
We are for healthy in the dhow. Healthy lifestyle: kindergarten. Work of additional educational services


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 1" Project "We are for a healthy lifestyle" Author of the project educator: Amina Umirzakovna Beisembaeva Project participants: children of the Fidget group, parents of pupils, educator Veronika Minzairovna Samirzyanova, FC instructor Rima Sabiryanovna Mukhametshina.

For parents: To give an idea to parents about the importance of joint motor activity with children; To expand the knowledge of parents about the physical skills of children; Contribute to the creation of an active position of parents in joint recreational activities in preschool educational institutions; To interest parents in strengthening a healthy lifestyle in the family.

Expected results: the acquired skills will help to consciously choose a healthy lifestyle, the knowledge and ideas received by the child about himself, about his health and motor activity will allow finding ways to promote and maintain health, information and practical experience will help parents to see and better know the work of the preschool educational institution in physical education, parents will receive the necessary theoretical knowledge about the level of physical development of their children.

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for the harmonious development of the child, and, more than in more early age healthy habits and routines begin to be instilled in a person, the more effective it becomes .

Period preschool age is truly unique: a person never experiences such intensive development - in 7 years his formation reaches incredible heights, which becomes possible due to the special development potential of children - mental and physical. At preschool age, basic life concepts are formed, including the concept of health and proper healthy behavior. The ideas received at this age are sometimes unusually persistent and form the basis for the further development of a person.

The components of a healthy lifestyle for a preschool child are almost identical to those for a lifestyle of any other age, however, of course, there are certain nuances that are specific to the age of 2-7 years.

Rational daily routine

The daily routine implies a special distribution of time and alternation various kinds activities during the day. Compliance with the regime makes it possible to establish the functioning of all organs and systems, facilitate the learning process, make the processes of work and recovery of the body the most effective. That is why the daily routine becomes the basis for the formation of health from the very first days of life.

What should regime activities for preschool children be based on?

1. On the full satisfaction of the needs of the child's body (sleep, nutrition, movement, communication, etc.).

2.On rational care, including cleanliness.

3. On the involvement of the child in labor processes.

4. On the formation of generally accepted hygiene skills.

5. On emotional well-being and communication.

6. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

The importance of the last component of a healthy lifestyle, we considered in detail in the article " . Unfortunately, an individual approach when planning any component of a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten is practically impossible: education in a group is based mainly on compliance with general rules and principles. Therefore, at preschool age, an individual approach to building a lifestyle is carried out mainly by parents: on weekends and in the evening after visiting kindergarten. In this regard, parents in the formation of the regime should adhere to two main principles: stability and flexibility. Stability implies constancy, flexibility - the ability to quickly rebuild the regime to the changing needs of an intensively growing organism.


Due to the importance of such a component of nutrition as regularity, on weekends and holidays Parents are encouraged to follow the same mealtime routine as in preschool. Of course, a deviation from the diet is quite acceptable, justified, for example, by going out into nature, however, in this case, it is better to take food as close as possible to the usual time.

As a rule, in kindergarten, a healthy lifestyle is realized, in particular, by regular physical activity. Daily exercises, physical education and dancing, outdoor games are mandatory in almost any preschool institution. Weekends should not be an exception. It is unacceptable to leave a child at home all day in front of the TV - this is fraught not only with health problems, but also with the development of a pathological stereotype, in which a preschooler forms an idea of ​​\u200b\u200brest precisely as passive “lying” and “doing nothing”. Try to organize field trips, visit gyms and stadiums together, and at the age of 5-6 years it is quite possible to start playing some sports in sections.

In addition to the active development of the bone skeleton and muscles, rational physical activity teaches a preschooler to feel and control his body, in addition, movement activates appetite, improves metabolism and digestive processes, trains will and character, and gives the child a lot of positive emotions.


The benefit of hardening procedures is to increase the child's body resistance to various infectious diseases. In addition, it has been noted that hardening contributes to an increase in working capacity and the development of a whole range of compensatory reactions.

Despite the fact that on weekdays the child attends kindergarten, parents, if desired, can carry out effective hardening procedures. For example, daily dousing with cool water can be done in the morning or evening. In the latter case, it is worth considering the tonic effect of exposure to cold - in some cases, after dousing, the child may experience a violation of falling asleep. However, healthy children with a sufficient daily load fall asleep easily under any circumstances.

Hygiene measures and skills

Hygiene measures should become common and subjectively necessary for a preschooler - this can be achieved by regularity and their earliest possible introduction. However, despite all the educational activities, it should be borne in mind that a preschool child in most cases needs to be controlled. Remind your child about the need to wash their hands, control his washing, encourage his independence in these matters.

Basic hygiene rules for a preschool child:

1.washing and brushing your teeth in the morning and evening;

2. washing hands after walking and before each meal;

3.washing the legs and pelvic area (genitals and anus) before going to bed;

4.Change underwear once every 1-2 days;

5.Washing the whole body and hair once in 5-7 days;

6.replacement of bed linen every 2-3 weeks;

7.regular replacement of individual towels;

8.using toilet paper.

We have listed only those points that relate to cleanliness, however, the concept of hygiene also includes compliance with visual hygiene (lighting, proper seating when reading and drawing, limiting TV viewing), hearing hygiene (it comes down mainly to limiting the volume of programs and music), clothing requirements and shoes (correspondence to size, naturalness of fabrics, loose fit) and some other indicators.

Good psychological environment

Regarding the psychological situation in preschool age, two aspects are important: family relations and the situation in the preschool institution. Relations in the family are the basis of the psychological state of the child: it depends on them how confident the child is in his abilities, how cheerful and inquisitive he is, how open to communication and ready to true friendship. If the child knows that they are waiting for him at home loving parents to whom you can trust all your anxieties and failures, from which he will receive a new charge of love and warmth, he will be able to endure many troubles and hardships.

As for relationships in kindergarten, then, as a rule, any conflict situation can be resolved. Difficulties in communicating with specific children can be resolved by contacting a psychologist and planning a solution to the problem jointly with the educator. Conflict situations with the educator can most often also be resolved - albeit sometimes by contacting the head of the preschool institution.

Parents should remember that kindergarten can become a source of serious childhood experiences leading to neuroticism and psychopathization, therefore, in no case should they be ignored - problems must be solved. By the way, a conflict situation in kindergarten can play a positive role in education: a child, seeing the parent’s interest in his problems and competent behavior during a conflict, receives a model for solving problems, learns to find a way out of difficult situations. Therefore, make every effort to resolve the conflict as rationally as possible and take place without screams and threats.

For the development of a psychologically complete personality, all possible methods should be used: creativity, in which the child enjoys the process of creating something new and learns to express his feelings and emotions; communication with peers; independent activities and help around the house; endurance training and self-restraint skills (read more about this in the article " Formation of a healthy lifestyle of a student» ).

The child does not go to kindergarten: building a healthy lifestyle

When raising a child at home, the formation of a healthy lifestyle of a child goes in a slightly different way, although, of course, all the components remain the same. TO negative aspects non-attendance of kindergarten can be attributed to difficulties in observing the daily routine, limited communication and, as a result, difficulty in the formation of socialization; limited opportunities for classes (lack of professional teachers, an equipped gym, a team for outdoor games, etc.). However, in the conditions of home education, parents get a valuable opportunity to build a healthy lifestyle based on an individual approach: only at home you can create an individual menu, choose the method of hardening and the type of exercise, adjust the regimen, adjusting to the needs and desires of your child.

It does not matter whether or not your child attends a preschool institution - it is important that you are attentive and understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle for the formation of a healthy body and a full-fledged personality of your child.

Doctor Kartashova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Design part

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Project passport

Project Implementation Base

MBDOU "Solar Circle" d / s No. 80

Objective of the project

Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through modern educational technologies.

Project objectives

Target orientation of the project (project participants)

Children middle group MBDOU №80


Kindergarten teachers and professionals

Duration of the project (Terms, stages of project implementation)

long term

Form of pedagogical design

A long-term plan of work on the formation of ideas and skills of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children

Explanatory note

Using the recommendations of scientists: I.V. Nikitina, T.N. Doronova, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, working in the field of health protection, as well as the technology of developing education, it is necessary to create in each age group such a developing environment that will facilitate the implementation of the program. In the preschool educational institution, it is recommended to create additional areas that teachers will use to enrich the motor sphere of their pupils. These are music and sports halls where children can relax and relieve psychomotor stress.

In groups, create conditions for the organization of the motor activity of children, both organized and independent, as well as corresponding to the age, individual characteristics of children.

Physical education corners, enrich with non-traditional physical education equipment, made and designed by the hands of educators and parents (rings with ribbons, non-standard tracks with various coatings for the prevention of flat feet, “stuffed bags”, etc.) are in great demand among pupils, as they can independent activity to use these simulators, with their help to organize games of various mobility.

The resistance of the body to adverse environmental factors depends not only on the individual characteristics of the child, but also on the timely and correct implementation of special recreational activities: timely ventilation of the premises, daily walks and physical education in the fresh air.

Flexible implementation of the daily routine, adherence to an individual and differentiated approach to each child allows us to develop a long-term plan for the improvement of children in preschool educational institutions, which is the foundation for organizing physical education health work and educational process in the mode of health saving.

Work on the improvement of children should be carried out in several directions:


1. Ensuring a favorable course of adaptation (under the control medical worker, educator);

2. Implementation of the sanitary and hygienic regime (creation of a high culture of hygiene, comfort for each pupil during his entire stay in kindergarten);

3. Prevention of colds by methods of non-specific prevention (self-massage, the use of paths with different coatings to strengthen the arch of the foot, etc.).

4. Advising parents on the health of children


1. Organization of a health-saving environment in a preschool educational institution;

2. Determination of indicators of physical development, motor readiness by diagnostic methods;

3. Organization of motor activity depending on the level of motor activity of each pupil

4. Ensuring psychological comfort.

In addition, develop an algorithm for conducting invigorating exercises after a daytime sleep, which includes:

General developmental exercises lying and sitting on the bed;

Elements of wellness self-massage;

Hardening procedures (walking barefoot along paths with various coatings and fillers);

Problem: Lack of parental awareness of the importance of physical education. Negative statistics on lifestyle in the family (reduced activity, unbalanced diet, non-compliance with the daily routine, unhealthy leisure, growing risk factors).

Currently, the problem of the state of health and physical development of preschool children is of particular relevance. Preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation is now becoming a priority social problem. Over the past decades, the health status of preschool children has deteriorated dramatically. Problems child health need new approaches, trusting partnerships between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents.

Target project: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through modern educational technologies.


To expand and consolidate children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

To improve physical abilities in the joint motor activity of children.

To create a single educational and educational space based on trusting partnerships between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents.

Ways of project implementation:

Thematic integrated classes, including physical education;

Monitoring procedures (questionnaires for parents, tests for educators);


Sport competitions;

Games, relay races, quizzes, competitions;

Consultations for parents;

Exhibitions of children's creativity;

Expected Result:

Increasing children's interest in physical exercises and sports;
- increasing parents' interest in a healthy lifestyle

Improving the professional skills of preschool teachers in health saving

Creation of a single educational and educational space based on trusting partnerships between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents
- design of an exhibition of children's works “We will say “Yes” to health”

Creation of a card file “Outdoor games for preschool children”

Making a lapbook

Project type:

duration: long term

According to the dominant line in the project: practice-oriented;

By the nature of contacts: within the framework of the preschool educational institution.

By the number of participants: frontal.


Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through modern educational technologies.

Project Implementation Principles

The principle of personal orientation and continuity - taking into account the development of different levels and different ages and the state of health

The principle of natural conformity - the formation in preschoolers of the desire for a healthy lifestyle

The principle of scientific character is the reinforcement of all ongoing activities that are not aimed at improving health.

The principle of activity and consciousness is the participation of teachers and parents in the search for effective methods for the health of children.

The principle of differentiation - the pedagogical process must be oriented to the individual characteristics of the child.

The principle of complexity and integrativity is the solution of health-improving and preventive tasks in the system of the educational process.

Expand and consolidate children's knowledge of a healthy lifestyle


To improve physical abilities in the joint motor activity of children.

To create a single upbringing and educational space based on trusting partnerships between teachers and parents.



Taking care of your health

Increasing interest in physical education and sports

Ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Improving the professional skills of teachers in health protection


Replenishment of sports equipment in groups

Competence in introducing children to a healthy lifestyle

Increasing interest in a healthy lifestyle


Interaction with teachers and instructor physical education on the physical education of children

Active participation in the life of the preschool educational institution and the implementation of the project


Organization and provision of physical culture and recreation work

Introduction to recreational activities “Gymnastics of little wizards”

Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle

Creation of a healthy environment in kindergarten, in which not only children and teaching staff, but also parents will become adherents and active subjects of a healthy lifestyle

Resource support of the project

Non-standard equipment

Abstracts of recreational activities, sports activities

Selection of methodological literature

Gym, sports ground.

The program of recreational activities and leisure.

Formation of ideas and skills of healthy lifestyle


parent meetings



Cooperation Pedagogy

Wellness work.

Learning programs, innovation


Planning for work with children

Physical education instructor

Advisory points

Pupils of the preschool educational institution

Equipment for a subject-developing environment


Project participants



Musical director

Physical education instructor



List of health-saving technologies used in the pedagogical process

Location during the day

Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health

Minutes of prank

Not earlier than 30 minutes after a meal daily for the average group

Health path.

Daily after sleep

Dynamic pauses

In between directly educational activities

5 - 7 minutes for the middle group


Depending on the condition of the children and the goals for the middle group

Finger gymnastics

Individually or with a subgroup daily

Gymnastics for the eyes

Daily 3 - 5 minutes at any free time, depending on the intensity of the visual load

Breathing exercises

Invigorating gymnastics

Daily after nap 5 - 7 minutes

Corrective gymnastics

In various forms of physical culture and health work

"Gymnastics of little wizards"

In physical education, after a nap

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle

Game therapy

Free time in the afternoon. The timing depends on the tasks set by the teacher.

Self massage

In various forms of physical culture and health work


Conducted at any time convenient for the teacher from the middle group

Play massage

From the middle group in physical education classes and during dynamic pauses

Communication games

1-2 times a week 25-30 min from middle age

Stages of project implementation


Expected Result

Stage I Analytical

Analysis of the situation, awareness of the need to start work on introducing children to a healthy lifestyle.

Literature study, diagnostics, conversation, questioning.

Obtaining information about the state of health, the physical development of children, the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Stage II Organizational

Work planning and forecasting

Drawing up plans for working with children, parents, teachers to introduce healthy lifestyles.

Availability of plans:

Sports leisure and entertainment.

Advice for parents and teachers.

Development of entertainment and leisure content

Abstracts sports entertainment and leisure

Selection of didactic material, literature.

The availability of a variety of tools necessary to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.

Enrichment of the subject developing environment.

Selection and production of non-standard equipment.

The presence of non-standard equipment in the gym and groups.

Stage III Practical

Education of parents and teachers about healthy lifestyles and involvement in joint activities.

Conducting activities with children, parents and teachers.

Card file of mobile games. Exhibition of children's works: “We will say yes to health!”

Booklets: “Respiratory gymnastics”

Non-traditional sports equipment.


Disseminate experience in the field of health

Design of the exhibition “We say “Yes” to health”

Presentation of the project “We are for a healthy lifestyle”

Health Day in kindergarten “Be healthy!”

2. Long-term plan for project implementation



Kindergarten teachers



Test for educators on the topic “Physical education of preschoolers”


Consultations for educators

"Physical minutes and their place in the daily routine"

Complexes of physical education minutes.

Educators, specialists of preschool educational institutions

Pedagogical advice on the topic "Being healthy is my right"

Educators, specialists of preschool educational institutions

Presentation of benefits of non-traditional equipment

Educators, specialists of preschool educational institutions

Seminar-workshop on the theme "Health-saving technologies in work with children"

Educators, specialists of preschool educational institutions

Acquaintance with the program "Gymnastics of little wizards"

Educators, specialists of preschool educational institutions

Master class on the topic "Tempering events in the preschool educational institution"

Educators, specialists of preschool educational institutions

Consultations for educators on the topic

"Vitamin Therapy"

Educators, specialists of preschool educational institutions

"Workshop" on the topic

"The use of non-standard equipment in preschool educational institutions"

Educators, specialists of preschool educational institutions



Questionnaire: "The way to a child's health lies through the family"


Consultations: "Immunity",

"We play with fingers - we develop speech"


Drawing competition: “We will say “Yes” to health”


Advice for parents « Formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers


Questionnaire: "Physical education in the family"


Drawing competition: "Sport and me"


Parent meeting "Journey to the country of health"


Consultation for parents "Prevention of postural disorders
in preschool children"


Booklets: "Respiratory gymnastics"


Workshop "Games-experiments for the formation of a healthy lifestyle"


Booklets "Exercises for the prevention of eye diseases"



Counseling: "Food that affects the behavior of the child"



How to teach a child to eat carefully and calmly.



    "Influenza Prevention".



    "Having exercise at home"


    "Organization of meals in the evening and on weekends."


    Workshop "Planet of Healthy Babies"




    "Exercises for the prevention of flat feet."


    How to prevent the development of chronic tonsillitis.



    "Exercises for the Prevention of Diseases of the Upper Respiratory Tract".

  • “What can I do to make my child have healthy teeth?”


    How to teach your child to brush their teeth.

    "What is active rest"

    TV viewing for children.

middle group




Gymnastics for the eyes based on Korney Chukovsky»


    Conversation "Summer sports"


Learning proverbs and sayings about health;


Modeling (artistic - aesthetic) "Athletes"


"Minutes of pranks" "Minutes of silence"


Outdoor games in the gym.


Holiday "Health Day"


Reading K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, E. Grigorieva “Grandma is sick”, G. Senchenko “We all say no to a cold”,


Conversation: "Useful products"


Role-playing game"Hospital"


Self-massage "Neboleyka"


Drawing "Vitamins and healthy foods- strengthen the body


Morning exercises "One, two, three - come on, repeat!"


Conversation "What is good, what is bad"?


Reading art literature V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad”


Target walk around the site "A healthy mind in a healthy body"


Games - relay races: "Who is faster", "Get into the hoop"


Finger gymnastics "Helpers"


"Minutes of prank" "Minutes of silence"


Morning exercises "One, two, three - come on


Conversation "What is personal hygiene?".


Games - relay races with the ball: "Throw the ball into the basket", "Pass the ball",


NOD "Vegetables and fruits - healthy products"


Entertainment "Journey to the country of Neboleika".


Reading art literature by G. Ladonshchikov “I washed my hands under the tap”.


Modeling "Vitamins"


Self-massage "Palms"


Morning exercises "One, two, three - come on, repeat!"


Dramatization games: "Dispute of vegetables." "About a girl who ate badly." "In a healthy body - a healthy mind."


Learn proverbs and sayings about health with children.


Reading art literature Pr. Permyak "About the nose and tongue"


Conversation - The sun, air and water are ours best friends!



Morning exercises "One, two, three - come on, repeat!"


Entertainment "To friends in Prostokvashino"


    Reading art literature I. Zmay "Apple", S. Mikhalkov "Vegetables".



Coloring pictures with vegetables and fruits.


    Conversation "Good and bad habits"



    Morning exercises "One, two, three - come on, repeat!"


    Conversation "Winter sports"


    Reading art literature V. Radchenko « Olympic textbook"


    Fairy tale - conversation "Who are microbes?"


    Outdoor outdoor games"Sports for boys and girls"


    Modeling "Olympic rings"


    Morning exercises "One, two, three - come on, repeat!"


Reading art literature P. Obraztsov "I'm flying a doll", A. Barto "I'm lying sick", I. Drach "Doctor".


Conversation "Why do we wash our hands?".


    Didactic games: “I can - I can’t”, “Rules of hygiene”


    Games - relay races: "Do not drop", "Sharpshooter"


    Modeling vegetables and fruits


Morning exercises "One, two, three - come on, repeat!"


Relay races: "Obstacle race", games with sports equipment (balls, skittles, towns)


Conversation "Your daily routine"


    Didactic games : "Clock health»


    Reading S. Afonkin "How to beat a cold?"


Quiz "About sports"


Drawing (artistic and aesthetic) "On a walk"


Every child wants to be strong, cheerful, energetic - run without getting tired, ride a bike, swim, play with peers in the yard, not suffer from headaches or endless colds. Our task is to teach them to think about their health, take care of it, enjoy life.

"Health is the peak that everyone must conquer himself" - this is what oriental wisdom says.

irina pakhomova


about activities for

MBDOU №34 "Joy"

The main task children's kindergarten to provide pupils children's garden high level real health prepare the child for independent life, giving him the necessary skills and abilities for this, cultivating certain habits. After all, it is in preschool childhood the foundation is being laid child health, its intensive growth and development takes place, basic movements, posture, skills are formed, character traits are brought up, without which it is impossible healthy lifestyle, have always followed them.

Within a month, in each age group, educators conducted interviews with children on various topics in order to form knowledge about healthy lifestyle.

In order to form in the child the values ​​of healthy lifestyle, life safety, which help to develop in the child a conscious attitude towards his health, the ability to determine their state and feelings, the educators were carried out during school year classes.

For parents were developed and used as a campaign material, information sheets, memos, recommendations on issues health saving.

A photo exhibition has been set up "Sports kindergarten life» .Where photographs were provided from various sports events held at the preschool educational institution.

In our preschool educational institution, pupils annually take part in All-Russian competitions according to healthy lifestyle.

All of the above work health care reflected in the educational plans educational work of educators.

All material on this topic: consultations, abstracts, conversations were placed in a folder in the methodical office « Health saving» , and the material for parents is placed in groups in a folder "Recommendations for Parents" and remains accessible to parents.

The teaching staff is constantly in search of organizing a more effective system of work in the preschool educational institution, aimed at shaping children's ideas about healthy lifestyle, communicative competence all participants in the pedagogical process: teachers, parents and children.


on health-saving orientation

MBDOU №34 "Joy" Stavropol

activities Deadlines Responsible

Holiday to the day of knowledge together with parents "Meeting of friends"

Advice for parents: Prevention of SARS

October Pediatrician, Nurse

Fun with older kids

"Golden autumn" November Physical education teacher

Issue of a wall newspaper "Neboleyka"

December Social educator.

Educator of art

Snow building contest

January Group Teachers

sports holiday dedicated to the day defender of the fatherland "Dad, mom, I'm a sports family"

February Teachers of senior groups

Physio teacher.

Round table:

« healthy eating»

March Pediatrician

Conversation with parents and children on the rules of the road "Stop car"

April Traffic police inspector

Sports fun with middle age kids

"Hello summer" May Physio teacher

Related publications:

Outline of directly educational activities "Healthy lifestyle in kindergarten" Outline of directly educational activities on the topic: "Healthy lifestyle in kindergarten." preparatory group. Compilers:.

What does health consist of? Almost every person comes into this world absolutely healthy. But under the influence of modern ecology, passive.

Raising physically and mentally healthy children is the task of every educator The time of pre-school childhood is a rapidly ending period.

We wish everyone good health, don’t hang your nose friends, do sports together, douse yourself, temper yourself, never get sick. And then you have.

Report of the educator "I am for a healthy lifestyle" 1 slide “I am for a healthy lifestyle” 2 slide “Caring for health is the most important work of an educator. It depends on the cheerfulness and cheerfulness of children.

Wed, 09/14/2016 - 14:39 | Lyamina Elena

Lyamina Elena Vyacheslavovna


JV "Kindergarten No. 55" GBOU secondary school No. 19, Syzran

Project on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children "Healthy preschooler"

  1. Explanatory note.
  2. The relevance of the project.
  3. Annotation.
  4. Purpose and objectives of the project.
  5. Principles of project implementation.
  6. Hypothesis.
  7. Project participants.
  8. Project implementation model.
  9. Stages of project implementation.
  10. Efficiency.
  11. Bibliography.


  1. Explanatory note

The formation of a healthy younger generation is one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development. Today, the strategic direction of state policy in the field of support and preservation of children's health is regulated and provided by a number of legal documents. This is the Law Russian Federation"On Education", which defines the principles of state policy in the field of education, the first of which is "the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal values ​​of life and human health, the free development of the individual", as well as the Law of the Russian Federation "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population"; Decrees of the President of Russia "On urgent measures to ensure the health of the population in the Russian Federation", "On the approval of the main directions of the state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Russian Federation "On physical culture and sports", "The Convention on the Rights of the Child".

The problem of educating the personal interest of each person in a healthy lifestyle (HLS) in last years is especially relevant in connection with the negative trend towards the deterioration of the health of all socio-demographic groups of the population of Russia, and especially children of preschool and school age. Its solution requires an active meaningful attitude towards one's health and strengthening it from childhood.

It is at preschool age that as a result of purposeful influence, health, the habit of a healthy lifestyle, general endurance, body performance and other qualities necessary for the full development of the individual are formed.

The successful formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschool children largely depends on targeted systematic educational work in preschool educational institution and family, creating conditions for the implementation of the pedagogical process, coordinated interaction in the triad child - teacher - parent, the initiator and coordinator of which should be the teaching staff of the preschool institution.

Any system will not serve effectively and for a long time if it is not improved, updated, modernized. Therefore, the most urgent task at the present stage of development preschool education is to comprehend the accumulated experience of preserving and strengthening the health of children, assessing its effectiveness and modernizing the content of physical culture and health activities.

There are a lot of grounds for modernizing the content of physical education and health work in a preschool institution. But the main thing we consider the following:

  1. The need for a person to become a creator from childhood in relation to his health and the health of others;
  2. The need to overcome highly specialized approaches in the organization of recreational activities and physical education.

In strengthening and maintaining one's own health, the decisive role belongs to the person himself. His ability to assess his health and his physical abilities is inextricably linked with this. The effectiveness of self-assessment of health directly depends on self-knowledge. It provides for a preschool child:

  • Knowledge of the rules of hygiene and personal care;
  • Knowledge of the most dangerous risk factors for health and life;
  • Knowledge of how a person works, which organs need special protection;
  • Knowledge of your physical development, level of physical fitness.

Proposed pedagogical technology the formation of children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle is based on a systematic approach and offers work in the following areas: special training of teachers, interaction of teachers with parents, cooperative activity teachers, joint activities of teachers with children, parents and children.

II. The relevance of the project.

Each of us wants to see our children healthy, happy, but not everyone thinks about how to make children grow up to live in harmony with themselves, the world around them, and other people. And behind all this is a healthy lifestyle. It is he who gives physical and spiritual strength, healthy nervous system, the ability to resist harmful influences, to feel the joy of living.

Scientists have proven that human health is only 7-8% dependent on healthcare and more than half on lifestyle. Today it has been established that 40% of adult diseases originate from preschool age.

An analysis of the current situation in our microdistrict shows that our kindergarten "Solnyshko", a structural subdivision of the GBOU secondary school No. 19 in Syzran, is in special conditions. Firstly, the kindergarten is located in an ecologically unfavorable area (the Tyazhmash plant is located nearby), secondly, the children attending this institution have limited health opportunities, and thirdly, the source of environmental hazard is a highway with heavy traffic located near kindergarten.

A study of the health status of preschool children in the microdistrict of OAO Tyazhmash showed that in recent years the number of frequently ill children registered in the children's clinic has increased.

Percentage of children who are ill colds remains generally high. Every year more and more children with the second and third health groups enter the preschool institution.

We came to the conclusion that it is at preschool age that it is necessary to form a healthy lifestyle (HLS), instill in children an interest in physical education, monitor their physical development, temper the child’s body, thereby creating a strong health base.

  1. Annotation.

This project was developed with the aim of creating a systematic work on the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Purpose and objectives of the project:

Objective of the project: organize physical education in kindergarten in such a way that it provides each child with a versatile and harmonious development, helped him use the reserves of his body to maintain, strengthen health and increase its level; introducing children and parents to physical culture and a healthy lifestyle.

Project objectives:

Tasks aimed at the teaching staff:

  • Mastering health-saving technologies;
  • Implementation of the received training in practice, in close cooperation with each other, with pupils and their parents;
  • Protecting the life and strengthening the health of children.

Tasks aimed at pupils:

  • Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle: developing the habit of following the regime, the need for physical exercise and games;
  • Generalization and expansion of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;
  • Introduction to universal human values.

Tasks aimed at parents / legal representatives / pupils:

  • To increase the pedagogical competence of parents in raising a healthy child through their involvement in joint activities.
  • Improving the pedagogical culture of parents by educating them about improving the functions of the body, increasing its protective properties and resistance to diseases by means of movement, breathing exercises, massage, hardening.
  • Supporting parents' confidence in their own pedagogical abilities.
  1. Project Implementation Principles

1. Availability

  • accounting age features children
  • adaptation of the material to age;

2. Systematic and consistent

  • gradual presentation of material from simple to complex;
  • frequent repetition of learned rules and norms;

3. Differentiation

  • creation of a favorable environment for the assimilation of the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle by every child.

4. Dynamism

  • integration of educational areas (Attachment 1)


Children's health will be preserved, strengthened and developed, and physical qualities will be effectively improved, provided that a system of work with children and their parents on physical education and health improvement is developed using innovative health-saving technologies, new active forms of work with parents to form healthy habits. lifestyle.

  1. Project participants :

Kindergarten pupils, parents of pupils, teachers (educators, music director, physical education instructor, speech therapists, teacher-psychologist), kindergarten administration, head nurse.

Expected Result:

  1. Improving somatic health indicators
  2. Ensuring the planned indicators of the development of movements and motor abilities
  3. The formation of a hygienic culture
  4. Needs for a healthy lifestyle and opportunities to ensure it
  5. Individualization of physical development
  6. Mastering self-help skills in appropriate situations
  7. A meaningful transformative attitude to one's own physical and mental health as a whole, expanding adaptive capabilities on this basis child's body to modern conditions of life.

VIII. Project implementation model (appendix 2)

IX. Stages of project implementation:

Istage - Information and preparatory: (2012 - 2013)

Target: Studying the possibilities and needs of the teaching staff and parents for the improvement of children.

Work in progress:

1. Monitoring the state of work on the health protection of children:

  • study of children's health status;
  • diagnostics of physical readiness of preschoolers

2. Studying the level of awareness and motivation of parents in the formation, strengthening and maintaining the health of preschoolers:

  • survey of parents

3. The study of scientific and methodological literature on the problem:

  • new methods and technologies of physical development and health improvement of children;
  • analysis of existing innovative forms of work of the methodological service;
  • selection of new more effective forms of work with parents.

Expected Result:

Teachers are theoretically prepared to conduct experimental work (literature studied, resources analyzed, work planned, monitoring carried out).

II stage - implementation: (2013 - 2014)

Target : The introduction of health-saving technologies in the educational process of kindergarten. Organization of a health-saving environment.

Healthy environment- a complex of social and hygienic, psychological and pedagogical, environmental, sports and health, educational measures that provide the child with mental and physical well-being, a comfortable moral and domestic environment in the family and institution.

The main characteristics of this environment include:

  • moral and psychological climate
  • ecology and hygiene
  • modern design
  • rational mode of life, work and rest
  • modern health-saving methods

and technology.

The leading principles of organizing a health-saving environment are:

  • dynamism(possibility of change, transformation);
  • openness(connection with society);
  • flexibility(taking into account the possibilities of both the subjects of education and the socio-cultural space);
  • self-development and interconnection of pedagogical subsystems(upbringing, education, development, management).

Work in progress:

  • Selection of forms and methods of health improvement of children and their application in practice. (Appendix 3.4)
  • Increasing the competence of teachers in the field of health (methodological associations, seminars - workshops, consultations, master classes, round tables).
  • Informing employees and parents about the implementation of the project
  • The introduction of modern forms of work with the family and society to form the needs of pupils in a healthy lifestyle: ( Appendix 5)
  • Implementation long-term plans circles of physical culture and sports orientation "Hello!", "Fit-Dens" for children of senior preschool age
  • Introduction to the system of physical culture and health work and the educational process of health-saving components (morning rhythmic gymnastics according to the technology of Zh.E. Firileva, E.G. Saykina "SA-FI-DANCE (dance-game gymnastics for children), breathing exercises after sleep , physical education, finger gymnastics, relaxation, articulation gymnastics, outdoor games, relay races, elementary first aid, didactic games tempering activities.

Expected Result:

Implementation of health-saving technologies in all types of activities. Expanding the horizons of children in matters of maintaining health and organizing a healthy lifestyle, increasing psychophysical abilities and general development, providing a program level for the development of movements and motor abilities of children, reducing the incidence and interest of parents in this problem. Improving the material and technical base of the kindergarten and equipping it with methodological literature.

III stage - final, evaluation (2014-2015)

Target: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the forms and content of health-saving technologies. Improving the results of the project.

Work in progress:

Study of the effectiveness of the work carried out activities based on the analysis of monitoring:

  • study of the health status of children for 3 years ;
  • monitoring of physical readiness of preschoolers for 4 years;
  • monitoring of valeological knowledge and skills of preschool children for 2 years ;
  • holding sports holidays, health days, quizzes and KVN on healthy lifestyles, creative reports at the end of the academic year, etc.

IV stage - presentation: Multimedia presentation of innovative experience to the pedagogical community"Healthy preschooler"

X. Efficiency

In the course of observing the activities of teachers, within the framework of studying materials on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, we came to the conclusion that a teacher who cares about his health can raise a healthy child.

The results of the implementation of the tasks of the "Healthy Preschooler" project aimed at teachers:


Methodical association:

Topic: "Organization and effectiveness of health-saving activities in kindergarten"


  • a system of work on the physical development of children was planned;
  • with teachers, an analysis of the main general educational program - the educational program of preschool education in kindergarten was carried out: a system of recreational and tempering activities was determined;
  • operational control was carried out on the observance of cultural and hygienic skills and motor regimen in groups;
  • the teacher-psychologist of the kindergarten carried out consultative work with teachers and parents on maintaining the emotional well-being and psychological health of children, developing and shaping the habit of a healthy lifestyle;
  • teachers used in their work a variety of forms and methods of forming healthy lifestyle habits in children and parents;
  • the level of professional competence of teachers has increased through self-education on the subject of the physical development of children, health-improving work with children and parents.


  • insufficient use of new forms of cooperation between the family and kindergarten in matters of healthy lifestyles.


  • continue to acquaint teachers with new forms of work with the family to form a single health-saving space.
  • analyze the program and literature on the problem;
  • to retrofit the corners of physical education and health in groups for children with non-traditional physical. equipment with the involvement of parents;
  • to continue the selection, updating, systematization and registration in groups of card indexes of outdoor games, sports entertainment, rules and models, healthy lifestyle schemes.

Methodical operative on the topic"Factors affecting the health of preschool children: hygiene factors, organizational and pedagogical factors, psychological and pedagogical factors"

Consultation"Accounting for the sexual characteristics of older preschoolers in the process of physical education"

Consultation: "The impact of color on the mental health of preschool children"

Workshop « Health-oriented activities of the kindergarten” (three sessions)

Business game for educators of different age groups

"Care for a healthy lifestyle"

Practical lesson for educators and specialists:"Possibilities of using fitball in working with children with speech disorders"

(Drums Alive method)

Business game for educators: "I draw health..."

Open views GCD for the implementation of the educational area "Physical development"

Formation of a folder of materials with the experience of teachers of the city on the topic "Health-saving activities of the kindergarten"

consideration thematic issues at meetings of kindergarten methodical associations

Thematic control:

On the topic "Health-saving environment in kindergarten as a condition for maintaining the psychophysical health of children"

The implementation of motor activity, joint educational activities of teachers with children on the problem of healthy lifestyles allow children to form ideas about a healthy lifestyle. The Health Service pays special attention to reducing the incidence of children, developing preventive measures, and compiling an individual educational route for frequently ill children. The necessary conditions have been created for the effective implementation of physical culture and health work with children in the kindergarten. The material and technical equipment and equipment, the spatial organization of the kindergarten environment comply with the safety requirements, sanitary and hygienic standards, and the physiology of children.

The kindergarten has a music hall, a medical office, an isolation ward, sports corners and "Health Corners" in groups (equipped with physical aids and equipment), 2 sports grounds and a summer splash pool (on the territory of the kindergarten) - everything you need for work with children on physical development and the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

The following are systematically carried out: morning rhythmic gymnastics as a means of training and hardening the body, physical development classes in the hall and in the air, outdoor games for a walk, physical education minutes. Classes were organized in circles of physical culture and sports orientation: "Hello!" and "Fit-dance.", social and pedagogical focus "Know yourself", whose work is aimed at familiarizing children with a healthy lifestyle, preventing flat feet in children, strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

The results of the implementation of the tasks of the "Healthy Preschooler" project aimed at pupils:


Results, problems, solutions

Conducting direct educational activities in the form of classes on the cognitive development of preschoolers with the theme of healthy lifestyle in all groups of kindergarten:

NOD "Health gives Aibolit" ( younger age)

GCD "Journey to the country of Vitimia" (middle age).

GCD "Vitamins are our friends" (middle age).

NOD "Healthy lifestyle" (older age)

GCD "To exercise in order" (preschool age)

NOD "I protect my health - I will help myself"

NOD "Spring has come to us" (younger age)


  • the level of knowledge of children about healthy lifestyles has increased;
  • increased interest in children to participate in sports activities


children with DCHD (long-term often ill) do not receive more complete information about healthy lifestyles and miss sporting events.


  • intensify analytical and organizational work to identify, corrective support and psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children from an early age.
  • educators to plan work in this area with the children of the children's home;

Regularly held wellness activities:

  • breathing exercises after sleep;
  • health walking and health jogging;
  • hardening procedures;

Health promotions in kindergarten:


"Take care of your teeth"

"Meeting with Moidodyr"

"Day of outdoor games"

"Movement is life"

"Skiing in Kindergarten"

Organization in kindergarten small summer Olympic Games with preschool children:

“We are cheerful and cheerful, we are healthy and smart…”

Physical activities for all age groups in accordance with the planning of the physical education instructor and educators.

Work of additional educational services.

Table of comparative data of general physical fitness of children

for the period from 2012 to 2015 high level.


2012-2013 academic year G.

2013-2014 academic year G.

2014-2015 academic year G.

Average age

older age

preparatory age

Overall result

Analysis of the incidence of children for the period from 2012-2015.

Including Parents in the Implementation project "Healthy preschooler") helps to thoroughly study and comprehend the material. Parents used different sources of information search: the Internet, periodicals, books. Creative skills Parents and children are especially bright when designing project materials - writing fairy tales, making, designing books, presentations. The organization of the work of the family club "Krepysh" in the SP GBOU secondary school No. 19 in Syzran "Kindergarten No. 55" contributes to an increase pedagogical competence parents on the formation of healthy lifestyle values, the establishment of psycho-emotional contact between parents and their children. In the course of communication between parents of pupils, there is an exchange of positive experience family education, acquaintance with family traditions. The work program of the family club "Krepysh" includes workshops: "Non-traditional methods of hardening", "Respiratory gymnastics with mom, together with dad", "Acupressure".

Parents took an active part in the photo exhibitions "Dad, Mom, I - a healthy (sports) family!", Exhibitions of children's works (joint creativity of parents and children) "Health, sports and creativity!".

Parents, who for some reason avoided active forms of interaction with teachers, were asked to improve their competence through distance education (website of a preschool educational institution).

The results of the implementation of the tasks of the "Healthy Preschooler" project aimed at the parents of pupils:


Results, problems, solutions

General parent meeting

"Raising Healthy Children"


  • the interest of parents in joint sports and outdoor recreation with their children has increased;
  • increasing the health-saving competence level of parents through organizing the work of a family club, holding consultations, parent meetings and other forms of work with parents.


  • attracting more parents to organize and participate in kindergarten sports events;
  • activation of parents in equipping the health-saving environment of groups with non-standard sports equipment.


  • continue to study the needs of parents in the matter under consideration;
  • educators to think over forms of work with parents to involve them in the manufacture of non-standard sports. equipment;
  • activate the work of the Krepysh club through interactive forms of work (master classes, games and entertainment together with children) and attract new families to participate;
  • promote a healthy lifestyle and inform parents about the achievements of children and the work of the kindergarten in the field of sports and recreation through updating the website of the kindergarten.

Thematic group parent meetings

The work of the family club "Krepysh"

Design of information stands


Questionnaires for parents in groups

"Health-saving space in kindergarten and at home"

Review competition"Winter buildings on the site"

Participation in sporting events together with the children (“Mom, dad, I am a sports family!”)

Workshop"Painted world. The role of children's creativity in emotional development child"

Participation in the city action"Health, sports and creativity!"

The prospect of project development.

Project"Healthy Preschooler" is the result of the creative activity of children, parents, the teaching staff of the kindergarten. A feature of the project is the creation of a single educational space based on trusting partnerships between the kindergarten and parents. It's a pledge successful work with kids.

Our work is not aimed at achieving high results in a short period of time. The main thing in it is to help children show their own potential, so that, growing up, they are ready to lead a healthy lifestyle, value their own health and the health of others.

As a result of this project, an effective system of work in kindergarten will be created to preserve and strengthen the health of children and introduce them to a healthy lifestyle, which will provide a comprehensive solution to health, educational, developmental and educational tasks, as well as improve and modernize the educational process with preschoolers.

Upon the implementation of this project, we plan to expand its boundaries by involving preschool institutions cities. The project can be implemented in any preschool educational institution.

XI . List of used literature:

  1. Scientific and methodical journal "Physical Education Instructor", 2010.
  2. A guide for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers", Moscow 2010.
  3. Educational and methodical journals: "Hoop", "Practice of management of preschool educational institutions", 2014
  4. Internet resources.

Attachment 1

Integration of educational areas

Educational area

Integrated content

Physical development

Safety precautions when driving, walking, playing sports. Appointment of special sportswear and footwear. The need for vaccinations. The concept of environmental safety.

Social and communicative development

Education of an active life position. Strong man- not a threat, but a support for the weak. Managing emotions through movement. Self-control and self-regulation of one's own actions. Rules of sports games. Taking care of yourself is the duty of a citizen. Mastering cultural and hygienic norms.

Development of the ability to understand verbal instructions, obey certain rules, participate in collective actions, communicate.

Speech development

The development of speech as a means of communication and culture. Enrichment of the active vocabulary. Learning proverbs, counting rhymes, chants, mottos.

cognitive development

The structure of the human body. Ways of movement of man and animals. The development of sensory, fine motor skills (health paths). Replenishment of the dictionary. Mathematical representations related to movement: running with acceleration, long and high jumps, number of repetitions, orientation according to the plan, etc. Formation of spatial representations and orientation in space. Materials science (what sports equipment and clothes are made of).

Artistic and aesthetic development

Reading works on the topic (“Moidodyr”, “Merry Tourist”, “Rossy Cheeks”, “Two Frosts”, etc.

Productive activity - drawing athletes, making attributes, emblems for games and sports.

Musical arrangement of all sports events. Rhythmic movements and exercises. Development of positive emotions (correction of psychological stresses). Song creativity.

Project implementation model in JV "Kindergarten No. 55"

GBOU secondary school No. 19, Syzran

No. p / p

Age groups

Frequency of execution



1. Mode optimization

Organization of the life of children in the adaptation period, the creation of a comfortable regime

Everything age groups


Educators, educational psychologist, pediatrician, head nurse

During a year

Determination of the level of physical fitness.

Middle, senior, preparatory group

2 times a year (September, May)

Senior Nurse, Educational Psychologist, Pediatrician.

During a year

2. Organization of the motor mode

Morning rhythmic gymnastics

All age groups


Physical Instructor


During a year

Physical development classes (in the hall)

I junior.-middle group

Senior and

3 times a week

Two times per week

Physical Instructor


During a year

Outdoor fitness classes

senior, preparatory group

1 time per week

Physical Instructor


During a year

Exercise after nap

All age groups


educators, control

health worker

During a year

Walks with the inclusion of outdoor games

All age groups



During a year

Musical activities

All age groups

Two times per week

Musical director

During a year

Physical culture leisure

1 time per month

Physical Instructor


During a year

sports holiday

Middle, senior, preparatory groups

2 times a year (summer, winter)

During a year

Sports games (elements)

Middle, senior, preparatory groups


(I half of the day)

Physical Instructor


During a year

Individual lessons in the summer outdoor pool

All age groups

daily (by



Physical education instructor, educators

Summer period

Individual preventive work on the prevention of posture and flat feet


Physical Instructor


During a year

Circle of physical culture and sports orientation "Fit-dance"

Senior, preparatory group

1 time per week

Physical Instructor


During a year

Circle of physical culture and sports orientation “Hello! »

preparatory group

1 time per week

Musical director

During a year

Physical education minutes

All ages

During NOD

Educators and specialists

During a year

Finger gymnastics

All age groups

3-4 times a day

Educator, teacher-speech therapist

During a year

Wellness run

All age groups

Daily while walking


During a year

Individual work on physical development

All age groups

Daily morning and evening


During a year

3. Security mental health

Use of relaxation techniques: minutes of silence, musical pauses

All age groups

Daily several times a day

Educators, professionals

During a year


From the middle group


Teacher-psychologist, specialists

During a year

4. Disease prevention

Breathing exercises in game form

All age groups

3 times a day during morning exercises, on a walk, after sleep.



health worker

During a year

5. Correctional work

Articulation gymnastics

From the middle group

During the day daily

Educators, professionals

During a year

Finger gymnastics

All age groups


Educators, professionals

During a year

Individual correctional work

All age groups


Educators, professionals

During a year

6. Hardening, taking into account the state of health of the child

Air baths

All age groups



During a year


All age groups



June August

Walking in the air

All age groups



During a year


All age groups

Daily after nap


During a year

Extensive wash /elements/

All age groups



During a year

water games

All age groups

While walking, while working


June August

Walks along the ecological path

All age groups

While walking


During a year

7. Medical and health work

vitamin therapy

"Revit", watering

All age groups

At home



Vitaminization of dishes

All age groups


Head nurse

During a year

Annex 3

Forms and methods of health improvement of children.

Forms of work


Educational activities for physical development

  • on a single plot
  • training
  • based on one movement
  • circuit training
  • based on mobile games
  • built on musical-rhythmic movements
  • hiking
  • with elements orienteering
  • integrated
  • gaming

With custom equipment


Educational activities for physical development on a walk

  • walking tours
  • excursions


morning exercises

  • Rhythmic gymnastics;
  • on air


Educational activities with a music director

  • rhythmoplasty
  • musical and rhythmic movements
  • round dances
  • music games(with movements)


Physical education minutes and dynamic pauses


Outdoor and outdoor games

  • small, medium, large mobility
  • relay races
  • folk games
  • sport games


Exercise after sleep

preventive gymnastics: physical exercise to the music


Individual work on physical development

  • on air
  • on days unfavorable for walking


Sport games

Walking game elements


Sports leisure

  • entertainment
  • holidays
  • joint activities with parents

Forms and Methods

Ensuring a healthy rhythm of life

  • sparing regimen (adaptation period);
  • flexible mode;
  • age-appropriate sleep and other rest periods
  • maximum outdoor exposure for children
  • organization of a healthy microclimate
  • taking into account age and individual characteristics

Physical exercise

  • morning exercises;
  • physical exercises carried out in light sportswear indoors and outdoors;
  • outdoor games;
  • preventive exercises after sleep;
  • physical education minutes;
  • sport games;
  • sports exercises with competition elements
  • walks along the route (the simplest tourism)

Hardening elements in Everyday life

  • washing;
  • hand washing;
  • games with sand and water in the summer;
  • ensuring the cleanliness of the environment;
  • wide aeration of the premises;
  • walks in the fresh air (including "room");
  • ensuring the temperature regime and air purity;
  • organization of daytime sleep with open windows in the warm season


  • entertainment, holidays;
  • fun games;
  • excursions;
  • walking tours
  • leisure.

Musical activities

  • music maintenance of regime moments;
  • music background design;
  • musical and theatrical activities;


  • developmental games and exercises emotional sphere;
  • games and exercises for the development of expressive movements and the acquisition of skills in self-relaxation

Healthy lifestyle promotion

Annex 5

Forms of interaction of the institution with society and family

No. p / p

Forms of interaction


Work in society

  • participation in city and district competitions
  • participation in open events (methodological associations, pedagogical meetings)
  • generalization of work experience and its presentation
  • placement of information on the Internet


Continuity with educational programs primary general education

  • holding common activities with pupils
  • consultations, seminars, round tables, etc.
  • joint pedagogical councils
  • joint work on the improvement of children in the summer


Joint work of educators and parents

  • work of an asset of parents in a creative group
  • parent meetings
  • expert advice
  • open views
  • participation in leisure and holidays
  • visual propaganda


Collaboration with the children's clinic

  • carrying out preventive and recreational activities
  • conducting in-depth preventive examinations of children
  • organizing and conducting summer recreation activities
  • immunoprophylaxis
  • measures to ensure adaptation