
Day of adoption of the declaration of state sovereignty of Russia. History of the day of Russia What we have


MOSCOW, June 11 - RIA Novosti. Most Russians (77%) do not know what event took place on Russia Day - June 12, and many people are more accustomed to calling this holiday the Day of Russia's Independence, according to the results of a poll by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM).

The previous name of the holiday is more familiar to 36% of the respondents, and the correct, modern name - Day of Russia is known by 29% of the respondents.

In 23% of cases, respondents have no idea what they celebrate on June 12th. 9% are aware of the proclamation of Russia's sovereignty on this day, and since 2005 there have been more and more such respondents (then there were only 2%). 4% believe that on this day our country separated from the USSR and a declaration of its independence was adopted (in 2007, 9% thought so). Among other options - the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, "some event", "the authorities decided so", "there was a coup, a putsch" (2% each), the election of Boris Yeltsin as president of Russia (1%).

In 1994, the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, by his decree, declared June 12 the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. The declaration itself was signed four years earlier at the first congress of people's deputies of the RSFSR - on June 12, 1990. And Yeltsin himself really won the presidential elections in the RSFSR on June 12 - but only in 1991.

Many Russians believe that after the collapse of the USSR, Russia managed to achieve sovereignty. The relative majority of respondents (45%) are confident: Russia has become a completely independent state. Compared to 2005, there are fewer of those who believe that the country did not succeed in becoming a sovereign state or that it has lost the sovereignty that the USSR possessed: 18 and 20%, respectively, against 31 and 33% 4 years ago.

The belief that Russia has become a fully sovereign state after the collapse of the USSR is most characteristic of the supporters of United Russia (52%), residents of the Central District (52%) and highly educated (49%). Democratic supporters (33%), residents of the Northwestern, Southern and Far Eastern districts (24-26%) and holders of secondary specialized education (21%) are more likely than others to express the opinion that our country has not achieved real independence. Finally, the respondents who share the views of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (37%), the Urals and Siberians (25% each), as well as those with little education (25%) are most inclined to assert that Russia has lost the sovereignty that the USSR possessed.

According to VTsIOM, over the past few years, Russians' confidence that sovereignty has benefited Russia has increased (from 36% in 2002 to 56% this year). As a rule, this opinion is shared by residents of the Northwestern District and the Urals (59% and 60%, respectively), as well as supporters of the Democrats (72%).

There are fewer and fewer people who believe that the adoption of independence had a negative impact on our country (from 25% in 2002 to 16%). Basically, such respondents are found among residents of the Volga region and the Far East (19% and 20%, respectively) and representatives of the KPRF electorate (34%). Russians under the age of 44, as a rule, assess positively the consequences of the adoption of the declaration of sovereignty (59-60%). Every fifth respondent aged 60 and over believes that independence has not brought any benefit to the country (19%).

June 12 - Day of Russia. Why did this date become the main holiday of the country? What historical events took place on this day? And why exactly these events became the basis for declaring June 12 a holiday? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

An excursion into the recent past

Yes, not far off. Because June 12 has become a historically important date in the recent past. In 1990 (on the eve of the collapse of the USSR) the Declaration of State Sovereignty was adopted. This meant that Russian laws were more important than allied ones. The RSFSR no longer wants to obey the all-union authorities.

The main principles of the new (for that time) Declaration:

  • RSFSR is a sovereign state with stable territorial boundaries; only by the will of the people (through a referendum) can the territory of the country be changed;
  • every citizen has the right to a dignified life (international human rights have been recognized);
  • the norms of democracy were approved (everyone had the right to participate in governing the state; the national wealth of Russia belongs only to the people of Russia);
  • the rights of the country's regions have been expanded (the principle of federalism);
  • the spheres of influence are divided between the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The Constitution and Laws of the RSFSR have become a priority. The declaration seemed to assert: “This is our country. Now we will be in charge here, we will defend our territory and our citizens ”.

On June 12, the First Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR took place. And in 1991, the first national elections were held, as a result of which Boris Yeltsin took over as President of the country.

As part of the USSR, Russia occupied a vast territory, represented the greatest economic and military potential. The authorities of the USSR were located in Moscow. In the same place as the ruling elite of the RSFSR. But the latter was perceived as secondary. Until June 12, 1990. The countdown for the Union began from this date.

history of the holiday

From the ninety-first year, June 12 is a non-working day. In the ninety-second, it was declared festive. The officially fixed name is “The Day of Adoption of the Declaration of the Sovereignty of the Russian Federation”. In the same year, the holiday is enshrined in the Labor Code (then it was the Labor Code). And since 2002, the Day of Russia has been celebrated on June 12.

The attitude to this holiday is different. Someone sees June 12 as a bright moment of liberation. Finally! Have gained independence! And someone considers this date black in the history of the USSR. The adoption of the Declaration hastened the disintegration of the great country. It's a pity! In principle, such an ambivalent attitude towards the collapse of the USSR is observed in all countries of the post-Soviet space.

An interesting fact is that more than half of Russians call June 12 "Russia's Independence Day." These are the results of a sociological survey.

The main celebrations on the Day of Russia take place, of course, on the main square of the country. In Moscow. In the Kremlin, the President of the Russian Federation presents State Prizes to distinguished figures from various spheres of political and public life. The celebration ends with a magnificent fireworks display on Red Square.

In several Russian cities, June 12 is a double cause of celebration. Veliky Novgorod, Izhevsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Ulyanovsk, Ufa, Tambov and other settlements celebrate the City Day.

How is Russia Day celebrated in other parts of the world?

No way. But June 12 is celebrated in many countries. It's just that people are walking about for a different reason. So, in Brazil on June 12, lovers are honored; in Paraguay - Day of Peace; in the Philippine Islands - Independence Day; in Ukraine congratulate workers of the stock exchange. The Orthodox world honors the holy prophet Isaac. In the Catholic tradition, June 12 is the name day of Ivan (John).

In the history of medicine, this day marked the first successful blood transfusion. America remembers this date because the first Declaration of Rights was adopted (in Virginia, 1776). For the military, June 12 also turned out to be a historically significant date: in 1849 a gas mask was patented, and in 1897 - the famous Swiss army knife.

If you delve into history, then you will surely find information that someone famous was born, and someone discovered or learned something (for example, why silver turns black); somewhere a cathedral was lit up or another invention was patented; discovered a deposit of something or went on the first flight on something.

Even those who regret the collapse of the USSR can find a reason for the holiday. By the way, in 2014 there will be four! weekend. There has never been such a long idleness in connection with the celebration of the Day of Russia.

On June 12, the Russian Federation celebrates one of the youngest public holidays in our country - Day of Russia.

On this day in 1990, the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia, which proclaimed the supremacy of the Constitution of Russia and its laws. From now on, in solving all issues of state and public life, the RSFSR enjoyed full power. The Declaration affirmed equal legal opportunities for all citizens, political parties and public organizations; the principle of separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers; the need for a significant expansion of the rights of autonomous republics, regions, districts, territories of the RSFSR.

Important milestones in strengthening Russian statehood were the adoption of a new name for the country - the Russian Federation (Russia), a new Constitution reflecting new political realities, and state symbols.

In different historical eras, Russia has repeatedly changed its borders. Infographics RIA Novosti gives a clear picture of the "land growth" and territorial losses of our state under different rulers, zealous and wasteful.

On June 12, 1991, the country's first nationwide direct open presidential elections were held, which was won by Boris Yeltsin.

In 1992, the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation issued a decree on assigning the date of adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation to the status of a holiday (non-working) day.

By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 2, 1994, the Day of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation was declared a state holiday of Russia.

On June 12, 1998, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, in his address to compatriots on central television, suggested calling the Day of the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty the Day of Russia.

However, the official name "Day of Russia" was assigned to the holiday only in 2002, when the new Labor Code of the Russian Federation entered into force, which prescribed new holidays and weekends.

Day of Russia with mass festivities, sports events and concerts.

In 2003, the main celebrations timed to coincide with the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia were first held on the capital's Red Square.

Another tradition of celebrating the Day of Russia is the annual award ceremony of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, established in 1992, in the field of science and technology, literature and art, and in the field of humanitarian activities.

In 2007, on the eve of the holiday, activists of the youth organizations "United Russia" and "Young Guard" for the first time held the all-Russian action "Russian tricolor", during which more than a million ribbons in the colors of the national flag were presented to Russians. Since this year, the action has also become a tradition.

Surveys conducted in 2012 by the Yuri Levada Analytical Center (Levada Center) showed that 76% of the population are proud to be citizens of Russia. At the same time, first of all, the pride of Russians is caused by the history of the country (39%), sports achievements (29%), domestic art and literature (28%).

More than half of Russians (54%) believe that the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia went to the benefit of the country's development.

However, only 40% of Russians know which holiday is celebrated on June 12th. 36% of Russians continue to mistakenly refer to it as Independence Day. Every tenth person found it difficult to answer.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

    In Yeltsin's rule, the Declaration of 12 June on sovereignty was adopted, since then this day and a day off. Although it is not known exactly what kind of holiday it is? Independence Day, Russia Day or Sovereignty Day or something else? Not everyone will answer.

    Russia Day began to be celebrated in our country relatively recently since 1992. And it was June 12 that was chosen as a festive one, because it was then that the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted. The USSR ended its existence and a new state appeared.

    In 1994, Boris Yeltsin, then president of Russia, signed a decree and declared June 12 the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. It is interesting that this declaration was signed much earlier on June 12, 1990, at the very first congress of the RSFSR deputies.

    Holiday Day of Russia annually and is a non-working day, since 1992, it is celebrated on June 12, since it was June 12, 1990 that took place:

    which adopted the declaration:

    It should be noted that until 2002 this holiday was called as:

    Twenty-five years ago, namely on the twelfth of June 1990, the 1st Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted

    You can remember that they began to celebrate it on this particular day since 1992!

    Every country has an Independence Day, we don't have this day, but there is a much better general holiday: Russia Day.

    On June 12, 1991, President Yeltsin was elected as the first citizens, it was a great holiday for the people, one might say that Yeltsin encouraged the whole country to celebrate this day as the day of the Russian Federation, and in those days it gave the people the first freedom, the first rights, the first civil society ... So in addition to the adoption of the declaration, there were important events in those days.

    Day of Russia has been celebrated annually since 1992 and is a non-working day. And this holiday is timed to the adoption of the declaration on state sovereignty of the Russian Federation, which was adopted on June 12, 1990 by the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR.

    June 12 is celebrated every year since 1992, when the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted. And it was adopted back in 1990 at the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. The name of the holiday came from Boris Yeltsin, he proposed it in 1998. On this day, the president presents state awards in various fields of activity, and on this day, many cities also celebrate City Day at the same time. People often call the holiday Independence Day of Russia. This is a patriotic holiday that unites millions of people. This day is a day off.

    In our country, June 12 is the Day of Russia. It has been celebrated since 1992, and has been a non-working day since 1991.

    It is famous for the fact that on June 12, 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted. Also, this holiday is sometimes called DNM of the independence of Russia

    I especially love this holiday, because my birthday is on June 13th and this day often falls on a weekend.

    The occasion of the celebration of the Day of Russia was the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation. And it happened back in 1990 on June 12th. Russia Day has been celebrated since 1992. This holiday has begun to be celebrated relatively recently in comparison with others.

    This holiday was introduced in 1992 in honor of the adoption on June 12, 1990 of the Declaration of the Sovereignty of the Russian Federation. Previously, it was called pretentiously - the Day of the adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty, and since 2002 it has been just the day of Russia. This is an amazing holiday, because the adoption of the said Declaration was the main chord in the process of the USSR's demise. Probably we have the only state in the world where they celebrate the date of the collapse of their country.

    June 12 is a public holiday in Russia. It is the youngest holiday in the history of Russia. It was on this day in 1990 that the first Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation adopted the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia. which proclaimed the supremacy of the Constitution and e laws. It is important that the new name of the country was adopted - the Russian Federation. On the same day, but in 1991, national elections were held, where the first president of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin, was unanimously elected.


One of the most important holiday dates in the state calendar of Russia is June 12. During a relatively short historical period of its existence, the holiday changed its name several times until it was established as the "Day of Russia".

In 1990, the Declaration of National Sovereignty of the Republic was adopted. The historical document proclaimed the supremacy of Russian laws throughout the country, equal rights and freedoms for all its citizens - participation in the life of the state, political, social, and religious. The subjects of the Federation received broad rights of self-government. On June 12, 1991, the first direct and open presidential elections in Russia took place, following which the first President of the country became the democrat Boris N. Yeltsin.

In 1992, this date at the legislative level acquired state status. Since the original name of the holiday contained the word "sovereignty", many began to call it "Independence Day". In 1998, Boris Yeltsin appeared on Central Television and proposed to name the holiday "Day of Russia", but officially the Day of June 12 began to bear this name since 2002.

The Russian Federation is a country where representatives of more than 180 nationalities live (Russians make up 80%). As conceived by the founders of the holiday, politicians, public figures and leaders of the country, it should be a symbol of freedom, independence, unity of all residents of different nationalities, the triumph of democracy. Due to its youth, the holiday has not yet gained such importance among Russian citizens as the International Labor Day on May 1, not to mention the Victory Day on May 9.

But they gradually begin to get used to it. On this day, authorities at various levels strive to organize fun events that will attract both young people and the older generation. Due to the territorial length of the country from north to south and from west to east, the festivities are opened by residents of the Far East and Kamchatka. The center of Vladivostok is being transformed into a pedestrian zone, bike rides are organized, a yacht regatta under the slogan "Long live Russia!"

Further, the holiday march to the western borders. A characteristic feature of the events is that they are held in the open air, include concerts of folk groups traditional for this kind of celebrations, contests for knowledge of the history of the native country. Festivities are held in public gardens and parks in all settlements. The main celebrations, the coverage of which is broadcast throughout the country, are held in the capital of Russia - Moscow.

Here the President holds the ceremony of awarding the laureates of the State Prizes for outstanding services in various fields. A festive concert with the participation of popular performers is being organized on Red Square. In the evening in Moscow, as in all major cities of the country, festive fireworks and fireworks are arranged. June 12 is a day off in Russia.