
Magical protection from enemies: types and conduct of conspiracies. Conspiracies from enemies, from evil people, envious people White magic from enemies at work


Every person at least once in his life faced with ill-wishers. Bullies on public transport, competitors at work, rivals in love affairs, or even old enemies - they can all send us negative energy or do bad things. You can punish them using magical conspiracies and spells.

Conspiracies for the offender: the most powerful and effective

Rituals designed to punish the ill-wisher are mainly black magic. That is why they must be used with great care. The stronger the impact of the conspiracy on the offender, the greater the likelihood that it will return to the one who uses magic.

If you are determined to punish the offender, choose the safest rituals for yourself.

There are also conspiracies that allow you to direct the negative energy of the enemy to himself. The consequences will be directly proportional to the strength of the energy directed against you. In this case, nothing can harm you, but your enemy will pay for his actions.

There are conspiracies that can repel the negative energy of the enemy on himself

Before you turn to magic, you should think carefully about whether it is really necessary. After all, negative energy can turn on you, and you will again be the injured party. Often, in order to forgive a person and let go of the situation, much more courage and courage is required, but the consequences will only be positive.

How to identify an ill-wisher

Before using magical effect, you need to make sure that you have an ill-wisher. After all, it happens that we make mistakes in people, and the real enemy is not at all the one we think about.

But if there is no way to talk and find out the situation, you can use a special prayer. You need to read it late at night, before going to bed. And most importantly, before church holiday.

Read these words:

I, the servant of God (my name), will walk in rows, look at everyone with my own eyes.
I will see Saint Samson there, through the Lord I will ask him.
May Saint Samson give me a prophetic dream, may he indicate my true enemy, name him and show his face.
The name of my enemy will not be hidden. Amen.

After that, go to bed. In a dream, a sign will be shown to you, pointing to a certain person. Often people see the offender or hear someone say their name.

Prayer for the wind

This conspiracy requires special conditions: clear sunny weather and wind. It is read at an open window. The text of the spell must be memorized in advance.

Lord my God, everything is in your hands. You are all-great, all-good and all-powerful.
There is nothing in the world that does not obey you. You created everything and you control everything with your righteous right hand.
The sun does not rise without you, the wind does not blow, the rain does not pour. Neither man nor beast is born or dies.
So I am your creation. I trust and rely on you. I turn to you alone. May the wind help bring you my prayer.
Restore justice, Lord, pacify my offender, return to him the troubles that he caused me. May it be so. Amen.

In a Christian way, without harm to yourself

With the help of this method, you do not take sin into your soul and learn forgiveness. Go to the evening service, put a candle, pray.

Before leaving, say:

God will judge you for your evil deeds.
You can list how the person offended you.
After that, let go of the situation and rely on the will of the Lord.

By photo

Such a rite can be performed at a distance. For him, you will need a photograph of the offender, a church candle and a pinch of red ground pepper.

At midnight, light a candle, put a photo in front of you. Start rubbing the enemy's cheeks with pepper, saying:

Let your cheeks burn with fire. Let the candles burn like fire.
Remember your evil deeds, evil intentions against me.
You are guilty, and you repent. I do not wish you evil, I call for justice.
May all troubles and insults return to you, come off me. May it be so.

This rite is designed to make the enemy feel guilty and apologize to you.

If a child has been hurt

Whisper to the top of your child:

Guardian angel of my child, I trust in you. Stay close to my child, do not step aside. Keep it, protect it from enemies, from heavy fists, from evil laughter, from bad friends. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Repeat this conspiracy once a month on the waning moon.

Revenge on colleagues at work

If colleagues or bosses at work plot against you and try to harm you, wait for another injustice on their part. Immediately retire to the toilet and cast the spell:

As good people in a latrine do not look at others, so let my colleagues do not look at me. As good people visit a latrine, so I will visit work, no one will dare to kick me out. Just as people cannot live without a latrine, so my superiors cannot live or work well without me. My word is strong. Amen.

Conspiracies of Vanga and Natalia Stepanova

The clairvoyant Vanga said that if you were harmed, you should not take revenge on the offender. You just need to pray to the Guardian Angel for yourself and for your enemy.

Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova also calls for the use of prayer, which will not cause physical harm to the enemy, but only awaken his conscience and make him repent of his deed. For it, you need to buy the heart of any animal in the store on the day of the ritual. Boil it at home with salt and pepper. Eat a bite and say a prayer:

I tasted the heart, so that your misfortune will not touch me.
Your evil will remain yours. Forever you will get it.
Lord God, do not let evil on my doorstep, look at the servant of God (name),
Let the offense bestowed on me touch him.
But let her return not with black evil, not with blood and not with fire, but with pure peaceful goodness.
As good touches him, so shame will wake up the offender.
He will suffer until he comes, he will not obey, he will not touch my hand, he will not bow at my feet.
Live in happiness and wealth, my offender, enemy. May it be so forever!

Ritual for water

This conspiracy is designed to protect you from directed negative energy and return it to the offender.

For it you will need a jar of clean water, a Bible, a candle, a mirror.

Put the Bible in front of the mirror, put a jar of water on it. Between them there should be a burning candle. Looking in the mirror, say:

Who lives with good, he will remain with good,
Who is with evil, he will receive this evil back,
Anyone with a vile word will choke on the same word.

After that, pour water on the threshold of your enemy's house.

Revenge with white magic

Such a rite is completely safe for the one who uses it. At the same time, it is strong enough and can cause serious harm to your enemy.

It is necessary to carry out the ritual on the full moon at 2 o'clock in the morning. For it, you should prepare in advance 6 dry willow branches, 4 dried fern leaves, half a teaspoon of ground red pepper, a tablespoon of any vegetable oil and a church candle. Mix all the ingredients (except oil) in a bowl, set fire to it with a candle. Repeat three times:

I will make your heart burn with a hot fire, I will smear my lips with pepper, I will curse with a fern.
Let willow cry about your suffering. I will unite all my strength with fire and direct it against you.
You will not get tired, you will wash yourself with bitter tears for forty days and forty nights. As I say, so be it. Amen.

Pour the ashes with oil and stain the door of the offender or his personal item with this mixture.

Punish the husband's mistress, rival

Such a ceremony is performed early in the morning and, importantly, outside the home. At dawn, go to the reservoir, collect sand there in a glass vessel. When pouring, say:

As sand pours, so let your happiness (name) crumble.
As the sand slips from under your fingers, so your beauty disappears.
Like the sun and moon will never meet
So (names of lovers) will forever quarrel and disperse. As I said, so be it!

Pour sand on the threshold of the rival's house. As soon as she steps on him, the conspiracy will begin to operate.

Punish the debtor

Find an aspen, cut off the third branch from the bottom, make 40 notches on it, saying:

Jesus Christ arose in the morning, bowed at his Father's feet, crossed himself three times.
He washed himself with clean water, but there was nothing for Him to wipe himself with. Saint Mary came faster, brought a towel to her son.
So my debtor (name), let him bring me, the servant of God (name), a debt, every penny.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After that, tie the aspen with this branch and leave without looking back.

Whisper in the back of the offender

If you often meet with an enemy, in one of these meetings you can whisper in his back:

Fly, sharp chiseled arrow, through fields and forests, and mountain paths, and dark gorges.
Filled with tears and sorrows. Hit my offender in the very heart.
Pain, if, yes beat. So that he does not have peace, so that he knows grief. May it be so!

Revenge on Tuesday

For the ritual, you will need a full salt shaker and a candle. The text of the spell must be learned in advance. After dark, make your way to the enemy's house, sit on his doorstep and speak salt in the salt shaker. Conspiracy words:

It is I who do not sprinkle your house with salt, but reward with misfortunes.
So that you suffer as much as you beat and offended me.
May you not offend me or anyone else without punishment.
With the Moon and the Sun, on a clear and rainy day, you will suffer, you will not know peace.
Who did you wrong, you will never know. Amen.

After that, salt the door and threshold.

Revenge on the needle

This is an ancient and very dangerous rite of black magic. It is read from exactly three in the morning on a full moon. For this, you will need a needle, a piece of paper, a red ink pen, a church candle, and holy water.

At the right time, turn off the light in the room, light a candle and write down on paper the punishment that should befall your enemy. Describe it in as much detail and as clearly as possible. Then pass the needle several times over the flame of the candle and prick your ring finger. Cross out everything written on paper with blood crosswise. In doing so, say:

Written in scarlet, sealed with my blood.
I will take away your happiness. I will bring to life your bitterness and tears.
You can't hide from my punishment. May it be so!

Burn the paper, sprinkle the ashes with holy soda and scatter in the wind. Throw a needle on the threshold of the offender's house.

How to make an offender ask for forgiveness

Early in the morning, without breakfast or washing, take a blank sheet of paper and write the name of the offender on it. Start spitting at him, visualizing the enemy. Then say three times:

You, (name of the enemy), drown in my saliva, like ships sinking in a storm, until you repent and pray for forgiveness on your knees.

Burn the paper and scatter the ashes in the wind.

When you can not read conspiracies?

Conspiracies designed to take revenge on a person can only be used if you know for sure that he is guilty. Magic does not tolerate injustice. In this case, witchcraft can turn against you. If you only suspect a person, but you do not have direct evidence of his guilt, first perform a ritual that will help you recognize the offender.

There are a huge number of conspiracies that help take revenge on the offender. They belong to black and white magic and have different consequences. But before using them, try to solve the problem peacefully or forgive the offender.

Conspiracies Siberian healer. Issue 10 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy to plague the enemy with longing, torture with conscience

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

On the deep ocean, on the island of Kurgan,

There is an oak-starozub.

Under that old tooth oak

The snake is lying, wriggling,

From dead anguish the snake toils,

Cries, suffers, dies day by day,

Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, sheds bloody tears.

She stole a holy icon in the church,

God punished her, punished her with mortal anguish.

Who took my good

He took over the flour from that snake.

If the thief does not return my good,

He will die a terrible death.

Quick snake, take out your quick ones:

Fierce, flying, burrow, field, slot,

Yellow-tailed, green, red-bellied,

Swamp, earth, water.

And if the thief does not return my good with good,

That from his heart

The snake's sting will take it back -

In a rotten deck, to your snake family:

To fierce, volatile, burrow, field, slot,

Yellow-tailed, green, red-bellied,

Swamp, earth, water.

To be then a thief - peace,

And all the stolen goods to me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This text is an introductory piece. From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 12 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to lime myoma Tie a towel around your bare stomach, on which Easter cakes were sacred, and say: Servant of God (name), your mother gave birth to you, The tumor twisted you, and I treated you. Rotten, interior, sore, Tenacious, wet, dry, purulent, combustible. Go, tumor, from the belly, from the inside, C

From the book Practice of real witchcraft. Witch ABC author Nord Nikolai Ivanovich

We put the patient's hernia of lime on his back, put a clean rag made of natural fabric into his mouth. During work, the patient should gnaw this rag. We say a conspiracy: “Whom do you gnaw, a hernia or birthmark, gnaw it in a bunch, so that it will not be forever, forever, from now on

From the book Transylvanian Magic. Babylonian "Book of Power" author Mekheda (Raokriom) Igor Vladimirovich

Torture the enemy Find the green toad. In the cavity of her mouth, put the dead man's hair interspersed with the hair or nails of the enemy. Sew up the mouth of the toad with a ritual needle. Anoint it with fern juice and name it after the enemy. Burn it with coals or pierce it with a ritual needle. Enemy

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 06 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy on the trail of the enemy (damage) As the earth carries you, So your road leads you, So my punishment will find through the trail. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the book Practical Book of White Magic. How to manage people and money the author Zachary

A protective conspiracy from the enemy of the human race, so that things do not spoil In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I’ll become a tongue, a servant of God (name), blessed, I’ll go crossing myself, on God’s affairs, on God’s path, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with gates - into a clean field, from a clean field, into

From the book white magic. Rituals for money and luck from Elder Zacharias! the author Zachary

A protective conspiracy from the enemy of the human race, so that things do not spoil In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I’ll become a tongue, a servant of God (name), blessed, I’ll go, crossing myself, on God’s affairs, on God’s path, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with gates - into a clean field, from a clean field, into

From the book The Golden Book of Old Russian Magic, Divination, Spells and Divination author Yuzhin V.I.

A conspiracy going to war from the enemy and wounds I will rise in the morning at the early dawn, wash myself with icy dew, wipe off with green grass, fall behind a strong wall. Let this wall be strong and high, and let the enemy's bullet be soft and light, let the gun be a toy and like a cannon tube. My bullet be stronger

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 31 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

In order for a bullet and a weapon to bypass a person (a mess on the enemy) They read in case of danger: Khavron went to shoot a raven, Khavronya's wife is with him. His son did not come out smarter, like a stump, He is too lazy to hit the target. Go, blow, from me to the stump, Become gunpowder soot, iron - ashes, Get lost, stupid, my enemy,

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy against the enemy (punishment) In windy weather, read such a conspiracy through the open window: In the dark of the night, at the bright dawn, My conspiracy will come true. The servant of God (name) will begin to wash - The water will dry up - do not wash her, do not get drunk on her. The servant of God (name) will begin to breathe - Do not

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 01 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy-amulet from a blood enemy If a person has an implacable enemy from whom any abomination can be expected, protect him with the help of a special conspiracy, which, by the way, has great power. The plot that I give below is not known to many, and I am very

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 18 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to lime shishun If anyone does not know what it is, I'll tell you now. Healers usually call a shishun a soft bump on the head. Removing a shishun surgically is fraught with complications, since the wound then begins to fester and does not heal for a long time. Even surgeons often

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A conspiracy so that the family is drawn to you, respected, so that there are many friends You will need: well water, a container with wide edges like a ladle, a church candle

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To become stronger than the enemy Put a piece of bread half-eaten by the enemy in the hollow of a tree and say: Dry, piece, Dry, And you, my enemy, Give back your strength. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen. After saying this three times, go to your doorstep without talking to anyone on the way. You should not

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 33 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy to the wind for the enemy They go outside after midnight and say against the wind: Spin, wind, wind, fly And (such and such) wipe out. I (name) know all the winds, I call to myself every wind. Fly, brothers of the winds, fly And (such and such) exterminate. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of the Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 36 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

In order to find out the thoughts of the enemy In order to find out the thoughts of the enemy, you need to wait for the bell ringing at the temple on Holy Wednesday, and as soon as the bell rings, immediately say: How can I hear this ringing of bells Everywhere, so I, the servant of God (name), Thoughts of the enemy my find out. What

Everyone has their hidden or obvious enemies. Such people can ruin life by doing all sorts of nasty things, weaving intrigues or slandering. In such situations, it can protect the conspiracy from enemies. There are effective magical rituals that were invented by our ancestors.

Conspiracies that are aimed at punishing the offender are classified as strong. Some of them even contain elements of black magic. Their task is to harm the offender. At the same time, the person reading the plot should not harm himself. Conspiracies are held on all days of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.

There are rituals that block the forces of the enemy. In this case, the offender may suffer and suffer for a long time. If the use of the ritual is justified, for the person performing the conspiracy, it will pass harmlessly and safely. Thus, it is worth using magic only if you have suffered from the actions of an ill-wisher and want to take revenge. This is the peculiarity of such rituals. If the offender misbehaves with you because of your actions, the rite will direct its power against you.

Video "Powerful conspiracies from enemies and envious people"

This video shows you how to do it right magical rites to get rid of enemies and ill-wishers.

Effective Rituals

Below are rituals that have their own characteristics, but are similar in effectiveness and protection.

On a scarf

To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to use magical artifacts. You can divert the aggression of an envious opponent from yourself and drive him into a dead end with the help of a charmed handkerchief. You need to carry out a protective ritual before leaving the apartment:

  • the handkerchief is spoken in a whisper;
  • the best time is before going to work;
  • wipe your face with a charmed handkerchief, and then put it in your pocket;
  • repeat the ritual every day.

Such a rite will create many problems for the offender. After reading the text of the conspiracy, you can stop being afraid of evil competitors. Spell Words:

Seraphim and heavenly angels. I made a feast for honest friends, the Lord's servants and sudden guests. They will protect me from the evil eye, they will drive away evil damage from the house. What is stuck will turn into a scarf.

On poppy

This rite is used for prevention purposes, with its help people get rid of enemies and ill-wishers:

  1. Take a handful of poppy seeds.
  2. Place them in a clay container.
  3. Cross three times.

Read the text of the mantra:

“I will cross the grains, I will not allow evil enemies into the house. Whoever had a bad thought was born, immediately returned to the enemy. Let the enemies live and suffer, do not encroach on my ruin and health. If an enemy steals something, damn it.”

Throw grains to everyone who comes into your house. It is important that the guest does not know about this. It is recommended to toss a couple of grains into the guest's pocket or shoes. Problems in life will begin for everyone who comes to the house with bad intentions, for example, to do meanness.


You can protect yourself from anger if you have a photograph of an enemy with a sharp tongue on your hands. Basic conditions: the person in the photo must be alone, must look directly into the frame. For such a ritual, two candles, a needle and a pencil are also needed.

During the conspiracy, no one else should be in the house. First you need to turn off the electricity in the apartment - electric fields can interfere with magical energy. Take two candles (dark and red), light them, put the first on the right, and the second on the left. Put a photo in the center. Say the following:

“The devil sits in a deep hole in a black mountain, he looks into the distance. He is guarded by an angel of darkness, does not order him to go into the world, does not let him go. I will beg him to release the devil with a lit fire. Go, devil, through the forests and through the valleys, go there, where the devil himself sits. Take the evil devil by the paw, and bring the servant of God (name) to the bright mansions of the Lord. There, let a fair judgment be held, surround it with evil. Let the blood run cold in his veins and let fear not leave him for a long time. Let him receive what he himself deserves, so that he does not have any strength left for repentance. Amen".

Heat the needle in the fire from the candle. Prick your finger to release a few drops of blood. Draw a cross on the forehead of the offender in the photo. Repeat the phrase "Paid for in blood!" thrice. Close the photo from prying eyes and keep it until you know that revenge has come true.

other methods

There are other ways that allow you to permanently destroy the ill-wisher. It's important to do everything right.

Conspiracy-whisper in the back of the offender

If the victim knows the offender personally, and often intersects with him, you need to do the following. As soon as the ill-wisher passes by, whisper these words in his back:

“Go, arrow, with tears and pain, untrodden paths, through the blood, not in the eye, not in the eyebrow, but right in the heart. If and shemi, hit and tear. Take him out, punish him, my offender (the name of the offender). Key, lock, so be it!

Prayer for the wind

The ritual against enemies is performed under such conditions: wind, sunny weather, an open window and the absence of relatives. For the ceremony, you need to rewrite the text on a clean sheet and learn the words. Speaking the text from memory, you need to imagine the image of the offender:

“Lord my God, everything is in your hands and in your power. Everything is subject to you and controlled by you. You created everything and turned to yourself. The sun does not rise without you, the earth does not live without you. The wind in the desert does not blow, the stars do not light up above the horizon, if you do not want it. A person is not born, and the soul does not leave the body. I am your creation, Lord my God. Your foolish child, but who wants to know you through the manifestations of the world. I am your little reflection! I am part of you and in you. I walk under your protection and patronage. Lord, my God, restore justice, return insults to everyone who is due!

Amulet on paper

Harming you by another person is always unpleasant. It gets even worse from understanding that someone is doing it consciously. In order not to use force and not show your aggression, you can punish the enemy with the help of Slavic rites.

A charm on paper, on which the name of the offender is written, affects the field of a person. To reason with the ill-wisher and put him on the true path, white magic will be enough. To conduct the ceremony, take a piece of paper, a metal cup and church candles. The ritual begins when all the households have gone to bed. On paper, write the name of the enemy and light the candle. Read the Lord's Prayer three times. Ignite the leaf with a flame, and put it in a cup. While the paper is burning, read:

“Let the fiery arrow fly, full of my anger. It doesn’t fly into the offender’s eyebrow, it doesn’t fly into the eye, but it goes straight into his heart. She will stab and cut the offender and break all his future hopes. The evil committed by him, let him be shed with tears, everything will return to the servant of God (name)! May it be so! Amen".

Remove the ashes, scatter in the wind. For a faster result, throw the ashes under the threshold of the ill-wisher's apartment. So you can deal with enemies at a distance so that they fall behind you.


There is also the so-called boomerang. The spell, which is presented below, is read, imagining the physiognomy of the offender. His actions are coming back. You need to memorize the text, pronounce it in your thoughts (with your mouth closed), and as soon as it seems that the ill-wisher is frightened, say:

“Mine will remain with me, your evil will return to you. Dark thoughts - in your bodies. Everything will be that way. Amen".

It is worth adding that there are many types of witchcraft aimed at punishment. You can choose a method from white or black magic. The first is ideal when a person does not want to do the irreversible. Failure will definitely leave your life!

Reading an effective conspiracy from enemies at work so that the bad comes back to them is a little more difficult than doing it at home, but possible. To get rid of ill-wishers who are colleagues or immediate superiors, to make sure that they do not find fault and do not interfere with a normal life and work, special rites will help that you can perform on your own and pacify the exorbitant ambitions of careerists and employers.

There are rituals that will help get rid of enemies in the workplace

Many women and men have faced the fact that colleagues at work behave disgustingly, and the boss always finds fault. Such an attitude is very difficult to endure, not only morally, but also physically.

Some colleagues for the sake of career growth resort to magical actions. They do not hesitate to use sorcery for their own promotion and the dismissal of a rival. In such conditions, it is not only difficult to work, but sometimes it is difficult to survive under the influence of black magic.

Put away negative impact and you can protect yourself from such enemies with the help of conspiracies and prayers. Among them there are very strong, acting effectively.

Some protection rituals can be done at home or in the workplace. Getting rid of ill-wishers is not always easy, but returning all the bad things to the offender is worth a try, if only for the sake of justice. It's a shame when you get fired for nothing for someone else's career.

The choice of protection methods depends on the specific situation:

  1. If you do not know the name of your ill-wisher or want to protect yourself from negative influences, then a universal conspiracy will do. It will simply protect against energy attack.
  2. You can use a charm that will protect not only from magic, but also from unpleasant people.
  3. Conspiracy against specific person suitable for those who know the name of the enemy.
  4. If you don’t want to use conspiracies, and the ill-wisher is definitely known, there is a great way to neutralize him - to give silver. It can be the cheapest ring or pendant, just a piece of silver or a chain. He needs to take the gift in his hands. After that, he can throw away the donated item, but he can no longer harm you.

There are conspiracies to punish enemies, but they are different. There are those that simply return the negative back, while others send troubles and misfortunes. The second can be used only as a last resort, they are dangerous for an uninitiated person and can punish him.

Candle conspiracy

This prayer, and in fact - a conspiracy against enemies at work, must be read on the flame of a church candle.

Before you say the words, you need to focus on the request. Say while looking at the fire:

“Lord, Almighty God, protect my shelter and my threshold, my mortal body and my work, my business. From all enemies: visible and invisible. All those whom I know and whose names I list, as well as those whom I do not know by name, but from whom I suffer innocently. Protect me, Lord. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Beginners should start with this simple ritual. Sometimes this is enough to get rid of ill-wishers.

On a scarf

A conspiracy from ill-wishers at work must be read on a handkerchief, which will become a talisman. To do this, you need to buy a new handkerchief and slander it before leaving for work:

“The angels and seraphim of heaven, All the Lord’s honest servants, will protect me from unexpected evil, protect me from the evil eye. Evil damage will not reach me, everything that is in this scarf will go away.

Wipe your face with a handkerchief and take it with you. The ritual is repeated every time before leaving the house.

Fool the enemy

If there is a specific enemy at work that does not allow you to live and work in peace, a conspiracy will do - a fool.

To fool the enemy you need to read the conspiracy on the water

“Find, trouble, from any side, From windy and retaliatory, From sunrise and from the west, Confuse your head, look away Thirty-three times. Morbid leprosy, Eat purity of thought, Give me a swooning emptiness. As a baby sees and does not see, Hears and does not hear, Listens and does not understand, So that my enemy, the servant of God (name), Sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, Listens to speeches and does not understand a damn thing. Amen."

The ill-wisher will forget about you, stop noticing and leave you alone. If the plot was read for salt - scatter so that the enemy could step on it, water - sprinkle around the office.

Return evil to the offender

If you were promoted, given a bonus, or simply noted at work, then there will always be envious people. Great amount negative energy may suddenly fall on your head. Not every biofield can withstand such pressure without damage.

You can protect yourself, make envious people fall behind, punish them and return negative information to the sender by performing the appropriate ritual.

Ritual with salt

It has been said more than once that salt perfectly holds information due to its crystal structure. It is suitable for many ceremonies when negativity returns.

Salt is suitable for a rite against enemies at work

Salt almost immediately begins to give out embedded information and is suitable for emergency cases where protection is required immediately.

For the return ritual you will need:

  • unpacked pack of salt;
  • church wax candle;
  • a bag made of natural fabric (it is better to make it yourself).

The ceremony is performed at home, on the waning moon. The best time is from sunset to midnight.

Left in an empty room, pour some salt into a plate and light a candle. Looking at the flame, remember all the bad things that happened at work lately.

Feeling calm (when the grievances go away), start reading the plot. In order for all the negative to return to the offenders, they say:

“Whoever has salt in the eyes, salt on the soul. To return everything that they wanted. Leave, step back, take away, carry away.

Carefully pour the salt into the bag. You need to take it with you to work and discreetly scatter it on the floor of the office or toilet, making it discreet. This is a strong conspiracy, the effect of which will be felt very soon.

Salt and poppy conspiracy

If you have been unfairly fired, or are about to be fired, a strong conspiracy with salt and poppy seeds will do. To use it, you need to be sure that the person is really guilty of this. Against him, you can apply the following rite, for which you will need:

  • salt;
  • poppy seeds;
  • saucer or small plate;
  • black candle;

For a conspiracy, you need to mix poppy seeds with salt on a saucer

On the waning moon, after sunset, they start a conspiracy. You need to take three pinches of salt and poppy seeds, pour in a saucer and mix with the end of the knife with the words:

“I overcome all obstacles, thresholds and doors in the form of a black viper. I bring the servant of God (name) tears, misfortunes and quarrels on every occasion. I command the poppy to be tears, and the salt to be grief. I knead trouble on them and give it to the slave (name). I lock my mouth, and throw a valuable key deep into the sea. No one will interrupt my action and my plan will not be fooled. Let it be so and three times stronger.”

Take the charmed mixture to work and sprinkle it where the ill-wisher is. Grains can be put in a drawer, on the seat of a chair, in the toilet, on shelves and other places.

After the completed actions, go to church or say a prayer. The conspiracy will take effect after some time, not immediately.

For living water

Living water is water drawn from a natural source at midnight. Dishes should be ceramic or glass. You need to collect such water and put it at the foot of your bed for three days, after which you take it with you to work.

“As I worked here, so I will. As I came here, so I will go. Key-lock!”

Wash your hands with charmed water and wash your face. If you need to get rid of the enemy, then the conspiracy is read on the waning moon, if you stay in the workplace - on the growing one.

Each person daily encounters many people - on the street, at work. Among them, sometimes there are those who are capable of destroying not only your plans with their negative energy, but also undermine your health, both psychological and physical.

To counter these threats, our ancestors invented simple and effective methods confrontation. They are called conspiracies and amulets.

Saying the texts of conspiracies aloud is a direct impact on the world using sound vibrations. By making changes in the energy field of the Earth, you can achieve the desired result in protecting yourself from negative actions, such as strangers and work colleagues.

To achieve the best results, several important conditions must be observed:

  1. Try to behave with others as politely as possible, thereby reducing the risk of causing a negative reaction in your address.
  2. It is important to understand the texts that you pronounce very clearly. Mistakes and slurs can hurt you more than your enemies want.
  3. Turn to God more often. Sometimes a prayer said in time can eliminate the need to apply a conspiracy. In other cases, the help of saints will also not be superfluous.
  4. Try to banish negative emotions from your heart. Envy, anger during the ceremony can respond in the most unpleasant way.

Watch a video that tells how to make a ritual from the enemy at home:

Read strong black magic conspiracies to protect against spiteful critics

In order to punish the enemy and protect yourself from trouble, you will be helped enough simple conspiracies which we describe in detail below.

Charm conspiracy from Stepanova

Such a conspiracy cannot be interrupted.

Conspiracy text:

“That is the eternal glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! God, save me from fierce evil, enemy plans and secret thoughts, from trapping nets, sharp swords, betrayal of loved ones, low kisses, from shameful attraction and guarded imprisonment, from wind, water and fire, protect me from all sorts of troubles. So that the enemies go away, find their death, protect me from hot words, from blind hearts, from poison and witchcraft, from the beast and theft, save and save me, Lord! From frequent illnesses, from unfortunate events, In work and care, in rest and work, save, Lord! Don't let go off the true path! Angel Guardian of my soul, remember your servant (name) in front of the Lord, save and save! You are my fortress and support in life! I pray to you, Heavenly Father, I trust in you! Amen, amen, amen!"


Used on direct contact with an enemy who is swearing at you.

What is needed for this ceremony:

  • Know the text by heart;
  • At the beginning of contact, immediately mentally read the plot;
  • Noticing doubt in the eyes of the interlocutor, end the text with the words: “ Take yours with you».

Conspiracy text:

“My good will remain with me, your bad will return to you. Dark thoughts - in your body. Everything will be that way. Amen".

So that they get back the bad things at work

To get rid of competitors, you need to write the text of the plot on paper, wrap the key to the door lock in it, throw the bundle into the nearest body of water.

Conspiracy text:

"Our Lady Virgin Mary! Our heavenly Father and his son Jesus, crucified on the cross for our sins! Lock the mouths, ears, eyes, hands, feet and thoughts of my enemies with this key. Throw the key to the bottom of the deepest sea. Whoever gets the key will destroy me forever. But no one will get it - Nikolai Ugodnik will not let him, which protects me. May it be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To get rid of envious people, you need to come to work before the rest of the employees. Bring (by all means!) a new red woolen thread with you. Lay out a large circle around your workplace with a thread.

Sit in the middle and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Where there is a thread, there is a circle. Inside the circle there is no place for envy, grief and anger. Everything bad is repulsed from the circle, repulsed upwards and falls far from here. It didn’t hurt anyone, it protected everyone, but especially me.”

Slavic from damage, evil eye and all harm

These are ancient spells, slightly adapted to modern times.

Exist mandatory conditions for their application:

  • The speaker must be a non-smoker, non-drinker, and of strong will.
  • The conspiracy must be used strictly for its intended purpose, otherwise it loses its force.

Conspiracy text:

“In the Name of Svarog, Perun and Veles! The blood of the ancestors is pure, the Power of Heaven! Protect, save the Grandson of Dazhdbozhy [name] From every eye, from the bad hour, From the female, from the male, From the child, from the other, From the joyful, from the hated, From the slanderous, from the negotiation! May it be so! Goy!

From trouble and enemies read three times

Say a plot and spit three times over your left shoulder.

Conspiracy text:

“I’m going out of the house, I forgive the misfortune, I can’t stand swear words. There are no branches on the trees - hooks to hang evil tongues. Amen!".

From the persecutors to be left behind

When you feel that evil is being planned against you, at work or at home, then say:

“I humble the anger of a lion, a snake and a dog, The lion does not growl, the snake does not sting, the dog does not bark. Amen".

To punish the enemy

Before punishing a person, it is desirable to make sure that he is really guilty. If it is not possible to personally find out the necessary information, then a fairly simple ritual can be performed. After it, you will definitely know the offender.

On the night before any church holiday, before going to bed, you need to read a prayer:

“I go, the servant of God (name) in rows, I look with my own eyes. Among those rows there is Saint Samson. In the name of the Lord, I will pronounce the holy word. Let Samson show me a prophetic dream, in it he will indicate my enemy, his face will show me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity will show me the way, bless my dream, and reveal my enemy. May it be so. Amen".

In a dream, you can see a sign indicating your offender, the culprit of your problems. Sometimes you can even hear the name of the enemy or even see his face. After it is known exactly who he is, you can plot against the enemy.

To suffer and suffer

A special conspiracy over salt, which then needs to be poured at the enemy's doorstep.

Conspiracy text:

“I’m pouring not simple salt on the threshold, Lose your peace, let your pain into the house .. Play, damn it, with God’s Servant (name) To live in anguish, so that it always dies Both at night and in the sun. Amen".

On sickness

Write down the text of the conspiracy on a piece of paper.

Light a church wax candle and read the plot, turning to the enemy until the candle goes out:

“I won’t undertake to curse you, I’ll get drunk with your ailment. You will get tired, ache in the bones, And your fun will turn to dust. A couple of days will fly by, health will come again, and no one will ever find my trace. I conjure you! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

The remains of candles and a leaf with a plot must be buried under an old tree.

When the mouth is closed

Conspiracy text:

“He gathered for the court, looking - towards the coffin they carry! Two dozen castles - what a coffin! Do not hear the sound, do not see the torment .. On the evil mouth, throw, God, your handkerchief. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To death

Only one thing can force the use of these monstrous conspiracies against people - absolute, all-burning hatred. It must be remembered - the slightest relaxation will lead to a magical "rollback" - everything that you wanted to convey to the enemy will return to you a hundredfold.

Conspiracy without the use of special magical means:

  • You need a personal item or a photo of the cursed.
  • There should be no one in the room that night except you, including pets.
  • The ritual is performed at midnight on the waning moon.
  • Put a thing or a photo of the cursed under the pillow.
  • Turn off the light, close your eyes and say three times:

“I will come to you in a dream (name), I will bring your Death. As I will sleep carelessly, so you will fall asleep forever. Your sins are great, brought a lot of anguish. My word cannot be broken with an ax, not cut with a blade, in order to defeat it, you need to let go of your sins. I conjure you (name) to death soon, inevitable. May it be so!".

If you see your enemy in a dream tonight, it means that the conspiracy has worked. If the dream turned out to be empty, repeat the ceremony three more times, no more.

Important! Remember that when reading a plot, you should concentrate as much as possible on the desire to see the enemy dead.

The rite of purification is carried out in the morning - get up at dawn, take a bath, put on clean clothes. Go to church, light the candles of the Mother of God and ask for forgiveness for your sins. Distribute charity.

Attention! The thing of the cursed must be burned or thrown away after the completion of the ritual.

To fail

The easiest way to make a conspiracy to fail even to a complete stranger is to make him nervous (provoke aggressive actions - push, say rudeness).

At the moment when he turns his back to you, say the words of the conspiracy to fail:

"May you be unlucky."

By photo

If you have a photograph of an ill-wisher, then you can put a plot on this image of him. The result will be the same as with personal contact.

Watch a video that tells how to make a ritual to get rid of enemies and ill-wishers:

Possible consequences

Usually, after applying conspiracies of a general protective effect, the world around you becomes cleaner and calmer. Those who unconsciously committed bad deeds begin to feel their impact on themselves, as a result, the amount of bad things in the world is noticeably reduced. Life becomes easier and more pleasant, communication with colleagues is easier.