
How pensions are calculated in Kazakhstan. Pensions in Kazakhstan: registration, accrual, retirement age New in the pension system of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Pension regulations in Kazakhstan provide for the basic rules and procedures for crediting pensions. They take into account all the nuances of calculating length of service and pension savings. The main prerogatives for receiving payments from the unified pension fund are outlined.

Citizens of Kazakhstan retire only upon reaching:

  • women at 58;
  • men at 63 years old.

In the points of the State Center for the Payment of Pensions (State Center for the Payment of Pensions), the official registration of pension payments takes place. To do this, it is necessary to provide a mandatory list of documents (the list can be taken from any department of the State Center for Internal Affairs).

One month before the onset of retirement age, you should apply for a pension. Otherwise, it will begin to be paid not from the day of retirement, but from the moment of application!

Early retirement in Kazakhstan

Age limits are a critical indicator for people. This is quite a high age at which sometimes it is not possible to find a feasible job. It is these conditions that make you wonder how you can retire early. But in reality, this "pleasure" is available only to a small part of the population:

  1. Living near the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. People who unknowingly were exposed to radioactive radiation.

Primary requirements:

  • accommodation for at least 5 years in total (from 29.08.49 to 05.07.63);
  • work experience, women - 20, men - 25 years upon reaching the age of women - 45 years, men - 50.

In addition to the general list of documents, it is necessary to present documentation proving residence in this territory.

  1. Mothers with many children. The retirement age is 53. In this case, the following conditions must be met:
    • children must be 5 (or more);
    • the youngest of whom must be at least 8 years old;
    • the presence of a cumulative work experience of at least 20 years.

For mothers with many children, the list is supplemented by documents for children - a birth certificate (identity card), a certificate from the place of study, a child's death certificate (if any) and others.

Pension calculations in the Republic of Kazakhstan include 3 components:

  1. Solidary (labor);
  2. Basic;
  3. Accumulative part.

Labor, or the solidarity payment is due to those working before 1998, with the available minimum length of service - 6 months. The amount of the pension directly depends on the number of years of work available. To obtain the maximum amount, the following work experience is required:

  • Women - 20 years old;
  • Men are 25 years old.

The more seniority, the higher the payment, and accordingly, the less seniority, the lower the amount.

Basic payout, after an increase in July 2017. - 14466 tenge. For all citizens, its indicator was the same, regardless of the length of service and wages. The base rate is a guaranteed social security benefit.

The innovations adopted on July 1, 2017, the calculation of the amount of the basic pension will depend on two components - seniority and deductions. Persons who have participated in the pension system for up to 10 years will be limited to a social rate of 50% of the subsistence minimum. For each year above this figure, the payout ratio will increase by 2%. The existing official employment for more than 35 years guarantees a pension in the maximum amount of the subsistence minimum.

Accumulation system

JSC "UAPF" since 2014 is the only adder of all pension contributions. When going on a well-deserved rest, citizens have the right to collect the accumulated pension contributions. It is necessary to contact the branch and sign a receipt agreement. The payment can be one-time, monthly or yearly. A one-time payment is limited to a maximum of 250 MCI.

The numerical coefficient, which underlies the calculation of pension and other government payments, changes annually. The pension is made up of the amounts of the labor pension and the basic pension payment.

You can make voluntary contributions to the UAPF fund to increase your pension contributions.

The pension payment, for citizens with more than necessary experience, increases by 1% for each year. The amount of the labor pension is 60% of the average monthly salary for any three years from 01.01.1995. There are lower and upper boundaries (for 2017):

  • Minimum - 31,245 tenge;
  • Maximum - 104374 tenge.

The average monthly wage is calculated as follows: the total profit for 3 years is divided by the number of months (36). Only permanent work experience is taken into account (continuous work for three years).

In addition to payments, compulsory labor service is taken into account:

  • For women - 20 years old;
  • For men - 25 years old.

If there is a shortage of the required number of working years, a calculation is made - the available years of work are divided by the number of compulsory years.

  1. First you need to calculate KTS(seniority ratio). Official experience under the law is 25 years for men, and 20 for women. We translate into months - 25 * 12, and 20 * 12, respectively - it turns out 300 and 240 months, respectively. CCC = existing work experience / 300 for men and 240 for women.
  2. We calculate PZ -% of wages. For example, the length of service for 1998 will be 25 years or less (men) and 20 years or less (women), then the PZ is automatically equal to 0.6. With the experience of more than these figures, 0.1 is added to the PZ in the amount of 0.6 for each year. The highest threshold PZ -0.75.
  3. KSMD - average monthly income for any 36 months of continuous work. KSMD = PZ * average monthly profit for any 3 years. If the KSMD is below the threshold of the minimum pension, then 31,245 are taken into account, with an average monthly indicator of more than 93,029 tenge, the amount is taken into 104,374 tenge.
  4. The pension is calculated according to the formula - KSMD * KTS.
  5. Plus, the basic part is added to the labor pension.

Average pension

Average pension remuneration for 2017 - 60167 tenge. In total - solidary and basic (12802 tenge) payment.

Minimum pension

For 2017 - 45711, taking into account the base part.

Maximum pension

The highest rate of this payment is 75% of 46 MCI. The MCI coefficient changes annually, this year it was 2269 tenge.

Moratorium on retirement in Kazakhstan

The law that increases the retirement age for women has already entered into force. The Regulation "On Pension Provision" provides for a gradual increase in the age of women from 58 to 63 years.

From 01.01.2018 will begin to add to 58 years for six months. This increase will be gradual until it reaches 63 in 2027.

Compared to European countries, the Kazakhstani population belongs to countries with an accelerated type of aging, and the transition to higher age requirements for retirement is not permissible. But the state will strive for this, improving the living and working conditions of the population.

How to transfer pension from Kazakhstan to Russia

Moving to another country for permanent residence automatically gives the right to stop payments from the Kazakhstan fund. Upon arrival in Russia, a pensioner should contact the local FIU for its new registration.

To submit documents you need citizenship, or at least a residence permit!

The Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation calculates the pension in accordance with the norms of Russian Legislation. For registration, you need to provide a passport and work book, after which a request is sent for an early place of residence to receive an existing pension file. After receiving it, a new pension is issued.

The social payment, from the State Social Insurance Fund, increases every year.

Video on social benefits in Kazakhstan:

Survivor's pension

Family members have the right to receive social benefits in the event of the loss of the breadwinner .

The pension is assigned:

  1. Persons under the age of 18 (children, brothers and sisters - if they do not have parents);
  2. Persons over 18 years of age, with a disability that appeared before they turned 18;
  3. Persons studying full-time at any secondary or higher educational institution (up to 23 years old);
  4. Relatives of the deceased who are raising his child / children (up to 3 years old);
  5. Guardians (per child per lost parent).

The survivor's pension is calculated from the number of disabled citizens living in the family:

The amounts depend on the subsistence minimum (subsistence minimum). For family members of military personnel, the amount of payments increases by 0.25 PM for each member.

Disability pension group 1

Disabled children (from 16 to 18 years old), disabled since childhood, disabled people with a general illness receive an allowance in the amount of 1.78 PM.
Military personnel, employees of special services:

  • 1.78 PM - in case of disability received outside working hours;
  • 2.74 PM - in case of disability received in the line of duty.

Conscripts - 2.11 PM.
In addition, disabled persons of the 1st group have the right to receive the Special State Benefit:

  • 1.49 MCI - disabled people with a general disease, disabled children (16-18 years old);
  • 0.96 MCI - disabled children (up to 16 years old).

The amount directly depends on the PM coefficient, which increases every year.

Pension increase news

The ascent is carried out in 3 smooth steps:

  1. As of July 1, 2017, there was an increase in the labor pension by 11% (of which 9% in January), the basic one by 13% (of which 7% in January);
  2. The second pillar begins on January 1, 2018, with it planned to increase the basic pension to 16%;
  3. The next stage will come into force on 1.07.2018. It will directly affect the basic pension payment. The amount of payment will be added up depending on the years worked until 1998. and mandatory pension contributions.

It is planned to gradually increase the percentage of mandatory pension contributions - which will directly affect pensions. 5% will be obliged to pay from the employer. These contributions cannot be withdrawn from the fund, they will be paid along with the pension (as opposed to the 10% mandatory contributions).
The size of pensions and benefits in Kazakhstan will be doubled, see the video for more details:

Question answer

What is the retirement age in Kazakhstan?

Starting from 01.01.18 the retirement age will be 58 years and 6 months. The phased increase by six months will end in 2027, when the retirement age is 63.

Men retire at 63.

What is a basic pension in Kazakhstan?

Basic pension is a payment from the State budget to citizens who have 10 years of work experience. The amount of this pension is 50% of the subsistence minimum ).

When will the next pension indexation be in Kazakhstan?

The July change in benefits is conditionally considered the 2nd stage of the increase. A further increase in the base rate is planned for the next year. Pensioners will receive a bonus from the years in which they were officially employed.

Entering the retirement age is considered an important step in the life of a pensioner, and it is necessary to prepare for it in advance, so as not to complicate the "running around with documentation." Care should be taken in advance of the bona fide deduction of mandatory pension payments by the employer and official seniority.

In Kazakhstan, the retirement age for men is 63. For women from 2018 - 58.5 years. Until 2027, the retirement age of women will be increased by six months every year until it reaches 63 years.

  • from January 1, 2018 - 58.5 years;
  • from January 1, 2019 - 59 years old;
  • from January 1, 2020 - 59.5 years;
  • from January 1, 2021 - 60 years;
  • from January 1, 2022 - 60.5 years;
  • from January 1, 2023 - 61 years;
  • from January 1, 2024 - 61.5 years;
  • from January 1, 2025 - 62 years;
  • from January 1, 2026 - 62.5 years;
  • from January 1, 2027 - 63 years.

# 2. Who is eligible to retire early?

Citizens who lived from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963 for at least five years in areas of environmental risk, affected by the tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.

  • men - upon reaching 50 years of age with a work record of at least 25 years as of January 1, 1998;
  • women - upon reaching 45 years of age with a work record of at least 20 years as of January 1, 1998.

Also, women who have given birth to or adopted from 5 or more children and raised them up to 8 years of age, upon reaching 53 years of age, can also retire early.

No. 3. How is the pension calculated?

For those who are now retiring, the payment will be made up of three indicators: basic pension + solidary (depending on the length of service until 1998) + funded.

No. 4. What is a basic pension?

From January 1, 2018, the size of the state basic pension payment is - 15 274 tenge. However, from July 1, 2018, the basic pension will depend on the total length of service and the subsistence minimum (PM - 28 284 tenge in 2018). For example, for those with seniority 10 years or less, the basic pension will be 0.54 PM - 15 274 tenge. For each subsequent year of experience will be added by 0.02 PM... So, for 20 year old experience basic pension will be 0.74 PM- it 20 931 tenge. From 33 years old experience and above - 1 PM, that is 28 284 tenge.

Upon reaching the retirement age, state social benefits for the loss of a breadwinner and for age, at the request of citizens, can be replaced by the state basic pension payment.

No. 5. What is a solidary pension?

The solidarity pension is paid for work experience up to January 1, 1998 and depends on the length of service and salary. If you have experience, but there is not enough income to calculate the pension (there was a small salary), then the minimum pension will be paid - 33 745 tenge.

The size of pension payments for each full year worked in excess of the required length of service increases by 1% , but not more 75% from the income taken into account for calculating the pension.

The calculation of the size of pension payments by age is carried out on the basis of the average monthly income for any three consecutive years, regardless of interruptions in work from January 1, 1995.

Pension payments by age in full are assigned upon reaching the age of the following categories of citizens:

  • for men - if they have a work experience of at least twenty-five years as of January 1, 1998;
  • women - if they have a work experience of at least twenty years as of January 1, 1998.

No. 6. How is seniority considered?

When calculating the length of service for the appointment of old-age pension benefits, the following are taken into account:

  • work under employment contracts paid by individuals and legal entities;
  • military service;
  • service in special state and law enforcement agencies, state courier service;
  • public service;
  • business and other income-generating activities;
  • the time of caring for a disabled person of the first group, a lonely disabled person of the second group and an old-age pensioner in need of outside help, as well as the elderly who have reached the age of eighty;
  • time of caring for a disabled child under the age of 16;
  • the time of care of an unemployed mother for young children, but no more than until each child reaches the age of 3 years within 12 years in total;
  • the time of detention, serving a sentence in places of deprivation of freedom and exile of citizens who were unreasonably prosecuted and repressed, but subsequently rehabilitated;
  • the time spent by able-bodied citizens in the temporarily occupied territory of the former USSR and persons (regardless of age) on the territory of other states during the Great Patriotic War, where they were forcibly taken out, confinement in fascist concentration camps (ghettos and other places of forced confinement during the war), if during the indicated periods, these persons did not commit crimes against the Motherland;
  • the time spent on disability by non-working war invalids and disabled persons equated to them;
  • the period of residence abroad of the spouse (spouse) of employees of former Soviet institutions, institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international organizations, but not more than 10 years in total;
  • the period of residence of spouses of military personnel (except for conscripts), employees of special state bodies with spouses in areas where there was no possibility of their employment in their specialty, but no more than 10 years in total;
  • training in higher educational institutions, including preparatory courses, secondary specialized educational institutions, colleges, schools and courses for personnel training, advanced training and retraining, in graduate school, doctoral studies and clinical residency, as well as spiritual (religious) educational organizations at the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and beyond;
  • service in paramilitary guards, special communications and mine rescue units, regardless of departmental subordination and the presence of a special or military rank;

With the preferential calculation of seniority for the appointment of old-age pension benefits, the following are also counted:

  • military service as part of the active army during the period of hostilities, including when performing military duty, as well as staying in partisan detachments and formations during hostilities, as well as the time spent in treatment in medical institutions due to military trauma - in the manner prescribed for calculating the terms of this service when assigning pension payments for the length of service to military personnel;
  • work, including as civilian personnel in military units, and service during the Great Patriotic War - doubled;
  • work in the city of Leningrad during its blockade during the Great Patriotic War from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 - tripled;
  • the time spent by citizens aged 12 years and older in the city of Leningrad during the period of its blockade from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 - double;
  • the time of stay of persons on the territory of other states during the Great Patriotic War, where they were forcibly taken out, as well as the time spent in fascist concentration camps (ghettos and other places of forced detention during the war), if during the indicated periods these persons did not commit crimes against the Motherland, - in double size;
  • the time of detention, serving a sentence in places of deprivation of liberty, exile, bringing to forced labor with restraint of freedom, in a colony-settlement and on compulsory treatment in psychiatric institutions of citizens illegally prosecuted and repressed, subsequently rehabilitated - tripled;
  • work and military service in areas adjacent to the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, in the period from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963 - in triple size, and from July 6, 1963 to January 1, 1992 - in one and a half size;
  • work in anti-leprosy and anti-plague institutions, infectious institutions for the treatment of persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus or AIDS patients - in double the amount, in organizations carrying out forensic medical examination and pathological and anatomical diagnostics - according to the list of works approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, - in one and a half size;
  • work on water transport during the full navigation period is counted as a year of work;
  • work during a full season in organizations of seasonal industries, regardless of their departmental subordination - according to the list approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is counted in the length of service for a year of work.

No. 7. What is a funded pension benefit?

If earlier the UAPF contributor could choose how he would receive the funded part of the pension: monthly, quarterly or once a year, then from January 1, 2018, payments will be made only monthly.

If the amount of pension savings as of the date of circulation does not exceed twelve times the minimum pension, this amount is paid to the recipient from the UAPF at a time (in 2018 - 33 745 * 12 = 404 940 tenge). This amendment does not apply to those who retired before January 1, 2018, they still have the right to change the period for calculating pension payments according to the schedule while maintaining the previously established periodicity of pension payments (for example, annually) and set the frequency of pension payments (monthly, quarterly , annually).

The payment of the calculated amount of the monthly pension payment is carried out in the amount of not less than 54% of the living wage (in 2018 this amount will be 54% * 28,284 = 15 273,36 tenge).

If the balance of pension savings after the next monthly payment is less than 54% of the subsistence minimum, this balance is paid together with the amount of the next payment.

No. 9. If the ENPF contributor changes citizenship and leaves Kazakhstan?

He has the right to withdraw his funds from the UAPF. Read more here. The main thing is to correctly arrange departure for permanent residence. Now this applies to moving to anywhere in the world. However, a pension agreement is being developed in the Eurasian Economic Union, which provides for the export of a monthly pension payment when moving and changing citizenship within the union. Earlier, that this agreement will come into effect in 2018. But so far, the UAPF has answered that there are no changes at the moment.

No. 10. Is it possible to receive a funded pension until the onset of retirement age?

Can. Men have the right to retire at 55 years old, women from 2018 - at 50.5 years (+0.5 years each subsequent year, in 2027 - from 55 years old), subject to sufficient pension savings. To do this, you need to issue an insurance annuity. The insurance company will pay you your pension for life, even if your own savings run out. ...

No. 11. Does the state guarantee pension payments?

Some pension funds suffered significant losses during the economic crisis. Because of this, negative returns on savings were observed in some NPFs. The depositors of these funds, in fact, were left at a loss. However, according to the law, the state guarantees profitability not lower than the inflation rate, which is why depositors whose income from savings is below the inflation rate are entitled to a lump sum payment. You can read more about it.

No. 12. Who is eligible for seniority pension benefits?

  • servicemen (except for conscripts), employees of special state and law enforcement agencies, state courier service, who have worked for at least 25 years;
  • persons whose rights to hold special titles, class ranks and wear uniforms have been abolished since January 1, 2012, and have 25 years of service;
  • military personnel, employees of special state and law enforcement agencies, state courier service, as well as persons whose rights to have special ranks, class ranks and wear uniforms have been abolished since January 1, 2012, who first entered service after January 1, 1998 and dismissed before January 1 2016, who at the date of dismissal had the conditions for the appointment of pension payments for length of service, in accordance with the legislation in force before January 1, 2016, are entitled to the appointment of pension payments for length of service, taking into account the length of service and pay at the time of dismissal from service ;
  • persons from among the military personnel, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, with a length of service of less than 25 years, who reached the age limit on the day of dismissal from service, or who were dismissed due to staff reductions, health reasons, who arrived for permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan from the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which, in accordance with the legislation of these states, were assigned seniority pension payments.

In Kazakhstan, men can retire when they reach 63 years old, for women - 58 years old. Since 2018, based on the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the retirement age for women will increase by 6 months every year. A similar increase will occur until 2027, upon reaching the 63-year threshold. It will look like this: in 2018, the retirement age for women will be 58.5 years, in 2019 - 59 years, in 2020 - 59.5 years, and so on, until the retirement age for women reaches 63 years old in 2027. ...

Such an increase in the retirement age in Kazakhstan is associated with an increase in life expectancy and the fact that about 70% of pensioners are women.

The legislation provides for certain categories of citizens for whom the retirement age is reduced. The retirement age is:

  • 53 years for women who have given birth or adopted more than 4 children and raised them up to 8 years of age.
  • 50 years for men with a work experience of 25 years or more until 1998, who lived from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963 (at least 5 years) in areas of environmental risk affected by nuclear weapons tests at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.
  • 45 years for women with a work experience of 20 years or more until 1998, who lived from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963 (at least 5 years) in areas of environmental risk affected by nuclear weapons tests at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

Types of pension payments

Pension payments in Kazakhstan are carried out under three pension systems:

  • basic;
  • solidary (labor);
  • cumulative.

Basic pension increases annually and, as of 2019, is 16,037 tenge. Basic pension payments are received by all pensioners, regardless of contributions and length of service. From July 1, 2018, a new concept of assigning a basic pension was introduced, which is not fixed by a specific indicator and depends on the length of service and the size of the subsistence minimum (LW).

Labor (solidary) pension accrued to persons who worked before 1998 with a work experience of at least 6 months. Thus, if your work experience satisfies this condition, then you will receive basic and solidarity pension payments.

To calculate the solidarity pension for persons who worked before 1998, the average monthly income for any 3 years starting from January 1, 1995 and the length of service accumulated before 1998 are taken into account. To receive a full solidary pension, work experience must be:

  • for men - at least 25 years old;
  • for women - at least 20 years.

With less seniority, pension contributions will decrease accordingly.

The size of the labor pension is calculated at the rate of 60% of the average monthly income (salary) of a citizen for any 3 years starting from January 1, 1995. At the same time, the upper limit of the average monthly income accepted for calculating the labor pension is limited to 46 MCI (116,150 tenge for 2019). Thus, even if the salary was, for example, 200,000 or 300,000 tenge, the maximum pension will be set at 60% of 46 MCI, but only if the work experience until 1998 is not less than the required one (25 years - for men, 20 years - for women).

This implies the influence of another indicator - the length of service before 1998. As mentioned above, if the length of service is equal to the required one, then the size of the solidary pension is set at 60% of the average monthly income. If the experience is more or less than the required one, then the pension will change:

  • pension payments for each year of work in excess of the required length of service increases by 1%, but not more than 75%;
  • with less than required length of service, a decreasing coefficient is formed for men and women in the form of a division: (length of service in months) / 300 (or 240, respectively).

The legislation on pension provision of the Republic of Kazakhstan also defines an indirect minimum labor pension called the minimum pension (in 2019 - 36,108 tenge). The minimum pension is the guaranteed lower limit only for persons with the required seniority. Thus, even if your average monthly income was very small (for example, 10,000 tenge), but the length of service is not less than the required one (25 or 20 years), then you will receive a minimum pension. If the length of service is less than the required one, then the size of the minimum pension will be reduced in accordance with the decreasing coefficient of the length of service.

We will derive a step-by-step algorithm for calculating a pension in Kazakhstan, and below we give examples of calculation:

  1. Let's calculate the seniority ratio (KTS). For men, CCC is calculated: (length of service in months) / 300; for women: (length of service in months) / 240. The maximum CCC can be no more than 1.
  2. Let's define one more coefficient - the percentage of salary (PZ): if your work experience for the period up to 1998 is 25 years or less for men, and 20 years or less for women, then the PZ is 60%; if the work experience is more than 25 and 20 years for men and women, respectively, then for each year in excess of the work experience we add 1% to the PZ 60%. The maximum PZ can be no more than 75%.
  3. Now let's calculate the average monthly income for any 3 years of employment KSMD = SMD * PZ / 100. If the SMD (average monthly income for any 3 years) is more than 46 MCI (116 150 tenge for 2019), then we substitute 110 630 accordingly. If the KSMD is less the minimum pension is 33,745 tenge, then for the KSMD we take the value of 33,745.
  4. We make the final calculation of the solidary pension: KTS * KSMD = pension.

Thus, we have derived a general formula for calculating the labor (solidary) pension:

Solidarity_pension = KTS x KSMD,

where KSMD = PZ / 100 x SMD,

and CCC for men = work_experience_in_months / 300,

CCC for women = work_experience_in_months / 240,

Do not forget that the basic pension is also added to the labor (solidarity) pension, depending on the total length of service.

Examples of calculating the pension of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The examples are abstract and presented only for understanding the algorithm for calculating the pension. You can make all calculations yourself using retirement online calculator .

Example 1

The woman presented a certificate that for 3 years she had an average monthly salary of 56,000 tenge. Her full experience until 1998 is 10 years and 6 months.

Let's make calculations:

  1. When calculating the CTS for women, we will start from 20 years, i.e. 240 months. Let's translate 10 years and 6 months into the number of months: 10 x 12 + 6 = 126 months. We consider KTS: 126/240 = 0.525.
  2. The work experience of this woman has not reached the required level and is less than 20 years, therefore the PP will be equal to 0.6.
  3. With an average monthly income for 3 years equal to 56,000 tenge, we calculate KSMD = 60/100 * 56,000 = 33,600.
  4. The KSMD turned out to be less than the size of the minimum pension of 36,108 tenge, so we take into account the minimum pension.
  5. We receive a solidarity pension: 0.525 * 36 108 = 18 957 tenge.
  6. We add the basic pension of 16,037 tenge to the solidarity pension - as a result, we get the total pension of a citizen in the amount of 34,994 tenge.

Example 2

Let's calculate the pension for a woman who has had an increase in wages. For example, there was a period when the salary was 125,000 tenge, then the woman's salary was raised to 160,000 tenge, and after two years she quit her job or received a lower salary. A woman's work experience until 1998 is 20 years, and after 1998 - 7 years. Woman's year of birth 03/06/1960

  1. Let's decide on the average monthly income (AMI). According to the pension legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we take SMD into account for any 3 years of work starting from 1995. From the example, it is obvious that the maximum salary of a woman was 160,000 tenge for 2 years, so we will take this period and one year preceding it, when the salary was 125,000 tenge. To calculate the SMD, it is necessary to add up all income for these 3 years and divide by 36. SMD = (125,000 x 12 + 150,000 x 24) / 36 = 5,340,000 / 36 = 141,666.67 tenge.
  2. The next step for citizens with a high average monthly income SMD, like the woman from this example, will lead to disappointment, because according to the pension legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan there is an upper limit of the SMI in the amount of 46 MCI (116,150 tenge for 2019), therefore, in the calculation of our pension we will take SMD = 116,150 tenge, not 141,666.67 tenge.
  3. Work experience of 20 years is sufficient, therefore, the reducing coefficient KTS = 240/240 = 1, there is also no surplus in work experience, so the percentage of wages (PW) will be standard = 60%.
  4. Let's calculate KSMD = PZ / 100 x SMD = 60/100 x 116 150 = 69 690 tenge.
  5. Solidary pension = KTS x KSMD = 1 x 66 378 = 69 690 tenge.
  6. The basic pension according to the full length of service of 27 years will be 88% of the subsistence minimum, i.e. 0.88 PM (KZT 26,134.2 for 2019).
  7. General pension = solidary + basic = 69 690 + 26 135 = 91 268 tenge.

Example 3

Now let's consider a hypothetical example in which a woman will receive the maximum possible pension - this requires a high average monthly income and a long work experience much more than the required 20 years. For some 3 years the woman had a salary of 130,000 tenge, work experience before 1998 is 37 years, and after 1998 - 9 years.

  1. Let's calculate the CTS coefficient for 37 years of experience (444 months) = 444/240 = 1.85. The coefficient turned out to be more than sufficient, but we take into account only KTS = 1.
  2. The average monthly income of 130,000 tenge also exceeds the maximum possible 46 MCI (116,150 tenge for 2019), so we can take the SMD equal to only 116,150 tenge.
  3. The percentage of salary (PW) in our example will no longer be the standard 60%, because the length of service exceeds the required 20 years by 17 years. According to the law on pensions, for each year of service in excess of the required one, 1% is added to the PZ, which as a result should not exceed 75%, and in our example, 17% is obtained. Thus, PZ = 60 + 17 = 77%, which exceeds the maximum possible, therefore, we take PZ = 75% into the calculation.
  4. Let's calculate the KSMD = 75/100 x 116 150 = 87 112.5 tenge and, accordingly, the size of the joint pension = KSMD x KTS = 87 112.5 x 1 = 87 112.5 tenge.
  5. The basic pension, according to the total work experience of 46 years, will be equal to 100% of the subsistence minimum or 1 PM (29 698 tenge for 2019).
  6. Adding the base 28 284 to our calculated labor pension, we get the total pension = 87 112.5 + 29 698 = 116 811 tenge.

Below we will consider a couple of examples of calculating pension payments. for men, which will be similar to the above with a difference in the required work experience of 25 years, instead of 20 years for women.

Example 4

The man worked for 30 years and 8 months until 1998 and had a low permanent income of 25,000 tenge. Let's calculate the amount of the pension.

  1. The coefficient of work experience KTS of 30 years and 8 months (368 months) will be the maximum, because 368/300 = 1.23, which exceeds the maximum allowable, therefore, we take KTS = 1 into account.
  2. The percentage of wages PZ will be more than 60%, because there is an excess of work experience in excess of the required 25 years for men for 4 full years, therefore PZ = 60 + 5 = 65%
  3. The average monthly income is not limited by anything, so we calculate the KSMD = PZ / 100 x SMD = 65/100 x 25,000 = 16,250 tenge.
  4. In this example, our KSMD turned out to be below the minimum pension 36 108, therefore KSMD = 36 108 tenge.
  5. The joint pension will be equal to the minimum pension of the KSMD x KTS = 36 108 x 1 = 36 108 tenge.
  6. The basic pension according to the full length of service of 30 years will be 94% of the subsistence level, i.e. 0.94 PM (27 916.1 tenge for 2019). The total pension will be 36 108 + 27 916.1 = 64 025 tenge.

Example 5

For a man with 27 years of experience before 1998 and with a salary of 145,000 tenge, the calculation will be made in the same way:

  1. For men, the required seniority is 25 years. In our example, a man has 27 years of experience, then KTS = 324/300 = 1.08. We cannot have more than one KTS, therefore KTS = 1.
  2. In our example, a man's work experience is 27 years, 2 years more than required, therefore, we add 1% for each year to PZ = 60%, it turns out PZ = 62%.
  3. The average monthly income of the SMD in our case, 145,000 tenge, exceeds the maximum possible, therefore, we take into account the income of 116,150 tenge.
  4. KSMD = PZ / 100 x SMD = 62/100 * 116 150 = 72 013 tenge.
  5. The basic pension for the full 27 years is equal to 88% of the subsistence minimum of 0.88 PM (26,134.2 tenge for 2019).
  6. Labor pension: 1 * 72,013 = 72,013 tenge. General pension: 72,013 + 26,135 = 98,148 tenge.

How will the retirement age change in Kazakhstan? In Kazakhstan, the retirement age for men is 63. For women from 2018 - 58.5 years. Until 2027, the retirement age of women will be increased by six months every year until it reaches 63 years.

  • from January 1, 2018 - 58.5 years;
  • from January 1, 2019 - 59 years old;
  • from January 1, 2020 - 59.5 years;
  • from January 1, 2021 - 60 years;
  • from January 1, 2022 - 60.5 years;
  • from January 1, 2023 - 61 years;
  • from January 1, 2024 - 61.5 years;
  • from January 1, 2025 - 62 years;
  • from January 1, 2026 - 62.5 years;
  • from January 1, 2027 - 63 years.

# 2. Who is eligible to retire early? Citizens who lived from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963 for at least five years in areas of environmental risk, affected by the tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.

Pension in Kazakhstan

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, pensions in Kazakhstan from January 1, 2018 will become higher. Also in 2018, the methodology for calculating pensions will change. How significant will the pension increase be and how will the pension be calculated in 2018 in Kazakhstan? Pension increase from January 1, 2018 and pension increase (pension supplement) from July 1, 2018.

Who will be affected by these changes? Pension increase in 2018 for those who are already retired. What will be the minimum and average pension in the Republic of Kazakhstan? How much will retirees receive in 2018? How will the basic pension be increased? How will the basic pension change with 10, 15, 20, 30 years of work experience? Here you can see in the table an approximate calculation of the pension, how the basic pension will change from July 1, 2018 with work experience from 0 to 33 years or more. In general, everything on the topic “Pension reform in Kazakhstan.

Pension in Kazakhstan in 2018: everything you need to know

  • work in anti-leprosy and anti-plague institutions, infectious institutions for the treatment of persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus or AIDS patients - in double the amount, in organizations carrying out forensic medical examination and pathological and anatomical diagnostics - according to the list of works approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, - in one and a half size;
  • work on water transport during the full navigation period is counted as a year of work;
  • work during a full season in organizations of seasonal industries, regardless of their departmental subordination - according to the list approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is counted in the length of service for a year of work.

What is a basic pension in Kazakhstan

So, you have 15 years of experience, accumulated since 01.01.1998, and you have regularly transferred pension contributions for 17 years. For calculating the basic pension, the total length of service is taken into account: 15 + 17 = 32 years. Taking into account the fact that in 2018 the size of the subsistence minimum is 28,284 tenge, which makes it possible to calculate the approximate amount of an increase in the basic pension.

So, the table indicates that if you have 32 years of experience, then the size of the basic payment will be equal to 98% of the subsistence minimum, that is, the amount of the basic pension will be equal to 27,718 tenge. Minimum and average pension in 2018 in the Republic of Kazakhstan An increase in the solidarity pension and changes in the calculation of the basic pension payment may lead to an increase in the minimum and average pension in the country. Finance Minister B.

Pension calculation in Kazakhstan 2018 calculator


The payment of the calculated amount of the monthly pension payment is carried out in the amount of at least 54% of the subsistence minimum (in 2018 this amount will be 54% * 28 284 = 15 273.36 tenge). If the balance of pension savings after the next monthly payment is less than 54% of the subsistence minimum, this balance is paid together with the amount of the next payment. No. 8. If the ENPF contributor died, who will receive his funded pension? After the death of the depositor, his heirs have the right to take his pension savings.

Read more here. No. 9. If the ENPF contributor changes citizenship and leaves Kazakhstan? He has the right to withdraw his funds from the UAPF. Read more here. The main thing is to correctly arrange departure for permanent residence. Now this applies to moving to anywhere in the world.

Pension in Kazakhstan in 2018

Pension payments from the UAPF from January 1, 2018 are carried out according to the schedule on a monthly basis and is determined as one twelfth of the annual amount of pension payments, calculated in accordance with the Methodology for calculating the amount of pension payments, as well as setting the minimum monthly pension payment from the UAPF at least 54 percent of the subsistence the minimum established for the corresponding financial year by the law on the republican budget. The right to withdraw "at a time", that is, receive a pension payment from the UAPF one-time only those persons whose total amount of pension savings does not exceed 12 times the minimum pension (in 2018 - 404,940 tenge).

Pensions in Kazakhstan: registration, accrual, retirement age

We look at the pension payment table: if the length of service is 32 years, then the size of the basic pension payment will be 98% of the subsistence level, that is, your basic pension from July 1, 2018 will be 27,718 tenge. Minimum and average pension in 2018 in Kazakhstan An increase in the solidarity pension in Kazakhstan in 2018 and changes in the calculation of the basic pension benefit will entail an increase in the minimum and average pension in the country. According to the Minister of Finance B. Sultanov, the average solidarity pension in Kazakhstan, if compared with 2017, will grow by 3,849 tenge and will amount to 56,059 tenge.

And the average basic pension will increase by 11,000 tenge and will amount to about 25,500 tenge. The minimum pension in Kazakhstan in 2018, as reported by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population T. Duisenova, will be 49,019 tenge (taking into account the basic pension), and the average pension - 71,333 tenge.

RK to change the procedure for calculating the basic pension

There are three accrual systems:

Pension benefits in Kazakhstan

If the citizen is divorced, you must provide a divorce certificate.

  • In the event of the death of a child, provide a death certificate.
  • If there was an adoption, you must provide a court permission for the adoption.
  • Pensions in Kazakhstan for citizens who lived in radiation risk zones are accrued upon the provision of a certificate confirming this fact. The period of residence must be equal to five years, within the boundaries from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963. At the center, you must present the original documents along with copies.
    This will confirm their presence and authenticity. Another person can submit documents for registration of a pension benefit if he has a notarized deed. The registration process Retirement in Kazakhstan can be processed in several ways.

Basic pension in the Republic of Kazakhstan is

The second guarantees lifelong financing from the moment of retirement, the first - allows you to retire earlier if the citizen has accumulated the necessary insurance capital established by the state. The payment of your own savings lasts until the insured amount runs out. In the event of the death of a pensioner, the remaining amount will be inherited by relatives.

That is, the funds that a citizen saved and saved for old age on his own. The funded pension is issued on a regular basis, which is convenient for the pensioner: once a month, a year, or the entire amount at once. Advertising Pension in Kazakhstan has been constantly undergoing reform since 1992. The task of the Pension Fund for the next 10 years is to annually increase the retirement age of pensioners to 63 years. There will be an equation of the age pension boundary with men.