
You can heat baby food in the microwave. Can I reheat baby food in the microwave? Which bottles are best


If you have children under the age of one and a half to two years old in your family, you may also have experienced the problem of loud night feedings. The usual scenario - the child woke up in the middle of the night and screams of hunger, and the mother urgently tries to cook food for him in the kitchen. Half-asleep dad at this moment is trying by hook or by crook to calm the raging child, suggesting to him that mom will come and bring the coveted bottle with the mixture. But the mother is still gone, the child continues to run amok, the neighbors have already begun to knock on the wall. Is it possible to somehow solve this problem, or at least reduce the cooking time for the child?

In general, there are different solutions for warming up. For example, you can use . At one time we had such a device and it really served us well. Of course, you can’t leave milk in it all night - by morning, under the influence of a constant high temperature, it will turn into fermented baked milk. We simply poured water into the bottle, and put a portion of the milk mixture next to it in a special container. Preparing a nighttime snack for an awakened and weeping child was as easy as shelling pears. The process took a few seconds.

Unfortunately, I have repeatedly heard about nightmares when a child screams from hunger, and at that time the mother in the kitchen is trying to heat up an ice bottle from the refrigerator with boiling water from the tap in a fire order. It happens that because of the temperature difference glass bottle may crack and have to start all over again.

And then the neighbors start banging on the wall. Again in the morning they will express their dissatisfaction.

Microwave! That's what saves in this situation. If you have a child at home, then a microwave should also appear, if, of course, it was not there yet. This miracle stove heats the mixture to the desired temperature in a matter of seconds. True, sometimes it "misses" and makes the liquid too hot. Experience is needed here, over time you will get used to it and will set the "correct" heating time.

But here's the problem. From such use, the microwave gradually fails. The reason - the volume of liquid in the bottle is usually not enough for normal operation stoves. You know that if you turn on an empty microwave, it can fail. Not immediately, of course, but sooner or later it will happen.

What is the reason? For normal operation, the stove needs a certain product. And the more massive it is, the "easier" it is to work, so to speak. The following two tips will allow you to solve two problems at once:

  1. extend the life of your microwave oven,
  2. warm up formula bottles even faster,
  3. (although I promised two) - save your nerves and the nerves of the child.

In order not to practice long descriptions, I just took a picture of my own way of heating a bottle in the microwave:

Just a few explanatory words.

You probably know that the "rays" of a microwave oven are concentrated in the center of the oven volume. If the bottle is simply placed on a glass stand, then the rubber nipple will be well heated, which will just be "in focus". The mixture will remain cool. But it is worth lifting the bottle above the surface - I used an ordinary plastic cup for this - and the mixture itself enters the field of view of the microwaves and, therefore, heats up faster.

And one more thing: do you see a glass of water in the far left corner? This is by design - we added the volume of water in the glass to the meager volume of formula in the bottles. Even this small addition is enough to keep your stove from going crazy. Just remember to add water from time to time. She's drying up.

And one more thing: immediately after warming up, the bottle must be shaken properly to mix the contents. You know how unevenly the volume of the product is heated. Therefore, the bottle can contain both very hot and cold parts of the mixture at the same time. A child can burn himself if he comes across a hot area. But if you shake the bottle, the problem will be solved.

That, in fact, is all. I hope that after reading this article, you will act a little more efficiently, and the duration of the nightly cries of the child will be at least slightly reduced. Good luck on this difficult journey.

Technological progress has made modern life simple and comfortable. Working in the kitchen is fun! What kind of devices have not been invented to help the hostess: a slow cooker, a microwave oven, a coffee maker, an electric meat grinder, etc. All these things greatly facilitate the life of a young mother. After all, she doesn’t need to get up, neither light nor dawn, to “fire up” the stove and warm up the porridge for the baby. Everything is simple! With one click, open the microwave door and put a bottle of mixture in there, select the heating mode and after 1-2 minutes, everything is ready.

But, can you heat baby formula in the microwave? Many parents ask this question. Let's look for the answer in competent sources.

Can I heat baby formula in the microwave?

In order to find the answer to the question of concern to many parents, is it possible to heat infant formula in the microwave, we turn to manufacturers of baby food.

Many jars and packages with dry infant formula have a warning: the finished formula in the bottle should not be heated in the microwave!

This is what we will deviate from. Those. the finished product should be given to the baby immediately after preparation. Do not allow the mixture to cool down and then heat it up again. Even within 30 minutes, food can go bad. Why put your child's health at risk? It is better to prepare a new mixture by taking a dry suspension and diluting it with water brought to the desired temperature.

Can other baby food be heated in the microwave?

So, we found out the answer to the question of whether it is possible to heat infant formula in the microwave. It is impossible - this is indicated on many packages with a dry product. Well, is it possible to heat water for preparing infant formula in a microwave oven? Yes, there is a myth that food cooked in a microwave oven can harm human health. However, there is no actual evidence for this theory. Heating in a microwave oven is based on the simple principle of transferring heat from a source to a food. Nothing wrong with that. However, it is not recommended to heat water or food for a small child in the microwave for several reasons:

  • Heating may be uneven, which may spoil the quality of the dish;
  • In cases where boiling is required, this is an unacceptable method of heat treatment;
  • Not all dishes cook well in the microwave.

Given all of the above, we can safely say that the microwave is not the right choice for preparing and heating infant formula or other foods included in the crumbs diet. But to use it, although not always, but still possible.

And yet, if possible, it is better to find time and prepare food for the baby using traditional methods - on a gas or electric stove.

Microwave and its impact on food

It is worth paying attention to why many are wondering if it is possible to heat infant formula in the microwave. And the thing is that for many microwaves are something mysterious and new. They are credited with non-intrinsic properties and therefore they are afraid of their influence on the human body, and even more so on a small child.

Scientists are still arguing about the dangers of microwave waves. But it has not yet been possible to prove, as well as to refute the theory of harm. The unknown is sometimes even more scary than the fact of danger. Therefore, people try to avoid things whose impact cannot be accurately predicted.

When talking about small children, parents tend to play it safe and exclude from the life of the crumbs everything that is little known, possibly harmful and definitely dangerous. If there is no urgent need to use a microwave oven to heat baby food, then you can perfectly do without the help of this household appliance. Today it is easy to find a lot of convenient devices that no less facilitate the task of preparing dinner for the baby, but at the same time they definitely do not carry a reason for alarm.

Reading time for this article: 10 min.

Since the functional and practical kitchen appliances called “microwave” entered the life of every modern person, the existence of many people has changed for the better.

First, it's convenient. In order to cook and, moreover, warm up a dish, special skill and culinary knowledge are not required. Secondly, it is more practical than, for example, using a frying pan. And finally, save money. Not only in terms of energy saving, but also saving personal time, if you need to urgently go somewhere, and it would not hurt to eat.

However, there is one small "but": today everyone who is not lazy talk about the unthinkable harm of microwave ovens. Therefore, young parents began to think: is it possible for children to heat food in the microwave? Is it true that all vitamins and nutrients are lost in food prepared in this way? We will try to understand thoroughly these and other nuances.

Let's start with the fact that opinions about the current microwaves are diametrically divided. The first category of people, consisting of adherents of such a technique, believes that the food cooked there is no less useful than that which was created in the usual "old-fashioned" way, because it does not retain any residual radiation.

Moreover, dishes in a microwave oven are cooked quickly, therefore, vitamins and microelements are preserved much better. And if you add to this also such a factor as the absence of harmful fats when cooking, then you can even dare to call the microwave a tool for those who want to stick to proper nutrition.

However, again, a “fly in the ointment”: not everyone is inclined to assert so beautifully. To say the least: the absolute safety of microwaves is nothing more than a publicity stunt by manufacturers. Yes, and the benefits of food cooked there, you can really argue. But we are talking about the health of children, which should not be risked in any case.

Microwaves and breast milk

The answer to the question regarding heating breast milk for a baby in a microwave oven is unambiguously categorical. And it sounds negative. Any manipulations with expressed milk with the participation of this miracle of technology are not possible.

The explanation is simple: microwaves affect the living components of mother's milk, in particular, immunoglobulins, which leads to two results: either cell death, or a change in structure. Neither effect can be called acceptable.

Any milk will come out of the oven, but not breast milk, which can be fed to the baby. Therefore, it is better to use more gentle methods - gradual heating or using a "water bath".

What about baby food?

When it comes to baby food, pediatricians do not recommend any way to process food in the microwave. This is due to the fact that the manufacturers of household appliances in this category themselves do not indicate in the instructions information about using the unit in this way.

But if this argument can still be called insignificant, then more categorical experts insist on another aspect. Namely, the fact that the structure is very similar to human milk - and this structure is prone to complete destruction under the influence of electromagnetic radiation, even if not too long.

It cannot be said that food becomes very harmful (many scientists talk about the release of carcinogens). And the fact that nothing useful remains in it due to the creation of areas with high temperatures, which destroys useful material can be said with absolute certainty.

To be or not to be a microwave: how to decide?

As can be seen from the above, the scales "for" and "against" are almost equal. Therefore, before deciding whether to heat a child’s food in the microwave or still refrain, as well as correctly assess the benefits and risks, pay attention to the following facts:

First. The theory of cancerous tumors arising from exposure to microwave ovens has not yet been officially confirmed at the scientific level. But the opinion of absolute harmlessness, which the famous pediatrician Komarovsky speaks of, is also far from being as transparent as we would like.

Second. Microwaves act on the water in the food, causing the molecules to rotate at a tremendous speed. It is for this reason that food in the microwave is cooked almost instantly. Therefore, if you decide not to do without the convenient results of technological progress, ensure that food is properly heated.

Do not “charge” the unit immediately “to its fullest”. Heat the product at low power for half a minute, then mix it well. Continue the process, again briefly. After that, be sure to check if the food is ready by leaving it alone for a few moments. Only after that, food can be given to the baby.

Third. Reheating in the microwave should not be a daily habit. If you have free time, use the usual cooking methods. Use rapid warm-up only when absolutely necessary. Then your children will always be happy and healthy.

In modern society, every fourth family uses household appliances because they help us save a lot of time. For example, a microwave oven is an indispensable tool for young mothers. After all, it is so convenient to heat baby puree, formula or breast milk in the microwave in just a few seconds and feed the baby.

But what happens to baby food when exposed to microwaves? How does microwave food affect a child's body? These and many other questions regarding the harm and benefits of a microwave oven are of concern to many mothers. Some argue that microwaves do no harm to food, others believe that they destroy vitamins and deprive food of useful properties.

We decided to write this article after we received a letter from our regular reader who writes...

“Hello site editors! My name is Irina. Four months ago, I became a mother. I feed my baby with breast milk, but from 6 months, I plan to introduce complementary foods in the form of mashed potatoes into the child's diet. And I had a question: is it possible to heat baby puree in the microwave or, like our grandmothers, heat everything in a water bath? It is important for me to understand whether it is losing children food useful properties when heated in the microwave, and do the waves have a negative effect on food?”

So is it possible to heat baby puree in the microwave? We offer together to understand this difficult issue and, perhaps, dispel some myths. In any case, you and only you, dear mothers, decide whether to listen to our recommendations or not.

Myth #1 Microwaves emit radioactive waves.

This is an erroneous statement. Because the waves belong to the group of non-ionizing, and there can be no radioactive impact. They in no way affect either food or the human body as a whole.

Myth #2 Under the influence of microwaves, the molecular structure of foods changes and they become carcinogenic.

Fortunately, this is also not true. To make a product carcinogenic is subject only to X-ray or ionizing waves. Carcinogenic substances are also released when foods are fried in hot oil. What doesn't happen when you reheat baby puree.

Myth #3 Magnetic radiation from microwaves

In fact, we encounter magnetic radiation every day: televisions, computers, mobile phones, radios, etc. Microwave is no exception. Yes, its waves are more powerful, but, due to the "smart" device of the furnace and screened grids, the radiation remains inside.

Neither the walls of the case, nor the doors, nor the food placed inside are capable of accumulating electromagnetic radiation of microwaves. And as soon as the oven stops working, the microwaves disappear. Waves can harm health only with a direct impact on some part of the body.

Opinions of scientists about the dangers and benefits of microwaves

For 25 years, scientists have been conducting research on the effect of waves on the human body. As a result of experiments, it was proved that food cooked or heated in the microwave does not lose its beneficial properties at all. And in some cases, on the contrary, it is more useful and less high-calorie, since it does not require the addition of oil when cooking, unlike food cooked in a pan.

In addition, the products retain 2-3 times more vitamins, as they are not subjected to prolonged heat treatment, and the cooking method rather resembles a steam one.

The WHO has dismissed the theory that microwaves are harmful to health. However, some baby food manufacturers do not recommend heating baby puree, formula, or milk in the microwave. Arguing that the microwave oven does not heat the food evenly. As a result, areas with high temperature are formed, which can burn the child. But you must admit that unevenly heated mashed potatoes can simply be mixed, and a child can get burned on food heated in any other way, if you do not pay enough attention to this. So this argument is probably weak.

Can you heat breast milk in the microwave?

But breast milk is not so easy. Mother's milk has unique vitamins and microelements that cannot be replaced by even the most the best mix. And young mothers should know that in areas with high temperatures, the destruction of useful components, such as immunoglobulins, occurs. What makes breast milk less healthy. Therefore, mother's milk, unlike baby puree, will be better heated in a water bath.

With incredible difficulty, I opened my eyes and tried to see what time it was, the luminous numbers on the electronic clock seemed blurry, and it took me time to focus my eyesight and see them - it's time to feed Artemka. I slowly got up and went to the kitchen to heat up the infant formula. Then I remember everything, like in a fog, I took out the mixture, poured it into a baby bottle, added water and put it in the microwave, at that moment, without even thinking about whether it was possible to heat the baby formula in the microwave.

But I still had to figure out this issue, a little later, when my mother scolded me for my indiscretion, firmly convinced that using a microwave oven to heat baby food is harmful and categorically unacceptable. So I wondered how it really is, is it possible to heat baby formula, breast milk, mashed potatoes and other baby food in the microwave?

Can breast milk be heated in the microwave?

It's time to admit to ourselves that all the stories about the dangers of microwave ovens are a myth, and food heated in it does not harm our health. However, some products, for various reasons, are still not recommended for heating in the microwave.

One of these products, which are not recommended to be heated in the microwave, is breast milk.

The fact is that when heated in a microwave oven, part of the immunoglobulins and vitamins, in terms of the content of which breast milk has no equal, is destroyed. And from this, of course, mother's milk becomes less useful.

Can you heat baby formula in the microwave?

But in this matter, you need to pay your attention to what exactly you want to do.

If you need to heat water in the microwave and dilute infant formula in it, then you can safely do it.

But it is not worth warming up a pre-prepared mixture.

And the point here is not at all in the microwave, just almost all manufacturers of baby food on packages with the mixture write that you need to use it immediately after preparation. Manufacturers do not recommend leaving the milk mixture for later, even if in the refrigerator, and then reheating it.

Can I microwave baby puree?

All the myths that a microwave oven emits radioactive waves, changes the molecular structure of foods and makes them carcinogenic are complete nonsense. There is not a single confirmation of these myths, and on the contrary, all the studies conducted over the past quarter century indicate the opposite.

Therefore, I would like to assure all mothers who are worried about the health of their children - you can heat baby puree in the microwave.

The only thing I want to remind you is that before you start feeding the baby with mashed potatoes warmed up in the microwave, you must definitely mix and taste it, as the product may heat up unevenly and the baby will burn.

Can milk be heated in the microwave?

You can heat cow's milk in the microwave.

If you decide to heat cow's milk in the microwave, then you can be calm, this will not bring any harm to your health. But the benefits, most likely, too. And the point here is not at all in the microwave, but in the fact that before getting to the store counter, the milk is already processed and pasteurized in the factory. And of course, it is already difficult to talk about its naturalness and usefulness after that.

It's another matter when it comes to breast milk, which you expressed and now decided to warm up. Of course, this is not worth doing. About why, we already wrote in this article, a little higher.

Is it possible to heat kefir in the microwave?

If we consider the question of whether kefir can be heated in the microwave, from the point of view of preserving the benefits of the product, we are convinced that this is the most important aspect in preparing food for a child.

Then the answer will be negative, it is undesirable to heat kefir in the microwave.

Since most beneficial microorganisms, including lacto and bifidobacteria, die when heated. And even such a small temperature as 38-40 degrees becomes critical for their survival. But in a microwave oven, the product heats up unevenly, and in some places the temperature reaches much higher marks.

If the preservation of the beneficial properties of kefir is not in the first place for you, then you can heat it in the microwave. At the same time, of course, it will lose some of its useful microorganisms, but still it will not become completely useless. But remember that with rapid heating, kefir can curdle. Therefore, when heating kefir in a microwave oven, you should not do it longer than 10-15 seconds. If this is not enough, you can take it out of the microwave, mix it well and put it on for another 10-15 seconds.

Can cottage cheese be heated in the microwave?

Almost all fermented milk products contain beneficial bacteria - probiotics. It is they that increase the activity of immune cells, produce antibodies against pathogenic bacteria and inhibit the growth of harmful microbes, thereby creating a balance of the intestinal microflora.

Unfortunately, when heated, probiotics die, so it is undesirable for a child to heat cottage cheese in the microwave.

Heating cottage cheese in a microwave oven significantly reduces beneficial features product. In addition, this is not particularly necessary, because few children like cottage cheese in a warm form. It will be enough just to get the cottage cheese out of the refrigerator and let it stand for 30-40 minutes at room temperature.

Can yogurt be heated in the microwave?

However, like kefir, cottage cheese, and any other fermented milk products. We already wrote about this a little higher - it's all about beneficial bacteria that die when exposed to high temperatures.

If you still decide to use the microwave to warm up the yogurt, do not forget to remove the lid from its package, on the inside of which foil is applied. Foil is essentially a thin layer of metal, and the use metal objects in the microwave oven is not allowed and may damage the oven.

Can I heat a baby bottle in the microwave?

Well, what products can be heated in the microwave, and what not, we sort of figured it out. But any mother, sooner or later, will have a question, is it possible to heat food for a child right in a baby bottle? Unfortunately, there is no unequivocal answer to this question, here you need to proceed from the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the package.

But I want to assure you that in our time, most manufacturers of baby bottles use only high-quality materials and plastics that are allowed to be heated in the microwave.

It is worth paying attention to this even at the time of purchase, it will save you from unnecessary problems in the near future and make life much easier.