
Walking in the senior group in winter. Synopsis of a fragment of a walk: “Let's help the birds in winter” in the senior group. The course of the walk in the senior group of kindergarten



- to form ideas about changes in nature;

- to learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the end of winter (the first drop);

- to consolidate the ability to perceive the poetic description of winter.

Progress of observation

Snow and blizzard patterns

In the field of blizzards, conversations.

Cold, dark...

Day - skates, mountain, sleigh,

Evening - grandmother's tales.

Here it is - winter!

The teacher gives riddles to the children.

♦ Walking in the field - but not at night.

Flies in the wild - but not a bird. (Blizzard, blizzard.)

♦ He lay, lay, and in the spring he ran into the garden. (Snow.)

There are signs:

♦ In February, winter meets spring for the first time.

♦ Pale moon - to the snowfall.

♦ If there is a foggy circle around the sun - to a snowstorm.

♦ February - Bokogrey.

February is the end of the cold season, a frosty and blizzard month full of surprises and various changes. The first timid drops ring in it, long crystal icicles stretch out, the southern slopes of snowdrifts turn glassy, ​​there are lulls near lonely standing trees. February is the month of wolf weddings. In February, snowdrifts, frequent snowstorms and snowstorms, blizzards and blizzards. February is warm on one side, cold on the other. During the thaw, the windows are covered with a layer of water. In frost, bizarre patterns form from this water. The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ Name all the winter months.

♦ Why did we cover tree roots with snow?

♦ What are the signs of February.

Labor activity

Decoration of the site with colored ice.


- learn to work in a team;

- develop aesthetic taste.

Outdoor games

"Cunning Fox", "Who will make fewer jumps?".


- continue to teach to jump with giant steps;

- start the game at the signal of the teacher.

Individual work

Movement development.


- exercise in sliding;

- learn to squat while sliding.

- to expand the knowledge of pupils about the weather and natural phenomena characteristic of the warm season, and with the help of an adult, guess riddles about them;

- continue to form preschoolers' ideas about the role and importance of water for the living environment;

- develop interest in thematic literary and artistic works;

- teach children to listen carefully and retell the content;

- to teach children to notice the beauty in the nature of the world around them, to admire and admire it;

- cultivate an aesthetic sense.

Forms of activity: physical, emotional and value, artistic and aesthetic, speech, cognitive (general and logical and mathematical), creative.

The course of the walk in the senior group of kindergarten

The teacher takes the kids to the territory of the kindergarten and starts a conversation.

- Kids, who among you knows and can say: what time of day is it? (Morning) Yes, it's morning. You recently woke up and came to our native kindergarten. But tell me, what did you do after you woke up? (Get up, dressed, washed) Well done. Here is our nature, just like you, kids: at night it sleeps sweetly, and in the morning it washes. Let's touch the grass with our palms (Children complete the proposed task) What is it like? (Wet) That's right, weed is wet. You can even notice this without touching it: you see how bright, washed, shiny and fresh it is. Why do you think weed is like this? (Because there's dew on it)

The teacher praises the children for their attentiveness and continues the conversation.

Dew is a natural phenomenon that we observe in the morning. And it falls on the grass and everything around even earlier - at night. Do you know what dew is made of? (Out of the water) Right. That's some grass with dew! Those in open shoes - better not step into it, otherwise the legs will be wet. Look carefully: dew is not only on the grass. Where else can you see it? (On flowers, branches of trees and bushes.) Do you see dew drops? Tell us what they are? (Small, cool, transparent, wet, silvery.)

An adult reads lines of poetry.

On the grass-blade -

dewdrop beads,

Illuminated by the sun:

How beautiful!..

How many of them are at the gate!

The whole meadow is strewn with them.

String them on strings -

Enough for all your friends!

And while I was dreaming

The sun collected the beads.

Even in the grass under the pine

Not one left!

Educator. - Dew fell on everything around - the earth freshened up, woke up from sleep, came to life, shone with bright colors. Let's find a dewdrop on which a ray of sun fell. What is she? (The teacher helps the kids draw conclusions from observations: the droplet is beautiful, shiny, sparkles in the sun, shimmers like a precious stone.)

- There is such a sign: if the dew is abundant and generous in the morning, it will be dry and clear in the afternoon; and if there is no dew, wait for the rain. How do grasses, bushes, trees wash themselves if dew does not fall? (Rain.) And today, do you think it should rain? Why did you decide so? (Answers and explanations of children.)

The adult invites the kids to remember how they watched the summer rain fall.

Physical education "Rain"

The teacher reads the lines of poetry, and the children, standing in a circle one after the other, move in accordance with the text.

A cloud is circling above me.

The rain is cheerful, the rain is mushroom.

(Normal walking with arms up)

The first drops fell heavily

The air became fresh.

The rain was in no hurry

“I can still do it,” he said.

(Movement at a slow pace, stepping wide)

Suddenly the rain picked up

Startled - and poured:

And so small, strong,

Wet and plentiful…

(Running at a fast pace)

Washed by rainwater

Forest, garden and face flowers,

And gardens, and fields -

The land became clean.

(Children imitate the process of washing)

The kids gather around the teacher.

Who needs rain and dew? (For all living things: trees, bushes, herbs, flowers) That's right. Moisture is important for everyone: birds, animals and people would also not be able to live without it.

- The summer sun quickly rises high, high and dries everything around with its warmth. See what happens to the dew drops? (They get smaller and slowly disappear) Will we see dew on the grass during the day? (No) Why do you think dew drops disappear during the day? (They are dried by the sun's rays) Yes, well done.

The teacher invites the children to listen to an interesting fairy tale that will tell them about the adventures of a dew drop.

dew drop

Early in the morning a drop of dew woke up on a rose flower.

“How did I get here? Drop thinks. - In the evening it was high in the sky. How did I get to earth?

And she wanted to go to heaven again.

The sun warmed up. The Drop evaporated, rose high into the blue sky, all the way to the Sun. There are thousands of other drops. They gathered in a dark cloud and hid the sun.

“Why did you shield me from people?” Sunshine was angry. And sent a fiery arrow to the dark cloud, thunder rumbled. The cloud was frightened and scattered. Rain is coming. The drop fell to the ground.

“Thank you, Drop,” said the Earth. “So I missed you.”

Questions to the text:

Did you like the fairy tale?

What is it called?

Tell me where the Dewdrop has been.

What did the Earth feel when the Drop returned to it?

Why do you think the Earth is so happy? (children's answers)

The teacher reads thematic riddles to the children, and the children guess them. If the children find it difficult, the teacher can use the appropriate prompt cards.

You warm up the whole world

And you don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you ... (Sun)

Comes friend

Following the snow.

It pours on the benches

From the clouds - watering cans ... (Rain)

Magic cotton wool flows across the sky,

So fluffy, so fluffy...

The cotton is lower

The closer the rain is.

Zarya-daylight, a young girl,

I went for a walk, shed tears.

Month looked - and upset,

The sun rose - tears collected.

Outcome. Reflection

- Well done, kids. You were very considerate. Look: there is absolutely no dew on the leaves and blades of grass. But these life-giving cheerful droplets will definitely return to us many more times: generous heavy rain, again dew or thick fog, and in winter - white snowflakes.

Children walk around the kindergarten yard for some more time, and then return to the premises.

The walk ends.

Winter walk in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic: "Snow - snowball"

Material Description: the proposed summary will be useful to kindergarten teachers, methodologists and senior educators, educators of extended day groups and parents.
Target: creation of a social situation of development in the process of cognitive and research activities "Snow - snowball".
1. create conditions for children to express their opinion;
2. provide conditions for encouraging children to physical activity;
3. provide conditions for the development of independence;
4. create conditions to encourage children to speech activity;
5. create conditions for the development of creativity, imagination;
6. ensure the emotional well-being of children.
Organization of children's activities: communicative activity (communication of a child with an adult, peers), cognitive - research, play.
Material and equipment: glove puppet bear, cups of water, ice cubes.
Walk progress:
Organizing time:
Educator: Guys, please remind the poem that we learned about snow.
The children remember the poem.

Like snow on a hill, snow,
And under the hill snow, snow.
And on the tree snow, snow,
And under the tree snow, snow.
A bear sleeps under the snow.
Hush, hush... don't make noise!

The teacher takes out a doll - a bear glove and plays out a dialogue.
Bear: Indeed, all my relatives are sleeping, and I am a fabulous bear. Please tell me about winter, about snow.
Educator: Misha, take a walk with us, and you yourself will learn everything about the snow. And the guys will tell you everything about the winter.
Children's answers.
Main part:
An asterisk circled
A little in the air
Sat and melted
On my palm. (Snowflake)

What is a Snowflake? What are the shapes of snowflakes? How does she get to the ground? Where the snow melts faster - on a mitten or on a hand. Why? What is formed from snow?
Experiment with snow.
Educator: Guys, there is water on the table. Dip the snow into the water. What do you see?
Children's answers. He doesn't sink.
Conclusion: snow is lighter than water.

Educator: Guys, let's imagine that we are small snowflakes and fly a little. Little Snowflake flew, swaying high above the ground. The wind playfully pushed her in different directions, then drove it, then froze, making it possible to enjoy the height. The snowflake danced in flight and admired the intricacies of its beautiful rays. It seemed that this journey was endless, but she sank down on soft snow from hundreds of thousands of such snowflakes, just like her, and froze.
What wonderful and different snowflakes turned out. Snowflakes flew and flew and fell to the ground. Like a white duvet covered the ground, trees, houses, everything around became white-white.

Not washed, but shiny
Not fried, but crispy. (Snow.)

Invite the children to walk in the snow and listen to how it crunches.
Educator: White snowflakes fall, fall on the ground and roofs of houses. They look like white stars. You can catch and examine them, but you can not try. Sometimes they roll together and fall to the ground in large flakes. Sometimes a cold wind breaks white stars, turning them into fine white dust. Snowflakes are formed in clouds from small ice crystals. In winter, they descend like sparkling stars to the ground and cover it with snow. When it's cold, the snow creaks underfoot. It's the rays of the snowflakes breaking. Snow refers to countless snowflakes.

What color are snowflakes? What do they look like? What happens if you breathe on a snowflake caught on a mitten? What causes snow dust? Where, how and why do snowflakes form? Why does the snow crunch? What does he feel like? When is snow wet and when is it dry? What kind of snow is easier to sculpt? Why? What is snow?
(Children answer)
Everyone is running,
Everyone wants to play snowballs.
Snowball - on a snowball.
Everything was covered in snow. (Snowball game)

- Riddles:
1. Fluffy carpet
Not hand-woven,
Not sewn with silk,
With the sun, with the moon
Shines with silver (Snow)

2. With frost, blizzard and snow,
The Winter Wizard will come.
And all the rivers and lakes
Will cover the slippery thick ... (Ice)

3. Caught on the eaves,
Head hanging down.
Little acrobat,
Winter candy - ... (Icicle)

4. Powdered the tracks,
Decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And she rode on a sled. (Winter)

5. They made me humpbacked,
I was beaten, beaten,
Doused with ice water.
And then they all rolled down
From my hump in a herd. (Ice hill)

Independent play activity. Riding down the hill on ice sleds.

On a stump by an old spruce
White bunnies were sitting.
- What would we like to do?
- Brothers argued sadly.
- And we played in the snow,
And ride up the hill!
Let's maybe
Sculpt a snow woman!
Exactly! Got down to business
And the work is in full swing! Children make snowmen.

Educator: What wonderful snowmen! Everyone did a good job today, and now it's time to return to the group.

Snowflakes fly and spin
And quietly fall to the ground.
When they fall, they fall asleep
And they close the earth.


February .

Card number 2.

Willow observation.


  • observe the willow in winter (how can you take care of it so that flexible branches do not break in the cold);
  • educate respect for trees and bushes as a living object.

Progress of observation

  • What is the name of this tree?
  • Tell us about its structure.
  • And what does the willow not have in winter? Why?
  • What do trees do in winter?
  • How can you save them from severe frost?(Cover with a thick layer of snow.)

Observation of the state of the weather.

Develop the ability to independently recognize and name snowfall, drifting snow, frost, blizzard, hoarfrost. Teach children to compare these phenomena, to find similarities and differences.

Didactic game "Who is more?" -exercise in the selection of definitions for nouns and verbs corresponding to winter phenomena.

What winter day? (frosty, cold, clear, snowy, short, windy, fabulous).

Frost (What's up?)freezes, cracks, grows stronger, freezes, stands, strikes, weakens, fetters, does not order to stand.

Wind (What is it doing?)blows, sweeps, carries (snow), howls, howls, circles.

Labor activity

Warming the roots of trees and bushes with snow. Goals:

  • to form a positive attitude towards work on the site;
  • to bring up ecological ideas about the relationship between living and inanimate nature.

Outdoor games

"The Dog and the Sparrows", "On the Sled".

Target: exercise in running in different directions, the ability to navigate in space, quickly reach the sled and sit on them.

Individual work

Competition for the best snow figure.

Target: learn to make simple figures from snow, similar to simple objects.

February .

Card number 1.

Watch for seasonal changes.


  • to learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the end of winter (the first drop);
  • to consolidate the ability to perceive the poetic description of winter.

Progress of observation

Snow and blizzard patterns

In the field of blizzards, conversations.

Cold, darkness...

Day - skates, mountain, sleigh,

Evening - grandmother's tales.

Here it is - winter!

February is the end of the cold season, a frosty and blizzard month, full of surprises and various changes. The first timid drop rings in it,

long crystal icicles stretch out; the southern slopes of snowdrifts turn glassy; February is the month of wolf weddings. In February, snowdrifts, frequent snowstorms and snowstorms, blizzards and blizzards. February is warm on one side, cold on the other. During the thaw, the windows are covered with a layer of water. In frost, bizarre patterns form from this water.

The teacher asks the children questions.

  • Name all the winter months.
  • Why do we cover tree roots with snow?
  • Name signs of February.

Observation of the weather in severe frost (in a group).Pay attention to the patterns on the windows, admire their beauty. Where did the patterns on the windows come from, who painted them? (They are drawn by Moroz Ivanovich) How does Moroz Ivanovich draw? Water, transparent water vapor, which is always in the air. There is it both in the room and between the double window frames - everywhere! Warm water vapor settles on the cold panes of the windows and turns into ice crystals in the same way that snowflakes form in the heavenly heights. Ice crystals connect with each other, group on irregularities, on barely noticeable scratches on the glass, and gradually an ice garden grows on the window with unusual flowers sparkling in the rays of the winter sun. So patterns appear because the surface of the glass is uneven (this can be seen through a magnifying glass, it is not visible to the naked eye).

Labor activity

Decoration of the site with colored ice.


  • learn to work in a team;
  • develop aesthetic taste.

Outdoor games

"Cunning Fox", "Who will make fewer jumps?".


  • continue to learn to jump with giant steps;
  • start the game at the signal of the teacher.

Individual work

Movement development. Goals:

  • exercise in sliding;

learn to squat while sliding


Card number 3.

Spruce watching.

Target : show children that different circumstances and people can harm or help a living spruce.

Progress of observation

Although spruce is a thorny tree, dangers lie in wait for it. A strong wind can break a trunk, branches, uproot a tree from the ground. If there is little snow, spruce and its roots can freeze through in a cold winter. A person can damage spruce if he cuts it with a knife, he decides to cut it down for the New Year holiday. Spruce can help: dig snow to the trunk so that it is warmer, carefully shake the snow off the branches so that they do not break.

Continue monitoring the temperature change.

Recall that each dash represents one degree. When the thermometer is above the red line, it means that it is warm. The higher the red line, the warmer. If the bar falls below the red line, frost sets in. The lower the bar, the stronger the frost.

E. Trutneva's poem "Frosty Wind":

Hop - sideways, lope - sideways

A jackdaw walks past the windows.

The wind is all tousled,

covered with snow,

Heavy, shaggy wires - ropes.

Each call is like a string -

The whole country was buzzing.

The thermometer immediately noted -

A frosty wind came

Between dashes and dots

The blue bar has become shorter.

Labor activity

Pigging snow to tree trunks to keep the spruce warm in winter.

Target: to cultivate a humane-active attitude towards plants, the ability to take care of them in a timely manner.

Outdoor games

Teaching children to ski.

Target: exercise in skiing, make turns on the spot and on the move.

Individual work

"Knock down the pin."

Target: develop dexterity, speed of reaction.

February .

Card number 5.

Wind observation.

Goals :

Form an idea about one of the signs

winters - blizzards; - learn to determine the direction of the wind.

Progress of observation

Spinning and whining

Blizzard for the New Year.

The snow wants to fall

And the wind does not.

And the trees have fun

And every bush.

Snowflakes, like twigs

They dance on the fly.

Pay attention: the wind carries the snow from one place to another, does not allow the snow to fall to the ground - this is a blizzard.

Continue to watch for signs of winter (February).

A noticeable increase in the day

strong winds.

Poem From Marshak "February":

The winds blow in February, the chimneys howl loudly.

A light snow rushes along the ground like a snake.

Mystery: Snow falls in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts from the house.

That snowstorms and snowstorms

They attacked the village.

The frost is strong at night

During the day, a drop is heard ringing.

The day has grown noticeably.

Well, so what month is it? ( February )

Proverb: February will come, it will cover all the ways.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow into a common pile to build a slide.

Target: work together, enjoy the work done.

Outdoor games

"Knock the ball", "Carry the ball without hitting the pin."

Target: learn to throw the ball on the run, complete tasks on command.

Individual work

Game exercises while walking on the boom.

Target: reinforce the ability to maintain balance.

February .

Card number 4.

Vehicle surveillance.

Goals :

~~ continue to distinguish between cars according to their purpose (cars, trucks);

To form an interest in the profession of a driver, the ability to distinguish between freight and passenger vehicles.

Progress of observation

The teacher offers to observe the cars moving along the city street, consider their appearance, and organizes a conversation.

  • What types of transport do you know?
  • What is the difference between a passenger car and a truck?
  • What's in front of the car?(Headlights.)
  • What are they needed for?(To light the road.)
  • Who is driving the car?(Driver.)
  • Anyone can drive a car?(Not.)

They are seen everywhere

You can see them from the windows

Down the street they move in a long stream,

They carry a variety of goods.

And people ride in them.

We love them for this job.

They're called...(cars).

Tree watching.

According to the features of the trunk, the location of the branches, the features of the kidneys, children distinguish trees: birch (white trunk and thin hanging branches extending from large branches), willow (ash-gray trunk), larch (dark trunk with thick bark and lowered branches), poplar ( gray trunk with raised branches), pine (in the lower part of the trunk the bark is thick, dark, reddish-brown, furrowed).

Mystery: We saw him dressed in spring and summer,

And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off the poor thing,

But winter blizzards dressed him in furs. ( tree in winter)

Labor activity

Shoveling snow in a certain place, cleaning paths on the site, feeding birds.


  • to teach cleanliness and order;
  • to consolidate the ability to work in a team;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Outdoor games

"Get in the box."

Target; train accuracy of throws.

"Golden Gate".

Target: develop mindfulness.

Individual work

Boom walking; jumping from a place on two legs (energetic repulsion and correct landing).

Target: develop a sense of balance.

February .

Card number 7.

Icicle watching.

Target : to consolidate knowledge about the various states of water.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle, offers to answer questions.

If you sat on the ledge,

That grow all the time down.(Icicles.)

  • What is an icicle made of?
  • What properties of ice do you know?

Icicle - frozen drops of water that have turned into ice. They form only on the sunny side of the house. Why? The snow melts and flows into droplets that do not have time to fall from the roof and freeze.

  • Does the icicle grow or shrink on a frosty day? What about sunny?
  • What is the difference between a place where there are icicles and another area?
  • Why do icicles grow upside down?(As the droplet flows down the icicle, it pulls out the tip and it becomes thin.)

If icicles appear - this is the first sign of the approach of spring. Kapel - the struggle of spring with winter.

Snow observation.

Discuss the protective properties of snow. On a warm sunny day, watch the appearance of funnels in the snow around tree trunks. Discuss why funnels appeared. To bring children to an independent conclusion, offer to touch dark and light clothes and make sure that dark clothes warm up faster in the sun. Compare the appearance of funnels in a birch. To fix the concept of "nast" in the representation of children, when it appears and why.

Labor activity

Clearing paths and benches from snow.

Target: educate the desire to help adults clean the site.

Outdoor games

"Obstacle Track", "Hunters and Hares".


  • learn to coordinate movements with each other;
  • develop an eye.

Individual work


Target: learn how to make turns while descending.

February .

Card number 8.

Pine watching.

Target : clarify knowledge about conifers, their similarities and differences (pine, like spruce, is always green, it also has needles, only longer).

Progress of observation

Was it a small tree?

Pine can not believe at all:

Long ago from a high steep

I got the crown of the clouds

And from the other side

Got the shade from the tree. V. Mogutin

The people say:"The pine is red where it has grown,"

"Every pine makes noise to its forest."

Pine is a tall tree, its trunk is straight, branches are only at the top. Below the pine bark is rough and rough, and at the top is thin. The pine tree has long and narrow needles, which is why the pine tree is called a coniferous tree. The needles are arranged in pairs. The pine tree propagates by cones.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What does a pine tree look like?

♦ Why do they say about pine: “In winter and summer in one color”?

Determination of weather according to signs.Discuss folk signs with children:

  • smoke from the chimney in a column - to frost; smoke spreads - to a thaw;
  • dogs wallow in the snow - to a blizzard;
  • the bird hohlitsya - to bad weather;
  • the stars sparkle brightly - to frost.

Labor activity

Clearing the area from snow.

Target: cultivate diligence, a desire to help others.

Outdoor games

“Who will turn better” (on skis),

"Hunters and Hares".

Target: exercise in skiing with a turn.

Individual work

“Make a figure”, “Get in the hoop”.

Target: exercise in running, the ability to act on a signal.

February .

Card number 6.

Aspen watching.

Target : consolidate knowledge about aspen, be able to distinguish it among the trees.

Progress of observation

Aspens stand in the forest And look under your feet.

Aspens stand in the forest And quietly say:

  • Excuse me, we are to blame ... That the branches are bitter ...
  • And the hares under the aspens Know the branches crunch,
  • And the hares under the aspens sit and say:
  • Aspen branches In frost, sweets are tastier. V. Musatov

There is a popular belief that if aspen leaves lie face up on the ground, the winter will be cold, and if upside down, it will be warm.

Winter has come, our aspen is standing without leaves, the branches from the frost have become fragile, brittle. Aspen twigs are bitter, but hares in the forest love to gnaw them in winter. After all, in winter, hares are hungry, so they eat

The teacher asks the children questions.

  • How does the aspen winter?
  • What did you learn about this tree?
  • By what external signs can aspen be identified?

Cloud watching

Goals :

  • expand ideas about the sky and its influence on the life of our planet;
  • develop a perception of the beauty and diversity of the celestial sphere.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle.

They fly without wings, they run without legs,

Sailing without a sail.(Clouds.)

Every day the sun heats the water in the seas and rivers, tiny droplets of water rise into the air and unite - clouds form. When the water droplets in the clouds become too heavy, they fall to the ground in the form ofrain. Clouds are cirrus and cumulus. Cirrus clouds appear on clear days, and cumulus clouds appear before rain. or snowfall.

The teacher asks the children questions.

  • What are clouds?
  • What are they formed from?
  • What do they look like?
  • Find clouds that look like horses. Compare cirrus clouds and cumulus clouds.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow to trees, bushes.

Target: to cultivate a humane-active attitude towards plants.

mobile game


Target: exercise in scattered running.

Individual work

"Don't lose the ball."

Target: reinforce the ability to perform the exercise in a coordinated manner.

February .

Card number 9.

Footpath supervision.

Target : to form knowledge about the pedestrian part of the road, the rules of the road.

Progress of observation

Take your children to the pedestrian part of the road and ask them where pedestrians are supposed to walk? Remember that you need to stick to the right side so as not to collide, not to bypass the oncoming ones, turning to the side. Remind that you must walk down the street at a calm pace, cross the road only when the traffic light is green.

Bring the children to the crossing, ask how they knew that it was here that the pedestrian crossing was across the road? That's right, because there is a sign "Pedestrian crossing" and wide white stripes are drawn on the road.

horse watching

Goals :

  • learn to compare animals according to their characteristics;
  • develop observation;
  • cultivate love for animals;
  • consolidate knowledge about pets.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

  • Look at the horse, what a beautiful noble Animal. What does a horse look like?(Large body, strong slender legs, thick, lush mane and tail.)
  • What animal is this?(The horse is a faithful servant and companion of man. It is indispensable in agricultural work.)
  • What do horses eat?(Ovsom.)
  • Compare a horse to a cow. What do they have in common? What is the difference?
  • What are the benefits of a horse and a cow?

Look at the trotter -

His sides are shaking.-

He digs the earth with his hoof,

Winds "golden flame"

From dilated nostrils -

He wants to jump faster.

Labor activity

Clearing the area from snow.

Target: cultivate a desire to collectively ennoble your site.

mobile game

"Hit the target."

Target: learn to throw the ball at the target, develop accuracy, follow the rules of the game.

"Hockey in the snow"

Target: learn to roll the puck into the goal.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: to consolidate the ability to move with an added step.

February .

Card number 10.

Rowan watching.

Target : continue monitoring the mountain ash in winter.

Progress of observation

Compare autumn and winter mountain ash in the picture. What changed? Remind children how to take care of trees in winter.

The teacher asks the children questions.

  • What happened to the rowan?
  • Why there are no leaves on the mountain ash, but there are berries?
  • How can we keep it from severe frosts?
  • Who eats rowan berries?

Watching Crow and Magpie

Target : reinforce the idea of ​​​​the bird world, know their characteristic features.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions, conducts a conversation.

  • Guys, look what kind of guest we have on the site.(Crow.)
  • What do you know about her?
  • What is her character?
  • Why don't they like crows?
  • What is positive about it?

The crow is called the gray robber. Many dislike? raven for impudence, thieving habits. And yet no. Our birds are smarter, more cunning, more resourceful: they will open a package of milk, and soak a stale cracker in a puddle, and crack a walnut. And if someone decides to get close to the crow's nest - beware. Neighbors will gather from all over the neighborhood, and all together they will drive away the uninvited guest with a loud croak. The raven is the largest of the crow family.

  • Do you know crow relatives?(Rook, jackdaw, magpie.)
  • What forty?
  • What are the similarities and differences between a crow and a magpie?

You know the white-sided magpie well. Forest dwellers respect the magpie. She is long-tailed, flies everywhere, hears everything, knows everything. The magpie chirped in the bushes - they were alert, animals and birds were hiding. "Danger, danger!" - the magpie chirps, and everyone understands its language

Labor activity

Shoveling snow under bushes and trees; clearing paths and slides.

Target: to instill a desire to help trees and bushes shelter from frost, to work in small groups together and cheerfully.

Outdoor games

"Frost-red nose", "Walk in a circle."

Target: learn to deftly and quickly run across the site; go full circle on the track and return to the flag.

Individual work

"On the Long Path".

Target: learn to scatter in the snow and slide along the icy path as far as possible.


Walk 11

Watching Seasonal Changes

Goals :

  • form ideas about changes in nature;
  • be able to distinguish the characteristic signs of the end of winter (the first drop), recognize their signs in poetry;
  • to consolidate the ability to perceive the poetic description of winter.

Progress of observation

The winds came from the south, brought warmth with them,

And the snowdrifts settled at once,

At noon, it leaked from the roof.

February is the last month of winter. In February, the days become longer, sometimes the first timid drops ring, and long crystal icicles hang from the roofs. In February there arethaw, the snow melts, darkens, and the snowdrifts settle, become lower.

The teacher gives riddles to the children.

Hanging outside the window

ice cube,

It's full of drops

And it smells like spring. (Icicle.)

She grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her

She will cry and die.(Icicle.)

Observation of the structure of the kidneys.

Consider large poplar buds. Each child receives a small twig (cut off from the shoot, which is to be removed in the spring), tears off the kidney and, opening it, examines the structure. Children independently make a discovery: the kidneys are twisted small leaves. When it's cold, they sleep. So that the leaves do not freeze, they are put on a “coat” - dense dark scales; so that the “coat” does not swing open in the wind, sticky resin is used instead of buttons. The time will come - the resin will disappear and the kidneys will open.

Research activities

Collect snow in vessels, put in the shade and in the sun. At the end of the walk compare where the snow settled faster.

Labor activity

Snow removal at the kids area.

Target: to form labor skills, friendly relations.

Outdoor games

"The kite and the mother hen", "Do not get caught."

Target: to consolidate the ability to run, deftly dodge, jump.

Individual work

"Who quickly?".


  • exercise in running at speed;

Summary of the walk in the senior group "Carlson". "We are not afraid of frost."

Educator Sholomitskaya E.P.

Purpose: To increase the motivation and interest of children in a walk.

educational : to consolidate children's knowledge about the signs of winter, to learn to establish connections and patterns in nature, to generalize, to draw conclusions. To enrich the vocabulary of children with adjectives, the ability to observe the world around them, the ability to play team games.

Developing: develop cognitive abilities, logical thinking.

Educational: educate the desire to take care of their health, involve children in work activities.


Practical (experiment, game activity);

Verbal (conversations, teacher's story).

Receptions: explanation, instruction, asking questions, tasks, showing experience

Preliminary work:

Didactic games "Beware of winter, what it is ...", "What first, what then", "Seasons".

Fairy tale reading:« Twelve months".

Learning physical education minutes "We are not afraid of frost"

Equipment and materials:

Inventory for the experiment: (a container with water - a saucer, a handkerchief). Sports equipment hoops, sandbags. Remote material for playing shovels, sleds, ice cubes.
Walk progress:
Organizing time. Activation of attention.
Having gone for a walk with the children, build the children in a semicircle on your site and have a conversation with the children on the topic: “Rules of conduct in the winter for a walk”AT : Guys, stand in a semicircle. Let's look at me with our eyes.
D : Look at the teacher.
AT : Guys are gathering
fun to play together
And of course they won't forget
Name a few rules. “How do we go for a walk in winter?”
D : On the site you need to be careful, do not push your friend down the hill, be able to share shovels, ice cubes, not throw ice pieces at each other.

AT : Well done!2 .Expansion of children's knowledge about the world around them.
caregiver Guys, what time of year is it?

D: (children's answers).

AT: That's right, winter.

AT: the guys look around and name all the signs of winter. (children's answers). Well done, let's remember with you what we know about winter, I ask you questions, and you answer them. How many months in winter?(children's answers) Them three : December - January, February . The first month of winter is December.December brings the shortest days and longest nights.

The second month of winter is January.This month, the sun shines more often and the blue sky peeps through. Is the January sun hot? (children's answers). But we are not afraid of frost, yes ?!Fizminutka.

I'm not afraid of frost (we walk on the spot)
I'm very close with him. (clap hands)
Frost will come to me, (sit down)
Touch the hand, touch the nose (they showed the hand, nose)
So, we must not yawn, (clap our hands)
Jump, run and play. (jumping in place)

AT: Well done and remember the last month of winter - February. In February, there are still frosts, a blizzard is fierce, strong winds are blowing, but the approach of spring is already felt. People say: "In February, two friends - frost and blizzard." Guys, let's check with you whether there is "frost" on the street today. I suggest you experiment. What have we done to keep you warm?Children: Dress warmly.

Research activity.

AT: I have water in a cup and a handkerchief, I will dip the handkerchief in the water and hang it on a rope and after a while we will see what happens to the handkerchief. (the teacher performs the action). In the meantime, we will hang a scarf, I suggest the boys work hard.

Labor activity : clear the path.

Individual work with a subgroup of children:

While the boys are working, individual work on ATS is carried out with a group of girls. Throwing exercise. Girls are divided into two teams, lines are marked on the track. Teams are on one side, hoops are on the other. Task: everyone has two (bags) of snowballs, alternately throw snowballs - with the left and right hand, try to get into the hoop. If other children express a desire to play, then I conduct individual work with them.

After a short amount of time, the children are called.

AT: Let's remember what games you know.

D children call games.

Educator: Well done, I suggest you play the game: "Frost-Red Nose".

Mobile game "Frost-Red Nose"

Children choose the leader according to the counting rhyme. On opposite sides of the site, two houses are indicated, the players are located in one of them. The driver - "Frost-Red Nose" becomes in the middle of the site facing the players and says:

“I am Frost-Red Nose.

Which one of you decides

To go on a path? »

The choir players respond:

"We are not afraid of threats,

And we are not afraid of frost.

After pronouncing the word “frost”, the children run across the playground to another house, and the driver catches up with them and tries to touch them with his hand - “freeze”. "Frozen" stop at the place where they were touched, and remain in place until the end of the dash. Stop game. "Frost" counts the number of "frozen". They choose a new driver "Frost". At the end of the game, they compare which driver - "Frost" - froze more players. We play 2 times.

AT: Let's play a new game "Penguins and Bear" with you.

Purpose: to teach children not to run out of the playground, to cultivate friendliness and attention to each other, to exercise in dodging, orientation in space.

Players walk in a chain one after another, imitating the gait of penguins (knees together, hands pressed to the body, palms parallel to the ground, walking in small steps) and say:

"The penguins were walking along the path,

On transparent thin ice

Wandered around

They walked side by side.

And behind them is a white bear"

“We didn’t have time to consider, suddenly a (Child’s name) bear runs!

Leader (teacher or child).

The host calls the name of any of the players, he suddenly for himself, and for

players becomes a "bear". The penguins run away from him. Whom the "bear" has stained is out of the game. Stop game. We play 2-3 times.

Educator: well done, did you guys freeze? (children's answers). And now let's check if there is frost on the street, let's see what happened to our handkerchief. Look how he became with us? (children's answers). Hard, touch with your hands, which means that it is frosty outside today.Conclusion from the experiment. The handkerchief froze, we know that water freezes in the cold turns into ice and our handkerchief was wet and it froze with us, iced up.

Independent activity: ice-skating from a hill, sledding.

At the end of the walkcollect toys and build in pairs.

Together with the teacher they go to the group.

Relaxation in a group: discussion of a walk. What did you like? What do you remember?