
Optimal weight loss during sedentary work. Sedentary work and excess weight: how to lose weight Is it possible to lose weight at work



If your work involves constant activity, there is no time to eat or even have a snack, and often the question of how to lose weight does not arise. Another thing is working in an office, behind a computer monitor, over a pile of papers, when you need to sit for hours with almost no movement. Such workdays invariably affect metabolic processes and calorie expenditure, and also shape the specifics of nutrition: frequent snacks, drinking tea or coffee, often with sweets and buns. As a result, the mirror reveals fat folds on the sides, stomach and thighs, which are difficult to combat if you work sedentary.

What is important for office workers to remember?

Sedentary work spends a minimum of calories on muscle activity, while the brain requires glucose for active work, which creates a tendency to overeat, stimulates appetite, and it is important to adjust your intake, making it less caloric. If you don’t do this, eat as usual, take long breaks between meals, and then eat heavily at lunch and in the evening, becoming acquainted with extra pounds and folds of fat is almost inevitable. It is important not only the amount of food that is consumed, but also its qualitative composition - it differs significantly from what people who play sports or work in a more “mobile” field consume.

You work in an office!

This kind of work has both significant advantages and significant disadvantages that you need to remember when maintaining a slim figure. Naturally, a warm office and a comfortable chair, relative comfort and peace, when you don’t have to carry heavy loads or constantly be on your feet, is a plus. Also, often in the office there are opportunities to eat or drink tea, coffee, stretch and relax (although not always).

But sitting at a desk, static load, stiff muscles and back, strain on vision and emotional pressure increase stress levels. And many are accustomed to eating it with sweets or high-calorie dishes. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle leads to problems with pelvic circulation, blood stagnation and intestinal hypotension, which often provokes constipation and digestive problems.

Not everyone, having completed their work at the office, rushes to the gym or for a run, or walks home from work. Often this is your own car or public transport, where there is no opportunity to burn calories, and at home you can relax on your favorite sofa. As a result, such work can lead to the formation of excess weight, the development of cellulite in problem areas and pathologies, and serious metabolic disorders.

Where does the fat come from? From the office!

Those who work exclusively in the office, sitting at a computer or shuffling papers, mostly work mentally, with a little activity on their hands and very little on their legs. The most active consumers of calories in such a situation are the lungs, heart and brain, but the muscles and many other organs are in an inactive state, consuming a minimum of energy. These working organs, especially brain tissue, efficiently consume glucose, but fat and protein compounds are not consumed so actively. Therefore, a low-carbohydrate diet, if weight correction is needed, is completely unsuitable in such a situation. But reducing dietary fat will be useful, but office workers cannot limit proteins in their diet!

But it is also important that carbohydrates enter the body evenly, without sudden surges and then drops in blood glucose levels. Eating foods with light carbohydrates: tea with sweets or cookies, cakes, causes sharp fluctuations in blood sugar. The brain will not absorb all the incoming excess amounts of glucose, and some of it will turn into fats and be deposited on the sides.

It’s a completely different matter if it’s complex carbohydrates from cereals. They break down slowly, creating approximately equal concentrations of glucose over several hours. This helps maintain efficiency and vigor. Therefore, breakfast for office employees should be porridge or muesli without sugar or additives, nuts, and cereal side dishes with proteins.

Proteins and fats: so as not to gain weight

To ensure that your health does not suffer and your metabolism is not disrupted, the correct balance of proteins and fats is important. Office employees are usually less hardened; they are constantly in warm, or even hot, stuffy rooms - in conditions where there are no sudden changes in temperature and precipitation. This does not allow the immune system to be stimulated. Therefore, the supply of protein is important, on the basis of which immune bodies are formed, cell regeneration occurs, and enzymes are synthesized. But during sedentary work, proteins stagnate in the intestines for a long time, are less absorbed, rotting can occur, and constipation is provoked. Therefore, a portion of protein per day is no more than 100 g in combination with vegetables and fruits, which improve absorption, stimulate peristalsis and support microflora. Poultry and fish proteins, milk protein are preferred. You should avoid fatty meats and steaks, as well as avoid leaning on vegetable protein.

Fats, especially animal fats, should be limited, but not completely excluded from the diet. It is worth choosing vegetable oils in combination with vegetables, and in the morning, when you need energy for the day, butter on toast is useful. But spreads and trans fats, which are rich in fast food dishes, should be excluded from the diet.

What NOT to eat at work to avoid getting fat?

According to nutritionists, there is a whole list of dishes and products that significantly spoil the figure and health of office workers. These “treats” should be excluded from your diet in order to lose weight. The black list includes high-calorie types of baked goods, pizza and any fast foods, snacks, chips, crackers and any “fast” food. Such products have no advantages other than taste and a bunch of “food” chemicals. They contain a lot of fats, including harmful ones, a lot of carbohydrates and little healthy protein, vitamins and minerals. Dense and dry foods, even washed down with tea or coffee, are poorly broken down in the intestines, are difficult to absorb and lead to constipation and abdominal pain. And such a hit of calories does not go unnoticed by the figure.

A categorical “no” should be said to snacks with a cup of tea/coffee and sweets, chocolates, buns or cookies. Do not add sugar or heavy cream to coffee and tea. Two tablespoons of sugar are equal in calories to a serving of soup.

At home after work, the principles of nutrition should be similar: breakfast and lunch should be high in calories, and dinners should be light and satisfying.

It is believed that while losing weight you need to be on vacation to avoid temptations, protect yourself from unnecessary stress, and allow your body to focus on losing weight.

However, by thinking about how to lose weight at work, you can get rid of unnecessary fat deposits without interrupting your work process, which is much more interesting and easier than going on vacation every time to regain your previous shape.

The undeniable advantage of losing weight at work is the regularity of certain actions, as well as the opportunity to fit the most important weight loss rules into your daily schedule and gradually turn some of the actions necessary for losing weight into a habit, that is, over time, you will be able to lose weight at work without much effort.

The following tricks will allow you to turn weight loss into a lifestyle, that is, to cope with excess weight forever:

1. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be the most important part of the daily schedule.

In order for metabolic processes in the body to proceed intensively, it is necessary to divide the entire volume of the daily diet into 3-4 meals, between which at least 3 hours pass

2. Snacks should be included in the daily routine as one of the important tasks for which a certain time should be allocated (at least 5-10 minutes)

fresh fruits and a handful of nuts are considered healthy snacks

3. You can take all snack foods with you from home, which eliminates the risk of eating something wrong or staying hungry until the evening.

the food ration for the next day should be prepared in advance, which will make it as beneficial as possible for the body

4. Be sure to have nuts and dried fruits in your desk drawer, which will help you cope with hunger at any time.

By eating a small amount of these foods, you can easily cope with the feeling of hunger and eliminate overeating, which is extremely important for losing weight

5. There should be no sweets or cookies on the work desk.

the absence of visual stimuli makes it easier to cope with such food temptations

6. You can use colleagues for whom the question of how to lose weight at work is relevant as a companion or support group

losing weight together is much more effective and interesting, it’s easier for the two of you to eat right, it’s easier to keep from breaking your diet

7. For lunch you should only go to those cafes and restaurants that offer healthy dishes

restaurants and cafes that position themselves as healthy food outlets offer dishes that are balanced in terms of the main food ingredients, which simplifies the choice and eliminates the risk of breaking the diet

8. In your diary and phone, you can indicate the hours for drinking water and strictly observe them

Overweight can only be managed by drinking enough water

9. The slightest opportunity to get up and move around during the working day should be taken advantage of.

since physical inactivity is the main enemy of a slim figure, it is necessary to maximize the amount of physical activity during the working day

10. During the working day, you should drink 3-4 cups of green tea, known as a metabolic stimulant and an excellent remedy against hunger.

11. Everything eaten during the working day should be recorded and subsequently analyzed to find out how necessary this food was for the body.

12. At least once an hour you should do simple exercises or simply go down and up the stairs.

Although the answer to the question of how to lose weight at work is quite complex, gradually turning weight loss into an integral part of the working day, you can not only achieve career growth, but also make your figure ideal.

“I have a sedentary job” - this is exactly the excuse of 30% of people suffering from excess weight. However, this is only a reason, and every person can lose weight, even if he spends 8 hours a day at the computer in the office or at home. These 10 ways will help you get rid of excess weight even for those who have a sedentary job.

Drink more water

It's very easy to do. All you have to do is put a glass of water on the table in front of you and drink constantly. A person needs to drink at least two liters of water per day. This is very important for the quality of the body, skin, hair, nails. Moreover, the more a person drinks, the less he eats.

Count your calories

To lose weight, you need to know how many calories a person spends per day. Using various formulas, you can find out what caloric content a person should have in their diet to maintain weight. If you subtract 15-20%, you get the calorie content that is needed for weight loss. Only in this way can you understand how much a person should eat per day.

Eat 4-5 times a day

Fractional meals are the best option for losing weight. Frequent meals speed up metabolism, which allows you to lose weight regardless of a person's activity level. It is important to find time in your work schedule for these meals so as not to overeat after work at night.

Clean eating

In addition to the frequency of meals, what exactly a person eats is equally important. To lose weight while working in an office job, clean eating is extremely important. Nutritionists strongly advise giving up sugar, fatty, fried foods, and preference should be given to stewed, baked, and boiled foods.


For a person with a sedentary lifestyle, any physical activity is extremely important. Of course, you often don’t have the energy to go to the gym, but you can skip the elevator and don’t neglect household chores, which are also great for burning calories.

Refusing lunch with colleagues

Lunch with colleagues almost always means going to a cafe, where all the dishes bear little resemblance to dietary ones. That is why it is best to refuse to share lunches, and it is most convenient to eat homemade food from containers, where a person knows exactly the calorie content of the finished dish. By the way, you can also save money this way, because after losing weight you will need to update your wardrobe.

Exercise during lunch break

You can also do a short 15-minute exercise during your lunch break. This seems to be ineffective. In 15 minutes you can burn up to 200 calories, and in the fight against excess weight this is not so little.

Breathing exercises

If you master breathing exercises, you can work and lose weight at the same time. For example, the “vacuum” exercise can be done while sitting, it will not be noticeable to a stranger, but such a sport perfectly strengthens the muscles of the back and abdomen.

Walk to work

Walking is a great activity option for weight loss, so it's best to walk to and from work. You can also use a bicycle, which can save a person from 120-150 calories in 15 minutes.

Skip tea with colleagues

Tea with colleagues almost always means cookies, cakes and sweets - everything that a person who is losing weight should not eat. Don't want to break away from the team? Bring a smoothie to work - an excellent fruit replacement for tea and coffee!

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to decreased activity and weight gain. How to lose weight and stay fit if your job is sedentary? This is quite possible if you follow a few simple rules.

A sedentary lifestyle: what are its risks?

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are serious and, above all, extend to health. Due to decreased activity and prolonged sitting, digestive processes are disrupted, which often leads to chronic constipation. Venous insufficiency can also develop, and it can provoke varicose veins. Another threat is blood stagnation in the pelvic organs, which can lead to disruptions in the reproductive system. In addition, people who work in an office may have a weakened immune system, which can lead to frequent colds.

Another problem, especially relevant for the fair sex, is excess weight, which is also associated with a sedentary lifestyle. If you do not move, then the calories and fats you receive from food do not have time to be burned and go “in reserve”, being deposited in problem areas in the form of extra centimeters and kilograms. Also, with a sedentary lifestyle, metabolism slows down, which makes energy expenditure even slower and contributes to weight gain.

The right diet

Proper nutrition is not only a guarantee of health, but also a guarantee of a slim figure, so you should start with developing a suitable diet, which largely depends on your lifestyle and activity level.

When creating a menu, adhere to several basic principles:

  1. As a rule, people whose professions involve mental work lead a sedentary lifestyle. And for the smooth functioning of the brain, glucose is required, which allows you to support all mental processes and is used as the main source of energy. And therefore, the menu must include carbohydrate foods, and in sufficient quantities.
  2. Only the “right” carbohydrates! And these are the so-called slow ones, which are not absorbed immediately, but gradually, due to which they help produce energy and do not go “in reserve.” First of all, such carbohydrates are found in cereals, so feel free to eat muesli, cereal porridge, and whole grain rye bread. In addition, you can allow yourself nuts, which also provide energy and, if consumed in moderation, will not be stored as extra pounds.
  3. Less fat. Their consumption should be reduced to a minimum, so avoid fatty meats, lard, bacon, and high-fat dairy products. And yet, it is absolutely impossible to exclude these food components, since they take part in the synthesis of certain hormones.
  4. We count calories. To start losing weight, the body must burn more calories than it comes from food. Therefore, it is worth reducing the daily intake to approximately 1200-1500 kcal.
  5. Follow your diet. Don't skip meals, it's bad for your digestion and health. It is best to stick to fractional meals: eat more often (at least four to five times a day), but in small portions. Breakfast should be nutritious, but for dinner it is best to eat protein foods with vegetables. An excellent second breakfast or afternoon snack would be fruit or yogurt. The last meal should be taken no later than 6-7 pm or at least four hours before bedtime.
  6. Proper preparation. It is best to choose boiling, steaming, baking or stewing as methods of heat treatment of foods.

Physical activity

How to lose weight if sedentary work makes it difficult to maintain normal weight? Even if you reduce your daily calorie intake as much as possible and eat right, your body weight will still not decrease significantly, since physical activity is required to expend energy and maintain metabolism. But what to do if your profession forces you to constantly sit and be in one position? You will have to change your life, but only for the better!

To maintain and increase physical activity, follow these simple tips:

  • Join a gym. Even busy people will probably find time to exercise at least twice a week. If this is problematic for you, then choose a sports club that is open late and located near your home or office.
  • If possible, avoid personal transport. Even after reaching the stop, you will take a short walk and burn about 100 calories. And if you get off the bus at a stop earlier, the consumption will be even more noticeable.
  • Don't use elevators. Climbing stairs is a great dynamic exercise that works multiple muscle groups. And you can even do it in the office.
  • Make good use of your breaks. During lunch or other free moments, do not sit on a chair, but get up and walk, at least around the office or even in the office. In addition, you can perform simple movements: your colleagues will approve of this and will probably support you.
  • Learn exercises that you can do while sitting. So, you can raise and lower your legs, strain your buttocks or abdominal muscles.

It is possible to lose weight even with a sedentary lifestyle. But for this you need to eat right and move more.

For those who don't move much but want to be in great shape.

#1 . Don't eat while sitting at the monitor. It seems trivial, but this rule really gives results. While working, you have no control over the amount of food you eat because your brain is busy solving work problems. In 80% of cases, it is this reason that leads to weight gain at work.

#2 . Hide all the sweets you have lying around at work in opaque boxes. It is very difficult to give up sweets completely. But you can reduce its consumption - if cookies or marshmallows are not constantly looming before your eyes, the number of calories per day will significantly decrease.

#3. Try to make more movements - park as far as possible from work, walk at lunch, get off at the stop before the office; Make it a habit to take the stairs instead of the elevator - this way your muscles will remain toned and your metabolism will not “fall asleep.” Think of movement not as a load, but as an opportunity to relax and “stretch” after sitting in a chair for a long time.

#4. Start a new habit - drinking water. Place the bottle on your desk so that it is always in front of your eyes, so you can easily drink the required 2 liters - your metabolism will go much faster and you will want to eat less than when you almost never drink water.

#5. Don't overload yourself with coffee. In fact, it invigorates and stimulates metabolism only if you drink it once a day - in the morning. In general, coffee is a drink that retains fluid in the body, causing metabolism to slow down, swelling to appear, and weight to increase.

#6. During the day, instead of coffee, drink black tea - it invigorates better than coffee due to the fact that it increases blood pressure. And if coffee provokes an increase in heart rate, then tea does not do the same.

#7. Keep a small mirror at work - take it out and look at yourself every time you want to eat food that can harm your body: lead to skin problems or excess weight.

#8. Add a spoonful of fiber to your yogurt. According to statistics, most women who work in offices snack on yoghurt. Adding fiber will make it more healthy - so you will quickly lose weight, and also get rid of toxins.

#9. Stress causes an increase in cortisol, a hormone that is released in the body when we are nervous. Among the many side effects it has is weight gain. In such situations, breathe deeply - this way the heartbeat will return to normal and the body will “calm down”. Scientists also believe that stress is relieved by... chewing gum (!), since the chewing process “calms” the brain.

#10. Don't skip breakfast and lunch. Our body has a self-preservation system. In the absence of food, it begins to store fat and slows down its metabolism, in case food never arrives.

#11. The aroma of orange essential oil reduces appetite and improves mood. Keep it in your desk.

#12. A snack is a snack, not a full meal. And its calorie content should be less than that of the “main food” - no more than 200 kcal.

#13. Avoid snacks (chocolate bars, crackers) - they seem harmless, but very quickly lead to weight gain due to the fact that they contain an prohibitive amount of fat.

#14. Keep healthy snacks in your desk in case you want to eat: a bag of nuts (but don’t get carried away with them, although they are healthy, they are very high in calories), dried apricots, figs, low-fat yogurt, slices of fruit, etc.

#15. Bring a ready-made lunch from home. This has many advantages: you create your own diet and are confident in the quality of the ingredients, you avoid questionable dishes in cafes and fast food snacks. On top of everything else, you also save money.

#16. Keep your sportswear in the bottom drawer so you can go to work out - this way you will burn calories more often than when you need to specially get ready and mentally tune in to go to the fitness club.

#17. There is a secret to keeping your gluteal muscles toned besides the stairs, this is a basic exercise that can be done without getting up from your chair. Squeeze your muscles forcefully and hold for 10 seconds. Then relax for 5 seconds. You need to do this 4 times.

#18. Find colleagues in the office who are also determined to get in shape and lose weight together - competition for the best shape will motivate you.