
Home cosmetics with citric acid. Is rubbing lemon on your face good for you? Useful substances in lemon


Any fruit can be used as a skin care product and this citrus is no exception - a face mask with lemon perfectly cleanses and whitens the skin, fights acne and blackheads, eliminates age spots. This is only a small part of what this fruit is capable of.

In Russia, lemon is popular and loved, it is not for nothing that tea with a piece of this fruit is still called “Russian” in the West, and due to its high biological activity, healing properties and pleasant aroma, it has long been used for medical purposes, in the food industry, in the household and in cosmetics.

Benefits of lemon for facial skin

Despite the fact that lemon is 87% water, it contains a large amount of vitamins: B-carotene, B1, B2, a certain amount of P - citrine, C - (ascorbic acid, it is involved in metabolism, nourishes tissues). Essential oils, phytoncides, pectins, calcium, magnesium, carotene - it is difficult to list all the beneficial substances contained in this fruit that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Citrus is used in lotions, creams, scrubs, but it is especially often added to masks. By the way, cosmetologists advise doing masks several times a year in courses of up to 20 sessions, especially in spring. At this time of the year, the skin is the most tired - frosts and dry indoor air harm the epidermis.

Face masks with lemon at home help:

  • whiten the skin of the face;
  • actively fight acne and pimples;
  • rejuvenate the skin;
  • exfoliate dead layers of the epidermis;
  • remove pigmentation, even out complexion;
  • smooth out scars and scars.

The use of lemon at home helps to get rid of many skin problems without resorting to the services of professional cosmetologists.


Since there is a large amount of acid in lemon, there are also contraindications for use:

  • rosacea - a violation of blood circulation in the epidermis, while the nose and the skin around it turn red (read more about this disease on this page and use these recipes for face masks against rosacea);
  • allergic reaction to lemon;
  • too extensive area of ​​acne rash, acne or pimples, in this case, you should contact a professional cosmetologist;
  • in no case do not use lemon for oncological diseases;
  • if there are open wounds, irritation.

Remember! A lemon face mask will be useful if all requirements are met, as citrus fruits must be used with caution.

Citric acid in cosmetology

Citric acid is a substance white color in the form of crystals, it is abundant in berries and stems of shag, lemongrass and all citrus fruits. It dissolves well in liquid and is a natural antioxidant. In cosmetology, it is used for peeling (by the way, we recommend peeling with fruit acids at home), it is also added to creams to obtain a whitening effect.

The effect of citric acid on the face:

  • fights with increased fat formation;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • cleanses clogged pores;
  • lightens freckles, age spots;
  • prevents the appearance of acne, pimples.

Remember! The concentration of acid in lemon face masks should not exceed 10 g per 200 g of water.

To destroy pimples and whiten, smooth out scars and scars, some women rub their face with a piece of fruit. This procedure copes well with problems, but pure lemon is aggressive, so you can dry out the skin - use every day or for a long time is not recommended. For dry skin - no more than 1 time, if the skin is oily - up to 3 times a week.

Lemon essential oil is obtained by cold pressing the peel of a lemon. It has a delicate aroma, has a pleasant color. The oil is used in the perfume industry and in the manufacture of cosmetics, as it actively helps fight age-related changes, affects skin color and destroys comedones (read about comedones on the face).

  1. Cannot be applied essential oil lemon in the sun - spots, irritation may appear.
  2. For dry and sensitive skin, do not use the substance in strong concentrations.
  3. The oil is used in its pure form only locally for application to pimples or spots.
  4. Be sure to determine if there is an allergic reaction to lemon before use.

Lemon Face Mask Recipes

These lemon juice home remedies can be used, depending on the ingredients added, for any skin type.

    Lemon oil masks:
    1) 30 g of honey, a little warm milk and 2 drops of lemon oil - mix the ingredients, apply on the face and do not rinse for 15 minutes.
    2) We take 3 drops of oils: juniper, lemon, lemon balm, lavender. Wait until the mixture is completely absorbed into the skin, then blot the remnants with a napkin.
    3) Mix a coffee spoon of lemon oil, 10 g of sea buckthorn, one egg yolk. Apply the composition and do not rinse for 10 minutes.

    Recipe for increased pigmentation. Pour 30 ml of heated mineral water, citrus juice and a spoonful of chopped mint into 15 g of yeast.

    Whitening face mask with lemon for skin lightening. Take 30 g of yogurt and lemon juice - 10 g, pour 30 yogurt and lemon juice into ground wheat flakes.

    Face mask with lemon and egg for skin whitening. Put 30 g of starch into a protein whipped to a thick foam, pour in lemon juice (10 g).

    Lemon juice face mask for oily skin:
    1) 10 g of baking soda + lemon juice + a pinch of sea salt + kefir, perfectly cleanses comedones.
    2) The protein of one egg + lemon juice - 10 g + cottage cheese - 30 g, apply the composition, rinse with water, then rinse with mint infusion.
    3) Lemon juice + curdled milk + one egg white + pre-diluted blue clay.

    For oily skin it is better to use egg white - it slightly narrows the pores, which are often enlarged with such skin.

    Masks for aging skin with lemon:
    1) Thick curdled milk - 30 g + lemon juice - 10 g + 30 g rye flour.
    2) Ripe avocado + yogurt + some citrus juice.

    Whitening mask with lemon for the face at home:
    1) Grind oat bran, pour rosehip broth and squeeze the juice from half a lemon.
    2) Grind buckwheat, pour boiling water to the desired density, cool slightly, beat in an egg and pour in lemon juice.

Use the Hair Face lemon face mask recipes to achieve a positive effect, because, regardless of skin type, they help a woman look blooming and youthful for a long time. Plus, our recipes use inexpensive, readily available ingredients.

Lemon has long been settled in traditional medicine, since it actually has mass useful properties.

  1. 1

    It's reliable source of vitamins long cold winter. And mainly vitamin C - ascorbic acid.

  2. 2

    Paradoxically, sour lemon restores alkaline balance, therefore, it is appropriate for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and for maintaining youth and health in general, as it resists the "acidification" of the body.

  3. 3

    Possesses bactericidal action.

  4. 4

    It has tonic properties.

© Istock

A remarkable and, perhaps, the most demanded property of a lemon is its excellent taste. And beauty. His bright color And the aroma is uplifting.

How it works on the skin

Much of lemon's skin benefits come from its properties. What is this fruit capable of?

    Promotes skin healing

    As an antioxidant, it has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects. Therefore, lemon juice is used for oily skin care to keep acne under control.

    Whitens, brightens hyperpigmentation

    There are even tips to wipe your face with lemon. But it is still an extreme experience, especially for dry and reactive skin.

    Promotes exfoliation

    Citric acid - a natural keratolytic, belongs to alpha hydroxy acids (ANA), it is thanks to it that lemon is famous for its whitening properties.

    Stimulates microcirculation and metabolism

    Therefore, along with caffeine, it is part of anti-cellulite products.

    Tones up

    Restores the acid-base balance of the skin, as well as the whole body.


It seems to us that the sour yellow lemon should consist mainly of ascorbic acid. But it's not. Its quantity does not exceed a tenth of a percent. However, the useful substances necessary for the human body are also calculated in milligrams and micrograms.

© iStock

Interestingly, vitamin C is found not only in fruits, but also in lemon leaves, and in a higher concentration.

So, the lemon fruit includes the following substances that are suitable for the role of cosmetic ingredients:

    fruit acids(lemon, apple), due to which lemon has exfoliating and whitening properties;

    ascorbic acid(vitamin C) - the famous antioxidant;

    vitamins B1 and B2, P - they are involved in the processes of skin renewal;

    phytoncides- substances with antiseptic properties necessary for the speedy healing of injuries and the prevention of rashes in case of problematic skin;

    flavonoids(including carotene), which at one time was almost considered a vitamin, are known for their antioxidant power;

    lemon oil(however, more of it is found in leaves and branches);

    limonene(widely used as a flavoring).

Common misconception: citric and ascorbic acid are one and the same. This is not true! Both of these substances are very useful and in demand in cosmetics and cosmetology, and both are found in lemon. But they are different acids.

Precautionary measures

No matter how rich in antioxidants and good a fresh lemon is, all its active ingredients will remain on the surface of the skin, and it will not work to saturate it with vitamin C in this way. Still, professional cosmetics are more effective from this point of view.

    If there is an allergy to citruses, a reaction to cosmetics containing lemon oil is also possible. But citric acid, vitamin C and other “citric” substances are obtained in cosmetic production from other sources, so the risk of allergies is low.

    After peeling or bleaching products, which, as a rule, contain fruit acids (including citric acid), it is necessary to apply sunscreen to the face during the day.

In addition to citric acid, citrus contains:

  • bioflavonoids rutin (vitamin P) and hesperedin, which increase the strength of blood vessels and capillaries, penetrating deep into the dermis through the pores;
  • phytoncides with antibacterial and antiseptic properties;
  • ascorbic acid, which effectively whitens age spots, helps to rejuvenate the epidermis.

Lemon-based peeling can quickly lighten the skin, as well as:

  • narrow enlarged pores;
  • get rid of comedones by dissolving sebaceous plugs;
  • smooth wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face.

After lemon exfoliation sessions, the face immediately looks rested and fresh. The essential oil, which is part of the peel, will relieve fatigue and cheer you up.

Recipes for the procedure at home

For exfoliation, pure lemon juice or its combinations with additional ingredients are used - finely grated zest, honey, cosmetic oil, sugar, starch, etc.

Classic lemon peeling is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • the face is cleaned of makeup;
  • wipe with acidified water (5 ml of juice / 100 ml);
  • apply a thin layer of cosmetic oil to the skin;
  • after 15 min. excess is removed with a dry cloth;
  • clean lemon juice is distributed over the face with a brush (you can simply rub it with a slice of fruit). After that, a fairly strong tingling sensation should be felt. The skin turns red quickly.
  • For the first time, peeling should be washed off quickly, after 2-3 minutes. Subsequently, the exposure time can be increased to 5-8 minutes.

    After the procedure, a moisturizing or nourishing mask is applied to the reddened face (with a dry type), and then lubricated with a regenerating cream (Retinol, Clearvin, etc.).

    Such exfoliation can replace a professional salon surface fruit peel, but the procedure must be carried out very carefully to avoid severe irritation of the epidermis.

    Citric chemical peeling for the face at home:

    With honey

    Honey draws toxins from the deep layers of the dermis. In combination with lemon juice, this process will be more effective, as the pores will be freed from greasy plugs and keratinized scales.

    To prepare peeling you will need:

    • lemon juice - 15 ml;
    • thick grade of honey - 20 g.

    After mixing the components, the mixture is applied to the face with patting and pressing movements, which continue for 5-7 minutes.

    If the burning sensation after this time has not become very strong, then the mixture is left for another 5 minutes, then washed off in the usual way with water.

    Peeling is suitable for any epidermis, but when dry, add 5 ml of macadamia oil or apricot kernels to the mixture.

    Honey and Lemon Whitening Peeling Mask:

    With cosmetic oil

    This type of lemon peeling is a simplified version of the classic. To prepare, beat 10 ml of your favorite cosmetic oil with 5 ml of pure juice.

    The resulting emulsion is applied to the face with a brush in layers - 3-5 times, making intervals before applying each layer for 1-2 minutes.

    The peeling is washed off first with warm water with foam or gel for washing, and then with cool water.

    The procedure can be applied to any epidermis, selecting the appropriate oil - grape seed for oily and combined, peach - for normal, jojoba - for dry.

    After the session, the face becomes brighter, the pores tighten, the elasticity of the upper layer of the dermis increases.

    With sugar

    In this case, exfoliation will combine the methods of physical and chemical effects. For cooking you need to take:

    • regular sugar - 20 g;
    • lemon juice - 5 ml;
    • finely grated zest - two pinches.

    First, sugar and zest are mixed, and then they begin to rub with lemon juice until a wet granular mass is obtained, which must immediately be treated with a soapy gel for washing the face along the lines of the lymphatic flow for 3-5 minutes.

    Sugar also helps to retain moisture in the skin, which is important when carrying out fruit peeling.

    Another version of the peeling-scrub for the face with lemon and soda:


    The combination of lemon juice and caffeine has a strong tonic effect on the skin, prompting it to regenerate at the cellular level and rejuvenate.

    • coffee grounds - 1 tbsp;
    • potato starch - 5 g;
    • lemon juice - 10 ml.

    The mixture after mixing should be thick and creak a little to the touch.

    It is applied to the face without massage and left namin. Wash off with cool water.

    With lifting effect

    To prepare a composition with a skin tightening effect, you need:

    • brew 5 g of any starch in 100 ml of hot water, cool;
    • add 15 ml of lemon juice to the resulting jelly.

    The resulting mass is applied to the face 3-5 times, layer by layer. Exposure time - min.

    Thus, you can tighten the skin of any type, saving the face from sagging, returning a clear oval of the face.

    Peeling mask of starch and lemon against wrinkles and for whitening the skin of the face:


    If the face is very neglected, flaky and has an uneven relief, then it makes sense to use the following composition:

    • almond - 10 g;
    • sour cream - 15 g;
    • lemon juice - 10 ml.

    Nuts are ground in a coffee grinder, and then ground in a porcelain or glass mortar, gradually adding liquid components.

    If the resulting mass is too liquid, then it is stabilized with any starch or flour.

    Exfoliation duration - min.

    The combination of citric, mandelic and lactic acids will relieve the epidermis from peeling, and saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, which are part of sour cream and nuts, will immediately nourish it after cleansing.

    with clay

    Any cosmetic clay in combination with lemon juice will have an intense cleansing effect on the face.

    • 10 g of any clay (even pink will do, despite its softness);
    • lemon juice in the amount necessary to obtain a creamy substance.

    The mixture is immediately applied to the face, kept for 5-7 minutes, washed off. After removal, the skin is lightly massaged, rolling off dead cells from it, washed again, a moisturizing serum or gel is applied.

    Frequency of use, contraindications

    Lemon-based peels are very easy to prepare and use:

    1. Before the procedure, it is advisable to steam out oily, combination and normal skin for 2-3 minutes, and warm dry skin with a massage with cosmetic oil.
    2. After the session, it is necessary to apply a soothing mask on the face, and then lubricate the face with a moisturizer.
    3. Sessions are best done in the evening, before going to bed, so that the skin has time to calm down and avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

    The frequency of use depends on the type of skin. Oily and combination can be exfoliated twice a week, normal - once every 7-10 days, and dry - once every two weeks.

    Lemon exfoliation, despite its effectiveness, has very few contraindications. These include:

    • allergy to citrus fruits;
    • injuries, irritations and scratches on the skin;
    • dermatological diseases.

    After the procedure, the face should be protected from the sun, using a cream with an spf of more than 30.

    Lemon-based peeling can replace an expensive salon procedure, but it is recommended to consult a professional beautician before use.

    He will develop an individual scheme with the optimal number of sessions, duration of exposure and the necessary competent care after exfoliation.

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    Citric acid in cosmetology: the best pharmaceutical preparations and popular home recipes

    Citric acid is found in some foods, is traditionally used in cooking and confectionery, but its scope is not limited to the kitchen. The exceptional healing properties of this substance turned out to be very popular in cosmetology: facial skin masks, lip balms, formulations that provide mild peeling and whitening, and pigment spot removers. To clarify: the effect of citric acid on the body can be both positive and destructive. Therefore, when buying a nourishing facial skin cream or ingredients for a homemade mask for age spots based on the substance in question at a pharmacy, be extremely careful.

    general information

    Citric acid (lat. Citric acid) is a white crystalline substance, belongs to the class of carboxylic acids. It was discovered by the pharmacist Karl Scheele in 1784. The main way to obtain it on an industrial scale is chemical synthesis, although natural Citric acid, which is considered safer, is more often used in cosmetology.

    • systemic formula: 3-hydro-3-carboxypentanedioic acid;
    • traditional formula: C 6 H 8 O 7 ;
    • molar mass: 192.1 g/mol;
    • density: 1.66 g/cm 3 ;
    • melting point - 153°C;
    • CAS registration number:;
    • EINECS code:.
    • effective whitening and cleaning (peeling) of the skin of the face;
    • strengthening nails;
    • normalization of the acidity level (pH) of the skin;
    • remarkable antioxidant properties;
    • reducing the risk of skin inflammation;
    • increased local immunity.

    Practical use in cosmetology:

    • acid peeling;
    • care products for blond hair;
    • active additive to self-made facial skin products;
    • preparations for manicure and pedicure;
    • sizzling bath bombs.
    • hyperpigmentation;
    • freckles;
    • the presence of a network of facial and age wrinkles;
    • oily sheen of the skin;
    • blackheads, pimples, blackheads;
    • severe peeling;
    • inflammatory process;
    • overly enlarged and clogged pores.
    • improvement of digestion and stimulation of the digestive tract;
    • cleaning the liver and the body as a whole from toxins;
    • increased production of bile;
    • mild laxative and diuretic effect;
    • decrease in blood glucose levels;
    • cleaning of blood vessels;
    • normalization of blood pressure;
    • effective breakdown of fat and, as a result, the fight against excess weight;
    • wonderful antibacterial properties;
    • improvement of the musculoskeletal system;
    • detoxification of the body in case of poisoning (including the fight against a hangover syndrome).

    What to buy?

    So, what means for the face with citric acid sold in pharmacies? Even if you remember that the corresponding preparations that provide peeling at home have many side effects, the choice will be large. Whitening masks, anti-pigmentation formulations, nourishing lip balm, day cream for all skin types… Choose what you like best, but don't forget: save wisely!

    Budget drugs (up to 1500 rubles):

    • Reve De Miel (Nuxe, 15 ml / 850 rubles). A good nourishing lip balm, the healing effect of which is due to the presence of vegetable oils, antioxidants, vitamins and natural moisturizers. But there are no artificial fragrances, preservatives and dyes in it, so the high price, in our opinion, is absolutely justified.
    • Soothing Eye Gel (Yes To, 15 ml / 1050 rubles). Soothing gel for the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes. Its ingredients include plant extracts, moisturizers, anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants. The only objective drawback is the high cost.
    • Evercalm Gentle Cleansing Milk (Ren, 150 ml / 1490 rubles). Soft and gentle cleansing milk for all skin types. Cosmetic properties are diverse: in addition to the main task, Evercalm Gentle Cleansing Milk successfully fights irritation of the dermis, protects the face from the damaging effects of free radicals and slows down the natural aging process.

    Top cosmetics (from 1500 rubles):

    • DayWear (Estee Lauder, 30 ml / 2100 rubles). Wonderful face cream with SPF 35 and excellent antioxidant properties. In addition to protecting the skin, it provides effective hydration, controls sebum secretion and evens out the color tone. Note the presence of coenzyme Q10, alpha-lipoacid and kinetin in the composition.
    • Hydra-Chrono+ (Lierac, 40 ml / 2600 rubles). Mattifying and moisturizing fluid for mixed and normal skin. It practically does not relieve age spots, but it masks them well, which is facilitated by a well-chosen composition. Other properties are no less interesting: effective moisturizing of the face, protection from destructive factors environment, removal of toxins from the body and a pronounced antibacterial effect.
    • LL Regeneration (Annemarie Borlind, 50 ml / 2900 rubles). Means for everyday skin care category "35+". Active ingredients provide cell regeneration, reduce wrinkles and protect the dermis from negative environmental factors. Suitable for dry and normal skin.

    How to do?

    The use of citric acid at home is possible and even desirable. After all, the face masks in which it is used require simple ingredients and a little free time for their preparation. And if you do everything right, you will not only save money, but also prove to others that you can be beautiful and attractive even if your budget is very limited. The method of using any mask is standard: combine all the necessary ingredients, mix them well and apply evenly on the skin. The duration of one procedure is minutes (unless otherwise specified in a particular recipe).

    Option number 1

    • citric acid, chopped mint leaves - 1 tsp;
    • tomato (pulp) - 1 pc.;
    • brewer's yeast - 1/2 tsp;
    • hercules flour - 2 tbsp. l.
    • improvement of complexion;
    • removal of inflammation of the epidermis.

    Option number 2

    • citric acid - 1/4 tsp;
    • raw egg - 1 pc.;
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution - 10 drops.
    • skin whitening;
    • rejuvenation;
    • drying.

    Option number 3

    • citric acid - 1 tsp;
    • mineral water (without gas) - 2 tsp.
    • reduction of hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands;
    • getting rid of oily sheen and rashes;
    • fight against age spots.
    • home peeling can be extremely dangerous: be careful;
    • the duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes.

    Beautician review

    Citric acid is really wonderful whitens the skin, easily ridding it of age spots and freckles. But you need to understand that any peeling should be carried out under appropriate conditions by a qualified and experienced specialist, since the action of the active ingredient on the face can provoke serious side effects. Therefore, I do not recommend doing such procedures on your own. It is better to choose one of the guaranteed safe commercial drugs. On the other hand, the usual cleansing masks for acne or blackheads, made according to all the rules, will put the skin in order, and the risk of side effects will be minimal.

    Citric acid will help improve complexion and rejuvenate

    Good mood to all readers of the blog! Interested in learning how citric acid for the face can help rejuvenate and improve the complexion? Are you curious about the health benefits of this sour fruit? Today we will analyze the beneficial properties of the acid and the features of its effect on the delicate epidermis.

    I picked up simple recipes that you can use at home, and also found important information that warns against mistakes. Today you will find out whether it is really possible to whiten your face with citric acid, and what other problems are solved with this product.

    The role of citric acid in cosmetology

    Face masks with citric acid are very popular due to the availability of the material and the uniqueness of its beneficial properties. This substance in the form of a white powder is not only successfully used in cooking, but plays important role in cosmetology:

    • elimination of pigmentation and freckles;
    • fight against peeling and wrinkles;
    • removal of acne, blackheads and narrowing of pores;
    • reduction in the level of fat formation.

    Citric acid from age spots on the face acts directly on melanin, an excess of which leads to the appearance of unpleasant aesthetic defects. In addition, this product has an antiseptic effect on the deep layers of the dermis and promotes the absorption of subcutaneous fats.

    Thanks to these properties, citric acid for the face of acne allows you to get rid of almost in the shortest possible time. That is why this substance is an invariable component of effective cleansing preparations. Do you have oily skin? Then you simply have to wash your face with lemon water in the morning. The drying properties of this powder will normalize the working balance of the sebaceous glands. But for the same reason, owners of dry dermis should use such products very carefully.

    A few simple recipes for citric acid for the face

    In order for citric acid for facial skin to have the maximum effect, you should be able to use this product correctly. Strict adherence to the recipe will allow for several procedures to reduce acne, eliminate acne, smooth wrinkles and even out skin color. And if we are talking about peeling, then this therapy should be enjoyed only in the evening, so that the epidermis can recover a little overnight.

    Is it possible to wipe the face with citric acid? It is quite efficient and useful procedure, eliminating acne and smoothing wrinkles, but often it is not worth it. A more gentle way would be to mix 1 tsp. powder with a tablespoon of olive (in extreme cases, vegetable) oil and treat the skin with this composition. After 10 minutes, the mask is washed off with water, and a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied to the face.

    Citric acid in facial cosmetics in combination with honey will get rid of greasy plaque and acne. Dilute with warm water 1 tsp. powder and mix with 2 tsp. natural honey. The resulting mask is kept for up to 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with running water. For a better narrowing of the pores, in conclusion, it is recommended to wipe the face with an ice cube.

    A whitening face mask with citric acid, which gives an almost instant effect, is very popular. But remember the high concentration of powder in water (in proportions of 2: 1), which is why the procedure is often prohibited. Apply the prepared mixture to dark spots and hold up to 7 minutes (no more!). Then we carefully wash ourselves with water.


    In order not to get a burn with citric acid on your face, you should be careful and have a sense of proportion. If you are the owner of a dry dermis, then be sure to supplement the procedures with nourishing and moisturizing creams.

    You will also have to wait a little with masks and do not try to whiten your face with citric acid if you have:

    • open wounds;
    • excessive sensitivity of the face;
    • exacerbation of allergies;
    • individual intolerance.

    So that facial cleansing with citric acid does not turn into torture for delicate skin, remember the simple rules:

    1. When making a home remedy, keep an eye on the concentration of the powder, which should not be more than 1 teaspoon.
    2. Be careful not to get the substance into the eyes, otherwise rinse immediately with water.
    3. In the presence of an oily dermis, such products should be used no more than three times a week so as not to overdry the skin, as this will lead to even more fat release.
    4. In the presence of dry dermis, this substance should be used a maximum of 1 time per week, while it is imperative to complete the procedure with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

    I hope the information in this article was really useful for you. Join the discussion about facial peeling with citric acid in the comments and tell us about your beauty recipes. Share information with your friends and follow the blog news closely.

    2 comment(s)

    Wow, I didn’t even know that citric acid can be used as a skin remedy! straight acid peeling turns out 🙂

    It turns out that it is possible and quite effective.)))

    Citric acid for face cleansing

    Citric acid is a food concentrate that is available in every kitchen, in every home. Most often, housewives use it in cooking.

    Sodium citrate (as scientists call this substance) is also used to clean surfaces - for example, boiling a kettle with a small amount"Lemons" will save the dishes from harmful scale. But fruit acid can be actively used in cosmetology. It is about the cosmetic use of a useful and affordable substance that we are talking about.

    How is the substance obtained?

    For the first time, pure acid was isolated back in 1784 - sodium citrate was obtained during the processing of juice from green lemons. In the current production, two methods are used to obtain "lemon" - through the synthesis of specific sugary substances and through the processing of plant products.

    Natural sodium citrate is a substance quite common in nature. It contains all citrus fruits, some types of berries, tree needles and even tobacco stalks.

    In cosmetology, a substance of organic origin is most often used, but for deep cleaning you can use the usual food concentrate.

    Attention! Citric acid for normal or problematic skin face is used with the utmost care - an abundance of the substance in the composition of the mask or peeling can lead to serious burns skin. It is also undesirable to use sodium citrate on sensitive and allergic skin.

    Most often, peels and masks are prepared on the basis of sodium citrate: let's find out all the features of the process of preparing and using homemade cosmetics with citric acid.

    Lemon peels

    Cosmetologists call lemon peeling one of the effective home remedies for deep cleansing of the skin from dirt and dead particles of the epithelium.

    With the help of regular use of such peeling for the face, the following cosmetic problems of the dermis can be solved:

    • Return the skin to a fresh look and healthy color;
    • Cleanse deep contamination of the dermis, clean pores clogged with sebum and dust;
    • Reduce the increased production of sebum;
    • Prevent the appearance of acne and acne;
    • Eliminate the first signs of aging and withering of the skin;
    • Get rid of ugly age spots.

    The use of lemon peeling should be abandoned by owners of dry dermis, as well as dermis prone to irritation and allergic manifestations. Do not use "lemon" in cleansing procedures if there are wounds, scratches, foci of inflammation on the surface of the face. Peeling of this type is not suitable for those who suffer from an allergy to citrus fruits.

    A simple peel based on sodium citrate is prepared as follows. A tablespoon of food concentrate is diluted with water so that a thick, viscous slurry is obtained. This gruel should be wiped over the face, paying special attention to problem areas. Leave the mixture for a fuller effect for 2-3 minutes on the skin, and then rinse with warm water. Do not keep the mixture longer than the exposure time indicated above - you can severely burn the dermis.

    After the procedure, treat the skin of the face with a mild cosmetic oil - macadamia, avocado or jojoba. Keep in mind that peeling based on "lemon" can cause temporary but severe reddening of the skin, so it is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed so that the skin calms down by morning and the irritation reaction disappears. Such peeling can be used on the skin no more than 2 times a month.

    Citric acid in whitening procedures

    Experts in home cosmetology often call "lemon" a real panacea for age spots, freckles; special mask formulations are prepared on its basis to help whiten and lighten the skin. Citric acid for cleaning the face from ugly age spots gives high performance due to its high exfoliating qualities.

    But is it possible to whiten the dermis of the face with citric acid and not worry about the condition of your skin, because everyone knows the caustic qualities of this substance? Cosmetologists answer this question as follows: it is possible to whiten the dermis with “lemon”, but only in the procedure it is worth using the natural acid contained in lemon juice, and not food concentrate powder.

    How to whiten your face with citric acid? You need to prepare for the whitening procedure in advance: clean the epidermis with a soft gentle scrub and thoroughly steam your face.

    Take one large ripe lemon and cut it into two halves. Squeeze juice from each half. Pour the juice into a clean container. Arm yourself with a sterile cotton gauze swab, soak it in fresh juice and gently wipe over the areas of the face that you would like to lighten.

    Ladies who want to remove freckles from their skin often torture cosmetologists on the topic - how often can you wipe your face with lemon juice and can you clean it with citric acid? The answer to this question sounds like this: you can rub the skin with lemon juice two to three times a day until the desired result is achieved, but you still need to take breaks in using home bleach.

    In addition, keep in mind that whitening the face with “lemon” is a rather tough procedure, so some precautions should be taken both during and after it:

    • Do not buy ready-made lemon juice in the store for the procedure. Preservatives and dyes are often added to it, which are harmful to the health of the epidermis;
    • After the whitening procedure, the skin becomes vulnerable to sunbeams, and therefore, for some time after the event, refrain from sunbathing on the beach, in the solarium, a long stay in the open sun;
    • Whitening with pure juice is not suitable for ladies with delicate sensitive or excessively dry skin.

    For women with dermis prone to dryness or hypersensitivity, cosmetologists recommend making such face masks with “lemon”, in which its aggressive effect will be mitigated by other nourishing or moisturizing components of the epithelium.

    Citric acid masks

    A mild whitening mask is obtained by diluting a tablespoon of lemon juice with the same amount of fresh honey. The mixture should be stirred until a homogeneous consistency, hold for about a quarter of an hour and rinse with warm water. If there is no lemon, you can make a rejuvenating face mask with honey and citric acid. It is not necessary to apply cream or oil after applying the mask - honey itself is quite a nutritious and useful component that softens and moisturizes the dermis to the right extent.

    A lemon and protein face mask will help reduce sebum secretions and eliminate unpleasant oily sheen on the skin. One protein of a fresh chicken egg should be beaten with 7-8 drops of freshly squeezed citrus juice. Stir the ingredients, and then apply to problem areas prone to shine and profuse sweating.

    Citric acid is a great antioxidant, so effective anti-aging masks can also be prepared on its basis: chop a large lemon, mix it with two tablespoons of oatmeal and pour in one tablespoon of fresh cranberry juice. Mix into a homogeneous mass and apply it on the steamed dermis. Hold for a minute, and then remove with plenty of cold water.

    As you can see, citric acid can be an excellent tool and an indispensable component of home cosmetics, but you should never forget that it is a rather aggressive substance and therefore it is advisable to coordinate its use as a care product with a dermatologist or professional cosmetologist.

    Lemon peeling recipes at home

    Peeling at home with lemon is quite easy, in addition, this procedure will help to bring the skin in order in no time. a short time. This fruit is not only famous for its high amount of vitamin C, but it is also an excellent whitening agent that allows you to bring pigmented skin to the appropriate look. In fact, masks with lemon juice can be applied to any part of the body, whether it be the face or hands.

    Rules for peeling with lemon

    Before you start peeling with lemon, you need to consider a few rules that are important to follow, since the result will depend on this.

    1. Choose recipes strictly according to your skin type.
    2. Take only high-quality products for the mask, and you can use both room lemon and purchased lemon.

    In the photo - peeling with lemon at home

    The basic rule is attentiveness and the sequence of cleaning, without haste. Keep in mind that lemon juice can irritate the skin, so you need to use it carefully. If such skin cleansing has not been carried out before, it is recommended to do a preliminary allergy test and make sure that there is no threat to the use of fruit acid.

    On video peeling with lemon at home:

    It is advisable to add abrasive particles to lemon face masks at home, which will have an additional exfoliating effect. It can be candied honey, sugar, crushed cereal or rice. For a pleasant smell, you can add finely ground coffee.

    Recipes with citrus

    The preparation of masks does not take much time, in addition, the peeling method with lemon allows you to make masks based on crushed fruit with other components, as well as use pure juice without additives. Freshly squeezed juice is used as a tonic, wiping problem areas.

    For dry and normal skin

    Lemon juice will be the main ingredient, but yogurt or kefir should also be added here for moisturizing.

    So, for manufacturing you will need:

    • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
    • 1 tsp ground coffee;
    • 2-3 tbsp. l. kefir or yogurt.

    In the photo - lemon juice and coffee for peeling

    All components must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the problem area with namin, then rinse with warm water.

    For problem skin

    For this recipe you will need:

    • 2 tbsp. l. cucumber puree;
    • 1 st. l. lemon peel;
    • 1 yolk.

    In the photo - lemon, yolk and cucumber for face peeling

    Mix everything until a homogeneous slurry is formed. For problematic skin, you can add a little abrasive to get a scrub effect. Sugar or rice flour works well. Apply a mask massage movements and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    For oily and combination skin

    For the mask you will need:

    • 1 st. a spoonful of honey;
    • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
    • 2 tbsp. l. yogurt;
    • 1 well beaten egg white.

    In the photo - honey, egg and lemon juice for face peeling

    In fact, the mixture will turn out to be quite rare, so you need to apply it several times. It is best to lean over the tub or sink as the mask will spread and drip when applied. Gently apply the mixture with massaging movements and leave for a minute, rinse off the residue with warm water. Additionally, at the end of the procedure, you can apply a nourishing cream.

    In addition to using fruit, you can carry out procedures with citric acid. Such a tool will help to cope with pigmentation, remove oily sheen and reduce the appearance of acne. Preparing a tonic is quite simple - you need to dilute 1 tsp. citric acid in in large numbers purified water.

    With the resulting liquid, you need to wipe the skin for 1-2 minutes, then rinse it with cold water. Cleaning with this method is enough 1-2 times a day.

    Here you will find recipes for deep facial peeling at home. You may also be interested in peeling based on glycolic acid. Peeling at home with calcium chloride is effective.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Lemon peeling for the face is a great way to not only rejuvenate the skin, but also bring it to a healthy state. It is worth remembering that any cosmetic procedure has both positive and negative sides, so they need to be studied in order not to harm yourself.

    As for the benefits of lemon masks, the following points can be noted:

    • allows you to clean contaminated pores;
    • prevents the appearance of black spots and acne;
    • brightens skin color;
    • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
    • slows down the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks;
    • Helps to get rid of age spots and sun spots.

    On video peeling with citric acid at home:

    Another indicator is that everyone can prepare lemon peeling at home, since the cost of making it is minimal, because all the necessary ingredients are available in every kitchen.

    If we talk about the shortcomings, then the procedure is not recommended for high skin sensitivity or open wounds. In such a case, peeling can be carried out only after consulting a qualified cosmetologist or dermatologist. Be attentive to your health, do not experiment with it! Also read what is diamond peeling. The link lists the types of chemical peels for the face. Gas-liquid peeling of the face is gaining popularity.

    All women who don't live in a submarine and are at least somewhat interested in cosmetics have heard about the importance of using acids in skin care. AHA, BHA, enzymes, exfoliation, peels - these terms are skillfully thrown at us by marketers and dermatologists.

    But acid skin care is not a revolutionary solution at all. It's just that advanced cosmetics manufacturers managed to correctly furnish and describe the logic of using acids in cosmetics.

    In this article:

    In fact, BHA is salicylic acid, AHA is fruit acids. The most primitive, understandable and common fruit acid is citric acid, or, as the manufacturers call it, Zitric acd. This ingredient is found in 75% of the products in your makeup bag. It is put in shampoos, balms, creams, tonics, BB creams, serums, etc.

    The popularity of this component in the products of top brands leads to curious reflections. Women ask the question: “Is it possible to wipe the face with lemon or lemon juice and hope for a positive result? Or is it more correct to use citric acid only as part of industrial products? There is no definite answer to this question, but the benefits of citric acid are difficult to downplay.

    How does citric acid affect the skin?

    Fruit acids, including citric acid, are a really effective home care ingredient. Therefore, cosmetologists often recommend wiping their face with them. but such procedures with lemon can be both beneficial and harmful.

    They act in several directions at once: they eliminate dead cells, renew the epidermis, prevent the growth of bacteria, dissolve sebum, thereby ridding the skin of blackheads and comedones.

    You often hear about the need to maintain the correct ph of the skin. The fact is that the skin has a more acidic environment in comparison with other organs. But many factors disturb its natural balance. For example, other cleansers are alkaline and reduce the acidity of the skin. Therefore, frequent washing can cause dryness, sensitivity and rashes.

    If you are still wondering why rubbing lemon on your face and whether it is beneficial, know that this procedure is the most affordable way to balance the skin. And a heroic dose of vitamin C and delicate exfoliation are nice bonuses.

    Indications and contraindications for use for different skin types

    Citric acid is an inexpensive, effective and most popular ingredient in cosmetics. The conclusion suggests itself: it is suitable for any type of skin. But, in some situations, citric acid is especially useful.

    For oily skin

    Skin sebum is a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria that provoke acne, blackheads and other “gifts”. Plus, excess oil tends to congeal into pores, causing blackheads, uneven texture, and comedones.

    Acids dissolve hard sebum, cleanse pores, remove dead particles from the dermis.

    Acids are a salvation for girls with oily and problem skin. If you are still a beginner, advanced remedies with BHA, AHA have not tried, use lemon juice. This is a way to understand if your skin is susceptible to acids and how much. Then upgrade your cosmetic bag by buying products with expensive acids.

    For skin with freckles and age spots

    First of all, to prevent new spots and freckles from appearing, make friends with sunscreens.

    Lemon juice has been successfully used for centuries to treat pigmentation and freckles. Yes, it really helps to even out complexion, lighten acne marks, pigmentation, etc., thanks to its ability to exfoliate old cells. But it is impossible to completely get rid of old age spots only with lemon. Approach these issues in a holistic manner. In tandem with citric acid, use glycolic or lactic acid, arbutin and enzymes.

    For mature and aging skin

    With age, all natural renewal processes in the epidermis slow down. Therefore, regular exfoliation is the basis of anti-age care. Scrubs, washing brushes and other traumatic methods are contraindicated for.

    Acids are a wonderful gentle way to stimulate dermal renewal.. The most common acid is citric acid. She does this job well.

    If the result of applying lemon juice on the skin did not impress you, do not rush to write off this valuable citrus. The fact is that our hair needs acid care even more than our skin.

    An ancient grandmother's way of rinsing hair with a solution apple cider vinegar or citric acid is a useful life hack that has been tested by several generations. Rinse your hair with acidified water immediately after washing, this soothes the scalp, making the hair itself shiny, soft and supple.

    When and what is the effect of rubbing?

    Good products with acids change the skin in a matter of days. It becomes radiant, moisturized, well-groomed, the complexion evens out, inflammation heals, even small wrinkles are smoothed out.

    But is it possible to smear the face directly with lemon, and not with acid? Lemon juice is a less effective but more gentle acid treatment option. The result from its use will not be as pronounced and instant as it could be from acid, but it will definitely be. The skin will become smoother and brighter, the pores will narrow, the face will freshen up.


    Reviews on whether to wipe your face with lemon are available on the Internet in large numbers. This tool is very popular among women, as it is one of the most affordable.


    I have dry skin but with pimples in the center of my face. Here's an unfortunate paradox. Used lemon juice, mixing with fat cream. Inflammation went away in 2-3 days and, most importantly, there were no nasty cyanotic post-acne marks left. Now I go to a beautician for peelings, but I also periodically do a mask with lemon juice.

    Inna Berry

    I have textured skin. There are no pores on the forehead, but craters, even primers did not help. The dermatologist advised to go for a "yellow peel", but in order to prepare, he recommended make ice out of lemon juice and wipe your face in the morning. I liked the result so much that I never went for a peeling. The skin became more even, the pores did not shrink, but became less noticeable.

    How often can you use lemon juice?

    Women are concerned about the question, is it possible to wipe the face with lemon every day? If it helps, then yes. But, don't overdo it. Too intense exfoliation thins the epidermis. Redness, peeling, etc. signal that you need to pause in acid care.

    To lighten pigmentation, apply citric acid 3-4 times a day, but zoned, exclusively on spots.

    Application rules

    If you correctly integrate citric acid or citrus juice into your daily care, there will be no harm from it, only benefit. But there are a number of precautions to be taken to prevent side effects.:

    Any type of peeling makes the skin susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, increasing the risk of age spots. Advanced dermatologists have repeatedly proven that intense UV radiation contributes to photoaging of the skin and the appearance of melanoma. But with regular exfoliation, sun protection is not recommended. preventive measure, but a necessity. Even if you just rub lemon juice on your face, don't neglect SPF creams..

    Homemade Lemon Juice Recipes

    Acid pads for express peeling

    On the basis of lemon, one fashionable product can be prepared - acid pads for express peeling. So far, such skin renewal pads are only produced expensive brands: COSRX, Secret key (Korea), Dr. Deniss Gross, Laboratoire Dr Renaud (American dermatologists).

    This is a primitive but ingenious product: a set cotton pads impregnated with an acid composition. The price for such “innovative products” is off the charts: $3-6 per 1 pad. All of them contain a complex of acids, including citric acid.

    For hand-made pads you will need: a set of cotton pads, 1 tsp. citric acid, 1 tsp salicylic solution from a pharmacy, 1 ampoule of pharmacy ascorbic acid + 25 ml of water. Before use, shake off the solution, moisten a cotton pad, wipe your face, wash thoroughly after 3-5 minutes..

    Such a simple procedure gives a distinctly positive result: the skin is renewed, the complexion becomes more even, inflammation disappears, pores narrow.

    Clay mask with lemon juice

    Such a mask tightens pores, renews the epidermis, and dries up inflammation. 2 tbsp blue or green clay, + 1 tbsp. lemon juice + 1 tbsp. water. The mask should spread easily over the face. If the mass is thick, add more water. Apply to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.. Wait for the mask to dry, then rinse gently.

    not without reason citric acid is a basic ingredient in cosmetic products, it really enhances the effectiveness of home skin care. Do not neglect simple acid products, and your skin will be fresh, healthy and well-groomed.

    In contact with

    Citric acid is a necessary link in the process of cellular respiration. It has antioxidant and bactericidal properties, stimulates the renewal of new cells, improves skin elasticity, reduces deep wrinkles, masks skin defects, evens out complexion, cleanses the skin, destroying excess fat and dead cells. Citric acid also promotes the elimination of toxins through skin cells. Add citric acid to creams, rinse, do peeling and your skin will again become clean and fresh, and your hair will be obedient and shiny.

    Peeling. Today, one of the popular skin rejuvenation procedures is fruit peeling (based on fruit acids, including citric acid), which effectively removes dead skin cells, improves skin regeneration and increases metabolism.
    Due to the fact that peeling with citric acid is one of the most gentle types of superficial peeling, skin recovery after such a procedure occurs relatively quickly. Those women who have already experienced the miraculous anti-aging peeling with citric acid know that this procedure completely evens out the complexion, promotes the disappearance of age spots and acne, and also increases skin elasticity. In addition, microcirculation is restored and the skin is intensively moisturized.

    Peeling at home:

    Unfortunately, not everyone can afford expensive cosmetic procedures for cleansing and rejuvenating facial skin in beauty salons. Therefore, we will slightly reveal the secret of lemon peeling, which every woman can carry out at home, devoting just a few minutes a day to this.

    In beauty salons, ready-made peeling products are used, so the peeling itself is different: the composition is applied to the skin and removed after a while. At home, citric acid is washed off almost immediately.

    Before peeling:

    1. Be sure to test for reaction. Apply some citric acid to the area under the chin.
    2. If you have sensitive skin, then it is better to dilute citric acid with a small amount of olive oil or any other oil.

    The higher the concentration of acid, the more effective it is on the skin, but there is a risk of causing irritation and redness of the skin. If you do not have dry and irritated skin, you can apply undiluted citric acid.

    Peeling procedure:

    1. Cleanse your face with a mild cleanser.
    2. On clean and damp skin, apply citric acid granules with your fingertips. Rub lightly. There will be a burning sensation. The skin will turn red. Don't be afraid, the discomfort will pass quickly.
    3. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
    4. Apply any carrier oil to the skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. Blot the rest with a napkin or towel.

    Redness can last on the face for some time, so the procedure is best done before bedtime.

    Contraindications for peeling with citric acid:

    1. Allergic reaction
    2. Recent tan
    3. Skin lesions
    4. In the summer after the procedure, try not to be in the sun for some time.

    Shampoos: Due to its good cleansing and preservative effect, citric acid is often added to hair shampoos. Hair is easier to comb and less polluted.

    Hair rinse: I think many people know the method of rinsing hair with a weak solution of citric acid after washing. Thanks to its astringent properties, citric acid normalizes the pH balance of the skin, destroying excess sebum. After such a rinse, the hair acquires shine and lightens a little over time.

    Creams: Due to its cleansing and whitening action, citric acid is added to creams. It reduces the risk of acne and blackheads, normalizes the lipid balance of the skin, disappears excess pigmentation. After applying citric acid, the skin becomes not only clean, but acquires a pleasant matte shade.

    Care of nails: Carefully caring for the nail plate, citric acid will brighten it and make it more shiny and smooth. Nails will become less brittle. To strengthen nails, it is enough to take baths with citric acid once or twice a week or wipe them with a cotton pad dipped in a weak solution of citric acid or lemon juice.

    Getting rid of freckles: A 2-3% solution of citric acid or fresh lemon juice is used to get rid of freckles, age spots and whiten the skin.

    Bath bombs. All the fair sex love to soak in the bath, with all sorts of "useful stuff." Very often we use all sorts of pops, the main components of which are baking soda and citric acid. It is they who, when interacting with water and with each other at the same time, give such a seething effect.

    Soap making. Citric acid is used in soap making as a color stabilizer, preservative, acidifier, acidity regulator and conditioner. Also, citric acid has a whitening effect on the skin, which is enhanced in the presence of tartaric acid. Tightens enlarged skin pores. In soap "from scratch", when citric acid interacts with alkali, it forms salts, citrates, which are a conditioning additive in shampoo soap.

    Hello my dear reader! In this post, we will discuss skin care with one of the alpha hydroxyl (AHA) acids, namely citric acid, found in everyone's favorite yellow citrus. Consider how we can use lemon juice for the face and the mechanisms of its effect on the skin. Using its beneficial properties in home cosmetics, we can achieve visible results in a very short time!

    Alpha hydroxy acids are included in almost all series of anti-aging cosmetics of many well-known manufacturers of cosmetics. The most popular AHA acids in cosmetology are lactic, citric, tartaric and malic. They are able to change the state of skin structures not only at the cellular and molecular levels, but also skin tissues in general.

    Lemon juice is a kind of homemade chemical peel, “burning out” the upper layer of the epidermis in order to even out skin tone, get rid of uneven pigmentation, scars and black spots left from acne, etc. Therefore, it should be treated as an aggressive environment for the epidermis.

    Since lemon juice in its composition contains a high concentration of citric acid, in contact with our skin, it has the following actions:

    • Exfoliating (whitening)

    Citric acid weakens the adhesion of dead cells of the epidermis (they are called corneocytes), the bonds between them are destroyed and already lifeless cells are sloughed off. The basal layer of the skin instantly reacts by actively starting to give birth to new young cells - keratinocytes, instead of desquamated ones. Thus, an active renewal of superficial skin structures begins.

    • Moisturizer

    The skin is moisturized due to the active birth of young keratinocytes, on the surface of which the structures of hygroscopic molecules are built, which attract moisture.

    • Firming and rejuvenating

    These effects are achieved due to the active synthesis of collagen and elastin - the components of collagen and elastin fibers responsible for the elasticity of our skin. The acid contained in lemon juice stimulates the vital activity of fibroblasts - connective tissue cells that link collagen and elastin proteins. Thus, collagen and elastin fibers are strengthened.

    • bactericidal
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Antioxidant

    The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of the acid contained in lemon juice are associated with the activation of all the protective systems of our skin. This is because all skin structures are under real stress from a chemical burn obtained from citric aha-acid. Therefore, all internal resources are urgently mobilized, the cells of skin structures are fastened together for a general mobilization of forces, and the synthesis of vital substances is accelerated.

    What result do we see on the face? The epidermis becomes thinner, and the dermis thickens, all tissues are tightened! The stratum corneum becomes stronger, as intercellular bonds are strengthened, as a result of which the skin increases elasticity and firmness, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

    Useful substances in lemon

    In addition to citric acid, this citrus fruit contains a rich complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that provide additional nutrition to cellular structures and an antioxidant effect. This is, first of all, the high content of the most powerful antioxidant - vitamin C. Therefore, lemon is so popular in the treatment of all inflammatory processes in the human body, as well as stress. Lemon also contains B vitamins (B1 and B2), A, D, citrine (vitamin P), pectins and flavonoids.

    The use of lemon juice in skin care

    Using the beneficial properties of lemon nectar can help women with any type of skin, as well as in the care of skin prone to aging, uneven pigmentation and rosacea.

    But before using the recipes below, I want to warn you: lemon juice is still an acid, although gentle, compared to industrial counterparts, but still an acid. It can leave a burn on the skin, especially sensitive.

    Therefore, care should be taken for women with dry and sensitive skin. Lemon juice makes such skin even drier and thins the epidermis. For whitening, mix lemon juice with water and base oils and use no more than once a week.

    Another warning concerns ultraviolet radiation. The citric acid of this citrus releases young cells, and they especially need protection from the sun. Therefore, chemical peeling with AHA acids is contraindicated in summer, and in winter, day creams with sun protection SPF10-15 should be used. And the best solution is to make your own sunscreen.

    Lotions with lemon juice

    Lotions using citrus citric acid cleanse oily and problematic skin well, regulating the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. It should be remembered that home remedies using citrus fruits do not need to be applied to the area around the eyes and lips.

    The easiest lotion- add 10-15 drops of lemon nectar to 100 g of purified water. It is used as an antiseptic, astringent and cleanser.

    Simple Whitening Lotion- 100 g of lemon juice and 100 g of natural mineral water. This tonic is also good for flabby, oily skin. Perfectly cleans pores and ensures their narrowing.

    Lotion for couperose skin- 100 g of distilled water, 50 g of lemon juice, 70 g of witch hazel decoction. Lemon with its vitamin C nourishes the skin structures and strengthens the walls of blood vessels together with witch hazel. Witch hazel has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect and prevents the development of rosacea by ensuring the outflow of blood from the capillaries and blood vessels.

    Hamamelis decoction: Pour 2 tablespoons of witch hazel leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave in a steam bath for 5 minutes. Or we make an infusion in a thermos for 20-30 minutes. After cooling the infusion, mix with the rest of the ingredients of the lotion.

    Lotion for oily skin- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, witch hazel and vodka infusion, 1 tablespoon of purified boiled water. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour into a sterile bottle. Store in refrigerator. Wipe your face in the morning and evening. The lotion relieves inflammation and fights acne. Also suitable for daily care of oily skin.

    Whitening Lotion #1– 6 tablespoons of cucumber juice, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of rose water.

    Whitening Lotion #2- 150 g of parsley broth and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. The broth is prepared as follows: pour 2 tablespoons of parsley with a glass of boiling water and put the dishes in a steam bath for 15-20 minutes. Add to the lotion strained and completely cooled.

    You can, of course, just wipe your face with lemon, but such a simple way to tone the skin can lead to trouble. To prevent this from happening, after 10 minutes, wipe your face with a damp cotton pad or rinse. But try it, perhaps your skin is just waiting for it! To whiten the epidermis after the summer season, you need to wipe your face with lemon systematically, but with caution.

    Regarding the composition and percentage of active ingredients of lotions, you can change the composition, depending on the reaction of the skin - more or less of any component. There are no dogmas in home cosmetics and you decide which composition suits your skin and goals. Yes, and homemade formulas are not stored for long! Therefore, prepare small-volume tonics or cooperate with friends and work colleagues so that the precious composition does not disappear.

    Lifting mask with protein and lemon for oily skin

    This is the most famous face mask among women - a mask of protein and lemon. It is very easy to prepare, and the effect will not keep you waiting. The skin is noticeably tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, the complexion improves and the skin tone evens out.

    How to cook: beat the egg white of a chicken egg into a strong foam, gradually adding 5-6 drops of lemon juice. You can try to beat the protein of quail eggs, but already two!

    Apply a thick layer on the face and neck, lie down on a horizontal surface and keep the mask for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with neutral temperature water. After wetting the moisture, we lubricate the face with a fat nourishing cream.

    Mask for aging skin with a tightening effect

    This is very effective mask, which you take into your piggy bank and carry out a course of procedures 2-3 times a week for 4-5 weeks.

    In a small cup, lightly heat 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil (can be replaced with jojoba, sunflower or grape seed oil). Add one fresh yolk, half a teaspoon of lemon juice diluted with 1 teaspoon of mineral water. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply to face and neck in layers, allowing each layer to dry before applying the next. Leave the last layer on your face for 10-15 minutes.

    The result of such a renewing mask is fresh and toned skin! Approximately such a tightening we did with the help of flaxseed infusion.

    Toning mask with moisturizing effect

    The composition of the mask: 1 table. a spoonful of base oil (olive, grape seed oil, sunflower or sea buckthorn), 1 table. a spoonful of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of fat sour cream. Mix the ingredients and apply to the face and neck, avoiding the eye and lip area. Wash off after 20 minutes.

    I hope that you have received comprehensive information about the use of your favorite citrus as a cosmetic product. You can use lemon juice for the face in your own home cosmetic formulations, already knowing the mechanisms of its action on skin structures.

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    How is the substance obtained?

    For the first time, pure acid was isolated back in 1784 - sodium citrate was obtained during the processing of juice from green lemons. In the current production, two methods are used to obtain "lemon" - by synthesizing specific sugary substances and by processing plant products.

    Most often, peels and masks are prepared on the basis of sodium citrate: let's find out all the features of the process of preparing and using homemade cosmetics with citric acid.

    Lemon peels

    • Get rid of ugly age spots.

    The use of lemon peeling should be abandoned by owners of dry dermis, as well as dermis prone to irritation and allergic manifestations. You should not use "lemon" in cleansing procedures if there are wounds, scratches, foci of inflammation on the surface of the face. Peeling of this type is not suitable for those who suffer from an allergy to citrus fruits.

    After the procedure, treat the skin of the face with a mild cosmetic oil - macadamia, avocado or jojoba. Keep in mind that peeling based on "lemon" can cause temporary, but severe reddening of the skin, so it is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed so that the skin calms down by morning and the irritation reaction disappears. Such peeling can be used on the skin no more than 2 times a month.

    Connoisseurs of home cosmetology often call “lemon” a real panacea for age spots, freckles; special mask formulations are prepared on its basis to help whiten and lighten the skin. Citric acid for cleaning the face from ugly age spots gives high performance due to its high exfoliating qualities.

    But is it possible to whiten the dermis of the face with citric acid and not worry about the condition of your skin, because everyone knows the caustic qualities of this substance? Cosmetologists answer this question as follows: it is possible to whiten the dermis with “lemon”, but only in the procedure it is worth using the natural acid contained in lemon juice, and not food concentrate powder.

    For women with dermis prone to dryness or hypersensitivity, cosmetologists recommend making such face masks with “lemon”, in which its aggressive effect will be softened by other nourishing or moisturizing components of the epithelium.

    How does lemon work on the skin?

    Tropical citrus fruit contains vitamins (C, A, B, E, P, K), important trace elements (iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc), essential oils, organic acids, phytoncides, carotene, pectins. If we consider the fetus from the point of view of regular eating, then the positive impact on health, and in particular on strengthening immunity, is enormous. But let's not forget that the skin, hair and nails also need to be nourished from the outside. Therefore, a lemon for the face is seen as an excellent independent cosmetic component. So, the acids that make up the fruit have a gentle whitening and antiseptic effect, and vitamins and minerals nourish epithelial tissues.

    In particular, vitamin C serves not only to strengthen the immune system, but also helps to produce elastin and collagen, which is especially valuable in adulthood.

    Vitamins of group A contain folic acid, which reduces inflammation.

    Potassium is able to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, and you will forget about oily sheen and enlarged pores on your face.

    Vitamin K is great for skin pigmentation.

    Lemon juice as a tonic

    The simplest procedure can be used by those who want to get rid of freckles and age spots. Many of us notice how tea brightens when we put a slice of citrus in it. Being well aware of this property of the fetus, cosmetologists recommend using lemon for facial skin as a brightener. If there is no time to prepare masks, you can use rubbing the skin with lemon juice. It is very practical that no high-tech devices are needed to squeeze the citrus, it is enough to cut the fruit in half and squeeze the insides into a cup. If you do not want to see foreign particles in the juice, you can use gauze as a filter. Happy owners of a food processor can squeeze a lemon for the skin of the face along with the zest.

    Stock up on patience

    Freckles only decorate the girl, but if you still want to get rid of them, then you won’t be able to do this with just one use of a home tonic. The same applies to age spots. Lemon for the face is an excellent bleach, but even he is not able to remove spots on the skin in the shortest possible time. So be patient and take action. Important! Do not wipe the skin with this product before going to the solarium or in the open sun. Otherwise, irritation will appear on the face. For the same purpose, you can use lemon essential oil for the face, mixed with any other vegetable oil.

    How to deal with acne daily?

    With such an unpleasant age-related problem as acne, it is better to fight pointwise. It is necessary to take a cotton swab, place its tip in highly concentrated lemon juice, and then cauterize the problem area, holding for a few seconds. Do not do this procedure in the morning, as the skin will look overly inflamed. We will agree to deal with pimples before going to bed, so the skin will have time during the night to “feel” the antiseptic effect and relax.

    For those with little time

    We agree that we abuse ready-made face masks only because there is often not enough time for self-preparation of the composition. For those who are always in a hurry and do not have time to devote an extra hour to their beloved, there is an excellent offer. Combine lemon juice with olive oil and you will get a great nutritional composition which will help smooth out wrinkles. Wiping your face with this mixture twice a day (in the morning and before bedtime), you will notice simply magical transformations.

    What type of skin is best suited for a face mask with lemon?

    It is easy to identify that the main consumers of lemon-based masks are women with oily skin, with increased pigmentation and wrinkles. There are clear warnings for sensitive, thin, irritated skin.

    How often to apply masks?

    Lemon for the face is so beneficial and useful that in the presence of minor inflammation it is a sin to refuse this component. So, if the skin is sensitive, it is recommended to add neutralizing components (honey, egg white, sour cream and others) to the composition. They will not allow the skin to collapse, and will only enhance the positive effects of citrus. Also, cosmetologists have calculated the frequency with which a face mask with lemon can be used, in relation to dry skin. For a month on dry skin, on average, you can apply a lemon composition no more than 8-10 times (2 times a week).

    Now imagine best options cosmetic formulations that can be easily prepared at home without the help of professionals. The most popular cosmetic products made on the basis of citrus fruits include a face mask, honey, lemon containing. To prepare the composition, you will need the following components:

    • honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • vegetable oil in the same proportion;
    • yolk - 1 pc.

    This composition is easy to prepare by thoroughly mixing all the ingredients. Apply to cleansed dry skin without cooling. The mask is left on the face, and if necessary, on the neck for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with cool water and apply a nourishing cream. The composition is suitable for all owners of dry skin, however, in case of rashes after application, it is better to refuse such a procedure. Honey and lemon for the face are just perfect and help prolong youth and beauty.

    Cosmetic composition with egg white for deep cleaning

    Another recipe for "eternal youth" prepared at home. Such a face mask (egg, lemon in the composition) will not only deeply and effectively cleanse the skin, but also prevent the appearance of hated wrinkles, and also noticeably rejuvenate. Prepare the composition as follows. The egg white is separated from the yolk and beaten until a lush thick foam is formed, then lemon juice is added to the mass and the mass is beaten again before direct application. Reviews of beauties testify to the delicious effect of the egg-lemon composition after just one application. Many did not even suspect that beauty is so simple. The recipe consists of only two components: protein, lemon. The face mask can also be used on the neck and décolleté. However, keeping it on the skin for more than 15 minutes is not recommended.

    Very simple baking soda scrub

    At home, you can prepare not only masks, but also scrubs (deeply cleansing and exfoliating skin compositions) for washing. And for this it is not at all necessary to grind grape and peach seeds. There is a very simple way to prepare such a remedy. We take the usual cosmetic foam for washing (a single portion) as a basis, add baking soda there (which acts as a kind of natural abrasive), as well as a drop of lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly and wash your face every morning with this simple remedy. Such a composition will have a calming effect on the skin, and will also significantly improve both the cleansing process and the external condition of the face as a whole.

    Mask with lemon and sour cream for a well-groomed appearance

    Well-groomed women look dazzling because they are not too lazy to pay a little more attention to themselves than other young ladies, pamper themselves and apply various useful components to their faces. Sour cream is one of the most nutritious and healthy lactic acid products. If we are on a diet, we may not consume it with food, but we simply must apply it on the face. The mask of a well-groomed woman is being prepared as follows. We take 100 g of sour cream and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, mix thoroughly, and if possible use a blender. This will allow the components to better penetrate each other. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

    Best Acne Remedy: Lemon Yeast Mask

    In order to get rid of acne, you need to prepare the following remedy. Take in equal proportions (one tablespoon each) lemon juice and brewer's yeast. Mix the components together and add 3 tablespoons of warm milk, then let the mixture brew for a few minutes. This composition, applied to cleansed skin for 20 minutes, will not only relieve inflammation and disinfect pustules, but also cleanse the pores of accumulated fat and generally help normalize the sebaceous glands. If the presented composition does not help to completely relieve inflammation, you can alternate it with a mask that contains protein and lemon (for the face). Reviews of young ladies indicate that a protein mask applied to the face twice a week also effectively helps to eliminate acne.

    Lemon essential oil for the face: making a homemade cream

    Many are interested in the question of how oil is obtained from lemon. To do this, they take citrus zest and obtain a valuable essential oil by cold pressing. This method of squeezing helps to do without auxiliary elements and retains all useful substances and vitamins in the product. The product can be purchased at pharmacies or specialized stores. Important! In its pure form, lemon oil for the face is not recommended, as we know, it must be mixed with other vegetable oil, and even better, prepare a homemade face and body cream. It is done like this. We take any nutritious (fatty) cream, add vegetable (olive) and lemon oil to it in equal proportions. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. The pharmacy sells capsules with vitamin E, which can also be enriched with the resulting homemade cosmetic product.


    As you can see, to be beautiful and have a healthy, well-groomed appearance, it is not necessary to visit expensive beauty salons. You need to have certain knowledge, a lemon on hand, as well as a few minutes of free time.

    Lemon masks: top recipes

    classic mask

    To cleanse and whiten the skin with citric acid, it is enough to dissolve it (one teaspoon) in purified warm water (five tablespoons), then apply the mixture gently on the skin of the face, wait five minutes and rinse with cold water.

    Remember that healthy, young and beautiful skin is an indicator of a healthy body! Do not forget to carry out cleansing diets and fasting days! One of the most popular ways of cleansing and losing weight is homemade buckwheat diet for weight loss for seven days, the menu for every day of which can restore your lightness and elegance!

    Citric acid mask for dry skin

    To prepare the following face mask with citric acid, we need the following ingredients:

    • one teaspoon of citric acid,
    • six teaspoons of liquid honey,
    • some milk or water.

    So, it is necessary to carefully mix all the components in a clean glass bowl until a homogeneous paste, then distribute the mask over the entire surface of the skin of the face. After about fifteen minutes, rinse off the rest of the product with running water.

    Whitening mask

    Although each face mask with citric acid is whitening, one of them is especially effective. For example, the following remedy, which is recommended for getting rid of various kinds of age spots, not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. To prepare this mask, you need to prepare in advance:

    • one medium cucumber
    • citric acid,
    • parsley,
    • purified or melted water.

    Grate a cucumber on a fine grater, then mix two tablespoons of the finished cucumber puree with half a teaspoon of citric acid and one teaspoon of gruel from fresh parsley leaves. Stir the mask by adding water so that you end up with a puree-like uniform consistency.

    Apply the mask prepared in this way on the face for fifteen minutes, and then remove by washing several times with warm water. But, remember to have perfect skin- it is necessary to give the body the vitamins it needs. One of the most effective methods such recovery is the use of echinacea.

    Scrub mask with citric acid.

    Mix half a teaspoon of citric acid with one to two tablespoons of fat sour cream and one teaspoon of salt until a paste-like mass of a homogeneous consistency is formed. Apply the mixture with your fingertips on your face and rinse with cold water. This citric acid face mask is not recommended for wounds and irritations.

    And from our new article you will learn how you can have a tasty snack without getting better and how many dates you can eat a day!

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    Citric acid is a natural substance that - as its name suggests - is predominantly found in varying amounts in all types of citrus fruits. This component can be found in almost any cosmetic products. Notably, US cosmetic, food, and drug labeling regulations do not require citric acid to be listed on product packaging if the ingredient is used there solely as a pH adjuster. It follows that many people use citric acid every day in various cosmetics - in cleansers, soaps, facial tonics, hair care products - without even realizing it.

    Citric acid is beneficial in that it exfoliates the skin by removing dead cells from the top layer of the skin, thereby promoting new cell growth. Since it is a natural substance, it rarely causes an allergic reaction and is suitable for most skin types. In addition to pure citric acid in cosmetics and personal care products, its various compounds can also be widely used: potassium citrate, aluminum citrate, diammonium citrate, iron citrate, magnesium citrate, monosubstituted zinc citrate, as well as other salts and esters of this substance.

    Synonyms: Citric Acid Monohydrate, Diammmonium Citrate, Potassium Citrate, Aluminum Citrate, Zinc Citrate, Ethyl Citrate, Isodecyl Citrate, Tributyl Citrate, Triethyl Citrate, Triethylhexyl Citrate, Dilauryl Citrate, Isodecyl Citrate, Stearyl Citrate, Tri-C12-13 Alkyl Citrate, Tri- C14-15 Alkyl Citrate, Triethylhexyl Citrate, Ferric Citrate, Magnesium Citrate, Tricaprylyl Citrate, Triisocetyl Citrate, Triisostearyl Citrate, Trioctyldodecyl Citrate, Isopropyl Citrate, Tributyl Citrate. Patented formulas: Jungbunzlauer Citric Acid Anhydrous, Artec Chemical Citric acid.

    The action of citric acid in cosmetics

    In its original form, citric acid is very often used to adjust the pH of cosmetic products, mostly skin care products. The addition of this component to the cosmetic formula makes the product more acidic, which optimizes its functions, and also additionally preserves the product. However, this is far from the only function of this ingredient, although it is the most demanded.

    Citric acid is a member of the alpha hydroxy acid family of molecules, a class of compounds widely used in skin care products designed to exfoliate (exfoliate) facial skin. When applied to the skin in a sufficiently concentrated dose, citric acid breaks down the protein bonds between the "dead" and "live" cells of the epidermis, as a result of which old, dead cells are easily removed, leaving the skin clean, smooth and radiant. Alpha hydroxy acids, including citric acid, are also used as active ingredients in home and clinical chemical peels: they are used to refresh the complexion, eliminate fine lines, shallow scars and areas of skin discoloration (hypo- or hyperpigmentation). ). By removing dead skin cells that often clog pores, citric acid is highly beneficial for people suffering from acne or enlarged pores. When applied topically to the skin, citric acid also acts as an antioxidant that helps reverse the signs of aging.

    In the formulas of cleansers, shampoos and soaps, citric acid is added in such a way that they lather easily. Citric acid is also crucial in providing the desired color results: it guarantees the necessary color saturation as an ingredient in many hair dyes. In addition to the listed properties of citric acid in its pure form, this ingredient is used in the production of cosmetics in combination with minerals - in this form, it manifests itself in completely unexpected and sometimes contradictory "roles".

    Citric acid: different forms - different properties in cosmetics

    Esters derived from citric acid form a thin protective film on the surface of the skin: it limits the evaporation of moisture from tissues. Citric acid esters such as tricaprylyl citrate, an effective ingredient in moisturizers, provide this function in particular. Esters of citric acid also additionally help to soften the skin. Some citric acid esters, such as triethylamine and tributyl citrate, can also be used as plasticizers.

    Aluminum combines with citric acid to form a substance called aluminum citrate, which is used as an astringent in skin care products. Products that contain aluminum citrate help shrink enlarged pores and are useful as a treatment for acne and generally improve the condition of oily and combination skin.

    Another citric acid derivative, ethyl citrate (a.k.a. triethyl citrate) creates a tough coating when sprayed onto hair: it is a common fixative and a popular ingredient in hair sprays. Ethyl citrate is a mixture of tri-, di-, and mono-esters that can be used in cosmetics in various formulas. Isodecyl citrate and stearyl citrate are monoesters, and dilauryl citrate is a diester: these components are used primarily as humectants in products like sanitary wipes.

    A combination of zinc and citric acid, zinc citrate acts as a biocide and helps prevent tartar formation and is used as an ingredient in toothpastes and dental whitening products.

    Sodium citrate is the sodium salt of citric acid commonly used in cosmetics and personal care products as an acid stabilizer and alkaline balancer. Citric acid in combination with potassium or sodium salts also helps protect cosmetics from spoilage.

    Iron citrate as well as magnesium citrate are excellent conditioning agents in skin care products.

    Diammonium citrate is used primarily as a buffering agent (sometimes potassium citrate also performs this role).

    Citric acid esters such as tributyl citrate and triethyl citrate are used in cosmetics and personal care products as anti-age components and mild antiseptics. Other triesters of citric acid, trialkyls or alkyl citrates, tricapryl, triethylxexyl, etc. already act as auxiliary components.

    Who needs citric acid

    As can be seen from the functions listed above, the indications for the use of citric acid will vary depending on its form in which it is present in the cosmetic product.

    Who is contraindicated in citric acid

    Citric acid is an environmentally friendly, biologically and relatively harmless product. However, people with sensitive skin should avoid using creams containing citric acid, as this can cause irritation or a fairly persistent rash. Like any acid, this ingredient, with frequent or long-term use, destroys the tooth, leading to increased susceptibility to cavities, infections, and a number of other various complications.

    A strict contraindication is an individual hypersensitivity reaction, which is extremely rare when using organic citric acid. At the same time, all citric acid derivatives are usually safe, side effects appear only at excessive concentrations, for example, during peeling.

    Cosmetics containing citric acid

    Citric acid, as well as its salts and esters, can be used in all types of cosmetic products with virtually no restrictions, including children's products, decorative cosmetics, soap and detergents, hair dyes and styling products, skin care products, etc. This component is most often found in the composition of various skin products.

    Cosmetics with citric acid in our catalog:

    Scrubs and exfoliants with citric acid

    Moisturizing creams with citric acid for the face

    Toothpaste with citric acid

    Soap with citric acid

    Hair dyes with citric acid

    Blonders with citric acid

    Sources of citric acid

    Citric acid belongs to a class of organic acids that are ubiquitous in the cells and tissues of plants and animals. The most common natural sources of this ingredient are lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits. It is clear that raw materials in the form of a weak organic acid are obtained from citrus fruits, for example, the same lemon juice contains about 5-8% citric acid: it is the main natural source of citric acid. However, today no one uses lemons as a source of this substance for the production of cosmetics: it is too expensive.

    Currently, the main raw material for the production of citric acid is beet molasses, a by-product of sugar production from sugar beet or sugar cane. In the industrial production of citric acid, natural fermentation processes are involved, which are carried out with the help of cultures of the mold fungus Aspergillus niger (it acts as a producer in this process and helps to synthesize this ingredient from molasses sugars). Rarely, paraffins are used as raw materials, and yeasts of the genus Candida are used as producers. At the output, the raw material is a white powder, highly soluble in water.

    How is the substance obtained?

    For the first time, pure acid was isolated back in 1784 - sodium citrate was obtained during the processing of juice from green lemons. In the current production, two methods are used to obtain " lemons» - through the synthesis of specific sugary substances and through the processing of plant products.

    Natural sodium citrate is a substance quite common in nature. It contains all citrus fruits, some types of berries, tree needles and even tobacco stalks.

    In cosmetology, a substance of organic origin is most often used, but the usual food concentrate can also be used for deep cleaning.

    Attention! Citric acid for normal or problematic facial skin is used with the utmost care - an abundance of the substance in the composition of the mask or peeling can lead to serious burns of the skin. It is also undesirable to use sodium citrate on sensitive and allergic skin.

    Most often, peels and masks are prepared on the basis of sodium citrate: let's find out all the features of the process of preparing and using homemade cosmetics with lemonacid.

    Lemon peels

    Cosmetologists call lemon peeling one of the effective home remedies for deep cleansing of the skin from dirt and dead particles of the epithelium.

    With the help of regular use of such peeling for the face, the following cosmetic problems of the dermis can be solved:

    • Return the skin to a fresh look and healthy color;
    • Cleanse deep contamination of the dermis, clean pores clogged with sebum and dust;
    • Reduce the increased production of sebum;
    • Prevent the appearance of acne and acne;
    • Eliminate the first signs of aging and withering of the skin;
    • Get rid of the ugly pigmentedspots.

    The use of lemon peeling should be abandoned by owners of dry dermis, as well as dermis prone to irritation and allergic manifestations. Do not use " lemon» in cleansing procedures in the presence of wounds, scratches, foci of inflammation on the surface of the face. Peeling of this type is not suitable for those who suffer from an allergy to citrus fruits.

    A simple peel based on sodium citrate is prepared as follows. A tablespoon of food concentrate is diluted with water so that a thick, viscous slurry is obtained. This gruel should be wiped over the face, paying special attention to problem areas. Leave the mixture for a fuller effect for 2-3 minutes on the skin, and then rinse with warm water. Do not keep the mixture longer than the exposure time indicated above - you can severely burn the dermis.

    After the procedure, treat the skin of the face with a mild cosmetic oil - macadamia, avocado or jojoba. Keep in mind that peeling based on " lemons"may cause temporary but severe reddening of the skin, so it is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed so that the skin calms down before morning and the irritation reaction disappears. Such peeling can be used on the skin no more than 2 times a month.

    Citric acid in whitening procedures

    « Limonka»Connoisseurs of home cosmetology often call it a real panacea for age spots, freckles; special mask formulations are prepared on its basis to help bleach and brighten the skin. Citric acid for cleaning the face from ugly age spots gives high performance due to its high exfoliating qualities.

    But is it possible to whiten the dermis of the face with citric acid and not worry about the condition of your skin, because everyone knows the caustic qualities of this substance? Cosmetologists answer this question as follows: whiten the dermis " lemon"It is possible, but only in the procedure it is worth using the natural acid contained in lemon juice, and not food concentrate powder.

    How to whiten your face with citric acid? You need to prepare for the whitening procedure in advance: clean the epidermis with a soft gentle scrub and thoroughly steam your face.

    Take one large ripe lemon and cut it into two halves. Squeeze juice from each half. Pour the juice into a clean container. Arm yourself with a sterile cotton gauze swab, soak it in fresh juice and gently wipe over the areas of the face that you would like to lighten.

    Ladies who want to remove freckles from their skin often torture cosmetologists on the topic - how often can you wipe your face with lemon juice and can you clean it with citric acid? The answer to this question sounds like this: you can rub the skin with lemon juice two to three times a day until the desired result is achieved, but you still need to take breaks in using home bleach.

    In addition, keep in mind that whitening the face with “lemon” is a rather tough procedure, so some precautions should be taken both during and after it:

    • Do not buy ready-made lemon juice in the store for the procedure. Preservatives and dyes are often added to it, which are harmful to the health of the epidermis;
    • After the whitening procedure, the skin becomes vulnerable to the sun's rays, and therefore, for some time after the event, refrain from sunbathing on the beach, in the solarium, and long exposure to the open sun;
    • Whitening with pure juice is not suitable for ladies with delicate sensitive or excessively dry skin.

    For women with a dermis prone to dryness or hypersensitivity, cosmetologists recommend making such face masks with " lemon”, in which its aggressive effect will be mitigated by other nourishing or moisturizing components of the epithelium.

    Citric acid masks

    A mild whitening mask is obtained by diluting a tablespoon of lemon juice with the same amount of fresh honey. The mixture should be stirred until a homogeneous consistency, hold for about a quarter of an hour and rinse with warm water. If there is no lemon, you can make a rejuvenating face mask with honey and citric acid. It is not necessary to apply cream or oil after applying the mask - honey itself is quite a nutritious and useful component that softens and moisturizes the dermis to the right extent.

    A lemon and protein face mask will help reduce sebum secretions and eliminate unpleasant oily sheen on the skin. One protein of a fresh chicken egg should be beaten with 7-8 drops of freshly squeezed citrus juice. Stir the ingredients, and then apply to problem areas prone to shine and profuse sweating.

    Citric acid is a great antioxidant, so effective anti-aging masks can also be prepared on its basis: chop a large lemon, mix it with two tablespoons of oatmeal and pour in one tablespoon of fresh cranberry juice. Mix into a homogeneous mass and apply it on the steamed dermis. Keep for 10-15 minutes, and then remove with plenty of cold water.

    As you can see, citric acid can be an excellent tool and an indispensable component of home cosmetics, but you should never forget that it is a rather aggressive substance and therefore it is advisable to coordinate its use as a care product with a dermatologist or professional cosmetologist.