
Where to start your speech. Public Speaking: Interesting Examples


Rules for making a public speech
accessible to listeners

How to start a performance?

Beginning of the performance presents the greatest difficulty. At the same time, it is extremely important, because at this moment the minds of the listeners are fresh and relatively easy to impress. Relying on chance can lead to too serious consequences. The beginning of the speech should be carefully prepared in advance.

Introduction should be short and no more than one or two sentences. Often you can do without it altogether.

Get straight to it to the point of your speech, using a minimum number of words. Nobody will object to this.

Don't start your speech with a humorous story.. This is not always successful, especially for beginners. Only very few people can successfully tell a funny joke. More often than not, this attempt confuses the audience rather than pleases them. The story should be on point, the humor should be the icing on the cake, but not the cake itself.

Never apologize, as this usually irritates listeners. Say exactly what you are going to say, say it clearly, say it quickly, and sit in your seat.

Don't start your speech too formally. Don't show that you prepared it carefully. It should look free, unintentional, natural. This can be achieved by talking about what just happened or what was just said.

To gain the attention of the audience at the beginning of your speech, you can use the following techniques:

– arouse the curiosity of listeners;

- tell an interesting story;

– start with a specific illustration;

- Ask a Question;

– start with some “amazing” quote or facts;

– show that the topic of the speech is related to the vital interests of the audience.

How to make the meaning of your speech clear?

1. Make the unfamiliar understandable by connecting it with familiar objects and phenomena.

2. Avoid technical terms in your speech. Express your thoughts in simple and understandable language.

3. Be sure that the subject you are about to speak about is as clear to you as sunlight at noon.

4. Use your listeners' visual perception. Whenever possible, use exhibits, pictures, illustrations. Be specific (don't use the word "dog" if you mean "white fox terrier with a black spot above the right eye").

5. Repeat your main points, but do not repeat or use the same phrases twice or thrice.

6. Make your abstract statements understandable by supporting general categories with concrete examples and cases.

7. Don't try to cover too many issues. In a short talk, it is impossible to properly address more than one or two sections of a large topic.

8. Conclude your speech with a brief summary of the points you have made.

9. If possible, use balanced sentences and contrasting ideas.

10. Interest is contagious. The audience will certainly be captivated by it if the speaker himself is imbued with it.

How to end a speech?

The ending of a speech is indeed its most strategically important element. What is said at the end is something that listeners are likely to remember longer.

Don't end your presentation by saying, “That's about all I have to say about this. So I guess I'll leave it at that." Finish, but don't say you're finishing.

Prepare the ending of your speech carefully and rehearse it in advance. Know almost word for word how you are going to end the speech. End your speech smoothly. Don't leave it unfinished and broken like a jagged cobblestone. Remember: good improvisation is well-prepared improvisation.

- to summarize - to repeat again and briefly state the main points that you touched upon in your speech;

– call to action;

– give the audience a suitable compliment;

- cause laughter;

– quote suitable poetic lines;

– use a vivid quote;

– create an emotional uplift.

When preparing the beginning and end of a speech, always link them together. Stop speaking before the audience wants you to. Remember: after the peak of popularity, satiety sets in very quickly.

Examples of public speaking.

In each of the above passages, those features of the text that are noted as having a positive impact on the audience are highlighted. All speeches are devoted to the problem of stimulating teachers to conduct methodological self-educational work.

1. “Dear colleagues! ( appeal). This is not the first time we are gathering this year on the issue of intensifying the work of methodological associations ( emphasizing the commonality of the matter). I express my gratitude (names are given, to whom it is addressed) to those who supported this line of work of the school ( pointing to positive examples). Yes, indeed, “another modernization” (nods towards the most dissatisfied listener) fell on our professional path ( recognition of the audience's right to their own opinion). Methodological work is an integral part of all education, it is through it that modernization is possible ( emphasizing significance).

I have spoken more than once about the results of the analysis of lessons attended ( reference to past interaction experience). Their strict examination gives every reason to believe that we all have them, without exception ( division of responsibility) are constructed in the same way. Only for an open lesson we try to delve into the methodological literature ( open admission of an ugly fact). Yes, indeed, we have a small salary, we are overloaded with part-time jobs and part-time jobs, our families at home want to see us not only sitting with books and notebooks ( warning of objections).

I expressed my proposals for the development of methodological work at school at the last methodological Council. I wrote the main directions for its activation on the board ( visual representation). There are five of them. I ask you to comment on them or contribute yours ( willingness to dialogue with listeners)».

2. “Today we will talk about methodological work. But first I would like to tell a parable about a horse ( laughter) (intriguing beginning). A man at the market praises his horse to a buyer, emphasizing that it runs fast. And he tells him: “Then you need to sell it cheaper.” "Why so?" - asks the man. “What if she runs fast, but in the wrong direction?” ( laughter).

Why am I saying this? The day before yesterday I was at a seminar at one school. There a teacher speaks with the message “the use of NLP in mathematics lessons in elementary school.” He performs with enthusiasm, and everyone likes the directors. And I innocently ask: “What linguistic is it in mathematics? What kind of programming is it if you have always developed your thinking in mathematics? What is the scientific basis for this innovation? How will this affect children – now and in the future? Do you understand where this lively teacher can run without methodical insight? ( rhetorical questions).

Another example. My son began to prepare for a history session at the institute, going through his old notebooks. It also became interesting for me to remember how they used to give material. I open: the teacher wrote a biography of Chernomyrdin on the entire page in the notebook ( laughter). Of course, there are no good history books and all that. Are there any good teachers?.. Just as a horse runs along an ideological road, it cannot be stopped ( problematization through metaphor, relying on examples from one’s own life and work).

Dear my colleagues! Dear like-minded people! ( pretentious appeal). You and I have gone through more than one obstacle course, we will go through this one too ( emphasizing commonality with listeners, expressing confidence in their capacity). Tell me the words with which I can explain to each of you that today no one will allow us to work like this. Methodological work is our face, this is the level of our professionalism. Methodological work for a teacher is an appeal to new knowledge. Without this, our work becomes meaningless. I am for meaningful work. And you?.. ( journalism, appeal to listeners)».

3. “I agree with previous speakers that methodological work is of great importance in the work of a teacher ( link to previous speakers). Even when it is not paid for, and even when it is carried out at your own expense - I mean courses and methodological literature ( open, possibly oppositional, attitude to the problem). Imagine a pediatrician with a small salary who treats using the knowledge of his student youth, which ended thirty years ago. Would you argue that we are equally responsible for a growing person ( comparison)?

In my speech, I focus on what makes methodological work vital for a teacher ( abstract of the speech content).

The first thing to remember ( numbering of the arguments put forward). The child we teach changes before our eyes. This year's fifth-grader cannot be taught the same way we taught current graduates in the fifth grade. We need to look for other methods, even explain the educational material in other words ( making obvious arguments).

Second. A teacher engaged in methodological work is a teacher respected by us, parents and students. In a situation where the prestige of our profession is falling, we are obliged (I emphasize – we are obliged) to ensure respectful treatment of our work ( appeal to values).

And third. We are what we leave behind. What will remain after us when we ourselves are gone? A stack of ironed duvet covers?.. If it’s a memory, then let us be remembered as brilliant professionals in our field. And even better - as authors of “manuals”, textbooks and articles in our professional journals, as delegates of congresses and conferences, as the best representatives of our country ( appeal to higher meanings).

Thank you for the opportunity to say about all this ( thanks to the listeners)».

Efficiency business meeting held in the form public speaking, increases if the following characteristics are present:

Ø accuracy of the information provided, verifiability of factual material;

Ø showing trust in listeners, including their professional and life situation in the context of the speaker’s speech;

Ø examples from your own experience and from the experience of listeners;

Ø emphasizing the significance and prestige of what is said in the speech;

Ø emphasizing common interests and goals with the listeners;

Ø thoughtful structure of the text, its emotional and figurative expressiveness;

Ø sensitive response to the mood of the audience;

Ø friendliness, ease of communication;

Ø providing listeners with the opportunity to choose their attitude towards the perceived material, the absence of coercion and categoricalness;

Ø established feedback from audiences (this will be discussed in detail below).

The situation of public speaking makes it possible to determine what type of speaking, monological (dominant, authoritarian) or dialogic, the speaker adheres to to a greater extent. These two types are compared according to several indicators given in the table.

Public speaking is a speech in front of an audience, a presentation of some information, possibly showing visual material, for a specific purpose.

The purposes of public speaking can be very different: to inform, explain, interest, convince, convince, motivate to action or inspire.

Depending on the purpose, the types of speeches are divided: informational (narrative, descriptive, explanatory), campaigning (inspiring, persuasive, inducing action) and entertaining.

In modern practice, depending on the specific scope of application, public speaking is divided into the following types:

1) academic (lecture, scientific report, scientific message). Distinctive features are scientific terminology, argumentation, logical culture, communication of scientific information;

2) judicial (accusatory or defensive speech). Distinctive features - analysis of factual material, use of expert data, references to witness testimony, logic, persuasiveness;

3) socio-political (speech at a meeting, propaganda, rally speech). Such speeches can be of an inviting or explanatory nature. Distinctive features are a variety of visual and emotional means, features of the official style, the use of political and economic terms;

4) social and everyday (welcome, dinner, memorial speech). Distinctive features - appeal to feelings; free presentation plan; use of simile, metaphor, solemn style.

The first stage of any type of public speaking is preparation - determining the topic, selecting material and collecting additional information. A good speech is determined by the depth of content (essence) and the form of presentation (style). Both require time and hard work. In order for your speech to achieve its goal, collect as much information as possible about the intended audience: who you are addressing, how many people there will be, find out their age, range of issues of interest, level of education, professions of your future listeners. Find out how knowledgeable they are about issues related to your presentation. The more material you collect, the easier it will be for you to convey information to the audience, as well as answer questions, consider and refute objections, including those that are deliberately provocative and dishonest. But don’t try to embrace the immensity in one speech. What you say and the options you offer must be understandable and acceptable to the interlocutor. Do not get carried away with terminological vocabulary or an excessive number of statistical calculations, proving how smart and eloquent you are. Your goal is to be understood.

Speech is composed in accordance with the laws of logical thinking. It should contain an unusual message, arousing interest, or a vital circumstance. Abstract reasoning alternates in speech with concrete facts illustrating these reasoning. Vivid, convincing argumentation, fresh, exciting information, material compiled in the form of a search for truth, makes the audience perceive the speech with bated breath. Facts presented in public speech must be verified, all conclusions must be thought out and verified.

The second stage is the presentation of the prepared material. Here you need to meet three conditions: adapt to the audience, capture their attention and observe how the information is perceived, whether the reaction coincides with the one you expected.

At the beginning of the speech, it is important to concentrate the attention of the audience, establish contact and relative ease in communication with those present.

It is necessary to begin your speech with a strong and persistent desire to achieve your goal. Speech has a response from the listener only when in the mind of the speaker he himself, the audience and the word merge into one. To do this, you need to know what the speaker will talk about. If the speech is not thought out and planned in advance, the speaker cannot feel confident in front of the audience, and confidence is one of the most important components of success.

Every public performance must meet a number of basic requirements.

The first of them is certainty, clarity. Listeners must clearly understand all words and expressions used by the speaker. When a speaker uses words unfamiliar to the audience, uncertainty and misunderstanding arise. You must present the information offered in an accessible, clear form. You should strive to ensure that your information is heard and properly understood.

Modern audiences want a speaker to speak as simply as in a personal conversation. With a good speaker, listeners do not notice the manner of speaking; they perceive only the subject being discussed.

For persuasive influence it is necessary that the level of speaking corresponds to the level of understanding. Arguments should be taken from the field of activity of the listeners, information should be acceptable according to gender and age characteristics and, if possible, clearly presented.

The next essential requirement for public speaking is consistency. It is achieved when the presentation goes from the known to the unknown, from simple to complex, from a description of the familiar and close to the distant. You should think about the composition of your speech. Limit your speech to 20 minutes, because most people are not able to listen long and carefully. Most often, a three-component structure is used: introduction (5-10% of the speaking time), main part, conclusion (5% of the speaking time).

At the beginning of your speech, briefly list the main points you are going to cover. During the presentation, you dwell in more detail on certain provisions that, in your opinion, are interesting for the audience. In conclusion, it is necessary to summarize the speech, repeat the main conclusions and provisions, and call for action. The beginning and end of the speech must be connected to each other. What is said at the end is better remembered by the listeners.

It is very important to observe the compositional proportionality of the material, to wisely combine old and new, theoretical and practical material, positive and negative information, rational and emotional in a speech.

The most important condition for oratory is the ability to use images and pictures. Without this, speech is always pale and boring, and most importantly, it is not able to influence the feelings and through them the mind. Real public speech should excite and excite not only thoughts, but also feelings. Only colors and images can create a living speech, one that can impress listeners. A speech consisting only of reasoning cannot be retained in people’s heads; it quickly disappears from memory. The speaker's job is to influence the feelings of his listeners. Strong feelings and experiences of a person always affect the mind, leaving an indelible impression.

To activate attention, create mental tension and emotional tone in the human psyche, experienced speakers use subtle rhetorical techniques, quotes, and examples.

Oratory necessarily includes the culture of speech and knowledge of the norms of the literary language. There are a number of typical mistakes in oral speech: incorrect choice of words, use of unnecessary words, use of words that sound similar, misunderstanding of the meaning of words. Errors in the pronunciation of sounds and their combinations and in stress are also unacceptable.

A speaker’s speech literacy is manifested in the ability to adapt speech to a specific situation and the art of intonation. With the help of intonation, increasing and decreasing the speed of speech, its volume, thinking and emotional perception are involved. Important words and thoughts are emphasized intonationally, with special energy, and pauses are made before expressing them.

In order for the impact to be as effective as possible, you need to learn to control your voice. The voice is capable of transmitting, simply and beautifully expressing our thoughts and feelings. Speech must be sufficiently audible, and this depends on a well-trained voice and the ability to use it in various conditions. The ability to control one's voice is associated with the development of speech breathing. Vary your voice volume and speed of speech and show your excitement and interest in the issue being discussed.

The sound quality of speech depends on the brightness, clarity of pronunciation - diction and on the compliance of speech with the norms of Russian literary pronunciation.

Even in the process of preparing for a speech, you should strengthen faith in your ability to control the audience and train in mastering specific rhetorical techniques.

There is a rule: if you want to master any art, practice constantly, persistently, tirelessly. In oratory, it is necessary to master the technique, mechanisms, and culture of speech through a system of training, exercises combined with speaking practice. Learning public speaking and expressing one's thoughts is about eliminating inhibitions, helping a person feel free, at ease, confident, inspired and behave correctly in front of an audience.

Ask someone who is not an expert in your field to listen to you and give you their opinion. Was it interesting to listen to you? Does your speech have meaning? Are you clear?

Did you meet the allotted time, what was successful in the performance, what were the shortcomings and why did they arise?

Most likely, the first time you will not be satisfied with the result, because you will spend a lot of unnecessary words, and you will have the feeling that you did not say something very important. Then you need to think through your ideas again, choose the right words, remove unnecessary ones and explain something with diagrams or drawings. Rehearse until you feel confident and have your speech almost memorized. The speaker must thoroughly know the material of his speech. It's a good idea to have reference material on hand for those who want a more detailed explanation. This also instills confidence, calm, and firmness in the argumentation of the information message.

It is very important to learn how to overcome the so-called “speaking fever” or excessive excitement. Many people experience its symptoms: nervousness, fussiness in hand movements, pallor or, conversely, excessive blush, red spots on the face, rapid pulse, etc. All this not only hinders movements, but also leads to “mental tension”, the inability to think effectively . You need to master the ability to create a friendly and at the same time business atmosphere.

In no case should your speech take the form of simply literal transmission of material or reading the text on one note, not paying attention to punctuation marks, since in such a speech there is almost completely no contact with the audience.

To maintain contact with the audience or to restore it, you can use the following techniques:

2) focus your gaze on those who interfere with the performance;

3) introduce an extended pause, creating a climax in the text;

4) suddenly ask the audience a question;

5) use visual aids, diagrams, diagrams, pictures to illustrate reasoning;

6) change the pace of speech, emphasizing important ideas by rephrasing them.

There are also several ways to influence a person's perception of information. To do this, it is important to determine in which modality (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) information can be best presented. The visual modality is in most cases the most successful option. Visually, you can simultaneously imagine a large amount of information, which means that all complex objects (with many details), systems with complex processes and relationships can be perceived as a whole.

Create the “core” of the visual image, that is, first say only the most basic things, placing emphasis on this. After that, gradually move on to details, complementing and expanding this image. Complete the verbal description with drawings, diagrams, diagrams. This is especially useful in cases where your interlocutor has difficulty constructing a visual image.

To help a person create a visual image of what you are talking about, try to very accurately describe how you yourself imagine the object or event you are talking about, use as much detail as possible, and do not be afraid to repeat what is most important. Add emotional coloring, i.e. speak with enthusiasm, interest, and highlight the most important points. The most memorable and persuasive speakers are those who speak from the heart. Use gestures: when a person talks about what he sees in his "mind's eye", he begins to "draw" it in the air with his hands, and, oddly enough, this often helps the interlocutor.

Use your hands, face, and upper body to emphasize the most important points with gestures to make your thoughts more vivid and lively. When combined with words, gestures also speak, enhancing their emotional resonance. Gesticulation can be classified according to its purpose: expressive, descriptive, pointing, imitative. Gestures are used in descriptions, if desired, to indicate a place and movement, they help to bring the necessary clarity to the presentation.

But using gestures correctly is a difficult task. Use gestures as you feel the need for them. Gesticulation should not be continuous. Do not gesture with your hands throughout the speech, because not every phrase needs to be underlined with a gesture. Make a variety of gestures, do not indiscriminately use the same gesture in all cases when you need to give expressiveness to words. Gestures must serve their purpose. Their number and intensity should correspond to the nature of the speech and the audience (for example, adults, as opposed to children, prefer moderate gestures).

For more effective impact on listeners, use the following methods:

1) the effect of the first phrases. Immediately draw attention to yourself as a person. For example: “I am glad to meet you”;

2) the effect of quantum information release. To prevent the audience from losing attention, “scatterings” of novelty are needed;

3) the effect of argumentation. Use convincing and accessible evidence for the audience to assimilate, especially if the arguments are related to the sphere of professional interests of those present;

4) relaxation effect. Psychologically unite different people in the hall, set them up for empathy. Humor, a joke, a sharp word will help to rally people in intellectual activity, to keep and strengthen their attention;

5) analogue effect. If two phenomena are similar in one or more respects, then they are likely to be similar in other respects;

6) the effect of imagination. The mental efforts of the listener in the absence of proper completeness of information stimulate assumptions, conjectures, dreams, fantasies;

7) the effect of discussion. Discussion is one of the varieties of dispute as a verbal competition. Its goal is to achieve the truth by comparing different opinions. A prerequisite for discussion is the presence of a problem that is interesting for those present in order to involve them in the exchange of opinions. Build a general summary from the most interesting judgments;

8) ellipse effect. This is the omission of a structurally necessary element of statements, which in this context is easily restored. Arkady Raikin used it during performances, talking with the audience, pausing so that they themselves could figure out the ending of the phrase or the missing words in it and complete them in chorus. The audience willingly joins in co-creation with the speaker. In response to questions asked of you:

1) never say: “I agree, but...”, or even: “Yes, but...” Such expressions cause controversy, since the word “but” carries an aggressive meaning and implies resistance. Say instead, “I agree, and...” or “I understand why you feel that way, and...” or even “I respect your opinion, and...” The word “and” is much less controversial and shows your desire to come. to agreement. Such expressions can stop arguments from the start. They will help you get to your topic rather than just answer questions;

2) when answering a obviously false assumption, give it a definition. Don't try to defend yourself, just say, “This is a wrong conclusion. What I actually said was…” and repeat your thought;

3) if the question is not logical, do not say that it is “bad” or “stupid”, humor will be an effective weapon against it, in addition, this will help you win the support of the audience. However, when using humor, connect it to the logic of the question or your topic, not to the person. Answer the question without affecting the identity of the person who asked it;

4) when answering tricky questions, determine what the main idea is in the question. Ask the questioner his name to gain a few seconds. Begin your answer by calling the person by name and briefly expressing your affection for them, then continue: “If I understand the question correctly, your main concern is...” If you keep it as brief as possible, you won't give the questioner time to interrupt you. During the first 45 seconds of a response, the speaker is very rarely interrupted. Therefore, in the first minute of your answer, you need to answer the main part of the question. Say something positive and give an interesting example.

In the speaker’s communication with the audience, not only the form of the speech plays an important role, but also his entire appearance. A good overall impression of the speaker's appearance, mannerisms, posture and gestures is essential to the success of the speech. But there may also be a negative side, since external data can distract the attention of listeners from the content of the speech.

You must be sure that your appearance suits the audience and the environment. Choose your clothes carefully.

Since you need to manage people's attention, it is very important not to remain unnoticed. If you show up in a pale blue suit, a pale blue shirt and a pale blue tie, they simply won’t pay attention to you and, most likely, won’t listen to you. It is also important not to blend into the background. Of course, it is better to know in advance what will be behind you during the performance. If it suddenly turns out that you are blending into the background, then take off your jacket, because there is no other way out. It's better to look a little extravagant than to let your audience ignore you. From a certain distance, small details merge: a suit with small checks can cause dizziness, and stripes can cause ripples in the eyes. For performances, wear a dark blue or dark gray suit, always plain, a white or very pale plain shirt and a tie that matches the color of the suit.

Dress modernly, but not flashily, so that the audience can listen to your speech without being distracted by your outfit.

Nothing on you or with you should restrict your freedom of movement. Do not wear tight-fitting suits that restrict the movement of your shoulders and arms.

The face should be serious, but not gloomy. To do this, you need to practice in front of a mirror. Study your face. What happens to the eyebrows, to the forehead? Smooth out wrinkles, straighten frowning eyebrows. If he has a “frozen” expression, practice loosening and tensing your facial muscles. Say phrases rich in various emotions - sadness, joy, and so on, making sure that facial expressions also take part in this.

Don't worry and don't forget about inner confidence. Calmly head to the podium. Don’t go through your notes as you go, don’t button your jacket, don’t tidy up your hair, don’t straighten your tie. You need to think about all this in advance. Do not start speaking until you are in a comfortable and stable position. As soon as you take your seat, address the presidium and then the audience. Choose a specific form of address like: “Mr. Presiding Officer, ladies and gentlemen...” and begin.

The first and last information is remembered best - the law of the edge

The way a speaker begins and ends his speech is the easiest way to test his experience, skill, or lack of skill. There is even an old saying in the theater community regarding actors: “They are judged by how they appear and how they leave the stage.” Beginning and the end! This is the most difficult thing in almost any business. But, at the same time, it is the most important thing, including in oratory.

In this article we will talk about how to start public speaking. As a result of studying this material, you will have a lot of options for how you can start speaking to the public on any topic and in front of any audience.

Dale Carnegie once asked the president of a university what the most important lesson he had learned as a speaker from his many years of practice. After thinking for a minute, the rector replied: “Find a spectacular beginning to immediately capture the attention of the listeners.” No one will argue that the beginning of a speech is a very difficult and at the same time important stage of speech, when the listener catches our every word.

Back in the 19th century, Hermann Ebinhaus established the law of edge: information located at the beginning and end of speech is best remembered. That is why, no matter what topic your speech is devoted to, its beginning cannot be left to chance. Please note that the success of your speech largely depends on how you start speaking and how much you manage to interest the audience!

The purpose of the introduction is to prepare listeners to perceive information and immediately attract their attention. Therefore, the first words should be simple, accessible, understandable and interesting in order to hook listeners. Of course, introductory words should not only be sharp, coherent, and catch the attention of the audience, but also, in fact, correspond to the subject of the speech.

The opening part of a speech is the ideal moment for a speaker to:

1. Show yourself as a person who can be trusted, interested in the matter, and convinced.

2.Tune in yourself and set up your audience for communication:

a) to arouse the audience’s interest in oneself, to capture attention;

b) establish eye contact with the audience;

3.Prepare a favorable psychological atmosphere for speech perception:

a) explain the intention;

b) formulate the problem;

c) list the main issues that will be discussed, that is, report the plan for the speech.

One more point is worth noting. This is the problem of the “pre-speech” presentation of the speaker. As Dale Carnegie wrote “...even before we began to speak, we are approved or condemned...” Therefore, be prepared, due to circumstances, to say a few words that are not directly related to the matter, but are necessary for the listeners in order to tune in to communication. To do this, you can use positive comments about the composition of the audience, the circumstances of the meeting, attitude to the topic, etc.

In order not to get lost and not tormented by guesses about what to say in each specific case, have in your “speaker’s piggy bank” several such options that from the outside will seem like elegant improvisations.

But the main thing in the introduction is to attract attention, establish contact, and prepare for the perception of speech.

WITH where to start a speech

So, the beginning... What could it be? Don’t be confused by some of the “academic” nature of the material presented below, just take note when preparing your speech that version of the introduction that in your case will be the most organic and acceptable.

1.Normal start

It immediately, without prior preparation, introduces listeners to the essence of the matter. The content of this introduction is directly related to the content of the speech and represents it. This option is good for a business speech in a friendly audience:

Reason message

Communicating the reason compelling the speaker to take the podium

Friends! What made me come to this podium was the desire to reveal the principles of effective work in our company.

Communicating the purpose of the speech

Dear partners! I came to this podium to give some explanations of our company's marketing plan.

Substantiation of the topic of the speech

Recently, more and more people are coming to work for our company, and this can be explained by the fact that...

Problem posing

This type of speech opening is good when the speaker is introducing a new aspect of the issue being discussed or feels that the audience is underestimating the seriousness of the issue. Some employees do not pay attention to their personal development, but it is their own improvement, mastery of new knowledge and skills that allows them to achieve great success in our company.

Indication of like-minded people and supporters

Sometimes the speaker has to speak out against prevailing opinions, object to high-ranking leaders, etc. In this case, he can rely on the opinion of a large group of people and emphasize the weight of his speech by referring to the instructions of the company and its employees. Dear friends! Today here I represent about ten thousand residents of the Republic of Tatarstan who are employees of our company.

Historical overview

This type of introduction is resorted to in cases where an excursion into the history of the issue can help to better resolve it or indicate a long path to making a decision, emphasizing its thoughtfulness and weight. Our company is one of the fastest growing companies in the city. Over the last year alone, a thousand people came to work for our company, several tens of thousands became consumers of our company’s products...

2. Thoughtful start

In this case, forget about extraneous remarks about the composition of the audience or the weather for a while, each sentence must be verified. More suitable for an unfriendly, critical audience or in cases where the listeners are very inattentive, uncollected. Such an introduction can help focus the attention of the audience, or more importantly, make an attempt to find a common platform that unites the interests and views of the speaker and the audience.

Parable, legend, fairy tale

Here it should be remembered that this should not be any kind of legend, but it should be related to the topic of your speech. That is, its morality and meaning should help resolve the problem posed in the speech. Moreover, the speaker is obliged to substantiate this connection himself, and not leave this work to the listeners. One medieval legend tells about a bell that had a magical property: in its ringing, every traveler heard the melody that he wanted to hear. How often the debate between the parties resembles this bell from the legend: the same facts, the same faces, but how differently, how dissimilarly they are seen by people.


It can serve the same role as a parable, or it can flatter the audience’s pride, which is also important if you are speaking to a critical audience. There is something remarkable about the fact that one of the first international meetings of scientists devoted to the defense of life takes place in a city that inscribed on its shield: “We waver, but we do not sink” - a proud motto that in our time could become the motto of our entire planet .

One of the network marketing leaders began his speech about the need to work with a sponsor as follows: “The best sponsor goes to the distributor who gets it.”


In this case, the speaker uses an analogy to interest the audience, attract their attention, and emphasize an important idea. Dear friends! I would like to congratulate you on the beginning of the year. We're off to a good start. And the proverb says: “A good start is half the work.” In order for her other half to be no worse, and we will work, I think, not a day, not two, and not a year, I have two proposals...

When K.A. Timiryazev gave a lecture at the Royal Society of London in April 1930, he began his speech like this: “When Gulliver examined the Academy in Lapuna for the first time, the first thing that caught his eye was a lean-looking man sitting with his eyes fixed on a cucumber sealed in a glass vessel. To Gulliver's question, the strange man explained to him that for eight years now he had been immersed in the contemplation of this object in the hope of solving the problem of capturing the sun's rays and their further use. For the first acquaintance, I must frankly admit that this is exactly the kind of eccentric in front of you. I spent more than thirty-five years staring, if not at a green cucumber sealed in a glass container, then at something quite equivalent - at a green leaf in a glass tube, racking my brains over resolving the issue of storing sun rays for future use.”


It consists of attracting a bright, intriguing episode, an unusual fact that attracts the attention of the audience and makes them worry with you; it is desirable that it be combined with the emotional manner of presenting the text.

A lecture on the law of universal gravitation usually begins like this: “The great English physicist Isaac Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, which is formulated as follows...” Although one could begin solemnly and mysteriously: “On Christmas night 1642 in England, there was great turmoil in the family of a middle-class farmer. A boy was born, so small that he could be bathed in a beer mug. This child was Isaac Newton. The same Newton, on whose head a large apple fell in the garden, which led him to the idea of ​​the law of universal gravitation. I think that if an apple fell from a two-meter height on the head of one of those sitting in the hall, he would not be able to come up with such a law.”

Appeal to the immediate interest of the audience

Connect the topic of your speech to the vital interests of your audience. Start with a remark that directly addresses the interests of the audience. It is no secret that we have a keen interest in what deeply concerns us personally. True, using this technique, the speaker must know well what exactly worries the listeners and increase interest in the issue raised. Example from Dale Carnegie's book: “Do you know what your estimated life expectancy is? Life expectancy, according to insurance statistics, is two-thirds the difference between your current age and eighty years. For example, if you are 35, that difference is 45. Your life expectancy is two-thirds of that, so another 30 years. is that enough? No! We all long to live longer. However, these data are based on multi-million dollar statistics. Then do we have a chance to refute them? Yes, if you take the necessary precautions, and the very first step on this path will be a thorough medical examination ... "

Humorous remarks, anecdote

Directly related to the topic of the speech. So, for example, one speaker begins his lecture about goals as follows: “The righteous go to heaven after death. Meets an angel. The angel says to him: “Look, you see a house on the seashore - this is what you could have had. And you see, the 600th Mercedes drove away - this is what you could have.” - “Why didn’t I have this?” - asked the righteous man. - “Well, you did it yourself: “Zaporozhets”, “Zaporozhets”.

One day on a hot summer day (the temperature was +32), the speaker began his speech as follows: “ What a warm atmosphere in our hall..." Naturally, everyone present laughed, and the lecture began successfully.

In a cold hall, one speaker began his speech like this: “Yes, it’s very cool here today. Well, that means none of you will be spoiled.” Such a beginning caused smiles on faces and the introduction from the first minutes attracted the attention of all listeners.

Statement of a problematic question

Ask a question. It encourages the audience to think and reason with the speaker while capturing the attention of the audience.

“Life showers us with gifts - money and honors, but on one condition,” said Elbert Hubbard. – And this condition is initiative. What is initiative? I’ll answer you: this means acting correctly and without prompting.”

One speaker began his talk on leadership with the statement: “Who wants $100? Come to the stage." Most sat in confusion, some moved hesitantly, and only one person walked towards the stage. He received this money. It is impossible to come up with a better illustration for the topic “Leadership.”

Appeal to authorities

Proverbs, sayings, popular expressions. The reference to the saying of a great man is always of great interest. For example, like this: “As Harvey McKay said: “The little things mean nothing - they decide everything.”

Narrative, personal story, case study

An excellent example of the beginning of the introduction is demonstrated by K.I. Chukovsky in the famous Oxford speech. He was the first Soviet writer, after several decades of complete absence of unofficial contacts, to come to England during the Khrushchev Thaw. The writer begins his speech at Oxford University with a simple and kind story about his first meeting with English literature: how as a child he received a book in English as a reward for catching a parrot, how he had difficulty understanding the text, constantly looking at the dictionary, how, despite this, he With every page, he fell more and more in love with the hero, with the author, with literature, with the country, and what came of it: English literature firmly entered his life, influencing his destiny. This performance allowed the speaker to gradually gain the trust of the English public.

Visual material

The easiest way to grab attention is to show the audience an object. An acquaintance of mine once began at a conference by holding up a five-dollar bill and asking: “What do I have in my hands?” This immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

3. Unexpected start

When a speaker, excited by some event, begins his speech unexpectedly, revealing to the listeners the feeling that has gripped him: “I should speak, but I still listen... Recently I attended a summing up of work for the year in one company. I was shocked, pleasantly shocked by the atmosphere in which it all happened. In addition to this, there was also a solemn ball. The next day I did the training. And he began by speaking openly about his feelings and emotions. Thus, I drew attention to myself and united with the participants of the training.

One speaker began his speech to the public as follows: "Some say that innetwork marketingThere are the following advantages: no bosses, free time, flexible work schedule, and so on. And I declare that this is a big minute and a shortcoming in our business. And that's why…" Then he began to reveal his topic of speech and everything ended as it should - everyone realized the real benefits of network marketing. But most importantly, they listened to him from the very beginning. He managed to attract the attention of listeners with the help of an unexpected beginning and held it until the very end.

A type of unexpected introduction could be starting your speech with intrigue. Once, at a public speaking training that I conducted in Crimea, one participant began his speech as follows: "Good morning! I am very glad to meet you here again. The century before last. Cold Petersburg. There is a young man in the office of the editor of Sovremennik. He is wearing an old coat. His hands are so used to being cold that he doesn’t hold them normally, but clenches them all the time. And this man came to Panaev so that later, later, he could become a great poet-writer, one of the luminaries of Russian literature, who would be called “the singer of the people’s grief.” This man said: “The will and labor of man create wonderful wonders.” You may have already guessed that we are talking about Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov... Today we will talk with you about how will, work and an irresistible desire will help you and me to create a wondrous wonder and help others achieve it..."

What mistakes are made in the introduction?

Do you want the audience to be disappointed in you as a speaker from the very first seconds of your speech? Then feel free to start your speech with phrases like “I’m not a speaker...”, “I didn’t have time to prepare...”, “I have nothing to tell you...” and other “apologies.” However, there are other options for failed introductions:

- I want to start my speech (you have already started your speech, so if you please, speak to the point);

- If you allow, then I will start speaking (Are you asking permission? Then why do you continue speaking without waiting for the audience’s reaction?)

- I want to tell you (if you want, say so, especially since you’ve already started talking)

— Here, as you heard, many said that (there are so many dirty words, but they all speak of the speaker’s uncertainty and have an almost hypnotic effect in chilling the audience...)

— Almost everything I wanted to say has already been said here, but since I went to the podium (the worst way to start, since most listeners will say to themselves that it would be better not to come out).

Try to avoid these mistakes, and on the eve of your speech it would be a good idea to think about what other specific mistakes that relate specifically to your topic are possible. Of course, in order to prevent them.


So, the first and last information is remembered best. The way a speaker begins and ends his speech is the easiest way to test his experience, skill, or lack of skill. There is even an old saying in the theater community regarding actors: “They are judged by how they appear and how they leave the stage.” Beginning and the end! This is the most difficult thing in almost any business. But, at the same time, it is the most important thing, including in oratory.

In this article we talked about how to start public speaking. As a result of studying this material, you now have a lot of options for how you can start speaking to the public on any topic and in front of any audience. I wish you spectacular performances.

And if you want to “pump up” your public speaking skills in practice, then follow the link here:

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Founder of the business community “New Generation of Speakers”

P. S. Remember, speakers are not born, speakers are made!

Hello, dear friends!

Each of us has had the opportunity to shine with the power of oratory in our lives. For some, it is sheer joy and fun. And for others - an unthinkable test.

Speaking in front of an audience is like taking an exam. It would seem that he had learned the ticket, but still the tremor and the treacherously trembling voice do their insidious work. The result is stupor, stress and a noticeable desire to abandon the idea, deciding to escape through the slightly open window into the sunset. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Meetings at work that require your winning speech, toasts at a loved one’s birthday or at a wedding, speeches at various kinds of seminars and trainings, often deprive us of a couple of hundred nerve cells. How to start a public speech correctly and end it on a fabulously successful note?

For today’s material, I tried to find the most effective strategies and techniques that have a positive impact on the approach to dialogue with the masses. Ready? Then, let's get started!

Having started your show for the repose of the souls gathered in the audience, you risk not finishing it for health. On the eve of your performance, you have approximately 60 seconds to make it clear Who's the boss here?!».

In this situation, it is very important to capture the attention of listeners and completely make them fall in love with you. You must gain their trust, orient them to the topic of the reason for getting together, and also set them up for the further course of the audition.

If you spend precious seconds stuttering, stuttering, talking about your grandmother, making jokes that only you and the fish in the aquarium understand, then time will be lost and returning the countdown will become an impossible desire.

Try to approach your presentation creatively and fill it with a positive aura of perception, along with creativity, goodwill and an emotional message. But how to do that?

1. Telling a stunning performance story

The story will help to start the speech correctly. From birth, a person likes to listen to narrative fables, fairy tales and sayings, learning with their help the wisdom of life.

We are captivated by heroes of fantasy stories, strong personalities fighting villains from fables, or theatrical characters who masterfully captivate us with plot twists and turns and dialogues.

Thanks to them, we gain centuries of experience, knowledge and theoretical skills. We draw parallels of analysis between ourselves and the characters, developing our own opinion about the confrontation between good and evil in the Universe.

With what words to start an amazing journey? Prepare a story in which you act as the main character. A story from first hand or from a well-known person attracts attention and takes you along.

Of course, a story about another person, your mentor, motivator or teacher may be suitable. The introduction is not a business conversation, it is throwing a fishing rod into a pond full of fish.

The main and most important mission of this technique is charm those present in 1 minute the content and theme of the key idea of ​​the report, and therefore the speech itself.

Give listeners the opportunity to ask questions: “ What problems have you or your colleague encountered?», « How did you find the solution and carry out the analysis?», « What were you guided by?" and the most important thing - " What should they understand or feel? Maybe you can draw a conclusion after listening?»

2. Curiosity

Man is an inquisitive creature. We like to solve riddles and stir up our own interest. Creating the structure of a mysterious image aimed at making the audience start thinking is important and necessary.

This can be done thanks to questions and targeted questions voiced during quotes. Examples of “self-explanatory” sayings: “ And who are the judges?», « A small step for a person - but a huge one for all humanity!" etc.

Rhetorical questions are effective assistants in persuading opponents. They suggest the right thought and emphasize the atmosphere of mystery and intelligence.

If they are presented with high quality and appropriateness, then the audience will certainly follow the path that the speaker has prepared for them. Remember that in this way you can persuade those present to your point of view.

But the question should not always strive for a clear “yes or no” answer. You can encourage them to think about something more difficult by pushing the curiosity levers.

3. Shocking numbers or headlines

Safe words, entire phrases or catchy statistics always feel like a jolt or a blow to the head.

The person thinks: " Wow! Wow, I didn't know!” and continues to watch with undisguised interest your mouth, from which interesting facts are coming.

A creative headline or idea, expressed in a fairly straightforward manner, ideally convinces the audience that your reasons, arguments or recommendations can be continued to be followed.

4. Instead of a thousand words

Oratory is capable of working miracles and leading the masses, but an equally striking addition to the narrative is illustration and graphic accompaniment of the speech.

Try using graphs, illustrations, diagrams and pictures to enhance the effect, as well as to create an attractive, aesthetic image.

Visualization makes it easier to assimilate the audio stream of the broadcast, understand the presented material more deeply and fill the imagination of the audience. This can make the performance memorable and amazing!

The inclusion of creative notes is always received with a bang! Additional gadgets, attributes or even props enhance the effect of perception.

For some reason, I remembered a speech by one of the executives of an insurance company who was in love with his hobby - playing tennis. In fact, he began his speech with a spectacular blow with his racket. Later this became a recognizable trigger.

Triggers in psychology are objects or human actions that cause a certain reaction. This is the so-called trigger. And in a speech, it can be a gesture, a phrase or a unique signal - capable of “exploding” the audience! Remember all the tricks and be sure to practice what you read in life.

Friends, this is the end!

Subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read. In the comments, tell us what strategies you know and which of them were successfully implemented in a speech?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Many speakers face a problem - how to start a speech so that you immediately like it? How to appear on stage? How to stand up so it looks natural? How to immediately gain the trust of the public? Where to begin? How to make a favorable first impression? It is known that we will never have a second chance to make a first impression - so it is important to use the first and only chance. There are patterns of impression and perception that any person appearing in the spotlight must take into account. There is an important observation that has been tested many times by experienced speakers:


And after the greeting, you will only complement the already formed impression of your personality. In psychology, there is the concept of “imprinting” - that is, “imprinting” the image of a person into the consciousness of the public. If the first impression is positive, it begins to work for you in a kind of “trail”, all your words will be reinforced in a positive way in the minds of the audience. If it’s negative, a negative “trail” will work against you, and the public will subconsciously be skeptical.

The author has repeatedly witnessed situations where competent, intelligent, knowledgeable people could not make a convincing first impression and outright failed their speech. There was only one reason for the failure - a bad start, a weak first impression that could not be corrected. As a result, even potentially strong and meaningful speeches and presentations fail to achieve their goal, or even the speaker becomes a laughing stock in the eyes of the public.

And vice versa. The author has observed many times how, after a successful start, reinforced by a further performance, the audience changed its attitude towards a person. He becomes a demigod. Well, if not a demigod, then at least a much more respected person! What causes this effect? Due to the fact that the significance, or psychological weight of a person, becomes much higher in our eyes when we see that he has some kind of skill, talent, rare skill. When we see how the master works, we seem to be present at the birth of a small miracle. But isn’t a beautiful, convincing, captivating, pleasing public speaking a miracle and a masterpiece? Without a doubt, speech is a small (or big) miracle, comparable to the miracle of creating music before our eyes, the miracle of an actor's reincarnation or the birth of a masterpiece painting.

So how do you make a strong and convincing first impression?? What are the patterns of perception? What should happen at the very beginning of the speech? Let's read the title again. The very expression “staged in public” contains a certain double meaning. The first meaning, direct and literal, comes from the word “put” or “stand” - where and in what position to put oneself, what position of the body to take? And often this is a problem for a speaker who does not know what place on the stage, in the hall he should take, how to stand up, how to sit down, what to do with his legs and where to put his hands? And the second meaning is figurative. There is such a stable phrase in our language - "he put himself in the team." What is meant? That this person has earned respect, authority, a position in the unspoken ranking hierarchy of the team. If the speaker is a new person for listeners, he must earn respect. Straightaway! The speaker has little time to build up! And even if the speaker is known, the position on stage obliges him to play a special role. And in this role, he is still a new person to the public.

Moreover, the first and second meanings of the phrase “staged in public” are closely related. The first impression we make on the audience greatly depends on the location in the hall and posture. And as a result, the audience’s further attitude towards you depends on the first impression - sympathy and trust in your words, or cold neutrality and a desire to argue. And our task, of course, is to use our knowledge and skill to achieve the most convincing first impression.

Credit to the stage. This is an important phenomenon that the speaker must use. Just knowing about this credit of trust should add confidence to you as a speaker! The stage or any place of performance not only provides a test of strength for the speaker, but also carries some initial positive effect for the speaker. The main place gives a certain credit of trust and respect to the speaker from the public. The stage lifts a person not only physically, but also psychologically, in the eyes of the audience. We are ready to listen to the person who entered the stage only because he occupied this central, main place. Perhaps you have noticed from your own experience that when you are sitting in the hall and a person comes on stage, he automatically causes a certain “quietness” in the audience and an initial amount of respect. And this is only due to the fact that he appeared in this main place. This effect of the initial credit of trust and respect comes from somewhere from subconscious childhood times. When we were schoolchildren, a teacher entered the class, she occupied the main place - and we automatically began to respect, listen and fear. And whoever forgot to do this was reminded who was in charge here. Moreover, the entire education system reinforced this effect in institutes, schools, academies, and then at work. The main one is who is on stage! We absorbed this with the milk of all our “alma mothers.” And it remains in our subconscious. We don’t always know who entrusted a person with the stage and why, but since he was entrusted with it, then that’s how it should be! This means that he has the right to stand in front of us and inspire us with his thoughts! Initially, the stage gives the speaker some power over the minds of people, and people are already ready for this - after all, it is the speaker who is on the stage, and they are sitting in the hall. After all, it is the speaker who is entrusted with speaking to the public!

The initial credit of trust and respect is a pattern, but, of course, it does not exclude the possibility that there may be people in the hall who were already opposed to you, who came specifically to disrupt the performance or mock you. How to neutralize them is a separate topic. And it is important to know and use the pattern of the initial credit of trust - that is, to increase, and not devalue, this credit of respect from the audience with your behavior.

The seven second rule. How long does it take to form a first impression? These are not hours, not tens of minutes, or even minutes. Psychologists have calculated that the first impression is formed in just first seven seconds the appearance of a person in front of people, and then it only becomes fixed. And we already know that the first impression is always the same. Of course, theoretically you can try to smooth it out and correct it, but it is very difficult. The first impression is like a fingerprint on still wet soft cement or a shoe print on fresh asphalt - it hardens and is fixed for centuries. When a person appears on stage, our image, an idea of ​​us, or, as I say, a new “file” that did not exist before, begins to form in the audience’s consciousness, in their brain. And we create this file ourselves precisely by our behavior in this short time. After just seven seconds, people think they understand a lot about us. After just seven seconds, the audience thinks they've already read us. By this time, the viewer has already assessed the speaker and made a conclusion: interesting - uninteresting, attractive or not, likes - don't like, smart - stupid, sexy - not sexy. In reality, our personality may not at all correspond to this image in our consciousness, but this idea is born as a result of our behavior and will be judged by it. At the same time, listeners may know absolutely nothing about either the first impression or the formation of an image; all this works against their will, that is, subconsciously, in addition to consciousness, without submitting to a conscious decision. This effect works not only for a public oratorical occasion, but also for personal communication. Surely you once felt on yourself that if you didn’t like a person right away when you met, this trail bears an imprint on your further attitude towards him. And vice versa, if you immediately liked it, arranged it, then you still want to communicate with him and get closer.

  • They say that there is even love at first time.

The results of the following psychological study are indicative. Employers, bosses, personnel officers were interviewed with one question - when, at what moment do you make an internal decision for yourself whether or not a person is hired? And according to statistics, the most interesting result was obtained. Most employers came to the conclusion that this internal decision matured in them within just the first minute. And what, one wonders, does the employer do in the next twenty minutes of the interview? Right. Convinces himself that the decision is correct. And then, if a person is liked, the boss skips the minuses and exaggerates the pluses, does not pay attention to the shortcomings and greedily catches the virtues. Let not seven seconds, but a minute, but in any case, this is a very short period of time.

Were you students? Remember, the same impact of first impressions is often seen in exams. If a student immediately makes a positive, pleasant impression, the professor begins to “pull” him: ask good questions, exclude difficult questions, ignore weak answers, forgive mistakes, help formulate, suggest, give a new chance. And if you don’t like it right away, then it’s a disaster. The professor will in every possible way drown you with harmful questions, look for mistakes, skip good things, and at the first opportunity he will send you for a retake. And all this also happens subconsciously; the boss, like the professor, are not aware of this effect; they are, one might say, in captivity of the first impression, which controls their attitude and actions.

When does public speaking begin? Absolutely right, when the first impression begins to form, and not when you open your mouth! When do these seven seconds begin? When the speaker appears in the public's attention, and not when he begins to speak! When you get up from your seat in the audience and start walking onto the stage, seven seconds have already begun. When you come out from behind the scenes, the impression automatically begins to take shape. Walking down the aisle in the hall - you are already in the field of attention. The public’s attention automatically reacts to moving and new objects - and the entire audience will turn their heads towards you - “so-o-o, well, who’s going to perform there now, this one, or something, come on, come on, now let’s see, what are you worth..." All the spectators involuntarily begin to evaluate you - what is it, who is it, how does it walk, how does it move, where is it going? Therefore, remember - the performance begins with getting up from your seat or the appearance of the tip of your nose from behind the scenes!

No kitchen! Let's look at the typical mistakes of an inexperienced speaker. I have seen the following picture many times. The speaker, believing that the speech has not yet begun, gets up from his seat, walks to the stage, straightening his clothes along the way, frantically moving his shoulders, buttoning up, scratching the back of his head, rubbing his chin and combing his hair with his fingers. Then he hastily wipes his nose, preferably with a handkerchief, straightens his clothes as he walks, and almost buttons his trousers. By the time he gets there, the performance can be considered over. What impression do you get in these seven seconds? Any such fuss works against the speaker. People in the hall should not see any “kitchen” or any preparations.

  • Can you imagine if we see the president’s preparations for a ceremonial speech on the New Year - how he is made up, pomaded, tinted, the text is repeated in his ear, instructions are given, he is straightened, buttoned up and combed? We will be disappointed, this reduces the importance of a person.

Therefore - no cooking in public, you should already be absolutely “OK”, with no signs that there may be anything wrong with you.

Owner's behavior. This capacious word - Master - contains all the strongest qualities of a person: confidence, independence from the opinions of others, inner strength, one hundred percent psychological comfort, no matter what. And also unhurriedness, acceptable imposingness, lack of fuss. This behavior is associated with power, reliability, courage, leadership, a leader and even a leader. A confident and internally strong person commands respect, people involuntarily obey him, the impression of him is strong, his words have special significance.

  • If you want success, you must look like you already have it. (Ancient aphorism.)

Unfortunately, the audience forces the speaker to do everything faster and provokes him into fuss, due to the discomfort and psychological pressure that it creates by the very fact of presence. What is the reason for the fuss? The fact is that when we experience unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations, it is understandable that we want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. How to do this on stage? We understand that you cannot run away. But you can quickly get through your act and get out of sight from the stage. Therefore, during trainings I recommend that participants, on the contrary, move in public a little more slowly, unhurriedly, as if slightly slowing down (according to their feelings), and then the fuss will be compensated and there will be a golden mean.

Exit to the stage. Hence the conclusion. We go on stage confidently and calmly, with the air of the Host and absolutely independently - as if there was no one in the hall. Avoid another common mistake: communicating on the fly. This is when the speaker communicates with the audience, before reaching the place of speech, with the help of smiles to the audience, cheerful greetings, waving to the audience, appeals to old acquaintances and bowing. It looks like a burning desire to gain trust in a cheap way, the public will like it and immediately demonstrates dependence on it. Such coquetry will not cause respect from the public, it immediately becomes clear that a person really wants to like it. On the contrary, the behavior of the Boss inspires respect - absolute confidence, independence from the audience, the fact that the speaker does not seek to gain cheap bonuses, shows restraint and composure, and does not start talking earlier than necessary. No flirting!


Paradoxical as it may seem, this is true. Because we respect strong people and admire confident individuals. At this moment, such a person becomes in our eyes a leader, a leader and even a leader.

It is important to know that it is advisable not to go through the center of the hall, because in these seven seconds you will be showing the audience your ... back, which is not quite right for the first impression. It is better to exit as if from the side, entering through one of the flanks of the stage. Ideally, it is desirable to leave the scenes and hide there after the performance, but the scenes are now preserved only in theaters. During a confident walk, we only look ahead, assessing how to get to the main place. The main place is always located along the central axis of the hall and at a convenient distance from the first rows, not too far, but not too close - without leaning on the first rows.

We take center stage. It would be a mistake to start speaking somewhere off to the side, not in the center of the stage. Especially, often this happens when the speech is short and the speaker internally justifies this for himself with a small time for speech. What does he broadcast to the audience in this case? He makes such a non-verbal message to the audience - sorry, I'll stand here on the edge, I'm sorry, not for long, I actually came here by accident, nothing to distract you ...? And this is no longer the Owner - but a small person... The Owner always deserves the main place. Therefore, do not devalue yourself by speaking from the edge, but boldly look for the main place worthy of you!

In addition to being centrally located, the main location must satisfy the “ninety-degree rule.” That is, the angle of fire, or the sector of coverage of the audience, should be approximately 90 degrees if you extend your arms along the flanks of the audience while standing in the center. If you get too close, the viewing angle will be already 180 degrees, in which case the side spectators will fall out of your influence, and those in the front row will become too tense. If it is too far, the angle will be 45 degrees and the speaking distance will be too far and inconvenient. Having found the main place with our gaze during a calm walk to the stage, we boldly occupy it, as befits the Owner, turn to the audience and fixate on it.

How to get up at this moment? Stand up now in the literal sense of the word - what position to take, what position of the body, arms, legs should be for the best perception of the speaker?

Typical mistakes of inexperienced speakers. The speaker comes out and stands in a pose with his hands behind his back. It feels like his hands are tied behind his back, but he still can’t remain silent. Feeling closed, constrained, gestures will not work. There is also the impression that the person is hiding something there. The stone, for example, did not fit in his bosom, but now he can get it... If the viewer does not see the hand, the speaker’s appearance is subconsciously associated with some kind of danger. Do you know how the handshake gesture was born? In the Middle Ages, this gesture did not yet exist, and when warriors met on the same path, they showed each other their right hand from afar. This meant - I do not have a weapon in my hand, and I am walking with good intentions. Gradually, this gesture transformed into a handshake when approaching. Therefore, people should see the speaker’s hands so that there is no sense of threat coming from him.

  • Do you know how the gesture of a hug with a friendly pat on the back was born? Hello, dear, how many years, how many winters...!!! The warriors came together and, in a mutual embrace, smacked each other for undeclared weapons behind their backs. The meaning has already been forgotten, but the tradition remains.

Another mistake. The speaker comes out and stands with his arms crossed over his chest in a Napoleon pose. This position of the speaker will again be subconsciously perceived as an emphasized demonstration of superiority. This is also the pose of a harmful teacher:

- Well, well, young man, give me your record book, you won’t pass it anyway...

It is clear that this is also not optimal for public perception.

Another common mistake. The speaker's arms are crossed not at the back, but in front below the waist - "footballer's pose." One can also see stiffness and closedness, plus only the lazy would not ask themselves what they are protecting there. These are not associations that should immediately be generated in the audience.

And one more mistake. Hands in pockets. This looks absolutely vulgar, and for a business audience it is a gross violation of etiquette, after which the speaker will simply fall in the eyes of the public. And if you speak like this at a reception with the president, you will never be invited to him again. It's even worse if your hands are in your trouser pockets and not your jacket. Sometimes the speaker, not knowing where to put his hands from excitement, hides them in his pockets, thinking that at least he has solved this problem, and now no one will notice his fussing hands. No matter how it is! In your pockets, fussy hands are even more noticeable. Especially if they continue to play with keys, keychains, and other objects. Any moving object attracts attention much more strongly - and the entire audience will be fascinated by looking only at the speaker’s lower torso, losing interest in everything else. And this, of course, is also not the impression in which the speaker should be interested.

For the same reason, you should not take with you items that you want to take to calm yourself - notebooks, cheat sheets, notes on sheets, and also just in case - pens, felt-tip pens, markers. All objects in the hands visually enhance shaking and playing hands. An exception is if the speech or report is so voluminous that it is impossible to do without notes, but then you can take them and put them nearby on a chair, table, podium and peep, and if it is impossible otherwise, read out the text.

So what is the optimal position to start and deliver a speech, where should your hands be and what to do on stage?

Basic speaker stance

This is the main stance of the speaker, from which you should begin your speech and spend most of your time on stage. Once the performance begins, you can step away from it from time to time, but it is important to remember to come back. Let's look at the main stance - for training it is better to perform it sequentially, and then automatically and immediately.

Feet shoulder width apart. Exactly in width, and not more and not less. If it is less than shoulder width (“legs together”) it looks quite elegant from the outside, but when you start speaking, you will inevitably feel some instability - the support area is too small. If the legs are wider than the shoulders, it is, of course, stable and comfortable, but from the outside it looks threatening and even aggressive - the person takes up more space than he needs. Just roll up your sleeves and there will be a complete picture of “SS man on duty.” Sometimes at trainings girls say - how come, they say, they teach professional models and mannequins to stand in the “third position”, just legs together, back arched...? Yes, this stand looks beautiful, but keep in mind that if the fashion model starts talking, people in the room will run away... The task of models and other blondes is to decorate the space with their presence, but not to conquer the audience with their speech and intellect. Therefore, it is optimal to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, even for women.

We mentally pull ourselves up by the crown for a virtual long thread into space. The spine straightens, the posture is straight. Stooping is the problem of a modern person, most people walk bent over - years, worries, anxieties, fatigue, hard life... And if we see a stooped person on stage, this will be exactly the impression, plus a feeling of uncertainty and constraint will emanate from him. Indeed, when we are anxious or worried, intuitively the human body shrinks and shrinks in order to become invisible in a moment of danger. And this is exactly how we are perceived on stage. As a result, the first impression will inevitably be blurred. It is very important to demonstrate in public the exact opposite of what has been said - confidence, strength, energy, freedom, leadership qualities, including through good posture.

Unfortunately, for most people, slouching has already become a habit, so a straight posture is uncomfortable for many and difficult to maintain for a long time. This is true. But any bad habit can be replaced by a new, more constructive habit, just as instead of a cigarette in a moment of excitement you can accustom yourself to lollipops. Therefore, it is important to form a habit of straight, royal, if you like, posture. Do you know how in the old days hussars were taught to maintain an aristocratic position? The hussar had to take a deep breath - and so continue to stand, live, talk, breathe. How were future society ladies taught to have a noble posture? There was an even more cruel way - a corset. When a woman was pulled into a corset with forty laces, she maintained her posture willy-nilly (more likely, of course, involuntarily). For women, by the way, it is possible to use not a mental thread into space, but the idea that you are propping up your head on a balcony or vault of heaven - preparing to become a caryatids. Another option is to carry a light but fragile object on your head - it cannot be dropped. You can train with a book on top of your head, and then you will give a head start to oriental women, known for their grace and a special feature - trained with jugs of water on their heads.

Sometimes a person in my training finds it uncomfortable to maintain his posture, not because he is pathologically slouched, but only because he is trying too hard and straining. Let's do this experiment together. Tighten your right hand tightly into a fist. Very very. Even stronger! Even stronger!!! Now relax your fingers and form leave your fist. It turns out that almost no effort is required to keep the shape of a fist. Likewise, our back muscles, which are responsible for posture, are so strong that in order to keep the carcass in an upright position, they don’t even need to strain very much - five percent of their capabilities are quite enough. Some even know how to sleep standing up - soldiers at a post, horses in a field... Therefore, we leave the shape of the body - and mentally release the excess tension, and in general the body is relaxed.

Shoulders on a “hanger”, chest straightened with a wheel. These rules complement good posture. Shoulders on a mental hanger, as if you were a jacket. In order to hang the “jacket”, we make a circular movement with our shoulders back and fix our shoulders slightly behind. Kiss with your shoulder blades. We straighten our chest as we inhale (remember the hussars) and continue to breathe freely, drawing in air to 80% of the lungs' capacity before speaking for the full use of our chest resonators and a strong chest voice. It is better to breathe both before and during speech (it feels like) with abdominal breathing, that is, with the “belly.” Still, only the lungs will fill, but the volume and efficiency of inhalation will be much higher.

Importantly, deep breathing helps to reduce pre-performance anxiety. The “four seconds” technique. Inhale slowly and deeply for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, and exhale slowly and concentratedly for the same four seconds.

“When a woman straightens her back and straightens her shoulders, she has breasts”. This aphorism truthfully illustrates the features of the female structure of the body. Sometimes women are embarrassed to straighten their breasts, rightly believing that this makes them visually larger. But I think it's even good. Breasts are a symbol of vitality and beauty for both women and men. And there should be a lot of good people! And a good speaker, even just by his appearance, should attract attention and strive to make a strong, vivid impression. In addition, the stage and the distance between the speaker and the audience hide the dimensions of the speaker, making him small - especially in a large hall. Therefore, on stage, it is desirable to visually appear larger, larger, and occupy all the available space with gestures and movements in order to compensate for this negative factor. Then the visual dimensions of your personality will be larger, you will be associated with greater strength and power. The stage is not a place for modest behavior!

Interestingly, the straight spine is closely related to human health. Any doctor will tell you that innervation (stimulation by nerve signals) of internal organs occurs through the spine, through the spinal cord. The spine and its spinal cord are a kind of conductor of these signals from the nerve centers of the brain. If a person has chronic stoop and, as a consequence, scoliosis (curvature of the spine), this gradually leads to innervation disorders and chronic diseases of the internal organs. True, a person often does not notice this, since at a young age this stoop is compensated by the body’s reserves. But youth is not an eternal thing, and when the body’s reserves are depleted, diseases begin to creep up in a regular sequence. Therefore, it is important to shape your posture not only for public perception, but also for health.

What does it mean to form posture? This means training it in life. In life, as we know, there is always a place for heroic deeds. And to form a new habit, you need to tie a knot as a keepsake and remember about your posture several times a day. Come up with “anchors” and “hooks”. For example, I see people - I straighten my spine, do the basic stance.

To check your posture from time to time, you can use this method. Lean your back against the wall. There should be four points of contact: the back of the head, shoulder blades, butt, heels. You will be surprised, but this real straight posture. Many will feel it for the first time during this test. And true upright posture is straighter than it usually appears to a person.

If your case is advanced and the stoop is clearly noticeable and difficult to correct, then there is another radical method. Pharmacies sell a posture corrector - an elastic structure that is attached to the shoulders and back and maintains posture no worse than a corset.

Front foot half a foot forward. This is the next rule of the basic speaker's stance. We shift the body weight 60 percent to the front leg. There is a slight tilt of the body forward, a vector towards the public. It's as if you were moving forward, but stopped. The front leg is considered to be the leg on which it is more convenient for you to bear your body weight. This needs to be chosen based on how you feel. Typically, for most people, the front leg is the pushing leg, the strongest one, the one you used to push off in the long jump in 8th grade gym class. Why is this forward vector needed? This body position is read by the public as a readiness for dialogue, a willingness to meet people halfway, and a lack of fear and anxiety. Compare. If the tilt is backward, it will feel as if the audience is pushing the speaker away and he is taking a step back. And then back again. And then back again. And disappears in the fog behind the scenes. Leaning back - the audience seems to be pushing away the speaker. Vector forward - the speaker meets people halfway and is ready for dialogue!

Hands thrown along the body, elbows slightly pressed, palms slightly turned towards the audience. There is no fuss in the hands, the arms are thrown and relaxed, only the elbows are slightly pressed. Spectators perceive this position of the hands as a lack of threat, as self-confidence and in being right. And these are good associations! It happens that the speaker’s hands are poorly controlled, they live their own lives and it is impossible to throw them down at the beginning of the speech. This is called “hands getting in the way.” And indeed, in such cases, the speaker finds no place for his fussy hands and they really begin to interfere with him.

Remember, there is such an episode in the movie “The Beginning” with Inna Churikova in the title role. She plays the actress who plays Joan of Arc. Jeanne kneels in front of the icon and prays to her saint. But suddenly Churikova goes out of character and becomes hysterical, she jumps up and starts beating her hands:

- I can’t, I can’t! My hands are in the way, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t! They bother me, they bother me, I can’t do anything with them!!!

The director was not at a loss:

- Saw to me!!! Which one is more in the way - the right one or the left one?!

The actress, coming out of hysterics:

- So, that's it... They don't interfere anymore. Everything is fine. Let's work! Camera, turn on, camera, let's work!!!

That’s how we carry a saw during training, just in case. But seriously, using weights while speaking helps to get rid of the fuss in your hands. You can eliminate fuss with solid books, weights or other heavy objects.

Please note that your hands are thrown along the body only at the beginning, before you start speaking. When speech starts, the hands should support it with expressive gestures, helping the speaker express his thoughts.

The head is in a position of acceptable arrogance. That is, the chin is slightly above the horizon line. If the chin is raised too much, the person will feel contemptuous. If the chin is below the horizon line, there will be a feeling of a threatening look “from under your brows”. Eyes are fixed on the audience. On the face there is a “Gioconda smile” - a readiness to smile, a half-smile. If the facial expression is relaxed and neutral, it will be perceived as sullen. Therefore, it is better to add a half-smile, that is, the corners of the lips are slightly raised. If you perform in America, you have to smile with all your might, with all 33 teeth, with all your Hollywood smile, otherwise they won’t contact you (“is he a loser?”). But in our culture, an exaggerated smile will irritate people (“What’s that grinning?”). Still, they say, he didn’t say anything funny, but he’s already grinning. Therefore, it is optimal - the corners of the lips are raised, the smile of the Mona Lisa.

These are the main rules regarding the main stand of the speaker. This is the basic, basic, dominant stance. Doesn't mean you can't get away from it from time to time. This means that it is necessary to return to it from time to time.

What are the associations for this rack? This is an ancient Greek or ancient Roman monument. At that time, it was in this position that all the heroes, competition winners and other best people were sculpted. If it was a thinker, he held a scroll in his hand. It was this pose that reflected their fortitude, dignity and greatness. This is Lenin on an armored car. Only the proletarian leader uses a gesture pointing to a bright future, but everything else is similar. And it was not for nothing that Ilyich was depicted in this pose - after all, he was supposed to be imprinted in the mass consciousness as a tribune, a leader and a strong man. It is also the pose of the Statue of Liberty in the USA - a symbol of all generations of Americans. This is our worker and collective farmer at VDNKh - they only make a step more powerful. This is a ballet dancer entering the triumph to a standing ovation and bouquet rain. All these images reflect success, strength, leadership qualities. And all of these are not random - these are correct associations, and in this stance the speaker corresponds to them.

The main speaker stand has two useful properties. First, it gives the audience the right first impression of the speaker. And, secondly, if you stand in this stance for thirty seconds, you will feel a surge of confidence, strength, some pathos, a desire to say something powerful:

- Romans! Fellow citizens!

Or at least:

- Russians!

The basic stance itself creates the necessary internal state of dignity, greater confidence, and strength. Why is this happening? Because not only the internal state is reflected in the external appearance and posture. But the opposite is also true. The outside shapes the inside. The pose itself also has a formative effect and is reflected in the internal psychological state. Therefore, I never tire of repeating to participants at trainings - even if you are nervous before a performance, do not forget to simply put yourself in the basic stance by willpower and the anxiety will decrease!

What if you have a seated performance? For example, during a meeting, negotiations, conference. All the same, the rules are the same, just sitting. It’s as if the monument sat down. Of course, “who will plant him, he’s a monument?”, but once upon a time the speaker has to speak while sitting. And then the body is moved forward, and not thrown back onto the back. The chest is straightened. The spine is straight. The head is raised. Feet shoulder-width apart, one foot slightly in front. Hands are thrown on the knees or placed on top of the table - and later, during speech, appropriate gestures are included. It is undesirable to wrap your legs around the legs of a chair - it looks pathetic. And if you speak while sitting, it is better to sit on a relatively hard seat, which helps the speaker’s energy. Negotiators have this cunning trick - slipping an easy chair or sofa to their opponent. And then the person feels completely good, he relaxes, and in this state it is much more difficult to engage in speech and logic - the tone disappears.

No fuss! The speaker's basic stance should go with this. Especially at first, when a relationship with the audience is established, when any unnecessary movement will be subconsciously interpreted by the audience as excitement. The rule is this. You come out, take a position in the main position in the speaker's stance and pause. During a pause, you behave like a rock man, like a monument to yourself. No flirting, antics, twitching of shoulders, squeezing of hands, fiddling with fingers, moving lips, tapping feet. We exclude this! Vice versa. The man is a rock! This is strength, confidence, composure. This is the impression the public will form.

Before starting the speech, we take a break. Why do we need a pause? What role does it serve? Why not start talking right away? The pause serves a very important function. Firstly, it attracts and captures the attention of the public. And even if you pause in the middle of your speech, the attention of the audience will return to your performance. Secondly, during the pause, in fact, the so-called “public performance” occurs, that is, the relationship between the speaker and the audience is finally established, “who is in charge” - the speaker speaks, the audience listens. Of course, a pause is a test for the speaker’s nerves, but if you pass this test, the audience will respect you. The audience will accept your right to be the leader for the duration of this speech.

How long should the pause be? Let's evaluate it using the theater as an example. Before the start of a performance in the theater there is always a certain bustle in the hall, noise, discussion of programs, rustling of wrappers. Everyone is already seated, but the attention of the audience is still scattered. And imagine this picture. The curtain opens, the stage is illuminated and we see a man standing in our basic speaker's stance, facing the audience and holding a pause. And the bigger the artist, the longer his pause...

What will happen to the public? Gradually it will calm down and focus on this actor. Those who are not yet ready will be pushed by their neighbors - quietly, shhhh, take away the candy, it has already begun... The attention of the theater audience will be gathered in an increasing parabola. And after some time, a maximum will be established - the peak of public attention. There will be dead silence in the theater with the full attention of the audience - what next?

This is reminiscent of a plot in Yeralash. Spring. The boy is standing in a puddle. The puddle is large and deep. Adults gather around - boy, why are you standing here, are you going to catch a cold!? He stands, is silent, pauses. Even more adults gather - boy, why are you standing here, why are you standing here, you’ll catch a cold, what, why, you’ll catch a cold... He stands calmly, pauses. There is already a crowd of adults, everyone is reaching out to him - boy, why are you standing here, you’ll catch a cold, what, why, why are you standing here, why are you standing here...!!!??? And finally, with the words “Here it is!” he jumps on the spot in a puddle, a fountain of splashes, all passers-by are wet. This boy has strong nerves! He doesn't just waste his energy. He gathered his attention, paused, and the efficiency of his hooligan actions became much higher! It's the same in public. You come out, fixate yourself in the main speaker’s stance, take a pause - and all the attention of the audience will be focused on you:

- Why are you standing here? And why are you standing here?? And why are you standing here???

And aerobatics are at the peak of attention - but that’s what it is! I have a speech here! And your first words sound. If this is the Bolshoi Theater, I estimate the time from appearance to the peak of public attention to be about 12-15 seconds. If this is an ordinary conference room for fifty people, then the maximum attention time will be about 5-7 seconds. This is the time we need to focus on. If the audience is very small, you can shorten the pause to 3 seconds, but there must be a pause!

If the pause is overexposed, what will happen to the audience? That's right, when the peak of attention has passed, it will inevitably weaken and the noise will start again:

- What is it? Why are they? Are they making fun of us?

Therefore, it is important for a good speaker to sense the timing and start speaking at the peak of attention!

What to do during a break? The pause itself should also not be empty - an empty pause disappoints the audience. She must be filled inner life. There is a story about Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky, who during acting training gave tasks to his students to simply pause on stage in front of the audience. Almost everyone couldn’t stand it, they smiled, giggled, hesitated in place, and played with their facial expressions. And finally, Stanislavsky came out himself and began to look carefully into the hall - and all the students felt the fullness, the significance of the pause, even his inner thoughts. He silently looked into the audience for two minutes, and the audience was not bored - the rich pause held their attention.

That's why the rule is like this. During a pause, you collect the views of people from different sectors of the hall, assess their readiness, think about their faces and internal state:

- So, well, are you ready or not? What do we have here? Fine. Who do we have here? OK. And in the gallery? Not everything is ok yet...

There is no need to demonstrate anything special outwardly - this will lead to falsehood. Only internal work makes the pause rich and not empty.

We remember that you must be in the state of the Master of the hall. What does the Boss do in life? Business. And so he came on stage and he has a business - he chooses people for his business. The owner is a good psychologist, he observes and evaluates who will suit him and who will not, with whom he can cook porridge and with whom only compote, who to hire and who will not. And then the pause becomes meaningful and rich. The secret of such a pause is to concentrate attention on the people in the room.

What text should I start with? And only when the audience is ready to receive it, do you open your mouth and start speaking. I will offer a universal beginning for almost any speech:

- Hello! I am very glad to see you! My name is ... (name)! I am... (who you are)! The topic of my speech... (and further on the topic).

Here's everything you need to get started. Universal greeting. A universal compliment to the public. Representing yourself. Presentation of your social role.

The public initially has a natural curiosity - who is this, what is this, what is the person like. And the beginning of a speech is an opportunity to satisfy this curiosity and, with the help of a presentation, raise your importance, give yourself “PR.” Do you know the difference between PR and boasting? Only one position. The reason. If there is a reason, it’s PR, in the good sense of the word. If not, this is already bragging and looks unprofitable. The beginning of a speech is always an occasion - did you want to know who is speaking now? Well, please, I don’t feel sorry, I’m telling you. Of course, this is only suitable for new audiences. If the public already knows you, then self-presentation is no longer required.

You can look for other beginnings for speech, but this universal beginning is always suitable, even when nothing comes to mind.

If you have staged a successful performance in public, a good start and contribution to the success of the entire performance has already been made and the audience will be ready to give you applause at the end of your speech.

Successful performances to you!

See also:

© D. Yu. Ustinov, 2009
© Published with the kind permission of the author