
Scenario of the day of the high school student in an unusual form. Holiday script. High School Day. lesson plan (grade 1) on the topic. Believe in Russia, love Russia, help Russia


  1. 1. Scenario of the schoolboy's day Fanfares sound 1. Blue uniforms shone And red collars Under the sun of Northern Palmyra Pupils flocked to the gymnasium. 2. The day of the celebration of the October blue was the birthday of friends ... Hope, the future of Russia dreamed of seeing this lyceum! Here were Pushchin, Kuchelbecker and Pushkin with Delvig - a quartet, where there is a place for friendly guardianship and pranks of the lyceum years.4. “My friends ... Our union is beautiful!” - here Pushkin exclaims with delight, and a pleasant whisper of muses is heard ... “My friends ... Our union is beautiful!” Leading V1. Hello, dear parents, teachers and all guests of our holiday. Good afternoon to all who have gathered for our solemn holiday "Initiation into high school students"! B2. Today is a holiday: October 19 - Birthday of Russian lyceums. And on this day we will become real high school students! And now we want to introduce our class 5 "A"! We invite students 5 A to the stage. Support them with loud applause. Fanfare sounds. Slide show. There are many classes in our school, Only our best! We guys are just super! We guys are just class! We live together together, We are now one family! , like a family We live together, gloriously We sing, have fun Science “bite” Our boys are the best of all! And you can’t find more beautiful!
  2. 2. Cyril, Sasha and Egor are respected by us, And Danila and Arthur - Everyone really likes it! Well, the girls are the most beautiful: Beauty queens! Arina There are two more Alexandra, as well as Katerina! Friendly, perky Zhenya and Marina Cool girls - Anya and Alina! There are two Masha, Marietta, Ksyusha and Polina - And for the boys, friends, There is one raspberry here !!! Three more Sonya and Milan - There are more of this class No! We love our school very much. We study in it for many years! We are proud that our school has its own holiday. High school student's day is one of them. And - history. The school is rich in history. Our school is already over 35 years old, and the history of our school is part of the history of our country. M - youth. It is we, young and young, who today have become high school students. We are ready to preserve and replenish the history of our school with new traditions. N - science. In our school, much attention is paid to study, science, Olympiads, subject weeks are held. A - Alexander Pushkin. After all, he was a lyceum student, and the lyceum, like the gymnasium, is famous for its traditions. З - this sound is such a call. Of course, "Z" is a bell, the first bell and the last bell of an unforgettable school life. And - interest and initiative. These two qualities will always help you in your studies and life, high school student. I am all the high school students who are present in this hall. Our motto: It will be difficult - get stronger! It will hurt - do not cry! There will be wind - do not rot! Eye in the palm - do not hide! If there are thunderstorms - look! If tears - wipe off! If it's scary - be strong! Remember, you are a high school student! Students read poetry:
  3. 3. 1. Russia, high school student, keep in your soul, Love her to self-forgetfulness. While you are small, but the days will come When you will understand your destiny. Like Lomonosov you sing it, Stand up for it with your chest, Like Alexander Nevsky, Like Peter, raise and rebuild it, Gagarin take off into the universal expanse.3. While you are small, they are from the depths of centuries Already proud of you and believe sacredly, That the destiny of words will come true - Russia - mother is rich in talents. We sing a song On the Moscow side - in a historical place All my friends are crying with bitter tears. Dear teachers - do not scold us. Dads, mothers, all relatives - you help us. Here we stand and sing to you - you will appreciate it. merge into hours. For discoveries and miracles, time begins After being accepted as gymnasium students: We swear to give all the strength with knowledge, So that only “five” will always be the main mark! 5th grade students: We swear! thorny! Patience and perseverance Will help, high school student! We swear to lazy people Seriously fight back! 5th grade students: We swear!
  4. 4. To be decent and honest Be, a gymnasium student, always ready! Grade 5 students: We swear! Grade 5 student: We swear three times to cherish the honor of the school, We swear by its pride And glory to be! Grade 5 students: We swear! We swear! We swear! Pupil of the 5th grade: Here we want to comprehend not only science, To start learning professions, Here is beautiful, kind, eternal We want to comprehend for ourselves! Pupil of the 5th grade: But you will see soon, We promise at this hour, That Lomonosov and Mendeleev , will be among us! Pupil of the 5th grade: We promise to fulfill Everything that is said in the oath, Always forward! The road is visible to us. We are gymnasium students, do not forget, And we have one goal. our friends, bolder on the way. We, gymnasium students of school No. 438, promise to be worthy of the high honor of bearing the title of gymnasium student. We will always remember our promises, keep an oath in our hearts and never forget the commandments of the gymnasium students! Grade 5 students read the commandments: Be persistent, inquisitive and persistentRemember! Who knows a lot, he achieves a lot! Learn for the good of your Fatherland! Be truthful, generous and merciful! Remember! The hand of the giver will not become scarce! Love your neighbor, be faithful and devoted to the Fatherland! Remember! The happiness of your Motherland is your happiness! Everyone sings the Gaudeamus hymn while standing.
  5. 5. Sasha Volovikova 1. Blue uniforms shone And red collars Under the sun of Northern Palmyra Pupils flocked to the gymnasium.4. “My friends... Our union is beautiful!” – here Pushkin exclaims with delight, and a pleasant whisper of muses is heard... “My friends... Our union is beautiful!” Daniil Zubko The celebration of the October blue was the birthday of friends... Hope, the future of Russia dreamed of seeing this lyceum! Hello, dear parents, teachers and all the guests of our holiday. Good afternoon to everyone who has gathered for our solemn holiday "Initiation into high school students"! Zhenya Kryuchkina3. Here were Pushchin, Kuchelbecker and Pushkin with Delvig - a quartet, where there is a place for friendly guardianship and pranks of the lyceum years. Today is a holiday: October 19 - Birthday of the lyceums of Russia. And on this day we will become real high school students! And now we want to introduce our class 5 "A"! We invite 5 A students to the stage. Support them with loud applause. Polina Fedunova There are many classes in our school, Only our best! We are just super guys! We are just class guys! We are now one family! We are proud of each other, I am for everyone, everyone is for me! We are here like a family
  6. 6. We live together, gloriously We sing, we have fun Science "nibbles" Skryabina Ksenia Our boys are the best of all! And you can't find more beautiful! The happiness of your Motherland is your happiness! Yelenskaya KatyaKirill, Sasha and Yegor We are respected, And Danila and Arthur are very much liked by everyone! Egor Well, the girls are more beautiful than all: Beauty Queens! Do not forget honor, After all, he is the basis of all the foundations! Be decent and honest, be always ready, high school student! Katashinsky Kirill Sveta, Olya and Tatiana, Nastya and Arina There are two more Alexandra, as well as Katerina! Friendly, provocative Zhenya and Marina Cool girls - Anya and Alina But you will see soon, We promise at this hour, That Lomonosov and Mendeleev, Perhaps, will be among us! Sasha Ponomarenko There are two Mashas, ​​Marietta, Ksyusha and Polina - And for the boys, friends, There is one raspberry here !!!
  7. 7. Arthur Mirabyan Three more Sonya and Milan - There is no such class anymore! We love our school very much. We will study in it for many years! We promise to fulfill Everything that is said in the oath, Always forward! The road is visible to us. we have one. Reaching the peak is difficult and the path will be difficult. We will glorify our school, friends, bolder on the way. Uzbekova Arina We are proud that our school has its own holiday. High school student's day is one of them. Remember! Who knows a lot, he achieves a lot! Masha Burminova And - history. The school is rich in history. Our school is already over 35 years old, and the history of our school is part of the history of our country. Masha Laktionova M - youth. It is we, young and young, who today have become high school students. We are ready to preserve and replenish the history of our school with new traditions. Tatyana Kopylova - science. In our school, much attention is paid to study, science, Olympiads, subject weeks are held. Karetina MarinaA - Alexander Pushkin. After all, he was a lyceum student, and the lyceum, like the gymnasium, is famous for its traditions. Remember! The hand of the giver will not be scanty! We swear three times to cherish the honor of the school, We swear to be proud of it And to be glory! Azizbayeva Alina Z - this sound is such a call. Of course, "Z" is a bell, the first bell and the last bell of an unforgettable school life. Learn for the good of your Fatherland!
  8. 8. Paramonova SashaI - interest and initiative. These two qualities will always help you in your studies and life, high school student. Our motto: It will be difficult - be strong! It will hurt - do not cry! There will be wind - do not rot! Do not hide your eye in your palm! If it's scary - be strong! Remember, you are a high school student! Kocherzhina Sonya I - these are all the high school students who are present in this hall. Gerekhanova Sakinat1. Russia, high school student, keep in your soul, Love her to self-forgetfulness. While you are small, but the days will come When you will understand your destiny. elevate and rebuild, Gagarin take off into the universal expanse. Osipyan Marietta3. While you are small, they are from the depths of centuries They are already proud of you and believe sacredly, That the destiny of words will come true - Russia - mother is rich in talents Anya Pistova We swear all the same Strength with knowledge to give, So that only “five” will always be the main assessment! Kuznetsova Nastya Let the path to knowledge be difficult And difficult and thorny! Patience and perseverance will help, high school student!
  9. We swear to the lazy people Seriously fight back! Sonya Kryuchkova Here we want to comprehend not only science, To learn the professions, Here is beautiful, kind, eternal We want to comprehend for ourselves! Be persistent, inquisitive and stubborn!
  10. 10. On the Moscow side - in a historical place We have to study in a gymnasium class, Oh, it will be difficult for us - not to say in words, All my friends are crying with bitter tears. Dear teachers - do not scold us. Dads, mothers, all relatives - you help us .Here we stand and sing to you - you will appreciate it. After all, without you we will disappear in a scientific labyrinth. Seconds quietly drip - and merge into hours. For discoveries and miracles, time begins On the Moscow side - in a historical place it will be for us - not to say in words, All my friends are crying with bitter tears. Dear teachers - you don’t scold us. Dads, mothers, all relatives - you help us. Here we stand and sing to you - you will appreciate it. labyrinth.Seconds drip quietly - and merge into hours. For discoveries and miracles, time begins On the Moscow side - in a historical place We have to study in the gymnasium class, Oh, it will be difficult for us - not to say in words, All my friends cry with bitter tears. Dear teachers - you do not scold us. Dads, mothers, all relatives - you help us. Here we stand and sing to you - you will appreciate it. After all, without you we will be lost in a scientific labyrinth. Seconds quietly drip - and merge into hours. Time for discoveries and miracles begins On the Moscow side - in a historical place We have to study in the gymnasium class, Oh, it will be difficult for us - not to say in words, All my friends are crying with bitter tears. Dear teachers - do not scold us. Dads, mothers, all relatives - you help us. we stand and sing to you - you will appreciate it. After all, without you we will be lost in a scientific labyrinth.
  11. 11. Seconds quietly drip - and merge into hours. For discoveries and miracles, time begins
  12. 12. Among the tall buildings, You stand like a fortress, A treasury of knowledge, You multiply and store them. Oh, our school! You are not dearer. they are waiting for us. Both classes and lessons, Comrades, friends, Girlfriends, teachers, the whole school family!


MUSIC I. Krutoy “When I close my eyes” (the text sounds against the background of quiet music, a presentation is on the screen, the hall is decorated in antiquity, the script participants are dressed accordingly)

1 ... The term "gymnasium" is borrowed from Ancient Athens. And today, the gymnasium is a secondary general educational institution.

2. V Ancient Greece Gymnasiums were originally intended for classes exercise... But later they turned into a kind of communication centers for young people.

1 ... In Russia, the first gymnasiums were established in St. Petersburg in 1726, in Moscow - in 1755, in Kazan - in 1758.

2 ... Of particular importance for the history of the gymnasium was the "Charter of Educational Institutions" introduced in 1804. The gymnasium had a 4-year course of study.

1 ... Those who graduated from the gymnasium with gold and silver medals were admitted to the University in the first place and without exams.

2. Today we dedicate our fifth-graders to high school students.

1 ... And Zeus, accompanied by goddesses, descended to us for a holiday from Ancient Olympus.



    Goddess of Knowledge

    Goddess of poetry

    goddess of music

    Goddess of Sports

    Countess Five

    Madam order

    Queen of Sciences

Thunder and lightning.


Tell me,

queen of knowledge,

Why are there so many girls

And beautiful young men?

Who collected them

On what occasion?

Goddess of Knowledge ... I will tell you, the wisest. Today is the day of initiation into high school students. And they gathered to enter our temple - the temple of knowledge.


So what is the difference between high school and high school?

Goddess of knowledge, answer intelligently!

Goddess of knowledge.

It's all about thoughts.

Thought is the beginning of all beginnings.

And the mind can be controlled.

Work on it, improve it.

For this, these youths came here,

Oh Zeus!

Zeus. Well, what are they going to be taught here?!

Goddess of knowledge.

Do not count everything!

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries

In the gymnasium they have to do!

And even if at first it will be difficult.

Only through thorns the path to knowledge lies.

Goddess of poetry.

Let them not quarrel with literature,

And suddenly someone can become a poet,

They will study mathematics ... And soon

Learn to split the atom!

Goddess of knowledge.

Let them love biology

And physics - the science of all sciences.

And I hope a little later

History will be their best friend.

Goddess of music.

They study a lot of subjects

And they can master languages

In chemistry, all knowledge will be received

And they will be able to overcome geography!

Zeus. And now we will introduce you to the three main ladies who will be with you all the years of study, all high school students love them, but not all of these beautiful ladies reciprocate.

Against the background of music come out: Countess Five, Madame Order, Queen of Sciences.

Countess Five.

I am more desirable and loved by all,

I'm not afraid to admit it.

Anyone wants to have me

But I only get the best.

And not for everyone who wants to.

I'm not easy to deserve.

Only he will always get me

Who will love knowledge.

Madam Order.

I am a very lady strict rules:

Sloppy, dirty, I can't stand it.

And if someone has dishonored himself,

I fall in love with him instantly.

I love comfort and order,

Flowers that make everyone happy

So that the classes are all right,

And everyone was happy for each other.

Queen of Sciences.

To you, high school students,

Today I am addressing:

You, greedy for knowledge, boldly forward!

I open a great fire for you.

Fire, whose light does not go out over the Earth.

May everyone who stretches out their hands to him now,

Who was awarded the title of "high school student",

Let him be doomed to creative torment,

Let that unfading light carry in the soul.

goddess of music ... Oh great Zeus!

Zeus ... Yes, Goddess of music, I listen to you!

Goddess of music. What about my subject? After all, music is a pair of art. She is the same for the art of poetry, what dreams are for the thought, that for the ocean of waves - the ocean of clouds above it. Music inspires the world, gives wings to the soul, promotes the flight of the imagination, gives life to everything that exists. It can be called the embodiment of everything beautiful and sublime. Look!

Dance "Waltz" to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers".

Goddess of music.

Well, I'm satisfied!

And I know that it's not only

Will give mind development,

But the flight of the soul is high

No one will be alien here.

Goddess of Sports ... Oh, Zeus, let me tell you too! I think: "Everything in a person should be beautiful: mind, soul and body."

3Sun. Why are you saying this?

Goddess of sports.

Yes, I would like

So that many of them places of honor

Among the Olympic champions occupied.

Zeus. May it be so. ButBefore I begin the initiation, I want you to take some tests of your wit.

Goddess of poetry.

And the task is

Finish the verse gracefully:

Queen of Sciences.

This Small child

Knows a lot from the cradle

This is a future writer

Both scientist and artist

And today they call

His word ... (school student).

Madam Order.

The student must know:

Need to write slowly

To avoid blots

And in the notebooks was ... (order).

Countess Five.

To keep up with the class

You always study for ... ("five")


Well done! With this test

You did well.

Now it's time to show you:

Sing and dance.

Only, churn, not very long,

It's time for us to dedicate you to high school students.

Performance of students of 5 "C" class and 5 "T" class (class business cards)



1st student.

We not only want to comprehend science,

To learn the professions

Here is beautiful, kind, eternal

We want to comprehend for ourselves!

2nd student.

And you will see soon

We promise this hour

That Lomonosov and Mendeleev

Perhaps they will be among us!

3rd student.

We ask this day and hour

Reward our efforts.

You give us the right to enter

To the shimmering temple of knowledge.

4th student.

We promise to fulfill

All that is said in the oath

And now we'll sing a song about

What is connected with us.

5 T sing a song to the motive of the song of the group "Lube" "Atas!"

We study history in detail.

We visit the school museum.

We draw nature, as well as

Understanding the nature of things...

At work we make and prepare,

And each of us tries.

We always start the day with a charge:

All the guys here love sports!


We study computer science zealously,

We love and honor mathematics,

We read many interesting books

We will write many new ones.

Our language is great, mighty -

We will save it for posterity!

We will also learn German

Let's speak French!


T class! Well, how do you like this friendly class?

T class! What boys! What girls!

T class! you fell in love already us,

We will be the most best class! T class! T class!

We, believe me, guys, what do you need,

And we love to learn and sing,

And before any problem,

Learned not to be shy.

We have been friends with studies for a long time,

And we have a lot of discoveries.

We will prove to everyone: it is not in vain that they call

5 "T" - gymnasium class.


T class! Well, how do you like this friendly class?

T class! What boys! What girls!

T class! You already love us

We will be the best class! T class! T class!

Oath 5 "T" class

Student 1 - Westudents of the 5th grade "T", joining the ranks of the gymnasium fraternity,


To comprehend science within the walls of the school and beyond.

Student 2- Mind inquisitive to train with diligent learning.

Student 3 - Never miss an opportunity to learn more than we know, constantly

and comprehensive study.

Learner 4- Always be honest, principled, sincere, respectful and


Pupil 5- Protect the traditions of the school, and multiply its glory with your successes.

Student 6- Knowledge, abilities and thoughts to turn for the good of Russia.

Disciple 7- Never harm others. Try to be fair

caring. Love and respect every person.

Student 8- Protect nature. Look for ways to preserve harmony in the world.

Disciple 9- Do not be afraid of problems and boldly seek their solutions.

Disciple 10 - Do not lose heart in case of failures.

Student 11 - Be polite, neat and tidy.

Pupil 12 - Rejoice in success, appreciate and respect your comrades.

Disciple 13- Throughout his life, neither word nor deed should drop the honor of the school.

Pupil 14- To be worthy of the high rank of a high school student.

Zeus. Well done! And we all believe that you deserve the title of high school student.

Attention! And now the most important thing is the solemn ceremony of initiation into gymnasium students. Your senior comrades are on stage!

(to the school fanfare, students of 8G come out with ribbons of a high school student)

8 "G": We, high school students, also want to congratulate you and give you the following order:

Student 1: Love school dearly, study diligently,

And always respect your elders.

Don't chew gum at school, don't get your desks dirty,

And don't hurt the little ones.

Student 2: Try to learn and don't be lazy.

Always be exemplary and polite,

Always smile and don't be arrogant

Don't frown, don't pout, never whine.

Student 3: Learn well, communicate well,

And be true to the truth, do not lie.

Strive for new knowledge and harsh everyday life

Look into your eyes with a smile.

Student 4: Keep the honor of the school and honor all laws,

And remember that you are a Citizen.

And here are all the tips, and there are no easier ones ...

You value your honor!

Zeus. Give honorary ribbons to the high school student! (Handing ribbons, dressing ribbons )

High school students, cheer up!

Everyone look at me

Be ready to repeat

Oaths are eternal words.

All the students get up.

Goddess of poetry.

We swear all one

Give strength to knowledge

To the main assessment

There was always only "five"!

Gymnasium students ... We swear!

Goddess of knowledge.

Let there be a path to knowledge

And difficult and thorny,

Patience and perseverance

Help, high school student!

We vow to expand

Your narrow vision.

We swear to the lazy

Serious fight back!

Gymnasium students ... We swear!

Goddess of music.

Don't forget about the code of honor

After all, he is the basis of all foundations.

Be decent and honest

Be, high school student, always ready!

Gymnasium students ... We swear!

Goddess of sports.

We swear three times

Cherish the honor of the school

We swear by her pride

And be her glory!

Gymnasium students ... We swear! We swear! We swear!

- The introduction sounds, sing 1 verse of the Gaudeamus students' anthem

Zeus ... Dear children, now you are high school students! And everyone, of course, is in a hurry to congratulate you. The word for congratulations is provided by ____________ (school administration representative )

Zeus. A word to the high school students, your senior comrades.

1st student.

I wish all high school students

Start your morning with a charge.

And do not upset either dads or moms,

And health was so good!

2nd student.

I wish you all to develop brains.

So that thought always beats with the key in them.

And study and work only for "five",

Not surrendering to difficulties at the mercy.

3rd student.

I wish you not to lose fun,

Do not despair in any trouble.

And then life will put you "five",

It will open a rainbow above you.

4th student.

I wish you more

Creative impulses are fruitful.

With a heart to go not to the doctor.

Instead of drops for you - love poems.

5th student.

So that everyone can be carefree,

Someone must be vigilant today.

I wish you not to let your friends down

Be a support to those who are connected with you!

6th student.

What more can I wish for?

Let, like a song, your life be sung.

Let it be in the heat, and in the cold, and in the blizzard

Only kindness flows from the heart!

Zeus: Dear friends, now you bear the proud title of high school students!

Goddess of music. Carry it with honor!

Goddess of poetry. And glorify the name of our gymnasium.

Goddess of knowledge. We leave this temple of science in order to return here in a year.

Everything. See you soon, friends!!!

Domisolka - Hymn of the Gymnasium



Location: auditorium

Holiday start: 1 6.30


Vedas . : Hello, Dear friends! We are very glad to see you today in this festive hall so beautiful and elegant.

Vedas . : We are pleased to see your fathers and mothers, grandparents and, of course, your teachers here.

Vedas . : Entering the gymnasium, you passed exams, and then within six months you proved your right to study at the gymnasium.

Vedas . : And now the solemn day has come - the Day of initiation into high school students!

Leading: Our gymnasium is not just a place wherev you come thosefor knowledge. Forvac gymnasium second home where ovace care. Wherevyou are waiting every morning for the friendly looks of teachers and such dear to my heart faces of classmates.

A fifth grader appears on the stage - "bespectacled".

Fifth grader: Of course, we are ready to become high school students, but (adjusts her glasses) I would like, you know, to learn more about the place where we are to study.

Leading: Well, then watch and listen.


Vedas . : Here is the fifth gymnasium,

It looks very simple:

Lessons are always replaced by changes,

At the entrance the watchman sits invariably.

Fifth grader: And in more detail, how does life flow here?

Vedas . : Lessons, answers, calls, changes...

You should definitely make it to the dining room,

Solve an equation with one variable

And write more than one essay.

Fifth grader: What else do the local people live?

Vedas . : Exits to the forest, interesting meetings,

Contests, holidays, games in the evening,

Dances and songs, sports days,

As well as brain-rings and olympiads.

Fifth grader: Like, there are those guys that are at recess

Hurry to the library without fail,

Papers are written at the conference

Feel free to participate in the Olympics?

Vedas . : Don't just participate, they win

And they get prizes for victories.

Here, by the way, I will tell you directly,

The level of knowledge is higher than the program.

Vedas . : We believe that among you there are future winners of the Republican Olympiads.

Vedas . : They say a good builder never skimps on foundations. And the foundation of our gymnasium is our teachers.

Vedas . : Rarely, very rarelygymnasiumsyou can find a similar composition of teachers!

Ved.: Our gymnasium is a collaboration between children and adults: students, teachers and parents.

Ved.: Our gymnasium is a forge of knowledge and a workshop of thoughts, where the child is surrounded by beauty, play, fantasies and creativity.

Ved.: Our gymnasium is a search for the meaning of life, the ideals of goodness, love and truth.

Ved.: Our gymnasium is a place where one learns to be happy.

Ved.: And they can dream.

Vedas :( fifth grader: Well, how? Have we answered your question?

Fifth grader: Yes, I am satisfied. Well, I went.

Ved.: No, wait. And now we would like to hear from you, fifth graders.

Fifth grader: Easy. We will prove to you that you deserve to study at the gymnasium! Stage 5 "A"!

(Performance 5 "A")

Ved.: A wonderful show was given to us by the "Ashek" class.

Dance from the heart!

Oh how nice guys!

/ Children 5 - “And the class, to applause and accompaniment, descend from the stage into the hall. /

Ved.: It's time to get acquainted with the 5th grade "B", friends,

Let them show themselves

Everyone will be told about school life.

Fifth grader: You have the floor, 5 "B"!

/ Children enter the stage to the accompaniment. /

(performance 5 "B")

Ved.: "Well done boys! (to the audience) They were very worried, but they did their best.

This is what it means to live together

Spend time well.

/ The audience applauds, the class descends into the auditorium. /

Fifth grader: And finally, applause 5 "B"!

Ved.: Friends, (addressing the audience) Let's,

Meet the 5th "B" together.

Interesting ... What will show us now

"Veshek" - class?

(Children go on stage to the accompaniment)

(performance 5 "B")

Vedas. : Well, guys, well done!

Harmoniously, they tried to sing loudly

And they didn't stutter at all.

Ved.: Now I turn to the audience:

Is it better you saw

fifth grade students?

Unlikely. Here is the answer.

Ved.: So it's worth asking everyone:

Should they be high school students, or not?

Word to you, teachers, administration, parents,

After all, you are spectators today.

Hall: Yes!!!

Ved.: Guys! There is nothing brighter than a guiding star and an unquenchable fire of wisdom. And now, in this solemn moment, let's kindle the sacred fire of wisdom.

Ved.: It's magic fire, guys! Today you can light your fire from this candle and make a wish.

To the music, the guys light their candles from one candle.

Fifth graders take the stage, holding candles.

    Today we are gathered together

They lit a fire, but not for a song;

They lit it as a symbol of knowledge,

In the name of faith in our strength!

    Fire gives us hope

Fire leads to victory

And the bright path blesses

And friendship binds us all.

    Be restless!

Don't take it as a treat

The well-being of your own paradise!

Dare! Work! Make a mistake! Fall!

    And start all over again!

Not so easy, not everything in life is simple,

But let the fire burn in you.


Ved.: So, attention! Gathered in the hall! The solemn and important moment is coming!

Ved.: For the adoption of the Oath of the schoolboy, everyone stand up!


Ved.: High school students, pull yourself up.

Everyone look at me

Repeat, be ready

Oaths eternal words!

    We, students of gymnasium No. 5, swear to fulfill the duties of gymnasium students with accuracy!


    Never miss the opportunity to learn more than I know, constantly and comprehensively learn.


    Rejoice in success, appreciate and respect your schoolmates, teachers and all people. Don't be discouraged by failures.


    Always be honest, principled, sincere, respectful and fair.

We swear! (TOGETHER)

    Throughout his entire school life, neither word nor deed should drop the honor of the gymnasium.


Vedas: I ask everyone to join!

Ved.: The floor is given to the director of gymnasium No. 5

(The director presents 5 classes with diplomas of dedication to high school students).

Ved.: Congratulations, fifth graders!

Ved.: You are initiated into high school students!

Ved.: Well, high school student, go bolder,

Follow the future guys.

Fifth grader: Our path has not yet been trodden by anyone,

But we are not the first time to take risks with you.

And we are not afraid - we will tell everyone:

To study! Work! Create! Dare!

Flash mob

Vedas: I proudly look into the huge hall at friendly and talented children.

You have shown an excellent result worthy of educated people.

Vedas: You are witty, inquisitive, courageous, your mind is full of wonderful ideas.

And you glorify your gymnasium!

Vedas: Long live the wonderful traditions that we will continue:

Dare, create, invent, learn to write poetry. Where you need to take risks!

Vedas: Long live the cultural heritage, the connection of generations, which gives us strength!

Long live the teachers of the gymnasium - they opened the hearts of children to the sciences to everyone!

Vedas: Goodbye, dear, you don’t have fluff or feathers.

Let only fair winds help you in life!