
Affirmation secret. The main secret of a working affirmation. Affirmations can help if...


In this article, you will learn how affirmations can move you to action! Don't miss this important information!

When you are not sure that you are able to do something, it is better not to start. This world always justifies our expectations - what our attention is directed to is manifested in our reality. But what if you still need to start?

Affirmations can help if...

Affirmations¹ can program the subconscious, they can be used to strengthen our thoughts. Not everyone believes in this method, although it has repeatedly proven its effectiveness.

How to work with affirmations so that they help in solving the problem?

You just need to know how to use them correctly.

To achieve the desired result, you need to decide what you want to receive and create an image of an already fulfilled desire.

This image with all the details will be a task for your subconscious. Call this picture as often as possible so that the subconscious mind understands what result you expect.

The first major factor in working with affirmations

When working with affirmations, your faith is the most important factor. You must be sure that the wish will come true.

Affirmations need to be done regularly. They should become your morning and evening ritual.

If you believe in saying affirmations, then your mood is uplifted, and you enjoy this activity. Affirmations, in which you put faith and positivity, create an energy impulse.

These impulses build up over time and become the energy that motivates you to act. If you do not use it, it can burn out, and your dream will burn with it.

Create a few affirmations² for yourself that match your desire. Statements must be positive and written in the present tense. Work with them as often as possible to get the desired result.

When is the best time to say affirmations?

Your subconscious mind perceives information better when you are in a state of half-asleep, that is, when your consciousness does not have complete control over you. It happens during falling asleep and at the moment of awakening. During these few seconds or minutes, you can give orders to the subconscious mind directly.

After waking up and throughout the day, affirmations can be listened to in an audio recording or read from a sheet.

Why is time needed?

Affirmations do not give instant results. It takes time for them to be accepted by your subconscious, and they become your inner conviction. Your thinking has been shaped over the years, and now it needs to be changed so that the subconscious mind can tune in for success.

When the replacement of your inner beliefs finally takes place, there will be a change in your attitude to the world and in your behavior. Favorable circumstances will create themselves, and your life will change for the better, but for this you will have to try.

The second main factor in working with affirmations

Start acting on your affirmations. Think about what you can do right now, and while mentally saying the affirmation, take the first step. Further it will be easier.

Affirmations can only inspire and motivate you, they are not able to take the necessary steps for you, but this method will greatly facilitate the task.

Sad statistic

Despite the effectiveness of affirmations, they are used by only three percent of the world's population and, unfortunately, they really work for only a third of these people.

The remaining seventy percent do not back up affirmations with real actions.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Affirmation is a short phrase containing a verbal formula, which, when repeated many times, fixes the required image or attitude in the subconscious of a person, helping to improve his psycho-emotional background and stimulating positive changes in life (

You may or may not believe in affirmations, but they work even when you don't do them and don't say them. How so? Let's figure it out.

First, what is an affirmation? It's just a written text program with instructions about what you want out of life. Everyone knows that constructions with NOT particles are unacceptable in affirmations. Everyone knows that in affirmations constructions with a particle BY are unacceptable. Everyone knows, finally, that in affirmations everything is pronounced in the present tense. That is, I I will healthy", "I not I'm sick" and "I wanted to would to be healthy” - all this is not true. The correct construction of the affirmation is: "I am healthy." And point.

Secondly, “What do affirmations have to do with auto-training?”, the thoughtful reader will ask. Affirmations are a kind of auto-training or a practice very close to it.

What does affirmation have in common with auto-training? The constant repetition is quite simple and short text there is one of the conditions under which an Altered State of Consciousness can arise in a person. Then the information carried by the text bypasses the filters of the left (critical) hemisphere of the brain and is perceived as a guide to action, moreover, it is perceived as an already existing being, embodied by us. Because in the Altered State of Consciousness, we perceive the world as a whole - without a gap between Self and others, between the Word and Reality. What he said is what he is. Because there is no difference between “said” and “is” in such a state.

On One Day, when over the new world
God bowed his face, then -
The sun was stopped by the Word,
In a word, cities were destroyed.

But affirmation is, after all, not auto-training. Her texts do not have a matrix structure, it is simpler. How does she even work?

And now I will reveal the "terrible secret." I'll go back to where I started. Whether you believe or not in affirmations, you repeat them all your life, you only repeat, as a rule, negative affirmations or empty affirmations that take the soul into the wilds of Wonderland, where its head will be “cut off the shoulders” for sure.

The constant chewing of thoughts and images that climb into the head against the will, these are negative affirmations that flow by bad gravity. The constant repetition of lines from advertising or some other rubbish is an affirmation that leads to Nowhere, instead of leading to where it is necessary.

If we imagine that we are sailing in a boat along a wide river, then tell me: what will you ask me right away? What do you miss in this image? Right, oars. Only the dead float in a boat without oars. If you mentally put you in a boat and “send” to the middle of the river, then you will immediately want an oar, or at least a pole, a pole, to MANAGE, row in the direction you need, or at least push the driftwood you meet on the way.

Affirmations, consciously spoken aloud, are professional oars for rowers who know where they are rowing and who do not want to break. A dead man doesn't need affirmations.

A thoughtful reader will ask me: “But what about those people who do not know how to concentrate, concentrate, meditate?” Auto-training is difficult, because it takes time, pauses in work, it requires all understanding relatives who will not ask during auto-training on which shelf in the refrigerator the soup is hidden ... "

If you are constantly busy repeating positive attitudes, you simply do not have time to think negatively. In fact, positive affirmations are the broom that we use to sweep the garbage out of our heads every day. Praying for a broom is ridiculous. Do not use it on the farm - sloppiness.

There is another technique similar to affirmation, which is set out in the fairy tale, widely known to all peoples, “About a pugnacious husband, a sorcerer and healing water.”

One woman came to the sorcerer complaining that her husband was fighting, there was already no life. ..
"AND?" the woman asked.
"And keep this water in your mouth," replied the sorcerer.

Positive affirmations are that “sip of water” that you need to keep in your mouth all day long so as not to burst into a stream of abuse, complaints and senseless nonsense about the Universe, which, in general, is not pugnacious, but quite nothing to itself.

We suggest you do a simple exercise withpsychological maps , which will charge you with positive and help you stay sane by the end of a hard day.

Exercise “Praying for a broom is funny. Do not use it on the farm - sloppiness "

“That “sip of water” that you need to keep in your mouth all day so as not to burst into a stream of abuse”

We suggest doing this exercise every morning, as a "setting" for the upcoming Day of Work and Communication with People.

As a basis, we take a simple, working matrix of 9 spontaneous cards.

I get asked all the time about how to use money affirmations. Here is a typical question: “I want to raise money. Can I use the phrase "I get 100,000 rubles every month"?

You can use any statement you want, but you must believe that what you are claiming can happen and be willing to do whatever it takes to make the wish come true.

To make your statement work, you need to be practical and use your common sense. You also need to be ready to go and follow ideas and opportunities rather than just passively waiting for the money to come.

Money affirmations, when repeated correctly, can motivate you, energize you, and open your mind to see possibilities. Otherwise, you wouldn't see them. It's not easy enough. You also need to take action and take advantage of the opportunities that will come your way.

If you decide to use the affirmation to create a certain monthly amount, ask yourself if you really feel comfortable working with that amount. See if you can handle it. Do you think you are ready for the changes in your life that you may need to make in order to materialize the money.

More than often, success is a gradual process. When you use money affirmations, new chances could open up for you, for example, you will be offered extra work Think carefully before you say, “No, I will not accept this offer because I am waiting for a large sum of money.” Small amounts can come in large quantities. If you only intend to wait for big money to come right away, this means that you are either inappropriately lazy, or you want to get something without giving anything in return, for example, time or effort.

Remember that even small opportunities can lead to financial success. Do not neutralize the energy that you create through affirmations, remain passive, act, go towards money.

Sometimes, there is a subconscious internal resistance that can derail the affirmation, so you need to analyze what you think and feel about money. Often, it is more practical to start with small amounts to gain confidence, and later move up to larger amounts.

Also, consider whether you want money, or what money can buy. you can use money affirmations to receive finances or affirmations to obtain the desired thing.

Affirmations can be used not only for money or possessions, but also for creating positive habits, improving your life, and for creating success in any area of ​​your life.

Here are articles on creating affirmations:

And now examples of money affirmations:

Money Affirmation Examples

Money is good.

I love money.

I let go of all resistance to money.

I love to have wealth.

I am a money magnet and attract money continuously.

Profit making money ideas come to me easily.

I am getting richer day by day.

To have wealth is my birthright and I claim it now.

An abundance of money is available to me in this world.

I get an abundance of money.

My home business is growing exuberantly.

My bank account is growing fast.

I always have more income than expenses.

How more money I give, the more money I get in return.

An abundance of money is always circulating in my life.

I accept money from all positive sources.


This is a short positive statement directed at a specific aspect of your consciousness and laying down a new program, according to which the subconscious mind builds its work and creates life situations corresponding to this affirmation in meaning.

What will give you the use of affirmations?

  • Affirmations can help break bad habits and create good ones.
  • Affirmations will help you achieve your goals.
  • Affirmations keep you balanced and calm.
  • Affirmations will help you live the life you want to live.
  • Affirmations will change your life for the better.

Why do affirmations work?

Affirmations work on the theory of substitution. If you put a glass of dirty water under the faucet and run a jet of clean water into it, eventually the dirty water will be forced out by clean water. When you replace negative thoughts with positive, beneficial thoughts, the same phenomenon occurs. Accept the fact that you are what you think you are. Affirmation literally means to substantiate or confirm. So when we think a thought over and over, we justify or confirm it as true. In doing so, we reinforce our belief by making a record in the neural structure of our brain, which is processed by the subconscious aspect of our mind. Once our subconscious mind has accepted a belief, it has become an idea, you start acting on that idea.

Why don't affirmations work?

Let's imagine again a glass of dirty water. But now let's not let a stream of clean water into it, but drop a few drops. Obviously these few drops won't make a difference. It's the same with affirmations. If affirmations are not initially effective, and besides, they are used extremely rarely, then the result of their action will be zero.

It is important to understand that affirmations have nothing to do with mysticism.

Here is what the author of a very well-known technique of “verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of a person’s state” G.N. Sytin writes in his book “Life-Giving Power. Help yourself”: “Over the past two decades, domestic and foreign physiologists have experimentally shown that the impulses of the second signal system caused by the word come from the cerebral cortex to the internal environment of the body and restructure the vital activity of tissues internal organs for a long time."

And here is what Louise Hay writes about affirmations in her book “The Power of a Woman”: “I believe that affirmations are the proper approach to any problem - once we change our thinking, life responds to these changes in appropriate ways. I want you to write down a new word in your dictionary - neuropeptides. This term, first introduced by Candace Perth in his work on the study of brain function, means "chemical messengers." As soon as we say something, or think about something, they begin their journey through our body. When our thoughts are full of love, calmness, peace and happiness, neuropeptides carry chemicals that enhance our body's resistance."

So, we inspire ourselves with the right thoughts - and they heal our body. Moreover, according to Louise Hay, we are able to do even more: to convince ourselves that we are smart, kind, happy, loved and rich. It seems to me that, first of all, this is due to a change in the behavior model. Affirmations first change our thinking and we begin to behave more constructively, we become more self-confident, more harmonious. And as a result, our lives change for the better!

How to use affirmations correctly and effectively?

Here are a few rules if you like. effective use affirmations:

  • Affirmations should not contain a negative particle not. Ie must be positive!
  • Affirmations should be short, ideally no more than 7 words.
  • Affirmations should be pronounced by you as often as possible, and it does not matter how you pronounce them, out loud or to yourself.
  • Affirmations should be used every day, at any free time. Ideally, the use of affirmations will become your habit.
  • Affirmations should be emotionally charged. For your subconscious, this means that the thought that you want to inspire yourself is very important to you.
  • Affirmations are very effective if they are pronounced during monotonous work, at which time your consciousness seems to be “turning off”. If during the pronunciation of affirmations you are not busy with anything, you can sort out the rosary or simply squeeze and unclench your hand.

Never give up!

Many give up trying a moment before they are ready to achieve the result. Agreeing to give up one step before the finish line is not just insulting, it is even shameful to some extent. Be persistent and you will definitely succeed!

Yesterday we already wrote that our life with you largely depends on that. A positive attitude and clear plans really bring us closer to success.

And this can be achieved through visualizations and affirmations. During the day, dozens of thousands of thoughts go through our heads. And this is just the tip of the iceberg - our consciousness. How many thoughts pass through our head on a subconscious level - one can only guess. However, each person has a few percent of thoughts that are repeated day by day. These thoughts are dominant. Many of these thoughts can both push us towards success and hinder it.

That's why people came up with such a thing as affirmations. Affirmations are conscious thoughts that a person deliberately tries to turn into their deep-rooted beliefs. It turns out something like self-programming. Generally, affirmations are used to set yourself up for a positive and successful future. So, affirmations are conscious thoughts that a person scrolls in his head purposefully and regularly. You can repeat affirmations out loud or silently. Many people think that affirmation is effective method influence our subconscious in the same way as it happens when we visualize our future.


Some believe that affirmations work because thought is material and attracts from the universe what you request from it (see the movie The Secret). In fact, such an explanation is unscientific.

According to many people, everything is much simpler. Our brain can fully focus on only one thought. And when we begin to purposefully think the thoughts we need, several effects occur. First, harmful thoughts are replaced by useful or desirable ones. And secondly, new thoughts are gradually becoming part of our subconscious. The whole point of affirmations is that the effect of their use does not occur instantly, but gradually.

When a person begins to practice affirmations, he tries to surround himself with positive thoughts, which over time will help achieve the desired results. As Emmerson said: “We become what we think about during the day”


First of all, you should say what you would like to achieve, and not what you do not want. The fact is that in the end you will get exactly what you constantly think about. Relatively speaking, if you do not have enough money, then you need to think not about getting rid of poverty, but about wealth and how you can earn it.

An example of a correct affirmation:

- I earn 50,000 rubles a month (replace the figure with the desired value)

- I weigh x kilos (replace X with your desired weight)

An example of an incorrect affirmation:

- I don't want to be so fat;

— I don't want to earn as little as now;

In this way, correct form for an affirmation, it is an affirmative phrase, not a negative one. The fact is that when we think about defeat, it affects our subconscious. Therefore, it is better to think about success after all.

Another rule when constructing affirmations is that the rule must be formulated in the present tense. The reason is that this way the affirmation will work better on the subconscious mind.

Further. Just as we set goals, affirmations should be made in the same way. The point is that your affirmation should be as specific as possible. A good affirmation should be powerful and evoke strong emotions in your brain. And this is hardly possible if the goal or affirmation is not clear enough. In addition to being specific, affirmations should carry a strong emotional charge. Affirmations should morally charge you to achieve your goals.

One more rule. Affirmation should concern you personally. Affirmations that relate to other people are not recommended. After all, it's easier to change the environment than to try to change one of them. By the way, successful people pay great attention to those around them. This is an important part of success.


Firstly, affirmations help to somehow influence the subconscious and get the right emotional mood. But in practice, real changes in life occur only as a result of some specific deeds. Second, many people simply lack patience or concentration. Not only in working on your thoughts, but in general in working on anything. Remember that if you started doing something (whether you started saying affirmations or decided to open a business or write a book), and then quit halfway through, then all the efforts spent will be in vain. Working on yourself is hard work. Trying to self-suggest for a couple of days, and then quit and say that affirmations do not work is almost the same as going on a diet for a couple of days, and then pounce on a sweet cake and put an end to your figure. It may take more than one month of painstaking work to replace old and negative beliefs. Stock up on patience.


Here are a few affirmations that I personally liked:

  • Every day my business is getting better and better;
  • Every day my confidence grows
  • I live an incredible life and only attract the best people to it.
  • The Universe helps me achieve my goals in the most organic and correct way;
  • Every day my business is getting better and better in every direction;

I don't believe in the magical nature of affirmations. But while I was preparing this article and preparing examples of affirmations, I felt better at heart 🙂