
Hypoallergenic diet: allowed and prohibited foods. Diet for allergies in children of different ages: general principles, menu The most hypoallergenic products

Pathologies of the uterus

For all types of allergic reactions, the use of a hypoallergenic diet is recommended. The main principle of this diet is this: you need to exclude allergens from the diet - substances that cause an allergic reaction, which causes the disease. Exactly what your diet will be depends on what allergens you react to. It’s good if the allergen is known in advance. If not, it will need to be identified using an elimination diet (which will be discussed in detail below).

In any hypoallergenic diet, all products are divided into 3 groups:

  • highly allergenic, which must be completely avoided;
  • moderately allergenic;
  • low-allergenic.

What foods should be excluded on a hypoallergenic diet?

  • seafood and fish, including any red fish, black and red caviar;
  • milk and dairy products, including cheeses, sweet glazed cheeses and butter;
  • eggs and dishes based on them;
  • all types of smoked meats, pickled and canned products;
  • spices, seasonings, sauces;
  • red vegetables: tomatoes, red peppers, carrots, beets;
  • citrus fruits, pineapples, red berries;
  • carbonated and fruit waters, natural juices;
  • mushrooms and any dishes made from/with them;
  • candies, chocolate, any factory-made confectionery products;
  • coffee, cocoa, flavored tea;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • exotic products and dishes.

Products of average allergenicity that can be consumed in limited quantities:

  • cereals (if not identified);
  • pork, horse meat, lamb, turkey, rabbit;
  • some fruits: apples, bananas, peaches, currants, cranberries, watermelon, melon;
  • green bell pepper, potatoes, peas, legumes;
  • white bread and pastries.

What foods can you eat on a hypoallergenic diet?

  • fermented milk products: plain yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk;
  • lean pork, beef, chicken, quail;
  • some types of fish: sea bass, cod, tuna;
  • beef tongue, liver, kidneys in small quantities;
  • buckwheat, rice, corn bread;
  • vegetables: white cabbage, cucumbers, broccoli, green salad, dill, spinach, parsley, zucchini, rutabaga, squash, turnips;
  • pearl barley, oatmeal, rice and semolina;
  • sunflower, olive, oil;
  • white currants, green apples, gooseberries, pears, white cherries;
  • dried apples, prunes, pears;
  • weak tea, compote of dried non-allergenic fruits, rosehip decoction;
  • still mineral water.

The diet can be followed for 2-3 weeks for adults, and 7-10 days for children over 8 years old. Please note: for young children and any patients with severe manifestations of allergies, treatment should not begin with a diet, but with an emergency consultation with a doctor!

Elimination diet: features

The elimination diet has a number of advantages over other types of testing. The main thing is that in addition to diagnosing allergies, during the use of an elimination diet, the symptoms of the disease decrease and sometimes disappear altogether.

Another advantage of this technique is that it is inexpensive, simple and can be applied at any time. Its essence is to receive from a specialist a list of foods that should not be eaten. The list of exceptions is quite small, since the elimination diet is based on eliminating the most common allergens. By eliminating them from the diet gradually, the patient monitors the reaction of his body. If, after giving up one of the allergens, the signs of the disease disappear, we can safely conclude that this is the main irritant. As a rule, observations are carried out for at least two weeks, only after which can any conclusions be drawn.

After the symptoms have subsided, the correctness of the conclusion is checked. The patient again consumes products that provoke allergies and within three to four days notes a deterioration in his condition, if the product is indeed an allergen. Before deciding to prescribe an elimination diet, you need to get your doctor's approval, and also exclude the possibility of exposure to non-food allergens (for example, pet dander, pollen, medications, etc.).

Hypoallergenic diet menu for a week


Breakfast: oatmeal with water.

Lunch: soup made from lean meat, carrots, onions, zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli.

Afternoon snack: black tea without additives, banana, mashed with 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese.

Dinner: stewed vegetables with lean beef.

At night: oatmeal or buckwheat with kefir.


Breakfast: rosehip decoction, rice porridge with water.

Lunch: dietary puree soup of carrots, pumpkin, zucchini with 10% sour cream.

Afternoon snack: tea with natural marmalade made from pectin and applesauce.

Dinner: stewed chicken breast with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: baked apple.

You can simply bake the fruit, or you can cook it

Dinner: boiled fish with stewed vegetables.

Before bed: kefir.


Breakfast: corn porridge with pumpkin.

Lunch: borscht without meat with sour cream.

Afternoon snack: tea with bread.

Dinner: stewed vegetables with pork.

Before bed: kefir.


Breakfast: millet porridge with water, prunes.

Lunch: borscht with sour cream without meat, rye bread.

Afternoon snack: fruit dessert.

Dinner: cabbage salad, minced pork and beef cutlets.

Before bed: kefir.


Breakfast: rice porridge with water.

Lunch: boiled potatoes, green vegetable salad with a spoon of vegetable oil.

Afternoon snack: oatmeal jelly on water.

Dinner: beet salad with prunes, stew.

Before bed: tea with apple jam.


Breakfast: rice porridge with apple.

Lunch: vegetable stew with lean meat, rye bread.

Afternoon snack: black tea with cottage cheese casserole.

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad, stewed meat with carrots and onions.

Before bed: plain yogurt.

Increasingly, evidence is appearing in the literature that a strict diet for allergies can be not only not beneficial, but also harmful. How to choose the right diet for a child with allergies? This article will help you understand how a hypoallergenic diet should be structured for children with various allergic diseases.

Allergy is a disease that develops as a result of an inadequate reaction of the body to the ingress of a foreign protein. This substance can penetrate in various ways:

  • aerogenic, and then hay fever develops;
  • contact, which entails the development of contact dermatitis;
  • parenteral, causing drug allergies or allergies to insect venom;
  • and, of course, food.

In case of food allergies, in order to prevent the body from contacting the allergenic protein, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that contain this protein.

Elimination diet

It is of a very specific nature. From the foods consumed, you need to remove specific, specific ones, only those to which you have hypersensitivity. Specific diets are used if it is impossible to carry out an accurate diagnosis, or at its earliest stages (including self-diagnosis).

To determine which product an undesirable reaction is developing, remove the “suspects” one by one and monitor the condition of the allergic person.

Non-specific diet

The second option is a basic, non-specific diet. It is needed in order to reduce the overall food load on the body by eliminating all “dangerous” foods in terms of allergies from the diet.

It is required for people with allergies of any kind, as well as in the first stages of an allergy examination.

Thus, the purpose of a hypoallergenic diet is as follows:

  1. diagnostic search for trigger allergen;
  2. avoiding contact with the trigger allergen;
  3. reducing the overall allergenic load on the body;
  4. replenishment of excluded nutrients and microelements through other products.

The last point is of key importance, since a strict hypoallergenic diet for children is necessary and important only during periods of severe exacerbation, before prescribing therapy. The rest of the time, it is important not so much to exclude the allergen from food (in case of food allergies), but to form a complete, balanced diet, taking into account this exclusion.

General principles of developing a diet for allergies in a child

When forming a diet, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of the child’s body.

So, it is necessary to remember that Children need protein and fiber to a much greater extent than adults.. This is due both to the extremely high activity of the child (especially at the age of 3-7 years), and to the need to “complete” all systems and organs. But it so happens that it is animal protein that most often provokes an inadequate immune response.

The second point is the high prevalence of allergies to cow's milk protein. In addition, there are certain differences between “children’s” food allergies and “adults”:

  • in most children, the immune reaction is combined with a non-immune reaction (the so-called pseudo-allergy is realized);
  • most often polyallergenic sensitization occurs;
  • The older the child, the higher the likelihood of developing cross-allergy.

The last point is related, first of all, to expanding the child’s diet.

Taking into account all the listed features, we can highlight the basic principles for the formation of any hypoallergenic diet - both specific and nonspecific:

  • diet is necessary for any allergic disease, be it food hypersensitivity, hay fever or contact dermatitis;
  • for food allergies It is imperative to accurately determine the trigger allergen;
  • necessary the most complete exclusion of animal protein and replacing it with vegetable;
  • acceptable use fermented milk products;
  • Necessarily exclusion of histamine-releasing products;
  • It is important to exclude not only causative allergens, but also cross stimuli(especially important for hay fever);
  • required strict control completeness and balance of the diet.

About the method of cooking

Food for children with allergies must be baked, steamed or boiled.

Mandatory rules

Individual selection of diet for allergies in a child is important

Another point worth focusing on is the rules that must be followed if a child needs a hypoallergenic diet:

  1. Working in tandem with an allergist. You cannot independently exclude foods from the diet or introduce them, especially with severe allergies;
  2. Strict compliance. You cannot “follow” a child asking for an allergenic product. It is important to remember that with a true allergy, even a small portion is enough to cause a severe allergic reaction;
  3. Timely adjustment. There is a possibility of some types of allergies self-healing with age, as well as the emergence of new ones;
  4. Hypoallergenic life. It must be combined with a diet - regular wet cleaning, the absence of mold, dust, and, if possible, pets in the house, the use of air filters.

Stages of introducing a diet for allergies in a child

  1. Identification of the trigger factor, selection of diet. Provocative tests, scarification tests, and empirical diet therapy are carried out. The duration of this stage is higher, the more allergens are direct irritants;
  2. Maintenance therapy. The longest stage in diet therapy (its duration varies from 3-5 months to several years. At this stage, all allergenic foods for humans are excluded;
  3. Diet expansion. The criterion for transition is complete clinical and laboratory remission. At this stage, starting with minimal doses, minimally allergenic foods are introduced first, then cross-allergens and, in case of successful introduction, attempts are made to introduce increasingly stronger allergens.

Non-specific diet

A nonspecific diet implies the exclusion of all highly allergenic foods. It is prescribed on the first visit to an allergist with complaints of hypersensitivity reactions.

Elimination diets of the widest possible spectrum are used. According to I.V. Borisova, professor of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, all products are divided into three types according to the degree of allergenic activity. Products highlighted:

High activity:

  • chicken eggs;
  • milk;
  • fish products;
  • chicken meat;
  • tomatoes;
  • citruses;
  • bananas;
  • baker's yeast;
  • chocolate products, cocoa beans;
  • all types of nuts;
  • melon;
  • celery;
  • any spices.

Medium activity:

  • beef;
  • pork meat;
  • horse meat;
  • turkey;
  • wheat;
  • rye products;
  • barley;
  • oat products;
  • carrots;
  • cucumbers;
  • beets;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • grape;
  • kiwi;
  • pineapples;
  • raspberries;

Low activity:

  • lamb meat;
  • rabbit meat;
  • buckwheat;
  • zucchini;
  • cabbage;
  • turnip;
  • pumpkin;
  • prunes;
  • pear;
  • watermelons;
  • salad;
  • blueberries;
  • cranberries;
  • lingonberries.

Union of Pediatricians of Russia offers a similar scheme for distributing products according to their allergenicity:

Table: Diet for allergies in a child from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia (part 1)
Table: Diet for allergies in a child from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia (part 2)

Dr. E.O. Komarovsky names the six most allergenic foods:

  • egg;
  • peanut;
  • milk protein;
  • wheat;
  • fish.

Hypoallergenic diet according to Ado for children

Photo: Professor Andrey Dmitrievich Ado

HELL. Ado, a Soviet pathophysiologist, immunologist and allergist, studying the trigger mechanisms of allergic reactions, found out that there are products that are practically obligate (obligatory) allergens, and there are those that are relatively safe in terms of allergies.

The Ado diet for children with allergies, formed back in 1987, is based precisely on this: eliminating “aggressive” foods and replacing them with more gentle ones.

Advantages of this diet:

  • a specific list of foods that should not be consumed, rather than a lengthy definition of “hazardous food”;
  • exclusion of all allergens at once, which ensures rapid elimination of clinical allergy symptoms;
  • the ability to introduce obligate allergens into the diet one at a time, finding out exactly what irritant a reaction develops to.

However, this technique also has disadvantages:

  • extreme non-specificity;
  • lack of focus on the individual characteristics of each child.

What a child can and cannot do with this hypoallergenic diet

By Ado can be consumed the following products:

  • boiled beef;
  • soups from cereals or vegetables;
  • “fermented milk” (curd mass, yogurt, kefir products);
  • butter, olive, sunflower oils;
  • buckwheat, rolled oats, rice;
  • unsweetened bread (white);
  • cucumbers (fresh only);
  • parsley, dill;
  • baked apples;
  • sugar;
  • apple compote.

Necessary remove from diet without fail:

  • any citrus fruits;
  • any nuts;
  • fish and seafood;
  • all poultry (including turkey);
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • coffee;
  • smoked meats;
  • spices;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • mushrooms;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • milk;
  • strawberries, wild strawberries;
  • pineapples;
  • baked goods (especially fresh);
  • alcohol (relevant for older teenagers).

Hypoallergenic diet menu for children for 7 days (according to Ado)

Thus, the diet menu for children for a week might look like this:

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinnerSecond dinner
MondayOatmeal with water, sandwich with butter, sweet teaVegetable broth soup, broccoli with boiled tongue, cabbage salad with vegetable oil, apple compoteHard biscuits, peach juiceMashed potatoes, beef meatballs, teaKefir, gingerbread
TuesdayPancakes on water with apple jam, chicoryBuckwheat porridge on water, beef stroganoff, teaApple, savory cookiesStuffed cabbage rolls, teaRyazhenka, savory cookies
WednesdayFive-grain porridge with water, sandwich with butter, teaVegetable puree soup, vegetable stew with sausage, teaDrinking yogurt, Viennese wafflesStewed cabbage with sausageKefir, gingerbread
ThursdayYogurt, banana, bread, teaNoodles, ground beef, steamed or fried without oil, dried fruit compotePrunesVegetable stew with sausage, cranberry juiceCarrots with sour cream and sugar
FridayBaked apples, raisins, cherry juicePea soup with vegetable broth, mashed potatoes with stewed beef, cabbage salad, teaYogurt, puff pastry made from yeast-free doughBoiled rice, cauliflower, green beans, tongue, rose hipsKefir, gingerbread
SaturdayDairy-free rice porridge, toast with cheese, chicoryBuckwheat porridge with beef meatballs, teaDried apricotsCucumber salad with olive oil, vegetable puree soupRyazhenka, cookies
ResurrectionCottage cheese casserole with jam, teaBoiled beef, cabbage salad, chicoryCottage cheese with bananaSausage noodles, peach juiceYogurt, dried fruits

It is worth noting that this diet is suitable for a child of any age (over 2 years), but is approximate and requires adjustment in portion sizes.

In addition to the Ado hypoallergenic diet, vitamin therapy is required.

In addition, you should try to exclude from your diet products with dyes, flavors, emulsifiers and other unnatural additives.

Specific diet

In this section it is worth considering the types of dietary nutrition for various diseases and symptom complexes and separately for food allergies to specific groups of irritants. Despite the fact that, in general, dietary tables are similar. Each case has its own characteristics.

Diet for respiratory allergies

If you are allergic to pollen (especially birch), it is important to exclude cross allergens

With hay fever, the most important thing is to eliminate cross allergens. This is necessary in order to avoid the development of oral allergic syndrome. Depending on which plant pollen becomes an irritant, there are lists of cross allergens.

At bronchial asthma, which often becomes a symptom or outcome of hay fever, the main symptom of which is broncho-obstructive syndrome, it is extremely important to exclude honey from the diet so as not to provoke an episode of broncho-obstruction and, as a result, suffocation, coughing, and heaviness in the chest.

Diet for skin allergies

Photo: Atopic dermatitis

It has been proven that when it comes to treatment for children with allergic dermatitis caused not by food allergies, but direct contact of the allergen, as well as with eczema and urticaria, provoked by this factor, diet therapy does not play a significant role.

A minimal restriction of highly allergenic foods during periods of exacerbation is sufficient.

But a hypoallergenic diet for children with atopic dermatitis must be selected much more carefully and with care. This is especially important if atopic dermatitis is caused by food allergies.

In this case, elimination of the trigger factor is actually etiopathogenetic therapy and determines the success of treatment. But even in the absence of an immediate reaction of an allergic person to food products, it is necessary to follow a nonspecific diet.

Diet for food allergies in a child

With food allergies, the key is to eliminate the trigger allergen itself, as well as all cross-irritants.

There are several main options for dietary tables:

  • diet without milk;
  • diet for hypersensitivity to cereals;
  • diet for hypersensitivity to chicken egg white;
  • diet for soy allergy;
  • diet for allergies to yeast and mold.

Dairy-free diet

Photo: Manifestations of milk protein allergy

This type of dietary food can be prescribed for hypersensitivity to cow's milk protein. In the most difficult situation, when the child cannot tolerate milk or dairy products, you should refrain from using:

  • cow's milk;
  • any variants of powdered milk;
  • margarine;
  • whey;
  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • cream;
  • yoghurts;
  • cottage cheese;
  • ice cream;
  • cheese;
  • condensed milk

Often traces of milk protein may contain:

  • confectionery, sweets;
  • creams and sauces;
  • waffles;
  • biscuit;
  • sausage and frankfurters.
  • casein;
  • casein hydrolysate;
  • buttermilk;
  • sodium caseinate;
  • potassium caseinate;
  • calcium caseinate;
  • lactalbumin;
  • lactoglobulin.

It is worth noting that many allergy sufferers who are sensitive to cow's milk can easily tolerate goat's and mare's milk, beef, and fermented milk products. In this case, the selection of the diet should be done empirically under the supervision of an allergist.

It is necessary to compensate for the lack of milk and dairy products with lean meat, poultry, soy, and legumes. Monitoring the intake of calcium into the body is mandatory. Age standards:

You can replenish calcium deficiency with vitamin complexes, as well as fish, legumes, and vegetables. Taking vitamin D is mandatory.

Diet for grain allergies

The following should be excluded from the child’s diet:

  • wheat-based dishes;
  • porridge;
  • cereal side dishes;
  • bread;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • bran;
  • cookies, rolls;
  • pasta;
  • cupcakes;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • chocolate;
  • soy sauce;
  • ice cream.

It is important to pay attention to the following names on the packaging:

  • vegetable protein (including its hydrolysates);
  • vegetable starch;
  • malt and flavorings based on it;
  • monosodium glutamate.

You need to be careful with emulsifiers, thickeners, and flavorings, which also often contain cereal proteins.

You can compensate for these products with barley, oats, rye, rice, buckwheat, and corn flour. However, this should be done with caution, keeping in mind the possibility of developing cross-allergy.

Diet for egg allergies

Necessary remove from consumed foods everything that contains egg white:

  • omelette;
  • marshmallows;
  • some baked goods;
  • mayonnaise and other sauces;
  • sausages, colabs;
  • nougat;
  • meringue;
  • sherbet.

You should beware of the following names on the label:

  • albumins;
  • globulins;
  • lysozyme;
  • lecithin;
  • livetin;
  • ovomucin;
  • ovomucoid;
  • Vitellin.

To replace egg white (which is usually required for baking), you can use flaxseed, soy flour and cottage cheese, gelatin, and potato starch. In addition, there are many recipes available for dishes that do not require eggs.

Diet for allergies to soy, yeast

It is necessary to exclude dishes in which this product is used, incl. some sausages, sausages, minced meat, dough, coffee, chocolate, ice cream, margarine. Soy sauce should not be consumed.

In case of hypersensitivity to yeast, you should not:

  • baking;
  • vinegar;
  • sauerkraut;
  • dairy products;
  • fruit juices;
  • kvass;
  • alcoholic drinks, especially beer (especially important for teenagers!).

Diet for other diseases

For hemorrhagic vasculitis, which also has another name - allergic purpura - diet therapy is very important. On the one hand, often the cause of autoimmune aseptic inflammation is food allergy. On the other hand, one of the main elements of the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis is the prescription of hormonal drugs.

This type of medication causes a constant feeling of hunger, which, if eaten uncontrolled, can lead to sudden weight gain. That is why monitoring a child’s diet during illness is very important.

However, this disease is not treated on an outpatient basis; all children are required to be hospitalized, so it is easier to follow a diet. Should be excluded:

  • causative allergens (if any);
  • products that have ever caused adverse reactions, including allergies or food intolerances;
  • obligate allergens.

For angioedema, the diet should also be selected in accordance with the allergy history. If this condition was caused by an insect bite or the administration of a drug, following a nonspecific diet is sufficient. In the case where the swelling was caused by a food allergen, it is absolutely necessary to exclude it.

Useful video: mistakes of hypoallergenic diets

Hypoallergenic diet for children of different ages

The above data is quite general. However, it is impossible to deny that the nutrition of a child aged 8 months and 16 years are completely different things. That is why it is important to highlight the features of a hypoallergenic diet for children of different ages.

Nutrition for children up to one year old

For infants, the main allergen is cow's milk protein. That is why products based on it are introduced into complementary foods late, not earlier than the 8th month of life. As for the main type of nutrition, this issue is relevant for those children who are on artificial or mixed feeding.

Cow's milk formula is contraindicated for them; hypoallergenic products are required, for example:

Photo: Nutrilak Peptidi MCT
  • Nutrilon Pepti;
  • Nutrilac Peptide;
  • Tutteli-Peptidi;
  • Nutramigen;
  • Pregestimil;
  • Frisopep AS.

For children with other types of allergies, hypoallergenic formulas should also be prescribed, but it is acceptable to use food based on moderately or partially hydrolyzed casein:

  • Nutrilak GA;
  • Nutrilon GA;
  • Humana GA;
  • GA topic
  • and etc.

If the child is breastfed, it is necessary to adjust the nutrition of the nursing mother. She may be prescribed a dairy-free or gluten-free diet, or a nonspecific hypoallergenic diet may be recommended.

The introduction of complementary feeding in such babies cannot begin early - at least from 5.5 months, and preferably from 6.5. The procedure for adding new products remains approximately the same as for a healthy child, but it is imperative to discuss this issue with a pediatrician and allergist.

Nutrition for children from one to three years old

During this period, diet therapy is especially important.

Hypoallergenic diet for children 1 year old:

  1. necessarily implies the exclusion of milk.
  2. Fermented milk products are allowed if they are well tolerated.
  3. You cannot give your child foods from the group of highly allergenic ones; it is unacceptable to go to a common table; the food should be lightly salted, without spices, preferably without chemical additives.

Hypoallergenic diet for a child 2 years old:

  • allows the introduction of chicken and quail eggs if well tolerated, but does not allow the transition to a common table.

Hypoallergenic diet for a child 3 years old:

  • already makes it possible to transfer the child to “adult” food; fish and nuts are allowed.
  • However, even with a favorable course of the disease, it is not recommended to give the child chocolate, cocoa, tropical fruits, strawberries, mushrooms, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and seasonings.

Diet No. 5 GA for children 1-3 years old - menu

Sample menu for a day of a hypoallergenic diet for young children.

Menu for the day of hypoallergenic diet No. 5 ha for young children with food allergies

Diet for allergies in children over three years of age and adolescents

By and large, the hypoallergenic menu for a week for a child of three and twelve years old differs only in the size of the portions. However, it is much easier to control young children than older ones: pocket money and time spent outside the attention of parents appear.

Therefore, the importance of explaining to the child why he should not eat certain foods comes to the fore.

In older adolescence, prohibitions on:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fast food;
  • products with a large number of dyes, flavors, and flavoring additives.

Thus, the formation of a hypoallergenic diet is a very responsible process, in which it is important to take into account many factors, such as the type of allergy, the age of the child, and the trigger factor. Therefore, it is better to entrust the preparation of the diet to a specialist.

We must not forget that following a hypoallergenic diet for children is one of the most important, and sometimes the main, element in the treatment of allergic diseases.

Recipes for some dishes for children with allergies


  1. Food allergies in children: a modern view of the problem. Magazine "Attending Physician". A. S. Botkina. Link:
  2. Therapeutic nutrition for children of the first year of life suffering from food allergies. Magazine "Attending Physician". T. E. Borovik, N. N. Semenova, V. A. Revyakina. Link:

Most often, allergies become a problem not only for children who are at risk, but also for adults. As a rule, allergies appear due to food. It appears on the skin in the form of an unusual rash, peeling or redness. If a person notices any type of allergy, he should adhere to a hypoallergenic diet; it will help restore the body’s activity in a short period of time. The diet must be followed by mothers who are breastfeeding and children.

Hypoallergenic diet: list of products

Conventionally, all products can be divided into three broad groups, these include: highly allergenic, moderately allergenic and low allergenic products.

The first group includes foods that should not be consumed if you are prone to skin reactions. TO prohibited products include: red and black caviar, fish and seafood.

The second group of products includes those that should be consumed with caution in small quantities. Some people will not have any reaction to these products, but others may be allergic to a small portion of the product consumed.

  1. The second type refers to the following products are cereals, rye, wheat, buckwheat, corn, meat, pork, horse meat, lamb, turkey, rabbit; berries: red and black currants, lingonberries, cranberries, watermelon; fruits: peaches, apricots, bananas.
  2. The second group also includes vegetables, including bell peppers, all legumes and potatoes.

The third group includes products whose consumption is recommended by doctors. Perhaps some products will cause individual intolerance, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

When following a strict diet, you must adhere to some simple rules. You can’t overeat and you need to diversify your diet. Each product from the second group should be eaten no more than once every 4 days. Skin reactions occur when a sufficient amount of allergen accumulates in the human body. The duration of the diet depends on the severity of the process. If a nursing mother adheres to a diet, then its duration depends on the duration of breastfeeding.

Strict hypoallergenic diet for children

Intolerance to certain foods differs between children and adults. Therefore, the menu for a child is compiled according to different rules. As a rule, a child’s body reacts poorly to cow’s milk, chicken yolk, fish, sweets, fruits, vegetables, orange and red berries, and bananas.

It is impossible to restrict a child’s diet for a long time, so it is necessary to quickly identify the problematic product and remove it from the diet. If a child has persistent symptoms, for example, peeling, redness and itching, then tests and allergy tests must be taken at the hospital. If a child goes on a diet for a long time, then he develops a lack of nutrients that are necessary for a growing body.

Menu for a child for 7 days

Such a diet for a child excludes a wide range of prohibited foods, but remains balanced and provides the child with the necessary amount of nutrients for development and growth.

Hypoallergenic diet for nursing mothers

A diet is needed if the baby has an allergic reaction to many foods. There are women who breastfeed their children and calmly eat citrus fruits and chocolate, and the child does not experience any consequences. And other women cannot afford even a piece of chocolate or a tomato.

An infant does not have a strong immune system, so a nursing mother should pay special attention to her diet. Until a problematic product is identified, a woman should keep a food diary. This way you can identify which product your child is allergic to. Any new product must be given to the child in small portions, once every 5 days.

It is imperative to pay attention to the fact that you need to eat soups every day; they are necessary for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The base of the soup should consist of vegetable broth, because meat broth can cause allergies. As a snack, you should use yogurt, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, and you can drink tea with lemon.

  1. If you stay on this diet for at least two weeks, a person will feel a surge of additional strength.
  2. This will happen thanks to a balanced and healthy diet.
  3. Thus, the body will be cleansed of waste and toxins.
  4. If you exclude possible allergens from your diet, it is easier to track the dynamics of your allergies.

Hypoallergenic diet for adults

Thus, you can draw appropriate conclusions for yourself. Adults need to follow this diet for no more than 3 weeks, and children - a maximum of 10 days. If at the end of the week it becomes noticeable that you are feeling better, then you need to gradually include prohibited foods. This must be done every 4 days for each new product, because allergies do not appear immediately.

This diet is otherwise called “nonspecific”. If there is no improvement, then moderately allergenic and then low-allergenic foods are gradually eliminated from the diet. The patient should limit his diet only under the supervision of the attending physician. To accurately identify the cause of an allergy, it is necessary to keep a food diary, so you can track the body’s reaction to each product.

Nutrition must be structured in such a way as to take into account all the body’s needs for minerals and vitamins. Under no circumstances should you overeat, because excess food is not digested and poisons the body. Products that contain a lot of protein should be combined with vegetables. They contain a lot of fiber, which blocks the penetration of allergens into the blood. This type of dietary food is suitable not only for an adult, but also for a child, and even a nursing mother.

Bottom line

Allergy refers to modern diseases, which is expressed in increased sensitivity to certain products, substances or materials. As a rule, allergies occur to dust, pollen, medicine, animal dander, food and insect bites.

You can alleviate the condition of patients using 2 methods: taking medications or following a hypoallergenic diet. Regardless of the severity of the allergy, a hypoallergenic diet will help the patient. Allergies are considered a serious disorder in the body. If allergies occur, you should definitely visit a doctor.

To minimize the consequences of allergies, you need to strictly adhere to a hypoallergenic diet. If you keep a food diary, you can identify the food to which you are allergic.

The main goal of a hypoallergenic diet is to eliminate the causes of the disease, that is, to identify foods that lead to rashes and eliminate their harmful effects on the body.

Classic hypoallergenic diet

The classic diet is used during the period of allergy manifestation. The duration of the general nonspecific diet ranges from a couple of weeks to two months.

Based on the classic hypoallergenic method lies the rule exclusion of products considered highly allergenic:


  • Nutrition of a nursing mother by month - table according to Komarovsky
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  • White diet for weight loss - rules and menu for the week
  • citrus;
  • dairy;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • cocoa, chocolate, coffee;
  • red, orange fruits and vegetables.

There is a list of products allowed for consumption as part of the diet during the period of allergies. Among the permitted components green various fruits, vegetables, gluten-free cereals, dairy products.

What it is?

The use of a hypoallergenic diet is avoiding certain products that cause allergies in humans. An allergy may be caused by a substance contained in one or more products.

It is necessary to give up foods gradually. This hypoallergenic way of using the diet makes it possible to identify the product that causes the allergy.

If the cause of the allergy is a substance that is included in several products, it will be difficult to identify it through the use of a special diet.

Grocery list

There is a classification of hypoallergenic products according to the degree of the body's reaction. It is applicable for children and adults suffering from allergic reactions.

List of products for a hypoallergenic diet:

  • products from the fermented milk group (kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese);
  • lean meats (poultry, beef);
  • offal can be included in the diet (liver, tongue, kidneys);
  • certain low-fat varieties of fish products (cod, sea bass);
  • For cereals, barley, semolina, rice, and rolled oats are used in recipes;
  • it is allowed to use sunflower, olive, butter;
  • the list of vegetables in the diet consists of cucumbers, zucchini, rutabaga, squash, cabbage of different varieties); green salad, dill, parsley, spinach;
  • fruits and berries you can include in your diet include green apples, pears, currants and white cherries, gooseberries;
  • dried fruits are represented by a list of apples, pears, prunes;
  • The menu includes apple and pear compotes, weak tea, and still mineral water.

Foods that may cause mild or moderate allergies, are used in nutrition as part of a diet using a hypoallergenic method.

Gradual eliminating foods helps get rid of allergies, if the result was not achieved by eliminating highly allergenic components from the menu:

  • cereals (wheat, rye);
  • buckwheat grain;
  • corn grits;
  • pork meat, lamb;
  • vegetables: bell pepper, legumes, potatoes;
  • fruits: peaches, apricots, currants, cranberries, lingonberries, watermelon, banana;
  • infusions, herbal decoctions.

List of products that cannot be used on a hypoallergenic diet, which are excluded immediately when creating the menu :

  • milk and whole milk products;
  • eggs;
  • fish caviar, fish, seafood;
  • smoked, salted, pickled products;
  • citrus fruits, fruits colored red, orange;
  • from dried fruits: dried apricots, dates, raisins, figs;
  • spices;
  • from vegetables: tomatoes, red peppers, pumpkin, beets, eggplant, carrots, sorrel, celery;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • confectionery products containing chocolate and caramel;
  • juices, jelly, carbonated drinks;
  • coffee, cocoa;
  • products containing food components of non-plant origin.

If avoiding foods belonging to one of the groups with a moderate or severe allergy reaction does not show results, you should consult a doctor to identify the characteristics of the human body.

Diet and menu for the week

A list of foods that should not cause an allergic reaction helps you create a weekly menu for a hypoallergenic diet. Simplify your life while dieting a pre-compiled menu helps, containing a list of dishes for each day.

The sample menu for the week uses the rules of the hypoallergenic method, based on the use of products that are least likely to cause allergies.

The hypoallergenic diet consists of dishes presented on the menu for the week:

First day

  1. For breakfast, it is useful for children and adults to serve oatmeal porridge with the addition of fruits allowed by hypoallergenic rules, and tea.
  2. At lunchtime, the menu includes cabbage soup, boiled beef fillet, and apple jelly.
  3. Dinner of porridge cooked on rice, steamed cutlet, kefir 0-1%.

Second day

  1. The first meal is a sandwich with cheese, plain yogurt, and tea.
  2. Lunch of lean soup, compote.
  3. For dinner, the menu offers boiled potatoes, beef goulash, and fruit.

The third day

  1. Breakfast of pasta, tea, fruit.
  2. For a lunch snack they serve vegetable and meat soup and compote.
  3. In the evening you can eat boiled fish, fruit, and drink tea.

Fourth day

  1. For breakfast, corn porridge, fruit salad, tea.
  2. The lunch menu consists of borscht in a broth made from vegetables, a steamed cutlet and compote.
  3. For dinner you can serve porridge with meat, vegetable stew, and tea.

Fifth day

  1. Breakfast of millet porridge, tea.
  2. At lunchtime, the menu offers vegetable and beef soup, fruit, and kefir.
  3. In the evening, porridge with meat, vegetables, jelly.

Sixth day

  1. For breakfast you can eat a sandwich with boiled meat, fruit, and tea.
  2. At lunchtime, soup with meat, fruit, and compote are served.
  3. The dinner menu includes porridge, chopped cabbage salad with herbs, and kefir.

Seventh day

  1. The first meal on the menu for a child and an adult consists of a casserole with cottage cheese or fresh cottage cheese with sour cream according to taste preferences, and tea.
  2. For lunch you can eat lean soup, steamed cutlet, compote.
  3. In the evening, the menu includes porridge, boiled meat, fruit, and yogurt without additives.

To compile the menu, a general diet is used according to the hypoallergenic method called “table 5”.


Recipes for a hypoallergenic diet:

Baked apples recipe:

Baked apples
  • green apple;
  • 200g cottage cheese;
  • sugar to taste.

Grind the apple pulp, removing the core first. The apple shape must be preserved. Combine with cottage cheese and sugar. Place the apple-curd mixture into the apple remaining after cutting out the pulp and core. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

For lunch, a recipe for a hypoallergenic soup that is healthy:

Hypoallergenic soup
  • cauliflower 0.3 kg;
  • rolled oats 50g;
  • water 1l;
  • two quail eggs;
  • diluted milk formula 100g;
  • butter.

Boil the cauliflower and puree the vegetable until pureed. Boil rolled oats in vegetable broth for 10 minutes. Pour in cabbage puree and both eggs. The diluted mixture and butter are added after bringing to a boil.

As the main course of a general non-specific hypoallergenic menu, is it healthy to eat turkey meat with buckwheat?. The recipe consists of products in proportions based on personal preferences:

Turkey with buckwheat
  • turkey fillet;
  • buckwheat;
  • bulb onions.

Leave the buckwheat in boiling water for an hour. Boil the turkey fillet, fry the cooked meat with onions. Combine buckwheat with meat mixture.

Vegetable casserole for dinner:

Vegetable casserole
  • potatoes 3-4 pcs.;
  • broccoli 300g;

The volumes of recipe components can be changed according to taste preferences. Place thinly sliced ​​potatoes on the bottom of the pan, the next layer is broccoli, sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

For dessert, as part of your diet using the hypoallergenic method, you can offer diet cake recipe.

Diet cake

The ingredients used for this cake are that do not require baking:

  • biscuits;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fruit puree (for example, applesauce);
  • bananas.

Layer the cookies, the mixture that was whipped in a blender from cottage cheese and fruit puree, and also add banana slices.

Features of a hypoallergenic diet for children

Due to the characteristics of children’s bodies, the hypoallergenic method has a number of nuances.

The diet for children takes into account restrictions on foods that are more likely to lead to allergies:

  • egg (mostly yolk);
  • milk (cow);
  • confectionery products based on chocolate and cocoa;
  • fish products;
  • gluten;
  • red fruits and vegetables;
  • proteins found in rice, oats, wheat, bananas.

From the menu preferably exclude products that are not natural to the area where the child lives. Dr. Komarovsky states that avoidance of exotic foods in nutrition helps solve the problem of allergies in children.

Diet rules for a nursing mother

A hypoallergenic diet for a nursing mother is the basis of nutrition during breastfeeding. The thing is that in the first years of life, a baby may become allergic to any food, so nutrition should be strict, with the gradual introduction of new foods in very small quantities.

The need to use a diet according to hypoallergenic rules may arise when:

  • the presence of allergies to various components in the diet of a nursing mother;
  • the appearance of an allergic reaction in children who feed on breast milk from a nursing mother.

Nutrition for atopic dermatitis

The presence of symptoms of atopic dermatitis is the basis for following hypoallergenic dietary rules.

Before starting the diet for atopic dermatitis it is necessary:

  1. conduct an analysis to identify the source of atopic dermatitis;
  2. exclude the component completely from the diet if it is a source of dermatitis;
  3. With a hypoallergenic diet, you need to divide your meals into 5-6 servings per day.

For atopic dermatitis The following list of products is allowed:

  • dairy products;
  • porridge from gluten-free cereals (buckwheat, rice, corn);
  • green apples, preferably baked;
  • dill, parsley;
  • soaked boiled potatoes;
  • black bread.

It is advisable to exclude:

  • egg yolk;
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • mustard;
  • mushrooms;
  • garlic;
  • red and orange fruits, vegetables.
  • fish and seafood.

As the symptoms of dermatitis decrease, one of the excluded hypoallergenic products is gradually introduced.

Greetings, dear readers! Much to our disappointment, modern people are increasingly susceptible to various allergic diseases. This is due not only to health, but also to polluted air, diet and many other factors. In order to reduce the effect of allergens, a hypoallergenic diet is recommended for people with hypersensitivity.

Diet for allergies

In order to reduce the allergic load on the body, a person can resort to a diet during a relapse.

The duration of such nutrition depends solely on the degree of the allergic process or, as suggested by the nursing diet, for the entire period of breastfeeding. Therefore, this diet is perfect for a mother who wants to get her body in shape.

Also, with dermatitis and urticaria, this diet will be a real salvation! With the help of a balanced and proper diet, a person can get rid of not only unpleasant itching, but also rashes.

This diet is also perfect for atopic dermatitis, both for adults and children.

If you have a nutritional allergy, then the dietary diet solves two problems at once, namely: therapeutic and diagnostic.

Thanks to the single approach of eliminating foods from your diet, you will be able to figure out the specific cause of your allergic reaction, and by eliminating the pathogen from your diet, you will thereby improve your health.

Even though this diet is quite strict and has many restrictions. With the right and thoughtful approach, the menu will be so varied and tasty that you won’t even want to eat “bad” food anymore.

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What can you eat while dieting?

Since the products on the list can be changed depending on the degree of allergic reactions and it is your individual list that is finally approved by your attending physician, here we provide a list of products that are included in almost any menu.

And this list includes the following:

  • Meat. Any lean meat veal, turkey, as well as chicken breast.
  • Vegetarian soups. Any soup made from acceptable grains.
  • Vegetable oils. Olive, sunflower, flaxseed.
  • Cereals. Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice.
  • Milk products. Kefir, curdled milk, yogurt without fillers, cottage cheese, feta cheese.
  • Vegetables. Cabbage, potatoes, greens, cucumbers.
  • Fruits. Green apples, pears.
  • Flour. White bread crackers, pita bread without yeast, unleavened flatbread.

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What to avoid in case of acute allergies

In order to accurately determine the cause of your allergy, you need to exclude the following foods from your diet one by one:

  • Citrus.
  • All types of nuts.
  • Fish.
  • Caviar.
  • Poultry (excluding white meat chicken and turkey).
  • Chocolate.
  • Coffee.
  • Spices (including vinegar, mustard, etc.).
  • Smoked products.
  • Hard cheese.
  • Spicy vegetables (radish, horseradish, radish).
  • Tomatoes.
  • Eggplant.
  • Eggs.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Full-fat milk and products made from it.
  • Melon.
  • A pineapple.
  • Fruits and berries of red and orange color
  • Sweet baked goods.
  • All types of confectionery and industrial products, with the exception of baby food.

If you are concerned about whether you can drink alcoholic beverages, then please note that they are strictly prohibited!

This way you can reduce allergic processes as much as possible. This will improve your well-being and general condition.

Cooking for 7 days

Below we present to your attention an approximate menu for the week. This will allow you to make your diet more varied and balanced.

First day

  • Breakfast: Traditional cottage cheese, tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled beef, green apple, kefir.
  • Dinner: buckwheat, stewed vegetables, jelly.

Second day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with butter and dried fruits, green or black tea, your choice.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled pork, compote.
  • Dinner: rice porridge, steam cutlet, yellow apple, kefir.

The third day

  • Breakfast: sandwich with cheese and butter, tea, yogurt.
  • Lunch: vegetable broth, a piece of beef, compote.
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes, stewed pork, banana.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast: boiled pasta with butter, tea, pear.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with meat, dried fruit compote.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew, apple, tea.

Fifth day

  • Breakfast: dry biscuits with butter, tea, banana and pear salad with yogurt.
  • Lunch: vegetable broth, steamed beef cutlet, banana, compote.
  • Dinner: wheat porridge with stewed vegetables, tea.

Sixth day

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable broth, a piece of boiled beef, compote.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge, yogurt, banana.

Seventh day

  • Breakfast: bread with butter and boiled meat, pear, tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, steam cutlet, banana, compote.
  • Dinner: oatmeal, fresh vegetable salad with herbs, kefir.

Does your child have allergies?

Is your baby particularly sensitive to vegetables or fruits and has an allergic reaction? Then the ado diet will become your best assistant.

But remember that food intolerances for children and adults are completely different. That is why you should take this into account when creating a menu.

The most common allergies among children are chicken yolk, sweets, fish, banana and cow's milk. There is also a dislike for gluten or proteins in bulk cereals such as rice, wheat, and oatmeal.

Important! Children may also have intolerance to several foods at once.

Remember that for a child this type of diet is the best doctor. And it needs to be very carefully selected and formed, based on the age of the child and the causative agents of allergies.

At the same time, it is no secret that every mother, due to her experience and knowledge, has her own recipes at hand. And he even knows exactly when to start using them in order to make the life of his child easier.

In cases where even these methods no longer help, you will need to get tested and completely eliminate the allergen.

This is important because being on this type of diet for a long time, the growing body does not receive much needed vitamins and elements. This can cause even greater complications with the little person’s health. Thus, under no circumstances ignore visiting a specialist.

Do you need a diet when breastfeeding?

As for this diet during the breastfeeding period, at present it is not something unambiguous and specific.

Previously, there was an opinion that while the baby was eating breast milk, the mother was obliged to exclude 90% of vegetables and other foods from the entire diet. After all, consuming allergenic products can cause colic, allergies and other diseases in the baby.

Modern nutritionists, pediatricians, mammologists and other doctors are confident that if the mother is not predisposed to allergic reactions, then she does not need a diet.

After all, as mentioned earlier, the stronger and more limited the diet, the less the body of not only the mother, but also the child will receive nutritious and important vitamins and elements in their diet.

Bronchial asthma and diet

If you have been diagnosed with asthma, then this is not a reason to give up your diet and suffer, in addition to asthma, also from allergic reactions of the body.

Despite the fact that your diet should be varied and completely balanced. At the same time, do not forget that it is protein structures that most often cause allergies. What should you do in this case?

Unfortunately, there are a large number of food products that have strong allergens. And the diet cannot be limited to their complete absence.

But you also shouldn’t allow foods that have already caused an allergy at least once; it is these foods that need to be completely abandoned.

In relation to fats, you should be very careful when consuming animal fats. Also, if you have asthma, you need to reduce your intake of carbohydrates and table salt.

Recipes for dishes during a hypoallergenic diet

Let's note right away , that all recipes are selected individually for each person, taking into account all indicators and allergic foods.

Hypoallergenic soup

The first dish is a must in the diet. Therefore, it should be cooked mainly from vegetables, with a light addition of meat and animal fats. The first broth must be drained!


Quite a popular dish for those on a diet. In order to prepare it, you can mix carrots, zucchini, potatoes and other allergenic products.

Remember that allergic reactions mainly occur to synthetic and artificial products. So when you buy something in a store, be sure to read the ingredients. After all, this is where you can find many allergens and chemical components.

So, for example, in confectionery products they often use not only eggs, but also all kinds of chemical flavors and dyes. The situation with sausages is much worse.

When creating a menu for the week, be sure to keep in mind that recipes should not consist of a large number of ingredients. Try to keep them to a minimum.

Such measures can reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction, and if one occurs, you can much faster calculate what caused it.

A nonspecific hypoallergic diet is, first of all, an assistant that helps to identify the sources of allergies, and only then improve well-being and physical condition.

Remember! Self-medication is harmful to your health. In any situation, be sure to get medical advice and help.