
Children's rhymes about body parts. Early development of the baby. Why daughter legs


Funny children's poems about parts of the body and face:

M. Abina

The bear has eyes, a nose,
There are two ears. Where is the ponytail?
He has four paws.
We counted with dad.

Where did the tail go?
Looks like it just fell off

R. Korenek

Sleeping my nose
My mouth sleeps
The tongue sleeps peacefully.
He is at work today
He spoke a lot.
He told everyone stories
About funny sleighs.
Sang songs, read poems,
By the evening I was quite tired.
Let him rest a little.
Will sing again in the morning.

A. Alferova

Is there a mouthpiece?
- Ah, here is his mouth,
There are eyes
and have a belly
Legs, handles,
there is a nose
There is something for Ilyusha
sit down.
Fingers -
up to ten pieces!
Everything is in place
at Ilyushka.
Even small

S. Antonov

Well, my dear friend.
Draw a circle quickly
Eyes, nose, two ears.
Got a head.

I. Ilyina

These are eyes to see.
This is a nose to breathe.
These are ears to hear.
These are legs for running.
These are the handles to mom
Hug very tight.

L. Razumova

love my ears
Soft pillow.
Eyes fall asleep immediately
Arms and legs rest
Yawning wide mouth
And sniffs his nose.
The night sings to me: - Bye-bye!
Sleep well and grow up!

Eyes see mom, dad,
The clumsy bear lies,
The nose sniffs how delicious
Smells like apple and pear!
Ears hear: Ay-ya-yay,
Do not tear books, leaf through!
Mouth eats blueberries
And bananas and strawberries!
Hands clap,
Feet are walking on the track!
And in the bushes, noticing a cat,
Catching up a little
What a girl
Girl - chant!

M. Goykhman

Inna lost her nose.
It used to grow between the cheeks.
And now it's completely gone
In the ear, maybe?
Maybe hidden in the hair?
Or look in the eyes?
He was walking down the path
And stuck on the chin?
Moved to belly
Or fell into your mouth?
Raise your elbow
Look at the nail...
I didn't want to sniff on the spot
And escaped with feet together?
And he probably climbed
For eyelashes, as if in the forest!
No, look at the face -
The nose was finally found.
Just hid in my hand
He is in Inna's fist!

I. Braginskaya

Arms, shoulders, head,
Mouth, and halva in the mouth.
Cheeks, eyes, ears, nose.
Hey Andryukha, you've grown up!
Legs, butt and belly.
Dinner lives in the stomach.
Everything works for us
The nose breathes, the eye looks.
Ears hear, mouth laughs,
Handles drag what they have to.
Feet stomp on the floor.
Let's play back to school, shall we?

R. Gorenburgova

Here is the bear's head -
to think and decide.
Here is the bear's nose -
to smell and breathe.
Teddy bear sniffing pineapple
and thought - eat now!
Here is the bear's eyes -
to see everything around.
Here are the ears of the bear -
to hear every sound.
The bear hears - someone howls,
sees - the wolf fell into the swamp.
The bear held out a snag -
barely pulled the poor fellow out.
Here is the bear's mouth -
to eat, to drink,
To smile
sing and speak.
The bear was given bread and fish,
the bear ate, said "Thank you!
Here are the pens of the bear,
to touch and hold
Here are the fingers on the handles:
Five on the right and five on the left.
One, two, three, four, five,
love to count fingers!
It's shoulders and back
round belly,
Top-top-top: kicking
the bear is coming towards us.
Bear - clubfoot
puts its paws askew.

S. Subbotin

Ears like two moths
Eyes like two flowers...
Vasya's legs - top-top-top,
Vasya's hands - clap-clap-clap.
Vasya, Vasya, dear swift,
What a good baby!
Where is the belly? Here is the belly...
Where is your mouth? Here is the mouth...
Where is Vasya's forehead? Teeth?
Eyes? Ears? Cheeks? Sponges?
Let Vasya's finger point...
He knows everything, good boy,
Vasilek knows everything,
My ugly son.

L. Razumova

Legs, legs! Do I know you,
I dress you in the morning.
Handles, handles! Do I know you,
I wash you with water.
I also know fingers
I pick my nose with them.
If I pick my nose,
So I know where he is too.
Teeth, teeth! Do I know you,
I bite you all in a row.
Cheeks, cheeks! Do I know you,
I'm breathing in you.
I also know where my mouth is
I eat them, yawn.
Ears, ears! Do I know you,
You always sit on the edge.
Eyes, eyes! Do I know you,
I explore the world with you.
And I also know where the forehead is
There I stuff the bumps.
I know the back and side
Both belly and tongue.
And I know for sure
That I'm tired and fall asleep.

It's no secret that a baby is extremely important. Scientists have long established that in the brain, the nerve centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and hands are in close proximity to the brain areas responsible for the development of speech. Therefore, by stimulating the movements of the fingers and hands of the baby, we greatly contribute. That is why finger games are so valued by teachers and are widely used in classes with children.

In addition to a huge impact on the development of speech, finger games help develop coordination, attention, memory of the child, the ability to concentrate, and also help develop imagination (try to immediately understand that arms folded in a corner above your head are a roof, and if you wave your arms, then you immediately turn into a butterfly). And, of course, finger games give the child and mother a whole storm of positive emotions, enrich their communication with bright colors.

In this article, I want to present you my selection of finger games that are best for babies from 6 months to 1 year old. In addition, in the article you will find rhymes that will help your baby learn the main parts of the face and body in a fun and quick way. My daughter and I always enjoyed playing to these funny rhymes. And these games helped me a lot to entertain my daughter during car trips.

At first, you can make the necessary movements with your baby’s hands, but soon he will cope without your help. I would also like to note that you should not engage in finger games for a long time, you need to finish before the child gets tired of the game (usually no more than 5-8 minutes).

Finger games for babies from 6 months

Sweeties, sweeties! (clap hands)
Where were you? By Grandma!
What did they eat? Porridge!
What did they drink? Brazhka.
Sweet porridge,
Brasha is young.
Drank, ate
Kshi-kshi, fly! (we wave our hands)
Sat on the head! (put hands on head)
Sit down, sit down
And they flew away again! (we wave our hands again)
I knock with a hammer (knock fist on fist)
I want to build a house. (we put our hands over our heads, depicting a "roof")
I'm building a tall house! (raise handles up)
I will live in that house! (again we fold our hands above our heads, depicting a "roof")
There was a lock on the door (we interlock our fingers in the lock (if it doesn’t work out, just put the fist to the fist) and wave up and down)
Who could open it?
We broke, we twisted (we turn the handles linked into the lock)
Beat, beat (we shake our hands without disengaging our fingers)
And they opened it! (open hands)
Dariki-dariki, (clap hands)
Mosquitoes flew. (Pinch fingers together)
Curled, twisted, (show how they fly)
They grabbed the nose! (mother touches the baby's nose, option - in the handle, in the leg ...)
Building, building, building a house (we put alternately our hand and the baby’s hand, then again ours and the baby’s)
We put the cube on the cube.
Here is the road, here is the garage , (we run our fingers over the child’s body, laying some kind of “route”)
Here is our house built. (we connect the palms above the head, depicting a roof)
palms up, (hands up)
palms down, (hands down)
And now them on the barrel
And clenched into a fist. (clench hands into fists)

Poems for Studying Parts of the Body and Face

When pronouncing lines of poems, touch the corresponding parts of the baby's body, or show on your body. It is better to do this and that so that the associations in the baby’s head are not limited to any one experience.

What is the daughter's legs for?
To run on the track!
Why do daughter ears?
To listen to rattles!
What is the daughter's mouth for?
To drink milk from mom!
Why do daughter eyes?
To look at the world of paint!
What is the daughter's back for?
To wallow on the sheet!
Why does the daughter have a priest?
To clap her hand!
Why was the daughter born?
To make mom happy! (kiss, hug the baby)
My mouth can eat
nose to breathe,
And ears to listen
Eyes - blink, blink
Handles - grab everything, grab it.
There lived a bunny
long ears,
Frostbitten bunny
Nose on the edge.
Frostbitten nose,
Frozen tail!
And went to warm up
Visit the kids!
Big feet
We walked along the road:
Top top top
small feet
Run along the path:
Top top top
Where are you running, legs?
Where are you running, legs?
On the summer path
From hillock to hillock
For a berry in the forest.
In the green forest
I'll dial you
black blueberry,
Scarlet strawberries.
Here they are in the bed
pink heels
Whose heels are these
Soft and sweet?
Goslings will come running
Pinched at the heels.
Hide quickly, don't yawn
Cover with a blanket!
These are eyes to see.
This is a nose to breathe.
These are ears to hear.
These are legs for running.
These are the handles to mom
Hug very tight.
The cat washes his paw
Looks like he's going to visit
Washed out the nose.
Washed out the mouth.
Washed my ear.
Wiped dry.

A few more rhymes for fun and bright communication with the baby

Play massage

The dog is baking pies in the kitchen. (deep kneading of the back with palms)
The cat in the corner is crushing crackers. (tapping on the back)
The cat in the window is sewing a dress. ( pinching)
A hen in boots sweeps a hut. (stroking)
The pussy will come slowly
And pet the baby.
“Meow-meow,” the pussy will say, “
Our baby is good!
Let's go on a horse
The path is smooth and smooth.
We were invited by a neighbor
Eat sweet pudding.
We arrived for dinner
There is no neighbor at home.
Two dogs on the doorstep
We were told very strictly:
Woof woof woof.
food food
To the grandmother, to the grandfather
On a horse
In a red hat
On a flat path
On one leg
In an old shoe
On potholes, on bumps,
Everything is straight and straight
And then suddenly ... into the hole
Grow, Taya, higher,
To the chorus, to the roof.
Grow up, don't pamper
Mum and dad please.
Grow with timber thickness
Yes, from the heights of the house!
A lot of trouble for fingers:
They play patty
Then for some reason they climb into the mouth,
Grandma's torn books...
Having redone all things,
They pull the tablecloth from the table.
They climb into salt and compote,
And then vice versa.
Friendly fingers
All so necessary!
Knocked legs
On a flat path
Knocked many times -
We'll have fun.
Hit harder with your fist,
Just don't feel sorry for the hands
We will knock with a fist
And we'll spin around.
A goat walked along the bridge
And wagged her tail
Caught on the railing -
It landed right in the river!
Mice lead a round dance,
A cat is napping on a couch.
Hush, mice, don't make noise,
Don't wake the cat Vaska.
Here Vaska the cat wakes up,
Will break the whole dance!
Daisies on the lawn
The beetle flew in a colored shirt.
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
I am friends with daisies.
Quietly swinging in the wind
I bow down low.

Also take a look at the following articles. In them you will also find many wonderful rhymes that will help you communicate interestingly with a baby up to a year old and a little older.

I picked funny poems and nursery rhymes about body parts. During communication and activities with the child, they can be used to get to know the parts of the body, teach and delight the baby.

Here they are in the bed
Pink heels.
Whose heels are these?
Soft and sweet?
Goslings will come running
Pinched at the heels.
Hide quickly, don't yawn
Cover with a blanket!

Where are our pens?
Here are our pens!
Where are our legs?
Here are our legs!
And here is Lisa's nose
All overgrown with goats.
But these are the eyes, ears,
Cheeks are thick pillows
But what is this? Tummy!
And here is Liza's mouth!
Show me your tongue
Let's tickle your barrel.

Where are our ears?
Listen to the pests!
Where are the eyes?
Watching fairy tales!
Where are the teeth?
Hiding lips!
Well, keep your mouth shut!

What are the legs for the son?
(stroking legs)
To run on the track!
(Stomp on the diaper with legs)
What are the son's ears for?
(touch ears)
To listen to rattles!
(rattling with a toy)
What is the son's mouth for?
(touch lips)
To drink milk from mom!
What are the son's eyes for?
(showing eyes, eyebrows)
To look at the world of paint!
What is the back for the son?
(stroke the back up and down)
To wallow on the sheet!
Why the son of a priest?
(butt massager, patting)
What to clap his hand!
Why was the son born?
To make mom happy!
(kiss, hug the baby).
"Son" can be replaced by
"child" or "daughter".

baby and say:
Forest, (hair)
glade, (forehead)
hump, (nose)
Pit (mouth).

We are little hands
But we don't know boredom
We always have things to do:
She took it, she took it.
Even if we are not asked
We wear something all the time
And a bear and a hedgehog
We will stroke, slowly.
Our fingers - crumbs -
smart helpers,
And take a pea
If found anywhere.
Our little finger is very small
Beside the nameless became,
And behind them is the middle -
Important - not the last.
We have attentive
Index finger.
And a little side -
The thickest and largest
The finger is very important
Holds a spoon nicely.
If the fingers are obedient,
We are smart and friendly
Helping kids
Do all their deeds.

Walkers with legs,
Grab handles.
mouth talker,
Eyes clap-clap.

(Leading the baby's finger
named parts of the body):
Nose, nose, forehead,
Cheeks, chin.
Ears, eyes,
Mishenka's tales
(At this point, lightly tickle).

Oh little one
Yes white!
Came out at last
Ay, well done!
They already knew about you
From day to day - waiting
Stop gathering
Come out to bite!

Spider, spider,
Anya grab the barrel.
Frog, frog,
Anya grab by the ear.
Deer, deer,
Grab Anya by the knees.
Doggie, doggie
Anya grab the nose.
Hippo, hippo,
Anya grab the stomach.
wasp, wasp,
Anya grab by the hair.
Grasshoppers, grasshoppers,
Grab Anya by the shoulders.

Stretches, stretchers,
(stroke from head to toe)
Across the plump
And in the legs - walkers,
(move legs)
And in the hands - grabbers,
(clench and unclench fists)
And in the ears - hear the little ones,
(touch ears)
And in the eyes - peepers,
(gently press on the eyes)
And the nose - sopunyushki,
(gently press on the nose)
And in the mouth - a talker,
(gently press on the mouth)
And in the head - the mind!
(stroke forehead)

My mouth can eat
Nose to breathe, and ears to listen,
Eyes blink - blink,
Handles - grab everything.

wall, wall,
(touch cheeks)
(touch forehead)
two steps,
(run fingers over lips)
Ding - call!
(click on nose)

Pointing fingers at parts of the face
baby and say:
Dark forest, (hair)
clear field, (forehead)
two poplars, (brows)
two glasses, (eyes)
Trumbomb, (nose)
Lepetol, (mouth)
Dot. (the chin)

(The child is pulled by the nose
and sentence)
Whose nose? — Savin.
Where was? — Slavil.
What did he glorify? — Kopek
What did you buy? - Candy.
Who did you eat with? - With a goat.
Don't eat with the goat, but eat with me
Don't eat with the goat, but eat with me.

S. Antonov

Well, my dear friend.
Draw a circle quickly
Eyes, nose, two ears.
Got a head.

I. Ilyina

These are eyes to see.
This is a nose to breathe.
These are ears to hear.
These are legs for running.
These are the handles to mom
Hug very tight.

L. Razumova

love my ears
Soft pillow.
Eyes fall asleep immediately
Arms and legs rest
Yawning wide mouth
And sniffs his nose.
The night sings to me: - Bye-bye!
Sleep well and grow up!

Eyes see mom, dad,
The clumsy bear lies,
The nose sniffs how delicious
Smells like apple and pear!
Ears hear: Ai-ya - yay,
Do not tear books, leaf through!
Mouth eats blueberries
And bananas and strawberries!
Hands clap,
Feet are walking on the track!
And in the bushes, noticing a cat,
Catching up a little
What a girl
Girl - chant!

M. Goykhman

Inna lost her nose.
It used to grow between the cheeks.
And now it's completely gone
In the ear, maybe?
Maybe hidden in the hair?
Or look in the eyes?
He was walking down the path
And stuck on the chin?
Moved to belly
Or fell into your mouth?
Raise your elbow
Look at the nail...
I didn't want to sniff on the spot
And escaped with feet together?
And he probably climbed
For eyelashes, as if in the forest!
No, look at the face -
The nose was finally found.
Just hid in my hand
He is in Inna's fist!

I. Braginskaya

Arms, shoulders, head,
Mouth, and halva in the mouth.
Cheeks, eyes, ears, nose.
Hey Andryukha, you've grown up!
Legs, butt and belly.
Dinner lives in the stomach.
Everything works for us
The nose breathes, the eye looks.
Ears hear, mouth laughs,
Handles drag what they have to.
Feet stomp on the floor.
Let's play back to school, shall we?

R. Gorenburgova

Here is the bear's head -
to think and decide.
Here is the bear's nose -
to smell and breathe.
Teddy bear sniffing pineapple
and thought - eat now!
Here is the bear's eyes -
to see everything around.
Here are the ears of the bear -
to hear every sound.
The bear hears - someone howls,
sees - the wolf fell into the swamp.
The bear held out a snag -
barely pulled the poor fellow out.
Here is the bear's mouth -
to eat, to drink,
To smile
sing and speak.
The bear was given bread and fish,
the bear ate, said “Thank you!
Here are the pens of the bear,
to touch and hold
Here are the fingers on the handles:
Five on the right and five on the left.
One, two, three, four, five,
love to count fingers!
It's shoulders and back
round belly,
Top-top-top: kicking
the bear is coming towards us.
Bear - clubfoot
puts its paws askew.

S. Subbotin

Ears like two moths
Eyes like two flowers...
Vasya's legs - top-top-top,
Vasya's hands - clap-clap-clap.
Vasya, Vasya, dear swift,
What a good baby!
Where is the belly? Here is the belly...
Where is your mouth? Here is the mouth...
Where is Vasya's forehead? Teeth?
Eyes? Ears? Cheeks? Sponges?
Let Vasya's finger point...
He knows everything, good boy,
Vasilek knows everything,
My ugly son.

L. Razumova

Legs, legs! Do I know you,
I dress you in the morning.
Handles, handles! Do I know you,
I wash you with water.
I also know fingers
I pick my nose with them.
If I pick my nose,
So I know where he is too.
Teeth, teeth! Do I know you,
I bite you all in a row.
Cheeks, cheeks! Do I know you,
I'm breathing in you.
I also know where my mouth is
I eat them, yawn.
Ears, ears! Do I know you,
You always sit on the edge.
Eyes, eyes! Do I know you,
I explore the world with you.
And I also know where the forehead is
There I stuff the bumps.
I know the back and side
Both belly and tongue.
And I know for sure
That I'm tired and fall asleep.

Every mother wants her child to grow up healthy and smart. Therefore, do not forget about gymnastics for kids and exercises for early development, which can be perfectly combined. Do not leave these exercises for kindergarten or school. You need to start practicing with the baby yourself from an early age (from 2 months).

  1. A child at two months begins to hold objects in his hands. To do this, you can purchase special massage rattles or massage balls that fit perfectly in the palm of the crumbs. At the same time, you can tell the child different rhymes and sayings. Balls can be given to two handles at once. For example: putting a ball or a rattle in the child's hand, tell the following rhyme

Here's a baby gift

I won't hold back

You hold, hold, hold

Love, look.

  1. Raise and hold your head. Thus, the muscles of the neck and back are trained, the child begins to slowly hold his head. In this case, the child lies on his stomach.

Laid on the tummy

Gotta keep your head up

I'm tired, dissatisfied

It's better to just lie down.

  1. The next exercise-game develops tactile skills. This is all a poem familiar to us from childhood. In this case, you need to perform certain movements.

Wall, wall, (swipe the child on the cheeks)

Two steps, (depicting steps, run your fingers over your lips)

Ceiling, (wipe your hand across your forehead)

Two windows, (depict windows and draw over the eyes)

Dzyn call (press the spout, depicting a call).

  1. This exercise-game can be used as morning exercises. At the same time, on each part of the body that is mentioned in the poem, do a massage.

What are baby legs for?

To stomp down the path.

What are baby ears for?

To listen to rattles.

What is the baby's mouth for?

To a full tummy ball.

What are baby eyes for?

To see the world of paint.

What is the baby's ass for?

To slap her on the ass.

Why was the baby born?

To surprise our world.

  1. There is a goat horned beautiful verse-game. When you say this poem, you also need to perform the movements from this poem.

There is a horned goat,

For the little guys

Legs top-top-top,

Eyes chlo-clap-clap,

Who does not eat porridge

Doesn't drink milk

I gore, I gore, I gore.

And we eat porridge

We drink milk

Nobody bothers us.

  1. Okay.

This rhyme is also well known to us, and it will not be superfluous in the early development and development of the child's fine motor skills. The paws help to relax the baby's hand, as at birth it is clenched into a fist. To do this, you need to take the child’s hands in your hands and clap your hands, while reciting a rhyme.

The main thing is to pronounce poems correctly during these classes and tune in to the positive. If the child does not want to study, cries, is naughty, then it is worth postponing classes.