
Ways to remove cheeks. How to remove cheeks quickly


No matter how women want, but youth passes and over time the question arises of prolonging the beauty and preservation of a tightened facial contour.

How to remove cheeks in 1 day - an integrated approach to the problem will help.

Due to some circumstances, it is not always possible to visit beauty salons and pamper yourself with massages, masks and other skin care procedures.

Do not get upset and give up. You can also take care of your face at home.

In the fight against sagging cheeks, a variety of methods are used, including food. Looking in the refrigerator, you can certainly find lifting assistants there, on the basis of which face masks are made.

Masks nourish the skin, improve color and lift the contour of the face.

In addition to cosmetic methods, there are a variety of exercises and massages., also helping from the effect of "bulldog cheeks". The main thing is not to let yourself go and not bring the situation to a critical point, when nothing will help, except for surgical intervention.

The main ways to get rid of sagging cheeks

The main methods of getting rid of sagging cheeks can be considered as follows:

  • modern cosmetic procedures;
  • exercises;
  • self-massage;
  • proper nutrition;
  • masks.

For 1 day, the appearance will not change, but regular self-care will lead both to getting rid of sagging cheeks and to a general improvement in facial contours.

Diet for slimming cheeks

When following a diet for weight loss, excess weight goes away from all parts of the body. All nutritionists unanimously argue that the diet should not be short-term, but become a way of life.

Respectively, it is better not to reduce the quantity and quality of food consumed, but to learn how to eat right. In the diet of each person there are such products that contribute to rapid weight gain, on the face, as well.

These products include the following:

  • sweet and flour;
  • salt;
  • sauces based on mayonnaise and ketchups;
  • beer and snacks to it;
  • semi-finished products;
  • alcohol.

This list should either be completely eliminated, or the use of listed products should be reduced to a minimum.

It is necessary to replace these products with healthy ones that promote proper metabolism. and, consequently, weight loss.

Useful products include:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • calcium-containing products;
  • cereals rich in fiber;
  • clean water at least 2 liters per day;
  • green tea.

Sweet can be replaced with a small handful of dried fruits, a couple of dark chocolate bars or a protein bar.

Gymnastics to get rid of cheeks

The systematic implementation of the exercises will lead to the desired result in a short time.

The skin will become taut and elastic, sagging will go away, wrinkles will be smoothed out. As with a body lift, facial exercises target a specific area. It is better to perform each daily or at least every other day.

Exercises for tightening the facial muscles

This approach among professionals is called face-building, i.e. physical exercises to correct the shape and contour of the face without surgical intervention. A facelift with the help of a set of exercises will give results in 2 weeks.

Eyelid massage

Due to this exercise, blood circulation increases, muscle tone increases. As a result, the skin is tightened. It is necessary to squeeze the hands so that the thumb is on top. Gently, without pressure, massage the eyelids: 5 times clockwise, and 5 - against.

For brow muscles

With this exercise, you can prevent the formation of vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. With the tips of your index fingers, you need to lightly press on the area where the eyebrows begin and frown. After 2-3 seconds, relax. Repeat 10 times.

Face lift

A clear oval of the face is one of the first steps towards attractiveness and youth. The exercise will help to delineate clear boundaries, tighten the skin and remove wrinkles at the corners of the mouth.

With the help of systematic gymnastics and facial massage, you can tighten the contours and get rid of sagging cheeks.

To perform this exercise, you need to protrude the lower lip down so that the lower teeth are exposed. The jaws are compressed, tension in the chin is felt. Slowly repeat 5 times.

Lower face lift

This exercise strengthens, corrects the muscles of the chin and the area under it. To perform it, you need to sit down, straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Tilt your head back so that you feel tension in your neck.

You should fold your lips with a tube and stretch forward, as if for a kiss. Hold for 3 seconds and relax. Run 8 times.

Exercises that correct the shape and size of the cheeks

With a simple set of exercises, you can get rid of sagging, excessive plumpness or irregularly shaped cheeks. In this case, the cheekbones become more pronounced, and the face seems thinner.


Lips tightly compressed. You should inflate your cheeks as much as possible and linger for 15-20 seconds. Relax and lightly stroke them with your palms. Further you need to inflate your cheeks at an accelerated rhythm and blow them off, pressing on them with your hands. Repeat 15-20 times.


To perform the exercise, you need to slightly pull your cheeks up, as with a smirk. It is important that only the muscles of the cheeks are involved and no more. Perform within 2-3 minutes.


You need to fold your lips with a tube and stretch forward. Perform circular motions for 2 minutes.

Air rolling

To perform the exercise, you should smile broadly with your mouth closed and take air into your cheeks. Slowly roll the balloon from one cheek to the other.

Exercises for chubby cheeks

Puffiness in the cheek area is due not only to a genetic predisposition, but also to muscle weakness in this place.

The following exercises will help reduce the volume of the cheeks and give the face a clear outline:

  1. Grip the pencil with your teeth and draw figures, letters, numbers, etc. in the air. Do this exercise for 3 minutes.
  2. With your mouth wide open, turn your lips inward. To carry out pressing movements with lips on the teeth. Cheeks and lips should be in tension. After the appearance of a feeling of tension, relax. Repeat 5-8 times every 10 seconds.
  3. Close your eyes and make clear movements with your lips, as if the words "Auh" and "Uuuuf" are pronounced.

Cheekbone exercises

Expressive cheekbones are fundamental in a beautiful facial contour. Their clear outline gives the appearance of femininity and a certain aristocracy.

To tighten the cheekbones, you need to regularly perform the following exercises:

  1. With the index finger inside the mouth, move the cheek below the teeth. With the help of the muscles to resist, as if trying to push it back. Work this way on each side 8 times.
  2. Clench your palms into fists. Use the knuckles to make describing movements along the line of the cheekbones starting from the nose to the temple. You can alternate sides or do both at the same time.
  3. Sit up straight with a straight back. Look ahead. Lower the corners of the lips, while straining the muscles of the cheekbones and cheeks. Stay in this position for a while and relax.

Facial massage that cleans the cheeks

To learn how to visually remove cheeks in 1 day, you need to consult with a makeup artist who will select the optimal makeup.

To actually remove the cheeks, you need to not only do gymnastics, but also do a massage.- it is not only useful, but also a pleasant procedure. Massage relaxes, sets in a positive mood and improves blood circulation in the vessels.

As is known, increased blood flow to the tissues, promotes their elasticity. There are several types of facial massage: just with your hands, with honey and with a towel. Regardless of which type is chosen, the skin should be cleaned and patted dry with a towel.

Hand massage

Before performing the massage, cleanse the skin of the face and apply a cream on it. It is advisable to use a bold one so that your hands glide over the surface better and the skin does not stretch.

You should start with stroking and light patting movements. Next, pinching, walk from the cheekbones to the temples. All movements are done from the bottom up. It is necessary to pinch and smooth out the folds and wrinkles. It is important not to stretch the skin during the procedure.

Towel massage

A small terry towel should be moistened with herbal infusion (chamomile, calendula, sage). Next, grab the ends of the towel and bring your hands together. It is necessary to sharply, but moderately spread your arms to the sides to make a light clap. With such cottons, you need to go through all the problem areas on the face.

Honey massage

Dip your fingertips into a container of natural honey, then apply it to your face with tapping movements. Pinch over the face several times. Press the pads of your fingers against the skin and quickly tear them off.

Cheek tightening cosmetics

Exercises and massage are very effective in combating irregular facial contours and sagging cheeks. However, if the approach to the problem is complex, you can not do without cosmetic products.

These can be creams with a lifting effect, salon or store masks, and homemade recipes. Creams with a tightening property can be purchased at salons, stores or pharmacies: Q10 (coenzyme) from NiveaVisage, Lift-active cream from Vichy, SoinNoir (lifting night cream) from Givenchy, etc.

However, one should not expect a miracle from the mere application of this or that cream - it must be combined with other methods. Masks will better cope with the issue of tightening the skin on the cheeks and on the face as a whole.

There are many recipes for masks, of which the following can be distinguished:

  1. Egg mask. Beat the white of one egg until foamy. Depending on the type of skin, add honey (dry) or oatmeal (fatty). Apply to face and wait 10-15 minutes. Rinse with room temperature water, then rinse with cool water.
  2. Yeast mask. Dilute fresh yeast (50 g) with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Cover with a towel and leave overnight in a warm place. Then, apply thickly on the face and wait 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
  3. Oatmeal mask. Hercules in flakes or ground pour hot water and let it brew for 1-2 minutes. Optionally, you can add honey or yogurt. Apply to the face and massage along the massage lines. Wash away.

Makeup and hairstyle corrective cheeks

A well-chosen hairstyle and applied makeup can work wonders with your appearance.

With the help of makeup, you can not only give yourself personality, but also correct existing shortcomings.

When giving the face the right contour with the help of cosmetics, you need to consider the following:

  1. This is not a panacea for excess weight and stretched muscles. For 1 day, full cheeks cannot be removed even with the help of cosmetics, no matter how hard you try.
  2. It is necessary to correct the contours of the face correctly Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation.
  3. Corrective agents should not look like a mask on the face.

To learn how to remove cheeks in 1 day with makeup, you should consult a makeup artist. With the help of correctly applied cosmetics, you can visually correct the contours of the face.

In a cosmetic bag there should be correctors of different shades, powder and blush. Usually big cheeks are darkened with a dark color and emphasized with blush. To do this, draw a line from the middle of the cheeks to the eyelids and shade it well. Blush is applied under the cheekbones. This approach can visually reduce the face.

As for the hairstyle that can hide the swelling, it all depends on the original image. Straightening is suitable for owners of thick long hair. Straight, hanging hair stretches the face and conceals its volume. A low-knotted ponytail has the same effect.

Also a haircut “elongated caret” just below the cheekbones helps well. A cascade haircut is also suitable. When choosing a hair color, you should not resort to bright colors. If you want variety, you can do highlighting.

In pursuit of a change in appearance, the main thing is to know a sense of proportion.

No matter how much you would like and no matter what the cosmetologists promise, you cannot get rid of sagging and large cheeks in 1 day. A modified lifestyle and an integrated approach are the main allies in solving the problem under consideration.

Useful videos on how to remove cheeks in 1 day

Effective gymnastics for cheeks and cheekbones (facebuilding):

How to remove cheeks in 1 day with massage - practical recommendations from a specialist:

Who now remembers that after the release of the film "The Mask" Cameron Diaz was called "a simple but sweet girl with round cheeks"? Angelina Jolie was also chubby at the beginning of her career. Now, looking at these aristocratic beauties, the image of a “simple girl from a neighboring yard” would never occur to anyone.

Thank you for this is to say high cheekbones with the effect of sunken cheeks. It is they who give the face a "thoroughbred" look.

But what if you didn’t get such a treasure from nature? Fat on the cheeks ruins your life, and are you ready to give everything just to make your cheeks thin?

In this article, we will tell you what to do to lose weight on your cheeks - we will reveal the secrets of Cameron and Angelina, ranging from cosmetic tricks to modern plastic surgery tools.

Makeup that hides round cheeks in a few minutes

Let's say you have your dream date tomorrow. Or an interview at the company of your dreams. Or just an important event. You want to look good, but cheeks, cheeks...

How to get rid of full cheeks, as they say, on the run? Yes at yoma that can visually change the shape of the face.

To get started, stand in front of a mirror, remove your hair from your face and carefully examine it. Most likely, with full cheeks, your face is round in shape. This means that our task is to narrow it visually a little so that thick cheeks are not conspicuous.

Determine the ideal shape of your face that we will strive for. There is a universal rule in makeup: dark looks smaller, and light looks bigger. Therefore, we will hide the fullness of the cheeks with the help of powder or foundation in dark shades.

After evening out your skin tone with powder or foundation, take blush. On the upper part of the cheekbones, it is worth applying a blush of a lighter shade, and below - a darker one. The shade of blush depends on your color type: choose shades of dark clay or chocolate. However, any will do, depending on which color on your face will seem the most natural. One “but” is categorical for everyone - blush should be matte. You don't want your already round cheeks to sparkle like balls on a Christmas tree, do you?

It is very important to use a soft brush to make a smooth transition from the top of the cheekbones to the bottom. Blending from the cheeks to the cheekbones - so the colors will fall more naturally. Apply a thin layer of powder on top. Voila! Your cheeks appear much smaller than they originally were.

You can enhance the effect with a hairstyle. In order to visually reduce the lower third of the face, you just need to increase the upper one, that is, choose a haircut whose silhouette expands upwards. Perfectly hide everything that needs to be hidden, sharp strands combed forward. If you have long hair, then a cascading haircut or a lush, high styling would be a good solution. But smoothly combing your hair back from your face is not worth it - so you only emphasize fullness of the cheeks.

Correct hairstyles for a round face

How to lose weight in the cheeks with a diet

full cheeks are often the result of general completeness or disturbed water-salt balance of the body. In this case, the recipe is obvious - lose weight, and the cheeks will go away.

Expert comment:

To restore the water balance, exclude salt and sugar from the diet, which accumulate water and store it in reserve in the area of ​​​​our long-suffering cheeks.

Try not to salt your food - and you fast make sure it doesn't make it any less delicious. But more useful - yes, and much more.

All that has been said about salt applies no less to alcohol. Do without alcohol, salt and sugar - not only your cheeks will thank you, but also your heart, blood vessels, brain and nervous system.

What should be included in the diet? Fiber (vegetables and fruits) and calcium. The latter is best consumed not in the form of fatty cheeses, but in the form of cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt.

Take a deep breath, open your arms!

Very many, having decided to remove excess volume, begin to look for exercises for slimming the cheeks of the face - and they find it, although such exercises do not exist.

Fat really burns in the "furnace" of our muscles. But the largest muscles on the body are the muscles of the legs and the muscles of the back. Tightening your facial muscles will only burn a couple of calories, while tensing your legs and back will burn a few hundred. Therefore, the same general exercises that help to reduce weight in general are effective against the cheeks.

Complement a healthy diet with physical activity. The recipe is simple: when a person consumes more calories than he spends, he gets fat, when the same amount - his weight remains the same, when less - he loses weight. There is no other way to lose weight and there cannot be.

Expert comment:

To consolidate the effect, freeze infusions of herbs in ice molds and wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning and evening after washing. Herbs for infusion - chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, celandine, sage, yarrow, lime blossom. The infusion is made simply: a tablespoon of herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for about half an hour, filtered.

Such phyto - hardening makes the skin fresh and tightens the muscles.


How to get rid of cheek fat without effort

The result of using home remedies depends only on your perseverance. Alas, it is unstable and disappears as soon as you relax.

If you want a guaranteed result, look at cosmetic and medical ways to get rid of fat cheeks. They help even in the most difficult cases, for example, when one cheek is thicker than the other .

It turns out that round cheeks have three different causes. That is why losing weight does not always help - only in one case out of three. However, first things first.

  1. Excess subcutaneous fat

In order to get rid of big cheeks in this case, you need

Some people are interested in how to quickly remove cheeks from the face? It is our appearance that is the first thing everyone around pays attention to, and the face is always visible to everyone without exception. Attractiveness largely depends on the elegance of the neck and the volume of the cheeks, but over the years, the skin loses its elasticity, and the cheeks can sag. With fullness, the problem is even more exacerbated. In today's article, we will tell you how to remove cheeks from your face at home and not only.

Causes of fat cheeks

One of the main reasons for the appearance of large cheeks is a hereditary factor. And if chubby cheeks in a child cause tenderness, with age this can turn into a serious aesthetic problem. Getting rid of puffy cheeks on the face in this case is not so easy, and in some cases impossible. If you inherited large cheeks, you will not be able to do without constant exercise and diet to keep them in good shape.

In addition to an innate predisposition, large cheeks can appear due to malnutrition. At the same time, their increase is preceded by a general increase in body weight and the occurrence of fat deposits in its different parts. At the same time, it is especially difficult to lose weight in the cheeks, since the fat in the cheek area does not begin to burn in the first place.

However, effective ways to get rid of cheeks on the face really exist, and now we will tell you about it.

How to remove cheeks for a man?

The external attractiveness of men largely depends on the correct contours of the cheeks. The representatives of the stronger sex think about their appearance much less often than women, so we have some special tips for them.

Regardless of the cause of chubby cheeks, some men try all sorts of exercises and diets, but they tend to lack the patience for them. In order to remove full cheeks, men can be advised the following methods:

  1. The simplest operation to remove special lumps that are present in the cheek area. The surgeon makes small incisions on the inside of the cheek under local anesthesia. The whole operation takes no more than half an hour, and after it the cheeks are fixed with a bandage for about a week.
  2. In the case when chubby cheeks appear as a result of the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, you can get rid of them with liposuction. The method involves liquefying fat with a special solution, which is subsequently pumped out through punctures. The list of advantages of this operation is represented by a long-term and lasting result, as well as the speed of obtaining the effect.

These are the two most simple and effective ways to get rid of full cheeks. Of course, men can also remove their cheeks at home, but a lot of time should be spent on this, and special perseverance is also needed.

How to remove the cheeks of a woman?

For the fair sex, who want to remove their cheeks from their faces quickly, in addition to massages, masks and exercises, some other tricks are available. For example, competent makeup can significantly transform the face. It is important to choose high-quality cosmetics and apply blush correctly in order to visually hide full cheeks.

Additionally, the correct haircut and hairstyle visually helps to reduce the fullness of the cheeks. For example, strands elongated on the sides and a small pile can stretch the oval of the face, and curls only emphasize the plumpness of the cheeks. A tattered short haircut is best suited. Also, owners of chubby cheeks may be interested in our article, with the help of makeup and a special set of exercises.

Cosmetologists note that women with a full face and chubby cheeks age longer, as moisture and elasticity are better retained in the skin, so it is better protected from wrinkles. Thus, before getting rid of full cheeks, think several times, do they bother you that much?


How to remove cheeks in a week?

How realistic it is to remove the cheeks in 7 days depends on each individual case and the specific reason for the fullness of the cheeks. Here are the general rules for how to remove cheeks at home in 7 days:

  1. If you have chubby cheeks due to excess weight, you will have to go on a diet, start doing special exercises, massages and masks.
  2. Review your diet (in the absence of a genetic predisposition, eating healthy food will allow you to remove your cheeks at home in a week). You can read more about the diet against chubby cheeks in a separate article.

If the matter is in the hereditary factor, you will have to stock up on patience and perseverance, otherwise you will not be able to change anything. Sometimes it is possible to remove the cheeks at home in a week only with the help of a surgical operation. Before you decide on it, try other methods, which will be described below.

Exercises for chubby cheeks

If you do not have perseverance and patience, and you are ready to achieve results at all costs, then special gymnastics for slimming cheeks will probably suit you. So, how to remove cheeks at home with the help of exercises?

  1. Sit on a chair, tilt your head back and start making movements with your chin, grabbing the upper lip with the lower one.
  2. Point your head straight, clench your teeth and try to protrude your lower lip as far down as possible.
  3. Point your head straight and lower the corners of your lips, and then tighten the muscles of your cheeks and neck.
  4. Tilt your head slightly and begin to alternately pull your chin to one shoulder, and then to the other.
  5. Hold a pencil or pen between your teeth and start writing different words in the air.
  6. Stand straight with your back straight and your arms crossed over your chest, and place your palms on your shoulders. Gently begin to stretch your neck up to the limit, and then take a deep breath. Count to 10 and as you exhale, take the starting position.
  7. Stand up straight with your shoulders back and your head down. Press your chin to your chest and begin to gently stretch it to your right shoulder, and then return to the starting position. Tilt your head back and return to the starting position again. Repeat steps for the left shoulder.
  8. Stand up straight, form a tube with your lips and start singing the vowels in any order.

We note right away that you will not notice an instant result from such exercises, but do not stop doing them. On average, the effect appears after a month, subject to regular training.

Masks and massages for fat cheeks

Another rather painstaking way to remove cheeks quickly at home is the use of special masks and massages. However, with regular performance of these procedures, the result in the form of elastic and beautiful skin is guaranteed.

How to remove cheeks with massage

  1. Cleanse your face with special products and apply a fat cream on it. Start lightly pinching your cheeks, moving from the chin towards the cheekbones. Repeat the massage once a week.
  2. Buy a massage mitt to massage your cheeks, but don't overdo it so as not to stretch the skin. Repeat the massage twice a week.
  3. When taking baths, act on the cheeks with a jet of water from a watering can. You can try contrasting washes by doing them every day in the morning.
  4. When performing a facial massage, use steamed honey. Soak your fingertips in it and begin to lightly tap on the skin until a slight redness appears. Repeat the massage every week until you notice the result.
  5. Wash your face with ice cubes, moving in a clockwise direction.

Before any massage procedure, be sure to cleanse the skin of the face, and at the end, apply a cream that matches your skin type.

Cheek slimming masks

Simple homemade masks allow you to quickly remove the cheeks from the face with and without massage, additionally giving the skin a fresh and healthy look. Here are the most popular recipes for cheek masks at home.

  1. Mix 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. olive oil and the yolk of one egg. Apply the mixture on your face with a brush and leave for 20 minutes, and then wash with warm water. Repeat masks twice a week for a couple of months.
  2. Mix a spoonful of Baby formula Baby with the same amount of grated oatmeal and add a small amount of warm milk. You should get the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the mixture on the neck, face and décolleté for 25 minutes. Wash your face with warm water and apply cream to your skin. Masks repeat for two months once a week.
  3. Beat the egg white and apply it on the skin for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask and perform a contrast wash, and then apply a nourishing cream.

Herbal infusion recipes to quickly remove cheeks on the face

Infusions from various medicinal herbs will help you remove big cheeks:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over 3 tbsp. grated chamomile flowers and cover the container with a lid. Leave for a few hours to infuse, and then strain. Use every day as a lotion.
  2. Dissolve in 0.5 l of water 3 tbsp. iodized salt. The solution is suitable for creating hot compresses (soak a terry towel in it and apply on your face for 5-7 minutes). After that, the cheeks should be cooled with ice cubes.
  3. Pour a couple of cups of boiling water over 3 tbsp. chamomile flowers and the same amount of St. John's wort. Leave for 8 hours to infuse the product, strain and start using to wipe the cheeks and face in general.

Nutrition for slimming cheeks

If you are wondering how to remove cheeks from your face at home, be sure to take note of the following helpful nutrition tips:

  1. Minimize the amount of salt you consume as it retains fluid in the body. Cheeks from this also inevitably grow fat.
  2. Add calcium to the diet, as it eliminates excess mass in general and allows you to remove the cheeks on the face.
  3. Dilute natural juices with water.
  4. Eat small meals and more often (5-6 times a day).
  5. For fruits, choose apples, grapefruits and oranges.
  6. Half an hour before a meal, drink a glass of water without gas.
  7. Avoid or minimize your alcohol intake.

Surgical methods of getting rid of full cheeks

If the listed methods of how to lose weight in the cheeks at home did not give the result that you expected, you can remove the cheeks in a short time by contacting the plastic surgery clinic. Experts will be able to make your cheeks thin by pumping out excess fat without any later visible defects. The operation is called the resection of Bish's lumps. Many doctors are ready to demonstrate to their patients an approximate result using computer simulations. We can recommend the operation for girls with full cheeks who want to get rid of them, avoiding the loss of total body weight.

There is another popular procedure for correcting the cheeks on the face - thermage. It does not give such a good result as plastic surgery, but it is quite expensive. In any case, before deciding on any surgical intervention, be sure to consult a specialist.

Puffy cheeks in babies look very cute. But almost all adult women consider this feature of their own appearance to be a serious aesthetic defect, and in every possible way they try to get rid of them. There are a lot of options - you can either resort to the help of professionals, or try to cope with the problem yourself. In any case, you will need patience, determination and an integrated approach. Pronounced positive changes will appear no earlier than in a few months.

Why big cheeks appear

The most common cause of "cheekness" is a genetic predisposition. You inherit individual facial features from your parents and other close relatives. Most often, “complete” with cheeks are weakly pronounced cheekbones and a small chin. In this case, the presence of such a feature has nothing to do with being overweight.

Puffy cheeks in women are often not at all associated with the problem of excess weight.

Other causes of chubby cheeks:

  • Violation of the water balance in the body. If, for some reason, excess fluid does not have time to be excreted naturally, persistent edema occurs, including on the face, in the cheek area.
  • Weight gain and malnutrition. Excess fat is deposited throughout the body. The face and cheek area is no exception. Keep in mind that with a sharp weight loss, the cheeks sag, the problem can only get worse.
  • Hormonal disruptions in the body, pathology of the endocrine system. Puffy cheeks with an asthenic physique are characteristic of adolescents of both sexes during puberty. When this process ends, in most cases, the oval of the face takes on its former shape.

Improper nutrition is the main reason for rapid weight gain; excess fat is deposited in the cheek area

Preventive measures

Prevention is especially relevant when chubby cheeks are hereditary. To cope with the problem, you will need a systematic effort:

  • regular massage of the cheek area with a towel, mitten or sponge made of natural materials;
  • contrast wash;
  • daily use of cosmetic ice (frozen infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs suitable for skin type);
  • salt compresses at night a couple of times a week (moisten a cloth in saline solution, press firmly to the face, remove after 12-15 minutes, wash thoroughly, apply a moisturizer);
  • compliance with the drinking regime (with a shortage of water, the body begins to store it for the future, which manifests itself in the form of edema);
  • thorough chewing of food (the ability to actively engage the muscles and a kind of "gymnastics");
  • minimization of salt, sugar in the diet, if possible - the rejection of strong black tea, coffee, alcohol, in general, everything that prevents the removal of excess fluid.

The only thing that can replace water during the day - green tea, other drinks and soups - does not count

Video: general recommendations on how to get rid of chubby cheeks

What salon procedures and plastic surgeries will help to cope with the problem

The range of cosmetic procedures that help to cope with the problem is quite wide. But to achieve a lasting effect, one session, as a rule, is not enough.

What will help get rid of big cheeks:

  • Injections of lipolytics (special fat-burning "cocktails" based on lecithin). Additionally, they activate blood microcirculation, normalize lymph flow. As a result, the fat on the cheekbones melts, they become clearer and more prominent. The most popular products are Michelangelo and INNO-TDS Draining PPC. The average price of the procedure is 3000-5000 rubles (depending on the drug), with small fat deposits, one session is enough, their maximum number reaches 3-4.

    Injections of suitable drugs during mesotherapy quickly help to get rid of fatty deposits on the cheeks

  • SMAS lifting. A hardware procedure that allows you to tighten the subcutaneous muscle layer. Ultrasonic waves of a given power cause muscles to contract, warm up soft tissues, activating the fat burning process, normalizing local blood circulation and tightening the frame of collagen fibers that maintain skin elasticity. The cost of the procedure for the treatment of the entire face is from 30,000 rubles. It takes one session.

    SMAS lifting provides a comprehensive facelift

  • Thermolifting. Provides internal local heating of tissues up to subcutaneous fat up to a temperature of 42ºС. Because of this, the collagen and elastin fibers are quickly compressed, the skin is visibly tightened. Microdamage stimulates the body to produce new proteins. The average price of a session is 10,000–12,000 rubles. It will take 6-10 procedures with an interval of 15-20 days. Then, to maintain the effect - one session every six months.

    Thermolifting activates the body's production of collagen and elastin, which improves skin tone

  • Face reinforcement. The introduction of special biodegradable threads under the skin, which allows you to tighten soft tissues to the required level and create a new “framework” for the skin that does not allow it to sag. The method is not suitable for a deficiency of soft tissues on the face, an overly thin layer of subcutaneous fat - the threads will be visible under the skin. Non-absorbable threads are also installed, for example, gold, polypropylene. This is advisable when the problem of large cheeks is aggravated by their pronounced ptosis. Sagging cheeks are almost inevitable in the aging process. One session is enough to achieve the desired effect. The cost depends on the type and kind of threads chosen. The installation of absorbable threads will cost 15,000–30,000 rubles, non-absorbable threads - 50,000 rubles or more.

    Bio-reinforcement allows you to create a new "framework" for the skin and change the contours of the face oval

  • Introduction of fillers. High-density gels based on hyaluronic or poly-L-lactic acid are injected into the cheekbones and chin area. These zones become more prominent, facial features become clearer, visually it looks more harmonious. The cost of the procedure depends on the drug, on average - 10,000–15,000 rubles. Then a correction may be required, it is about half the price.

    Filler injections help to slightly change facial features, smooth out existing imbalances

  • Myostimulation and microcurrent therapy. An alternative to gymnastics for the face. Pulses of weak current act on the muscles, helping them to contract, restoring tone and tightening the skin. The procedure will give an effect only if the problem is not expressed too clearly. With large fat deposits on the face, its effectiveness is almost zero. The price of a session is from 1000 rubles, in total you will need 8-10 procedures with an interval of 1-3 days. Then, to maintain the effect, you will have to visit a beautician every 3–3.5 weeks.

    Myostimulation of the face will not work if the fat deposits in the cheeks are very significant

Video: installing fillers in the cheekbones

A radical way out of the situation is plastic surgery. But the procedure has a rather long list of contraindications and is fraught with serious complications. In addition, this option is not acceptable for everyone for psychological reasons.

Operations practiced:

  • Removal of Bish's lumps. Local accumulations of high-density fat under the cheekbones give babies that same charming plumpness on their cheeks and help them suck their mother's milk. Over time, in most cases, they noticeably decrease. After removing Bish's lumps, the face becomes thinner, elongated, and the nasolabial folds decrease. Another option is to move this fat a little higher, "sculpting" voluminous sculpted cheekbones to harmonize proportions.

    Bish's lump removal is an operation that is resorted to not only by ordinary women, but also by world-famous actresses, models

  • Installation of implants. Depending on the individual structural features, surgeons recommend one of two options - to increase the chin or cheekbones. This helps to change the proportions of the face, visually make it more harmonious. Implants are made from silicone. Or you can apply the method of lipofilling, "uploading" specially purified fat cells of the patient herself into the problem areas.

    Implants in the chin and cheekbones help to get rid of the imbalance of proportions between the lower and upper halves of the face

  • Liposuction. Indicated for severe obesity. It consists in pumping out excess previously dissolved fat from the cheeks. A frequent side effect is bumpiness of the relief.

    Liposuction of the face is a rather risky procedure.

Video: Bish's lump removal

Effective gymnastic exercises

The most obvious solution if you want to lose weight is to review your diet and exercise. To combat fat deposits on the face in the cheek area, gymnastics will also be useful. It is also an effective prevention of sagging cheeks as they age, when they turn into cheeks. Gymnastics should be given 15-20 minutes daily. Regularity in this case is very important. Each exercise is repeated 10-15 times. Do not expect a quick effect, it becomes noticeable only after 4-6 months of daily practice.

There are a lot of different options for facial gymnastics on the Internet; the only way to find the most suitable for yourself is trial and error

Active exercises:

  • Grimace continuously for 3-5 minutes, trying to use all the muscles of the face to the maximum and synchronize the movements of the muscles of the cheeks and eyebrows.
  • Raise and lower your eyebrows, trying not to frown. If possible, move your eyebrows in turn.
  • Clench your jaws tightly, try to move the muscles in the ear area, as if chewing on a piece of tough meat.
  • Fold your lips into a tight "bow", move them to the sides, up and down, describe circles.
  • Tightly pressing your lips, try to lower their corners as low as possible, keeping the rest of the muscles of the face motionless.
  • Hold a pencil or other similarly shaped object with your lips. For 3-5 minutes, continuously “write” or “draw” something.
  • Stretch your lips into the widest possible smile. Slowly begin to lower the lower jaw, as if about to make the sound "a".
  • Lift your head as high as possible, push your lower jaw forward, at the same time folding your lips into a tube as if for a kiss.
  • Take as much air into your mouth as possible. Open it wide, stick out your tongue and exhale forcefully. Other options are to expel the air drawn under the upper lip through tightly closed lips. Or just roll it in your mouth, puffing out your cheeks in turn.
  • Open your mouth, press your lips tightly to your teeth, slightly wrapping them inward. Try to smile as widely as possible.
  • Turn the lower jaw into something similar to a backhoe bucket by slowly moving it back and forth.
  • Stretch your neck as far forward as possible, fix the position. On a deep breath, open your mouth wide, freeze for 40-60 seconds.
  • Alternately chant vowel sounds through elongated and folded lips into a tight tube.

Video: a set of facelift exercises from Evgenia Baglyk

Face massage

The effectiveness of the massage is based on an increase in skin turgor, activation of local blood circulation and lymph flow. The procedure should be carried out regularly, with an interval of 2-3 days. The skin is preliminarily cleansed, warmed up (for example, using a steam bath) and warmed up in the form of light stroking, tingling, tapping with fingertips. After completing the procedure, apply a nourishing cream. It is very important not to overdo it, otherwise you will achieve the opposite effect by greatly stretching the skin.

What will be useful:

  • Rub your cheeks in slow circular motions with a massage mitt. Pre-apply any base oil to the problem area, adding 2-3 drops of citrus ester per 70-80 ml. Choose a mitten, glove specially designed for the face. They are made of cotton, linen, suede, silk and will not leave scratches on delicate skin.
  • While taking a bath, alternately direct a powerful jet of water to each cheek. To enhance the effect, you can alternate hot and cold water, changing the temperature every 10-15 seconds. The total exposure time is 2-3 minutes.
  • Do a honey massage. This is not only a lifting effect, but also deep nutrition, skin cleansing. After applying honey to the face, work it with tapping fingers, moving along the lines of lymph flow. Then firmly “glue” your palms to your cheeks and tear them off with force.
  • Wipe your cheeks daily in the morning and evening with pieces of cosmetic ice, moving clockwise from the middle, drawing a gradually expanding spiral. To get ice, freeze natural fruit juices, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs that are suitable for your skin type.
  • Roll a small terry towel into a tight bundle, soak it in a solution of ordinary salt (a tablespoon per glass of water), slap it on your cheeks with increasing intensity for 8-10 minutes. Another option is to use two tourniquets soaked in hot and cold water, changing them every minute. A slight burning sensation, a feeling of warmth is normal. There should be no pain during the process.

Cosmetic ice is a useful express tool if you need to quickly tone the skin, tighten it a little; With regular use, it gives a more pronounced lifting effect.

A very effective technique for those who want to make their face thinner is Asahi massage:

The first 2-3 times Asahi massage is best done by a professional in order to be able to ask all the questions that have arisen, to better understand the nuances of the technique

Video: Asahi massage

Home massage can be not only manual, but also hardware. Devices for independent use give an effect through the use of ultrasound, radio waves, laser radiation, creating a vacuum, generating current pulses. As a result, the epidermis noticeably tightens, the tone of the facial muscles returns, and local blood circulation is activated.

Suitable devices:

  • Super Wet Cleaner PRO by Gezatone. The main function is lymphatic drainage facial massage. There are different nozzles that allow you to combine it with deep cleansing of the skin, the fight against black dots, “carrying out” the active ingredients of special cosmetics into the deep layers of the dermis. In the latter case, the contents of the ampoules are preliminarily applied to the skin. The price of the device is 1500–2000 rubles.

    The Super Wet Cleaner PRO by Gezatone is especially effective if the appearance of large cheeks is due to edema

  • Perfect Photo Poration by TechnoLink. Combines electroporation and phototherapy (radiation in infrared, red, blue ranges). This activates the metabolism, which has a positive effect on the process of splitting excess fat and skin tone. Price - from 100,000 rubles.

    TechnoLink's Perfect Photo Poration is one of the most efficient devices for home use.

  • Beauty Iris M708 by Gezatone. It works by generating galvanic currents. The main effect is the strengthening of capillaries, activation of blood flow. Due to this, muscles are tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the process of tissue renewal at the cellular level is stimulated. The cost is about 5000 rubles.

    The Beauty Iris M708 device from Gezatone activates the processes of tissue renewal from the inside

Homemade and purchased masks

The benefits of homemade face masks are due to the lifting effect. But only with their help it will not be possible to get rid of chubby cheeks, it is rather an auxiliary tool. They also contribute to skin tightening during weight loss, preventing it from sagging. Masks are applied to a clean face 2-3 times a week, each time preparing a fresh composition. The exposure time is 40–45 minutes.

Suitable mixtures:

  • Any cosmetic clay, diluted with an infusion of medicinal herbs suitable for your skin type, to a thick slurry. With increased dryness, rose petals, lime blossom, chamomile, cornflower, lavender are useful. For oily skin, sage, mint, celandine, nettle, St. John's wort are recommended. Universal options - calendula, lemon balm, parsley. To enhance the effect, if you do not have allergies, add honey to the finished mixture in a 3: 1 ratio.

    Masks with cosmetic clay not only tighten the skin well, but also deeply cleanse it.

  • A tablespoon of pressed yeast, diluted in about the same volume of unpasteurized milk, beaten egg white to a strong foam. The mask is applied in 3-4 layers with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

    Pressed yeast can cause a feeling of strong tightness, this is normal for this mask.

  • A tablespoon of oatmeal soaked in half a glass of milk or kefir. Another option is three tablespoons of any base oil, one each of oatmeal and finely chopped dill.

    Oat flakes are rich in B vitamins, necessary for maintaining the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

  • Pour a bag of gelatin into 100 ml of cold water, let it brew for about an hour. If lumps remain, heat in a water bath. Add a tablespoon of liquid honey and glycerin.

    Gelatin is, in fact, almost pure animal collagen.

  • Two tablespoons of starch pour half a glass of warm milk, stir well. Add an ampoule of an oil solution of vitamins A and E, a medium cucumber grated on a fine grater or a tablespoon of aloe juice. A mixture of starch and milk can be replaced with warm mashed potatoes.

    Masks with starch well tighten and slightly whiten the skin

  • Two tablespoons of mashed banana or persimmon pulp, one each of rice flour and olive oil. To enhance the effect, add a teaspoon of grated ginger root.

    Of all the fruits, banana is best for mature skin, as it gives a pronounced lifting effect.

  • Seaweed powder (spirulina, fucus, kelp) - about 15 g, beaten egg white, a tablespoon of sour cream.

    Dried and powdered seaweed can be bought in almost all pharmacies.

Video: homemade lifting mask with gelatin

Purchased masks give a more pronounced lifting effect:

  • Lifting Facial Mask by Dr. Sea. The composition is predominantly natural, its basis is extracts of pomegranate and ginger. The mask restores skin tone, noticeably tightens it, activates the process of tissue regeneration. Organic acids give a slight whitening effect, dissolve dead cells. The cost is in the range of 800–1000 rubles.

    Lifting Facial Mask by Dr. Sea - a mask, most of the ingredients of which are of organic origin

  • Instant lifting face mask from Planeta Organica. Mask based on Dead Sea minerals. It gives a complex effect - lifting, rejuvenation, lifting of the face oval. The oils in the composition (patchouli, Jordanian fig tree) provide high-quality care. The price is more than affordable - 150-200 rubles.

    Instant lifting face mask from Planeta Organica - cheap, but quite effective remedy

  • Perfect Mask by 3LAB. Visibly tightens the oval of the face, smoothes deep skin folds. The Matrixyl complex activates the production of its own collagen and elastin, extracts of gingko biloba and green tea are powerful antioxidants. The price for a pack of five masks is from 13,000 rubles.

    For its action after a single application, the 3LAB Perfect Mask sheet mask deserves the name “ideal”

  • The Lifting And Firming Mask by La Mer. Restores the structure of the skin from the inside, tightening and tightening it, restores tone. The result is provided by seaweed stem cells. The effect is cumulative. The cost corresponding to a luxury brand is 15,000–17,000 rubles.

    The Lifting And Firming Mask by La Mer has a cumulative effect that continues after you stop using it.

  • Time To Revitalize Extreme Radiance Lifting Mask by Ahava. Visibly tightens the oval of the face, improves the appearance of the skin, "erasing" traces of fatigue and activating the process of cell renewal. Most of the ingredients are natural - Dead Sea minerals, fruit acids, argan oil, aloe and goji berry extracts. The cost of the mask is from 3000 rubles.

    Ahava's Time To Revitalize Extreme Radiance Lifting Mask is a small-volume tube, but thanks to the economy of use, it lasts a long time

How to divert attention from the problem area

Competent makeup and a suitable hairstyle can divert attention from chubby cheeks. Most often, girls with a round face suffer from a similar problem, so your task is to visually stretch and narrow it.

Proper makeup can visually "stretch" a round face, reduce the volume of the cheeks.

Useful makeup tricks:

  • Apply foundation or powder to your cheeks 1-2 shades darker than your natural skin tone. The first option is suitable for oily skin, the second - for dry. Careful shading is required, otherwise you will achieve the opposite effect by drawing attention to this area.
  • Use two shades of matte (required) blush. Lighter - for the upper part of the cheekbones, dark (color of clay, milk chocolate) - for the bottom. Blend them in the direction from the cheek to the cheekbone, achieving smooth transitions between shades. Apply a thin layer of loose powder on top.
  • Pulling your cheeks in, apply quite a bit of face sculptor to the resulting depressions. They also walk along the line of the lower jaw.
  • Highlight the vertical with a highlighter, as if dividing the face into two halves. The agent is applied to the middle of the forehead, chin, back of the nose.
  • Focus on the eyes. Eyeliner in black, brown, dark gray and suitable mascara will help with this.

The general rule “what is highlighted in dark is less noticeable” also applies when you need to mask chubby cheeks.

Video: makeup for a round face

Haircut and styling will help smooth out the disproportion between the upper and lower halves of the face. Categorically not your options - smoothly combed back slicked hair, tight buns, straight parting, thick even bangs, small lush curls. Any asymmetry, on the contrary, is welcome. Successful solutions:

  • graduated strands falling on the face with “pointed” tips;

    The classic bob is one of the most popular haircuts, not least due to its versatility - you can choose the right option for almost any type of face.

  • high stacking in the form of a vertical roller;

    When straightening your hair, avoid the effect of sleekness - this will make plump cheeks even more noticeable.

  • low, not too tight ponytail;

    Slightly sloppy ponytail focuses not on the cheeks, but on the upper third of the face

  • Unusual color accents divert attention from individual imperfections of the face, transferring it to the hairstyle

  • vertical highlighting and coloring.

    Light shades refresh the face and make it look younger, while vertical strands stretch it.

Contraindications, possible negative consequences

Most cosmetic procedures have contraindications, not to mention plastic surgery. And most of the time the list is quite long. The question of whether it is possible to conduct it for this client in principle is decided during a preliminary consultation with a specialist. There will be a lot of questions about your health. You need to answer them as detailed as possible, without hiding anything. Otherwise, the responsibility for a far from ideal result, due to the desire to carry out the procedure at all costs, will fall only on you.

General contraindications:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, endocrine systems, kidneys, liver;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncology;
  • low blood clotting, autoimmune diseases;
  • mental and neurological diseases;
  • exacerbation of any chronic disease, inflammatory process in the body.

Pregnancy is a contraindication for almost all cosmetic procedures, there is no reliable data on the effect of many used drugs and devices on the body of the unborn child.

The negative consequences are also very diverse and in most cases quite serious. The reason can be either non-compliance with the methodology, gross errors of the cosmetologist or surgeon, or the client’s neglect of the recommendations for the recovery period. The most common option is infection.

Gymnastics and facial massage are suitable for almost everyone. The only limitations are the presence of unhealed mechanical damage to the skin, problems with the facial nerves. But here it is very important to observe the technique, otherwise there will be no effect.

As for cosmetics, any of its components, whether organic or synthetic, is a potential allergen. A negative reaction manifests itself in the form of reddening of the skin, rash, swelling, foci of inflammation, itching and burning. To avoid it, apply a small amount of the product to the skin of the forearm or wrist before using it as directed. If after 30–40 minutes its appearance has not changed, the product is safe for you.

Allergies can be provoked by any cosmetics, both homemade and purchased.

Thanks to an integrated approach, you can lose weight in the face and form beautiful cheekbones in just a month at home. An individual diet, facial exercises, massages, proper makeup and hairstyle will help answer the question of how to get rid of cheeks without surgery.

The fashion for well-defined, expressive cheekbones not only does not lose its relevance, but, on the contrary, strengthens its position every year. Many women pay attention not only to the slimness of the figure, but also to the contours of the face, trying in every possible way to get rid of chubby cheeks. This is not surprising. Most Hollywood beauties, who have become the standard of female beauty, have high cheekbones and sunken cheeks. It is possible to achieve such a result, the main thing is to follow our simple recommendations.

To get rid of "hamster" cheeks, it is necessary first of all to determine the causes of their appearance in order to choose the right set of methods for eliminating the problem. It can be:

  • improper nutrition. Foods containing large amounts of fats and carbohydrates are not completely absorbed and become the cause of not only a swollen waist, but also a plump face;
  • overweight;
  • slouch. The reason for the appearance of chubby cheeks may be the wrong posture when walking and reading in a lying position;
  • heredity;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle.

To remove fat cheeks, you need to monitor your weight, add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, drink more water, monitor your posture, and perform a set of activities that includes facial exercises, masks, massages, water treatments.

There are several proven ways to help correct the contour of the face, remove too plump and sagging cheeks without the help of salon masters and plastic surgeons. Each method individually is quite effective, but their combined use will help to achieve the desired result faster.
Self massage

If you are faced with the question of how to get rid of cheeks, start with self-massage procedures.

Before starting the massage, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face with special means, and then apply a cream that suits your skin type.

You can use the two most simple, but at the same time quite effective methods.

  1. With your thumbs, draw a line along the edge of the lower jaw, from its middle to the auricles. The trajectory of movement can be constantly changed, but the direction - in no case.
  2. Gently pat the lower part of the face with your fingertips or the back of your hands.

Such simple techniques improve blood circulation and muscle tone of the face, and, accordingly, give elasticity to the skin and tighten the contour. It will not be superfluous to moisten the fingertips in warm honey before the procedure, as well as massage with ice cubes from a decoction of herbs.

Effective is the Japanese assahi massage. Its regular use will prolong the youthfulness of the skin, remove wrinkles, and increase muscle tone. The most common and effective Assakhi exercise: put the palms on the cheeks (while the arms are bent at the elbows), slightly pull the palms to the sides, make a movement along the cheeks and neck.

It is also possible to carry out massages with the help of a massage mitten, a jet of water, using contrasting washes.

Special exercises

Special exercises will help to remove cheeks. They must be performed constantly even when the problem is solved. This will help to avoid the return of plump forms.

  1. Exercise alphabet. The lips must be stretched forward, and alternately, drawlingly pronounce “A”, “U”, “E”, “S”, “I”. At this time, you should tilt your head forward, backward and to the sides. It is important to keep the chin in tension.
  2. Cheek puffing. It is necessary to inflate the cheeks, hold the air for about twenty seconds and release it sharply. After that, you need to roll your eyes up and open your mouth, the last is active blinking of your eyelashes.
  3. Fish exercise. The cheeks must be retracted and held in this position for about ten seconds.
  4. Exercise smile. It is necessary to smile as strongly as possible, directing the corners of the lips to the eyes.
  5. Chewing gum. Chewing gum will help not only freshen your breath after eating, but also get rid of chubby cheeks, since the jaw is strengthened during chewing.

Such exercises will also become indispensable for women who do not know how to remove sagging cheeks.

If the cause of big cheeks is weight gain, then it is important to reconsider your diet. No one talks about a rigid diet, but you will have to give up some of your favorite foods. Food should be healthy, low-calorie and should be taken in limited quantities.

  • flour in any form;
  • sweets in the form of sweets, chocolates and cakes;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • fried, spicy, smoked and salted;
  • potato;
  • salt, sugar;
  • alcohol.

Nutrition should be correct and balanced.

  1. A large number of vegetables and fruits, it is best to choose apples and grapefruit.
  2. Foods rich in calcium, which helps to quickly get rid of extra pounds.
  3. Natural juices diluted with water.
  4. Whole grain cereals.
  5. boiled meat
  6. Yogurt.

It is necessary to eat in small portions, but often, 5-6 times a day. Before eating, you should drink a glass of water, you can add lemon or honey. The lack of water in the body also leads to thickening of the cheeks, since the body thus makes a reserve supply of it.

Will masks help?

One of the most effective ways to reduce cheeks is masks with a lifting effect. As a basis, various improvised means can be used.

  1. Blue clay. Promotes an active facelift. To prepare the mask, clay is mixed with water in a ratio of one to one. It is necessary to keep the product on the face for about twenty minutes, the procedure is repeated twice a week.
  2. Herculean flakes with kefir. The mask will not only reduce the size of the cheeks, but also brighten the skin. The remedy is prepared very simply: 2 tablespoons of hercules are poured with kefir or yogurt, and after swelling, it is applied to the skin of the face for half an hour. You can repeat the procedure every other day.
  3. Clay and honey. This mixture has a good tightening effect, smoothes wrinkles, whitens the face. It is necessary to mix one part of water and clay and put half of the honey. Keep the product on the face for about half an hour, you can apply it daily.
  4. Yeast with milk. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The mask is applied in several layers, after the previous one has dried.

According to some women, Relief candles will help to quickly tidy up the face. This method is emergency and not suitable for daily use. A candle melted and applied to the face from hemorrhoids will smooth and tighten the skin overnight.

Good results in the fight against problematic cheeks will help to achieve water procedures:

  • daily morning and evening wiping the face with cold water;
  • compresses from herbal infusions;
  • contrasting washes;
  • wiping with ice cubes from pure water or herbal decoctions;
  • short-term, alternate application of hot and cold towels;
  • light patting of the cheeks with a towel previously soaked in salt water.

If the question of how to reduce cheeks is very acute and it needs to be solved here and now, then the fair sex can use some tricks to help visually hide the defect. These include properly applied makeup and well-made hair, which can significantly transform the face.

Proper makeup

To visually lengthen the face, it is necessary to apply a darker colored powder on its sides, the area of ​​​​the temples and near the auricles. At the same time, a lighter tone is applied to the chin and nose area.

Particular attention should be paid to the eyebrows. The eyebrow should be with a break in the middle, not too long and thin on the edge.

It will also help to divert attention to the focus on the eyes. Their corner should be darker and more expressive, and the rest of the moving eyelid should be light. It is not necessary to apply shadow under the eyebrow.

It is important to correctly apply blush on the cheekbones, and their shade should be dark.

Correct hairstyles

Visually reduce full cheeks will help the correct haircut and styling. A small bouffant and elongated strands on the sides will help to stretch the oval of the face. An excellent solution would be a square or a short haircut with torn strands, oblique bangs.

Do not collect hair in a ponytail, comb it back, choose lush styling, make a parting in the middle of the head, curl with small curls.

But hairstyles from large waves, which will cover the cheekbones, are also a good option.

Correctly selected accessories and clothes will help to hide chubby cheeks.

  1. A tall, narrow-brimmed hat will help elongate your face and make it look narrower.
  2. Long earrings hanging down to the level of the jaw create a contrast with the shape of the face and make it narrower.
  3. A long necklace will distract from the rounded shape of the face.
  4. The frame of glasses for the sun and for vision should be wide, preferably rectangular in shape with rounded corners and protrude beyond the contours of the face.
  5. Clothing should be chosen with an open and elongated neckline, high collars should be avoided.


Thus, regardless of the reason for the appearance of chubby cheeks, you should not worry and sit back. To cope with the problem, you need to seriously work on yourself, but the result is worth it. Proper nutrition, exercises, masks, massages and water treatments will certainly help you achieve your desired goal.