
How to determine the magical effect on a person. Protective plots


I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell in this article about conspiracies to get rid of an unpleasant person - maybe it will come in handy for someone. Sometimes witchcraft rituals from evil people - the only way protect yourself from gossips, envious people, creditors and conjuring enemies. When a person is unpleasant, undesirable, it is incredibly difficult to communicate with him. And if he also has access to your house, then it’s really bad.

A strong conspiracy to get rid of an evil person

There is a very good ritual, acting quickly and strongly. With it, you can deal with the offender. This is a proven home plot from evil people. For the ceremony you need to have:

  • pot of water
  • 3 knives

Cast after sunset. Put a pot of water on the fire, lower the knives into it, and wait until the water boils. As the water boils and bubbles, then read the plot to get rid of a bad person, objectionable:

“You, fire, burn, you, water, boil. And let the blood of my enemy (name) boil with fire, the soul hurts day and night. Let him toil, suffer, never know peace. Eat it, melancholy, eat it, drink hot blood. Drive him away from me, twist him, twist him, brains him with turbidity. From the threshold, do not let back on the threshold. Fire, burn fiercely! Water, boil furiously! Longing, (name) drive away! My word is the first and second, but my enemy is none. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

In the morning, pour water at your doorstep. This is a good defense of your home from ill-wishers and relatives, they are worse than strangers. An objectionable person will no longer be able to bother you with his visits, and stay in your house for a long time. In addition, this conspiracy helps to get rid of uninvited guests.

Independent conspiracy from annoying people - get rid of the inspectors

This black conspiracy can do a good job when a person is engaged in business. With it, the sorcerer can hide himself from the checkers if the checks are too frequent.

If you do not practice black magic, but tend to white, then instead of a conspiracy from uninvited guests, try reading a selection of psalms 3 times a day for 3 months. The effect will exceed all expectations.

So, in order to fight off the government people, get rid of annoying checks, and save your business, then strong ritual do it, read it conspiracy from dashing people or from one of your enemies, who is spiteful, interferes with your life. Black rite this cemetery, here's what you need to take:

  • a ball of pure sheep's wool
  • 3 nickels

Motan sheep should be cooked at midnight on Thursday. On the same day, in the evening, when twilight is thickening, go to the cemetery. Find the grave where your namesake is buried. Throw nickels on the grave, and read the text of the conspiracy from another person on the grave cross:

“I’m going along the way, I’ll lead, I’ll confuse, but I’ll take the government people away from me, but I’ll bring a dead man to you. Let them know you, let them throw words with you. Amen".

Having said this, attach the thread to the cross and begin to wind it from right to left.

Winding the thread, read the words of the conspiracy from annoying people:

“Disperse in a move, so lie down on the cross with a word, then official people will rush in, but they will cling to the dead man, they will measure me off, but they won’t throw themselves in the eyes, then they won’t come down on me in court, but everything will be overpowered by me, overpowered by a dead man, if the thread is twisted, yes to the cross sovitsya. Amen".

Wind the entire length of the thread onto the cross, fasten it with a knot, and then say:

Take a handful of grave earth, and pour it at the road intersection, read witching words from bad people:

“The way will be indicated, but the official people will be ordered to lean back from me, and to spread to the dead man. Amen".

Then leave without looking back. This one good conspiracy of protection from evil people which are really unfair to you. Everything will be done, the official people will be taken away, yes, no matter what they plan, their case will not converge against you. The ceremony is carried out in strict accordance with the rules of black cemetery work.

A strong conspiracy for three candles - hide from bad people

Magicians know many conspiracies from evil people and the evil they can cause. Here is another good, quite suitable conspiracy, so that from unwanted people fence off.

Place 3 wax candles on the table. Place a tall candle in the middle, and smaller ones around the edges. The color of candles can be any, however, as well as the time of the ceremony. Here it does not play a special role, since there is no reference to a specific force. Interlock your fingers and hold your hands in front of you. You need to look at the flame of the candle, which is in the center.

Read the text of the conspiracy protecting from bad people:

“Just as the devil cannot stand God’s gaze, fire is water, and the body is arrows, how the blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear, the dead cannot breathe, so that my enemy (name) does not see and not even me, the servant of God (name). heard, did not come close, intrigues against. He didn’t press, he didn’t curse, he didn’t scold, he didn’t bother, he didn’t talk about me, he didn’t write, he didn’t remember me with the authorities. How our blood dead and ancestors lie in the ground, they don’t hear church singing, they don’t see the clear sun, they don’t get baptized, they don’t pray, they don’t come home, they don’t go to church for matins, they don’t fast on Easter, they don’t eat enough eggs on Easter, they don’t they change, they don’t remember themselves, so my enemy (name) wouldn’t remember me, the servant of God (name), didn’t remember, didn’t see and didn’t know. May my conspiracy be strong at all times. Age forever. Amen".

Read the plot from unnecessary people three times. After that, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend reading the key. It is also pronounced three times. There are many keys, read the one with which you are already used to working. Here is an example of one of the keys:

“This word is strengthening and affirmation. They also strengthen and close. And with nothing - neither air, nor storm, nor water, this matter is not unlocked.

Candles do not extinguish, they must burn out to the end. Rite from black people, worker. But, quite energy-intensive. The duration of the effect of the spell depends on how much power you have and how many enemies are ganging up on you. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, believe that it makes sense to periodically forge. But, this is up to you to decide.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, draw your attention to such a nuance: the situation with enemies after reading the text of this conspiracy to protect against people who interfere and harm can worsen. This gives reason to assume that a person has damage to the social sphere and good luck. If you used this ritual from a person who interferes, and you have a similar situation, immediately make a diagnosis, find out the presence of magical negativity. If it turns out that damage has taken place, it must be removed.

The cleaning method is up to you, it is important that everything works as it should, in order to clean out the negative. Strong damage on the social sphere usually affect the area of ​​personal relationships, business, and the sphere of money. So, you will have to do a series of purges, after which I advise you to put strong defenses with a return in case the enemy activates and starts doing evil to you again. Combat defenses are activated immediately, and the enemy will get his.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

A rite and an independent conspiracy to get rid of a person who interferes with life begins to act almost immediately. The results are visible, and very soon. Already after the candles have completely burned out, the first changes can be noticed. As for the full result, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will say this: bad people have their own problems, and they are no longer up to you. A black person may also simply disappear from your life.

Home conspiracy for milk so that an unnecessary person falls behind

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will share with you, my readers, also such a ritual. I use it in those cases when it is necessary that an unnecessary person falls behind, does not disturb in any way and does not appear on the horizon at all. Works fast. It can also be used as protection against enemies, including conjurers, as well as in the most banal everyday situations, for example, how freeconspiracy from unwanted guests and annoying relatives.

Begin the ritual on a Sunday, and complete it on another Sunday. When reading an independent conspiracy to get rid of a person who is annoying, visualize the result: how bad people stop, how your enemy wants, but does not dare to approach you. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend repeating in a couple of weeks, a maximum of a month. For the ceremony you need to take:

  • spoiled milk
  • clean bowl or large cup
  • piece of cloth

On Sunday morning, buy milk for the ceremony. When you go out to the store, mentally say:

"I'm going to buy milk for my enemy (name)."

Bring the milk home and let it sour. When the milk has reached the desired condition, pour it into a basin the next Sunday after sunset, and wash your hands in milk up to the elbow and legs up to the knee.

While washing, read the text of the conspiracy from envious people and ill-wishers:

“Just as the dirt was washed off my hands and feet, so you are my enemy (name), as you wash off the dirt from me, you touch me, you will disappear forever. The key and the lock, and my witchcraft word is true. Amen".

Wipe hands and feet with a piece of natural matter prepared for witchcraft. Take the basin of milk out of the door and throw it backhand. The flap is taken away from the house, and burned there. All done on the same evening. This independent conspiracy from a bad person works well, drives away gossips, those who harm at work, envious neighbors. Can checking services scare away. It will save you from overly active relatives who, under good pretexts, are destroying your life.

The person on whom the text of the protective conspiracy was read from evil people will keep his distance. When trying to harm, it will receive the opposite negative. During the action of a witchcraft spell, a person can simply fall behind and not manifest himself in any way.

The main action here is to achieve the loss of interest in you of your ill-wishers. And if the enemy is not just a banal envious person, but a conjurer? I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, think that under the influence of this protection ritual from unwanted people, have for some time the abyss desire to magically harm you. However, in such a situation, the effect will depend on your strength and on the strength of the casting enemy. After all, whatever one may say, a free conspiracy from an unnecessary person works on personal strength.

A conspiracy will help punish the offender. In life, we encounter all kinds of people. Not every one of them has positive, kind feelings towards us. Unfortunately, the world is full of evil. One way or another, it is embodied in specific people who are trying to recoup their neighbors. When faced with such a situation, the first reaction is retaliatory aggression. For an insult, I want to say “a couple of affectionate ones”, for an insult - to cause harm.

It's just not the right decision. You can also bring the world to destruction. Well, if not the whole planet, then ruin your life, for sure. What for? When faced with evil in any form, it is best to stop and think about yourself. You have already been attacked. Why multiply it many times. After all, it is clear that sharpness on your part will not go unanswered by your opponent. Or an intrigue based on resentment will certainly cause a similar reaction from the opponent.

How to punish the offender? Conspiracy!

It is better to approach the issue subtly. Let him rage with malice and waste his strength on thoughts of revenge. Why do you need it? Leave everything to the will of the Higher Forces. Use magic. There are quite specific methods of punishing offenders. Some of them are good because they are directed only at a really evil person. If in the heat of the moment you want to punish someone who personally treats you well, then the conspiracy will not work. After all, there are mistakes. And an attack on an innocent is counted as a sin, for which you will have to answer. We come to the same point: aggression breeds aggression.

There is also . It is not considered here. People who are not initiated, who do not have deep knowledge, are not recommended to engage in dark conspiracies. The result may be sadder for the magician himself than for his offender.

Before performing the ritual, try to calm down and forgive (no matter how difficult it may be). If there is no resentment left in the soul, the punishment will be a real collapse for the one who dared to offend you.

It is recommended to cool your ardor a little. That is, the conspiracy is not read immediately after the infliction of resentment. Only after calming down, after analyzing the situation, realizing that it is this person who is to blame, they proceed to magical revenge. Wait for the person to walk past you. Turn around and say to him:

“Arrow, fly with pain, untrodden paths, unknown paths, through (name of the enemy) blood, liver and spleen. So that tears from the eyes, so that the work comes from the hands, so that there are a hundred misfortunes and thousands of torments in his life. Beat him, beat him, if they didn’t lead him to live in peace. Amen!"

Now spit and walk away.

After reading the plot, try not to meet with the offender for at least a week. Keep in mind, he will feel something is wrong and will try to “give” you back negative energy. If you see him, then do not communicate and in no case do not accept anything from his hands. After a week, it will be almost impossible to return the wishes back.

Punish the enemy - conspiracy

Your enemy. If not, then just draw a face, as best you can, and write his name. Light two black candles. Pick up a needle (previously used a silver product). Prick him alternately in the eyes and read these words: “With a black eye, a black demon, black paths, black seas, black forests, I stick a white needle, I call for justice. Let everyone get what they deserve. Good for me, bad for you! To each according to his deserts, even a furrow, even a plow! Amen!".

After that, the photo must be burned, and the needle buried in the ground. Do not leave the attributes used in the ritual in your home. This is dangerous. Through them, evil can enter your home. And yet, remember that the ceremony is carried out only in a calm state, without anger and hatred.

A strong conspiracy to punish the offender

Light a candle from the Temple and until it goes out, you should read:

“The Lord is in me and everywhere! I am under his gracious protection. It is in His power to change the world, to take away a soul from a person, to give life, to bestow justice. I bow under his rule. May, By the will of His will, justice be restored, everything that was bad will be put in place! Amen!"

Conspiracy to punish mistress

If in your life, then take as much salt as is placed in the salt shaker. At midnight on Saturday, recite these words on it:

“I bound it with chains, but I tore it apart. Ovila with fetters, but I cut it. I wished evil, but I got out of the basement. He drowned with water, but the grave did not come. I took my husband, but there was not enough strength. Take yours, I won't. Let each according to sins, and to me - according to fate. In the name of the Lord of love. Amen!"

Be sure to put the salt shaker on your husband so that he touches the charmed salt. After that, if you know a lovebird, then throw this salt after her. And if you don’t know, then just pour it on the lawn on the street with the words:

"My husband's mistress"

Conspiracy to punish an opponent

When you should, you need to go to the churchyard. Narvite grass near the fence (not in the cemetery). Weave a pigtail out of it. Hang on a fence or tree, saying the following words:

“Weed from the churchyard, now you are not a guest. Simple people don’t walk on you, they don’t remember their relatives. You are now scythe, covered with black dew. You are now my rival's braid, so that her hair will come out. Stick to the one that is to blame for my trouble. Find her in the field, in the water and everywhere. Amen!"

Conspiracy how to punish a bad person

To punish the "radish", buy a skein of blue thread. On a piece of paper, write the full name of the bad person. Roll it up into a small tube. Rewind the threads on it and read the following words.

“The blue sea will come soon. Overwhelmed by waves, drowned by oxen. To each his share. And you - do not swim and do not sink, just dive under the wave. There the demon will come for you, retribution will come for your sins. Amen!"

As you read, imagine the person.

Conspiracy to punish the debtor

Take a coin of any denomination. Show it and say:

“As you, the face of the night, say goodbye to the earth, so let (name) say goodbye to money. He has no luck, no profit for him, until he returns everything that he took away from people, he raised a whole wave of troubles. Let him toil and suffer, he doesn’t know how to return good luck! Amen!"

Throw a coin into the big water and ask the Lord to fulfill your plan. And if possible, then give the charmed coin to the debtor. It will work better that way.

At all times, people were interested in magical effects on humans. Witchcraft, black magic - these words are known to everyone since childhood. It is part of folklore and children's fairy tales. Growing up, we become realists, but a piece of this faith still lives in us, and we want to know: how can magic affect a person?

At all times, people were interested in the magical effect on a person.

Magic lives in each of us

Desiring to achieve benefits, whether it be the best position, job, or material values, such as an expensive car, an apartment in a prestigious area, a fashionable gadget, jewelry or the favorable disposition of the person of interest, people turn to black magic. Since childhood, remembering its magical effect: waved magic wand and everything appears before you at the same moment. The temptation is too great. But what is this magic?

Man is a biological being, has cells, tissues, organs and organ systems, the functioning of which is a complex and unique process. Complex psychosomatic processes and reactions take place in the brain, directly related to actions and emotions. From physics, we know about the earth's magnetic field. Man, like the earth, has a kind of energy biofield, woven from our emotions generated by the brain and reactions and their derivatives of the body. This is nothing more than secreted hormones that make up the brain's response to pathogens: adrenaline shows aggression, endorphins happiness, etc.

These emotions envelop in the likeness of a biological cocoon of a psycho-emotional nature. Magic - is the ability to influence this field, changing the variables in one direction or another. How can magic affect people, how exactly does it work?

People, the so-called sorcerers and magicians, are very susceptible to the fluctuations of these processes, they can, as it were, "see" these fields of psycho-emotional activity, influence them, expanding, producing and filling holes in the defense. Which in turn can influence a person in a certain way, causing reactions. In the people, this influence of magic is called:

  • evil eye;
  • damage;
  • love spell;
  • conspiracy;
  • curse;
  • lapel;
  • the crown of loneliness, etc.

As practice shows, this intervention can both improve life and lead to serious trouble. Such negative consequences can be a mutilated psyche and a crippled consciousness. Magic, to influence people is a special ability that is not available to everyone. People who practice such abilities are called magicians or sorcerers.

The negative from the use of magic, if you influence a person

There is a division of magic into black and white. This means that magic is white - if it is directed for good, it can be conspiracies to get rid of damage or other ailments, but when this very power of influence is directed to harm, that is, a love spell, evil eye, curse, then magic is black.

Starting to practice and use the impact, magic can affect a person even with good intentions, a person - a magician, may face the disastrous consequences of this power for himself. The power of influence can easily turn one's head and push a person onto the path of dark forces. similar may be the active practice of corruption and curses. The question arises why many people still turn to magicians and sorcerers for magical help. The answer is very simple, and comes from childhood. People, being in a melancholic state, are influenced by many factors such as:

  • disgusting work;
  • lack of a sense of self-worth;
  • difficult financial situation;
  • treachery or other troubles, tend to seek solace in childhood memories of the magical wave of the sorcerer.

Magic can affect a person even with good intentions

Often without thinking that this can seriously harm the psyche and health of the person on whom the magical effect is performed. There is also a risk that turning to an inexperienced "magician" or vaguely formulating thoughts, as a result, a completely undesirable result is obtained. This can also harm your health.

What is the influence of magic, what are its consequences

Consider the operation of the mechanism, how to influence a person with the help of magic. The principle consists of several stages:

  • search for holes or thin places in the psycho-emotional barrier;
  • creation of holes or expansion of cracks in the barrier;
  • implementation of the ideas necessary for action in order to achieve the desired act from a person.

Such manipulation of consciousness is similar to the temporary loss of control over the brain as a result of alcohol intoxication. A kind of fog that prevents a sober and objective assessment of the situation, as a result of which it leads to the commission of actions that a person can either not remember or be ashamed of in the future. How can magic, influencing a person, change the essence of his personality? A person who can be influenced performs the actions and deeds required of him, but remains himself. But not everything is as good as it seems at first glance.

Manipulations with consciousness can radically and detrimentally affect a person. This means that under magical influence, a person is not fully aware of his actions and does things imposed on him. Basically, these are actions that are unusual for his nature, which later come into conflict with conscience, and this violates the mental balance, introducing confusion, devastation, guilt into the emotional balance. As a result, it leads to depression, and in some cases, suicidal thoughts and actions.

Every person dreams that everything conceived will come true, which leads people to find ways to influence people, even knowing that you are doing harm.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to clearly articulate the desire and consider how the need to influence others should be, considering the consequences. And practitioners put themselves in a rigid framework of control, knowing that magic can lead to harmful consequences for themselves. Black magic is a bunch of negative energy, harmful, both for a person who is susceptible to influence, and for a conducting magician, which in turn pours out onto the customer.

For those who nevertheless decided to use magic, knowing how to influence a person, there are conspiracies aimed at good. These can be conspiracies:

  • to attract good luck and prosperity;
  • money and wealth;
  • for a strong family
  • for healthy offspring
  • for healing from diseases, etc.

With the help of such conspiracies, you can positively influence your future destiny. There are certain conditions and methods for their implementation, which, for greater effect, must be followed strictly.

Conspiracy for success in business

This conspiracy is performed before going to bed on the growing moon. You need to go out into the courtyard, look at the moon and repeat these words three times:

“As the moon rises again, so will my wealth increase. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

A conspiracy for success in business is performed before going to bed on the growing moon

Knowing how you can influence a person with the help of magic, it would be useful to know about measures to protect against dark influences. Life in society involves daily communication with people. With some we enter into friendly relations and confrontation with others. It is also necessary to remember such a quality of a person as curling, and it, in turn, gives rise to anger and resentment. Therefore, each person can become an object of black magic. You can influence different ways. To protect yourself from such influence, there are measures to protect yourself.

Methods of protection from the effects of magic

For a strong barrier, strong nerves and the entire nervous system are needed. The magical world is sometimes cruel, and therefore you need to warn yourself against possible attacks by angry personalities. Important:

That is, eat right, eating more fruits, vegetables, minerals and vitamins and try to exercise exercise or your favorite sport, albeit not professionally. Proper nutrition and physical activity will increase the body's resistance on a physical and emotional level. Your mood will rise, positive thoughts and actions will appear, which will strengthen your protection bit by bit.

Also, to protect against black magic, there are various amulets, amulets and signs that must be directly worn on the body. It is better to prepare such amulets yourself, using herbs, oils, threads and other materials.

Another method of protection is cleaning procedures. nervous system. To do this, every evening you need to spend time thinking about the past day. To relieve anxiety and oppression, or vice versa - once again rejoice at the past good. To do this, start going through all the good and bad for the day, letting go of the first and hoping for a “sunny” tomorrow.

Everyone has hidden ill-wishers, and the intrigues of these people can seriously spoil our existence. Haters have an extensive arsenal of filth, intrigue and slander. A conspiracy from enemies will help to escape - a magical ritual invented by our ancestors to destroy anger.

People are looking for Vanga's conspiracies, Slavic or Islamic rites - all this for the sake of protection from negativity. Getting rid of the enemies is hard, but we will help you deal with them. Quite simple spells will help you punish the enemy, protect yourself from trouble. Get ready to record.

Enemies and envious Everyday life enough. Natural magic works well against ill-wishers, causing them to suffer and suffer. There's a proven plot to get you out of your insecurities and make your enemies fall behind. You need to read the text three times:

“If a bad person (a name is called) on God’s servant (your name) or a cow, a dog, my horse covets, then he will never be good. I collect sand from the sea, I take your anger. The trees cannot be counted and all the water of the sea cannot be drunk, so this man cannot defeat me. Let him break the joints of an evil person, as God's power breaks the roots in the forest. Let the troubles go back. Let the conspiracies and prayers of adversaries strike with an arrow. Amen".

Magic neutralization of the enemy

Some especially powerful rites are aimed at making the offender afraid of you. Such conspiracies are read from enemies once, with the right hand placed on the heart. So, if there are people nearby who interfere with your life, mentally cast a spell:

“Not me to suffer, but you. From an evil thought, Lord, protect me, take black deeds away. Your eye sockets are empty, your bones are wax. From intrigues and unnecessary evil, my prayer is strong. Forever, adversary, get out of my way. Victory will be mine. Adonai."

Getting rid of enemies at work

Sometimes a person may need a conspiracy from enemies at work who have decided to destroy their competitor. To get rid of envious and spiteful critics who interfere with career advancement, get their photos. In order for the spell from ill-wishers at work to be effective, the picture must be individual. You don't want black magic to do bad things to innocent people.

It happens that the picture shows 10-12 people, one of which is your sworn enemy. To spend magical rite, take scissors and remove unnecessary characters. If you are interested in getting rid of a group of ill-wishers, you can work with their collective image.

Reading a conspiracy against colleagues

Taking a black thread, wind it harder on the extracted photo. The thread against enemies at work should be woolen. The order of actions:

  1. Cast a spell from evil people 7 times.
  2. Tie the thread as tightly as possible (three knots is enough for you).
  3. Say the phrase: "I go and say - so be it."
  4. After reading the plot on the enemy, go outside and burn his photo there.

There is no need to be afraid to combine rituals. Conspiracies from ill-wishers are different, they can be used for several groups of opponents separately. Spells are read to some spiteful critics for food, to others - for three candles. Here full text"working" spell:

“I direct my will, I direct my word, so that for many adversaries the undertakings come to a standstill. Let (the mention of a name or names) take their hands off me, they do not achieve their task. I wind the black thread, I wish to exterminate the enemy. Let (the name of the enemy) suffer from envy, but he cannot take away my strength. Forever will stray, lag behind me. Amen".

The most powerful conspiracies

With a powerful conspiracy, you will protect yourself from enemies even at a great distance. Magic works both on the Slavs and on representatives of other peoples. The main thing is to know the name of a potential enemy. After waiting for sunset, say the following prayer (read three times):

“I will call upon Saint Elijah to remove misfortune and misfortune from me. Heavenly army, earthly and water forces, tell me how to get rid of the envious. I will lead the Guardian Angel to battle, all his strength will punish the evil-doing adversary. Help, heavenly host, to cope with an unpleasant person. Whoever thinks evil - stop, who gets rid of me - warn. The evil force will be defeated. Amen".

A conspiracy for a handkerchief

To strong conspiracy from the enemies brought the desired effect, you can use magical artifacts. With a charmed handkerchief, you can put the enemy to a standstill, prevent his aggressive actions. This is a strong defense against enemies, but you need to cast a spell before leaving the apartment. Pay attention to a number of points:

  • we speak the handkerchief in a whisper;
  • the optimal time for the ritual is before going to work;
  • after wiping your face with a charmed handkerchief, hide the resulting amulet in your pocket;
  • the rite is repeated daily;
  • the spell can restore health, ward off damage and create good conditions for business.

A scarf will create a bunch of obstacles for a bad person. Anyone who reads such a slander will cease to be afraid of competitors. The ritual is not the most effective, but quite serious. Here is the text:

Seraphim and heavenly angels. I made a feast for honest friends, the Lord's servants and sudden guests. They will protect me from the evil eye, they will drive away evil damage from the house. What is stuck will turn into a scarf.

Rite with poppy seeds

A poppy conspiracy is considered a preventive rite - it is used to get rid of potential enemies. At the same time, the status of a person and the degree of his closeness to you do not play a role. Here's what needs to be done:

  1. Take out a handful of poppy seeds.
  2. Pour the poppy into a clay container.
  3. Cross food 3 times.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. Throw a charmed poppy to anyone who crosses the threshold of your home.

Guests do not need to sprinkle grains on their hair - it is enough to toss the grains into the pocket of a jacket or shirt. You can do this when the guest wants to go to the toilet. With a well-wisher, everything will be in order, and a potential enemy will have problems. Conspiracy text:

“I will cross the grains, I will not allow evil enemies into the house. Whoever had a bad thought was born, immediately returned to the enemy. Let the enemies live and suffer, do not encroach on my ruin and health. If an enemy steals something, damn it.”

Prayer with candles

Strong conspiracies are sometimes obtained from simple prayers. A candle spell will become a strong defense against any adversary. For the ritual, you will need a glass of water and three candles. Cross and drink water, light candles and start reading the prayer:

“Lord, save me from intrigues and networks, insidious notions and evil ideas, swords and poisons. May the Muslim blade, prison, bribery and enemy will not strike me. Hot words, false promises, a sinking wave, a wild beast and fire, go away. Jesus and the twelve apostles are with me, from early death, sickness and an inverted cross will protect me. Fuck me. Amen".

return hex

There are slanders, popularly referred to as "boomerangs". The following spell is recited mentally in the face of an enemy arguing with you. Procedure:

  1. Learn the text by heart.
  2. Mentally pronounce the slander.
  3. Seeing the fear in the eyes of the opponent, add: "It will return to you."

Hex-return works quickly. The enemy leaves without having time to harm you. The spell is:

“Mine will remain with me, your evil will return to you. Dark thoughts - in your bodies. Everything will be that way. Amen".

How to make a charm from enemies

Experienced healers recommend conspiracies so that enemies are afraid to combine with the manufacture of magical artifacts. Get loose gray poppy and proceed to the ceremony on Thursday. Important point: change in the store when buying a poppy is not taken. The protective poppy itself crumbles at the threshold and passively protects your home from ill-wishers. Conspiracy text:

Every person dreams that everything conceived is realized. Do you want a good paying job? No problem! Do you want to be with the most handsome guy from your institute? You are welcome! Or are you an infertile couple who have been dreaming of having a baby for years? Perhaps we all have something to dream about. The quote, the author of which is unknown, reads “A man without a dream is like a bird without wings.” Hardly anyone will argue with this statement, because these words are pure truth.

There is a universal way to influence people and their decision with the help of magic

How is dream related to magic?

There are times when the fate of one person directly depends on another. For example, when filing a lawsuit, the plaintiff does not know whether he can win the case or not. Or the husband went to his mistress, and the heartbroken wife is waiting for her husband to return to the family.

You can sit back and wait "maybe you're lucky", or you can turn to higher powers for help, through magic and get the desired result.

Influence on a person with the help of magical rituals and conspiracies

There is a universal way to influence people and their decision with the help of magic. But I would not call this method the most effective. It can be used only if you need to have a short-term effect.

How to conduct a ritual

  1. To carry out the ritual, take a blank white sheet of paper and write on it the last name, first name and patronymic of the person you want to influence.
  2. A little higher, above the data, write your first name, last name and patronymic. Write in full, do not abbreviate.
  3. Take a large nail and wrap this piece of paper around it.
  4. A nail, with paper, is tightly tied with a red thread or ribbon. Taking the bundle, go to the place where no one walks, and drive a nail into the ground.
  5. On the way back, you can not turn around and talk to people. The result will not be long in coming.

We change someone else's decision in our favor

A magical ritual with which a person will change his mind in your favor.

  1. To do this, hold the photo of the person you want to influence with your palms, and if you don’t have a photo card, then you can take a leaf and write on it the name, patronymic and surname of this person.
  2. Then you need to walk backwards, in a circle and whisper a conspiracy:

Back to front, all the way around

you walk, you think

you will do everything in my favor,

everything as I say.

To influence the boss

  1. Write his name on paper 9 times, repeat the next day.
  2. You need to write on the same piece of paper in a row for 9 days. As a result, the name should be written 81 times.
  3. Roll up the leaf and throw it into a glass container, which is filled to the top with sugar.
  4. You need to store the container at home, in a dark secluded place.

The method of influencing a person with a potion

To prepare it, you need to pour into the water during boiling:

  • 6 teaspoons of dried and crushed nettle leaves;
  • a little red cat hair;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 3 pinches of black ground pepper;
  • 3 handfuls of earth, which you need to take from the crossroads;
  • half a tablespoon of honey;
  • black feather.

The broth must be boiled, cooled and filtered. Next, you need to wash your hands with a potion and touch the person who is obliged to change his verdict in your favor.

The broth must be boiled, cooled and strained.

Gain power over the affairs of man

To dominate a person, you need to write his name on paper or take a photograph, burn and anoint your shoes with ashes.

Ash Ritual

Another strong ritual with ashes.

  1. On a piece of paper write your desire, the fulfillment of which is related to a specific person.
  2. Burn the leaf and pour it into the shoes of that very person, or pour it into his drink.
  3. If this is not possible, then simply spread the ashes near the dwelling of the person you want to influence.

It is important to correctly formulate the desire, and it is also impossible to write “the authorities will think about my promotion”, “I want”, “I would like to” and so on. After all, the universe does not understand such requests. And after the ritual, you will continue to “want” that the wish come true, and the authorities will think about your promotion, but nothing concrete will happen for the promotion. It is necessary to write as if the desire has already been fulfilled. For example: “In February 2017, my boss raised my salary by 30 percent.” Or “my beloved man proposed to me, and we set a wedding date for July 2017”, “my husband agreed that my mother moved to live with us”

You can write on a piece of paper the name of the person whose decision your fate depends on, fold it 3 times and wear it in shoes under the left insole.

At the mercy of the authorities

Before you go "on the carpet" to the authorities, you need to read the magic words and during this, wind a red thread around the little finger of your left hand:

On all four sides I will bow,

with a conspiracy word from an important gentleman ... (first name, patronymic, if you know) I’ll start talking.

And how did you lie ... (name) with your mother in the womb

and then you had no thoughts on me, no words, no speeches,

so now I am going to you, so that you have no thought, no words, no speeches against me.

You have a fierce fire in front of me, and I have strong water in front of you,

when your fierce heart is on fire, then I will fill your fierce heart with my strong water.

My words cannot be outwitted, my deeds cannot be redrawn, where I sat, sit there, determine all the needs.

Ritual for the location of people

To win over a person, do this:

  1. Draw an image in the form of a cross on the palm of your right hand.
  2. Draw with black charcoal. Say "Terra, Mata, Ha."
  3. Wash off the image with cool water. You must feel the presence of the cross in the palm of your hand, and when you greet the people you want to influence by the hand, mentally feel how the image from your hand passes to their hands.

For the ritual, you will need a photo with the image of the person you want to make friends with.

Ritual for true friendship

Conspiracy for friendship from a photo:

  1. Take a photo of the person you want to befriend.
  2. Then you need to light a candle and pour out a handful of whole grains.
  3. After that, lay out one grain on a photo card. During this, you need to read the plot 13 times:

“In the blue sea, two fish frolicked in the open,

splashed, no one was afraid. Shark came, yeah

attacked. Fish scatter, shark scatter. Angry fish

catch up and swallow. The fish are not afraid

collected in algae. Twisted the fetters are strong, that

the shark is too tough. So are we (names), as two

minnows. Splashing in the sea, not afraid of anyone.

Let's save the sharks. weave the nets,

The enemy attack will be broken! neither hurt her nor

Witchcraft on photographs and personal items of a person

As you have already seen, when conducting most magical rites, you need a thing that belongs to a person or an image. And many people are interested in the question of what value photographs, hair, blood, and personal items of a person provide in the world of magic. The secret is that there is a powerful energy connection between a person and his image. Even if you draw a doll and call it a certain name, then an experienced magician will already be able to catch a subtle connection and tell about this person and be able to influence him. With the help of a photo card, you can influence every person without exception, because in images, as in personal things, a piece of the soul remains. But it is worth remembering that the “target” can have the strongest magical protection and if you try to put negative impact, then the evil boomerang will return to the sender. Also, the “target” may have an energy stronger than yours, and it will be almost impossible to make an impact.

How to influence people. Magic and its abilities

According to the layman, there are 2 concepts " white magic and black magic.

When conducting an anonymous survey in one of the Moscow universities, most of the students answered that white magic is a way to influence a person with the help of higher powers without causing negativity. Black magic is a flow of negative energy, with the aim of harming or destroying a person. Is it so? The magical effect does affect a particular person, but the consequences are not always harmless. For example: If a woman applies a light drying on her husband, then this ritual belongs to white magic, and no negative will follow, but on the contrary, the family will become stronger. The use of conspiracies from the drunkenness of the son or from the grumpiness of the boss and the like, they do not carry negativity, but only have a slight effect on the person, slightly changing his views on many things.

The interpretation of black magic is not entirely correct, for the reason that this technique is not always destructive. Black magic is the highest degree spiritual development and skill. To become a magician, you need to go a long way and thoroughly study the secret technique of witchcraft. In this case, the magician has the right to call for help the dark forces and souls of the deceased, which he can control, as well as receive answers to many questions of interest.

When magic is dangerous

If a person is neither a magician nor a sorcerer, and even more so has no idea about what black magic is and what consequences it has, then it is not recommended to use this craft. In this case, the dark forces love high professionalism. For example, if an angry woman tries on her own to inflict damage on a prodigal husband or his mistress, everyone will be badly affected by such an impact! What can I say, evil will return to her, but in a multiple size. So the conclusion follows that black magic in the hands of a sorcerer is not only destructive energy, to destroy everything and everything, but also a powerful force that can be used to solve many problems and to obtain the desired goals. And in the hands of an inexperienced person, black magic most often carries only negative, for the reason that an ordinary person cannot perfectly control this technique.

  • 11/06/2017 Martha HERE YOU ARE PEOPLE. NOT PEOPLE BUT SHAM.)))))).
  • 11/06/2017 Martha PIZDEZH.
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