
What causes cheeks to grow? How to quickly remove cheeks and make cheekbones without plastic surgery. Herbal compresses

Breast cancer

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to get your body in order. But some girls have no less a complex about sagging cheeks. And age is not always the cause of such trouble. Heredity, sudden weight loss and much more can negatively affect the condition of facial skin. Today we will tell you how to deal with this problem.

How to remove cheeks and create cheekbones

In rare cases, when heredity becomes the cause of unsightly cheeks, the only way out is to consult a plastic surgeon. However, in most cases, with patience and perseverance you can achieve amazing results. First, decide on an action plan. It takes a lot of patience and work to remove the cheeks and highlight the contour of the cheekbones. So, to tighten your face:

  • specialized cosmetic procedures;
  • regular exercise.

Please note that it is strictly forbidden to apply cream with a slimming effect to your face. This may lead to skin irritation.

The most important thing is a properly designed diet. Some girls, starting to lose extra pounds, lose weight in the cheek area. But you shouldn’t starve yourself and severely restrict your diet, otherwise, instead of beautiful cheekbones, you will see a tired and haggard face. Just try to follow the general principles of proper nutrition:

  • eat small and often meals;
  • Try to chew solid foods as long as possible (additional training for the face);
  • drink more clean water, including before each meal;
  • limit the consumption of sweet, flour, salty foods and, of course, fast food;
  • try to ensure that most of your menu consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, boiled fish and poultry;
  • Fermented milk products should be present in the diet daily.

Don't forget about regular training for your facial muscles; it won't take much of your time, but it will help increase facial turgor and lift your cheeks.

How to remove a double chin and cheeks

So, in addition to diet, you need to do special exercises. If possible, perform the complex 2-3 times a day. There are many special trainings known, here are some exercises that you can perform to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time:

  • Close your lips tightly and puff out your cheeks, roll the resulting ball in different directions.
  • Stretch your lips with a thin tube and sing various vowel sounds, perform the exercise for 1-2 minutes.
  • With a pen clamped between your teeth, or any stick, write letters or draw objects. Here, not only the face is worked on, but also the chin, which should also be tightened if you decide to remove the cheeks.
  • Taking air into your mouth, hold it, and then push it out in small portions.
  • Pull your head back, tighten your chin, and push your lower jaw forward.
  • Tilt your head down and move your chin from one shoulder to the other, trying to pull your lower jaw to the sides as much as possible.

By doing the exercises several times a day for 1-2 minutes, you will soon notice positive results. Do not neglect other tips, which will be discussed below.

How to remove sagging cheeks

Saggy cheeks can ruin anyone's mood. Above we told you how to deal with the problem with exercise and diet. But there are ones that will help give your face an expressive look. Here are some of them;

  • try to sleep only on a low pillow;
  • During the day, watch your posture and keep your head straight with your chin raised;
  • massage your face regularly;
  • Pat with a towel soaked in warm salt water;
  • before the massage, apply a napkin soaked in a warm herbal solution of chamomile or calendula to your face for a while;
  • Masks have a good tightening effect, do them at least three times a week;
  • correct with the help of decorative cosmetics, applied correctly and visually tighten the cheeks;
  • Remember also about your hairstyle - for sagging cheeks, it is recommended to do curls, they mask this defect.

If our advice still did not help you, and the cause of sagging cheeks and double chin is heredity, visit a specialist. Today, the beauty industry offers many non-surgical options for getting rid of sagging cheeks. Among the most popular are:

  • bioreinforcement - introducing hyaluronic acid under the skin, which restores the swollen oval of the face;
  • biorevitalization - subcutaneous injections that help preserve youth and clear facial contours;
  • lifting – professional massage;
  • laser liposuction – restoration of appearance using specialized equipment.

But it is worth noting that you should only turn to professional procedures if nothing really helps you. After all, any intervention in the body can cause various negative reactions. In addition, each salon procedure has its own contraindications that you need to pay attention to.

A full face with a pronounced double chin does not add attractiveness to either men or women. Clearly defined cheekbones and sunken cheeks, on the contrary, decorate and make the appearance noble. Anyone who wants to restore the coveted thinness to their face certainly wants to achieve a similar result as quickly as possible. However, given the importance of the time factor, most people, due to their busy lives, are looking for ways to help lose weight in the face at home.

For some people, the problem of facial fullness seems far-fetched, which is completely unfair. Fat accumulates not only on the hips, stomach, and arms. Its excess appears on both the chin and cheeks. The result of this is the loss of a clear oval, the impression that the cheekbones are completely absent. Neither women nor men want to put up with such a situation.

Considering the seriousness of the problem, since fullness of the face really spoils a person’s appearance, there are a huge number of sites, methods and even books devoted to this problem. Most of these benefits suggest that people who want to get rid of a double chin and prominent cheeks perform special exercises that reduce body fat.

What results do the authors of facial slimming exercises promise?

In manuals offering a complex of gymnastics, they write about the following positive effects that specially designed exercises allow you to achieve:

  • getting rid of a double chin;
  • reduction of the face in the cheeks;
  • acquisition of a chiseled shape by the chin.

Even a third chin, if you already have one, will become smaller.

How much time should you devote to gymnastics?

There are no innovations here. To lose weight in your face, you need to devote the same amount of time to exercise as other workouts for weight loss, that is, at least perform two full-fledged complexes per week. You can do gymnastics either on Tuesday and Friday, or on Monday and Thursday.

It all depends on your own preferences. Other workouts for weight loss do not affect the face, so exercises for achieving cheekbones and sunken cheeks can be performed along with aerobic and other exercises. In other words, it is permissible to do exercises both for losing body weight and for losing weight on the face on the same days, and if there is no time for them during the working week, then on weekends.

There are a huge number of exercise options, but the most common ones can be combined into two alternative programs.

Variation one

It is a set of the following manipulations:

  1. Closing the eyes, performed 15 times in each of 4 approaches, between which they take a break of half a minute.
  2. Nodding your head up and down, which are also done in 4 sets of 15 repetitions, but with a break of just a minute.
  3. Raising eyebrows, performed in 3 sets with 8-10 repetitions in each and rest between sets from 1 to 2 minutes.
  4. Frowning brow arches with the same number of sets and repetitions (3X8-10) as lifts, as well as a rest of 60-120 seconds after each complete cycle.
  5. Nod to the side which are done in 5 sets of 10-12 nods and 1 minute of rest after each approach.
  6. Barbell curls which are done 10 times in each of 10 sets with a minute's rest between them.

The last exercise should be done with as heavy weights as possible so that the muscles on the face are stretched.

Variation two

Similar to the first complex, it is a program of six exercises:

  1. "Zhmurok" One eye is closed 18-20 times in each of 4 sets, between which there is a pause of 1 minute.
  2. Nod of a raised head. In each of the 5 cycles, you need to do 5 full nods, trying to stretch the double chin to the maximum at the extreme point, and after each approach take a three-minute rest.
  3. Opening and closing of the mouth. You need to complete 3 approaches, with 8-10 repetitions in each of them. The pause between cycles is 1-2 minutes.
  4. "Chewing gum." They move their jaw for one and a half minutes, imagining that they are chewing gum, then a break of 3 minutes. Repeat 3 more times.
  5. Side smile. Perform 2 sets of 10-12 times each with a break of 1 minute after a full approach.
  6. Puffing out cheeks and “fish”. First, they simply puff out their cheeks 36-40 times, and then do the same number of repetitions, but protruding their lips and sucking their cheeks inward.

Similar exercises are in every manual that offers to get rid of facial fat through special gymnastics.

Do exercises help you lose weight in your face?

The answer to this question has already been found subconsciously or through personal experience by everyone who does not want to see their own reflection in the mirror with a double or even third chin. It is obvious, and, of course, negative. The gymnastic manipulations and similar complexes described above can in no way affect the subcutaneous fat in the facial area. There are and cannot be any prerequisites for this.

Any weight loss requires compliance with two important conditions - diet and exercise. Fat deposits are not formed from air, but are the result of an unbalanced diet. You can do various exercises for hours, but if they are accompanied by overeating, eating fast food, and so on, the calories expended by a person during training return again.

This also applies to losing weight on your face. It’s hard to imagine that half an hour of “twitching” your eyes, eyebrows, mouth and chin can somehow miraculously make fat melt away. The proposed exercises only involve the dermis, and subcutaneous fat deposits are in no way involved in the work.

What method is effective against facial fat?

Only a calorie deficit allows you to achieve a clear oval, hidden under a double chin and impressive cheeks. A fat face is the result of obesity, that is, the accumulation of fatty deposits in the body, and they are formed as a result of the fact that daily caloric intake exceeds the amount of energy expended.

If you normalize your diet by starting to eat healthy foods, fat will begin to disappear from absolutely all parts of the body, including the face. This is the result of the fact that the body begins to break down fat deposits to obtain the energy required to perform any activity carried out by a person, as well as the flow of vital processes.

When there is no deficiency, energy comes with food, and the excess is also stored in the fat depot. Thus, the result of overeating is directly reflected on the body and face.


Another important nuance that everyone should remember is that there is no local way to lose weight. It is impossible to remove fat from just one part of the body. A person either loses weight or gains weight in both body and face. It is impossible to have prominent cheekbones and sunken cheeks if you have first, second or third degree obesity.

If over time the oval of the face has lost its clear contours and “bulldog” cheeks have appeared, do not be sad. After all, with the right approach, you can easily get rid of them. More details are written below.

With age, women begin to notice how the oval of their face changes. But young girls may also be unhappy with chubby cheeks. This phenomenon develops as a result of the skin losing elasticity when the muscles begin to gradually weaken.

Very often, due to sudden weight loss, the cheeks sag, so it is strictly forbidden to use harsh methods of combating excess weight, because in the end you will have to face much more serious problems. Regardless of what reason caused this cosmetic defect, if you put in a little effort, the problem will be eliminated.

Some girls decide to take radical measures - surgical intervention. However, this method is not always suitable, because the end result can be unpredictable. Therefore, it is first recommended to use more affordable means - for example, special cosmetic procedures or exercises to correct the shape of the face.

How to tighten your facial contour?

To quickly reduce the volume of the cheeks, correct the shape of the face, and remove excess subcutaneous fat, RF technologies can be used. These are unique techniques of their kind, which are based on a direct effect on the subcutaneous tissue, as well as the dermis, using high-frequency electric fields. During this procedure, these layers are heated, as a result of which collagen begins to be produced much more actively. At the same time, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is tightened, and therefore, excess swelling of the cheeks goes away.

Facial lifting or myostimulation procedures, which are performed exclusively in beauty salons, can also help. With their help, the shape of the face is corrected in the shortest possible time. A quick result is achieved by applying special collagen masks, so you can apply them immediately before an important event - the result will be almost instantaneous.

Home care

  • Cosmetical tools. To correct the shape of the face and restore elasticity to the skin, it is recommended to regularly use special gels, masks, serums and creams. However, it is worth considering that these are only additional products that will not be able to remove the problem of chubby cheeks on their own. To achieve maximum benefits, you need to periodically change products from one series to others. The fact is that the skin has the ability to quickly get used to various substances, after which they will not have an effective effect.
  • Exercises. You can tighten your cheeks using specially designed exercises. However, a positive result will be noticeable only if they are performed daily. All exercises are aimed directly at tightening the skin.
  • Cosmetic ice. Every morning it is useful to wipe the entire face with ice cubes, paying special attention to the cheek area. It is recommended to use not plain water, but a frozen infusion of herbs - chamomile, celandine, mint, linden, St. John's wort.
  • Compresses. Simple iodized salt, which should be used for compresses, works real miracles. 3 tbsp dissolves in 400 g of water. l. salt, soak a clean napkin in this solution and apply it to your face for a couple of minutes. At the end of this procedure, you need to wash your face well, and then apply any moisturizer with a lifting effect. If you do this compress 2-3 times a week, a positive result will be noticeable very quickly.
  • Contrast procedures. This is one of the most effective ways. You should alternately apply a napkin soaked in hot water to your face, then in cold water. You can use plain filtered water or pre-prepared herbal infusions.
One of the best and most enjoyable ways to get rid of sagging cheeks is laughter, because at this time more than 80 muscle groups work. Consequently, the muscles are perfectly strengthened, wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval of the face is corrected and the double chin is eliminated. Facial massage also brings benefits, thanks to which not only the cheeks are tightened, but also a healthy complexion is restored.

Diet for losing weight

It is worth remembering that the presence of excess weight also affects the facial muscles, as a result of which the cheeks begin to quickly sink down. If you want to become the owner of an aristocratic face, you need to choose the right diet.

Facial contour massage

With the help of massage, the muscles quickly return to tone and blood circulation is restored to normal. Consequently, sagging cheeks are tightened, the oval of the face takes on a clearer shape, and the condition of the skin also improves.

Massage technique:

  1. First, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin, but you should not use products with a lifting effect.
  2. The massage begins with light stroking, then patting and pinching, but not too strong, so as not to leave bruises. The direction of movement should be from the nose to the temples, along the line of the cheekbones, from the middle of the chin and to the top of the cheekbones, from the space between the eyebrows to the temples.
  3. Lightly pat the cheeks, lightly pinch and rub the folds. It is important to remember that when performing this exercise you cannot stretch the skin too much, otherwise the completely opposite result will be obtained.

Gentle and almost imperceptible pinching will not give the desired result; during the massage you should feel slight pain. However, you don’t need to try too hard, otherwise unsightly bruises will appear on your face, which will be difficult to get rid of.

How to remove cheeks in a week

If you put in a little effort and strictly follow all the recommendations, you can eliminate this cosmetic defect in just 7 days:

  • First, the cause that provoked this phenomenon is established. Even if this is a hereditary factor, start working intensively, and a positive result will not take long to arrive.
  • If chubby cheeks turn out to be a bonus to excess weight, you won’t be able to solve the problem without adjusting your diet. You need to follow a strict diet, regularly perform special exercises, use masks, compresses, creams, etc.
  • You need to completely reconsider your diet and give up junk food. After all, all women know that first the face loses weight, and then all other parts of the body.
  • It is useful to diversify your menu with seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits. Food needs to be chewed thoroughly, due to which the facial muscles will work, and therefore the cheeks will begin to tighten.

Exercises for sagging cheeks

To quickly eliminate this cosmetic defect, it is recommended to perform the following set of exercises every day, with the help of which a double chin can be eliminated:
  1. Sit on a chair, while tilting your head back as much as possible. Move your chin, trying to capture your upper lip with your lower lip.
  2. Clench your teeth and hold your head straight, sticking out your lower lip as much as possible.
  3. Tilt your head slightly forward, then alternately stretch your chin to your left and right shoulder.
  4. Keep your head straight, lower the corners of your lips; Tighten the muscles of your cheeks and neck.
  5. Take a pencil or pen and hold it between your teeth, then start writing various words in the air.
  6. Stand straight, your back should be as straight as possible, cross your arms over your chest, try to grab yourself by the shoulders. Begin to stretch your neck upward. As soon as you stretch your neck as far as possible, take a deep breath. Now count to 10 and return to the starting position.
  7. Straighten your shoulders and stand straight, lower your head forward. The chin should be pressed to the body. Begin to slowly pull your chin towards your right shoulder, then return to the starting position. Slowly tilt your head back and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercises for the second side.
  8. Fold your lips into a tube shape and, standing straight, begin to sing the vowels.
On average, after about a month of daily training, the desired result begins to appear, so constant exercise is of great importance. As additional measures, you need to use creams, masks, contrast compresses and lotions.

Video on how to remove sagging cheeks:

In this article we will tell you how to remove cheeks using all possible options: from special exercises and nutritional correction to cosmetic procedures and even surgical intervention for those who want to get instant results.

Causes of the problem

Before choosing any method, it is necessary to determine the essence of the problem and its cause:

  1. Genetic predisposition not a basis for inactivity, any part of the body can be modeled.
  2. Behind chubby cheeks More often than not, the problem of excess weight is hidden, so an integrated approach is needed (diet, masks).
  3. Refusal of junk food will help you lose weight evenly from all parts of the body.
  4. It is recommended to chew food slowly, giving the facial muscles the opportunity to exercise.

For sagging cheeks, a set of 8 exercises is used. Daily use for a month will give excellent results.

Set of exercises

In order to remove cheeks, you can use the following set of exercises:

  1. In a sitting position, tilt your head as far back as possible. Use your lower lip to reach your upper lip, recording the result in a few seconds.
  2. With the head positioned straight,grit your teeth. Lunge forward with your lower lip, fixing the achievement.
  3. Leaning your head forward slightly, reach the left and right shoulders with your chin alternately. The body cannot help.
  4. Head position is straight. With the corners of your mouth down, try to tense the muscles of your neck and cheeks.
  5. Holding a pencil in your teeth, try to write any words in the air. The torso should not move. After activating the right side, move the pencil lead to the left side.
  6. The body position is straight, standing on the floor. Cross your arms so that your palms hug your shoulders. Start stretching your neck upward, fixing the top point with a deep breath and holding your breath for 4-5 seconds. Starting position and repetition of the exercise.
  7. Straighten your back while standing on the floor. Tilt your head so that your chin touches your torso. On the count of one, bring your chin to your right shoulder, on the count of 2, go back, on the count of 3, throw your head back, on the count of 4, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise for the left side.
  8. Standing, purse your lips and pronounce long vowels.

Repeat exercises 10-15 times. During the first days, you can perform repetitions in smaller quantities to develop the technique. All movements must be clear and unhurried. If holding your breath in exercise 6 is difficult, the effort that the body is able to perform is enough.

Another effective complex that removes hamster cheeks and promotes the formation of cheekbones:

  1. Exercise No. 1. Standing straight and holding your head straight, draw air into your mouth, inflating your cheeks evenly. Using your palms, lightly pressing on your cheeks, pump up. The resistance of the cheeks forces the muscles to work. The pressure of the palms should be fixed and held for up to 4-5 seconds. The repetition is performed 10 times.
  2. Exercise No. 2. Position the lips in the shape of the letter O. Use your tongue to press on the inside of the cheek, first on the left, then on the right, holding the pressure for up to 3 seconds. Repeat 10 times on each side.
  3. Exercise No. 3. Take air into your mouth and, with your lips closed, move the air like a balloon from left to right. Repeat 20 times slowly. The lips should be puffed out to the size of a tennis ball.
  4. Exercise No. 4. With your lips closed, pull your cheeks inward, trying to create a touch between the inner sides of your cheeks. Perform 15 times, recording the result in a few seconds.
  5. Exercise No. 5. The position of the lips is in the shape of the letter O. The face is relaxed. Direct the upper lip to the left, the lower lip to the right and vice versa. Perform the movements fixedly, slowly. Repeat 15 times.

The complex will give results after a two-week course. After a month's break, you can resume classes.

Folk remedies


Massages help increase blood circulation, which tones muscle tissue and allows you to remove cheeks. To achieve the effect, you must master the technique of massage movements.

Basic rules for the procedure include:

  1. Using the cream, better with a lifting effect, to achieve a sensual glide.
  2. Compliance with the sequence of techniques: stroking, patting, pinching.
  3. Performing a massage with moderate force pressure strictly along the massage lines.
  4. Elimination of skin stretching while smoothing.

Massage lines:

  1. From the point between the eyebrows to the temples.
  2. From the nose through the cheekbones to the temples.
  3. From the chin through the cheekbones to the temples.
  4. along the nasolabial folds.


Masks help activate biochemical subcutaneous processes, and this contributes to a facelift in general, including correction of the cheeks. An important component of a course using masks is the absence of allergic reactions to the components used and the selection of active ingredients.

Simple secrets of lifting procedures allow you to carry them out at home. Before applying the mask, the skin must be cleansed. The course of each composition has its own indications. There is no point in using it daily for a long time.


  1. Protein mask. Apply beaten egg white to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Use nourishing cream to enhance the effect. Weekly use for 2 months.
  2. Cereals mix with a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the mixture along the massage lines, lightly patting (driving in). After 20 minutes, rinse and apply cream. Procedures are carried out 2 times a week for 1 month.


Compresses perfectly saturate the skin with active microelements that affect the subcutaneous layer. Use activates cell function. Restoring metabolic processes helps burn fat cells, which create the effect of plump cheeks.

But to use this method, you need to test the composition to exclude an allergic reaction. Often the components of the compress are: St. John's wort, chamomile, iodized salt, celandine, and sage.


The correct selection of ingredients for your diet will help you correct not only your figure, but also your face, allowing you to remove a double chin and cheeks. It is worth introducing freshly squeezed juices of carrots, cabbage, and apples into the menu. Seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables also have beneficial properties.

The regime has a main feature: a food intake regime. The diet should not only be balanced, but also taken in small portions 5-6 times a day. Then all microelements will be efficiently absorbed by the body, without storing reserves in the cheeks or other places.

Drinking clean water, in the amount necessary for the body’s functioning, helps cleanse the intestines of toxins and other food debris.

Plastic surgery

Before and after surgery to remove bisha lumps

Surgical methods involve a complex process of removing fat from the inside of the cheek. Surgery does not leave any scars on the face. However, only a specialist can perform the surgical procedure without side effects. And the cost is not affordable for everyone. The advantage of this method is the quick result. The disadvantage is the cost and time for rehabilitation.

The use of liposuction and plastic methods has many years of experience. Based on the analysis, it should be noted that the cheeks are more often subject to correction at a young age. If you do not resort to surgical intervention, then over the years the cheeks take on a less pronounced appearance.

And cosmetic products now cope well with this defect. Those who have undergone surgery in adulthood have consequences: a tired appearance, pain. Therefore, it is extremely rare for modern women to turn to surgeons with this problem.

How to remove cheeks for a man

It may be hard for a woman to believe, but men also care about their appearance, particularly their face. And the problem of chubby cheeks also worries them painfully.

A set of exercises designed for men will help:

  1. Chewing exercise, repeating the use of chewing gum.
  2. Sitting straight, raise your head up. Pull your jaw down as far as possible.
  3. Smile exercise. It is performed with clenched teeth and a wide spread of the corners of the lips to the sides.
  4. Puffing and retraction of the cheeks.
  5. Wide lips perform visual pronunciation of vowels, holding the changed position for 5-7 seconds.

The exercises must be repeated 15-20 times. The daily complex will show the result within 2 weeks.


The most effective method, and most importantly - instant, is the use of RF technology. The results can only be compared to surgery. The lifting procedure is performed weekly for 20-30 minutes in specialized salons.

In total, the course requires up to 6 sessions. The result is noticeable after 1 day. This method helps to get rid of a double chin, wrinkles in the nasolabial fold, and sagging cheeks. The effect of exposure to radio frequency current lasts on average 2 years.

Using traditional methods in the form of massages and masks, you can achieve good results. In massage, the main role is given to the technique of execution, and in masks - to the ingredients. After a two-week course, you can notice a tightening of the oval of the face and cheeks, but the result does not last long. Therefore, after a break, it is recommended to repeat the procedures.

Exercises for the facial muscles are usually used for a month. The result lasts longer than after cosmetic masks. However, after a few months, facial exercises should be continued to maintain tone.

The best result at home is considered to be regular facial skin care, using lifting products, masks, and muscle exercises. A balanced diet will forever eliminate the problem of sagging or chubby cheeks.

The symbol of a woman’s youth is not her face or neck, but her cheeks, the elasticity and freshness of which is her best passport to life. Experts say: as long as the cheeks remain round and rosy like a child’s, their owner will always remain young in the eyes of others. But if they begin to slide off your face, or even turn into so-called jowls, those around you will immediately add an extra heel or two to your face. This process can be prevented or, if it occurs, stopped using simple and effective means.

5 main reasons why cheeks sag

Age. Muscle withering is an inevitable process, its results appear on the face by the age of 40.

Heredity may be one of the factors in the loss of skin elasticity ahead of time.

Overweight. The severity of excess weight affects the entire condition of the skin, which begins to sag under its influence. On the face, the cheeks “move out” first.

Ultraviolet. The scorching rays of the sun are the main enemy of the skin. The skin tissue suffers from prolonged exposure to them, which leads to a loss of their elasticity.

Nicotine. Reduced blood flow to the face is another factor in sagging cheeks. If smoking is accompanied by vitamin deficiency, the aging process accelerates.

Cosmetic procedures will tighten the cheeks and correct the shape of the face

There is a whole range of special procedures that help improve the shape of the face and at the same time solve the problem of sagging cheeks. Despite the fact that this problem is associated not only with improper facial care, but with a special morphotype of aging - dynamic. Home care is very important and you need to approach the choice of lifting masks and creams with great attention. In addition to home care, you should pay attention to regular visits to the beauty salon. A systematic approach to a person gives greater results than one-time visits.

Cosmetic procedures to tighten your cheeks

  • bioreinforcement or vector facelift;
  • lifting massage;
  • biorevitalization in the form of subcutaneous injections;
  • aqualix.

However, all these tricky manipulations can be partly replaced with homemade homemade masks. Moreover, they not only allow you to solve the main problem, which are sagging cheeks, but also help to tone the skin of the face and correct its oval.

If you decide to do cosmetology at home, try mask recipes

1. Egg mask. Beat the egg white until foamy. Add honey if the skin is dry, or steamed oatmeal flakes if it is oily. Apply the resulting mass to your face for 10 minutes. Rinse off first with warm and then cool water.

  • The mask tightens the cheeks and corrects the oval.

2. Honey and sour cream mask. Take sour cream and honey in equal proportions. Mix and apply to cheeks. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

  • The mask tightens the cheeks and nourishes the skin.

3. Scrub mask. 2 tbsp. l. pour boiling water over rolled oatmeal flakes. Let it brew, then add 1 tsp. natural yogurt, honey and chopped almonds. Apply the resulting mass to your cheeks and massage them in circular movements. Rinse off.

  • This scrub gets rid of bulldog cheeks and tones the skin.

Diet for saggy cheeks: give up salt and sugar

Special face masks coupled with creams that have a lifting effect will not be effective if the diet is not adjusted in time. Salt and sugar should be eliminated first. They stop fluid in the body, thereby causing swelling. The same applies to fatty and sweet foods, which, in addition to swelling, threaten to add extra calories. And alcohol can completely ruin the condition of the skin.

Foods to Avoid for Healthy Cheeks

  • hot spices, salt, sugar;
  • rich broths, fatty meats, lard;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • alcohol.

More than half of the diet should be fruits and vegetables. Fiber will help cleanse the intestines, the condition of which is reflected in the complexion.

  • Those who suffer from chubby cheeks should also include fasting days in this diet.

Start your morning with a light cheek massage

Another way to tighten your cheeks is massage. It is enough to massage this area of ​​the face every day for just 10 minutes to remove puffiness and sagging. Cosmetologists advise starting your day with morning treatment on the area of ​​the lower cheeks and chin.

How to do a herbal massage with a cheek towel:

  • moisten a face towel in a pre-prepared herbal decoction;
  • squeeze the towel like an accordion and bring it to the lower part of your face;
  • straighten the towel so that it hits your chin;
  • In the same way, strike the lower parts of the cheeks with a towel.

Instead of herbal decoction, you can use a saline solution.

Another excellent remedy for sagging cheeks is honey massage. To perform it, you need to apply liquid honey to your fingers and, placing them on your cheeks, begin to rub into the skin. When the honey is absorbed, you can perform pinching movements, they will help increase blood flow to this area. After completing the procedure, the honey should be washed off and a moisturizer should be applied to the face.

Since important muscles are concentrated in the cheek area - the buccal, chewing, zygomaticus major and minor muscles and the laughter muscle - massage of this area should be performed in a certain sequence: stroking (flat, circular, with skin displacement), kneading, effleurage, vibration.

Cheek exercises instead of a circular facelift

Any plastic surgeon knows: if you massage your cheeks daily with special exercises, this will help tighten the skin of your cheeks and prevent the appearance of a double chin. In other words, a surgical facelift will not be needed if you do gymnastics for the cheeks, which includes face fitness.

Exercises to get rid of sagging cheeks

  • Raise your head and turn to the left so that you feel the muscle tension. Then turn right and stay for 2-4 minutes. Repeat five to six times.
  • Make energetic turns of your neck left and right. Five to ten times.
  • Take air into your cheeks, hold it for 10 seconds and release it sharply. Repeat, but roll the air with your cheeks: up and down, right and left, in a circle.
  • Take air into your cheeks and release it intermittently through pursed lips.
  • Place your palms on your face so that they cover your lips and your fingers are on your cheeks. Resisting with your fingers, try to smile, and then relax.

These simple exercises will help prevent sagging cheeks and at the same time improve the condition of your lips. Their outline will become clearer, and they themselves will acquire the swelling of a child. What’s especially nice is that you don’t need a specific place or time to do them. You can do this without looking up from the monitor. The main thing is to remember that you don’t need much to prolong your youth.