
Labor pensions in Belarus will be recalculated before the end of this year. How are pensions paid to working pensioners? Increasing pensions for working pensioners in Belarus


At the moment, it is clear when there will be an increase in pensions in Belarus in 2018. Representatives of this category of citizens are entitled to payments increased by 5%, starting from December of the outgoing year. The leader of the Republic of Belarus has already approved Decree 364, designed to raise the accruals through the resources of the off-budget fund.

Retirement age for the working masses there

Under current law, residents of a neighboring country must work for a 15-year period to qualify for payments from the state. The exception to this issue are:

  • mothers with many children;
  • people with developmental disabilities since childhood;
  • mothers of the disabled.

These residents of Belarus are supposed to give their country only 5 years of work experience for the calculation of benefits. As for the retirement age, this bar is calculated according to the new procedure and will invariably increase in size:

  • pensions in January 2018 in Belarus will be worthy of men who have reached the age of 61, and women - 56 years old;
  • a year later, in 2019, the male part of the employed population of 61.5 years old will be entitled to retire for a well-deserved rest, and women will retire if they are already 56.5 years old;
  • then, from January 1, 2020, the strong sex can stop employment at 62, and the weak at 57;
  • at the very beginning of 2021, men will be worthy of a well-deserved rest at 62.5 years, while women at 57.5;
  • and finally, 2022 will be marked for Belarusians by raising the pension threshold to 63 years for the male part of the working population and to 58 for the female part.

Henceforth, the country's leadership has no plans to further raise the specified number of years.

The expediency of reorganizing the pension system

Starting from the new year, a different procedure for calculating benefits will begin to operate, which is caused by the recent reforms. For quite some time, Belarus has had a consistent practice of paying allowances to its elderly citizens. When the situation with the social and demographic sphere of life became different, the existing alignment underwent significant adjustments.

Suppose that representatives of a more mature age have legal capacity, the proper level of moral and physical development, but at the same time they began to leave fewer offspring after themselves, which did not have the best effect on the number of employed citizens.

At the beginning of this year, there were about 2.5 million elderly residents in the Republic of Belarus, and this figure is increasing every year. Therefore, the burden on the relevant institutions designed to provide for this category of the population of Belarus naturally increases.

Significant relief for the state treasury

If we allow the functioning of the previous legitimate standards, then a lot of resources need to be allocated to support the pension paths. Indeed, at the moment, 1% of the accrual of benefits is with a subordinate employee and 28% in the competence of his boss. Whereas employed people would have to pay larger pension contributions or reduce the amount of benefits.

Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions Mikhail Orda. One of the solutions is to introduce the recalculation of pensions for Belarusians working on a well-deserved rest. Trade unions also propose to revise the contract system for hiring workers and increase wages in some areas.

Recall that earlier the trade unions criticized the government for the continuing rise in prices and tariffs for goods and services for the population, which is not accompanied by an adequate increase in its income.

Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

We insist on the need to recalculate pensions for working pensioners. Today, contributions to the Social Protection Fund are taken from their wages, but the pension is not recalculated. In our opinion, this is an unfair approach, and it must be changed,” Mikhail Orda said.

According to him, trade unions also insist on a wider application of voluntary insurance contracts for additional pensions.

By decree of the head of state, it is recommended that employers, regardless of the form of ownership, actively apply such mechanisms to support people. There are already examples of such work today. But, in our opinion, they are not enough. In this regard, we will bring this issue to the next meeting of the National Council so that employers are more actively involved in this work and make such provisions in collective agreements, - said Mikhail Orda.

Hidden cuts and contracts

According to Mikhail Orda, trade unions have repeatedly raised the problem of "hidden layoffs" and insisted on the need to strengthen protection measures for contract workers.

And today we see that, unfortunately, this problem remains relevant. Employers still use the contract form of employment to address issues of "optimization" of the number. Contracts are massively concluded for the shortest period. In some organizations, the percentage of contracts concluded with employees for 1 year is from 90% to 100%. And if optimization is necessary, such short-term contracts are simply not renewed. Moreover, they fire everyone indiscriminately, including conscientious workers, - the trade union leader noted.

The trade unions raised this issue at the last meeting of the National Council and proposed to introduce norms for the protection of conscientious contract workers into the Labor Code.

After that, this problem was repeatedly discussed both at working meetings with the Minister of Labor and in the House of Representatives. So far, the government has not supported these proposals. To further resolve this issue, we need to collect systematic and reasoned information on this issue, which would clearly, on specific facts and figures, confirm that this problem is really relevant for all workers, - Mikhail Orda added. - Until this issue is resolved at the level of legislation, it is necessary to include provisions on the extension of contracts with conscientious workers in each collective agreement.

Trade unions note that today the number of Belarusians who perform work under civil law contracts has noticeably increased.

On the part of individual employers, there is a conscious substitution of permanent labor relations for temporary contracts. This problem is especially relevant for the construction industry. We are extremely concerned about this trend, since this form of relationship reduces the legal protection of people, - note the federation of trade unions.

Mikhail Orda gave an example. So, at one of the construction sites, work on the installation of formwork was carried out both by full-time employees of the organization and workers under work contracts. That is, in fact, they performed the same work on the territory of the employer in his interests and under his control. One day, a young man who worked under a civil law contract fell from a height and received a fatal injury. But since he was not a member of the labor collective and the trade union, his family did not receive the payments provided for by the collective agreement, tariff and general agreements. “We must not admit such facts. It is necessary to work proactively and not allow the substitution of concepts in this matter, ”Mikhail Orda summed up.

About minimum wages

In Belarus, there is a need to raise wages in a number of industries, Mikhail Orda is convinced.

At the last meeting of the National Council, we raised with the government the issue of the need to increase wages for a number of categories of public sector workers. You know that this is simply an unacceptable situation. When people, having worked conscientiously for a month, did not receive even the minimum wage, taking into account all bonuses and allowances. The government listened to us. A corresponding resolution was adopted - wages increased by an average of 7-15%. At the same time, we consider these measures insufficient and will continue to work to increase the wages of public sector employees in general. We already have a number of worked out proposals on this issue,” said Mikhail Orda.

Trade unions also pay attention to the wages of farmers.

In January-October of the current year, the accrued average monthly wages in the agro-industrial complex amounted to only 556 rubles, or 70% of the average wages in the national economy. And this, as they say, is the average temperature in the hospital. And if we take concrete examples, then there are many facts of wages below the minimum of 265 rubles. It is unacceptable that people receive such amounts for their work. All interested should pay attention to this issue. And to look closely at what is the real reason for this situation, - they note in the federation of trade unions.

MINSK, 21 Sep — Sputnik. By the end of this year, labor pensions will be recalculated in Belarus, but the decision on the timing and amount of the increase has not yet been made by the authorities, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic Valery Kovalkov said.

In Belarus, labor pensions are recalculated on the basis of an increase in the average salary, but at least once a year. Social pensions are recalculated on the basis of the subsistence minimum budget, the last time they were increased since August 1. Earlier, the parliament of the republic reported that in 2017 labor pensions would be recalculated twice. The last increase in the minimum labor pensions took place on May 1, due to an increase in the subsistence minimum budget.

"The recalculation of labor pensions will be made this year, but a decision on its timing and amount of increase has not yet been made. Labor pensions, in accordance with the law, are recalculated due to an increase in the average salary at least once a year within the budget of the social protection fund," — said Kovalkov during an online conference on the website of the Ministry of Labor.

The department noted that social pensions are recalculated based on the size of the subsistence minimum budget, the last time they were increased since August 1. As of September 1, 64.2 thousand people received a social pension in the republic.

ID-cards will be introduced, but pension certificates will remain

Kovalkov also said that there are no plans to cancel pension certificates in Belarus in connection with the introduction of an identification card (ID-card).

"The ID-card will act as a universal identifier of a citizen within our country. With its help, it will be possible to determine the status (category) of its holder, in particular, a pensioner, a disabled person, and his rights. In connection with the introduction of an identification card, the cancellation of a pension certificate at this stage is not planned," he said.

As of September 1, there are 2 million 578.5 thousand pensioners in Belarus - excluding military pensioners.

Earlier, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus announced its plans to introduce a biometric passport and a national ID card on the territory of Belarus from January 1, 2019. The development of identification cards has been carried out in the republic since 2013, earlier the authorities announced their readiness to introduce them two years after the start of work on the project.

Pensions will be left to the working

Kovalkov also informed that the issue of abolishing pension payments to working pensioners or other changes in the procedure for payments to working pensioners is not being worked out in Belarus.

"Currently, the ministry is not working on changing the procedure for paying pensions to working pensioners," he said.

According to the deputy minister, now every fourth pensioner works in the country.

At the same time, taking into account military pensioners and employees of law enforcement agencies who have already reached retirement age, the number of pensioners in the country is approaching 30%. If in 1990 there were 46 pensioners per 100 employees, then in 2016 there were already 62 recipients of pensions, the Ministry of Labor noted.

The issue of pension payments worries a certain category of citizens in each country, especially those who want to go on vacation, but do not know what to expect next year and think it might be worth working further.

How have pensions changed in Belarus over the past 5 years?

If we take the size of pension payments over a period of about 20 years, then the lowest payments in Belarus were in 1999, when they amounted to only 17.5 dollars. In the future, the situation could be characterized by a stable but slow increase in the growth of pensions, after many years the pension had already exceeded $100, the devaluation of 2009 and then 2001 ruined the entire schedule, when the amount fell to $79. In 2014, the pension made the maximum jump up, then it was $230.

The government was unable to maintain such a level, and again in 2015 the payout rate fell to $118, but this is not yet the bottom. In 2016, an average of $140 was paid for each pensioner; the state stabilized the situation a little after the sharp fall of the ruble.

What was the last increase in pensions

In each country, the standard of living is calculated differently, and states are trying to regularly look for new, more progressive calculation systems. Today, one thing is clear that in Belarus, as in other countries, there will be an increase in the retirement age. New orders will not be introduced immediately, but gradually, they will affect both women and men. Every year, the retirement age will increase by half a year, which the president did not really want to talk about on the eve of future elections. The last increase for those who already receive a pension took place in 2016, when its size increased by 5%, which did not help much, and even caused a resonance among the population. People thought such reforms were cheap compared to how much commodity prices have increased recently. But not for everyone, the increase has become such, the size of the pension depends on individual parameters, including what type of payment it is, what is the level of wages, and the length of service worked. The government admitted that the increase is insignificant, but it is better than nothing at all.

Recall that, as in other countries, the pension system of Belarus is powered by working citizens and the contributions that they make there. An increase in 2017 would have significantly improved the situation, especially since there were plans to increase the basic pension. There was a lot of talk about this, but only at this level everything remained the same, only the age was increased. They explain this by the fact that the situation is already sad, every year the number of pensioners increases, and people do not want to work, everyone works for themselves.

As a result, there was a serious budget deficit, for this reason the increase had to be canceled. The increase in the retirement age will only occur until 2022, but the reasons are the same. Only those who have experience can receive a labor pension in the country. All the rest are paid social benefits in the amount of the minimum subsistence level. Those who receive a survivor's pension or disability do not belong to this category of citizens. With all this, an increase in the size of payments always depends on such indicators as an increase in the cost of products and services. Utility bills, inflation is taken into account.

How much will pensions be indexed in Belarus in 2018

To think about the future, pensioners need to know how much pension is planned in 2018. With each new year, the planned reform in the pension system acquires more and more details, and it becomes difficult for ordinary people to understand it. officials promise to increase the amount of payments, but do not specify. Will only inflation be included there or is it still worth waiting for a surcharge. No one is talking about significant amounts. Probably everything will be the same as before, when the increase only led to disappointment. Indexation is possible and will take place in 2018 in full, after the crisis is over and it will be possible to slow down inflation in the country. The model that works today is not balanced, and even leading experts have already noted this. In 2018, it is planned to launch a large-scale reform, that's what you should prepare for. Everyone talks about the budget deficit, but despite this, indexation was carried out twice in 2017, and the total percentage was 5.9%. At the same time, one-time payments were made to pensioners, using the example of the Russian Federation.

In 2018, indexation will take into account last year's inflation, on average it is 4.5% and in 2019 4.4%.

Pension increase in Belarus in 2018

Belarus, like the rest of the EU countries, is currently carrying out a number of reforms, among which the pension one deserves special attention. The global economic crisis has affected literally every country in the world, as a result of which many had to significantly reduce and optimize their costs. The authorities even had to take such unpopular measures as reducing the amount of social benefits, so the question of when there will be an increase in pensions in Belarus in 2018 and whether this should be expected at all should be considered in as much detail as possible.

What are the experts talking about?

The country's authorities have recently adopted a new law on the project, according to which pension payments will be calculated according to the new rules. Prior to that, in Belarus for a large number of years there was a single scheme for calculating pensions for the union, which for a long time was considered ideal. However, today the socio-demographic situation in the country has changed, and now one can observe that people of retirement age can boast of relatively good health, energy and mobility, which is good news, but at the same time, the birth rate has significantly decreased, which means that working citizens in relation to non-working became much smaller. This is most detrimental to the Pension Fund, which has to spend a huge amount of money on the payment of pension benefits.

Today, we can say for sure that there will be an increase in pensions in Belarus in 2018, because the “old system” was recognized as ineffective due to the excessive level of spending on increasing the material security of pensioners.

What will be the increase?

According to the latest statements by government representatives, the average pension in 2018 for residents of Belarus will be about 800,000 Belarusian rubles, and if we talk about the percentage, then its size will increase by about 15%. However, it must be understood that the level of growth in pension benefits will depend on the number of years worked, because the average salary amounts will be taken as the basis for the calculation (each person must submit data regarding the level of his salary to a single personal record database, which is subsequently used in determining pension payments). Back in 2015, the Belarusian authorities introduced a rule that when calculating a pension, earnings for 21 years of actual service will be taken into account, and no one plans to change anything in this matter yet.

At the same time, it is worth paying particular attention to the fact that the indexation of pensions in Belarus in 2018 will be gradual, that is, it is planned to be carried out in several stages, one of which is scheduled for the summer, and the second for the winter (the last month of the year), while first pension benefits will be indexed by a larger percentage, and then by the one that remains (most likely, 11 and 4%).

It is difficult to say whether pensions will be increased in January 2018 in Belarus, because at the beginning of the year the authorities did not plan any such events and no one gave statements on this matter (at least official ones). However, things can change, so this issue needs to be monitored to keep abreast of the evolving situation.

A little about age

Back in 2016, statements began to appear in the media that the President of Belarus plans to increase the retirement age by three years, and he needs to take such unpopular measures due to the fact that they had a very large financial deficit in the Pension Fund (about a trillion Belarusian rubles). Accordingly, it is worth preparing for the fact that people will be able to retire only at 58 years old (women) and 63 years old (men). It must be said that the age will be increased gradually (by analogy with other countries), that is, six months per year, although the option was previously discussed of adding three or even one month (the deficit is too large and delaying the decision on the words experts are no longer available).

Accordingly, the increase in pensions in 2018 in Belarus will also be accompanied by a reform, and the authorities are emphasizing that there will be no shortage of jobs in the country, because they plan to create 50,000 jobs annually (namely for failed pensioners ).

It must be said that as an alternative option, the authorities were considering not increasing the retirement age, but reducing the amount of pension benefits. However, the president spoke out strongly against such a proposal, explaining that people should not be offended. He acknowledges the fact that modern pension reform is a forced measure, because there are sorely lacking financial resources for the material support of citizens of retirement age, and their number in relation to working Belarusians is increasing, but today it will not be possible to do without such innovations.

Pension increase in 2018 for pensioners in Belarus

In Belarus, a labor pension is accrued to citizens of retirement age who have constantly paid insurance premiums for 17-20 years. If these conditions are not met, then the pensioner will receive a social pension, where the retirement age must be at least 60 years for women, 65 years for men. These requirements do not apply to persons with disabilities.

The following categories of citizens can receive pension payments:

  1. Persons who have certain merits before the Fatherland.2. People who have reached retirement age.3. Dependents who have lost their breadwinner.4. Retirees are disabled.

    5. Citizens who have held positions in certain professions.

According to the reform, by 2020 the retirement age will be raised to 58 for women and 63 for men. This procedure will be carried out in stages. Every year the age will increase by six months. Labor pension payments will amount to 55% of the average salary, and in subsequent years, 1%.

Disabled people from childhood and people who acquired it as a consequence of a certain illness up to 20 years old can count on disability pension payments; people who have injuries outside the workplace or due to any general illness (to apply for a social pension, you need to have a work experience of 1 to 23 years, from 2 years to 26 years and from 3 years to 31 years); citizens who have received illness or injury due to the profession during the implementation of labor activity (the pension is calculated taking into account the length of service).

  • flight attendants; ⦁ aviation and flight test personnel; ⦁ teachers, artists, medical workers and athletes;

    ⦁ dispatchers, engineers who controlled air traffic.

  • lonely elderly people; ⦁ minor children; ⦁ citizens involved in raising a non-native child; ⦁ parents - pensioners;

    ⦁ one of the disabled parents who is raising a child under 8 years old.

In order to apply for a survivor's pension, the deceased must have a certain work experience. The amount of the pension will be equal to 40% of the average wage, but not less than the minimum wage for old age.

The country does not have a specific social security system. But the most important ways have already been formed. The main provision that is part of the system is pension. It should be in any country. There are several disadvantages in the pension system of this country:

  1. Providing a minimum level of only physiological needs.2. The old socio-economic system.

The best-known form of old age insurance is savings in banks or savings banks. But due to the loss of value, this method of insurance has become unreliable. The first non-state pension funds were formed in the 1990s. But there were big problems due to the lack of legal and economic functioning.

How have pensions in Belarus changed over the past 5 years?

In 2016, the President of Belarus increased labor and social pensions. And since August 1, the average growth has been 13-17%. The average pension was equal to 798 thousand Belarusian rubles. If we translate this amount into dollars, then the number will be 160 dollars.

Since November 2016, the next recalculation of the labor pension was carried out, after which an increase of 8% followed. This procedure took place taking into account the average salary of a citizen.

Until 2016, the increase was only in 2010. At that moment, the election campaign was going on. But due to the increase in the country, a crisis occurred, and in addition, the transition of oil and gas relations to market relations with the Russian Federation affected. After this situation, Belarus began to ask for loans from the EurAsEC.

What was the last increase in pensions in Belarus?

The average subsistence level in the country is 184 rubles. But for each category of citizens, the minimum is different. For example, for the working population, its size is 175 rubles, for pensioners - 135, and for people who are undergoing training - 170 rubles.

The population of Belarus is not so wealthy, for this reason the government is taking measures to improve the situation. This year, the pension will be calculated taking into account the increased coefficient, which will be 13-17%. In August, the labor pension amounted to 798,000 rubles. Due to the increase in pension payments, this year the country will reach a new level, and the consequences will be more positive.

How much will pensions be indexed in Belarus in 2018?

Several adjustments have been introduced in Belarus:

  1. The pension reform affected about 100,000 people.2. Raising the retirement age.3. Preservation of benefits that are provided for pensioners.

    4. Preservation of the difference in pension thresholds for 5 years.

In 2018, the number of pensioners in the country will be 2 million 445 thousand. Every year their number is getting higher and higher (more than 40,000 people). It is best for the country to have more able-bodied citizens. This is the only way to keep the size of the pension and gradually increase it.

Sometimes social pensions are considered minimum payments, but this is not the case. Even though they are not that big. The minimum amount of the old-age pension is 46 rubles. This is almost 25% of the subsistence minimum budget. The allowance is 126 rubles. Thus, the total amount will be 172 rubles.

In 2018, pension payments to pensioners in Belarus will be about 800,000 Belarusian rubles. In other words, the increase will be 15%. But do not forget that the level of pension growth will directly depend on the length of service.

It is not known whether the increase will take place in January or not, since no such events are planned in the country at the beginning of the year. But things can still change and the situation needs to be monitored regularly.

Latest pension news in Belarus

The government recently adopted a new bill, which states that the pension will be calculated according to the new rules. Prior to that, an old scheme operated in Belarus, which was valid for all countries of the former union. She used to be perfect.

But since the socio-demographic situation in the country has changed, pensioners can please with good health, mobility and energy. As for the birth rate, it has dropped significantly. This means that the non-working population has become more employed.

This situation is not very good for the Pension Fund of Belarus, which should increase the cost of funds for the payment of pensions. In 2018, an increase in pension payments cannot be avoided, since the old calculation scheme is currently considered ineffective due to the high level of spending on increasing the material security of citizens of retirement age.

Important: Monthly cash payment

The country plans to change consumer budgets. For working citizens, this figure will be increased to 400 rubles, and the subsistence minimum to 184 rubles. These adjustments will be in effect until July 31.

Dear comrades. I am interested in what percentage of the pension amount is withdrawn from a working pensioner. The fact is that I have a coefficient of 1.214 when I retire, because. I worked as a nurse in the surgical profile of the clinical hospital of the mountains. Minsk. She retired on a seniority basis, and after that she worked as a head nurse in a polyclinic for three years. Now I'm working again after a three-month break in the hospital. All this time, a certain amount was withheld from my pension as from a working pensioner. I recently learned that they should withhold from those whose pension is calculated with a coefficient greater than 1.3. Is there a normative act regulating this procedure for deducting amounts from pensions from pensioners. If so, what percentage of the pension amount is taken from a working pensioner and how to return deductions from a pension if they were carried out in violation of the law. Sincerely, Svetlana.

Article 83. Procedure for payment of pensions
Pensions are paid by district (city) departments (departments) for labor, employment and social protection, without taking into account the earnings (income) received at the place of actual residence of the pensioner. At the same time, part of the pension calculated taking into account earnings of more than 130 percent of the average wages of employees in the republic, used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner(Articles 56 and 70 of this Law), during the period of work (service) or entrepreneurial activity (with the exception of work directly in the production of agricultural products in collective farms, state farms and other agricultural enterprises) is not paid.
Old-age pensions assigned in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Employment of the Population of the Republic of Belarus" are not paid during the period of work. After acquiring the right to an old-age pension on other grounds, the payment of a pension is made in accordance with the first part of this article.
Pensions for years of service during the period of work giving the right to this pension are not paid.
The payment of pensions is made at the choice of pensioners through postal organizations, banks, organizations engaged in the delivery of pensions. Delivery and forwarding of pensions is carried out at the expense of the funds from which their payment is financed. In case of non-receipt of a pension through these organizations, except for banks, for six months in a row, the payment of a pension is suspended from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the six-month period expired. Resumption of payment of a pension is made in accordance with Article 82 and subject to Article 90 of this Law.
The amounts of pensions transferred to banks after the occurrence of circumstances leading to the termination of payment of pensions (death of a pensioner, departure for permanent residence abroad, etc.) are subject to return to the district (city) departments (departments) for labor, employment and social protection on the basis of their orders. If at the time of receipt of the order by the bank the amounts of pensions have been issued, then their collection is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 56. Calculation of pensions as a percentage of earnings
Pensions are calculated according to the established norms as a percentage of the actual earnings corrected due to the increase in the average wage of workers in the republic (Articles 57, 58 and 70 of this Law), which citizens received before applying for a pension.
At the same time, earnings not exceeding 130 percent of the average wages of workers in the republic, used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner (Article 70 of this Law), within 10 percent of the specified value, are taken into account in full, and within each subsequent 10 percent - respectively in the amount of 90, 80 , 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 percent. Earnings in the range from 130 to 400 percent of the average wage of workers in the republic, used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner, are taken into account at a rate of 10 percent. For persons employed in underground work and on surface work related to underground work (paragraphs one, two and three of paragraph "a" of part one of Article 12 and part one of Article 15 (list N 1) of this Law), this earnings are taken into account in the amount 20 percent, and for persons employed for a long time in underground and open-cast mining (Article 13 of this Law) - in the amount of 30 percent. The amount received in this way is considered earnings from which the pension is calculated.

Article 70
In connection with the growth of the average wages of workers in the republic, the actual earnings of a pensioner are adjusted for the corresponding recalculation of pensions, as well as an increase in pensions calculated in the minimum amount.
The recalculation of pensions in connection with the growth of the average wages of workers in the republic is carried out if its growth in the past quarter, compared with the average wages of workers in the republic, applied during the previous recalculation of pensions, amounted to more than 15 percent. The recalculation is made on the basis of the average wages of workers in the republic for the corresponding quarter after the expiration of the month following this quarter.
If during the calendar year there are no grounds for recalculating pensions in accordance with part two of this article, from November 1, pensions are recalculated on a mandatory basis based on the average wages of workers in the republic for the third quarter.
The increase in pensions calculated in the minimum amount is made regardless of the allowances for pensions and their increases provided for by the current legislation.
The procedure for recalculating pensions and increasing pensions calculated in the minimum amount, in accordance with this article, is determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

The pension legislation provides for a partial restriction on the payment of pensions during the period of work or entrepreneurial activity. According to the first part of Article 83 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 17.04.1992 N 1596-XII "On Pensions" during the period of work or entrepreneurial activity (with the exception of work directly in the production of agricultural products on collective farms, state farms and other agricultural enterprises), a pensioner is not paid a part pension calculated taking into account earnings of more than 130 percent of the average wage of workers in the republic, used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner. That is, the specified restriction on the payment of a part of the pension during the working period concerns relatively high pensions. The individual coefficient of earnings of the majority of pensioners does not exceed 1.3, and the pension is paid to them in full, regardless of the fact of work and earnings. Working pensioners with an individual earnings coefficient of more than 1.3 are paid a pension during the period of work, calculated taking into account the individual earnings coefficient of 1.3.

Article 79
The decision of the body responsible for the appointment and recalculation of pensions may be appealed to a higher body for labour, employment and social protection. If the person who applied for the appointment or recalculation of a pension, the employer and other interested persons do not agree with the decision taken by this body, the dispute is resolved in court.
Article 90. Payment of a pension for the past
Accrued pension amounts that are not claimed by the pensioner in a timely manner are paid for the past time no more than 3 years before applying for a pension.
Pension amounts not received in a timely manner due to the fault of the body assigning or paying a pension are paid for the past time without limitation by any period.

Regards, Sfi

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