
Soviet baby food baby. How and how children were treated in the USSR. About the brand Malysh


It is believed that breastfeeding is the only safe and healthy nutritional option for newborns and infants. And indeed it is. Breast milk contains a huge amount of beneficial trace elements and vitamins that are necessary for the normal development of children. However, what about those who cannot breastfeed? Only purchase special meals. The mixture "Kid" of domestic production compares favorably with many of its kind.

Benefits of artificial feeding

Despite all the advantages of breastfeeding, there is still a drawback to this method of feeding. Mom should always be there. Or prepare enough milk so that it will definitely be enough for the time of her absence. Not every woman has the opportunity to express such an amount, and it is not always possible to be around around the clock. This is especially true for working mothers. becomes salvation in this case. Its advantage is that there is no need to be with your baby every minute. Dad, grandmother, and any other person who takes care of the child can feed him.

How to choose a mixture

In many maternity hospitals babies are immediately fed with food. After being discharged, moms are simply recommended the mixture they used for this. But sometimes the need to switch to artificial nutrition does not arise immediately. How to choose a mixture in this case? Moreover, the choice in pharmacies is huge, starting with the goods of famous brands at a very solid cost and ending with "budget" options. By the way, the latter also includes a mixture "Kid" of a domestic manufacturer. There are several different products in the line of this food, which is sometimes difficult to choose from. There are several criteria for selection.


Mixture "Kid" is offered for of different ages... So, for example, there are options that are suitable for newborns. A large unit is drawn on the package, which indicates that the mixture is adapted for nutrition from 0 months of age. There is also a product intended for children who are already six months old. The package shows a large number 2, the second stage of artificial feeding. For already big babies who are one year old, there is a mixture "Kid", which is powdered milk enriched with vitamins and minerals. This is the third stage of artificial feeding.

Flavoring additives

"Malysh" is a milk formula specially designed for babies of any age and with different taste preferences. So, for example, there is food with buckwheat, rice, in the composition. It is suitable for half year olds. Each flour has its own characteristics.

Buckwheat meal

This mixture is believed to be more satisfying. Indeed, it gives food not only a special taste, but also "heaviness". With her, the children eat up faster, less often they ask to eat, which allows them to be transferred to "clear" meals. For example, in the morning, at lunchtime, in the afternoon and in the evening before bedtime. This "Kid" mixture, reviews of which are mostly positive, quickly divorces, is easily absorbed by children's stomachs, is considered hypoallergenic. However, it is worth closely monitoring the child's reaction when feeding. There are children for whom it does not suit individual characteristics.

Rice flour meal

This type is considered to be soothing and nutritious. The "Kid" mixture, reviews of which are somewhat controversial, with rice flour is usually prescribed for restless children who do not sleep well and are often naughty. Why? Rice has a positive effect on nervous system calming her down. However, there is also a drawback. can "fix". That is, the chair will become less frequent, but harder. Therefore, the mixture is not recommended for those who already have problems with peristalsis. "Kid", reviews of which are negative on this point, was tested by specialists. It is really recommended for children, safe, but not suitable for those who already have problems with stool.

Oatmeal meal

It is positioned by the manufacturer as hypoallergenic and nutritious. That is, it is practically equivalent to a mixture with buckwheat flour, but it differs in taste. It is recommended by pediatricians in the event that none of the foods in the line fit for some reason. "Kid" - a milk mixture that contains oatmeal, rarely causes rashes on the cheeks, colic, or any other problems. However, there are exceptions, since all children's organisms are individual. Some kids eat the mixture with pleasure and without consequences, while others even refuse to take it in their mouths.

Why kids refuse to eat

It so happens that after mother's breast, babies do not want to eat food from jars or boxes at all. What is the reason for this? First, the nipple on the bottle may not fit. In this case, you just need to replace it. Secondly, the mixture flows out of the bottle faster and easier than from the chest. At first, children simply choke on food, refuse it. Thirdly, an improperly diluted mixture causes discomfort both during and after use. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions when mixing water and powder.

How to prepare the mixture

The food box has a simple and straightforward step-by-step sequence to follow. The water must be warm, otherwise the powder will not dissolve completely, it will crumple up. This causes discomfort during use and after, after a while. The "Malysh" mixture, the composition of which has been repeatedly tested by specialists, is fully adapted for baby food, safe and healthy. What does it contain?


If you carefully read the packaging, you will notice that the composition of "Kid" is quite extensive: vitamins different groups, trace elements, nutrients. Palm oil, which is very dangerous for health, is not in it. However, prebiotics, probiotics and polyunsaturated fatty acids are also not contained. And they are important for development child's body... That is, the "Kid" mixture, reviews of which in places are full of statements about its uselessness, gives saturation, but does not enrich the body of babies too much. Therefore, it is worth considering introducing additional vitamins if recommended by your pediatrician.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Last updated article: 02.05.2019

1993 was the year of the beginning of cooperation Russian Federation With The World Organization health support program breastfeeding... The conditions are created in society for breastfeeding to become not only popular, but also possible from birth. However, there are a number of cases when it is necessary to supplement or completely transfer the infant to artificial feeding. Only a pediatrician can objectively assess the need to change the diet. He will determine how to feed the child.

A little from the history of the creation of the mixture Baby

Infant milk formula Malyutka is a proven food for babies in need of artificial feeding... It first appeared on the shelves of stores in the USSR in 1972. Despite the fact that the place of production has not changed, only the name remained from the Soviet "Baby". Now the products under this brand are developed and manufactured by Nutricia specialists.

Baby 1 step

This formula is intended for feeding newborns. It contains three main groups of substances necessary for the full growth and development of an infant.

  1. Energy-generating - fats, proteins, carbohydrates. This product contains milk derivatives, vegetable oils (including palm oils), maltodextrin. The 60:40 ratio of digesting substances and protein allows not to load the poorly formed enzymatic system of newborns. Lactose is part of the composition for the formation of a healthy intestinal microflora. Carbohydrates are present thanks to both animal and plant components. Palm oil - despite the hype in the media about this component, it is an important and healthy component of baby food. It is absorbed by the baby's body 5% better than milk fat. Modified palm oil in infant formula is a hallmark of quality, modern products.
  2. Vitamins. In addition to the standard set of vitamins, the composition is enriched with taurine, which is essential for the development of brain structures. Choline is an assistant to the hematopoietic system, reduces susceptibility to intestinal infections. Folic acid is needed for the development of a mature nervous system.
  3. Minerals. Calcium is a building block for teeth and bones. Iron prevents anemia, iodine is needed for a healthy thyroid gland.

There is also a fermented milk "Baby" for newborns.

The first step product can be given to babies up to 6 months old.

After six months, the child's needs for nutrients change, so the composition of the child's nutrition also becomes different. It is necessary to move to the next step in the line of substitutes for hot water.

Baby 2 step

Half-year-old babies need more calories than newborns. Casein proteins help make the diet more satisfying. Not all minerals can be assimilated in their pure form, therefore the Nutricia company has created the “smart iron” complex.

The baby of the second stage is given to babies from 6 to 12 months.

And now you are one year old. It's time to switch to the so-called baby milk.

Baby 3 step

After a year, the baby's diet consists of milk to a lesser extent than before. However, it is too early to give up this storehouse of vitamins.

You can use food not in its pure form, but when preparing instant cereals.

Baby 4 step

Designed for babies from 18 to 36 months. The composition is similar to the previous stage. Only the percentage of elements changes.

If your baby is diagnosed with lactose intolerance, then fermented milk mixture is the best solution. The Istra plant produces food for children with such problems. Also, the fermented milk component guarantees the absence of colic and constipation. The composition of the powder is balanced in such a way that it is suitable for age group from zero to a year.

How to prepare and how much to store the mixture

How to store

To reduce the cost price, the packaging is made of cardboard. In order not to be afraid of dampness of the powder, the manufacturer uses the method of packaging in special sealed metallized bags.

After opening such a package, it is possible for the dehydrated product to absorb moisture from the ambient air. Lumps are formed as a result of excessive moisture. The feed may solidify. Therefore, after opening the bag, place the powder in a tightly closed container.

It is necessary to store the mixture at low humidity. In practice, this means that you should not put this type of food, for example, in the refrigerator. You can just leave it on the kitchen shelf.

How to prepare for use

The main “ingredients” of a properly prepared breastmilk substitute are:

  1. sterile bottle
  2. boiled and cooled to 40 degrees Celsius water
  3. compliance with the proportions of water and mixture

On the carton are given detailed instructions- in what ratio to breed dry food.

How long can you store a ready-made mixture and how to prepare it for travel

Nutrient medium, heat, moisture - ideal conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. When you prepare milk at home, it is impossible to achieve the same sterility as in production. Therefore, you can store diluted dry food only at low temperatures.

If there is a significant amount of milk left in the bottle, just put it in the refrigerator. Cover the teat with a sterile lid. When the child is hungry again, warm up the food without pouring it into other containers. Change the teat to a clean one.

Still, do not overuse and store the mixture that has already been used. The products of the Istra plant combine high quality and reasonable price... You should not save on the health of the little one.

A hot topic for non-breastfeeding moms is preparing milk outside the home. For example, you decided to visit relatives in the other part of the city, or you risked visiting a resort. For short trips, you can prepare the mixture in advance, chill it in the refrigerator and transport it in a thermal container.

And what about those who are forced to fly by plane? The rules prohibit the transport of liquids weighing more than 100 grams. Then we take with us clean bottles and a supply of the mixture.

In no case should hot water from the boilers of the aircraft be used to cook food for toddlers, since it is not boiled water.

And it's not about the negligence of the guides. According to the laws of physics, the lower the pressure, the lower the water temperature. Lowering the boiling point in the train does not provide the heating required for sterilization.

There is still a way out. Bottled water meets the necessary hygiene requirements for preparing food and drinking for young children. You can heat the mixture in a container with heated water from a boiler.

If you are traveling by train or car, just take boiling water in a thermos with you.

What is the correct way to give breast milk substitute for the first time?

The composition of "Malyutka" is adapted to the needs of the child according to the age. Despite this, some parents tend to attribute the health problems of their toddler to the poor quality of specialized baby products.

How many disappointments could be avoided by taking a responsible approach to the process of introducing new foods into the child's diet.

The correct starting point for complementary foods is micro-portions. The first sample for a child should not exceed 10 milliliters.

There is no need to calculate how much powder should be added to water of this volume. The composition of substances in an improperly diluted diet can cause various disorders, up to an extreme degree of dehydration. Don't risk your baby's health.

Take 30 ml of water and dissolve 1 level scoop of powder in them. From the volume obtained, give 10 ml for a sample to the child. Next, carefully observe the reaction of the baby's body.

It is clear that such experiments should not be carried out at night. For the complete assimilation of the substances that make up the mother's milk substitute, an average of 70 (maximum 86) minutes is needed. Accordingly, the first signs of a negative impact will be visible in 1.5 hours.

Potential problems may include:

  1. rash,
  2. vomit,
  3. constipation,
  4. colic.

If you are still breastfeeding, it is important to be very strict with your diet. Otherwise, it will be difficult to understand what caused the diathesis or other types of problems in the baby.

As many substances exist in the world, there are as many reasons for allergies. Do not even change the powder or detergent when switching to mixed or formula feeding.

Today, children who come with their parents to the supermarket just get wide eyes, and their parents are ready to buy them everything at once: chocolate bars, with a huge assortment of cakes, and cereals, and chupa-chups. And that way 40 years ago, children had completely different "snacks". It is to them that this review is devoted.

1. Sweet sandwich

The simplest dessert was made very easily - a slice of sliced ​​loaf or white bread was spread with butter and sprinkled with granulated sugar on top.

2. Caramelized sugar

To prepare such sweets, it was enough to grease a spoon with butter, pour sugar into it and hold it over gas burner until cooked, and if you add a stick, you get a natural lollipop.

3. Resin of fruit trees and tar

Soviet kids gnawed resin from various fruit trees - cherry, plum, coniferous, and tar perfectly replaced chewing gum.

4. Cucumbers

Fresh crunchy cucumbers were cut into strips and sprinkled with plenty of salt.

5. Cookies with butter

The most elementary cake was made from any little-edible cookie, for example "Jubilee" or hard biscuit, and butter - the best treat for breakfast!

6. Appetizing bread crump

It was in this form that the children brought bread from the store, because how can they resist and not feast on the fresh, fragrant crust of the still warm loaf?

7. Ascorbic acid

Children simply adored these tasty and healthy vitamins in the form of yellow balls and were ready to eat them in any quantity.

8. Boiled condensed milk

Condensed milk was already a delicacy, but if you cook it, it turned out to be an even more delicious new dish, and the long cooking process itself was interesting, because if the water boiled away, the can exploded.

9. Kozinaki from seeds

A simpler version of the oriental sweetness was made from peeled sunflower seeds, which were fried in a pan and combined with caramel, and after solidification, small briquettes were formed.

10. Dryers and bagels

Lamb products of various sizes were very loved by Soviet children, they were supposed to be eaten with milk, jelly or homemade compote.

11. "Wild" delicacy

The sour taste of green leaves of fresh sorrel in Soviet times was familiar to almost every child.

12. Dry jelly

Soviet children happily gnawed sweet jelly briquettes, of which there were many in stores, and they cost less than ice cream.

13. Potatoes baked in a fire

Potatoes were the most readily available product, and baked in a fire was seen not just as food, but rather as a delicacy.

14. Sweet toffee

There were several types of such candies - stringy "Kis-Keys" and cast semi-solid "Golden Key", the former were so hard that trying to chew them cost broken teeth and torn fillings, and the latter were too soft.

15. Processed cheese "Druzhba"

In Soviet times, 3 types of processed cheese were produced, but it was "Druzhba" that was the most popular.

16. Milk formula "Kid"

This powdery product with the addition of milk powder, sugar and vegetable and fruit powders, the grown-up children simply ate with spoons.

17. Lollipops "Montpensier"

Fruit multicolored small lollipops in tin boxes were made from caramelized sugar with fruit flavors and were considered almost the most popular sweet in the Soviet Union.

18. Vanilla halva

Unlike sausages and chocolates, this dessert of oriental origin has always been on the shelves of Soviet stores, since it was not a scarce product.

19. Birch sap

In the Soviet Union, birch sap, which was considered healthy, albeit with a weak taste, was produced in huge quantities and sold, as a rule, in three-liter cans.

20. Kombucha

In most Soviet kitchens, one could see a jar covered with gauze, where something resembling a thick jellyfish lived in a tea-colored solution, such a drink had a pleasant sour taste and a refreshing effect.

21. Green peas

They ate green pods with peas along with sorrel, acacia and other similar delicacies - which then in childhood they just didn’t eat!

22. Bread with salt and sunflower oil

A still warm crust of fresh bread was gently greased with sunflower oil and generously sprinkled with salt, and some children added green onions or dill to such a sandwich.

23. Homemade wafer rolls and nuts

This dish, which was not easy to prepare, required certain skills, because it was not enough to cook sweet waffle dough and bake goodies, it was necessary to have time to fill them with condensed milk cooked the day before.

24. Nettle flowers

White pretty flowers are another amazing "delicacy" from Soviet childhood, pulling out such a flower from the "nest" you could enjoy the sweet juice that was at the base.

Sometimes the baby does not have enough mother's milk or the woman cannot breastfeed the baby for certain reasons. In these cases, formulas adapted for babies come to the rescue. Baby milk formula Malysh Istrinsky is a fairly well-known domestic product, which is popular with modern mothers. Due to its composition and ease of preparation, this mixture may well compete with imported products, while its cost is an order of magnitude lower.

Mixes Malysh Istrinsky are not inferior to imported counterparts, but at the same time they are several times cheaper

About the brand Malysh

Nutricia started its activities in Russia back in 1994. Its main partner is a dairy production plant in the city of Istra. Since 1974, this company has been successfully producing children food... "Baby" and "Baby" are familiar to our grandmothers and mothers. Much has changed since then; the plant's products now meet international standards. This was achieved thanks to the latest equipment and the introduction of appropriate technologies. The name of the company has also changed, now it is "Istra-Nutricia" Baby Food LLC. Today the enterprise produces infant formula called Malysh Istrinsky.

Product Catalog

The company's products will satisfy the nutritional needs of a child from 0 months to 3 years. The mixtures are suitable for children without a tendency to allergies and gastrointestinal problems. The common basis for all types of mixtures is skim milk, whey enriched with vitamins and minerals. Consider three types of products and features of each type of packaging:

  1. Mixture Malysh Istrinsky 1 - suitable for feeding babies up to 6 months. Such a mixture can be offered to a child from birth, it does not cause allergies and contains the whole range of necessary elements for normal growth and baby development.
  2. Kid 2 - powder for preparing food for an infant from six months. In addition to whey, its components can be oat, rice and buckwheat flour. This composition is most favorable for the development of crumbs, the body of which already requires more than before. All ingredients are carefully balanced, so this mixture will fully cover your child's nutritional needs.
  3. Milk for feeding babies over 1 year old. This healthy blend contains not only carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the right ratio - it contains a list of 16 vitamins and minerals.

Milk Baby is a fortified infant formula for feeding children over one year old

Nutrition up to 6 months: Baby 1

Mixture Malysh Istrinsky 1 is intended for children from 0 to six months, it is a base of whey proteins. To obtain them, the protein of cow's milk is processed - casein is extracted from it, which is difficult for the child's body to absorb. Due to the thoughtfulness of the composition, when using the Malysh Istrinsky 1 mixture, the baby does not have allergies or problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If the child switches to the formula after breastfeeding, it is advisable to introduce it gradually in order to avoid a negative reaction to a sudden change in food.

The composition of the powder for the preparation of infant formula Malysh Istrinsky 1 contains Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. These substances are very beneficial for the development of the child. They are found in fish oils and vegetable oils. In this case, palm oil is used. In theory, this component can reduce the body's ability to absorb calcium, but research of this kind has not yet been carried out and confirmation of this theory has not been found. Another component in the composition - L-tryptophan - is used to treat nervous disorders, insomnia, and all kinds of psychoses. This substance is found in significant amounts in the protein of cow's milk.

Mixture Kid does not contain:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are extremely important for the baby's brain.
  • Prebiotics - these substances help the intestines work efficiently, their task is to create favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of beneficial microflora.
  • Probiotics - live microorganisms that are needed for the colonization of the intestine with microflora, which contributes to high-quality digestion of food. Probiotics work more effectively in a team with prebiotics.
  • Nucleotides - these substances are involved in most metabolic processes in the body.

Next, let's look at the quality and quantity of carbohydrates. From the labels on the packaging, you can find out that lactose acts as carbohydrates, it is about 70% of their total number. The remaining carbohydrates are maltodextrin, which is essentially molasses, which makes the dairy product sweet. Compared with breast milk, the percentage of this substance exceeds the norm by 15-30 times, that is, it should be only 1-2%. This amount of maltodextrin in the product increases the time the child stays full, but experts note that a high percentage of this substance can negatively affect the child.

The complete composition of the product:

Meals from half a year: Kid 2

The Malysh Istrinsky formula, intended for feeding children from 6 months, is only partially adapted for female breast milk... This means that the balance of fats and acids in it is somewhat different from that of milk, and there is no demineralized whey in its composition.

Carbohydrates are represented by lactose, sucrose and starch, which is definitely not recommended for children under six months of age. However, for the nutrition of older children, the product is completely suitable - it is just important to follow the age recommendations.

In the composition of the package with the nutrition of infants from six months, flour is certainly present, which helps to improve the digestibility of milk protein. Today this mixture is presented in 3 types, the composition of which differs in the type of cereals:

  • A mixture of Malysh with buckwheat flour allows you to saturate the body of the crumbs with amino acids, minerals, it is well absorbed. Of particular value is iron, which is rich in buckwheat. This product perfectly nourishes and helps babies with a good appetite to withstand the periods between feedings.
  • Milk mixture with oat flour Malysh Istrinsky contains magnesium and potassium, which contribute to good bowel function. Children using this product will not have problems with stool.
  • The baby with rice flour is indicated for use by children who have sensitive intestines, since this mixture protects the gastrointestinal tract from irritating factors, saturates well. In addition, rice flour adds sweetness to the product, which children usually enjoy.

All varieties of infant formula Baby contain vitamin D2, as well as vegetable oil... These components are necessary for the prevention of rickets.

Pediatricians recommend choosing a mixture for a baby from six months, focusing on his chair. If the child has normal digestion, daily stool of normal consistency, he can use a mixture with buckwheat flour. If the stool of the crumbs is irregular, a tendency to constipation is noticed - a mixture with oatmeal is suitable. Baby food with rice flour will appeal to mothers of those babies who often have diarrhea.

A mixture with oatmeal allows you to normalize intestinal motility and relieves the child of constipation

Baby mixes are available in different forms for the convenience of parents. You can choose a powder that is diluted with water, or you can buy a dry mixture that requires cooking. In any case, you should strictly adhere to the dosage indicated on the product box. If the milk turns out to be too thick, the child's body will receive an additional load, which is why it will not be able to digest and assimilate an excess of nutrients.

  • It is important that food for the crumbs is prepared immediately before feeding in order to avoid the possible growth of pathogenic bacteria. For the same reason, it is strictly forbidden to supplement the baby with milk residues after a few hours.
  • It is also dangerous to reheat the prepared mixture in the microwave. Lumps can form in the milk and cause burns.
  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the indicated dosage, do not add other products (milk powder, cereal powders, etc.) to the diet.
  • Any product, even an adapted mixture, should be introduced into the diet of the crumbs gradually, carefully monitoring the reaction of the body.

Cooking scheme

To properly prepare food Malysh Istrinsky 1, the dosage should be calculated according to this table. To obtain 100 ml of the product, take 3 scoops of powder and add 90 ml of water. One spoon contains 4.4 g of the mixture.

The Kid's mixture for the second half of the year also needs to be diluted at the rate of 3 scoops per 90 ml of water, which will eventually give 100 ml of the finished product. This powder is slightly heavier than for newborns, in one measuring spoon 4.7 g. The dosage is indicated in the table:

Step-by-step instruction

Before diluting the infant formula, you should wash your hands, then sterilize the container. Then follow the instructions:

  • Boil water, cool it to 45˚С.
  • Measure the required amount of water according to the table, pour it into a bottle.
  • Scald a measuring spoon with boiling water, dry.
  • With this spoon, collect the required amount of powder, if it turned out with a slide, remove it with a knife.

When measuring the mixture, the spoon must be taken without a slide, otherwise the dosage will be violated
  • Pour the powder into a bottle of water (see also:).
  • Close the bottle with a stopper and shake thoroughly to obtain a liquid of uniform color and consistency.
  • Remove the plug, put on the pacifier.
  • The temperature of the finished product can be checked. To do this, you need to put a drop of milk on your wrist. If you do not feel a burning sensation or cold, then the mixture is at the correct temperature.

Storage rules

You can store the opened bag with baby food Baby for no longer than three weeks. To do this, it must be tightly closed and placed in a cool place where no light enters. The humidity in the cabinet should not exceed 75%, and the temperature should not exceed 25˚С. If it's a hot summer, the mixture can be stored in the refrigerator on the door or on the bottom shelf.

When buying a formula for babies, remember that it is important to follow safety rules. Do not buy an expired product, as well as a mixture with an opened package. No one can guarantee that the finished product will not harm the child. When preparing the mixture, you should also adhere to the rules - sterilize the bottle and wash your hands thoroughly (we recommend reading :). Precautions will help you avoid trouble and will serve as a guarantee of your child's health.