LEFT-HANDED: No, my parents are at home.

SECOND ENG LICHANIN: And we money will be highbark your birthlam. And the family is herestart yours, for accept our con, we will marry you.

Lefty: No. I don't believe in you accept. Our faith is the best fork.


Well, you have at least a little Pogostite, we will take you on our ship toPetersburg after we deliver. Would you like our plants and factories osmottret? Here, get to knowwith the latest weapons.

(The British unfold the linezhi, bring in some guns, pistols, fold in front. Levshoy. He looks at them.)


Are you convinced of the benefits of the multiplication table?

LEFT-HANDED: Yes, sure. These ruzhya is not an example of our superiorityneisha. And I especially likeelk that every worker you haveconstantly in satiety, shod in tolstiff boots, not dressed in scraps.

FIRST ENGLISH: How could it be otherwise?

LEFT-HANDED: Maybe. Thank you humbly for everythingnii, and I am very pleased with everythingand everything that I needed to see, I already saw, and now I rather want to go home. You dressed meput on shoes, gave money, gold watchdonated, thank you.

ENGLISH(chorus): Well Well, goodbye, comrade.(They leave.)

Scene 9

(Drum roll. Buffoons timesmove billboards with the inscription "Peterburg ". Lefty lies on the stage. Soundcheat fragment "Fleas" by M.P. Musorgsky. Spectators gasp.)


(rushing towards him): What's wrong with you, Lefty?

LEFT-HANDED: I'm dying...

2 Buffoons: Who are you?

LEFT-HANDED: I sailed on the ship...

Grandfather: Got a cold that whether, on a ship, and vodka from notreeks. We need to take him to the hospital.(Runs away.)

LEFT-HANDED: I would like two wordssir say...

(1 buffoon is included in white challahthey bend over Lefty.)

1 buffoon: Dead, sufferer.

2 Buffoons: The state should I give to convey the words of Lefty about guns.

1 buffoon: Yes, who is me will let him in, they will say: "Know youremetic and laxative, but do not interfere in your own business: in Russiathere are generals for that."

(Buffoons slowly move cabbage soupyou, behind whom left Lefty. 1 Buffoon comes out from behind the shields.)

1 buffoon: Sovereign did not sayLee, brick cleaning everything is continuedhuddled right up to the Crimeancampaigns. How did the guns of the dawnreap, and the bullets dangle in them,because the trunks are built with brickspuppies. And bring the nobles wordsLeft-handers to the sovereign - in the Crimea onwar with the enemy is completely differentthere would be a turnover. Now it's allalready "things of bygone days."

(Everyone leaves. On the stage - one buffoon.)

2 Buffoon: Two by two got five, savvythe flea does not dance ... Lefty is goodLeskova or bad? Laughing Leskovover him or admire? TruthIs this all or fiction? Are the English stupid or smart? Leskov wanted to glorify the Russian people, oroffend? Here's a mystery so a mystery!

(Sounds like "Flea" M. P. Mussorgskogo, Chaliapin sings.)

lefty (from last effort): Ska live the sovereign that the British havethey don’t clean the zhya with a brick: so be itif we didn’t clean it, otherwise, keepGod, war, they are not good for shooting.

Literature and sound recordings used:

    Leskov N.S. Tales. stories; ed. M; Olympus; AST, 1999 (School of Classics) edition includes comments and guidelines "To help the teacher and student."

    Mramornov O. article How the tale affected. In the world of books. No. 2 -1981

    sound recording: (lyrics by V. Goethe, trans. A, Stugovshchikov) "Flea" by M. P. Mussorgskogo, Chaliapin sings.)