
What does being overweight lead to? What causes obesity and why do you need to lose weight (about visceral fat)? Obesity of the liver: consequences of pathology


Always encouraged people to complexes about their appearance. It is known that the psychological aspect of this problem particularly affects women. In addition, it often becomes the subject of ridicule from peers in children's groups. It is worth remembering that obesity is not just one of the constitutional features, but a rather serious problem. First, it affects the psycho-emotional state of a person. But this is not the worst. After all, there are more serious consequences of obesity. These include severe diseases of the heart, liver and other organs.

"Obesity" from a medical point of view

Overweight is quite common. Many people are prone to obesity. Others "gain" extra pounds throughout their lives. Often this is facilitated by endocrine pathologies, malnutrition, a passive lifestyle, etc. It should be understood that obesity is a disease that requires medical attention. Some people who are overweight do not want to admit this problem, referring to the fact that they are satisfied with their bodies. Indeed, not everyone suffers from an emotional background. However, even if a person feels comfortable, it is necessary to get rid of excess weight. After all, the negative consequences of obesity are the scourge of most patients. From a medical point of view, an increase in the index is considered overweight. This indicator is calculated using a special formula: weight / height (2 meters). Normal BMI is 18-25 kg / m 2. If this figure is 25-30, then doctors draw the patient's attention to overweight. With a BMI of more than 30 kg / m 2, the diagnosis of obesity is made. Depending on the body mass index, the severity of the pathology is distinguished. When this disease is detected, it is necessary to find out the causes, consequences of obesity, to assess the patient's awareness of the seriousness of such a diagnosis. The correct presentation of the problem will help set the person to fight overweight.

Damage to internal organs in obesity

The consequences of obesity on the part of physical health are damage to internal organs. Due to excess weight, almost all functional systems suffer. Obesity is especially harmful to the heart and liver. With a long-term pathology, dystrophy of organs occurs, as a result of which they cease to function normally. In addition, excess weight can cause the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With a BMI of more than 40 kg / m 2, it is difficult for a person to perform not only any physical activity, but also everyday movements. Walking even for short distances leads to shortness of breath and increased heart rate. The consequences of obesity in women is also a disorder of reproductive function. Often overweight patients complain of menstrual irregularities, infertility. Also, the disease can contribute to the formation of stones in the gallbladder, the development of pancreatitis, osteoarthritis.

Obesity of the liver: consequences of pathology

One of the serious consequences of obesity is liver dystrophy (steatohepatosis). This disease leads to a gradual disruption of the functioning of the organ. Despite the fact that the pathology is quite serious, it rarely has clinical manifestations. Steatohepatosis is a disease in which normal liver cells are replaced by adipose tissue. As a result, the body increases in size, its consistency becomes flabby. A damaged liver is not able to neutralize toxic substances entering the body. In addition, it does not perform other functions. These include: the formation of blood components, bile. As a result, the process of digestion of food is disrupted, hormonal changes occur, etc. Chronic liver failure gradually develops.

Obesity: psychological implications

Excess weight is considered not only a physical but also a psychological problem. To a greater extent, because of obesity, women complex. Some of them begin to be ashamed of their own body, as a result, problems appear in their personal lives and behavior. Due to the developed complexes, patients become suspicious, self-esteem suffers. It is believed that the consequences of obesity are apathy and depression. Similar problems can occur in both women and men.

The psychological consequences of obesity most affect childhood patients. Excess weight causes ridicule from others, as a result of which the emotional state of the child worsens. As a result, low self-esteem, self-doubt, depression, psychopathy are formed. Because of the desire to lose weight, adolescents go to extreme measures that can only aggravate the situation (development of anorexia).

Visceral obesity: consequences of the disease

In most cases, visceral obesity occurs in middle-aged people. It is characterized by an increase in the upper half of the body. Adipose tissue is especially pronounced in the abdomen, arms, face. With a high BMI and a waist circumference of more than 90 cm, a diagnosis of "metabolic syndrome" is made. This condition is not considered an independent disease. Nevertheless, it is a risk factor that provokes severe cardiovascular and endocrine pathologies. Metabolic syndrome leads to the development of the following diseases:

  1. Angina. This pathology is characterized by ischemic changes in the myocardium. If left untreated, it can lead to a heart attack and heart failure.
  2. Atherosclerosis is a pathology in which fatty plaques accumulate on the inner walls of blood vessels. It leads to blockage of the arteries, as a result of which organ ischemia develops.
  3. Diabetes mellitus type 2. Occurs when blood glucose levels rise in people over 40 years of age. Diabetes mellitus aggravates the course of vascular pathologies, leads to progressive visual impairment, nephro- and neuropathies.
  4. Arterial hypertension. Despite the fact that the increase in blood pressure is not associated with obesity, the risk of developing this pathology in overweight people increases by more than 2 times.

Often, patients have a combination of these pathologies. It should be noted that these diseases are one of the main causes of death in the population.

Severe complications of obesity

Severe consequences of obesity are complications of the listed diseases, which can lead to disability and death. In addition to liver failure, these include the following conditions:

  1. Myocardial infarction. It is characterized by sudden onset of acute ischemia and necrosis of the heart muscle. It develops against the background of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries and unstable angina pectoris.
  2. Acute ischemic cerebrovascular accident. It occurs due to blockage of blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques and thrombus.
  3. Acute heart failure. This group of pathologies includes pulmonary embolism, cardiogenic shock, and pulmonary edema. In most cases, these conditions are fatal.
  4. Thrombosis of deep veins of the lower extremities. Causes the development of gangrene.

These conditions are not directly related to obesity. However, with excess body weight, the risk of their development increases.

Obesity in children: causes and consequences

The etiological factors in the development of obesity in children include malnutrition, hormonal disorders (increased production of the hunger hormone - leptin), endocrine diseases, and a genetic predisposition to overweight. The sooner you find out the cause of the pathology, the lower the likelihood of complications. The consequences of childhood obesity are the same as in adults. But, given the early onset of the disease, dysfunction of the internal organs may appear faster.

Prevention of the consequences of obesity in adults and children

The main preventive measure is weight loss. For this purpose, it is necessary to consult a dietitian and an endocrinologist. it is recommended to decrease gradually. It is important to reduce the intake of fats and carbohydrates. In order to prevent cardiovascular diseases, special drugs are prescribed - statins and fibrates.

Obesity is a gradual increase in the amount of fat in the body, resulting in excess weight and a risk of developing many diseases that can seriously harm your health and shorten your life expectancy.

Obesity is of two types:

abdominal obesity (or android)

If the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference is greater than 0.8, then such obesity is called Abdominal. It is considered the most negative form of obesity, due to the fact that an increase in the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands is manifested, the skin becomes unpleasant in appearance, manifestations of umbilical and inguinal hernias are possible.

Gynoid obesity (buttock-femoral type)

Symptoms of manifestation are similar to abdominal. Fat deposits are located in the thighs, buttocks, legs.

The causes of obesity, they are quite obvious - the most common passion for food, overeating, eating unhealthy foods high in saturated fats and trans fats. If you do not know the measure in food, an increase in the amount of dangerous Visceral fat may begin, which envelops all internal organs.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system:

Large fat deposits in the abdominal cavity significantly complicate the work of the heart. In this case, the diaphragm is raised upward, thereby making it difficult to move. The heart is enveloped in fat, leading to pathological changes in the myocardium, hindering its contractile function. Such serious changes in the myocardium can lead to a serious risk of reducing the contractility of the heart muscle.

The size of the heart increases with an increase in body weight, it can become1.5 - 2 times more. Severe disorders in the function of the cardiovascular system in obesity are manifested in the following symptoms:

  • Severe shortness of breath when walking and exercising
  • excessive sweating
  • Decreased ability to work
  • Sudden pain in the region of the heart, tingling
  • High blood pressure

Conducted studies of people with obesity show on the electrocardiogram a slowdown in conduction, heart rhythm disturbances, deviations of the electrical axis of the heart to the left (due to an increased load on the left ventricle). All of these symptoms can be cured if the process of weight loss begins.

The effect of obesity on the body:

The curvature of the spine meets the owners of a large amount of fat. This is explained by the displaced center of gravity of the body, the high position of the diaphragm, the deformity of the chest and the decrease in its elasticity.

Respiratory system:

Suffering from being overweight. The volume of the lungs is noticeably reduced, this is due to a change in the boundaries of the lungs, their compression, difficulty breathing, metabolic processes in the lung tissue are disturbed.

Obesity of the lungs is accompanied by a violation of gas exchange in them, there is a decrease in the level of ventilation. Such symptoms lead to insufficient blood supply to the lung tissue, parts of the lungs can be affected by microorganisms. Obesity is the cause of various concomitant diseases, such as:

  • Flu
  • Bronchitis, severe cough
  • Pneumonia, pneumonia

The treatment process takes quite a long time, some drugs may not affect the disease, unlike people who have everything in order with body weight.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

Overeating leads to an overload of the gastrointestinal tract and contributes to an increase in the size of the small intestine, the weight of which can increase by 20 - 40% of the norm. Initially, there is an increase in the level of digestibility of food, and after a while, on the contrary, its decrease. Studies show that more than 55% of obese people are subject to changes in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and 64% of patients, in turn, suffer from an increase in the secretory function of the stomach, which leads to the development of chronic gastritis in them.

Liver Diseases:

Severely obese.As a rule, there is a violation of the synthesis and metabolism of fats, which leads to excessive accumulation of fat in the tissues of this organ. Severe liver disease may develop Fatty Hepatosis .

This is followed by dysfunction of the biliary excretory system, which in turn leads to gallstone disease, inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts. The formation of stones may begin, which are accompanied by great pain and are often cured only in an operable way.

Diseases of the circulatory system:

Also highly endangered. The most common complication in obesity is an increase in blood clotting, which leads to thrombosis and impaired blood supply to all organs and systems of the body.

A large amount of fatty substances in the blood contributes to the development of a serious disease atherosclerosis - which threatens to blockage of blood vessels, arteries, capillaries and veins.

Diseases of the pancreas:

As body weight increases, problems with the pancreatic islet apparatus begin, obese people experience significant insulin surges to the glucose load. Studies show that obesity is a companion of a terrible disease called Diabetes mellitus, and occurs in more than 60% of cases in overweight people. Scientists have scientifically proven the effect of obesity on the body's sensitivity to insulin and disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.

Diseases of the genitourinary system:

Violation of the function of the gonads is quite common in obese patients.Men are prone to impotence even at a young age. Women experience menstrual irregularities. Most of the examined obese women suffer from infertility.

The amount of water in the body of obese people is much higher than normal. There is a violation of the water - electrolyte balance of the body.

Metabolic disorders lead to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. There are pains in the upper and lower extremities, the spine.

In general, we can conclude that there is not a single organ, not a single system that would not suffer from obesity. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that obesity is the cause of severe psychological problems associated with low self-esteem, isolation. These conditions contribute to the development of an impressive number of complexes that have an extremely negative and dangerous effect on the quality of human life, and which are sometimes even more difficult to get rid of than the extra pounds themselves.

I advise you to think about what is happening inside you, both at the level of health and at the level of psychology. You need to start losing weight now. I wish you all health and success in all your affairs and undertakings!

Overweight syndrome is an actual problem of the modern world. A sedentary lifestyle, stress, bad habits, street fast food are risk factors that lead people of all ages to varying degrees of obesity.

The record holder for the number of overweight people is the United States - two-thirds of Americans are overweight. In second place is Europe - about 28% of obese people. The third place is occupied by Japan - 20% of overweight people.

Chronic obesity is gradually becoming a global epidemic. Overweight and obesity have become a common diagnosis even among people in developing countries. Previously, the lack of food was an acute problem here, now every tenth person suffers from diseases associated with overweight.

You can determine the presence of overweight using the Quetelet formula: BMI \u003d Weight / Height2 [kg / m2]. A BMI greater than 25 indicates overweight.

The Quetelet formula is the main guideline in the diagnosis of overweight. Please note that a BMI slightly above normal is not a reason for a diagnosis of obesity. But if there are concomitant symptoms (extra pounds make it difficult to endure physical activity, the functions of internal organs, skin are disturbed, indigestion, constipation, thirst, shortness of breath appear, joints hurt), then it's time to seek help from specialists in the field of nutrition.

Overweight and obesity are different concepts. With obesity, a thick layer of fat accumulates under the skin. Fat is formed in the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks, covers the heart, blood vessels and liver, provokes organ dysfunction and chronic diseases.

  • Developing cardiovascular disease. deposited on the walls of blood vessels, blood clots form. Blood circulation worsens, pressure rises, the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, strokes. The heart increases in size, is covered with a fatty layer. Decreased performance, tormented by shortness of breath.
  • Metabolism is disturbed, diabetes mellitus develops. The retinas of the eyes, kidneys suffer, the body does not fight infections well - due to the high level of sugar, the blood becomes an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.
  • Poor digestibility of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and salts provokes violations of the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Salts are deposited, joints hurt, the risk of developing arthritis, arthrosis, neuritis, and gout increases. Excess weight puts strain on the spine and joints of the legs. The center of gravity shifts, cartilaginous tissues are erased, and a curvature of the spine occurs.
  • Overeating is bad for the liver. Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, excessive consumption of carbohydrates fills the liver with glycogen and fat deposits. Excess weight causes fatty liver, diseases of the gallbladder and ducts, the formation of stones.
  • There are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Chronic overeating overloads the digestive system. The stomach and small intestine increase in size up to 40%, which leads to digestive disorders, chronic gastritis and other diseases.
  • Sexual functions are disturbed. In half of obese women, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, there are problems with conception, and infertility. Excess weight even in young men leads to impotence and a decrease in sperm activity.

Causes of excess weight

Doctors are sure that the main causes of obesity are associated with genetic and endocrine disorders and heredity. Nutritionists, in response, say that an innate predisposition to excess weight will not manifest itself if a person is taught from childhood and eat right. Psychologists say that being overweight is a consequence of stress and dislike for one's own body.

If a participant decides to disregard traditions, he will certainly meet with the condemnation and resistance of others. By changing eating behavior, the participant unwittingly forces others to adjust their diet, which they clearly did not plan.

The lack of understanding and support in the circle of family and friends complicates the achievement of the goal, and sometimes stops a person halfway to reducing excess weight.

Eating habits

The harm of eating habits imposed by the Western lifestyle is known to people, but it is not so easy to change habitual behavior. It seems that the crazy rhythm of life, busy work schedule, fuss and stressful situations should contribute to weight loss. As a result, another risk factor for the development of obesity arises. Pay attention to the list of habits that do not bring anything good to people, but harm the body and figure.

  • People have forgotten how to eat breakfast. Breakfast is the main source of energy. In the morning, a person should consume at least 400 kilocalories for normal health. I didn’t have breakfast in the morning - you eat up on the go, quickly and a lot, or you eat off for the whole day with a hearty dinner.
  • They eat poor quality food. Goodies, sweets, smoked meats, fast food - food rich in flavors, carbohydrates, calories. Nutrients - zero, one harm to the body. The lack of fruits, vegetables and interfere with the synthesis of good and the removal of bad cholesterol.
  • They eat large portions. Nutritionists recommend putting on a plate a portion that fits on two palms. People are able to eat 2-3-4 times more food, but the body will absorb and process only the first portion into energy, and subcutaneous fat is formed from excess food.
  • They eat and watch TV. While eating, you need to look at the food, and listen to your own stomach in order to receive a signal from the body in time: “I have had enough”! TV occupies the brain with unnecessary information, so there is no control over the process of saturation. And a conditioned reflex is also developed: the TV turned on - saliva flowed, an urgent need to make a sandwich.
  • They chew gum. Chewing gum contains carbohydrates, in addition, chewing gum on an empty stomach provokes gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. As a result, digestion and metabolism are disturbed.
  • Forget. Water is an essential solvent for digestion. Drink two liters of clean water at room temperature per day. Not tea, not soda, not juices - ordinary water.

Lack of physical activity

For man, the era of a sedentary lifestyle has come. We work sitting down, we drive sitting down, we eat sitting down, we sit down to watch TV or sit at the computer, we sit with friends in a cafe… Lack of physical activity is a major risk factor for overweight and obesity. Being active and athletic is good for both appearance and health of the whole organism.

A person needs healthy physical activity, at least 60 minutes of daily exercise: running, jumping, swimming, regular morning exercises.

Sleep problems

Chronic sleep problems lead to exhaustion of the body. A sleepy person feels sluggish, not ready for vigorous activity. Instinctively, the body looks for a source of additional energy and finds it in food. In addition, fatigue reduces the level of protein, which is responsible for the regulation of appetite, and metabolism slows down. No matter how much a person eats, the energy supply in the body will not be replenished. Calories burn slowly, the feeling of hunger continues to torment.


People who are in a state of chronic emotional stress seek to drown out internal discomfort by any means. Not finding support among loved ones, many find solace in food.


Stressful situations increase the level of hormones in the human body. In order to protect against an aggressive external environment, hormones are produced: cortisol (responsible for the conservation of energy resources) and cortisone (causes the accumulation of fat reserves). The fight against stress begins.

To get rid of a stressful state, a person needs to apply an active strategy: find and eliminate the cause of the situation. But more often the struggle takes place in a passive form, the body tries to eliminate the consequences, and not the cause of the situation.

People who tend to be overweight choose passive strategies to deal with stress - instead of looking for solutions, they “stick to problems”.

Psychotherapists have noticed that the symptoms of central obesity in women (when excess abdominal fat accumulates on the abdomen) indicate dissatisfaction with life. A thick fat pad is formed in the area of ​​the solar plexus - the energy center, to protect against the outside world. The more a woman is dissatisfied with herself, with life, the more fat is formed on her stomach.


With alexithymia, a person does not know how to distinguish between emotions, does not recognize the difference between feelings of fear and anxiety, sadness and anger. Feeling nervous tension, boredom, disappointment, people experience emotional hunger, but take it for physical hunger. As a result, each emotional outburst is accompanied by a dense snack.

sexual problems

Lack of a regular sex life leads to a lack of the good hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin - the "calm hormone" is also released when consumed. Therefore, lonely people compensate for the lack of sex by eating fatty foods.

Excess body weight may be associated with negative sexual experiences in the past.

People who have experienced sexual abuse experience anxiety and fear at the thought of intimate relationships, unconsciously seeking. Excess weight helps them get rid of attractive forms, hide their natural sexuality, and avoid repeating unpleasant experiences.

Many women gain weight after marriage. Psychologists say that slender beauties who have found family happiness turn into donuts due to the loss of the need to seduce and attract men. A married woman has no one to demonstrate the dignity of a figure, except for her own husband. And the husband allegedly loves his wife “in any form” ...

Homework: Once you understand the mechanisms behind weight gain, make a list of the risk factors that cause you to store fat in your body or prevent you from losing weight. Use the list to find solutions to help you address the causes and develop a weight loss strategy.

The fight against excess weight

The fight against excess weight is, first of all, an internal opposition of willpower to immoderate appetite and laziness. The latter factors win more often, so few people manage to get closer to the coveted ideal weight.

If your decision to lose weight is harder than a stone, you are ready to believe in the power of a healthy diet and adjust your diet, stop sitting on the “fifth point” on the couch and start doing a daily set of exercises for weight loss - you can win over excess weight !!!

Help from a nutritionist

Consulting a nutritionist is a necessary step on the way to losing weight. Each body is unique, so there is no single prevention that can help everyone. By contacting a nutritionist, you will receive comprehensive information about your body, find out which weight loss strategy is right for your body. The specialist will explain in detail the basic rules for losing weight, which will have to be observed throughout life.

  • Not to starve! The diet needs only to be slightly corrected: reduce a single portion, replace harmful products with useful analogues. Rigid diets instead of losing weight provide the opposite effect. Feeling prolonged hunger, the body decides that extreme times have come and an urgent need to stock up on fat.
  • Eat little and often! Nutritionists recommend eating a daily ration for 5 meals: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. Feeling the desire to urgently have a bite to eat, choose fruits, vegetables,. You can't eat before bed.
  • Maintain a balance of nutrients! Balance your diet to eat 30% protein, 20% fat, and 50% carbohydrate per day.
  • Burn more calories than you eat! Therefore, the more you eat at dinner, the more physical activity you need to burn the calories. Conclusion: either eat in moderation, or sweat in the gym sparing no effort.
  • Drink water! A glass of water, drunk half an hour before a meal, dulls hunger and the desire to devour all the dishes that are on the table. In addition, water is a universal solvent and is essential for digestion.

Help from a psychologist

Normal eating behavior is the best therapy for overweight. Keep track of what you think, do and feel while eating, write down your observations in a diary. Recordings will help you understand what behaviors need to be changed.

  • Eat mindfully! Listen to your inner feelings, try to eat to satisfy your hunger, do not “eat” stress and emotional tension.
  • Turn off the TV! You need to eat at the table, looking at the plate, thinking about the benefits that the food eaten will bring. Destroy the associative connection of eating with watching TV, reading, talking.
  • Distinguish between hunger and emotions! What emotion makes you feel hungry? Fear, boredom, sadness, fatigue? If it's your emotions that draw you to the fridge, not your hunger, find other ways to satisfy your emotional needs.
  • Learn to think healthy! A negative attitude towards healthy eating makes dieting a punishment for losing weight. Learn to overcome negative attitudes, encourage healthy eating habits, otherwise therapy will not work.
  • Choose an active rhythm! Use , to keep track of your activity level and calories burned per day. So you will quickly learn self-control and make sure that the path you have chosen is correct.


Your feedback on the article:

It is appropriate to talk about obesity when the amount of adipose tissue to the total weight in men is at least 20%, and in women - 25%. The well-being of overweight people directly depends on the complications that are provoked by excess body weight.

Sometimes obesity of the 1st degree in individual patients does not cause tangible health problems, and the person is in no hurry to seek medical help. But over time, if excess weight increases, then due to obesity, the consequences will be the most serious. Not only the appearance of a person worsens, but also the performance of vital organs. What threatens excess weight, you will learn from this article.


Before you know what obesity threatens, you should find out what causes it. The main reason for gaining excess weight is the mismatch between the number of calories consumed and their consumption. When a person overeats and moves little, it leads to obesity.

In addition, it contributes to an increase in body weight:

  • genetic predisposition: some people have an excess of enzymes that are responsible for lipogenesis (synthesis of fatty acids) or a deficiency of enzymes that break down lipids;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • disorders of the functions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (decrease in thyroid function, hypogonadism, neoplasm of the pancreas, in which there is excessive synthesis of insulin, hypercortisolism);
  • errors in the diet (abuse of fats, carbohydrates, alcohol; eating before bedtime);
  • taking certain medications (hormones, including insulin and oral contraceptives, glucocorticosteroids);
  • age: over the years, the metabolism slows down, which contributes to rapid weight gain;
  • physiological conditions such as childbearing, breastfeeding, menopause;
  • chronic stress and lack of sleep.

Sometimes problems with being overweight can appear after surgical treatment.

Health problems caused by obesity

The consequences of obesity can be very different.

The effect of obesity on the heart and blood vessels

First of all, obesity affects the organs of the cardiovascular system. Due to increased loads, the heart increases in size, the myocardium thickens, and its contractions increase. This causes an increase in blood pressure and the development of hypertension.

The excess fatty tissue that surrounds the heart compresses it, resulting in heart failure. The high location of the diaphragm, the progression of malnutrition of the muscles, including the respiratory organs, cause respiratory failure, which provokes heart failure, and the patient develops cor pulmonale.

In addition, excess fats that enter and are not utilized by the body are deposited on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, their lumen narrows, and there are problems with blood circulation, atherosclerosis develops.

Also, if present, the likelihood of developing such pathologies as:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • ischemic stroke, which can cause death of the patient;
  • passive hyperemia;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • pulmonary embolism.

The appearance of blood clots is associated with changes in the rheological properties of the blood. With obesity, a hypercoagulable syndrome develops, accompanied by an increase in the concentration of prothrombin, agglutination of platelets, and a decrease in the fibrinolytic activity of the blood.

The effect of obesity on the digestive system

As a rule, the appetite of obese people is increased. As a result, the load on the digestive organs, including the liver, increases. All foods contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The latter are the main source of energy. All carbohydrates supplied from outside are broken down in the small intestine to glucose, which then migrates into the systemic circulation and enters the liver with blood flow, where it is stored in reserve in glycogen. With excessive intake of carbohydrates, only part of them turns into a polysaccharide, and the rest is deposited in the form of fats and steatosis develops. The liver increases in size.

In addition, overweight patients are often diagnosed with the following consequences in the pathology of the digestive tract:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • bile duct dysfunction;
  • chronic inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • pancreatitis (in obese patients, the pathology is more severe, and they often have local complications);
  • chronic colitis.

In overweight people, the production of pancreatic hormones decreases, and type 2 diabetes mellitus develops.

They also increase the likelihood of such a dangerous consequence of obesity as acute hemorrhagic necrosis, which can be fatal.

The effect of obesity on the musculoskeletal system

Excess weight creates an additional load on the musculoskeletal system and increases the likelihood of arthrosis.

At the initial stage, the pathological process captures the large joints of the legs. The disease progresses gradually. The first symptoms of the disease are the appearance of dull aching pains in the hip and knee joint after exertion or in the late afternoon, but passing after rest. Over time, the joints begin to ache when the weather changes, their range of motion decreases, and atrophy of the muscles of the thighs and buttocks develops.

In addition to arthrosis, obesity can cause back pain, gout, sciatica, and osteoarthritis.

The effect of obesity on the nervous system

Due to a violation of cerebral blood supply, which develops as a result of a weakening of the function of the left ventricle of the heart and atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, obese people develop disorders of the nervous system, such as:

  • headache;
  • vertigo;
  • sleep problems, which can manifest as excessive sleepiness or difficulty falling asleep;
  • memory deterioration.

Often obese people suffer from peripheral nerves.

Effect of obesity on hormones

The consequences of obesity include disorders in the endocrine system. So, obese patients are always diagnosed with hypothyroidism - a pathological condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroxine. This disease is accompanied by a decrease in the metabolic rate of substances.

Hypothyroidism is so often observed with overweight that the endocrinologists of an obese patient often do not even send blood for thyroid hormones, since all their deviations from the norm are provoked by obesity.

And to eliminate hormonal dysfunction, you first need to lose weight. With excess body weight, violations of the functions of the gonads are observed. Obesity is often accompanied by a weakening of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, menstrual cycle, problems with conception and spontaneous miscarriages at various gestational ages.

The effect of obesity on the genitourinary system

Obesity can cause reversible kidney dysfunction. This consequence of excess weight is manifested by excessive formation of urine, a slight increase in creatinine clearance, the level of uric acid in the blood.

Often, obesity is manifested by the development of urolithiasis, which is accompanied by the addition of bacterial infections, such as pyelonephritis, inflammation of the urethra and bladder. As a rule, urate or oxalate stones are deposited in the kidneys.

Often with obesity, water-salt metabolism is disturbed. When the excretion of potassium, sodium, adrenaline decreases with urine.

The effect of obesity on the respiratory system

Even the first stage of obesity is accompanied by shortness of breath. It is observed even after minor physical exertion. It appears due to a change in the mobility of the diaphragm and the expansion of the chest itself. Also, with obesity, there is a high risk of sleep apnea - stopping breathing during sleep.

When overweight, there is a negative effect on the lungs. Fat compresses the veins that are responsible for their blood supply, this provokes congestion in the pleura and disruption of gas exchange. As a result, obese people are more likely to get pneumonia, and it is more severe, like other diseases, including SARS and acute respiratory infections.

These infections take longer and often end in complications. This is also due to the fact that drugs in the form of intramuscular injections are absorbed much worse in the body of overweight patients, since the active substance with this method of administration does not enter the muscle, but into the adipose tissue.

Among other things, obesity increases the risk of developing cancer of various organs. They are more often diagnosed with malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands, prostate gland, kidneys, and digestive organs, which threaten premature death.

But even if obese people do not develop cancer, due to various complications, their life expectancy is reduced by an average of 15 years.

Nutrition rules

To maintain the effects of obesity you need:

  1. Exclude from the menu fast food, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, sweets, butter, fatty meats and fish, cream, cheeses with a fat content of more than 30%, cakes, jams, preserves, sugar and other foods containing a large amount of fat and quickly digestible carbohydrates .
  2. The diet should be dominated by fresh vegetables and fruits, with the exception of bananas and grapes, it is useful to eat grapefruit, which not only promotes weight loss, but also, like medications based on metformin, lower blood glucose levels.
  3. The menu must contain products containing complex carbohydrates: cereals, whole grain bread, pasta made from durum wheat.
  4. The diet should have enough protein, which can be obtained with lean meat and fish, legumes, low-fat dairy products.
  5. It is important to observe the drinking regime, before the next meal it is worth drinking a glass of water, this stimulates the production of gastric juice, but after eating it is better to refrain from drinking, as the liquid dilutes hydrochloric acid and as a result, the food is digested worse.
  6. It is important to strike a balance between intake and expenditure of calories.
  7. Of the methods of heat treatment, preference should be given to cooking, cooking in a sleeve, foil, pots, double boiler, pressure cooker.

It is also important to regularly devote time to physical activity, walking, swimming, yoga are useful.

If dieting and increased activity do not help, you should seek medical help from an endocrinologist and a nutritionist.

Excess weight is not without reason called the plague of the modern world. There are more and more people suffering from obesity-related depression every day. At the same time, everyone talks about the dangers of obesity and the need to lose weight, but few people take real steps to solve the problem. It turns out that in most cases aesthetic considerations create too little motivation to overcome one's own inertia. Perhaps, having learned what a health threat posed by excess weight, many will begin to take measures to promote weight loss.

Ailments, the development of which provokes excessive fullness

Statistics show that fat people get sick more often than thin people. In the presence of excess weight, the disease is more severe: obesity is a factor complicating treatment. In addition, overweight people often have a whole "bouquet" of chronic ailments that create contraindications to the use of drugs. The list of health problems that the presence of extra pounds contributes to is very large. We will name only the main ones:

  1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Obesity creates a constant load on the spine, joints and bones of the legs. Imagine that you have been carrying a backpack weighing 50-80 kg around the clock for several years! In such a situation, the musculoskeletal apparatus is destroyed, osteochondrosis of the spine, gout, osteoarthritis and other diseases of overloaded limbs develop;
  2. Disorders of the vessels of the legs. Fat deposits on the abdomen (a sign of abdominal obesity, characteristic of men), contribute to stagnation of blood in the veins, which, combined with excess weight, provokes the appearance of varicose veins;
  3. Pathology of the respiratory system. Fat people often snor and stop breathing during sleep (apnea), they suffer from hypoventilation syndrome, which makes them very susceptible to seasonal colds. Influenza and SARS in overweight people are difficult, with numerous complications;
  4. Problems in the hormonal sphere. Obese women are often diagnosed with an excess of testosterone and a deficiency of progesterone, which often causes amenorrhea and infertility. Hormonal imbalance provokes the development of such a pathology as polycystic ovaries;
  5. Diseases of the digestive tract. People who are overweight often suffer from gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer. The risk of malignant neoplasms of the stomach and intestines increases by 55%;
  6. Pathology of the liver and gallbladder. In women, the likelihood of developing gallstone disease is directly proportional to body mass index;
  7. Pancreatitis. The pancreas with excess weight is experiencing a monstrous load. At the same time, a pathology develops rapidly, which in fat people becomes chronic and is very difficult to cure;
  8. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. The presence of excess fatty tissue provokes malfunctions in the mechanism of glucose uptake. There is a real risk of developing type 2 diabetes. According to experts, in women, in 75% of cases, obesity is the cause of this disease;
  9. Arterial hypertension. The risk of pressure problems for overweight people increases by 3%. It has been clinically proven that every 10% increase in body weight gives an increase in pressure of 6.5 mmHg;
  10. Ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction. In this case, abdominal obesity is dangerous, especially in women. The smaller the difference between the waist and hips, the higher the likelihood of developing these diseases, even if there are not very many excess kilograms;
  11. Ischemic stroke is twice as common in overweight people as in people of normal weight. Obesity causes deep vein thrombosis, and the prognosis of treatment in this case is disappointing;
  12. In women, being overweight is a factor in the development of breast cancer;
  13. Hyperuricemia (impaired production of uric acid and an increase in its level in the blood). Fat people often suffer from nephrolithiasis, which is the result of a malfunction in the metabolic process;
  14. Skin diseases. In fat people, fat metabolism is usually disturbed. This leads to increased work of the sweat and sebaceous glands and the appearance of diseases such as acne, pyoderma, etc.;
  15. neurosis and depression. Obese people are often dissatisfied with their appearance. They experience difficulties in finding a job and in the process of everyday communication. Low self-esteem, poor health and family problems often lead to mental disorders.

Excess weight - the reason to immediately take care of yourself

So, we realized that unhealthy fullness is not only unfashionable and ugly; it creates the prerequisites for the development of many serious diseases. Therefore, you should not wait for a dozen or two extra pounds to become such a problem that you cannot cope without the help of specialists. Of course, consulting a nutritionist will not hurt you, but you can take a few steps towards healing the body on your own. Start now: cut out fast food, pastries and sweets, stop eating before bed, start walking to work and home. Within a few days you will notice that you have become healthier and more beautiful, and the vivacity and good mood that have appeared will complete your transformation.