
How to quickly clean cupronickel at home. The best methods for cleaning cupronickel cutlery. Household chemicals


Cupronickel products replace silver in budget option... In Soviet times, cupronickel cutlery was produced according to the same models as silver, differing only in marking. And, I must say, they look quite dignified and elegant. But only if they are well polished.

However, silver also darkens and needs to be cleaned periodically. But we will talk about silver separately, and now we will find out how to clean cupronickel at home, using the cheapest, simplest and absolutely affordable means.

Why does cupronickel darken

This metal alloy tends to form dark oxides on contact with certain substances. So that dishes or other products made of cupronickel does not darken, they must be wiped dry immediately after washing. soft cloth... Each drop of water that has dried naturally on the cupronickel surface will leave behind a dark speck. They cause darkening and unwashed food residues lingering in the smallest depressions on the surface.

This naturally leads to the answer to the question "how to clean cupronickel": you need to remove the oxide film from the surface.

Modern means for cleaning cupronickel

The chemical industry produces a lot of products that help to care for household items made of different metals. There are special formulations designed to clean the darkened cupronickel at home. It can be gel, liquid, or just soft napkins soaked in a special composition. Some of the ready-made products not only clean the surface, but also cover it with a protective layer that protects cupronickel from further oxidation.

You can successfully and very effectively clean cupronickel utensils with dish cleaning powders. You just need to choose those products that do not contain chlorine and do not have very pronounced abrasive properties.

But if such a tool is not at hand, there is no time or desire to go to the store, you can easily get by with simple home methods.

Home remedies for cleaning products from cupronickel

In the old days, in order to clean dishes from cupronickel, the hostess took from the shelf a simple tooth powder, a rag, and rubbed a spoon-fork or other dishes with gruel from tooth powder. Tooth powder is now much harder to find than any. ready-made product for cleaning metal products. The substance, which has literally become antiques, can be replaced with crushed chalk (if you have it and you are not too lazy to turn it into a fine powder).

Another replacement option is toothpaste... Moreover, you can use not only white, but also gel paste. You need to clean the dishes in the same way as with tooth powder: apply a little paste on a cloth and wipe the dishes from cupronickel until the dark spots disappear.

But chalk has a tendency to clog into shallow depressions of the relief and form there not the most beautiful whitish clusters. You will have to stock up on brushes and patience to get everything cleaned to perfection.

You can use ordinary baking soda to clean cupronickel dishes and cutlery: either wipe the items that require cleaning with soda gruel, or boil them in a soda solution for several minutes.

Don't throw away your egg shells if you decide to clean up your cutlery. The shell is good only for raw eggs, you will need to rinse and chop it. Then throw it into boiling water with a spoonful of table salt, then put the cutlery there. After 10-15 minutes of boiling, darkened spoons and forks will regain their former shine and purity.

The most famous is the following answer to the question "how to clean cupronickel with home remedies":

  • take a piece of regular food foil, about 25 × 40 cm, and line the bottom of a saucepan or bowl with it;
  • pour 4 tablespoons of baking soda there;
  • lay out cupronickel dishes;
  • pour boiling water into a bowl so that it covers all the utensils to be cleaned.

A chemical reaction begins in the solution, as a result of which the foil darkens, and cupronickel, on the contrary, brightens and returns the surface purity. If the browning is very strong, you can boil the cutlery in a baking soda solution with pieces of foil for a few minutes. But this tool should not be used for dishes on which gilding or silvering is applied: both gold and silver will peel off.

You can perfectly clean cupronickel with a soft cloth dipped in a solution of sodium thiosulfate. This substance is sold in any pharmacy and costs a penny. Buy one package on occasion - and you will have enough of it for a couple of years to clean all cupronickel utensils.

After any cleaning method, rinse the dishes well in not too hot water and wipe dry. Do not store cutlery if it is even slightly damp, otherwise everything will darken again.

It is better not to store cupronickel dishes where household chemicals, especially those containing chlorine, can get into.

Well cleans surfaces made of cupronickel and water with the addition of ammonia. If you have an ultrasonic washing device lying around in your closet, it's time to get it out and use it. Place it in a container with the items to be cleaned and plug it in for 15-20 minutes. Everything, even the most stubborn dirt, will dissolve.

Our moms knew exactly how to clean cupronickel spoons at home - earlier such devices were considered ceremonial and were taken out of the closet only on major holidays. Today these healthy recipes almost forgotten, and in vain. In life, situations may arise when it does not hurt to know how to clean spoons and forks made of this metal correctly.

Cupronickel products were not in vain considered and are considered ceremonial. Spoons and forks really look very elegant thanks to a special shade of metal and a soft sheen, cupronickel is hygienic, but, unfortunately, not very practical. Devices made of cupronickel tend to oxidize over time, fade and turn black, even if they are properly looked after and carefully stored, using only on special occasions.

Blackened cupronickel spoons, forks and knives do not emit toxic substances that could harm human health during their use. But such devices do not look very aesthetically pleasing, do not please the eye and do not improve appetite. On the festive table they definitely do not belong. And in everyday life, they will not look very good.

Darkened items must be cleaned, but with what? Which cleaning compound will be safe? In fact, the simplest and most affordable means are used, they are likely to be found in every home, so you won't have to spend extra money. At home, the following substances will help to restore shine, remove blackening and restore color:

  • salt and soda;
  • water from a siphon with carbon dioxide;
  • ammonia;
  • foil;
  • garlic peel;
  • shell of chicken eggs;
  • dentifrice - powder or paste.

Immediately you need to warn: in order for the spoons, forks and knives from cupronickel again to shine and shine, you will have to make some effort.

This metal loves to be polished, rubbed and polished. But if we are talking about removing blackness from devices, then there are simple and not the most laborious ways to get rid of this trouble without much effort.

Foil for cleaning cupronickel

In the last century on store shelves household chemicals there were not so many different pastes, powders and gels for cleansing a wide variety of things, objects and materials as is offered today. And sometimes it was a real problem for the housewives to find on sale what to clean cupronickel products.

But this does not mean that cupronickel was not cleaned and was removed to the farthest drawer as soon as it began to darken and fade. Not having much choice, the hostesses got used to cleaning cupronickel products with ordinary food foil - you could find it in stores. How to use it correctly and effectively?

  1. First you need to find a pan that is not used for cooking or that you do not mind. Foil is placed in this dish in an arbitrary way. Some people like to cover the bottom and sides of the saucepan, others just throw lumps of foil on the bottom.
  2. Then half a glass of baking soda is poured into a saucepan prepared in this way. If there are few devices or the saucepan is small, then the soda is taken in half.
  3. Spoons, forks and knives are also sent there, which need to be cleaned. After that, hot water is poured into the pan, and it is put on the fire. As soon as the water starts to boil, the blackness will disappear from the surface of the devices before our eyes.

Darkening and dirt will dissolve even in the most inaccessible places on the instrument handles. You don't have to make any effort at all. All that remains is to remove the forks and spoons from the saucepan and rinse in clean running water.

Video: how to quickly clean cupronickel with foil and soda.

Options for cleaning cupronickel with ammonia

Ammonia or ammonia is also in every home medicine cabinet. The vapors of this substance are poisonous, therefore it must be used with caution. The folk experience offers several different ways.

  1. If the forks and spoons have not turned black, but simply have lost their shine, have slightly changed color, then they should be placed in a warm solution of water and ammonia. A tablespoon of this substance is enough for a liter of water.
  2. If the contamination is strong, then the devices are placed in pure ammonia alcohol. When the blackness disappears, the products must be thoroughly rinsed in warm water.
  3. If pure ammonia alcohol did not help to remove strong and old dirt, it can be combined with hydrogen peroxide and this solution can be used to treat forks, spoons and noses.

Cupronickel cutlery is practically in no way inferior to silver, either in quality and service life, or in appearance. However, over time, they tend to darken. This is due to the interaction of the alloy with certain types of substances, for example, water.

To keep the forks and spoons shiny after washing, wipe them thoroughly with a dry cloth. Also, stains and stains remain during poor-quality cleaning - there are times when food is not completely washed out of the recesses on the devices. Learn how to clean cupronickel spoons, forks and knives quickly and economically.

How to clean cupronickel with store products

If you do not know how to clean cupronickel, then the first thing you should pay attention to is store products. They will completely remove dark stains from your products. You will have to spend money on drugs, but the expense is quite small, and the funds will be enough for a long period of time:

  • powders for dishes. Preference should be given to those in which the abrasive particles are represented by very small grains and there is no chlorine. Also, do not use hard tools for cleaning - a metal sponge will leave scratches on cupronickel dishes. For example, the Lemon Fresh cleaning agent does an excellent job of removing this kind of dirt.
  • liquid gels and creams that specialize specifically in the cleaning of this metal. The most common and inexpensive ones are Sanita, Sif.
  • means for silver. You can find similar ones in stores with jewelry... Their price is not small, but it is worth buying them. You will not only get rid of blackness, but also protect the devices from oxidation in the future. Among these drugs are "Sunlight Geverly Cleaner" and "Aladdin".

How to clean using folk methods

Cupronickel cleaning at home can also be carried out by "grandmother's" methods, which are no less effective. They do not require large financial investments - most of the necessary equipment is at hand at every housewife. Learn how to clean cupronickel cutlery with improvised means and correctly.

Baking soda

The simplest and most affordable way to clean cupronickel is soda. This powder is in every home and has long been famous for its non-food properties. To prepare a cleaning mixture, add a few teaspoons of baking soda to a bowl and dilute with the same amount of water. As a result, a fairly thick gruel should form, which is applied to cupronickel with a soft sponge.


For this method, you will need two raw egg shells and a liter of water. A hot broth is made from the declared components, into which the devices are lowered and boiled for a couple of minutes. Then they are washed and wiped dry. It is recommended to finely crumble the shell beforehand.


Liquid ammonia will help to cope with complex contaminants. To do this, dilute two tablespoons of ammonia in a half-liter of liquid. The resulting solution can be easily cleaned with a dish sponge.

Rubbing alcohol

If you don't have one at hand, then vodka is fine. To clean, you need to moisten a non-woven cloth small amount liquid and wipe the contaminated area vigorously.

Sodium thiosulfate

This solution is sold over the counter without a prescription and is fairly cheap. To prepare the product, it is recommended to dilute one part of thiosulfate in three parts of water and then process the products with a cotton pad.

Advice: Hard-to-reach areas can be easily cleaned with a fork, using the teeth as a sharp tool.


Many have tried this method at least once on darkened silver items, as a result of which they acquired their original shine. In the case of cupronickel, toothpaste can also act as a cleaning agent, however, beforehand, the devices should be thoroughly rinsed in soapy water. It is more convenient to apply the paste with a toothbrush on the entire surface of the devices with quick movements, paying special attention to the carved fragments.


Before starting cleaning, the chalk must be ground into powder. If you have a mortar, use it. Then add a couple of drops of water (depending on the amount of powder) and stir until a thick mass is obtained. Apply to the product and rub thoroughly. Carefully clean carved appliances with this tool - often chalk accumulates in the recesses of the pattern.

Potato broth

A great way to clean up! When boiling potatoes, do not get rid of the broth - pour it into a separate saucepan, wait for it to boil and dip the spoons into hot liquid for half an hour. After a while, the raid will go away.

Onion and garlic skins

With onion husks, you can not only paint eggs before Easter, but also fight against dirty dishes. Just make a standard decoction of water and garlic and onion peels and boil the utensils in it. The cooking time may vary depending on the degree of soiling, so do not forget to take the food out of the liquid from time to time and check the result.


Based on knowledge of chemical reactions, you can proceed in the following way:

  1. Place a baking foil on the bottom of a saucepan. Pour in water.
  2. Add four tablespoons of baking soda.
  3. Place the devices in the container. Leave it on for a while.

Important: if desired result for a long time not reached - boil utensils with foil and baking soda. At high temperatures, the process will go where faster. However, it is not recommended to use foil for appliances with interspersed gilding.


This substance has already helped more than one housewife in the struggle for purity. To return the former shine to items from cupronickel, it is necessary to dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in 200 milliliters of warm water and process the product with the resulting solution.

Milk serum

Heat the required amount of whey and place the devices in a container for 30 minutes without removing the pan from the heat. After a while, rinse with running water.

Carbonated drinks

This is a longer method using soda, but the result is worth the wait. Pour any fizzy drink on the devices that have lost their appearance and leave for two hours. Then rinse the items with cool water.


Removing plaque from appliances is only part of the story. You also need to give shine. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Toothpaste applied to a cotton pad. She needs to polish the device until it starts to shine.
  2. Raw potatoes. The principle is the same as with the oral cleaner.
  3. Pasta. Boil the pasta and place the spoons in a saucepan without draining the broth. Leave it like this on the stove for about 20 minutes.

Now that you know how to clean cupronickel, you will have no difficulty in putting things in order among the kitchen utensils. There are a lot of ways, you can choose any according to your own capabilities. But in order not to resort to emergency methods, remember that prevention is necessary, so always try to wipe the products dry after washing. Good luck!

Cupronickel cutlery was in demand in the last century. And now many have in the kitchen spoons and forks made of this material. Cupronickel looks like silver, but is much more affordable. And not everyone can afford a set of silver devices.

Over time, cupronickel spoons and forks darken, lose their original shine. There are many ways to make them attractive again. You can use both special cleaning compounds and safer home remedies. So that cupronickel spoons do not darken as long as possible, it is necessary to properly care for and store them.

Features of cupronickel

Cupronickel is an alloy of nickel and copper. Most often, cupronickel with 70% copper and 30% nickel was used for the manufacture of cutlery. Today, such an alloy is being replaced by other compositions similar in properties to cupronickel. The composition of the alloy can change towards a decrease in the amount of nickel. The color of the items will change from white (like silver) to yellow-red.

Cupronickel is very similar to silver, these qualities are widely used to replace expensive metal with cheaper counterparts. Cupronickel spoons with the naked eye are difficult to distinguish from silver ones. In addition, cupronickel is more durable. Thanks to these characteristics, not only tableware is made from it, but also various parts for equipment and electrical appliances.

Many people believe that cupronickel is harmful to health. Copper can be toxic in contact with hot food. Therefore, dishes containing this metal are coated with food tin, nickel plated, silver plated, chrome plated.

Causes of Cutlery Oxidation

Copper is capable of rapidly oxidizing. Even the presence of nickel in cupronickel spoons cannot prevent this process. Cupronickel also contains iron and manganese, which do not affect the darkening process of devices.

The reasons for the dullness and loss of gloss cupronickel spoons:

  • improper cleaning;
  • high humidity.

If the products are kept in a humid environment for a long time, brown spots appear on them, over time they turn black. If the surface of the spoons is smooth, then it is easy to clean. If there is a relief pattern, then this will be more difficult.

Effective ways to cleanse

You can return the spoons from cupronickel to their original appearance in several ways:

  • using household chemicals:
  • folk remedies;
  • with the help of professionals.

There are specialized services where products can be attributed. However, the procedure is quite expensive and not everyone will be able to resort to it. You can clean cupronickel yourself. Before the procedure, the spoons must be thoroughly washed with dish soap and wiped off with a dry cloth. There must be no grease particles on the appliances.


In household chemical stores, you can purchase formulations in the form of powders or gels that will help you quickly return the shine to cupronickel spoons and remove darkening. Better to use liquid products, they clean the surface of devices more gently than powders.

Effective chemical compositions suitable for cupronickel:

  • Metal Cleaner;
  • Sanita Ultra Shine.

Note! Chemicals are applied to the surface of the cutlery and cleaned like a regular dish detergent. After using them, a thin film forms on the spoons, which protects the metal from further darkening.

Traditional methods

If there are no special chemical compounds at hand, you can use proven and available tools at hand.

Salt or soda

They are suitable if the darkening is insignificant and the surface of the products has no relief. Rinse the devices in a solution of soda or salt (50 g per 1 liter of water). If dirt remains, apply a little dry product to a wet sponge and wipe the spoons pointwise.

Baking foil

Spread it on the bottom of an aluminum pan. Put cupronickel spoons on the foil. Pour in water and add some baking soda. Put on fire and simmer until the devices begin to lighten. The foil will darken in this case. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.

Alcohol and ammonia

If the spoons are dull, you can use rubbing alcohol to restore their shine. You need to soak a cloth with it and wipe the products. The same result can be achieved by soaking cupronickel spoons in ammonia for a short time.


If the products are very dark, more radical cleaning methods are needed. This can be considered a decoction from eggshell... Take a shell from at least 2 raw eggs, pour 1 liter of water over it. When it boils, put the spoons in a saucepan, boil for a few minutes. Take out the products, rinse with clean water and wipe with a dry clean cloth.


Apply some toothpaste or powder to a cotton pad. Grate gently cupronickel devices... Wash with water and dry.

Sodium thiosulfate

The product is sold in pharmacies. Better to buy it in powder. Make an aqueous solution of sodium thiosulfate and dip cupronickel products in it for an hour. Then wash them thoroughly. detergent, wipe it off.

Onion and garlic skins

Pour water into a saucepan. Pour onion and garlic husks into it. Boil the broth and dip the spoons into it. Boil them until the result is visible. The product helps to completely get rid of darkening.

Chalk polishing

Dissolve 50 g of soap and the same amount of chalk in 1 liter of warm water. Mix all ingredients well. With a solution, use a soft sponge to polish the surface of the cutlery. Then wipe with a dry cloth.

Polishing can be prepared in another way. Add 60 ml of ammonia and 30 g of chalk to 100 ml of water. Process cupronickel products with this mixture.

In order to avoid the time and effort spent on restoring the appearance of cupronickel spoons in the future, it is necessary to properly care for and store them.


  • store cupronickel devices separately from others in plastic wrap, without access to moisture;
  • do not wash in the dishwasher;
  • do not use chlorine-containing agents for cleaning;
  • always wipe the spoons dry after washing;
  • avoid the use of substances with abrasive particles, so as not to damage the surface;
  • once a week, clean the devices with special compounds suitable for cupronickel.

Cupronickel spoons for many remain an integral part of kitchen utensils. They are durable, they look like silver. But cupronickel, like many other metal alloys, oxidizes over time, products made from it lose their luster and attractiveness. In this case, many home remedies come to the rescue, as well as special chemical compositions.

More useful tips you can learn how to clean cupronickel cutlery at home after watching the following video:

The popularity of the use of cupronickel cutlery came to us from Soviet Union... But, unfortunately, cupronickel products have not been produced since the middle of the last century, they were replaced by similar alloys. Real cupronickel devices are passed from generation to generation along with the secrets of proper storage and care. Even in those days, serving unpeeled spoons and forks to the table was always considered bad form. Therefore, if your favorite spoons have darkened, you must immediately give them a presentable appearance... It is quite simple to clean cupronickel spoons, and many really useful folk recipes will come to the rescue.

What is cupronickel and why does it darken?
Cupronickel is an alloy of various metals: red copper, nickel, zinc and silver. In the future, finished cutlery and dishes are coated with silver. If over time the layer of silver is rubbed, then such dishes can be silver again, and they will be as good as new. Products from cupronickel tend to darken, which is caused by the high humidity of the room where it is stored.

Cupronickel spoons and forks are much more pleasant to eat than steel and aluminum ones. Yes, and guests can be pleasantly surprised by laying out beautiful silver cutlery on the table. In addition, you can feel like a real aristocrat, eating soup with a spoon of cupronickel.

Methods for cleaning cupronickel spoons
You need to clean cupronickel spoons very carefully, without the use of abrasives. There are countless ways to clean spoons from plaque, and they all came from the people:

  1. Soda-salt solution, for the preparation of which you need:
    • pan;
    • foil;
    • water;
    • salt and soda 2 tablespoons each
    The foil is placed on the bottom of the pan and cupronickel spoons are placed on it, poured with a small amount of water (to cover the spoons) and soda and salt are poured into the pan. The pan is placed on the stove to heat for about 15 minutes, until the salt and soda dissolve. The spoons will return to their original shine during this time. After the procedure, they must be rinsed with running water and wiped dry.
  2. Pasta broth:
    • pasta;
    • water.
    Boil water and add pasta. Cook them, stirring with cupronickel spoons, or dip them in the broth for a while, without taking out the pasta. The spoons will quickly clear of darkening, but the pasta should be thrown away. It is better not to clean spoons with blackening in this way.
  3. Ammonia.
    What only does not clean ammonia, it can even clean cupronickel spoons. To do this, the spoon is dipped in ammonia, then rinsed and wiped dry.
  4. Decoction of raw egg shells:
    • shell of 2 eggs;
    • 1 liter of water.
    The shell is poured with water and brought to a boil. Cupronickel spoons are placed in the resulting broth for 2 minutes, after which they are rinsed and wiped dry.
  5. Decoction of garlic peel.

    If you use cupronickel appliances, then do not throw away the garlic husks. She can also clean cupronickel spoons. The amount of husk depends on how strong the plaque is. It needs to be filled with water and brought to a boil. Put spoons in the broth and boil until they brighten. After the procedure, they are also rinsed and wiped off.

  6. Toothpaste or tooth powder.
    In this way, cupronickel spoons must be cleaned very carefully, since mechanical friction can break the silver coating. Nevertheless, people use this method, which means it is effective.
  7. Potato.
    Darkened spoons can be immersed in water for several hours, where peeled and chopped potatoes lie. Or boil potatoes, and put cutlery in the resulting broth. You can also put spoons in grated potato gruel, only raw. The method of using potatoes is popularly called the mildest and safest.
  8. Special products, silver cleaning services
    You can go to the store and purchase special tool for cleaning such products. Fortunately, today finding them is not a problem. Or you can take the darkened spoons to the master who is engaged in cleaning silverware... In addition, even some jewelry stores practice such a service as cleaning gold and silver.
How to store cupronickel cutlery?
If you store cupronickel spoons and other devices correctly, you can avoid such a nuisance as blackening:
  • you cannot store cupronickel spoons together with ordinary ones, it is better to use special boxes for storage;
  • store products should be wrapped in paper, cling film or foil; paper will pick up excess moisture, film and foil will prevent air from interacting with the product;
  • after using cupronickel spoons, they should be washed and rinsed in a soda solution, and also wiped dry with a soft towel.
If you clean cupronickel spoons correctly, they will sparkle as brightly for many more decades.