
How to iron your pants without an iron. Effective ways to iron things without an iron. Heating with other objects


No matter how fashionable and stylish your wardrobe is, if the clothes are wrinkled, you will look just as wrinkled. At the same time, many are familiar with the situation when there is no iron at hand, the outfit is not ironed, and there is not much time left before an important meeting. This problem can usually be encountered during trips and business trips, since there is usually no free space for a woman's suitcase. There are two ways out of the situation - to go to a meeting or for a walk in an unsightly way, or to iron clothes without an iron, using improvised means, by the way, this is not difficult at all.

How to quickly smooth out wrinkles?

There are several ways to quickly iron your clothes without an iron to soften the creases.

You can use a special solution - a mixture of equal proportions of 9% vinegar, water and fabric softener. The resulting liquid must be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed evenly over the rumpled item. Of course, it will be slightly wet for a while, but let it dry and the wrinkles will smooth out.

Hot steam can come to the rescue, without which it will not be possible to iron things well even with an iron. Therefore, if you choose this method - fill the bath with hot water, it is important that it is not warm, but hot for steam to form. Wrinkled clothes should be hung over the bathroom on a shower bar or close the door to the room and wait 20 minutes. If the folds are small, they can be stroked with steam from the spout of a kettle with boiling water. After you remove things, they, just like after using a spray bottle and a solution, need to dry.

Minor wrinkles can be smoothed out with your hands - moisten your palms with water and smooth out wrinkled places. Pay attention to keep your hands clean, otherwise you will have to look for a way to quickly wash stains on clothes.

How to wash and dry things so as not to iron them?

If you have enough time, and you just don't like to iron things, you can prevent the problem of wrinkled clothes even during washing.

When washing clothes in an automatic machine, set the centrifuge speed to maximum. But this is a method, rather, for emergency cases, it is often not worth doing this, because you can ruin your clothes. Many washing machines have "easy iron" or "no wrinkle" functions. In addition, you can not wring out things in the machine, but smooth the wet ones with your hands and hang them on the dryer. This is another secret to wrinkled clothes after washing - proper drying. If the clothes are neatly hung on or hanged on hangers when they are dry, ironing is not required.

If you never have time to iron your clothes, choose items that don't wrinkle - either synthetics or a fabric that should look wrinkled. Most importantly, do not forget that wearing such outfits can be harmful to health, because the skin does not breathe in them.

These ways to quickly iron clothes without an iron will save you from unforeseen circumstances, and you will not have to wear wrinkled clothes. And if you just don’t like ironing - perhaps you simply don’t have high-quality, and ironing accessories?

    I'm on trips, when I check into a hotel, I take dresses out of my suitcase, broadcast on hangersquot ;, sprinkle a little water and leave it hanging. Of course, they will not become perfectly ironed after that, but they will look more or less decent.

    But there is another secret here - I don’t put things in a suitcase, but roll it up. Then there are no creases and you can completely do without an iron.

    Most best option to iron things if there is no iron at hand, but there is a bathroom or a shower room - this is to turn on a hot shower so that the room is filled with steam, and hang things on hangers there. Of course, you can’t get such a look as with an iron, but the thing will not be mint, but will be smoothed out.

    The collar or edge of clothing can be smoothed out with a straightener

    I want to add such advice on how to iron things if the iron is broken or there is no light.

    In this case, you need to turn on the gas and heat the iron on the stove and iron things with it.

    Of course, it probably won't work out perfectly.

    At the hotel, I hang things on hangers and sprinkle lightly with water.

    Very simple. You need to make the following mixture: vinegar 9%, water, fabric softener (all in the same proportion). Mix thoroughly and pour into a regular spray bottle. Sprinkle the resulting mixture on any items that need to be ironed. Things will line up right before your eyes.

    I have been living for a long time and still remember how the linen was rolled with a special corrugated rail along a round roller (this method is shown in the picture). When we were in the army, we folded our clothes evenly and put them under the mattress.

    Do you know how students used to iron things without an iron? =)

    After washing, they put them under the mattress, went to bed, by morning everything was even and tidy =)

    There is another way, though I warn you right away, the clothes will be a little damp.

    In the bathroom we hang a dry crumpled thing, then we fill a full bath of hot water and close the door tightly. After half an hour, we drain the water, and we get clothes without folds.

    And I haven't ironed bed sheets for the past few years. And let someone prove to me that it is dangerous. After washing in the machine, I immediately take out the laundry, shake it well, straighten it and hang it in the sun. The main thing is that everything should be smooth and not crumpled. Then the laundry dries. I take it off and fold it flat. On top I put a large encyclopedia book and some kind of press. If you wish, you can sit on this book and sit for about 15 minutes. Everything, after a while, the linen is beautiful, with folds, as if ironed. Never liked an iron. I also try to do with jeans, hang them evenly and smooth them with my hands when they are still even, so as not to iron them later. When buying clothes, I also prefer things that do not wrinkle. I look at the fabric and the style.

    If the thing is dry and needs to be ironed, then the thing can be hung on a coat hanger and sprinkled lightly with water.

    since I don’t like ironing, I can’t stand this procedure, I make sure that things immediately after washing do not remain for a long time in the car or in the basin (if on vacation), etc., and before hanging, I shake, straighten and a little I sip (not much, so as not to stretch) the thing.

    With an abundance of fabrics with elastane, many things wrinkle a little or stretch on the body and get a decent look.

    A familiar seamstress told me that you need to hang clothes on hangers in the bathroom, turn on hot water and wait a bit until the folds and creases straighten out. We rarely hang in the bathroom, we send things to hang on the balcony with an open window

    And one more piece of advice. A hair straightener is very helpful. It is especially good for them to iron rumpled ruffles, folds and kinks on clothes. Practical iron

    It’s impossible to iron a shirt, and trousers too. But you can make a shirt and pants so that you can put it on the street without embarrassment. How?

    The shirt should be slightly damp. Very little. You can sprinkle with a spray bottle or mouth.

    And then you can do it in two ways. Both are perfectly acceptable. The first is to lay the shirt under the sheet at night. Very carefully so that it does not get folded. Go to sleep on top. A warm body will act as an iron. But often wrinkles remain. But in the morning you need to use any wooden clean end. It can be a tabletop or the back of a chair or a headboard. Each sleeve must be stretched in the hands, pressed with a surface to a wooden rib and sharply and strongly stretched the sleeve several times, like sawing a tree, pressing the fabric to the tree. Due to sudden movements, the fabric and wood will heat up and a kind of ironing of the shirt will occur. Need a separate ironed sleeves, chest and back. The trousers are also ironed.

    I don’t know if I was able to explain intelligibly, but because of my youth on business trips, I so stroked clothes to look decent. It turned out tolerably.

    The dress can be ironed as follows, hang it on a coat hanger in the bathroom, and take an intense shower yourself. Leave for a while - you're done!

    Personally, I always hang things on hangers in the bathroom. If someone takes a bath there, the humidity rises and everything smooths out. Knitwear is absolutely perfect.

    There is also such an original way to iron not too big things - you need to take a heated glass light bulb and use it ... like an iron. But we must maintain precautions - take through a small towel, a thick napkin, folded four times. And start ironing from the inside out.

Thanks to the development of technology, ironing things has become easier than ever. However, it is important not only to iron thoughtlessly, but also to do it correctly in order to save not only time and effort, but also not to ruin your clothes. In addition, there are many tricks with which you can extend the life of things and even return a decent look to not new clothes.

Where to begin?

First you need to consider the tag on things and find out the required temperature regime, which depends on the composition of the fabric. Items made of linen are ironed at a temperature of 190-230°C; cotton - 165-190 ° C; woolen - 140-165 ° C; from natural silk - 115-140 ° C; viscose - 85-115 ° C.

It is important to position the ironing board conveniently so that it falls on the left side (if you are right-handed), and the cord does not interfere. If there is no special board, then you can use the table by covering it with a blanket.

Correct ironing technology

It is necessary to iron from right to left, starting from the wide part of the thing towards the narrow one. You should drive the iron along a straight thread along and across the fabric, otherwise you can pull it unevenly. Things tailored along the oblique are also ironed along the shared thread.

When ironing, do not pull the fabric. The thing needs to be laid out evenly, the way it should look when finished. First of all, small details are ironed: sleeves, collars, cuffs, pockets, embroidery, lace. Clothes made of dark fabric are always ironed inside out.

    Do you iron things according to the rules?

Dresses and skirts

At the skirt or iron first upper part(neckline, collar, shoulders) and only then the hem. Iron first across, and then along the product, straightening the formed folds with the tip of the iron. In all women's products, the vertical darts are ironed towards the middle, and the chest darts are pressed down.

Iron first across, and then along the product, straightening the formed folds with the tip of the iron.

So that when ironing a dress, seams and darts are not imprinted on the fabric, you must first iron the dress as a whole, and then bring the iron under the allowance and carefully smooth out the remaining traces. For a product made of thick fabric, the hem should be ironed carefully, without stretching the fabric, ironing the fold line and only slightly steaming the place of the hemming.

So that skirts and dresses with corrugations and pleats do not lose their shape, before washing with a thin thread, the edges of all folds are sewn with large loose stitches, things are dried on a hanger, spreading the folds well and pulling them in the right direction. With this preparation, ironing the folds is not difficult.

Classic suits

Jackets and jackets begin to iron from the sleeves, and first iron their lining, for which they use an additional small board. After that, the top of the jacket and the floors are ironed around from side to side, then the collar, back and, finally, the lining. Lastly iron the sides. However, the jacket does not need to be ironed if you hang it over a basin of steam and let it hang.

Pants need to be ironed quite often, because they quickly lose the line of the front crease with wear. Ironing starts from the inside - from the seams and pockets. Every leg ironing separately - from the bottom up, firmly pressing the edges with an iron, first from the side of the step, and then the side seams. After that, iron the belt from the face and inside out. To keep the arrows longer, you need to rub them with soap from the inside, and stroke them from the outside through gauze dipped in vinegar.

Men's shirts

It should be moderately damp, and the iron should be well heated for ironing to be as effective as possible.

When ironing cuffs, be sure to unbutton them, straighten them on an ironing board and iron on both sides.

They start ironing from the collar, straightening it well and ironing it first from the inside, and then from the outside. When ironing cuffs, be sure to unbutton them, straighten them on an ironing board and iron on both sides.

After that, you can go to the sleeves using a special small board. In conclusion, they iron the skirts of the shirt and the back, paying special attention to the buttons and openings, carefully ironing them.


Knitwear can lose its shape after washing and ironing, so these clothes are ironed from the inside while it is slightly damp. You should not actively drive the iron over the thing - it is better to just gently apply it to the fabric in succession. The ironed thing is advised to lay out on the ironing board and give it time to dry and cool.

Cotton linens, tablecloths and towels

Cotton underwear is also best ironed when damp, sprinkling it with hot water: overdried linen absorbs cold water worse. Wet linen is rolled up and left to rest for a short time for uniform moistening and only then ironed.

To return things to their original shape, broken by washing, they are leveled by pulling on the ends. Large items (duvet covers, sheets, tablecloths) are folded in four and ironed each part separately. Bed linen is ironed from the front side and only places with embroidery - from the inside. When ironing handkerchiefs, napkins, towels, tablecloths, first smooth the edges, and then the middle.

Silk and wool products

After washing, it is recommended not to hang silk products on a rope, but wrap them in a dry terry towel. Silk items are ironed slightly damp, but they should not be splashed, otherwise water stains will appear. It is best to briefly wrap the product in a wet cloth. Silk is best ironed from the wrong side with a moderately heated iron through a thin fabric. However, light-colored silks are best ironed on the front side.

Silk is best ironed from the wrong side with a moderately heated iron through a thin fabric.

Wool shrinks easily, so iron it only through a damp cloth from the wrong side at a temperature of 150-165 ° C. If you still need to iron on the front side, then in order to avoid the appearance of shine, make sure that the fabric is damp enough and the iron is hot. Products made of wool are precisely ironed, rearranging it from place to place. This method saves the thing from deformation.

Some woolen items do not need to be ironed. It is enough to hang them on hangers over a bathtub filled with hot water. If woolen things shrink during washing, they are moistened by spraying with water, allowed to lie down and ironed through a rag, stretching to the right sizes. But after ironing, you can not leave such a thing wet, otherwise it may sit down again.

Fleecy fabrics

Fabrics with long pile, camel hair, velor, soft varieties of drape should be ironed from the inside and do it on a soft surface and without strong pressure. It is best to iron such products with steam and without final ironing through a dry cloth.

You should never iron velvet, otherwise you can damage its surface. It is better to hold the thing over a boiling kettle and straighten it so that the wrinkles disappear.

Extra delicate items

Before ironing, lace should be starched and ironed with the nose of the iron, trying not to wrinkle the edges. Often, before washing, lace products are sewn with large stitches to a piece of white fabric and then ironed with it. This facilitates the work and allows the pattern to appear more clearly.

When ironing lace products, it is important to know which threads are included in the fabric. Openwork items made of cotton threads are ironed from the wrong side through a wet fabric. Do not forget that synthetic lace is afraid of a hot iron. Thin silk linen is stored washed, but not ironed.

Synthetic items

When ironing synthetic items, it is important to follow the temperature indicated on the product label and do not leave the iron in one place for a long time. Otherwise, melting may occur, at first imperceptible, but then appearing in the form of spots.

Shaping the product

To make the pockets and edges of the products more dense and collected, they should be ironed with pressing - align their edges, cover with a damp cloth and leave the iron on them for two to three seconds. Then cover with a dry cloth and press until completely dry.

If the seam needs to be pulled out, then it is covered with a damp cloth, carefully pulled and straightened with the left hand, and ironed with the right hand.

If, on the contrary, it is necessary to shorten the stretched seam, it is ironed at a very high temperature through a damp cloth, pressing the iron from time to time and allowing the steam to saturate the entire fabric. Continue this until the fabric is completely dry.

Take care of the iron and ironing board

A dirty soleplate can be cleaned with vinegar diluted in water, or by special means but you can't scrape it with a knife.

To prevent the occurrence limescale, you need to fill the iron not with tap water, but with distilled or filtered water.

If under upholstery ironing board put a sheet of foil, it will reflect and save heat.

To clean the steam iron, pour vinegar and water in equal parts into the steam chamber, evaporate the mixture and leave for 5 minutes. After cooling, as soon as the water is poured out, the scale particles will soak and fall off.

You can extend the life of your ironing board by spraying it with starch spray and ironing it with a hot iron. And if you put a sheet of foil under the upholstery of the ironing board, it will reflect and save heat.

Little tricks

If things are neatly dried and folded, then ironing them will be much easier.

In no case should clothes with stains be ironed, otherwise they will be very difficult or even impossible to remove.

Metal threads in fabrics can withstand only very little heat and do not tolerate moisture: they lose their luster and become dull. You also need to be careful with buttons, because touching them with an iron, you can melt the fastener and ruin the whole thing.

If at ironing shiny stripes appeared on the fabric, they are moistened with water and the shiny area is ironed through a dry fabric.

You can add luxury to things by using a scented spray.

Ironed things should not be immediately put on or put in a closet, but it is better to let them cool for about a couple of hours - this will save them from deformation and jamming.

Don't like ironing? IVONA has selected 4 ways for you to get your clothes in order without using an iron.

Don't like ironing? So you can do without it!

Method number 1

1. Go to the bathroom, fix the shower in the bracket on the wall. Direct the flow of water to the wall or as close to the horizontal as possible.

2. Hang a shirt (jacket, sweater, trousers) on a hanger for attaching the shower. Turn on the hot water, but don't let the water get on your clothes, and go about your business. Check your clothes in five minutes.

3. Turn off the water. The steam will smooth out your clothes, but will leave them slightly damp. Put it on, your clothes will dry in 10 minutes.

This method is especially effective when ironing jackets, but is also great for light items.

Method number 2

Spray water from a spray bottle on clothes, then put on yourself. If you carry out this procedure 20 minutes before the exit, then by the right time the clothes will dry and will fit perfectly.

Method number 3

The easiest way is to avoid the need for ironing itself. To do this, simply do not wring out or wring out the clothes too hard after washing and dry them in a straightened and smoothed state on a flat surface or on "hangers".

Method number 4

To get rid of small minor wrinkles, you can moisten your hands with water and smooth the clothes with your palms. Under the influence of moisture, the folds will straighten. At the same time, you need to make sure that the hands themselves are clean: dirty stains (especially on light fabrics) do not add attractiveness to things.

Often, when we are relaxing in a resort, we do not have the opportunity to iron things. Here are seven basic ways to iron things without an iron.

1. Even in Soviet times, students who did not have an iron ironed like this. They took a thing that needed to be ironed, put it under their mattress and went to bed. By morning, there was not a single wrinkle on the little thing.

2. While we are getting ready for work, hang an item that needs ironing over the bathroom. Close the drain hole of the tub with a stopper and fill it with hot water. The hotter the water, the better: more steam is produced this way. Now we close the door to the bathroom (so as not to lose precious steam) and go about our business.

After 20 minutes - voila! - clothes without a single fold! True, it will be slightly raw. The method is suitable for absolutely any clothing.

3. We take in equal proportions:

- 1 part 9% vinegar;
- 1 part of water;
- 1 part of any (even the cheapest) fabric softener.

Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle.

And now the most awaited moment. Instead of an iron, we take any thing that needs to be ironed, and sprinkle it with the resulting composition. And, oh miracle! Before our eyes, it will begin to level out and acquire an aesthetic appearance.

4. Buy not 100% cotton items, but with the addition of synthetic impurities. Of course, the skin under them does not breathe so well, but they are smoothed out during the drying process.

5. If washing in an automatic machine, then turn on the centrifuge to the maximum number of revolutions and maximum heating. You will have to buy new things more often, but you will iron less often.

6. Laundered clothes hang evenly on the dryer. Then most of them will not have to be ironed.

7 basic ways to iron things without an iron

"Between Us Women #30"

7 basic ways to iron things without an iron. Photo Shutterstock

Often, when we are relaxing in a resort, we do not have the opportunity to iron things. Here are 7 basic ways to iron things without an iron.

1. Even in Soviet times, students who did not have an iron ironed like this. They took a thing that needed to be ironed, put it under their mattress and went to bed. By morning, there was not a single wrinkle on the little thing.

2. While we are getting ready for work, hang an item that needs ironing over the bathtub. Close the drain hole of the tub with a stopper and fill it with hot water. The hotter the water, the better: more steam is produced this way. Now we close the door to the bathroom (so as not to lose precious steam) and go about our business.

After 20 minutes - voila! - clothes without a single fold! True, it will be slightly raw. The method is suitable for absolutely any clothing.

3. We take in equal proportions:

1 part 9% vinegar;

1 part water;

1 part of any (even the cheapest) fabric softener.

Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle.

And now the most awaited moment. Instead of an iron, we take any thing that needs to be ironed, and sprinkle it with the resulting composition. And, oh miracle! Before our eyes, it will begin to level out and acquire an aesthetic appearance.
Tested on light fabrics - does not leave stains.

4. Buy not 100% cotton items, but with the addition of synthetic impurities. Of course, the skin under them does not breathe so well, but they are smoothed out during the drying process.

5. If you are washing in an automatic machine, then turn on the centrifuge for the maximum number of revolutions and maximum heating. You will have to buy new things more often, but you will iron less often.
Try not to leave the laundry in the basin or in the machine for a long time after washing. Hang it up as soon as it is washed off.

6. Laundered clothes hang evenly on the dryer. Then most of them will not have to be ironed.

Irina Hovakimyan

You will need
  • Clothing made from natural fabrics and synthetics
  • red-hot light bulb
  • Mattress
  • Starch
  • .1

    We are always accustomed to associate the word "iron" with the word "ironing" and do not think of these two words, however, as well as the process itself, without each other. Although, in fact, ironing a thing without the help of an iron is not a fantasy, but an ordinary reality. After all, you never know what can happen to the iron or to the supply of electricity right before your very exit to an important meeting. How to be in such a situation? How to iron things without an iron?

  • .2

    First of all, you need to follow some preliminary recommendations. It is best to buy clothes sewn not entirely from natural fabric, but with synthetic impurities. Of course, under such things, the skin will be very difficult to breathe. But the advantage of such things is that they wrinkle much less. It is necessary to set the drying centrifuge in the washing machine to maximum heating and rotation.

  • .3

    But there is a minus here too - things deteriorate much faster, and on the other hand, they are ironed less often. After finishing washing, you need to carefully hang the clothes. By the way, if a wet thing worn on the body has dried on it, then it does not need ironing, as it smoothed itself out as it dried.

  • .4

    So, let's move on to the main. Suppose you urgently need to iron your tie, but the iron breaks. What can be done? It is necessary to take a tie and hold it several times over a hot light bulb. At the beginning of learning such a process, it is better to use reverse side tie to avoid possible damage.

  • .5

    How to iron a dress suit without an iron? It is necessary to pull back the tails of the jacket and sit on them for a while. If necessary, repeat this procedure again. If wrinkled trousers haunt you since the evening, then put them under the mattress, after carefully folding them in the direction of the “arrow”. On both sides, if possible, lay the trousers with something solid. Having “slept” the night, in the morning straight trousers with effectively “ironed” arrows are waiting for you. This method comes from the army.

  • .6

    And of course, you need to know how to be in such a situation with a shirt. First of all, it should be noted that synthetic shirts, in principle, do not need ironing. This must be remembered when purchasing this item. They, even crumpled, straighten out right before our eyes. As for shirts made of other fabrics, it is worth taking care of them in advance, as in the case of trousers.

  • .7

    In the evening, hang the shirt on a hanger or on the back of a chair. This will help straighten the fabric. And on the collar, especially if it is standing, put something very heavy for several hours. And then you can starch a little. Like this, using simple tricks you can avoid this tiring process of ironing things!

People have always tried to smooth fabrics - and successfully did it with the help of various devices, stones and metal rods. By the 17th century, irons were already metal structures of a shape close to modern. They looked like small stoves: red-hot birch coals were laid inside the hull.

The approximate time of the invention of the iron is the 17th century, in particular, at that time they were already known in Russia.

The first written mention of the iron in Russia is found in the book of records Queen Evdokia- spouses Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov in 1636: “On January 31, the blacksmith Ivanka Trofimov got 5 altyns, and for that money he made an iron iron in the tsarina’s chamber.”

Around this time, heating irons were most widely used - they were placed in the oven and heated.

But iron for a long time was a luxury item, was considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity of its owners and was inherited from mother to daughter. When casting, the iron was decorated with ornaments, inlaid with copper or even silver on iron. In addition, special small irons were cast, which served to smooth lace and other small details. Later, irons with a replaceable insert were invented, which were heated up, snatched out of the fire with a special rod and inserted into the hollow body.

One-piece cast iron was produced in Russia until the mid-60s of the twentieth century. The modern electric iron appeared on June 6, 1882 - on this day an American Henry Seeley He patented the electric iron he invented.

Today, an iron is not something special, it is in every home. But what if you need to iron something, but the iron is not at hand or is it broken?

13 easy ways to iron without an iron:

use steam. This method is suitable for those who have time to "stroke" in the evening. Fill the bathtub with as hot water as possible and hang crumpled things on a coat hanger above it. After 20 minutes, they will be smoothed out thanks to the steam, but after that they will have to dry. You should not immediately put on things after steam, otherwise you will have to walk in wet clothes for some time.

hot iron mug. Even before the invention of the iron in Russia, linen was ironed with iron mugs filled with hot water. If you have an iron mug on hand, boil water, pour it into a mug and iron it!

We dry correctly. You can prevent the occurrence of creases on things even during washing. Immediately after washing, do not wring out the laundry - hang the item on a hanger with hangers, straighten it, stretching it with your hands in different directions. Let the water drain itself, and then there will be no creases on the dried clothes. If necessary, you can slightly wring out the thing, but then be sure to shake it vigorously several times.

Tension and pressure. When stretched, the fabric smooths out well, so you can stretch the thing and press it down with something heavy. For example, even by the weight of your own body, that is, sit on a thing. For the best effect, it is better to moisten the creases slightly.

Self-smoothing solution. For this method, you will need water, vinegar, laundry softener, and a spray bottle. Mix equal parts water, 9% vinegar and fabric softener and pour into a spray bottle. Moisten rumpled things with this composition, without fear of stains - they will not be. And wait for the clothes to dry.

You can get by with just water, in which case, for speed, dry the thing with a hairdryer.

Boil the kettle. To smooth out small wrinkles, it is not necessary to take a whole bath of hot water: you can boil the kettle and smooth out the clothes with steam from the spout.

under the mattress. This method must be used the day before. Take the item you need to iron, put it under your mattress, and go to bed. By morning, there will be no wrinkles on the ironed clothes.

wet towel. This method is suitable for pullovers and sweaters - they can be smoothed out by carefully laying them out on a damp terry towel and spreading them with your hands. Wait until the folds straighten out, and hang things on a coat hanger.

wet hand. To smooth out mild creases and thin fabrics, you can use your own palm moistened with water. Before doing this, do not forget to wash your hands so that there are no dirty stains left!

incandescent lamp. With a light bulb, you can smooth out small things, such as a tie. To do this, you need to stretch the thing with your hands and vigorously move it along the surface of the lamp. Move the thing over the lamp first from the wrong side - so there is less chance that stains will remain. But be extremely careful, as there is a risk of burning the fabric.

Compound. If you don’t like ironing in general and try your best to avoid this process, then buy the right things that wrinkle less. To do this, pay attention to the composition. So, there should be synthetic impurities in clothes - they, unlike cotton ones, do not wrinkle so much, and such a thing will smooth itself out during drying.

Settings washing machine . In order to have less wrinkles on the clothes, when washing in an automatic machine, select the maximum speed of rotation of the centrifuge. Often you should not do this, things deteriorate from this, but you can resort to this method from time to time. Also in many washing machines there is a "no folds" function, you can use it.

During a trip. If you don’t want to iron things on a trip and get wrinkled clothes out of your suitcase, you need to fold them properly. To do this, roll clothes into rollers, as if rolling them into a roll, so even trousers and shirts that are sensitive to creasing will look good.