
“350 recipes for the Dukan diet” - Pierre Dukan. “I don’t know how to lose weight” Pierre Ducane During this phase you also can’t eat


In 2016, it was included in the list of “Best Diets for Healthy Eating.” According to only official statistics, out of all those losing weight, every third person has tried it. Despite the barrage of criticism, the number of those who have been able to lose weight is growing. It was developed more than 30 years ago, but only in the last 5 years has it become so popular.


The technique was developed by a famous French nutritionist. He himself called it: “Eat and lose weight,” and these words contain the whole essence of the Dukan diet, since it involves eating nourishing, but low-calorie foods. A large selection of fish, meat, and dairy dishes prevents you from exhausting your body physically and you mentally. Despite the duration of the “hunger strike,” it is quite easily tolerated and makes you feel great.

The main principle of the diet is to eat predominantly protein foods while completely abstaining from carbohydrates.

Some statistics. The diet was developed by the French doctor Pierre Dukan. She gained fame after the publication of his book “I Can’t Lose Weight” in 2000, which sold more than 10 million copies, published in 32 countries, and translated into 14 languages.

Description of stages

The path to losing weight is divided into stages (phases), each of which is responsible for certain processes occurring in the body, and involves a specific set of permitted and prohibited products.

Stage 1. Attack

The most difficult and at the same time effective of all is the “Attack” phase, when a complete replacement of carbohydrate foods with protein occurs. It starts the process of burning fat deposits. Here, weight loss ranges from 4-7 kg.

To determine the duration of the stage, you need to decide how many extra pounds you want to get rid of eventually. The higher the number, the longer the phase will be. If it is 15-20 kg, it will take 5 days, if 30 kg - all 10, but this is the maximum allowable period of the diet

The attack allows the use of 72. Dishes can be boiled, stewed, steamed, baked, grilled - even fried, but without oil. Portion sizes are also not limited, i.e. you can eat as much as you want.

The principle of operation is the launch of metabolic processes at high speed: carbohydrates do not enter the body, and it has to replenish energy reserves from fat.

Stage 2. Cruise / Alternate

A very long phase, which many do not survive precisely because of the deadline. Here Dukan suggests alternating exclusively protein days with protein-vegetable days. You will have to continue until you see the desired number on the scales. Usually the second stage lasts 2-6 months.

The doctor himself recommends a classic alternation scheme: a day - eating protein foods, a day - protein and vegetables. Although you can choose another option - more convenient for you and suitable for your body: 2/2, 3/3 and even 5/5.

From the point of view of the processes launched in the body, the second phase prevents the depletion and atrophy of organs due to a lack of vitamins and an excess of protein.

Stage 3. Consolidation / Consolidation

The third phase allows you to gradually return to your usual diet. The goal is to maintain the weight loss results achieved in previous phases and not to regain lost weight.

Here it is very important to correctly calculate the duration of the stage: for each kilogram lost, 10 days of consolidation are awarded. For example: you lost 10 kg - stay in this phase for 100 days. Don’t be afraid of such large numbers, because not only carbohydrates are allowed here, but also such amenities as sweet desserts in the form of cake and pastries.

Stage 4. Stabilization

The fourth phase returns to the usual diet, but subject to a number of rules:

  • drink up to 2 liters of water per day;
  • walk a lot in the fresh air;
  • climb the steps of every staircase that you encounter on the way - exclude elevators and escalators;
  • exercise or at least do exercises in the morning;
  • regularly arrange fasting days;
  • consume 3 tbsp daily. l. oat bran.

According to Dr. Dukan, kilograms after his diet return only to lazy people who lead a passive lifestyle. He suggests taking up an active hobby in order to forget about excess weight forever. If you consolidate the results with physical activity, the body will acquire the desired slimness.

From the biography. The French Council of Physicians ruled that by practicing medicine for business purposes, Dukan was violating the professional code. In 2012, he was expelled from this Council at his own request. In 2014, the nutritionist was struck off the medical register for commercially promoting his diet.

Product Lists

When deciding on the Dukan diet, you need to know exactly what you can eat and what you cannot. Moreover, for each stage of weight loss there is its own table of allowed products, which you need to constantly look at.

Attack Phase

Phase Alternation/Cruise

Phase Consolidation / Consolidation

Phase Stabilization

If you need a more expanded list of permitted foods for each stage, you can find them in Dr. Dukan’s book “I Can’t Lose Weight.”

Reference Information. In the last phases of the Dukan diet, you can eat Shirataki - long white noodles made from glucomannan. It is considered a unique low-calorie product that perfectly fills you up and at the same time helps you lose weight.

Contraindications and harm

Since the diet has received an avalanche of criticism from doctors, you need to understand that protein weight loss cannot pass without leaving a trace on the body. A long-term lack of carbohydrates in the diet can result in serious health problems. Therefore, you need to initially imagine what the harm of such a weight loss system is.

Firstly, it has contraindications, failure to comply with which will lead to disruption of the functioning of many body systems:

  • the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system and predisposition to them;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • liver pathologies;
  • hypertension;
  • problems in the reproductive system;
  • diseases of bones, joints and spine;
  • diabetes;
  • adolescence and old age;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

Such a diet should be treated with caution by people who engage in mental work, whose work requires increased concentration (drivers, doctors, etc.), as well as those suffering from metabolic disorders and prone to depression.

Since the diet involves losing weight over a long period of time (sometimes up to six months or more), before starting it, you must undergo an examination and obtain a doctor’s permission.

It’s worth immediately making a reservation about what you may encounter in the hospital by asking the doctor’s opinion about this nutrition system. Pierre Dukan is not favored in his former professional environment, since he turned the ideas of medicine into a business and earned a considerable fortune from them. So don’t be surprised by the negativity towards him.

Secondly, the obvious disadvantages of the Dukan diet can manifest themselves in the following side effects:

  • in the absence of carbohydrates in the diet, the body begins to actively break down not only fats, but also muscles (keep in mind that the heart is also a muscular organ);
  • without carbohydrates, ketone bodies accumulate in the blood, which can provoke metabolic acidosis and lead to acetone poisoning;
  • even 2 liters per day does not guarantee normal functioning of the kidneys - therefore, many people who are losing weight complain of pain in this area and an acetone odor from the mouth;
  • carbohydrates regulate the functioning of nervous tissues - no other substances will take on this function, which means that breakdowns and depression will be constant companions of losing weight using such a system;
  • carbohydrates are the only source of energy for the brain, which requires about 100 grams of pure glucose daily, but where will it get it from on a protein diet;
  • lack of fat increases the risk of neurodegenerative diseases (for example, Alzheimer's disease) several times;
  • Lack of dietary fiber leads to chronic constipation, bad breath, and deterioration of skin conditions.

Yes, the Dukan diet gives excellent results already at the first stage of weight loss. But at the same time, it is very important to correctly calculate your own strength and be sure that the body will not fail after experiencing such severe stress.

Criticism. Dr. Louris Aronije spoke out strongly against the Dukan diet. He believes that an abundance of protein over a long period of time is too serious a blow to the kidneys.

Pierre Dukan

The Pierre Dukan diet is a whole system of weight loss and protein nutrition, which you need to get used to in order to comprehend all its wisdom. If you don’t have time to read his books, follow the recommendations that will help you correctly formulate your menu and lose extra pounds, surviving the test to the end.


It's tempting to eat ham and beef as part of this diet. However, do not forget that these products increase blood cholesterol levels and slow down metabolic processes. And permitted crab sticks are completely harmful.

So advice number 1: do not be deceived by these goodies and limit your diet to healthy protein, the sources of which are chicken fillet, turkey, rabbit, quail eggs, fish, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir.

Drinking regime

You need to drink plenty of fluids to avoid kidney problems. To digest just 1 gram of protein, you need 42 ml of water. According to Dukan, in the first three stages of the diet, 1.5 liters per day will be enough, but in the stabilizing phase it is recommended to increase this amount to 2 liters.

Physical exercise

To properly follow the diet, it is necessary to provide the body with moderate but mandatory physical activity, which the doctor also describes in phases:

  • Phase I - daily 20-minute walk + sports;
  • Phase II - daily 30-minute walk + sports;
  • Phase III - daily 25-minute walk + sports;
  • Phase IV - daily 20-minute walk + sports.


What should you do if you have a breakdown, you allowed yourself too much and ate forbidden foods without bringing the diet to its logical conclusion? Dukan suggests not to despair in this case and to adhere to the following tactics:

  • make the next 2 days exclusively protein;
  • if the breakdown occurred in the “Attack” phase, it must be extended for 2 days;
  • increase daily water consumption to 2 liters;
  • sleep more than usual;
  • daily walks should be at least an hour in the next 3-4 days;
  • limit salt intake.


Great importance is given to bran. First, they need to be consumed daily. Secondly, strictly in the indicated dosages:

  • attack: 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • alternation: 2 tbsp. l.;
  • fastening: 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • stabilization: 3 tbsp. l.

Weight calculation

To determine the duration of each stage, you need to calculate the weight, how many kg you would like to lose weight in the end, and draw conclusions in accordance with the following table:

If you think that the diet is very easy, since it involves a wide selection of protein products, you are mistaken. In fact, it is very difficult to sustain such a long marathon without carbohydrates.

On a note. Peru Dukan owns 4 more books: “60 days with Dr. Dukan”, “350 recipes for the Dukan diet”, “Recipes for a slow cooker for the Dukan diet”, “Desserts of the Dukan diet”.


In the first days of losing weight, it can be very difficult to create a menu. It seems that there are a lot of products, but how to combine them into one dish and form a low-calorie diet for 1 day, and even more so for 1 week, is not always clear. For this purpose, there are sample menus for each phase, on the basis of which you can create your own, taking into account individual preferences.

Detailed menu for each day of the “Attack” phase for a week



Express diet for a week

Recently, Dukan developed a new program for losing weight according to his system - an express diet for 7 days (other names - “Dukan diet light”, “Nutrition Ladder”). This is a lightweight version of the main technique.

Analogues. The Atkins and Kremlin diets are similar to the Dukan diet.


It is very important to choose the right recipes for the Dukan diet so that they meet its basic principles and do not violate the overall weight loss system.

Seafood salad

Suitable for any phase of the diet.


  • 4 things. squid;
  • 2 eggs;
  • pack of crab sticks of 8 pcs.;
  • 100 grams of peeled shrimp;
  • 20 grams of red caviar;
  • 120 g low-fat yogurt;
  • 2 tsp. mustard.


  1. Boil and cool the eggs and squid.
  2. Make a dressing from yogurt and mustard.
  3. Grind all ingredients into strips.
  4. Mix and season with prepared sauce.
  5. To stir thoroughly.


  • 3 liters low fat;
  • 200 g boiled chicken breast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • greenery;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Finely chop the breast.
  2. Grind the egg.
  3. Chop the greens.
  4. Salt and pepper.
  5. Pour in kefir.

Shirataki with chicken hearts


  • 125 g shirataki;
  • 250 g chicken hearts;
  • 100 grams of bell pepper;
  • 100 grams of onions;
  • 100 grams of leek;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • greens, black and red pepper, paprika, Italian herbs.


  1. Boil the hearts. Cool and peel.
  2. Cut the peppers and onions (both varieties) into strips.
  3. Fry the peppers and onions in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  4. Add hearts to them.
  5. Transfer to a cauldron.
  6. Dilute tomato paste with water 1:1.
  7. Add diluted tomato paste and spices to the cauldron.
  8. Simmer covered over low heat for half an hour.
  9. Chop the tomato and herbs, add them 5 minutes before the end of stewing.
  10. Boil Shirataki noodles (3 minutes).
  11. Mix it with vegetable stew and hearts.

Curd casserole (dessert)

Suitable for any phase of the diet except Attack.


  • 300 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 grams of bifidokefir 1%;
  • 3 tbsp. l. oat bran;
  • 3 pcs. sweetener;
  • vanilla.


  1. In 1 tsp. Dilute sweetener tablets with water.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and mix with a mixer.
  3. Place on parchment paper in the pan.
  4. Bake at 180°C for 1 hour.

Despite the ambiguity of this weight loss system, Dr. Dukan diet- one of the few that gives good results. The only question is how to withstand its strict canons for such a long time and remain healthy. According to doctors, it negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys. Still, it's worth a try.

Another diet from the TOP of the best systems for weight loss, in our article: “”.

The Dukan Diet is the No. 1 diet in the world! And Dr. Pierre Dukan is the most popular French nutritionist!
The following people lost weight using this method: Karl Lagerfeld, Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz and Gisele Bundchen.

There is no bad food. There are dishes that are cooked incorrectly! Believe me, even lettuce and celery can bring maximum pleasure if they are seasoned with a delicious low-calorie sauce. Why starve yourself with diets if you can develop the habit of eating right, while giving up only a minimum set of unhealthy foods? Naturally, mayonnaise and soda will be banned, but no one has canceled meat, fish and chocolate. Don't believe me? Pierre Dukan, the author of the most famous diet all over the world, in the book “350 Recipes of the Dukan Diet” offers the reader the most “delicious” and healthy recipes that will prove that a diet menu can bring gastronomic pleasure.

On KnigoPoisk you can download “350 recipes for the Dukan diet” in fb2, epub, pdf, txt, doc and rtf – by Pierre Dukan.

What is this book about?

There is a stereotype that the diet menu is tasteless. Fried and salty foods are not allowed. Gastronomic repressions concern spicy and peppery, strong tea and coffee. Most people who decide to go on a diet have to radically change their eating habits, introducing healthy foods and properly prepared foods into their diet (boiled and baked dishes, raw food diet). Not every person in pursuit of a toned figure is ready to endure such torment. And so the dream remains a dream, and the same harmful products appear in the refrigerator.

Pierre Dukan in his book “350 Recipes for the Dukan Diet” breaks age-old stereotypes and proves that while on a diet you can eat even more varied and tastier than before. The author of a collection of healthy recipes is convinced that food should bring joy and not disgust. Therefore, he developed more than 300 healthy and “tasty” recipes. They will easily help a person get rid of excess weight and instill the habit of eating right.

What does this book teach?

In the book “350 Recipes for the Dukan Diet,” Pierre Dukan teaches how to eat properly while on a diet, instilling the habit of eating only healthy and wholesome foods throughout your life.

Under the cover of this collection of recipes you will find not only instructions for preparing dishes. The manual contains useful recommendations from the author of one of the most popular systems in the world for losing excess weight.

Mr. Dukan knows how to motivate and direct to achieve results. His recipes are not complicated. Products for their preparation can be bought at any supermarket. Stop living at the mercy of fatty and fried foods, making excuses that other food is tasteless!

Who is this book for?

This book will change your understanding of low-calorie nutrition. It will find application in every home. People on a diet will especially appreciate the usefulness and practicality of the guide.

You can buy the book “350 Dukan Diet Recipes” or download it to your ipad, iphone, android and kindle on the website without registration. You will also find reviews and reviews of the book.

DOWNLOAD THE BOOK “350 Dukan Diet Recipes” for FREE

Searching for a diet in many cases leads the user to Pierre Dukan, a well-known former nutritionist who has been promoting his protein diet to the masses for about 30 years, but quite recently an Android application appeared on Google Play, in which the developers tried to do everything to give a beginner all the necessary tools to comfortably complete the prescribed diet.

After starting the free application, a special test opens, in which you need to indicate your current height and weight, as well as your desired indicators.

Upon completion of the test, an approximate weight loss course is given, indicating all 4 stages, and advice is given on a more correct weight, according to your age and height. Then a huge section “About diet” opens, in which you will have to spend at least 5 minutes, if not more, to understand all the terms and rules. Then you can open the sidebar and check out the remaining 3 sections:
1. Diary - this is where you will have to look every day to enter data into the database. The program automatically provides recommendations for today. When adding an entry to the database, you must fill in the following fields: date, current weight, diet, physical activity, mood, girth (chest, waist and hip data), as well as personal notes and a photo (optional).

Over time, when there are at least 5-10 entries, a graph will begin to build that will clearly show your results.
2. Recipes - about 500 entries in various categories, all of which are allowed for use in the diet.
3. Products - the most useful list in the program, because... Many products indicate at what stage they can be eaten.
You can use the program for no more than 7 days, because... This ends the free mode of use and if you want to use it further, you must purchase the full version.

In the settings, you can change the interface language, start over or continue a previously started diet, as well as adjust the rhythm of alternation, change the correct weight and restore the purchase of the premium version if you purchased it previously.

Pierre Dukan

350 Dukan diet recipes

LES RECETTES DUKAN Mon régime en 350 recettes

The editors thank Elena Alexandrova and her daughter Olga for their active participation in the creation of the book

© Editions Flammarion, 2007

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

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* * *


I would like to thank Roland Chautard, one of the best chefs in Paris. In exchange for 30 lost kilograms after independently reading the book “I Can’t Lose Weight,” he offered his professional interpretation of my recipes, which he endowed with grace and ingenuity, and gave followers of the diet the opportunity to lose weight surrounded by exquisite French gastronomy.

Special thanks to Gael Boulet, a chef-in-training with Alain Ducasse, for his valuable advice on the art of creating flavor music with simple arrangements, replacing the taste of fatty foods with the wonderful aromas of healthy dishes.

From the publisher

Dear readers!

Each of us on the long path to slimness faces all sorts of difficulties and dangers, especially in moments when we feel tired from the monotony of our diet and our weight remains at the same level. It is no secret that the ability to vary taste sensations and dishes plays a significant role in the effectiveness of the diet and the prevention of breakdowns. But not every diet can boast an abundance of flavors.


Dr. Dukan's new book will help you follow a diet with ease: you will be able to prepare simple and varied dishes and you will not even have time to think that you are already tired of something. Every day you will enjoy your meals and at the same time lose unnecessary pounds.

This edition contains not only recipes suitable for each stage of the Dukan Diet, but also additional information not included in the first book. For example, here you will find list of acceptable products, which allow you to further diversify your diet menu. With these extra ingredients you can even make desserts, starting with the Alternate step. Recipes containing such products are accompanied by the phrase .


Each recipe contains the following information: preparation and cooking time, cooling time (if required, indicated by a snowflake), ingredients and a description of the cooking process.

Additionally, we have clarified which stage this recipe is suitable for, this is marked with circles with the stage number:

1 – stage “Attack”;

2 – stage “Alternation”;

3 – stage “Fixation”;

4 – stage “Stabilization”.

In addition, here you will find information about whether this dish is allowed to be consumed in the third and fourth stages on Protein Thursday. Next to the recipe there are plates with numbers showing the number of servings received.


Some of the recipes provided were provided by our Russian readers who have already lost weight on the Dukan diet and were happy to help everyone who is just at the beginning of their journey. We thank them for providing the recipes and photographs and admire their ability to turn routine dishes into culinary masterpieces. Indeed, among the dishes they provided were not just stewed meat with vegetables, but even Russian dumplings! Thanks to such active readers, we finally believed that the Dukan method is not just a diet, but a complete nutrition system that allows you to lose weight and stay healthy, enjoying every meal.

Our heartfelt wish is for you to reach your healthy weight, and we sincerely hope that the recipes in this book will help you achieve this. Believe in yourself, cook and be good!

Sincerely, the team of the publishing house "Eksmo"


Let my diet be yours

As I submitted the manuscript for I Can't Lose Weight to the publisher, I was well aware that I had just completed my life's work. I knew that I was presenting to my patients and future readers a new method of combating excess weight, created by me as a result of thirty years of daily medical practice.

My entry into dietetics drew the ire of my colleagues—ardent advocates and promoters of low-calorie diets, Lilliputian portions, and calorie counting. I suggested a diet based on proteins and allowing eat as much as you want, without the burdensome weighing of portions and calculating their calorie content. At that time I was very young, susceptible to criticism and could easily lose heart at the slightest failure. However, the effectiveness and simplicity of my method, its full compliance with the psychology of people suffering from excess weight, instilled confidence that I was on the right path and added strength to me for further work.

Being a naturally curious, inventive and creative person, I used these qualities to conduct research into the area I was very familiar with: people's attitudes towards their own weight. I spent years developing the concept of my diet and it was only through daily contact with patients and a tireless search for new ingredients that I was able to improve it.


Thus, a nutritional method arose, which today I can with full conviction call my own development.

The response this diet received, its spread and popularity, the numerous expressions of sympathy and constant support from readers - all this filled my life with meaning. Whatever my ambitions and hopes while writing the book “I Can’t Lose Weight,” I could not even imagine that it would be read by such a huge number of readers, it would be translated into many languages ​​and published even in such distant and exotic countries as Korea, Thailand and Bulgaria.

My method does not owe its popularity to the media: almost no one advertised the book. It was sold only because thinner readers and participants in online forums recommended it to each other. Recently, it has even been recommended by my fellow doctors. I began to accept that there was something in it that was beyond my understanding, some happy link that allowed the reader to receive the same compassion, energy and understanding that they feel in personal contact with a nutritionist. Since the book “I Can’t Lose Weight” fell into the hands of readers, I have received a huge number of letters of gratitude and evidence of the effectiveness of the diet. Among them were critical comments and advice on improving the methodology. In these letters, I am first of all advised to enrich the methodology with a set of physical exercises and new recipes for dishes. I wrote this book to satisfy the second wish. But don’t worry, I will also respond immediately to your first request!

For this publication, which contains recipes for dishes compatible with the method I developed, I took advantage of the unusual ingenuity of my patients. I cannot mention here everyone who has contributed to the refinement and additions to the recipes, but I always try to preserve the name of the recipe given by its creator.


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Description of the book

The Dukan Diet is the No. 1 diet in the world! And Dr. Pierre Dukan is the most popular French nutritionist who has developed a unique program for losing weight and stabilizing lost weight in 4 stages. Using his method, Karl Lagerfeld, Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz and Gisele Bundchen lost weight.

Dr. Dukan is confident that all people need pleasure from food and the diet should satisfy this need, while ensuring sustainable results. In the new book of the famous nutritionist you will find 350 delicious recipes that will give you pleasure and significantly increase your motivation, allowing you to enjoy your favorite dishes without restrictions: Russian dumplings, pizza, sandwiches, nuggets, all kinds of salads, soups and stews, the most delicate desserts and savory sauces - All this is available to you with the Dukan Diet. All products used in the recipes can be found on the Russian market. The 350 recipes in this book provide a varied menu that will provide an easy and delicious path to your ideal figure.

Last impression of the book