
How to protect energy from vampires. Ways to protect yourself from an energy vampire. A colleague or boss, teacher or lecturer drinks energy


How to protect yourself from an energy vampire: 10 signs of a modern Dracula + 3 methods of protection + 5 tips from a psychologist.

Have you noticed that after communicating with some people you become like the Energizer Bunny from the battery commercial - there is a sparkle in your eyes, ideas in your head and an itch in your hands to do something like that?

But there are also real vampires, after communicating with whom you feel worse than a squeezed lemon. And what should you do if it’s a close relative or colleague from whom you can’t easily run away or leave?

In this case, you need to arm yourself with knowledge of how to protect yourself from an energy vampire.

But first, let's figure out how to identify this negative character.

10 Signs You Need Protection from Energy Vampires

The main distinguishing feature of an energy vampire is that he (she) presses for pity.

Under whatever circumstances you meet, he will complain about his boss, relatives, lack of money, poor health, the political situation in the country and the weather. There's no end in sight to this!

  1. It's worth protecting yourself from people who love to evoke negative emotions - noisy neighbors, scandalous colleagues, relatives who start a conversation with a 30-year-old young lady with the phrase “Are you married yet?”
  2. As a rule, energetically heavy people are obsessive.
    These are the same “dear” guests who will, without a twinge of conscience, sit with you until one in the morning, even if you say that tomorrow you will have to get up at five in the morning.
  3. Energy vampires also love tactile contact with people, it’s easier to steal their energy this way.
    So, they can grab the hand or collar of a stranger’s coat, lean their whole body on passengers in public transport, etc.
  4. Protection will be needed from those those who constantly have household appliances breaking down in their house, flowers in pots withering, animals dying, food burning, etc.
    Thus, energy vampires act not only on people, but also on other living beings, and even objects.
  5. Real energy vampires are jealous.
    Moreover, they can be jealous not only of people of the opposite sex, but also of your work, relatives, friends, hobbies - that is, of everything that distracts you from the vampire’s fascinating stories about his miserable life. We must, we must defend ourselves!
  6. Protection from vampires wouldn't hurt, who already at a young age have pronounced facial wrinkles.
    After all, this suggests that a person literally lives with negative emotions - nasolabial folds, horizontal features on the forehead, lines near the lower eyelids.
  7. The gaze of an energy vampire, usually dull, becomes more expressive when he caused negativity in someone.
    That is, during a quarrel, scandal, or, for example, when an overly delicate person suffers, but cannot put the vampire in his place.
  8. Energy ghouls love to provoke not only aggression in people, but also a feeling of guilt.

    Such a vampire friend will definitely remind you that you went to the bar, while she was lying at home with a cold (and it doesn’t matter that you are not a doctor), took her boyfriend away from her in her first year of university (which she didn’t need at all) and they didn’t let me write off a math test when I was a child.

  9. Even thoughts about a vampire and not just communication, it makes you weak and negative.
    That's it, as they say, put out the lights. Protection is definitely needed here, and serious!

Protection from the energy vampire: 3 ways to stay on track

Option #1. First there was a word...against the vampire.

If you feel like a vampire is sucking energy out of you right now, say a special “spell” to yourself for protection

“A barrier of words reliably protects. Words-amulets help me win. Your dark talk doesn't concern me. By my will, like a lock, it is securely locked.”

To protect yourself, you need to repeat the words as long as you are in close proximity to the energy vampire. At the same time, it is advisable to imagine a glass wall between you, so as not to allow yourself to be dragged into this endless stream of negativity.

“I noticed that if I say this simple spell to myself, my friend, who really likes to complain about life, calms down after three or four minutes. And we are moving from defense to constructive dialogue,”— Maria shares her experience on one of the forums.

Option #2. How to protect yourself from an energy vampire with a secret weapon?

To protect yourself from a vampire stealing your energy, esotericists recommend acquiring a small item made from one of these materials:

  • Aspen. Oh, it’s not for nothing that in legends only vampires were killed with aspen stakes. Of course, be more humane - as soon as someone energetically starts to “bump” you, just touch the wooden block in your pocket for protection.
  • Rhinestone. Magicians claim that this mineral returns all the emitted negativity to an energetically heavy person, “mirrors”. Why not buy new earrings or a ring with such a stone?
  • Pin. But in order to protect herself, she must first be spoken to. To do this, prick your finger exactly at midnight and, when blood comes out, say:

    I only meet kind people, I only walk down beaten paths. Everyone wishes me well and helps me in my affairs. As said, so done.

    The pin should be left on the windowsill until the morning. And then before communicating with unpleasant people, pin it on the inside of your clothes.

Option #3. "Keep your distance!"

Protection from an energy vampire also means moving away from it as much as possible:
  1. move away or put some object between you (plate, chair, etc.);
  2. cross your legs, fold your arms over your chest - in general, take the most closed position possible;
  3. imagine that the vampire stealing your energy is behind glass, a brick wall or any other barrier - as long as it is away from you. The more clearly you imagine this, the more effective this simple method of protection will be.

Types of energy vampires and protection against them

5 useful tips from psychologists on how to protect yourself from energy vampires

Magic is magic, but professional psychologists have their own opinion on how to protect yourself from energy vampires, and it is worth attention:
  1. Be wary if a new person in your environment is always “on the go.”
    The fact is that at first energy ghouls (though not always consciously) feed you with positive emotions (laughter, smiles, jokes) in order to bind you more closely to themselves. And only then the emotional swings begin to swing in full swing.
  2. Learn to say no.
    You cannot be in touch 24 hours a day or fulfill any request of an energy vampire. All you have to do is slack a couple of times and they will use you to the fullest.

    A few months ago, the author of this article got an office neighbor. The young lady in the next office was doing manicures for clients. And everything would have been fine, but one day Katerina dropped in to borrow sugar for tea and off we went: I had to listen for forty minutes to complaints about health, a loved one, relatives and the lack of good friends.

    Woman, I see you for the first time in my life! I have someone to go for coffee with and my own manicurist. In a word, as the title of the famous film says, “Run, Lola, Run” from this vampire!

  3. Gently but firmly defend your boundaries - personal space, free time, lifestyle, etc.
    Don't let anyone tell you that you are a bad daughter or son if you don't call your elderly parents five times a day - these are your relatives and relationships.
  4. Don't listen to gossip.
    This is an unworthy occupation! And it’s worth thinking about why the person is telling them to you, what his goals are. Arouse pity? Upset your relationship with your best friend, only to make you even more of a nightmare later? Think, think...
  5. Don’t be immediately charmed by new acquaintances, and don’t demand the impossible from old friends.
    Forgive weaknesses and mistakes with a light heart. Is your friend refusing to go out with you for the fifth time, citing being too busy? Don't be offended, but do something interesting so that other people want to recharge from you.

“And don’t forget: what irritates us most about people, including energy vampires, is what we ourselves are “guilty” of – whining, the desire to arouse pity, and so on,”– remind psychologists.

These simple but effective tips from professionals - psychics and psychologists - will help ensure that your protection from energy vampires is reliable and effective.

Don't waste your time on people who don't bring anything good into your life. And a comfortable, supportive environment will stimulate you to self-development.

Each of us is familiar with the state when, after another communication with certain people, you feel like a donor after donating blood at a transfusion station - almost drained of blood and squeezed like a lemon - broken, tired and exhausted.

No surprise - most likely, you talked to energy vampire– a person who feeds on someone else’s energy and lives off the energy of the people around him.

This happens all the time, so you definitely need to know how to protect yourself from energy vampirism.

Who can be an energy vampire?

Energy pirism is a disease that is spreading widely around in the modern world. Its scale resembles an epidemic. The energy world can be any person from your environment - a picky boss, an evil mother-in-law, an always complaining neighbor, an ordinary passer-by, and even... you yourself.

Energetic vampire is a person with a negative balance of internal energy. When significantly less energy comes from natural sources than is consumed, an “energy imbalance” and an imbalance in the energy balance occurs. And then a person (in most cases unconsciously) begins to replenish the missing energy in the simplest and easiest way - from his neighbor.

To protect yourself from an energy vampire, you first need to recognize it. To do this, you need to understand his methods and mechanism of influence on others.

Types of Energy Vampires

Divides energy vampires into 2 types: solar And lunar. Their methods of “drinking the juices of life” from those around them are completely opposite. Just as the methods of protecting against them differ.

Sun vampire is an aggressive form of energy vampirism. They openly attack their “victim,” trying by any means to throw the person out of balance. A jealous husband who suspects his wife for any reason, a grumpy wife who always nags her husband, an evil mother-in-law who teaches wisdom to her sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, a picky boss who bullies his subordinates, an ordinary boor in public transport - belong to categories of solar vampires.

Having once attached itself to its victim, the solar vampire can continue to receive “its portion” for quite a long time. Whenever you negatively think, speak or even remember about him, part of your health (biofield, emotions, nervous and mental forces) will pass to him through the invisible channel “laid” between you at the first contact.

After such a “session” you are completely de-energized, ready to “collapse” from powerlessness or burst into tears.

Moon Vampire – a passive form of energy-vapmirism. They “annoy” those around them with endless complaints, whining or dissatisfaction. These are “sticky people” and “energy leeches”. A neighbor who is always complaining about her health, a friend who demands your sympathy and support, constantly “whining” relatives - all these are representatives of lunar vampires.

The goal is your energy in the form of your attention, your pity, sympathy or compassion. After contact with this type of energy vampire, fatigue sets in, your mood drops, you don’t want to do anything, apathy and drowsiness appear.

It should be noted that lunar vampires are more dangerous than solar ones, since a person may develop a psychological dependence on the “lunar bloodsuckers” and contacts will become regular. Which ultimately can lead to a constant “leakage” of vitality and lead to various diseases.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

You can and should protect yourself from energy vampirism.

The most important thing is to UNDERSTAND and REALIZE that this is a vampire in front of you, and you are his victim. Because already at the moment of RECOGNIZING this fact, you subconsciously build a powerful defense against it

We have already described the most effective methods on how to protect your energy from external attacks in our article:

Here I will give only the methods that exist for protection specifically from energy vampireism (solar and lunar).

  • Protect yourself with laughter!

The beneficial and life-giving vibrations of laughter can “cut the ground from under the feet” of any energy thief. Just start laughing in the face of your offender and he will immediately deflate like a New Year's ball! Do not give in to provocations and, in response to rudeness and rudeness, defend yourself with laughter and a cheerful smile!

  • Go away!

Not in every situation you can laugh, you say. If you laugh in the face of your “sunny” boss at work, you can instantly join the ranks of the unemployed :) Here another defense technique will come to the rescue.

At the first sign of an attack, cross your fingers and mentally say: “Get out!”, while laughing inside yourself at some feature of your offender’s appearance. It helps one, two, three!

  • Sorry, I'm busy!

The best weapon against lunar-type energy vampires is to stay away from them and keep contact to a minimum. As soon as another whiner begins to “vampire” you, refer to your busyness. “Sorry, but I don’t have much time, I’m very busy right now!” — don’t give amateurs a lot of time to complain about their “dirty deeds.” Over time, they will leave you alone and find a “new victim.”

  • His own weapon!

Any person can turn out to be an energy vampire, even if he has nothing to do with magic and esotericism; he just, unlike a magician, is unlikely to be aware of this. Surely each of us has at least one acquaintance whose communication with us is exhausting, depriving us of good mood and strength. This happens because this person is “recharged” with energy from those around him, and the more vulnerable the victim, the more the energy vampire can devastate him.

What is this vulnerability?
Firstly, the weaker a person is, the easier it is to take energy from him, because in this case resistance is minimized compared to a strong person.
Secondly, the easier it is to spin a victim’s emotions, the easier it is to feed off of her. Most energy vampires act precisely according to this scheme: first they provoke a person, and then feed on his reaction.

This is explained very simply. The stronger the victim’s emotions, the more energy she gives, and, in fact, the vampire can only warm it up, exhausting her completely. I think many people have come across people on public transport, in a queue or any other place who seem to be deliberately asking for trouble. And there are always those who react violently to this. This is an example of energy vampirism: provocation of emotions for the sake of obtaining energy.

The most basic way to protect yourself from an energy vampire is to not become its victim at all. In many cases, vampirism towards yourself can be avoided.

As stated earlier, vampires choose the most vulnerable victims. Don't let yourself be provoked! If you are absolutely calm, then there will simply be nothing to take from you. Abstract yourself from what is happening. Communicate with the vampire in an emphatically polite manner, calmly, without a shadow of negative emotions. Be firm enough. Most likely, they will quickly lose interest in you.

1 Do not look the energy vampire in the eyes, clasp your palms together.

2 Using the “central gaze” technique (laid out), through the efforts of will, instruct yourself not to obey the vampire and put a mental screen in front of you - a glass wall through which you see the person, but he does not see you.

* This method works especially well when communicating with a vampire person who pumps out energy unconsciously.

* This method of protection is good to use in advance, before the energy vampire appears. The protection will last for about 3 hours. Helps to resist those people who consciously pump out energy (their strength is much higher than that of “unconscious” vampires)

A powerful telepathic defense technique - creating an etheric double

This protection technique is used by professional psychics, mediums, clairvoyants and even magicians and healers. The technique is very powerful, but requires significant energy expenditure from the practitioner.

1. Being next to an energy vampire, the practitioner mentally collects all his energy in the solar plexus area.

2. Then he also mentally transfers this energy to the brain and concentrates it in the area of ​​the third eye (this can cause a burning sensation or other unusual sensations in the area between the eyebrows).

“I am protected”, “I am surrounded by powerful protection”, “I am invisible to you”…

This impulse must be mentally directed directly into the head of the energy vampire for several minutes.

N the most convenient and easiest method to implement

Imagine that you are surrounded by an impenetrable cocoon. It should be located a short distance from you. The cocoon can be either transparent or mirrored: in the first case, it will only protect you from external influences, in the second, it will send negativity back.

For greater effect, especially at first, you can imagine how everything bad hits your defense and cannot harm you. The cocoon needs to be exposed periodically for the sake of prevention, especially if you are in a crowded place.

Technique for restoring lost energy

This technique can be performed to restore energy potential after an attack by an energy vampire, as well as to replenish energy reserves spent on defense.
1. The practitioner sits comfortably in a chair.

2. Places hands on knees, palms up.

3. Closes his eyes and completely relaxes.

4. Mentally appeals to the Cosmos with a request to fill the body with vital force.

5. Imagines that a ray of energy penetrates the body through the crown (the color of the energy ray will be different for everyone).

The visualization lasts about 15 minutes, after which the practitioner takes a deep breath, exhales and opens his eyes.

* It is better to perform the exercise before sunset. To maintain proper energy levels, experts recommend performing this technique at least once a week.

Protection from energy vampires - MUDRA

Nowadays, there is hardly a person who has not heard about energy vampires - people who replenish their energy reserves by absorbing the energy of other people.

What can you do quickly and quietly to protect yourself?

There are many ways to protect and restore yourself during an energy attack. One of the ways of protection is mudras.

1 The first option for creating a protection block: you need to interlace your fingers and hold your hands at the level of the solar plexus. The palms should be turned towards the stomach, and the thumbs can touch each other, or they can lie freely. Breathe deeply and calmly. Protection will be enhanced if you mentally imagine a protective cocoon of silver, golden, white or purple around you.

2 Mudra “INSERTING A RING” - connect the thumb and index fingers of one hand into a ring, place this ring in the palm of the other hand. Place the thumb and forefinger of your other hand into the already formed ring and do the same with your other hand. Repeat these steps 3 times.

After the third time, many people experience a feeling of tightness around their head. This is a sign that you have achieved what you wanted - your biofield has become denser, and its energy circuit has closed.

The third option for closing your energy circuit is to connect the thumb and index fingers of one hand with the corresponding fingers of the other hand, the tips of the remaining three fingers either overlap each other or touch their tips.

And the list ends with a mudra called “Shield of Shambhala.”

To perform the mudra, women clench their right hand into a fist and place the back of it against the palm of their straightened left hand, with the thumb pressed against the palm. Men do the same thing exactly the opposite way - that is, the left hand is clenched into a fist, and the right is straightened.

Much has already been said about this, but a small generalization is necessary, because vampires lie in wait for us everywhere, and we need to be able to defend ourselves, to resist their brutal onslaught and unbearable tediousness.

Vampirism is a demonic way of existence. Here you always need to bully, insult and offend someone. Such an obsession determines an excited tone, a desire to find fault with something, to cling to something, to make an elephant out of a molehill without obvious reasons. Here there are sharp reactions to opinions with which he does not agree, intolerance and categoricalness in the dispute. A vampire needs an opponent; if there is none, he creates one artificially. Then such people in queues, in public places, at the entrances of houses, etc. become understandable. Vampires are really dangerous to others. They carry out enormous destructive work on the nerve centers and channels of the people around them. They can only be neutralized by our common patience and silence. And then they themselves will suffer suicides, fits of rabies, hemorrhages, etc.

Here are a few techniques that you can use depending on the circumstances. They are united by developing abilities that will allow you not to react to sources of irritation.

It must be taken into account that when an energetic (psychic) ​​attack occurs, this basically indicates the weakness of the attacker. Weaknesses physical, spiritual and mental. Understanding this, we will look at the aggressor with different eyes, and his attack will cause a smile and then laughter.

You will find it funny when you start to notice that vampires behave differently. Some people's eyelids begin to twitch, others' ears move, others turn purple, still others' nostrils flare, they all wave their arms, grimace and make faces, in general, a whole theater of facial expressions and gestures. It's really funny. But remember that if the vampire achieves your irritation, he will celebrate his victory, and you will be left with nothing.

If they call you names, and this is always offensive, try not to answer or smile in response and say that yes, that’s who I am! And also such and such and such! If you don’t like it, look for another one, and don’t pester me! To make this happen naturally, practice in front of a mirror. Make sure not a single muscle moves on your face. It’s good to open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows. This has a stronger effect than you squint. At the same time, practice artistic control of your arms and body. This will make vampires sick. They will understand that a trick has been found against them, and will leave you behind.

People have always used a very simple technique. Pinch your thumb into a fig or fig and hide it in your pocket, behind your back or under the table at which you are sitting. This helps to restrain yourself. Esoterically, this means closing your energies from external influences, preventing them from penetrating inside your body and at the same time not releasing precious power from yourself. At the same time, you can mentally say: “Forget me!”

You need to know and remember that no matter how good and cheerful we are, around us, in the human biofield, there are clots of negative energy. Someone is always dissatisfied with us and sends negative thoughts and words at us, and they are retained in the form of energy clots within our field. While we are calm and cheerful, these clots cannot penetrate into our body. But as soon as we begin to get irritated, these energies hurt with their destructive power, and symptoms of illness appear.

It’s a completely different matter when we don’t get irritated and smile at the irritant. The vampire directs a beam of negative energy at you in the form of rudeness, but you do not react, you smile and laugh. Then this negative energy of the vampire captures similar energies from your biofield and returns to it with double force. Hit him twice as hard. It is at this time that the lunar vampire can fall, collapse senselessly, and the solar vampire explodes with anger, he turns purple, screams, is indignant, and shakes. At this moment, be prepared, he may strike, he needs to put an end to the started provocation, he can no longer switch to something else. He becomes obsessed. He begins to experience a painful disconnection from reality: an attack of rage, convulsions, seizures - in them you see a beast in human form. And this is a sick person.

It turns out interesting that if you say: a sick person, then you already feel sorry for him, but if you say: a sadist, a bloodsucker, a vampire, the effect is completely the opposite. This is how simple atrocities are covered up by illness. On this basis, many murders, rapes and other atrocities occur. But we say that he is violently insane. But doctors know that violent insanity passes and when a person realizes this, he begins to simulate in order to avoid trial. This is the key for doctors and lawyers to reach their verdict.

It will take us a long time to learn not to get irritated. If we have so far considered the biological systems "man-person", we do not notice at all that we inadequately perceive what is happening around us. We get annoyed by the weather, by music, by advertising, by the fact that there is no bus for a long time, etc. and so on. We ourselves include irritants, so will we be healthy? Look at the world more simply. “Keep it simple and you will live longer,” says popular wisdom. Learn to see the other side of something you don't like, or don't pay attention to it at all.

In relation to other people, be calm, but not indifferent. For indifference is already a vice, it is indifference to the world around us, indifference, it is an emptiness that is filled by the method of vampirism.

And yet you became the victim of a vampire. It’s not enough to calm down; you also need to forget the offender. You need to forgive him, feel sorry for yourself for getting into this situation and giving it a reason to happen. Try to figure out why exactly you were attacked. But as long as you remember your offender, hold anger and resentment against him, while you wash his bones, you will shake, and your energy and strength will continue to go to the offender. It’s not for nothing that they always say that you will remember me for a long time. The vampire feels this invisible connection, and as soon as you remember about him and start talking with irritation, he catches your impulse and unmistakably says: “It’s great that I got her (him) today (yesterday, a week ago, a month...)! At the mere mention of me she will tremble!” And you tremble, no matter what geographical distance separates you. These energies always come to their destination, and, as we have already found out, they clearly live and work in time and space.

Stop talking and getting annoyed at vampires, don't hold a grudge against them. The most precious thing a person has is health. “Do not throw pearls before swine,” Christ teaches us. Karmic medicine explains that all our grievances turn into tumors, but this will be a separate conversation.

There are many techniques for energy protection against vampires. They are taught in various courses and schools of yoga, qigong, psychics and sorcerers. But these methods and techniques, again, will only be effective when you have managed to remain calm. What good are “cocoons”, “mirrors”, “pyramids”, “walls”, etc. if you get irritated by a vampire’s energy attack. All your protection instantly collapses. And when a lunar vampire connects to you, you will not immediately understand that an energy attack has been carried out on you.

Thus, we once again come to the conclusion that only calmness, only a person’s soul filled with joy can resist psychic attacks. She will feel them in advance and turn away, because what is shaking around does not correspond to her inner world. Where there is joy and love, there are no sore spots. And vampires, like annoying flies, strive to land on the inflamed part of the body.

It is known that silence is a good energy protection. Silence gives a person wisdom, but under one condition: there should be no internal dialogue - reproaches, insults... When we see that a psychic attack is coming on us, and we understand that this is vampirism, that it comes from a sick person, then the only wise one the dialogue will be your appeal to God: “Lord, forgive him, for he does not know what he is doing.” This sincere prayer with pity for a person can stop him and save you from suffering.

There is such a wonderful parable. An old woman comes to the priest and says: “Father, help me, I can’t handle the old man, he’s completely chewed me up, he’s nagging me and nagging me.” “It’s simple,” he answers, “here’s some holy water for you.” And as soon as your husband starts nagging you, take some holy water in your mouth, and when he’s finished, swallow it.” An old woman comes a week later, brings chicken, honey, eggs: “Thank you, father, I have become a golden grandfather.”

I think that this simple parable will serve you as a good lesson and protection from vampires. It is simple and wise, and therefore effective.

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Hello everybody! During communication between people, there is a mutual exchange of energy, they give something, they receive something. Such balanced contact promotes our development, gives us a feeling of joy, fullness and arouses the desire for new meetings. But when this process is disrupted, and only one gives, and the other receives, an imbalance arises, which “popularly” is called vampirism, and it may well even lead to the death of a person. But, fortunately, there is also protection from energy vampires, and I will tell you about it today so that you can protect yourself and loved ones from being “used” by others.


In order not to unnecessarily “slander” someone, you should be able to distinguish whether a person really empathizes with you or sincerely shares his problems, or is still draining strength from you. Otherwise, if you decide to end the relationship, you risk losing a close friend, colleague or even relative. Be attentive to your feelings. And then there will be no difficulties in recognizing the one who is harming you. So you can safely defend yourself if, consistently after contact with a certain person, you notice the following:

  • You feel weak, dizzy, want to sleep and rest, although before the meeting you were cheerful and active.
  • A painful and sticky feeling of helplessness, confusion and depression appears.
  • Suddenly, a feeling of inner emptiness arises.
  • Your head may start to hurt or your “weak spot” may make itself known, that is, a part of the body or organ that periodically bothers you and requires medical intervention. This happens due to the fact that energy declines, and the body cannot cope with all processes without it. Sometimes the subconscious, in this way, tries to pay attention to what is happening, using pain to “reach out” to you.
  • The limbs become cold, tremors appear in the hands.
  • There is a suspicion that you are being “led by the nose,” especially when signs of manipulation become obvious.
  • During communication, there is a feeling that the whole body is “on fire”, the face turns red.
  • For several hours there is a complete absence of bright and strong emotions.


To begin with, let us clarify that energy vampires can be conscious or unconscious. Therefore, you should not immediately “throw stones at them”; it is still worth understanding the nature of such behavior. For example, an unconscious vampire is a person who, due to some circumstances, has lost ground under his feet and requires care, taking away your strength. He most often does not understand the discomfort he is causing you, and sincerely wishing you well, he periodically “feeds” from you.

This could be a friend who is going through a breakup with her loved one and terrorizing you with stories about her thoughts, feelings, etc. Or it may turn out to be even closer - your own child, who requires attention and does not know how to recover on his own. Or a sick relative who needs constant care, because caring for parents and grandparents usually falls on the shoulders of the younger generation.

The situation is more serious with conscious manipulators and tyrants, because they understand the harm that they cause you, and still continue to do it, without feeling pity or compassion. The situation becomes more complicated if such a person is a family member or an employee at work, because it will not be possible to completely stop communication. Understanding that there is someone nearby who wants to take away your vitality by causing harm can already cause anxiety.

So, directly the types of conscious “bloodsuckers”

  1. insinuating . He will act very carefully and carefully, wanting to “sleep” the victim’s vigilance. And he will do this with the help of intrusive, sometimes inappropriate, touches. Soft but persistent attempts to “get into your soul.” It is easy to figure it out, since such behavior will cause bewilderment and reluctance to open up, which, in principle, is correct in communicating with such people.
  2. Manipulator - this is a more difficult level, because he may well seem like a nice and interesting interlocutor, unobtrusively provoking you into a confidential conversation with the help of a sympathetic and understanding person, involvement in your problem and a whole arsenal of advice. The only difference between normal communication is that after meeting him there is no emotional uplift, inspiration, saturation and satisfaction, but on the contrary, it becomes even worse.
  3. Provocateur . The most dangerous type, especially for vulnerable people, or who are currently not in resource, that is, they have difficulties and are weakened. It is not difficult to recognize him by his aggressiveness, even passive. That is, when with his words and behavior a person provokes anger to such an extent that his interlocutor cannot stand it and “explodes”, finding himself in the role of a tyrant for others. The methods are banal - insults, attempts to hit a “sore spot”, remarks, devaluation and the like.

Top 10 ways to fight


The very first method of defense will be the ability to recognize such people. You know what they say: “Forewarned is forearmed.” And indeed, by recognizing manipulation in time, you will protect yourself from its consequences. I recommend reading it in order to learn to notice insincerity and aggression in gestures and facial expressions.

2.Changing focus

If it suddenly happens that you are being terrorized by a family member whom you love, for example, a husband, brother, parents. Then try organizing another donor to switch your attention and give yourself the opportunity to recover. Nothing complicated, you just need to buy an aquarium with fish, have pets, put a flower in the room that requires attention and care, and, if possible, organize training and walks in nature for such a person. Then he will begin to receive energy from other sources, restoring the balance on his own, without your participation.


I have told you more than once that laughter is the best therapy, so try to turn the aggressor’s attempts to “unsettle” you into humor. In addition to the fact that this will ensure the safety of your well-being, it will also “irritate” the provocateur, because of which he will experience all the consequences of his vampirism, preferring not to contact you anymore. If you heard an insult addressed to you, confirm it by saying: “yes, I am like that, and also ....”, believe me, this will disarm the aggressor and leave no opportunity to continue provocations.

4.Ignoring method

They insult you just so that you lose your balance, in order to “catch” you and hurt you. And if you start to react, you will give away most of the accumulated energy. Why do you need this? At such moments, it is necessary to become deaf, as it were, especially if the manipulator gives out a stream of information that tires you. You can mentally turn off the sound while watching his facial expressions. After some time, he will get tired of it, and then, after making a few more attempts, he will leave you alone.

5.Internet vampirism

There are cases when people manage to get their way from a distance, depriving another of energy. The Internet is a particularly favorable environment for this. There are even so-called trolls. If possible, limit correspondence with such people by blocking or unfriending them. Realize that you will not be able to prove to such people that you are right, if only because their main goal is to hook you to the quick, then enjoying the storm of indignation and the knowledge that you “took the bait.”

6. "Whiners"

Everyone is surrounded by people who are constantly suffering and tormented. Moreover, they are able to talk for hours about their troubles, fairly tiring others, and so much so that by the end of the conversation it becomes unclear which of you is suffering more. And no matter what advice you give, they still won’t listen to them, because they really like to experience torment, receive attention and care.

To save energy, listen a little to the suffering speeches, and instead of the usual pity and sympathy, ask: “What is good in your life?” This technique will help not only in the question of how to get rid of the manipulator, but also, perhaps, will give impetus to its development, which will subsequently make meetings more pleasant.

7. "Counter attack"

Try to tell yourself a long, sad and boring story from your own life, or from your friends and relatives. You can even make it up on the fly, slowing down your speech slightly to make it less interesting. Then the vampire will stop seeing you as a victim, eventually switching to another donor. To be more tactful, at some point just say: “Oh, that reminded me of a story...”


If it so happens that you have fallen under the influence and now feel unwell, then there is one excellent remedy that will return your energy - water. It is able to cleanse not only the body, but also wash away any negativity received during the day. So just take a shower until you feel better.

9.What to do with loved ones?

The situation is more complicated when you are “fed” by your family and there is no way to avoid contact. And if you constantly ignore the stories of your loved ones, this will alienate you even more from each other. The only way you can protect yourself is to strengthen your energy in the morning, and again, with the help of water. You need to organize something similar to a contrast shower for yourself.

Stand under hot water for 10 minutes, and then suddenly turn on cold water. It turns out that first you will accumulate heat inside yourself, which will remain with you, because the skin will sharply narrow when exposed to cold. In addition, in addition to protection, you will thus strengthen your health, prepare for a busy day, and many other benefits described.

10.Recovery methods

There are still ways to recover - spend more time in nature; contact with the earth, plants and animals has a very positive effect on well-being. Start practicing yoga, it strengthens your energy, breathing techniques and meditation return harmony to life, and then you no longer care about those who are rude in line, call you names in the store and generally complain about life.


If you engage in your self-development, you will become a conscious person, capable of taking responsibility for your life, you will have healthy self-esteem, which means there will be practically no “weak points” left, at least those that are obvious to others. And then, over time, energy vampires will become uninteresting in you, they will begin to look for other victims who can be manipulated by them. And then you won’t have to think about how to resist them. Subscribe to site updates; once every couple of weeks I send out the best articles on self-development. That's all for today! Be vigilant and take care of yourself.