
Effective use of the device for facial rejuvenation at home. Massagers for smoothing wrinkles on the face Io new massagers for the face


Use of creams and other cosmetics will be even more effective if used together with devices for facial rejuvenation at home. The performance of such funds directly depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on the characteristics of the dermis.

For one woman, such devices for home use will seem like a real fairy tale, while for another she may not like it at all. But it is useful to know what types of devices are, how to choose them and take into account all contraindications.

Features of the devices

Modern anti-aging devices for the face at home will help to improve the effect of caring cosmetics, but you should not expect a real miracle from them. Only professional salon equipment is capable of instant rejuvenation, the main drawback of which is a lot of side effects. Home appliances practically cannot cause harm, and this is their main plus, along with saving time.

These devices also have some other attractive features:

  • You can correct the first signs of aging, and with regular and long-term use, get rid of a number of noticeable factors of skin aging;
  • Home appliances are easy to use, do not require any skills;
  • You can use it in any conditions, since most devices are portable.

According to the type of impact, the funds are divided into several categories. It depends on the method of work how effective the procedure will be for solving specific skin problems.

Laser devices

For real dissolution of wrinkles at home, you can use a laser-type device, which is somewhat reminiscent of salon units. Laser devices for facial rejuvenation are able to penetrate deep into the layers, triggering the production of important elastin and collagen.

The equipment improves the nutrition of the epidermis, restores it from the inside and starts vital processes. The course of treatment with a laser device for smoothing wrinkles at home lasts 3-4 months. The use of such equipment should be abandoned in case of skin diseases, during pregnancy, in the presence of various kinds of allergies and in the stage of exacerbation of herpes. Chemical peel procedures are contraindicated.

Ultrasonic rejuvenation

Ultrasonic treatment takes a little time - only 20 minutes a day, 2-3 times a week. The procedure resembles mesotherapy and ultrasound treatment. It acts on the upper layers of the epidermis, cleanses it, but cannot fight the aging process. Ultrasound improves skin nutrition and stimulates hydration. Under the influence of technology, the process of producing elastin and collagen is launched.

It is impossible to carry out procedures for heart disease, oncological processes, neuralgia and skin diseases.

Vacuum facial massage

Usually devices for home use of this type are produced with several nozzles, they are designed for different areas of the face and allow:

  • Regulate pressure;
  • Properly selected nozzle protects against damage to blood vessels;
  • Processing zones is done without effort.

Drawing in all layers of the dermis, the device creates a vacuum that strongly captures the connective tissues and tears the fat in them. The lymphatic system removes lipids, which leads to a facelift and elimination of irregularities. This technology provides a high-quality fight against swelling and wrinkles.

It is impossible to use vacuum devices for facial rejuvenation at home: in the presence of wounds, in large numbers acne, large moles, rosacea and sensitive skin.

Microcurrent and radio waves

Radio lifting devices work like a microwave oven. They heat up the epidermis and begin to stimulate fibroblasts, which trigger collagen formation and wrinkle smoothing. Also, the technology removes any stretch marks from the skin.

The prohibitions of the procedure are very specific: pregnancy, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus and vasculitis, as well as diseases endocrine system presence of implants. Do not use during exacerbation of infections.

Popular Facial Rejuvenation Machines

Modern technologies make it possible to combine several modes of operation, which leads to the creation of different devices for facial rejuvenation. Their complex action with proper use helps to achieve positive results. When choosing such a device, one should take into account not only reviews on the Internet, but also the reputation of the manufacturer. But it should be remembered that to achieve the effect salon procedure no device can.

Apparatus "Home electroplating"

Solves many problems of aging and problematic skin:

  1. Cleansing mode. Produces deep cleansing of the face, removes harmful substances. It saturates the epidermis with ions that stimulate the outflow of all harmful metabolic decay products. Stimulates oxygen supply and removes dead cells.
  2. Massage. Tones and moisturizes every cell, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles of various kinds. The mode improves blood circulation.
  3. Nutrition. Stimulates absorption useful substances through the use of galvanic current. Improves the effectiveness of most cosmetic preparations.
  4. Pull-up mode. The device for home rejuvenation stimulates the protection of cells, does not allow elastin and collagen to disappear. Lifting effect is noticeable after 3-4 procedures.

The device of microcurrents and radio waves is suitable for any skin of the face.

Gezatone BioSonic 2000

The presented device of the KUS-2k model has several interesting modes:

  1. Micromassage. It acts with ultrasound, due to which the skin is rejuvenated, metabolic processes in it are improved, health and beauty are normalized.
  2. Phonophoresis. Special method effects, eliminating swelling and flabbiness.
  3. Peeling. Gentle ultrasonic cleaning. Fights black spots and age spots, removes any pollution.

The device for facial rejuvenation at home is available in a convenient form, pleasant to use. Designed for people with oily type, post-acne or acne. Can be used for rough skin, as well as to combat scars and scars.

NEWA appliances

The Israeli company Endy Med produces a high-quality NEWA series of devices for home facial rejuvenation. It acts on tissues with radiofrequency radiation, fights mimic wrinkles well. 3DEEP's unique technology helps improve RF efficiency.

Laser Lift Rio

A successful representative of the laser type. It has a positive effect on the process of tissue repair, can be used daily. Designed for powerful lifting and fighting wrinkles.

La Mente Aurora Ceutical G7

Another ultrasonic device that also uses infrared radiation to improve the quality of nutrition and skin cleansing. Able to conduct a deep massage, significantly enhances the benefits of cosmetic preparations and improves the smoothing of wrinkles. Removes any swelling, the first factors of aging, improves skin elasticity.

Perfect Photo Poration

A dual-mode device that combines electroporation and LED beams. Improves cell permeability, stimulates deep penetration nutrients. It perfectly copes with standard tasks, plus it improves skin texture and increases the tone of facial muscles.

CareBuy device

A wonderful device for complete facial care. It not only remarkably rejuvenates and tightens the skin, but also slows down the aging process and improves the absorption of nutrients by almost 100%.

Vacuum apparatus Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner

Suitable for use with cleansing cosmetics and enhances it tenfold. It tones the dermis, but does not damage the skin, helps to get rid of many imperfections and perfectly rejuvenates.

The manufacturer Gezatone has many other interesting devices that have a similar effect. It is noticed that reviews on many devices are very different. Most likely, the effectiveness of a particular device will depend on the correct use, combination with high-quality cosmetics and the systematic use of the device.

Device for rejuvenation Touchbeauty

A complex preparation that combines phytotherapy, microcurrent and vibration. It tightens the skin, eliminates wrinkles, and also helps fight irritation and acne.

As for the cost of devices for facial rejuvenation at home, it starts from 1000 rubles and reaches 20-30 thousand. And not always famous brand can offer really high-quality devices. For the most correct choice of device, it is advisable to consult a specialist in order to understand what type of exposure is suitable for your skin.

Massage is effective for skin rejuvenation, and to improve complexion, and to eliminate pimples. It eliminates fine wrinkles and prevents their formation. To conduct a massage course at home, you can use massagers. They are easy to use and provide visible results. Massage devices are offered by many manufacturers. When choosing a massager, you need to pay attention to its power, the number of nozzles. Massage solves many problems, but you need to take into account its contraindications. Otherwise, the procedure may be harmful.

The benefits of facial massage with a massager

Using a massager provides the following positive effects:

  • Improving blood circulation in the vessels.
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands, which helps to get rid of pimples and oily skin.
  • Removal of toxins from the body.
  • Improvement in complexion.
  • Elimination of puffiness under the eyes and signs of fatigue.
  • Prevention of mimic wrinkles.
  • Improving facial muscle tone.
  • Elimination of a double chin.
  • Activation of recovery and metabolic processes.

In order for massage to bring exceptional benefits, several conditions must be met:

Overview of models of good massagers for use at home

Revoskin Gold

This ion vibrating massager is made in Japan. compact model, which will fit in handbag. Runs on batteries. The tip is coated with a gold film, which increases the effectiveness of the massage. Consider the basics of the device:

  • Vibration stimulates blood circulation, restores the supply of oxygen to cells, and starts recovery processes.
  • Negatively charged ions reduce the production of sebum, eliminate both the shine of the skin and its peeling.

The model is suitable not only for the face, it can be used to work with problem areas of the body.

Gezatone Biolift4 BT 201S

Device with four nozzles. Low noise, easy operation. The action is based on the operation of current pulses with a high frequency, which:

  • restore blood circulation
  • reduce pain syndrome.

Despite the rapid development of cosmetology, manual and hardware facial massage is still an effective and popular procedure. With its help, you can accelerate the flow of arterial blood and thereby improve skin nutrition, relax overstrained muscles and tone relaxed ones, relieve stress and enjoy. Already after the first session, the results are visible:

  • a healthy complexion returns, traces of fatigue disappear;
  • the skin becomes more elastic and rejuvenated;
  • wrinkles, folds, swelling are smoothed out or completely disappear.

Despite all positive reviews, there are practically no queues for masseurs, even for the best of them. And all because the modern rhythm of life dictates its own conditions, and not every person has enough budget and free time to afford visiting a massage parlor. And in order to preserve the natural beauty in such a situation, you cannot do without a household facial massager. Moreover, it is desirable to acquire it and use it regularly at the age when skin changes are just beginning to appear - at about 27–35 years.

This device is compact in size, which allows you to carry it with you and arrange self-massage of the face in any convenient place and at any suitable time. Mechanical massagers work superficially and require constant effort, so beauty gadgets that can work through the middle layers of the skin and are powered by an electrical network, batteries, and even solar energy are more popular in the ratings. In addition to high functionality, they have another advantage - a huge range of models.

So, depending on the type of impact, face massagers are divided into several categories:

  • roller;
  • vibration;
  • vacuum;
  • ultrasonic;
  • combined with infrared heating.

Under the condition of prudent and constant use, they produce an effect that is quite comparable to the result that is obtained after a manual procedure. However, in order for it to remain long, the massage process to be safe, and the massager to serve faithfully for many years, special attention should be paid to the quality of its manufacture.

In order to make the choice easier for our readers, we analyzed the characteristics of several dozen facial massagers, studied user reviews, assessed efficiency and reliability, if possible, and then ranked the best of them in the rating. When compiling the list of leaders, we also took into account the reputation of the manufacturer, tried to find breakdown statistics and determine the development of the network of service centers.

The best roller massagers for the face

The design of roller massagers is very simple: several rollers are fixed on the ergonomic handle, which perform the massage function. Rolling over the body, they gently grab the skin fold in the same way as a salon massage therapist does. Their main advantages are affordability (although the price range can be extremely wide), versatility of use (can be used to massage the face, thighs, abdomen, hands) and the presence of additional functions such as infrared heating or microcurrent therapy.

2 Biolift m100(S) Gezatone

A successful combination of effective massage techniques
The country:
Average price: 1975 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Not only do the French know a lot about female beauty, so they also created a device to help preserve it. The Biolift massager combines 3 hardware massage techniques at once: microcurrent therapy, electromyostimulation and roller massage. Under the triple effect, the production of collagen and elastin increases, facial muscles are strengthened, blood circulation is restored and, as a result, the skin looks much better. The beauty device is powered by 2 AAA batteries (sold separately) and is lightweight and compact in size - about the size of a palm, which allows you to carry it with you.

For maximum user comfort, 4-level massage intensity control is provided, so that during the session they can adjust it to their requirements and get an exceptionally pleasant feeling. According to reviews, the work of the massager is felt on the face as a slight tingling from the edges of the moving rollers. The procedure takes about 20 minutes, after which the skin turns slightly pink, and a feeling of relaxation appears.

1 ReFa Carat

Microlifting at home. Better drainage effect
Country: Japan
Average price: 18100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Microcurrent lifting is usually offered as a course in beauty salons, and such a course is not cheap at all. But 5 years ago, if not more, the Japanese company MTG developed a device that can be used at home for the same purposes, and called it ReFa Carat. Due to the built-in solar battery, it generates microcurrents and passes them through the skin folds formed by two rotating spheres with many facets on the surface.

The impact of the massager, judging by the reviews, is practically not felt, but leads to a number of responses: microcirculation is significantly improved, the effectiveness of care products is increased, cell regeneration processes are accelerated, as well as the synthesis of proteins, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Weighing only 200 g, the thing can be thrown into a purse or taken to the bathroom - thanks to a special coating, it is not afraid of scratches and water. It is easy and pleasant to use it. Only 20 ReFa movements for each part of the face (about 6 minutes for the whole procedure), and you will almost instantly notice that the facial contour has become clearer, wrinkles are smaller, and the tone is fresher.

The Best Vibrating Facial Massagers

It is customary to think of vibration in relation to the body as a negative phenomenon. However, a mechanical vibration of a certain frequency can have a healing effect - this, by the way, is not just another opinion of British scientists, but a completely proven scientific fact. The benefits of using vibration devices is to improve not only well-being, but also appearance human, in particular, the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. It is especially well seen by smoothing wrinkles: thanks to a kind of gymnastics, they become almost invisible.

2 Beauty Bar WS 7035 Wells

The best apparatus for massage with gold ions
Country: China
Average price: 1275 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The Chinese empresses, in order to remain attractive, massaged with rollers made of the purest gold, and did it for a reason. As a result contemporary research it became known that gold ions, penetrating into the skin, contribute to the accumulation of hyaluronic acid in it and increase the level of collagen. Thus, using a massager equipped with a tip made of the most real gold (999, 24 carats), you help your skin stay supple and fresh longer.

The tip of the model has a T-shape, and this allows you to cover a fairly large area of ​​​​the face with one movement, not bypassing hard-to-reach reliefs. The action of the massager is to create vibration in the working part with a frequency of 6000 vibrations per minute. This value is considered scientifically justified, since it is possible to achieve a response with it. skin without the risk of complications. Facial treatment is painless and does not require special preparation, and for a bilateral enhancement of the result, it is recommended to combine it with the use of effective cosmetics.


The most compact and economical
Country: USA
Average price: 780 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

At first, this device is bought simply because it is stylish, small and inexpensive, and also because a friend has one. So, anyway, we understood from the reviews. But then, when the time comes to evaluate the results, they fall in love with him completely and irrevocably. Small dimensions (diameter - only 2.3 cm and length - about 14 cm) and weight (80 g) do not prevent the mini-massager from giving a real shake-up to lazy facial muscles, so that they instantly tighten up and “remember” what tone is.

The massager works from a single AA battery, which, together with the cost, gives the right to call it the most economical household beauty device. The case is reliably protected from water, therefore, the device can be used even in the bathroom, swimming pool and sauna. It is allowed to massage any problem areas, whether it be the stomach, calves or thighs, and to maintain hygiene, it is enough to wipe the surface of the massager with a cotton pad dipped in medical alcohol.

The best vacuum massagers for the face

Many people know that vacuum massage helps to cope with the cellulite crust on the thighs. But about the use of vacuum for cosmetic purposes - units. Meanwhile, in the reviews, those who have already tried this procedure on themselves speak very positively about it: the tone of the face evened out, and the tubercles, swelling, pimples disappeared, and the cheeks decreased in volume. Miraculous rejuvenation is due to the improvement of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. But you can’t use vacuum massagers without looking back - they have a number of contraindications, including venous insufficiency, weak capillaries and any skin damage.

2 Delicate Silk US MEDICA

The most ergonomic design. soft impact
Country: USA
Average price: 2700 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Those who have experienced cupping massage at least once will surely remember pain, which can occur when the skin is pulled into the cavity of the jar. Most likely about vacuum massage they will not even want to hear faces, and they will do it in vain. The procedure carried out with the Delicate Silk massager leaves only positive memories, so it can be done without any problems at least every day. The model is a “pistol”, easy to grip with one hand, powered by two AA batteries, with a small suction cup.

The gripping force of the suction cup is small, it can be moved over the skin without effort, while it is sufficient for the upper layers of the skin to receive more blood, and with it oxygen and nutrients. The session lasts 10-15 minutes, and it can be done both in the evening and in the morning, since the face does not particularly redden. After the first time, young girls may not notice the effect - women with obvious age-related skin defects see it. But 4-5 procedures are enough for the improvement to be visible not only to yourself, but also to the environment.

1 VACU Beauty Gezatone

The best replacement for vacuum jars
The country: France (manufactured in Taiwan)
Average price: 1800 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Face, legs, back, stomach - with this device you can work out all the problem areas of the body. To do this, the manufacturer equipped it with 3 jar nozzles of different sizes - 30, 60 and 100 cm. Be sure to lubricate the surface of the body with high-quality massage oil, you need to attach a nozzle to it and select one of the 4 operating modes. If the skin is pulled in too much, there is no need to endure pain - there is a special button for emergency reset. The device is powered by a battery, the charge of which is enough for 3-4 sessions.

By passing the nozzle along the massage lines (the manufacturer provided information about them in the figures in the instructions), you achieve a uniform effect on the entire area, a rush of blood and the destruction of the subcutaneous fat layer. We will warn you right away - most likely, it will not work to lose weight using only a massager, but the cosmetic effect will be visible on the skin immediately. To maintain it, it is enough to arrange a 5-minute self-massage of the face with a frequency of 1-2 days.

The best ultrasonic facial massagers

Ultra-high sound vibrations, imperceptible to the human ear, are called ultrasound. It is successfully used in medicine and cosmetology, since ultrasonic procedures are highly effective and do not cause any negative sensations. Mechanical vibrations that occur when using an ultrasound massager lead to relaxation of facial muscles and smoothing wrinkles, removal of acne, scars and stretch marks, increased tone, and activation of collagen production. However, remember about contraindications: with existing implants and stimulators, the use of ultrasound machines is prohibited.

2 uSound (GESS-628) Gess

The use of ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 1 MHz
The country:
Average price: 4200 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

To reduce the number of trips to the beauty salon, you just need to invest once in the purchase of an ultrasonic massager capable of delivering a record frequency of sound waves, even by today's standards - 1 million vibrations per second. The human ear does not perceive the sound of such a high frequency, but skin cells feel it and react to it by activating their work. As a result, after a 20-minute procedure, almost imperceptible on the face, the skin surface is smoothed, its shade becomes more even, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands is less.

On the case there is a light indicator indicating one of five levels of intensity of ultrasonic waves. A beginner is recommended to start from the first. To prevent the user from drying his head, than to treat his face before the massage, the manufacturer included a 30 ml tube of lifting gel in the kit. It provides the skin with nutrients, and also protects it from stretching and injury during the massage process. Both items from the set come in a presentable package, so the set is often purchased as a gift.

1 Foreo Luna 2

Using the latest technology
Country: Sweden
Average price: 14090 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This is the most non-standard and controversial massager model in our rating. At first glance, this is an ordinary sponge brush, which can only mechanically clean the face with silicone bristles. Some cosmetologists also have a skeptical opinion about him, they say, there is nothing to spend money on a trinket. But on the other hand, user reviews (believe me, we distinguish custom reviews from real ones) say the opposite: the Foreo Luna massager really shows an anti-age effect and makes the skin clean, radiant, healthy. Provides this result. new technology T-Sonic, thanks to which the bristles make and transmit 8000 sound pulsations through the skin barrier in the tissues in 1 minute.

There are several varieties of "Moon" for each type of skin, which differ in color, as well as the size, location and shape of the "antennae". One side of the massager has a cleansing surface, and any cleanser can be applied to it, since the device is waterproof. The second side is for facial massage. You do not need to connect the device to the mains - it is enough to charge it once every 5-6 months using the supplied USB cable. It comes with a 2-year warranty, but it looks like it can work indefinitely!

The best combined facial massagers with IR heating

Dosed exposure to vibration and heat waves emitted by infrared lamps leads to a significant improvement in skin condition. The final effect of the procedures is due to the activation of blood circulation, which eliminates the main causes of wrinkles and bags under the eyes - muscle spasms and swelling. Combined massagers are safe to use (subject to the rules of conduct with electrical appliances) and can be used to massage not only the face, but also other parts of the body. It is only important to take into account contraindications - if there are inflammations, tumors, scratches and wounds on the skin, as well as during the recovery period after injections of fillers or Botox, doctors do not recommend using such devices.

2 Beurer FCE90

The best complex for anti-aging care
The country: Germany (made in China)
Average price: 9800 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This is another model in which ultrasonic massage is provided. Unlike massagers from the previous category, its action is designed for a complete anti-aging care, consisting of 4 steps: skin cleansing by deincrustation, heating the skin to stimulate blood supply, ultrasound massage to reduce the number of wrinkles and work out the lower layers of the dermis, as well as moderate cooling the skin to tone it, reduce puffiness and close pores.

Desincrustation or, in other words, galvanic cleaning, allows you to clean the skin much better than conventional peeling programs: by iontophoresis, ions of a certain substance are introduced under the skin, which react with impurities, after which they can be easily removed from the surface. To carry out this procedure, the complex includes 2 products - milk for intensive cleansing and cream-hydrolifting. The device itself is powered by the mains, for ease of use, a push-button control panel and a large display are provided.

1 MediTech DH-68

The widest scope
The country: USA (made in China)
Average price: 1740 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

To restore the youthfulness of the skin, professional procedures are needed, supplemented by regular home massages. It is easiest and most pleasant to carry it out with the help of a special device created by American scientists - the DH-68 massager. It works from the mains in 3 modes - vibration exposure, IR heating and combined massage, and thanks to the configuration with 4 nozzles, it is able to work out the face area, scalp, arms, legs, back, buttocks and thighs with high quality.

How to stay young and beautiful without the help of eminent cosmetologists and expensive procedures? A worthwhile thought, but a little out of touch with reality, many will say. But the development of cosmetology is currently taking place at such a speed that this “crazy”, at first glance, idea turned out to be quite feasible with the help of miniature devices for hardware cosmetology at home. At the moment, there are many new products and proven models on the market, and our article will help you figure it out and make the right choice.

List of devices for home cosmetology

Below are the most popular devices for cosmetic procedures at home, as well as how they work, how to use them, and what specific cosmetic problems they are designed for. It is worth noting that, properly selected and used regularly, the device gives amazing results that are in no way inferior to traditional methods in a clinic or office.

We divided all devices into several groups, the main criterion of which is the principle of operation. Among them are:

  • Microcurrent stimulation devices.
  • Devices with radio frequency waves.
  • Devices based on ultrasonic action.
  • Devices with laser action.
  • Vacuum devices for cleansing the skin of the face.
  • Devices for carrying out ozone-, light-, ionotherapy and electroporation.

Home devices that use microcurrents, electrical impulses and radio frequency waves

Gezaton Beauty Iris m708

Designed to improve muscle tone and increase skin elasticity, lifting. It can be used to smooth small wrinkles, restore the youthful oval of the face, even out the relief and restore the natural color of the skin. Thanks to the galvanic current, tissues quickly get rid of toxins and toxins, small vessels become stronger, and sebum is saponified. This allows you to cleanse the pores, restore blood circulation and hydration, stimulate cellular respiration and restore metabolic processes. Daily use of the device for several minutes helps cosmetic products to better penetrate into the deep skin layers, eliminating problems in the places where they appear.

The device operates in three modes: galvanic currents (iontophoresis), microcurrents (muscle stimulation) and Lotti currents (wrinkle relief reduction).

Gezatone Galvanic Beauty SPA m777

One of the first representatives of hardware cosmetology for use at home. This multifunctional device uses galvanic microcurrents of different polarity, allowing you to quickly start the processes of renewal and regeneration of skin cells. Under the action of currents on the surface and in the deep layers of the skin, there is an active movement of ions (Ca, Mg, Na, K and others), as well as changes in the permeability of cell membranes and the rate of microcirculation. This allows you to increase the production of your own collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and other biologically active substances.

The soft massaging action of the device contributes to the effective penetration of cosmetics. The device "Galvanic Beauty SPA m777" stimulates the rapid destruction of aging cells, thereby cleansing the skin, moisturizing and nourishing it. That is why the device has several functions (cleansing, massage, nutrition and lifting) and operating modes (normal and enhanced).

MezoLight Gezatone m9900

Allows you to carry out mesotherapy at home! The device combines 5 modes: , to increase the membrane channels of cells, electrical muscle stimulation to restore the muscular frame of the face, biocurrents for lifting muscle fibers and chromotherapy using waves different lengths to restore metabolic processes. As a result of using a home cosmetic device, a network of fine wrinkles is smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable, the elasticity and tone of skin tissues increase, brighten or disappear. dark spots, a lifting effect is achieved.

E-Polation Mini

The principle of operation is based on the use of low-power electrical impulses (electroporation), which makes it possible to carry out hardware mesotherapy at home, increasing the degree of penetration of beneficial components of meso-cocktails up to 80%.

Myostimulator ESMA 12.01 IMiolight

A portable device, where the main principle of operation is pulsed currents of various modifications. The device can be used to correct age-related changes in the face and body, as well as to treat and prevent many diseases.

Ultrasonic, radio frequency and laser beauty machines for home use

Gezatone Kus 2K

With it, you can carry out at home, phonophoresis and soft ultrasonic massage. The device has many advantages, which include complex action, safety of operation modes, autonomy of operation, as well as ease of use. Ultrasound is supplied with a frequency of 24 kHz, which allows you to effectively cleanse the skin of blackheads, comedones and other impurities. Ultrasonic massage at the cellular level "sonodermia" stimulates the production of elastin fibers and the process of neocollagenesis.

Gezatone Super Lifting m 355

The frequency of ultrasonic waves in this massage apparatus is 3MHz. In addition to massage, the device works in chromotherapy mode with different spectra (blue to reduce fat content, red to stimulate the work of fibroblast cells, green to relieve irritation). Soft ultrasonic massage enhances the processes of microcirculation, lymphatic drainage, as well as the production of elastin and collagen fibers. Gezatone Super Lifting effectively fights age-related skin changes, successfully solves problems (dryness, oiliness, acne, wrinkles, etc.), evens out the skin texture and improves its color.

Gezatone Ultra-Tonic m 115

Cosmetology device for home use, which combines two technologies: ultrasonic micromassage with a wave frequency of up to 1 MHz; electromyostimulation.

Regular exposure to ultrasound will provide the effect of non-surgical lifting, help eliminate fine wrinkles, relieve muscle spasm, activate arterial blood flow to cells, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result, metabolic processes and cell regeneration are enhanced in the skin, biologically active substances are released, and lymphatic drainage improves.

Electromyostimulation causes contraction of certain muscles that have lost their tone. The technology corrects ptosis of tissues of the face, neck, décolleté and body areas. The device has three modes - for a relaxing and tonic massage, as well as for training flabby, toned muscles of the face and body.

Care Buiw (Kerby)

Device for complex skin care. It works in two modes - electroporation and RF-lifting. It not only slows down the aging process and eliminates signs of age, but also increases the delivery of nutrients by 90%.

60 Second Neck Toner Rio

Designed for electrical stimulation of muscles in the neck and chin area. electrical impulses quickly get rid of ptosis and a "double" chin, and the device itself has 3 programs - for short-term and long-term muscle strengthening, as well as for rhythmic stimulation.

Laser Lift Rio

The principle of operation is based on low-frequency laser therapy, with the help of which the processes of tissue regeneration and the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid - energy for cells) are enhanced. Daily use helps short term to achieve the effect of rejuvenation and lifting.

Home cosmetology devices with a complex effect of microcurrents, light rays and ultrasound

La Mente Aurora Ceutical G 7

Ultrasound with a frequency of 7 MHz and infrared radiation are used, with the help of which cleansing, nutrition, massage and other necessary actions are carried out. The use of the device together with special cosmetics helps to smooth out wrinkles, tighten the skin, reduce swelling and signs of aging, increase elasticity and turgor.

Perfect Photo Poration

The device operates in two modes - electroporation and LED light beams. Electroporation increases the permeability of cell membranes, and light rays (red, blue, infrared) provide deep penetration of nutrients. With its help, you can eliminate ptosis, wrinkles, swelling, even out the relief, increase muscle tone on the face and other parts of the body.

In conclusion, it should be noted that cosmetic problems can be solved at home, but before buying and using the above devices, you need to get advice from an experienced cosmetologist. Important rule- do not save on purchases, but choose models from well-known manufacturers. Independent selection and use of equipment may not help, but cause serious damage to your beauty and health. In addition, with the help of the same specialist, it is worth learning how to use the purchased devices.

In an effort to prolong the outgoing youth, women resort to various tricks. Cosmetic masks and creams, reinforcement with gold threads, mesotherapy and Botox injections, surgical and non-surgical braces - the list of procedures is incredibly wide and is determined mainly by the financial capabilities of the lady. Unfortunately, many women, especially those who combine work and raising children, are often limited not only financially, but also have a tight time frame. In a situation where after work you need to run to the store, cook dinner, iron a fresh shirt for your husband and check the lessons of schoolchildren, you usually get to the beautician no more than once a month.

But even if you are in such a difficult situation, this does not mean at all that you need to put up with it and calmly watch how new age and facial wrinkles appear on your face. You can take care of yourself at home - and this does not require much time and special knowledge. Especially for busy women, manufacturers of medical equipment have come up with a simple, safe and effective device -. It will help smooth the skin and improve its color, relieve swelling and fatigue, cleanse the pores and even get rid of the emerging second chin.

About the benefits of facial massage

Regularly exercising exercise, we keep our body in good shape, helping it stay slim and fit longer. Unlike the hips or abdomen, facial muscles are not so easy to train, and over time they begin to lose their elasticity. Have you noticed that the skin has become flabby, wrinkles appear more and more clearly on it, and the oval of the face loses its clear outline? So it's time to take emergency action. By regularly massaging, you strengthen tissues and activate blood flow in them, promote better absorption of cosmetic products by cells, regulate metabolic processes and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Even a simple device designed for use at home can solve many different problems:

  1. give the face a healthy color;
  2. give tone to the skin;
  3. smooth out small wrinkles and prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles;
  4. remove puffiness;
  5. cleanse pores;
  6. activate the process of natural cell regeneration;
  7. relax the facial muscles, relieving them of fatigue;
  8. make the contour of the face more clear and toned.

By independently conducting short procedures only 2-3 times a week, you will soon notice a clear positive effect, quite comparable to the result of visiting a professional cosmetologist.

What are massagers

Manufacturers produce a variety of devices that differ from each other in functionality and cost. To understand which one is right for you, general information about the types and principles of operation will help.

Devices are divided into the following types:

  1. jade;
  2. oxygen;
  3. infrared;
  4. laser.

Mechanical massager- the simplest and a budget option, which every woman can buy. It consists of rotating wooden or plastic rollers with small spikes attached to the handle. Gently moving the device along the massage lines, you activate blood flow, relieve swelling and improve skin tone.

Jade the massager also applies to mechanical models. It is made of smooth light green stone with healing properties. Chinese, Egyptian and Indian physicians have long used jade to treat various diseases and injuries, and the ancient beauties used this amazing stone for cosmetic purposes. In appearance, such a massager resembles an ordinary roller one, with one exception - the rotating roller in it is devoid of spikes and has an absolutely smooth surface, and the effect during the procedure is achieved due to medicinal properties stone. In addition to ease of use, the jade massager has another great advantage - it is completely devoid of contraindications and is suitable for caring for both young and mature skin.

ultrasonic the device belongs to electric models and acts on the skin with the help of high-frequency vibrations, under the influence of which the cells of the epidermis are alternately compressed and unclenched. Such a massager allows you to even out and tighten the skin, activates the natural production of collagen and elastane and has a lifting effect on the face.

Based on the operating principle impulsive The device is based on microcurrent therapy, which enjoys well-deserved respect from professional cosmetologists. Such a massager is universal and, depending on the selected mode and the polarity of the pulses, can solve various problems: cleanse and strengthen the skin, increase the access of nutrients to the cells and tighten the oval of the face, narrow pores and remove the second chin. The device has no age restrictions: young girls can use it to cleanse the skin and eliminate comedones, and mature ladies can use it as an alternative to Botox and other anti-aging procedures.

Oxygen the massager is made with the addition of titanium and germanium particles, which emit negatively charged particles. The device helps to saturate cells with oxygen molecules, improve metabolic processes and activate blood flow. As a result of such exposure, the face is freshened, the skin becomes smooth, elastic and radiant.

Vacuum the massager is able to perform two tasks at once: remove impurities from the pores and start the process of cell regeneration. It is equipped with rubber or silicone nozzles, inside which negative pressure is created due to the absence of air. Under the influence of vacuum, metabolic processes are activated in the epidermis, sebaceous plugs come out of the pores, the skin becomes elastic, sagging in the chin area disappears. With all the positive properties of this device, caution must be exercised in working with it, since it has an extensive list of contraindications. Vacuum cannot be used on inflamed or damaged skin, as well as in the presence of rosacea or vascular "asterisks" on the face.

Infrared massage with a deep warming effect is aimed not only at the surface layer of the skin, but also at those located behind it. soft tissues deeply stimulating the facial muscles. It treats rashes, activates blood flow, and is especially good for reducing swelling and getting rid of bruises. Due to its delicate work, the infrared massager can be used even for the delicate skin around the eyes.

laser a massager is an excellent device to combat age-related changes. Acting on the skin with the help of wave radiation, it accelerates all processes in the tissues, activates the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastane, smoothes mimic wrinkles, noticeably tightening the face after just a few sessions.

Having a general idea of different types devices, it will be much easier for you to decide on a purchase. Ideally, before performing it, it is advisable to visit a beautician at least once - after assessing the condition of your skin from a professional point of view, the master will give qualified advice on the massager you need.

What else to look for when choosing

So that a regular massage procedure does not cause negative associations, it is not enough to choose the right type of device. No less important are other little things, the totality of which will largely determine your comfort during frequent sessions.

First of all, decide at what time and in what conditions you will take care of your face. If you have a conveniently located outlet in your bathroom or near your vanity, you can safely buy a mains-operated appliance. Otherwise, and also if you plan to use the massager not only at home, it is better to give preference to a device with built-in rechargeable batteries or batteries.

Consider the nozzles included with the device and ask the seller to tell you in detail for what purposes they are intended. Perhaps they will be useful to you - but if not, then why overpay for unnecessary functionality?

Be sure to hold the massager in your hand, assessing its weight and how comfortable the handle of the product lies in your palm. The standard session duration is 10-15 minutes and it is important that your hands do not get tired during this time, and the massager does not slip out, even if the skin becomes wet.

Finally, the last, but no less important advice– if possible, buy devices from well-known manufacturers with a reliable reputation, such as Gezatone, Beurer or Casada. Contact only trusted stores. Remember: a massager is a medical device, and choosing a product of dubious quality, you can harm your health.

General rules for massage

Complete with each device, an instruction is necessarily attached that will tell you how to properly carry out the procedures. Regardless of the type of massager, before the session, you should thoroughly cleanse the skin, removing impurities and cosmetics from it. If time allows, you can make a steam bath for the face - this will increase the effectiveness of the impact.

For vacuum apparatus auxiliary means are not needed, but when using an ultrasonic, pulsed or infrared device, it is desirable to apply a cream - during the massage it will penetrate deep into the skin, enhancing the effectiveness of the procedure.

Move the device during the session from the bottom up, moving along the massage lines:

  • from the chin to the earlobes;
  • from the outer corners of the lips to the middle of the auricles;
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  • from the center of the forehead to the temples.

Movements should be soft, not causing discomfort. Make sure that the skin does not stretch, otherwise, instead of rejuvenation, you risk seeing the opposite result in the mirror. The chin and lower face should be given increased attention, but no area should be massaged for more than a minute.

After the first session, which should not exceed 5 minutes, carefully assess the condition of the skin. Check for redness, inflammation and painful areas on the face. If everything went well, the duration of the next massage can be extended to 10-15 minutes.

The number of sessions is selected individually depending on the problems a woman has. For preventive purposes, one procedure per week will be enough, and if there are obvious age-related changes, this number can be increased up to 2-3 times. Usually, to achieve a lasting result, you need to do at least 10-15 sessions. Then let the skin rest, and if necessary, after a month, you can repeat the course again.


Unfortunately, in some cases, such an effective procedure as facial massage may not be safe. It will have to be abandoned in the following cases:

  • in the presence of any diseases in the acute stage, including colds and flu;
  • during inflammatory processes;
  • with blood diseases;
  • in the presence of benign and malignant tumors;
  • if there are unhealed wounds or scratches on the face.