
Plan of work with orphans left without parental care; with families in difficult situations. Application of effective methods and techniques when working with families in a difficult life situation, socially dangerous situation


FULL NAME. student of the city of birth,
registered at: ______________________________
residing at: _________________________________________
Reason for registration:
Registration date:
Family Composition:

Visiting the family, drawing up acts of examination of the sanitary-hygienic and material condition.
2 times per year
social educator
Class leader

Monitoring the socio-psychological climate in the family, identifying problems of family education. Providing timely psychological and pedagogical assistance in solving problems that have arisen.
Monitoring the sanitary condition of the family, housing.
social educator
Class leader

Individual conversations with parents in order to form their responsibility for the upbringing of the child and the formation of the foundations healthy lifestyle family life:
- Encouragement and punishment in the family;
-Healthy nutrition is the basis of a child's health;
- Rights and obligations of parents;
-Personal example and authority of parents;
- Material and living conditions as a factor harmonious development child;
- How to organize joint leisure in the family;
-Bad habits of parents;
- What interferes with family harmony;

1 time per month
social educator
Class leader

Invitation of parents to the school in order to get acquainted with the progress of their daughters
of necessity
Cl. supervisor,

Organization of meetings of parents with school specialists for the purpose of psychological and pedagogical counseling.
of necessity
Cl. supervisor,
psychologist teacher,
Social teacher

Inviting parents to class events, school holidays, exhibitions, meetings in order to include them in educational process.
according to the school plan
cool hand.
Cl. supervisor,

Implementation of control:
- for providing the child with school supplies, clothes;
- absenteeism from school without a good reason;
-for the health of the child;
Cl. supervisor,
Social teacher

Keep in touch with the OKDN under the administration of the Nizhneivkinsky city/settlement, with the KDN and ZP of the Kumensky district, with the Center social assistance families and children of the Kumensky district, with the administration of the Kuchelapovsky s / settlement in order to timely notify about the identified shortcomings in the family
Social teacher

Social teacher
Educational psychologist
Classroom teacher
Head teacher

Attached files

Methodological handouts have been developed for specialists working in the system of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency. The manual contains articles of normative legal documents, references to the Laws of the Russian Federation, which guide the activities of institutions of the prevention system that work with families in a difficult life situation; categories of dysfunctional families, stages of distress, principles of work and the system of supporting families in an educational institution.



Working in an educational institution with a family in a socially dangerous situation.Methodical materials.Klintsy City Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support.

Compiled by: Ulybysheva I. A. social teacher MBOU-KGTSPMSS

Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect
and juvenile delinquency
FZ - No. 120 -FZ from 12. from. 1999

ARTICLE 14.2. General educational institutions general education,

educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational
education and other institutions carrying out the educational process, in
in accordance with the statutes of the said institutions or their regulations:
(in ed. federal law dated 07.07.2003 N 111-FZ)

Provide socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance
minors with developmental or behavioral disabilities or problems
in training;

Identify minors who are in a socially dangerous situation, and
also not attending or systematically passing through disrespectful
reasons for going to educational institutions, take action to
upbringing and receiving by them the basic general education;

They identify families that are in a socially dangerous situation and provide them with
assistance in the education and upbringing of children;

Provide organization in educational institutions of public
sports sections, technical and other circles, clubs and involvement in participation in
them minors;

Carry out measures to implement programs and methods aimed at
formation of law-abiding behavior of minors.


Article 121.1. Protection of the rights and interests of children left without parental care.

Protection of the rights and interests of children in casesdeath of parents, deprivation of their
parental rights, their restrictions in parental rights, confessions
parents incapacitated, illness of parents, prolonged
parents, parental avoidance education children or from protecting them
and interests including when parents refuse to take their children out of foster care
institutions, medical institutions, institutions social protection population and others
similar institutions, as well as in other cases of lack of parental care
assigned to the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

Article 122.1. Identification and registration of children left without parental care

Officials of institutions (preschool educational institutions,
educational institutions, medical institutions and other institutions) and other
citizens who have information about the children specified in paragraph 1 of Article 121 of this
code,are obliged to inform about this to the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the place
the actual location of the children.

Federal Law "On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency"

A minor who is in a socially dangerous position -

is a person under the age of 18 who, due to neglect or
homelessness is in an environment that does not meet the requirements for his
education or maintenance, or commits an offense or
antisocial actions.

A family in a socially dangerous position -a family,
having children who are in a socially dangerous situation, as well as a family where
parents or legal representatives of minors do not fulfill their
responsibilities for their upbringing, education and (or) maintenance and (or) negatively affect their behavior or treat them ill.

Difficult life situation

A situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen for reasons


incapacity for self-care due to

old age or






conflicts and domestic abuse,

violation of legal rights and interests,

lack of a fixed place of residence, etc.,
which he cannot overcomeon one's own.

If the Family (child) is not provided with a timely comprehensive
social assistance, unresolved problems can lead to
violation of the rights of the child.

3 stages of a difficult life situation
(family trouble)

EARLY - there is no violation of the rights of the child.

TIMELY - violation of rights
child, which did not entail a threat to life (health).

LATE - violation of the rights of the child,
entailed for
yourself threat to life (health).

Target groups of families (children) in
difficult life situation

certain social trouble (a situation related to economic, legal, pedagogical, psychological or medical problems that did not entail a violation of the rights of the child), hereinafter Families (children) in the DOS.

A group of families (children) belonging to risk group (a situation related to economic, legal, pedagogical, psychological or medical problems that entailed a violation of the rights of a child without a threat to his life and health), hereinafter Families (children) in the GR.

A group of families (children) insocially dangerous position, (a situation related to economic, legal, pedagogical, psychological or medical problems, which entailed a violation of the rights of the child, associated with a threat to his life and health), then Families (children) in the SOP.

Family types

according to the status and specificity of the problem field of children and parents.

Incomplete dysfunctional family

Socio-psychological problems of mom or dad:loneliness, disorder
communicative competence, emotional deprivation, sensory deprivation,
aggressiveness, social maladaptation, personal degradation, regression, avoidance
contacts, unstable mood.

psychological discomfort,
maladaptation, low level of social and mental intelligence, tendency to
antisocial behavior and vagrancy.

Alcoholic family

Emotional instability
(disorders), emotional dependence, inadequate self-esteem, degradation, decreased criticality, a tendency to lie and fantasize, maladjustment (social, psychological and physical), aggressiveness, anxiety and fears, minimization or complete loss of the parental role, the presence different forms violence.

Socio-psychological problems of children:addictive behavior, fears,
anxiety, violation of communicative competence, negative self-concept,
personal immaturity and inadequacy, a tendency to lie and fantasize,
suicidal risk, aggression, resentment, vindictiveness, negativism, hostility, often pathological disorders, consequences of violence.

Low-income prosperous family

Socio-psychological problems of parents:anxiety, anxiety, self-esteem disorder, maladjustment, aggressiveness, anger, social passivity, greed, emotional stinginess.

Socio-psychological problems of children: early adulthood, envy, anger,
aggression (auto-aggression), theft, lies, negative self-image, deprivation of elementary needs, guilt, cunning.

conflict family

Socio-psychological problems of parents:high emotional stress, emotional deformation, the presence of psychological (physical) violence, psychopathology (disorders of conduct, etc.), psychosomatic disorders, social inadequacy, aggressiveness, passivity, violation of the unity of requirements, conflict.

Socio-psychological problems of children: psychological trauma,
psychological and psychiatric disorders, neurosis, autistic tendencies,
unstable identity, panic, depression, stress, asthenic syndrome, aggression
(auto-aggression, suicidal risk), demonstrative behavior (often the scenario of the victim,
less often the aggressor), dependence.

A dysfunctional family with a child

handicapped (handicapped)

Socio-psychological problems of parents:fear, social isolation, grief,
psycho-emotional stress, depression, frustration, communication problems,
personality disorders, closeness, autistic tendencies. alcoholization.

Socio-psychological problems of children:feeling of inferiority, emotional deprivation, manipulation, aggression (autoaggression), fear, suicidal risk.

A dysfunctional large family

Socio-psychological problems of parents:high level of emotional burnout (neurotic states), anxiety, anxiety, low social status, social maladjustment, disruption of communication functions, blurred self-image, guilt, reduced level of responsibility, transfer of responsibility to state organizations, passivity, isolation, self-elimination.

Socio-psychological problems of children: jealousy, rivalry, emotional instability, parental transfer, lack of love.

A dysfunctional foster family

(family with adopted children)

Socio-psychological problems of parents:fears (fear of loss, pathology),
anxiety, emotional instability, non-acceptance of the generic standard, transfer
responsibility, emotional deformation, role confusion, closeness, difficulties in
adaptation, sacrifice, blurring of boundaries.

Socio-psychological problems of children: lack of love, feeling
inferiority, uncertainty about the future, fear of the future, fear of inadequacy,
inadequate self-esteem, consumer position, non-acceptance of responsibility, tendency to antisocial behavior, suicidal risk, infantilism, problems of organization, provocative behavior, tendency to dependency, selfishness.

The structure of psychological and pedagogical support for a family in a difficult life situation:

Psychological and pedagogical support of the child,which includes in myself:

Development of educational and communication skills of the child;

Formation of the motivational-volitional sphere of the child's personality;

Help with professional self-determination of adolescents;

Development of skills of productive interaction with parents.

Psychological, pedagogical and educational support
parents / guardians:

Development of parenting skills;

Development of the ability to understand the needs and abilities of children;

Learning productive ways to understand and resolve family issues

Development of skills of productive interaction with children.

Activities to build a positive family

Expansion of the network of social contacts of the family;

Stimulation of positive social activity of family members through involvement in club activities;

Creation of conditions for the development of functional stereotypes of family interaction.

Monitoring of family dynamics:

Study of the initial state of the family system and the psychological characteristics of children;

Isolation of functional and dysfunctional characteristics
family system;

Tracking changes in functional and dysfunctional
characteristics of the family system.

Astakhov P. A. Rights of the child (The latest legal guide). – M.: Eksmo, 2010.

Belicheva S. A. Social and pedagogical support for children and families at risk:
interdepartmental approach. M., Editorial and Publishing Center of the Consortium
"Social health of Russia", 2006.

Varga A. Ya., Drabkina T. S. Systemic family psychotherapy. Brief lecture course.
St. Petersburg: Speech, 2001.

Davletbaeva O. V. Work with disadvantaged families. Website: www. 1
Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson".

Children of social risk and their upbringing. Teaching aid/ Under scientific. Ed. J.I. M. Shchipitsyna. St. Petersburg: Rech Publishing House, 2003.

Mastyukova E. M. Prevention and correction of disorders mental development children with family alcoholism: a guide for psychologists, teachers - M .: Gumanitar. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2006.

Ovcharova R. V. Reference book of a social pedagogue. - M.: TC Sphere, 2002.

A child in the divorce carousel / S. K. Nartova-Bochaver, M. I. Nesmeyanova, N. V. Malyarova, E.A. Mukhortova. - M.: Bustard, 2001.

Psychosocial support for families at risk - as a condition for prevention
family troubles and domestic violence (A guide for psychologists and
psychosocial workers). Moscow: Editorial and Publishing Center of the Consortium
"Social health of Russia", 2005.

Sakovich N. Family shipwreck. Help in overcoming/ School psychologist №5 2011

Tseluiko V. M. Psychology of a dysfunctional family. A book for teachers and parents. M., 2003.

Tseluiko V. M. You and your children. Family psychology. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2004.

Shishkovets T. A. Reference book of a social teacher: 5 - 11 classes. - 2nd ed., revised. and add.-M..-VAKO, 2009.

I approve the director

MBOU secondary school No. 3 of Chadan

Seglenmey L.O._________

Student Families Plan

in difficult life situations, socially dangerous situation

For the 2017-2018 academic year.

Reason for failure:improper performance of parental duties, low educational level of the family, alcohol dependence of the father, mother (parents), legal representatives.

Target: removal of a family from a socially dangerous situation (rendering assistance to parents in understanding the measure of responsibility for the maintenance and upbringing of minor children).


1. Provision of socio-pedagogical assistance to the family;

2. Involvement of specialists who can help in solving those problems that the family cannot solve on its own;

3. Education and counseling of parents on the development and upbringing of children;


Current events

Period of execution



about execution

Survey of living conditions of the family


Cl. hands.,

social ped.

Social and pedagogical support of the family (conversations with parents in order to improve the educational, cultural level of the family):

- “The influence of alcohol on the human body”;

- "About evasion of parental duties"

- "Relationships in the family";

- "The role of the family in the upbringing of children"

- "Styles of family education"
- "Age-related changes in children"








Cl. hands.,

Social ped.,

deputy dir. by VR,


Lesson attendance control


Class hands

Organization of summer employment and health improvement of children

In tech. summer

Cl. hands.,

social ped.,

deputy dir. by VR,


Individual conversations with children:

- "On observance of personal hygiene"

- Talking about healthy eating

- "Conversation on Career Guidance"

- "Rights, duties and responsibilities of minors"

- Relationships in the family

- "Bad habits"






Social ped. Psychologist, class leader, deputy for VR.

Individual conversations with children and parents (according to a separate plan)


Class of leaders

Involving the mother in participation in parent lectures (according to a separate plan)



Providing children with social assistance and support.


Social ped., Kl.ruk

Rendering by subject teachers of assistance to children in educational activities.


Class hands

Involving children in classroom and school activities ( cool watch, promotions, health days, etc.), library.


Cl. manager, librarian

Assistance in obtaining the necessary documents at the request of the mother, various services.

During a year

Social ped., class. hands

Conversation with the mother about the observance of the personal hygiene of the child.

as needed.

Social ped., class. head psychologist

Involving the mother in the activities of the class, to participate in parent lectures.


Class hands

Involvement of children in circles, sports sections. control over their attendance.


Cl. manual, social ped.

Employment of parents.



Social ped., class. hands, psychologist

Analysis of the results of work with the family. Consider the issue at a meeting of the prevention council on deregistration to correct the situation in the family.


Social ped., class. hands., deputy dir. in VR, psychologist

FULL NAME. ___________________________________ signature_____________

FULL NAME. ___________________________________ signature_____________

FULL NAME. ___________________________________ signature_____________

FULL NAME. ___________________________________ signature_____________

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1. Working with families in difficult life situations

At all times there are families in difficult life situations. There are many reasons for this: a change in the socio-economic situation of the population, a decrease in the material standard of living, the loss of moral and family foundations, etc. Against this background, the psychological micro-society of the family is being destroyed, the relationship of parents to children is changing, and the educational function is weakening. Often families (especially those in which the situation repeats itself from generation to generation) are psychologically unprepared to solve their problems on their own and need the services of specialized institutions.

Families that find themselves in a difficult life situation have different potential for solving problems that have arisen in the family. It is enough for one group of families to point out the problem and determine ways to solve it. Another group of families has scarce moral, intellectual and financial resources necessary to get out of the situation. Such families need long-term psychological and social, social, legal support, control over the situation in the family. Working with such families is time-consuming, as this situation has evolved over more than one year.

2. Work carried out with families in difficult life situations

Methods of working with the family at stage I:

patronage visits to families in order to examine the living conditions and upbringing of minor children;

getting to know families

joint planning method;

family work;

expert advice;

support of families in the form of consultations, observations of specialists.

At the second stage of work, as well as at the previous stage, individual and family counseling families are patronized. Difficulties that have arisen in the implementation of previously set goals, ways to eliminate them, and possibly correction of the goal itself are clarified. The main idea of ​​this stage is the development of parents' confidence (bringing to the idea that one can be different, not be afraid to make mistakes and forgive oneself for those previously made), the ability to achieve a goal, setting immediate goals, prescribing steps to achieve them, adding resources to achieve goals, work with what hinders the achievement of the goal, the search for additional resources, according to the roles that a person plays.

Methods of working with the family at stage II:

patronage visits;

expert advice;

accompanying families in the form of consultations, observations of specialists;

The third stage in working with the family is aimed at accepting the surrounding world, changing limiting ideas, expanding the model of the world, the prospect of family development (material, spiritual, the participants decide for themselves where to start), increasing its social status at the place of residence.

Methods of working with the family at stage III:

patronage visits;

express diagnostics of parent-child relations in families in difficult life situations;

expert advice;

accompanying families in the form of consultations, observations of specialist coordinators;

involvement in solving family problems of self-government bodies, workers of culture, medicine;

involvement in leisure activities of family members at the place of residence.

The final result of the work of the program is the deregistration of the family as a family in the SOP.

3. Description of methods of working with the family

Families get to know each other in a number of ways. The entire family history is collected from all sources, and full-time - at the meeting, it is important to understand how the family sees its problem. In the future, the work is based on the images and ideas of the family. Often this image may not always coincide with reality. To begin with, together with the family, the problem is formulated so that it is solvable, it turns out that social situation where this issue is needed. What changes does the family want to achieve, does the family believe in a way out of the situation or not, in helping, who is blamed for the current situation. During the meeting there is a summing up to the idea that the responsibility for solving the problem lies with the whole family. Only if such a conclusion is accepted can we talk about what will become evidence of a solution to the problem for the family and proceed to drawing up a plan or agreement to get out of this situation.

Patron visits. The peculiarity of the method is the maximum proximity to the place of residence, analysis of the situation on the spot; tracking the timing of the implementation of measures to bring the family out of the crisis; control of changes occurring in the family.

Express diagnostics of parent-child relations in families in difficult life situations implies a comprehensive diagnostics aimed at studying interpersonal relations in the parent-child system, taking into account such features of family education as the attitude of parents to the child and life in the family, parental attitudes and reactions, disorders educational process in the family, the causes of deviations in family education, types of education, level parental competence. Diagnostics is carried out at the first and third stages. In the first case, to determine the goals and objectives in the work on child-parent relations, and at the last stage, it has the function of monitoring changes in the state of child-parent relations.

The method of joint planning of work with the family is a systematic method of socio-psychological work with the family, which is based on the use of resources and the needs of the family. The peculiarity of this method is to minimize the intervention of specialists in making decisions related to the exit of the family from a crisis situation or solving a problem. The family itself formulates the goals of the work, determines the deadlines. This covers all areas of family life. Specialists act as organizers and guides - they connect other subjects to work with the family, maintain contact with employees of organizations involved in the rehabilitation of the family. It is important at the same time that the family itself takes part in setting goals and expected results, planning to achieve them. At the first stages, goals are set that provide physiological needs, safety (make repairs, wash clothes, plant a garden, etc.). At the subsequent stages, the goals are related to the self-actualization of the family (respect from fellow villagers, the normal functioning of children in society). A written “agreement” is drawn up with the family, in which specialists proceed from the needs of the family and lead it to take responsibility for the final result when it is signed. Also, the agreement allows you to track the step-by-step work of specialists from institutions of the prevention system and the intermediate results of this interaction. Such a qualitatively new approach to work with the family changes the attitude of specialists to work and families to their problems. Based on the internal needs and resources of the family, she herself begins to work for her rehabilitation and improvement of the quality of life.

The system of psychological sessions with elements of training with parents is determined by the stages of the program implementation: stage 1 - resources of internal families, their search for a family, optimization and activation, stage 2 - confidence, goal achievement, strengthening of internal family resources. I - as a parent, I - as a person, I - as a member of society, stage 3 - acceptance of the world, change of limiting ideas, expansion of the model of the world, addition of roles.

Training sessions are an unfamiliar form of work for parents. But it becomes the most advantageous in the sense that it does not impose any dogmas and rules in raising children and changing their lifestyle, and the participants come to this on their own. Let not immediately, but gradually, but this is their conclusion and their decision, which is much more important and more effective. It is valuable that the experience gained during the session, the participants discuss with their neighbors and the discussion in a circle shows the similarity of problems that exist in other families, which means it is easier to find a solution and notice the solvability of the problem. Exercises and tasks are selected taking into account the level of education of the participants, their immediate goals of development and rehabilitation.

Specialists are also working with families (patronage). Specialists accompany them, support them, provide them with consultations of narrow specialists as necessary, unobtrusive observation from the outside for some time on positive changes and goals for the future, additional support for internal resources, addition of new opportunities, joint summing up and marking the fulfillment of the designated items in the joint agreement, adding by agreeing on the following, corresponding to the immediate goals of the development and rehabilitation of the family, stimulating the activity of the family members themselves and their environment to change the current situation, the maximum mobilization of the resources of the family itself and its environment. An important point in the work of specialists with the family is the generalization of experience and the exit of specialists from the family, so that there is no dependence on family members and the need for the constant participation of specialists.

Involvement of self-government bodies in solving family problems, which help to solve employment issues, provide families with housing, financial assistance, and improve children's health in the summer.

Specialist consultations are carried out at the personal request of the family or their need is determined from joint planning. Consultations can be of a different nature - for example, psychological and pedagogical, legal, etc. Consultations are carried out by those specialists who are competent in this field.

Inclusion of families in the spheres of cultural life: exhibitions, club evenings, sports events, contests, family living rooms, promotions. Promoting the involvement of parents in the life of their child will help strengthen the parent-child relationship. And the work with the family does not end there. Patronage by specialists of self-government bodies continues after the family is taken out of a difficult life situation.

family life child parent

4. Absence of offenses by family members

Methods and ways to track the result:

Questioning of family members;

Interviewing neighbors, school specialists, administration;

Documentation analysis ( school magazine, characteristic, etc.);

Diagnosis of child-parent relationships;

Joint work plan with the family

Consultation of a social pedagogue;

material support of the child;

Employment of parents;

Creation of living conditions for a child to live in a family;

Visiting the KDN by parents on presentation.

5. Dynamics of child-parent relationships in the family

Answer the following questions by intuitively scoring on a five-point scale:

How interested are you in your child's problems? ______

What is the degree of difficulty in communicating with the child? ______

How do you think the child treats you? ______

How consistent are you in your relationship with your child?

Advisory work

Individual conversations, consultations of children;

Individual consultations of parents and family members;

Individual conversations, consultations of teachers;

Group consultations for parents and family members;

Group consultations for parents and children;

Group consultations of teachers and children;

Group consultations of teachers and parents, family members.

Hosted on


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O.A. Malchikhina

Specialist for working with the family of the Department for the Prevention of Neglect and Family Trouble of the Budgetary Institution "Integrated Center for Social Services for the Population of the Nizhneomsky District"

The family acts as the first educational institution, the connection with which a person feels throughout his life. It is in the family that the foundations of human morality are laid, the norms of behavior are formed, the inner world and individual qualities of the personality are revealed. The family contributes to the self-affirmation of a person, stimulates his social and creative activity. In other words, the primary socialization of the child is carried out in the family.

At all times, there are families that are in a difficult life situation and a socially dangerous situation. There are many reasons for this: a change in the socio-economic situation of the population, a decrease in the material standard of living, the loss of moral and family foundations, etc. Against this background, the psychological micro-society of the family is being destroyed, the relationship of parents to children is changing, and the educational function is weakening. Often families (especially those in which the situation repeats itself from generation to generation) are psychologically unprepared to solve their problems on their own and need the services of specialized institutions.

Families that find themselves in SOS and DLS have different potential for solving problems that have arisen in the family. It is enough for one group of families to point out the problem and determine ways to solve it. Another group of families has scarce moral, intellectual and financial resources necessary to get out of the situation. Such families need long-term psychological and social, social, legal support, control over the situation in the family. Working with such families is time-consuming, as this situation has evolved over more than one year.

Effective methods of work of a specialist:

The most effective and widely used methods of work of a specialist in working with families: consultations, individual consultations, patronage, persuasion, suggestion, censure, motivation, educating situations, instruction.

Methods social work - a set of technologies, research and therapeutic procedures, ways in which social work is carried out.

An important place in social practice is occupied by pedagogical methods: the formation of personality consciousness (concepts, judgments, beliefs, estimates); organization of cognitive, practical activities in behavior (assignments, tasks, exercises, creation of special educational situations); stimulation of the activity and behavior of the individual (assessment, encouragement, censure and etc.); psychological and pedagogical correction and socio-pedagogical rehabilitation.

Method of social patronage. During the patronage, the specialist visits the apartment, examines the living conditions, gets acquainted with the family, relatives, observes the family in a normal home environment, examines its psychological climate, the environment in which children live. It is possible to catch the psycho-emotional atmosphere that reigns in the family only in the environment familiar to it. The main goal of social patronage is comprehensive assistance in overcoming a crisis situation.

During patronage, the specialist must be in good mood, with all their behavior, show interest in everything that a teenager and his family live, respect for all its members. The specialist should not judge or criticize; it is better for him to express his disagreement gently, allowing for the possibility of the existence of a different opinion. At the same time, you need to find ways for yourself to get answers to all the questions posed in a casual conversation; advice should be given in a friendly tone so that when parting, clients have a pleasant feeling that mutual language found. It helps to reinforce this impression. positive feedback, a statement about the family when a specialist meets a child, an expression of satisfaction from getting to know his house. In practice, in the implementation of patronage of socially disadvantaged families, one often has to deal with an aggressive attitude of its members towards a specialist (scoldling, threats, etc.). In these cases, it is recommended: do not respond with rudeness, do not raise your voice to the interlocutor; behave tactfully; patronage of the family is carried out by two specialists or in alliance with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, KDN, guardianship and guardianship authorities. The specialist must remember that his main argument is the protection of the rights and interests of minors.

Information method in social work is the most common. Its purpose is to convey to the client relevant information for him. This may be information of a legal, medical, moral and aesthetic, psychological and pedagogical, social and everyday character.

counseling method. This is the orientation of family members, especially children and adolescents, in cultivating a culture of family relations, according to age and individual characteristics of mental development with the aim of psycho-correction and prevention of deviations from the norm. family well-being. The content of counseling can be: social and legal; socio-pedagogical; socio-psychological; informational. A consultation conversation can be filled with various content and perform various tasks - educational, psychological, psychological and pedagogical. The ultimate goal of counseling work is to update the internal resources of the family, increase its rehabilitation culture and activity, and correct the attitude towards the child with the help of a specially organized communication process. Along with individual counseling conversations, group methods of working with the family can be used.

method of persuasion. The method achieves its goal when the personality has formed a willingness to actively engage in the activities provided for by the content of education. This method ensures the development of universal moral and ethical qualities. To convince means to explain, using emotional and verbal influence, relying on suggestion, i.e. combining a request with clarification and suggestion. Persuasion can take the form of a conversation, lecture, story, explanation, dispute, example, suggestion. A powerful method of persuasion is an example. Example can be realized through a story, display, discussion, analysis of a sample, literary and (or) life fact, personality. The possibilities of this method are great: it can be used to illustrate, concretize the problem, connect theory with practice, existing experience.

  • To convince means to activate the activity of the object of influence. To do this, a number of conditions must be met:

Show the individual erroneous and positive sides his behavior;

To put a person in such conditions where he could show his best qualities, while not having the opportunity or temptation to commit erroneous actions;

Timely notice and encourage the positive aspects of the individual;

suggestion method . It consists in a reasoned verbal influence on family members in order to change their opinions, attitudes and attitudes. Enhance the effect of suggestion using a certain emotional background. Suggestion has an emotional-volitional coloring and is based on trust.

From the history of the family of the Sitnikovsky rural settlement.

The family is incomplete, consists of three people: mother, cohabitant ( biological father child, not listed in the birth certificate), minor 8 years old. The mother withdraws from parental duties, drank alcohol together with her partner, seniority they do not have, the mother is not adapted to run a household, the apartment is often dirty, disorderly. From the moment of birth, she was not engaged in raising the child, did not properly care for them, food is not enough, there are no bedding, the minor walked in dirty things. In this connection, the child began to lag behind in his development, became prone to colds, got infected infectious disease microsporia. For the child there was a threat to life and health. The child from the mother received insufficient pedagogical influence, since the mother is illiterate, self-service skills in the family are not instilled. Minor due to illness for a long time did not attend an educational institution.

The family was registered in the prevention department as a family in a socially dangerous situation.

The following activities were carried out by the specialists of the Center:

social patronage;

Placement of a minor in the children's department of the Nizhneomskaya Central District Hospital for treatment,

The methods of work of the Center's specialists were used: the method of persuasion, suggestion, the method of counseling, the method of social patronage (psychologist, social pedagogue, specialist in working with families);

Individual preventive consultations on any problem,

both in the department and at home;

Repeated provision of material assistance with used things;

For a long time, the family was preparing for voluntary treatment for alcohol addiction. Methods of suggestion, persuasion were repeatedly used, examples were given from the experience of families who had stopped drinking alcohol. As a result, assistance was provided in getting rid of the mother's alcohol dependence.

Activities aimed at creating motivation for work and study were carried out.

After carrying out rehabilitation measures with the family, the microclimate in the family improved, the mother underwent a course of treatment for alcohol addiction, began to pay more attention to the upbringing, maintenance, and education of the child. Sanitary and hygienic living conditions for minors have been improved. Mother and cohabitant earn extra money from fellow villagers in the farmsteads.

Result: using the methods of social patronage, counseling, information, persuasion, suggestion, the family is removed from the data bank of minors and families in a socially dangerous situation with positive dynamics.

motivation method. The main thing here is to direct a person to activities in accordance with his interests and needs. Motivation is the most important method of education, which determines the framework of a person's behavior in accordance with accepted norms. Motivation in interpersonal relationships social worker with a client or in relation to a subordinate is expressed in the form of recommendations, instructions, advice, including on improving the organization of life.

reward method. Methods of encouragement and censure are also used to evaluate people's performance. The encouragement reflects a positive assessment of the activity of the individual. The mechanism of action of encouragement is based on the excitation of positive emotions that inspire confidence, create a pleasant mood, and increase the responsibility of the client. The types of encouragement are very diverse: approval, praise, gratitude, or just a handshake.

The blame method. Blame is a response to undesirable activities and behaviors. In order for this method to be effective, a number of pedagogical requirements must be met:

a) specificity of censure - for a certain activity or act;

b) individual approach - it is necessary to take into account the nature of the committed act in connection with the personality of the individual;

c) you can not express censure, being in a state of irritation;

d) timeliness and obligation in the application of censure is required, the formula "misdemeanor - punishment" must be strictly observed.

From the family history of the Khomutinsky s/settlement:

The family consists of 5 people: a mother, a cohabitant (the biological father of the children, not listed in the birth certificate of the children) and three children. Danae's family arrived and almost immediately was registered as a family in a difficult life situation. Mother had no idea about life in the countryside, she did not know how to heat a stove, plant a garden, she could not run a household, maintain order in the house, and wash clothes. There were unsanitary conditions in the house. A lot of rehabilitation work has been done with the family. The specialists of the department established contact with the mother.

In working with the mother, methods of work are used: methods of motivation, encouragement, censure. The work was aimed at maintaining order at home, the specialists of the Center, together with my mother, cleaned the house, taught her to wash clothes, plant a garden, and take care of pets. The family was repeatedly provided with clothing humanitarian assistance, both for children and for the mother.

The department's specialists keep in touch with the mother by mobile phone at any time and always give the necessary advice. Mom accepts any help, easily makes contact, shares her achievements, tries to correct the situation, if necessary, she gets in touch with specialists, accepts any help.

Result: work with this family continues, although the situation in the family has improved significantly.

Instruction: the softest method of organizational influence, the essence of which is to explain the tasks, opportunities, difficulties and consequences of incorrect actions of the client, warning him against possible mistakes (consulting, informing). The most widely used instruction is on the prevention of child injuries, in the summer period “Observance of precautionary measures at water bodies”, “Prevention of accidents at water bodies”, in winter period technical instruction fire safety. Visual methodological aids, booklets are distributed.

tricks is an approach, an action aimed at achieving the set goals.

- educational activities may include organizing within the family labor activity, family evening and holiday (Easter, Maslenitsa, Christmas, etc.), family reading. (Events: “Childhood without tears”, “What kind of parent am I?”, “A ray of sunshine is kindness”, “Children's health is the care of parents”).

Held "round tables" which reveal the importance of the family in shaping the child's personality, teach to look at the family through the eyes of a child, children's health problems, communication between parents and children, child's disobedience, "children and money" problems, restless teenagers and others, offer ways to move from confrontation to cooperation between parents and children .

Our experience has shown that it is very difficult to achieve high efficiency of social work with such a category as families in a socially dangerous situation. This indicator directly depends not only on the presence of motivation (even insignificant) of the family members themselves for positive changes in the family situation, not only on the systemic and comprehensive nature of social assistance from social institution specialists. But also many territorial social problems (lack of jobs, low-paid labor of unskilled workers, asocial environment of the family, insufficiency of children's out-of-school organizations, etc.).

In our practice, there are positive results of working with families in a socially dangerous situation. After a long-term joint work of the specialists of the center, KDN and schools, the situation in families changed dramatically: parents were cured of alcoholism, they were employed, enough attention was paid to children in the family, as a result of which their school and behavioral problems were resolved. Regular patronage, social control, and succession on the part of specialists from the school and the center made it possible to consolidate these results and became successful methods for preventing the social maladjustment of the family.

The most important thing is that you need to love your profession, despite the sometimes arising difficulties that you encounter on your professional path!

Malchikhina Olga Alexandrovna

Specialist for working with the family of the Department for the Prevention of Neglect and Family Trouble of the Budgetary Institution "Integrated Center for Social Services for the Population of the Nizhneomsky District".