
Conspiracies, prayers: Getting rid of enemies. What conspiracies protect from bad people You were a philosopher and a sorcerer


A conspiracy to the wind in an irreconcilable situation and enmity

First time, God's hour. Fly, wind, to Jerusalem,

Come home from the holy land.

Extinguish with your spirit, with your strength the anger of heretics,

Angry craftswomen, old and young.

Matushka "Seven-shooter", with shoot with your seven arrows

Every evil, every quarrel, put an end to the fierce dispute,

Apparel, capes, collars, nets, keels, w willow graves, fakes,

Heart disease, g tin pains, hepatic coli.

Dfriend of a friend so as not to harass: b sleepless, sleepless,

Cross, whip, grave nail. Reconcile the slaves (names)

From this day, from this hour, from your command.

Cool them with Jordanian holy water.

In the name of Christ God, come out, offense, and from the servants of God (names).

Calm down, pacify, Mother "Seven-shooter".

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - decoupling from an evil person

To do on the waning moon. Light 3 candles. Place candles lower around the edges, and high between them. Clasp your hands in front of you. Without blinking, look at the flame of a tall candle. Read the plot 3 times.

How the devil can't stand God's gaze, oh chase - water, body - arrows,

How the blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear, myo the mouth does not breathe,

So that I, the servant of God (name), (name) did not see or hear,

Didn't come close to me ozni did not work against me.

I didn’t crush, I didn’t curse, I didn’t scold, I didn’t bother, ro did not speak to me, did not write,

The authorities did not remember. Like our blood dead and ancestors

They lie in the ground, they don’t hear church singing, they don't see the clear sun

They don’t cross themselves, they don’t pray, they don’t come home, to in the morning they are not going to the temple,

They don’t fast during fasting, they don’t eat eggs on Easter,

They don’t change their outfits, they don’t remember themselves,

So the servant of God (name) would not remember me, n she remembered, did not see and did not know.

May my conspiracy be strong at all times and to every future. Age forever. Amen.

Then read "The Key". Let the candles burn out completely. After that, the evil person will have problems, and he will not be up to you. Or he will simply disappear from your life.

The key is a plot that closes the previous one so that it cannot be removed. Everyone should have their own key, so come up with it yourself.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to get rid of the gypsy noose

Three loops are knitted on one rope, then they are burned while reading the plot.

Noose, noose, where is your neck? To be in a noose to the beast, the lame wolf,

I am a deaf grouse, not a slave (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to get rid of gypsy corruption and the evil eye

Speak a conspiracy to the water and then wash it.

A gypsy rode on a horse, on a morocco saddle.

The horse stumbled, the evil eye turned over.

Don't spoil me with a gypsy horse. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy after meeting with a gypsy

For a woman - a round mirror.

For men - a rectangular pocket mirror.

Look in the mirror. Twice with your index finger circle clockwise around the mirror with glories:

I will take away the trouble and remove the bad.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy from those who harm

It is read only on Wednesdays. The plot is very strong.

Lord help, Lord bless.

I will put two feet in linen boots, I will go not through the yard, but through the stove window, through the upper chimney. I will find the one who spoils me.

I will meet seven spirits on the path: they are evil, black, hungry.

You, all seven spirits, go to the one who drinks my blood, who sucks my little heart, to the one who never lags behind me, to those who plant damage in me and send it to the next world.

Spirits, you are spirits, you are evil, unsociable, irreconcilable with yourself. Go and find and split off from my body all my enemies-enemies. Let them pump out of me, choke in their fierce anger. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to unhook an annoying person

Search and find and erase my name and my deeds from the memory of the slave (name).

So that she does not remember me, she does not hold advice,

She didn’t go to visit, but she walked her own path.

Veter Vetrovich and you are the seven brothers of the Winds,

Help, help. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy if the enemy is unknown

Light a candle. Read this plot once, looking at the candle flame. Then read another defensive plot. Leave the candle to burn out.

Lord, Almighty God, protect my shelter and threshold, my mortal body, my work and my work from enemies visible and invisible, everyone I know, whose names I list, and those whom I don’t know by name, but from whom I I suffer innocently. Protect me, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from Enemies

The Lord came from seven heavens, the Lord carried 77 castles from 77 languages. Lock, Lord, all people, enemies, judges, eyes, mouths, graze, so that the servant of God (name) does not misfortune, throw the key into the ocean-sea. Who can get it, he will be able to condemn me. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from Enemies

King Azarat spoke, sentenced, ohI said to my enemies:

"Be you adversaries and enemies, tolike stoves behind, like pillars in a hut.

They had no mind, no mind,and thoughts, no memory, nand advice, no promises.

Bones, skull will disperse, mif they blur like jelly,

Eyes will turn to the side, andfall asleep in a deep sleep - do not wake up.

Sleepers will walk, withthose who sit will fall,

Talking, yawning, not understanding anything.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Rite from pursuing enemies

To do on the waning moon.

Do it at night for the first time. Look at the flame of the candle and read 3 times. Let the candle burn out. Ask Fire to help you.

Do this ritual ri days in a row (except for major church holidays).

Mother of God, Father of God, Son of God,

Take locks, golden keys,

Lock my villains eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, lips, arms, legs.

Throw the key to the bottom of the sea.

Whoever gets it will ruin my life.

No one will get my keys, no one will ruin my life.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Pleasure of God will not allow it. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from the attack of evil spirits

Read the prayer 3 times Our Father". Then say: " Lord, save me and keep».

Then read the plot:

On the island of Buyan, in the ocean-sea, there is a stone Alatar. He is white and powerful. The stone is afraid of all evil, it will not approach the island. On that stone lies a damask sword. I will take the sword in my right hand and I will cut the cursed evil spirits right and left. I'll kill them all, I won't leave a single one. My word is strong, like a stone Alatar. Word. Case. Lock. Amen.

A conspiracy if you are being squeezed out of the white light

There are 12 knives, they have 13 watchmen, 12 Saints and even Judas.

I’ll go up to those damask knives, I’ll tell the watchmen in a pleasant voice. I bow to them to the ground, I ask:

- Judas! Look at me! You bring fear and contempt, persecution from people of all ages. Everyone offended you, drove you from everywhere. They spat on you. You were cursed. Take to yourself my sorrows, and 12 knives, 13 watchmen. Word, language, castle, church threshold. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy if they read after you or curse

Say to yourself three times:

The road of Christ, the Lord walked on it. And I walk, but my enemies have no place on it. Amen.

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Conspiracy to protect against enemies

Keep me, O Lord, save and save me! First time, good. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. By belittling the Holy Apostles and Holy Fathers, with their holy, pure names, I conjure you, enemy (name), go around me like fire goes around water, go around me like feathers fly from a bird, fear me like the devil is afraid of the cross. How far in the open field lies invisible and invisible gray-flammable alatyr-stone, and no one sees or touches that stone, and how hard and strong that gray-flammable stone, all my words would be so strong and molded, come to me close to my enemies did not give. My body was not hushed up white. Spears and arrows would not be thrown. Sharp sabers would not get it. They didn't wave in my direction. A hair would not fall from my head, a mortal conspiracy would not stick to me. To my words the sky is the key, to my deeds the castle is combustible, let it burn - it does not fade, it protects me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from Enemies

Approaching front door where your ill-wishers live or work, cross the threshold with your left foot and read the conspiracy to yourself:

My angel, my guardian, guard my soul tightly and my heart,

And all the enemies and adversaries about turn away from me on all four sides. Amen.

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Conspiracy words on the enemy

Do not touch me, enemy, by word or deed,

Neither fire, nor sword, nor damask knife, nor ice,

Not revenge, not at night, not during the day, not at the ruddy dawn.

Not a single hair of mine fall from the hands of enemies and enemies. Amen.

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Getting rid of enemies

A conspiracy to the wind in an irreconcilable situation and enmity

First time, God's hour. Fly, wind, to Jerusalem,

Come home from the holy land.

Extinguish with your spirit, with your strength the anger of heretics,

Angry craftswomen, old and young.

Matushka "Seven-shooter", with shoot with your seven arrows

Every evil, every quarrel, put an end to the fierce dispute,

Apparel, capes, collars, nets, keels, w willow graves, fakes,

Heart disease, g tin pains, hepatic coli.

Dfriend of a friend so as not to harass: b sleepless, sleepless,

Cross, whip, grave nail. Reconcile the slaves (names)

From this day, from this hour, from your command.

Cool them with Jordanian holy water.

In the name of Christ God, come out, offense, and from the servants of God (names).

Calm down, pacify, Mother "Seven-shooter".

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - decoupling from an evil person

To do on the waning moon. Light 3 candles. Place candles lower around the edges, and high between them. Clasp your hands in front of you. Without blinking, look at the flame of a tall candle. Read the plot 3 times.

How the devil can't stand God's gaze, oh chase - water, body - arrows,

How the blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear, myo the mouth does not breathe,

So that I, the servant of God (name), (name) did not see or hear,

Didn't come close to me ozni did not work against me.

I didn’t crush, I didn’t curse, I didn’t scold, I didn’t bother, ro did not speak to me, did not write,

The authorities did not remember. Like our blood dead and ancestors

They lie in the ground, they don’t hear church singing, they don't see the clear sun

They don’t cross themselves, they don’t pray, they don’t come home, to in the morning they are not going to the temple,

They don’t fast during fasting, they don’t eat eggs on Easter,

They don’t change their outfits, they don’t remember themselves,

So the servant of God (name) would not remember me, n she remembered, did not see and did not know.

May my conspiracy be strong at all times and to every future. Age forever. Amen.

Let the candles burn out completely. After that, the evil person will have problems, and he will not be up to you. Or he will simply disappear from your life.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to get rid of the gypsy noose

Three loops are knitted on one rope, then they are burned while reading the plot.

Noose, noose, where is your neck? To be in a noose to the beast, the lame wolf,

I am a deaf grouse, not a slave (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to get rid of gypsy corruption and the evil eye

Speak a conspiracy to the water and then wash it.

A gypsy rode on a horse, on a morocco saddle.

The horse stumbled, the evil eye turned over.

Don't spoil me with a gypsy horse. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy after meeting with a gypsy

For a woman - a round mirror.

For men - a rectangular mirror.

Look in the mirror. Twice with your index finger circle clockwise around the mirror with the words:

I will take away the trouble and remove the bad. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy from those who harm

Only read on Wednesdays. The conspiracy is very strong.

Lord help, Lord bless.

I will put two feet in linen boots, I will go not through the yard, but through the stove window, through the upper chimney. I will find the one who spoils me.

I will meet seven spirits on the path: they are evil, black, hungry.

You, all seven spirits, go to the one who drinks my blood, who sucks my little heart, to the one who never lags behind me, to those who plant damage in me and send it to the next world.

Spirits, you are spirits, you are evil, unsociable, irreconcilable with yourself. Go and find and split off from my body all my enemies-enemies. Let them pump out of me, choke in their fierce anger. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to unhook an annoying person

Search and find and erase my name and my deeds from the memory of the slave (name).

So that she does not remember me, she does not hold advice,

She didn’t go to visit, but she walked her own path.

Veter Vetrovich and you are the seven brothers of the Winds,

Help, help. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy if the enemy is unknown

Light a candle. Read this plot once, looking at the candle flame. Then read another protective plot. Leave the candle to burn out.

Lord, Almighty God, protect my shelter and threshold, my mortal body, my work and my work from enemies visible and invisible, everyone I know, whose names I list, and those whom I don’t know by name, but from whom I I suffer innocently. Protect me, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from Enemies

The Lord came from seven heavens, the Lord carried 77 castles from 77 languages. Lock, Lord, all people, enemies, judges, eyes, mouths, graze, so that the servant of God (name) does not misfortune, throw the key into the ocean-sea. Who can get it, he will be able to condemn me. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from Enemies

King Azarat spoke, sentenced, ohI said to my enemies:

"Be you adversaries and enemies, tolike stoves behind, like pillars in a hut.

They had no mind, no mind,and thoughts, no memory, nand advice, no promises.

Bones, skull will disperse, mif they blur like jelly,

Eyes will turn to the side, andfall asleep in a deep sleep - do not wake up.

Sleepers will walk, withthose who sit will fall,

Talking, yawning, not understanding anything.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Rite from pursuing enemies

To do on the waning moon.

Do it at night for the first time. Look at the flame of the candle and read 3 times. Let the candle burn out. Ask Fire to help you.

Do this ritual ri days in a row (except for major church holidays).

Mother of God, Father of God, Son of God,

Take locks, golden keys,

Lock my villains eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, lips, arms, legs.

Throw the key to the bottom of the sea.

Whoever gets it will ruin my life.

No one will get my keys, no one will ruin my life.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Pleasure of God will not allow it. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from the attack of evil spirits

Read the prayer "" 3 times. Then say: " Lord, save me and keep».

Then read the plot:

On the island of Buyan, in the ocean-sea there is a stone Alatyr. He is white and powerful. The stone is afraid of all evil, it will not approach the island. On that stone lies a damask sword. I will take the sword in my right hand and I will cut the cursed evil spirits right and left. I'll kill them all, I won't leave a single one. My word is strong, like a stone Alatyr. Word. Case. Lock. Amen.

You run the risk of meeting dishonest, evil people, which will spoil you a lot of blood. Without delay, immediately conduct a special ceremony, not to suffer from someone else's anger. To do this, put three candles on the table: high in the middle, and lower along the edges. Clasp your hands in front of you. Look only at the flame of the tall candle, trying not to look at the remaining two candles. If possible, do not blink until you have read the plot to the end. The spoken words are:

How the devil can't stand God's gaze

Fire - water, body - arrows,

As the blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear,

The dead don't breathe

So that me, the servant of God (name),

(such and such) did not see or hear,

Didn't come close to me

He didn't plot against me.

I didn’t crush, I didn’t curse, I didn’t scold, I didn’t bother,

Didn't talk about me, didn't write,

The authorities did not remember.

Like our blood dead and ancestors

They lie in the ground, they don’t hear church singing,

They don't see the clear sun

They don’t cross themselves, they don’t pray, they don’t come home,

By morning they are not going to the temple,

They don’t fast during fasting, they don’t eat eggs on Easter,

They don’t change their outfits, they don’t remember themselves,

So the servant of God (name) would not remember me,

Didn't remember, didn't see and didn't know.

May my conspiracy be strong at all times

And to every future. Age to age.


Candles must burn to the end.

Your health is in your hands. Often people themselves, with their own hands, cause irreparable harm to their own health, succumbing to momentary impulses and destructive desires. This a conspiracy that frees from pernicious passions, help you deal with your own weaknesses.

You were a philosopher and a sorcerer,

Saint Cyprian, before his enlightenment.

Now with Christ

Reign and enjoy in paradise

Hieromartyr, together with Justina the Virgin,

Who, having loved Christ with all her heart,

All demonic spells, like a web, tore.

Hear us, Saint Cyprian the Hieromartyr

With the holy virgin Justina, praying to you.

Help us and get rid of the evil charm,

Created by the wicked for our destruction.

Free us from the obscuration of passions,

Extract from the nets of lust

Protecting good and catching on the devil,

So that in peace, peace and quiet

Live the rest of our lives

Thanks to the daily prayer to the Lord God.


Quarrels may begin in your family. If in a family there are frequent quarrels and you have already forgotten what peace and harmony are, take twelve aspen poles of the same length. Fold these poles in a cross and set them on fire. When the fire flares up, try to fill the fire in one fell swoop, having previously read the following conspiracy over the water:

The fire kindled the wood,

And my hands filled this fire.

How did this fire go out?

So that quarrels and disputes

They went out in my house.


Soon you will be listening to the lamentations of an unfortunate mother about her rude and cruel children. Be attentive to this woman's story and advise her to read conspiracy to love and respect children.

I will become a servant of God (name), blessed,

I look at the icon, crossing myself.

On the icon of the Mother of God Mary.

She presses the Christ Child to her breast,

She follows Him day and night

The holy soul suffers.

So that my children love me too,

Regretted, groomed, did not scold,

Evil words against me

The servants of God (name) did not speak.

There is a golden hail, a maiden sits above it,

She has a golden bird in her hands.

The girl is thirty-five years old.

Among people and people purer than silver,

Pure than pure gold.

How kind people love pure silver

And pure gold

So let my children look at me

I am loved and will never be forgotten.

My word is strong, my work is sculpted.

What did I say that I didn't say

The Lord will take, word to word will stick,

He will add, he will not leave me with His grace

He until times, with this hours.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Do not exhaust yourself in vain, do not live only problems, otherwise you will undermine your health and then you will really have something to worry about. To find peace of mind get rid of bouts of irritation and sad thoughts, prepare a tincture of crushed cyanosis roots - an amazing plant that surpasses both valerian and motherwort in its properties.

Crushed cyanosis roots - 1 part Vodka - 5 parts

Pour the crushed cyanosis roots with vodka and leave for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally, then strain. Take 15-20 drops 3-4 times daily before meals.

Important: before taking decoctions, infusions or herbal tinctures, consult your doctor and make sure that you have no allergies and contraindications to these components!

You can meet a person whose love you will passionately seek, but the more you put in effort, the less he will pay attention to you. To make it easier for you to cope with feelings, resort to help conspiracy from longing which is read over food or drink. The spoken words are as follows:

How the dew does not last until evening,

How black eyes won't turn blue

So longing on the servant of God (name) would not hold,

It did not touch his zealous heart.

And go you, melancholy-maeta, behind the oak gates,

Go for a walk, do not pester the servant of God (name).

And be, my words, strong,

And stand, my deeds, sculpting

From this hour, from my command.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Perhaps a great disappointment awaits you ahead. Read immediately conspiracy from all kinds of misfortunes:

Lord God, Savior!

You who redeemed me

With your precious blood.

You, who suffered terribly on the cross,

Support, have mercy

And deliver me from the dashing trouble,

From flattering enemies,

Cunning, invisible,

From terrible, irreconcilable enemies.

From bad days, dashing hours.

My dashing misfortune would go past me,

Yards, windows, doors.

May they not come to my dwelling

No enemies, no animals.

Lord, help, Lord, bless!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.


In your life a series of severe tests is possible. Don't be discouraged and spend a rite that will help you get rid of misfortunes. On the last day on the waning moon, go to the bathhouse, choosing a time for this so that you are the last of those who wash. Whip yourself with a broom and say:

Get off, dirt, white from my body,

Get rid of the disease, so that I do not get sick.

Get off, bad life, so I don't mourn.

Key in my mouth, lock in me

In God's servant (name).

It was a long time ago, when I was still an eight-year-old child.

We walked with my grandmother from the store. I had a bagel with poppy seeds in my hands, the mood was the most rosy. Uncle Misha, our district police officer, was walking towards us. After saying hello, he started talking to his grandmother. I realized that since yesterday he retired and now there will be a new district police officer instead of him.

I'm afraid he'll get on your nerves. Young, zealous. Be careful with him.

Thank you, Mikhail Zakharovich. God will not betray, the pig will not eat, - answered the grandmother, and we went on with her.

I looked back. Uncle Misha looked after us. I knew that my grandmother cured his wife, who almost died of puerperal fever, and she had four babies - they would have disappeared without a mother.

A few days after meeting with Mikhail Zakharovich, my grandmother and I were sorting through bunches of herbs collected the day before. Grandmother, as always, explained which grass can be dried in one bunch with another, and which one can “kill” her neighbor.

Suddenly she fell silent, listened to something, and then said:

- A new one is coming, district police officer.

I went to the window, but the street was empty. Our dog was dozing by the booth, resting its shaggy head on its paws. And fifteen minutes later the dog started barking. I look, at the gate is a policeman, young and unfamiliar. Going out to him, the grandmother reassured the dog with a look and asked the serviceman what need had brought him to us.

“I am your district police officer,” he replied. - Keep in mind, I will not tolerate obscurantism in my area. They let you go here. If I find out that any people come to you, I will deport you to the remote taiga. And then I'll see how your old God will help you. I’m not Zakharych, I didn’t believe in God or the devil, and I won’t believe!

- You're talking about me, falcon, but don't touch God. And you don’t need to scare me, they already scared me. There was, dear, such a person - Thomas the Unbeliever. He said to God: "Prove it, then I'll believe it." That's what you are. I will tell you one thing: today you will lose the key to the house, and tomorrow the belt from your trousers, if you say the day after tomorrow: “Lord, forgive me,” you will be saved.

A few more days passed. Late in the evening, a “new guy,” as his grandmother called him, came to us. And they had a conversation.

– How do you do it? he asked his grandmother. - Some kind of devilry turns out ... I really didn’t find the key, the lock had to be broken, but it was brand new. And then, when I was with the boss, my pants fell off - the belt burst. Shame and nothing more. The next day, Mitrich and I were driving, and suddenly I saw a pine tree falling on me, such a huge one, it would fall - a cake from our car would remain. I screamed out of fear: “Lord, have mercy.” Mitrich hatched at me: “What the hell are you yelling at?” I looked around, but there was no pine at all. And where does it come from, pines do not grow here. But I saw her!

Grandmother says to him:

- The main thing is that you understand what's what. When a person realizes that a death is standing behind his back, then he calls God. So how can I refuse people who seek help from me. I helped and I will help, but you do not interfere.

God will punish. Or I'll teach you.

After that, the district police officer never annoyed us. Or maybe my grandmother read the plot so that he would not become attached.

Well, now I will teach you to get rid of the evil person.

Three candles are placed on the table. High in the middle and lower at the edges. Hands are interlocked with a lock in front of you (fingers with fingers). They look only at the flame of a tall candle, trying not to look at candles lower. If possible, do not blink until the entire plot is read.

They read like this:

As the devil cannot stand God's gaze,

Fire - water, body - arrows,

As the blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear,

The dead don't breathe

So that I, the servant of God (name),

(such and such) did not see or hear,

Didn't come close to me

He didn't plot against me.

I didn’t crush, I didn’t curse, I didn’t scold, I didn’t bother,

Didn't talk about me, didn't write,

The authorities did not remember.

Like our blood dead and ancestors

They lie in the ground, they don’t hear church singing,

They don't see the clear sun

Don't cross, don't pray

Home are not,

By morning they are not going to the temple,

Do not fast in fasting

Eggs are not eaten on Easter

Clothes don't change

They don't remember themselves

So the servant of God (name) would not remember me,

Didn't remember, didn't see and didn't know.

May my conspiracy be strong at all times

And to every future. Age to age. Amen.

Candles should burn out completely.

Conspiracy: How to get rid of evil person

It happened a long time ago, when I was still an eight-year-old child.

I remember walking with my grandmother from the store. I had a bagel with poppy seeds in my hands, the mood was the most rosy. Uncle Misha, our district police officer, was walking towards us. After saying hello, he started talking to his grandmother. I realized that since yesterday he retired and now a new district police officer will take his place.

I'm afraid he'll start to get on your nerves. Young, zealous, be careful with him, - Uncle Misha warned in parting.

Thank you, Mikhail Zakharovich. God will not betray, the pig will not eat, - answered the grandmother, and we went on with her.

I looked around, Uncle Misha looked after us. I knew that my grandmother cured his wife, who almost died of puerperal fever, and she had four babies - they would have disappeared without a mother.

A few days after meeting with Mikhail Zakharovich, my grandmother and I were sorting through bunches of herbs collected the day before. Grandmother, as always, explained which grass can be dried in one bunch with another, and which one can “kill” her neighbor.

Suddenly she fell silent, listened to something, and then said:

- A new police officer is coming.

I went to the window, but the street was empty. Our dog was dozing by the booth, resting its shaggy head on its paws. And fifteen minutes later the dog started barking. I look, at the gate is a policeman, young and unfamiliar. Going out to him, the grandmother reassured the dog with a look and asked the guest what need had brought him to us.

“I am your district police officer,” he replied. - Keep in mind, I will not tolerate obscurantism in my area. They let you go here. If I find out that any people come to you, I will deport you to the remote taiga. And then I'll see how your old God will help you. I didn’t Zakharych, I didn’t believe in God or the devil, and I won’t believe!

- You're talking about me, falcon, but don't touch God. And you don’t need to scare me, they already scared me. There was, dear, such a person - Thomas the Unbeliever. He said to God: "Prove it, then I'll believe it." That's what you are. I will tell you one thing: today you will lose the key to the house, and tomorrow the belt from your trousers, if you say the day after tomorrow: “Lord, forgive me,” you will be saved.

A few more days passed. Late in the evening, “New Kid,” as his grandmother called him, came to us. And they had a conversation.

– How do you do it? he asked his grandmother. - Some kind of devilry turns out ... I really didn’t find the key, the lock had to be broken, but it was brand new. And then, when I was with the boss, my pants fell off - the belt burst. Shame and nothing more. The next day, Mitrich and I were driving, and suddenly I saw a pine tree falling on me, such a huge one. If it falls, the cake from our car will remain. I screamed out of fear: “Lord, have mercy.” Mitrich hatched at me: “What the hell are you yelling at?” I looked around, but there was no pine at all. And where does it come from, because trees do not grow there along the side of the road. But I saw her!

Grandmother says to him:

- The main thing is that you understand what's what. When a person realizes that a death is standing behind his back, then he calls God. So how can I refuse people who seek my help. I helped and I will help, but don’t interfere, otherwise God will punish you or I will teach you a lesson.

After that, the district police officer never annoyed us, or maybe my grandmother read that he should not become attached.

Well, now I will teach you how to get rid of an evil person.

Place three candles on the table: in the middle is high, and on the sides of it are lower candles. Clasp your hands in front of you. Look only at the flame of the tall candle and try to ignore the other two. If possible, do not blink until you have read the entire plot. His words are:

How the devil can't stand God's gaze

Fire - water, body - arrows,

As the blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear,

The dead don't breathe

So that I am a servant of God (name)

The servant of God (name) did not see or hear,

Didn't come close to me

He didn't plot against me.

I didn’t crush, I didn’t curse, I didn’t scold, I didn’t bother,

Didn't talk about me, didn't write,

The authorities did not remember.

Like our blood dead and ancestors

They lie in the ground, they don’t hear church singing,

They don't see the clear sun

They don’t cross themselves, they don’t pray, they don’t come home,

By morning they are not going to the temple,

They don’t fast during fasting, they don’t eat eggs on Easter,

They don’t change their outfits, they don’t remember themselves,

So the servant of God (name) would not remember me,

Didn't remember, didn't see and didn't know.

Be my conspiracy strong at all times

And to every future. Age to age. Amen.

After that, let the candles burn out to the end.