
What does it mean to live someone else's century. Eyelid injuries: why they occur, how and what they treat. Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral drugs


Heal someone else's eyelid LIVE IN ANOTHER'S AGE. TO LIVE ANOTHER CENTURY. Razg. Disapproved To live a very long time, to a ripe old age, outliving others. [ Dunyasha:] Well, you've lived in this world! [Petrovna:] I’ve been living for a long time, I’m living someone else’s century,(L. May. The Tsar's Bride). It seems that you will never die in this healing air full of bliss, in a warm atmosphere, that is, you will not die from illness, but perhaps from old age, and then when you have healed someone else’s age(Goncharov. Frigate “Pallada”). - You are healing someone else’s age... In the next world they have been looking for you for a long time with a lantern(Mamin-Sibiryak. Sisters).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Heal someone else’s age” is in other dictionaries:

    Live (live out, heal) someone else's century- People's 1. Live for a very long time, too long. DP, 355; AOC 3, 82; BalSok, 57; F 1, 52; Glukhov 1988, 44; Podyukov 1989, 76; POS 3, 65. 2. Being close to death. DP, 289...

    LIVE IN ANOTHER'S AGE. TO LIVE ANOTHER CENTURY. Razg. Disapproved To live a very long time, to a ripe old age, outliving others. [Dunyasha:] Well, you've lived in this world! [Petrovna:] I’ve been living for a long time, I’m healing someone else’s age, it’s time for the bones to rest (L. May. The Tsar’s Bride).... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    VEC- Atomic Age. Publ. The modern era, the time of scientific and technological revolution. Mokienko 2003, 13. Great Century. Sib. A very long time. FSS, 23. For ever and ever (with negation). Sib. Never. FSS, 23. Century of Astraea. Book Outdated 1. About a happy, joyful time. 2... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

Wounds to the eyelids occur both in wartime and peacetime and are accompanied by noticeable cosmetic defects; it can be very dangerous for the vision and even the life of the patient.

Isolated eyelid injuries, without damage to the structures of the eye and skull, are characteristic of peacetime. During combat, combined (penetrating) injuries occur more often, affecting the eye and other adjacent organs.

Eyelid trauma is always a negative external impact on the eye. The eyelid is designed to protect the eye from damage, and if there is a threat to the eyeball itself: a chip, a cut, a blow, etc., it is the eyelid that suffers first.

Depending on the nature of the impact on the eyelid, the injuries will vary:

  • Bruises occur when the eye is hit with blunt objects. In this case, the injuries treated will depend on the severity of the bruise. With a weak injury, a bruise will occur; with a strong injury, crushing or rupture of tissues and bone fractures are possible.
  • Erosion is caused by small cuts or scratches, which provoke skin tearing and the appearance of open wounds.
  • Wounds can be puncture, laceration or cut wounds and are the most difficult type of wound. They are very often combined with damage to the sclera, orbit and internal structures of the eye, as well as the skull, nose and brain.
  • Tears occur as a result of various types of impact, but always lead to a violation of the integrity of the eyelid; more often, an abscess of the internal part (from the side of the nose) occurs. Trauma to the upper eyelid can cause tearing of the levator muscle (the muscle that controls eyelid movement). The palpebral fissure is deformed.

During examination, it is always established whether the damage is penetrating (passes through all layers of the eyelid, cartilage) or superficial, affecting only the top layer of skin and muscle layer.

In addition, usually the damage affects only the upper or only the lower eyelid, but there are cases when both are injured. Eyelid injuries can also be unilateral (on one eye) or bilateral, affecting both eyes. In this case, the hematoma (hemorrhage, bruise) affects both eyelids and spreads to the other eye.

If the wound is located horizontally to the edge of the eyelid, it will be less noticeable, its edges will not diverge; if the wound is located vertically, the edges will diverge and the wound “gapes.”

How can minor eyelid injuries be dangerous?

With minor erosions, bruises, and wounds, as a rule, damage occurs that does not affect other structures of the eye or parts of the face (superficial). They are quite painful and create significant discomfort, as a cosmetic defect occurs: swelling, redness, lacrimation. After 4–24 hours, a hematoma will form at the site of the blow or bruise, which will change color as it resolves: from purple and blue-black to pale green. It will take up to two weeks for the cosmetic defect to completely disappear.

In addition to these complications, such seemingly insignificant injuries as cuts and scratches can provoke more complex consequences:

  • Infection of other structures, which leads to purulent sinusitis, conjunctivitis; in the most severe cases, pus can enter the brain. This will require complex and lengthy treatment.
  • When muscle tissue is damaged, adhesions occur, which lead to incomplete closure of the eyelids (ptosis); only surgery can restore normal mobility.
  • If an infection gets into the wound, a scar may appear in its place, which will disrupt the correct position of the eyelid, and it will turn outward. Treatment will take up to 1 month, and this defect can only be completely eliminated through surgery.

First aid

Only a specialist can provide qualified assistance for eye injuries. However first aid can and should be provided immediately after an injury occurs. So, a number of actions should be taken:

If the eyelid is damaged, cold must be applied, but one should not forget about the rules of sanitation. The skin of the eyelids stretches well and this leads to faster formation of hematomas; cold will help stop the bleeding and thereby reduce the hematoma.

The injured eye should be covered with a sterile bandage and consulted with an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

If there is severe pain in the eye or headache, the victim is given painkillers and an ambulance is called.

If an eyelid injury is detected in a child, it must be shown to an ophthalmologist. Only he can competently conduct an examination and prescribe competent treatment.

Symptom of glasses

Sometimes blue-black circles appear on the eyelids and around the eyes, very reminiscent of glasses applied to the eyes (reminiscent of glasses). This manifestation occurs as a result of a fracture of the base of the skull or facial bones, approximately every fifth person with this diagnosis.

Most often, the “glasses symptom” appears immediately after injury, but it can also occur a day after the incident.

This pathology requires immediate treatment at the hospital.

Damage due to complex combined injuries

Complex injuries: penetrating wounds affecting the internal structures of the eye, brain, bone fractures must be treated under the supervision of a doctor and require immediate call for specialized help. Often, the ability of victims to see in the future, and sometimes even life itself, depends on the speed of assistance.

In case of injuries with a blunt object, fractures of the wall of the orbit (in the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses) are possible, and crepitus occurs (crunching when pressed as a result of air entering under the skin).

Deep penetrating wounds into the eyelid usually affect the sclera, and sometimes the eyeball, or orbit. Here the position of the eyeball is disrupted, the reaction and position of the pupil is reduced, and there is no sensitivity of the cornea or skin around the eye.

With deep wounds, the sensitivity of the eye and skin is impaired. When nerves and blood vessels are damaged, the pupil is dilated, it does not respond to light, and the eye is motionless. Brain disorders and the appearance of brain fluid in the wound are possible.

If a penetrating wound occurs in the upper eyelid, then there is a possibility of damage to the eye fossa and the bones of the skull.

Tears or tears of the eyelids disrupt the position of the palpebral fissure and lead to rupture of the lacrimal canal.

First aid

In case of complex eye injuries, it is very important to provide the victim with qualified assistance as quickly as possible, for which you should immediately call an ambulance.

To reduce the level of pain, apply cold without touching the affected area.

You cannot remove protruding objects or treat the wound site.

Features of treatment of eyelid damage

Even a minor scratch can cause a cosmetic defect, discomfort and complications. Therefore, it is necessary to treat all eyelid injuries, but treatment should be carried out only after consulting an ophthalmologist.

The injured eyelid must be examined by an ophthalmologist, which will allow timely detection of complex injuries to the components of the eye. In addition, trauma to the lower eyelid (less often the upper) provokes rupture of the lacrimal ducts, which is outwardly invisible, but will become a significant obstacle to recovery.

Bruises will require urgent application of cold in the first 24 hours, and treatment with heat the next day. Warm compresses and lotions promote blood flow and faster resorption of hematomas. Special ointments are also used to relieve swelling and blue discoloration.

If erosion occurs, surgical debridement of the affected area with the application of an antiseptic will be required, but such a procedure should be carried out by an ophthalmologist.

Treatment of erosions and wounds is always carried out taking into account possible cosmetic defects and expected dysfunction.

Cut and lacerated wounds will require more complex treatment: with horizontal and especially vertical wounds, sutures will be required.

Treatment of penetrating wounds will be even more difficult: it will require complex treatment of all affected structures.

Oral administration is always indicated: Ascorutin, Etamzilate, Calcium dobesilate.

In difficult cases, infusions of a 10% calcium chloride solution may also be prescribed.

Surgical treatment of eyelid injury

In addition to antiseptic wound treatment, suturing is required in some cases.

They are applied in several ways, which always depend on the degree of damage:

  • In case of a superficial rupture of the musculocutaneous plate, one layer of sutures is applied.
  • In case of a through rupture of the eyelid, a double row is required: on the conjunctival-cartilaginous and musculocutaneous plates separately.
  • When the eyelid is torn, a tightening suture is first made along the intermarginal space (to form a broken palpebral fissure), and then two layers of sutures are applied to the plates.

When diagnosing a wound of the eyelid, it is mandatory to carry out an anti-tetanus vaccination (anti-tetanus serum).

Treatment of tear ducts

Treatment of eyelid injury almost always requires restoration of the tear ducts. If measures are not taken to restore the patency of damaged lacrimal canaliculi, blockage may occur, which will lead to non-stop lacrimation and blockage of the damaged passages.

The result of unsuccessful treatment will be an even more complex surgical intervention to restore the passages.

In case of a penetrating injury to the eyelid or its tear, a diagnosis of the patency of the lacrimal canaliculi is always carried out, and in other cases this diagnosis is carried out as necessary.

When performing surgery, they first diagnose and suturing the lacrimal canaliculi (using a special probe and a very thin nylon thread), and only then begin suturing the eyelid.

Get treatment and be healthy!

I look at the dictionary more diligently every day.
Sparks of feeling flicker in its columns.
Art will more than once descend into the cellars of words,
Holding your secret lantern in your hand.

All words are stamped with events.
They were given to man for a reason.
I read: “Century. From century to century.
To live out the century. God did not give his son a century.

A century to eat, a century to heal is someone else's..."
The words sound reproach, anger, and conscience.
No, it’s not the dictionary that lies in front of me,
And an ancient scattered story.

The reader of the poem feels how the harmonious, light melody, established from the first lines and picked up in the finale, somehow settles and stops between the second and third quatrains: the words become heavier, swell from the bursting forces, so that you either want to drive them deeper into the basement of meaning , or, on the contrary, immediately release, release...

Our Russian language is uniquely rich in the permissibility of variations and variability of assumptions. This makes it difficult to study. Exceptions hang over the rules, tolerances stun and scare away: but the synthetic word series of declensions and conjugations awaken such a poetic fantasy that cannot be contained.

"A century to age... to seize... to heal..."

The Russian language is one of the richest in terms of the number of borrowings adopted over the centuries. Tatar sayings that entered Russian speech, and then Greek, German, French, English... Not to mention related Slavic ones, in the context of which the Russian language is most enriched, but for other connoisseurs it is loosened, or even “clogged” .

Is it good or bad?

I answer with purely Russian mystery: both good and bad. Depending on the situation.


Belarusians, for example, keep the old peasant speech in the shadow of their forests, and the Ukrainians of the steppe are ready to start a suicidal war for their language, just not to give up their native language to the Novorossiysk rubbish. They can be understood, but we also need to understand the fate of Russian speech, which embraced twelve tribes on the Eurasian plain. And if we want to preserve and increase our Russian history, then our language will be enriched with the sayings of all ethnic groups that are drawn into our common existence.

So you still need to get rich? Or get clogged?

And again I answer:


If the thousand-year-old speech structure begins to ossify within the walls of Academic dictionaries, the social lower classes will uncontrollably rush into the vastness of verbiage. Yes, the soul, blinkered by Soviet ideology, was saved by jargons - from professional to camp. But today, when the dictatorship has collapsed, decades of verbal promiscuity are calling for vocabulary rigidity. Not only is it impossible to understand speech consisting of “fennecs” and “jokes,” but wild possibilities have also opened up for foul language, which cannot be prohibited—bans will only make it more impudent—and impossible to tolerate.

Because such vile motives interfere with communication with swearers (to get into the spotlight at any cost!), from which you need to escape.


Maybe create special dictionaries of verbal evil spirits so that they gather there and dry out to zero? Should we protect common dictionaries? And if we’re going to put something like that into the academic dictionary, then we’re going to stop it three times?


There was already a case when the most beloved Russian obscenity was included in the Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language - it turned into a curiosity. And the glorious linguist Baudouin de Courtenay, whose French name surfaced in Poland, where the linguist was called Netsislav, was honored with this, but having moved to Russia, he became Ivan Alexandrovich.

What did Ivan Aleksandrovich want from the obscene outskirts of language, including it in the canon?

Here's what:

“If life is wild and ugly, the compiler or editor must come to terms with this sad fact and cannot limit himself to silence. What has been said applies to everything: obscenities, curses, abominations of common jargon. The lexicographer has no right to trim and castrate the “living language.” Once well-known words exist in the minds of the vast majority of the people and constantly pour out, the lexicographer is obliged to enter them into the dictionary, even if all the hypocrites and Tartuffes, who are usually great lovers of secret salacious things, rebelled against it and pretended to be indignant..."

On the other hand, how can a lexicographer resist such, for example, multicolor:

"Credit notes of different denominations have different names, given either by the consonance of a given word with the name itself, or by the color of one or another ticket. So, for example, a ruble ticket is called a canary or a canary, a three-ruble ticket is called a parrot, a five-ruble ticket is called a rooster, and a ten-ruble ticket is called crucian carp ( red bill), a thousand rubles - with a scythe or a leather jacket."

Canaries and parrots did not reach us. And what will remain for descendants from the current “cabbage” and other purse wrappers?

Only one word, I think, has a chance. By its melodious relish and provocative responsiveness:

And then we’ll see if Academic-level dictionaries can handle it. Time will tell.


Of course, I remember Pushkin - his frank confession about how, in search of foreign words, he looked into the Academic Dictionary. Despite the fact that from this dictionary of 1789 all foreign words “introduced unnecessarily” were excluded. What was the author of "Eugene Onegin" looking for? He wanted to find and establish his verbal coloring, which he called “solemn” in his drafts. As opposed to what? Vulgarity of the vernacular? The pout of arrogance?

I’ll answer the same way, in our own way:


And now let me remind you of Pushkin’s final text:

You can be a smart person
And think about the beauty of nails:
Why argue fruitlessly with the century?
The custom is despot between people.
Second Chadayev, my Evgeniy,
Fearing jealous judgments,
There was a pedant in his clothes
And what we called dandy.
He's at least three o'clock
He spent in front of the mirrors
And he came out of the restroom
Like windy Venus,
When, wearing a man's outfit,
The goddess goes to a masquerade.

Whose side is the poet on? On Onegin's side? Yes, that's enough! This womanizer in his elaborate attire resembles a comically disguised goddess and can only cause laughter. Pushkin surrounds his hero with cheerful irony, the verse calmly walks between sharp edges, and this elusive charm of liberty is the poetic equivalent of Russian reality, brilliantly captured by Pushkin for all times.

But certainly not the realities of the Academic Dictionary.

In the last taste of the toilet
Taking your curious glance,
I could before the learned light
Here to describe his outfit;
Of course it would be brave
Describe my business:
But "knickers, tailcoat, vest"
All these words are not in Russian:
And I see, I apologize to you,
Well, my poor syllable is already
I could have been much less colorful
Foreign words
Even though I looked in the old days
In Academic Dictionary.

“Pants, tailcoat, vest” have long since taken root in Russian dictionaries and wardrobes, and it’s good that Monsieur Baudouin didn’t think of looking for something foreign in them, and Pushkin laughs with us, looking into the Academic Dictionary and knowing that There hasn’t been anything “like that” there for a long time.

What is there in our rapidly changing speech? She decides for herself. After all, it was said ten lines above:

Why argue fruitlessly with the century?

So today, like Alexander Sergeevich once, we are guessing: what will our age want, what will it decide?

And the century fluctuates.

Sergei Ozhegov was nicknamed Bogorodny

Ozhegov's Dictionary - strictly bibliographically, "Dictionary of the Russian Language" (from 1949 to 1992 - 22 reprints, since 1992 - "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language") today can be found in every intelligent Russian home. Its creator, the same age as the century, lived until 1964 and could appreciate the triumph of his brainchild. It seems that he is a lucky man: all his life he did what he loved and remained in people’s memory as a kind-hearted academician, with a classic beard, gentle manners and unfailing courtesy in polemics.

Did the era help him?

She helped as much as she could. Having interrupted her university studies, she was mobilized to the front of the Civil War and only in 1926 was sent to graduate school. The young scientist Sergei Ozhegov honestly tried to understand the nature of time: he began to design a “Dictionary of the Revolutionary Era.” The revolutionary era waited for the release of this first purely Soviet dictionary, took a closer look, and by the mid-30s found something to answer. That is, figuratively speaking, she barked at the compiler for “lack of Sovietness” and deviation into “bourgeois and petty-bourgeois thinking.” The scientist listened to all this and continued his work.

The Great Patriotic War found him at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute: during the day he taught classes, at night he was on duty in an armed patrol.

The Dictionary was published in continuous editions. And the academician patiently refined each of them, monitoring the inclusion of new vocabulary (and she insisted) and correlating these innovations with the normativity of the language (without which there is no language, but only verbiage).

Until the end of his life, Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov listened to reproaches: both for the fact that he did not express this novelty, and for the fact that he did not fight back from its pressure. He listened politely to both and continued to improve the Dictionary.

115 years ago, the future academician was born, whom those around him named Bogorodny for his impeccable goodwill. His "Dictionary" remains a field of continuous battles.

If this is your first time deciding to make eyeliner with tattoos, you would probably like to know how permanent eyelid makeup heals. Many women cannot decide to undergo such a procedure, fearing that the healing will be long and painful. However, there is no need to worry about this if you contact an experienced permanent makeup specialist.

is a unique procedure that allows every woman to look flawless as soon as she wakes up in the morning. With the help of tattooing arrows, you can not only emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes and give expressiveness to the look, but also correct minor facial imperfections.

Modern technologies for spraying coloring pigment onto the skin of the eyelids and effective pain-relieving creams make it possible to reduce discomfort during the procedure to a minimum. And after tattooing, the shooter specialist will definitely give you detailed recommendations on how to care for your makeup so that healing goes quickly. If you do everything correctly, tissue restoration will take about five days, and you can evaluate the final result in just a week.

What not to do during the healing period of permanent eye makeup

If you want to do permanent eye makeup, try to find enough free time - for example, take a weekend. Immediately after the procedure, a slight swelling of the eyelids will appear, so in order not to feel uncomfortable, it is better to stay at home while the skin heals. In addition, the color on your eyelids in the first days will be too bright, as if you have overdone it with makeup. But within a few days the color will become the way you originally wanted.

When the skin begins to heal, thin crusts will form on it, which under no circumstances should be scratched or picked out. Within a week they will peel off on their own and in the mirror you will see completely healed eyes.

During the healing period of permanent eyelid makeup, it is not recommended to:

  • visit the bathhouse, solarium, sauna;
  • take a hot shower, perform steaming procedures;
  • try to speed up exfoliation;
  • apply alcohol lotions to the permanent makeup area;
  • walk in the bright sun without covering your eyes with glasses or a brimmed hat;
  • take antibiotics (for 30 days).

How long does permanent eye makeup take to heal? Depends on how strictly you followed the recommendations for caring for tattoos during the period of skin restoration.

What procedures need to be performed to ensure that the healing of permanent eyelid makeup is quick and painless:

  • wipe the permanent makeup area daily with a disinfectant solution (chlorhexidine or miramistin);
  • three times a day, apply a thin layer of healing ointment (TETRACYCLINE EYE 1%) to the tattooed area;
  • To relieve irritation, use OKUMETIL eye drops.

All procedures must be performed with sterile disposable cotton swabs and pads. While permanent eyelid makeup is healing, try not to sleep with your face in the pillow and do not rub your eyes. With daily tattoo care, peeling will go quickly, and after just seven days you can return to your normal rhythm of life.

People's 1. Live for a very long time, too long. DP, 355; AOC 3, 82; BalSok, 57; F 1, 52; Glukhov 1988, 44; Podyukov 1989, 76; POS 3, 65. 2. Being close to death. DP, 289.

  • - 1. They say about water when it begins to arrive from the sea tide: “the water has healed.” Back when it begins to decrease: “the water trembled and sank.” 2. About the sea: free yourself from ice...

    Marine dictionary

  • - TO LIVE IN ANOTHER CENTURY. Outdated Disapproved Live excessively long, to a ripe old age. Mitrevna belonged to that type of completely outdated old women who, according to the popular proverb, live in someone else's age...
  • - TO LIVE ANOTHER AGE. TO LIVE ANOTHER CENTURY. Razg. Disapproved To live a very long time, to a ripe old age, outliving others. Well, you've lived in this world! I’ve been living for a long time, I’m healing someone else’s age, it’s time for my bones to rest...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - alive, -you/eat,...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - to heal, | start living, start living; get settled with income and household chores. The neighbor healed well, but he started drinking. We will live too. | To deserve or earn money taken in advance, debt...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - LIVE 2, - yelps; healed and healed, healed, healed and healed; owls About a wound, a sore spot: heal with skin, close. It will live until the wedding...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - HEALING, healing, healing. imperfect to heal in 1, 2 and 3 values. The wound is gradually healing...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - heal I ness. trans. outdated 1. To work off the money given in advance by the owner, the employer. 2. Earn money by living as workers and servants. 3. Owe the owner for renting an apartment. II Nesov. nepereh. Skin tightening...

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  • - Living behind someone else's head...
  • - See GROOM -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See RANKS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See CARE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - He lives in someone else's age. He eats someone else's eyelid...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Psk. Work for smb. POS 10, 255...
  • - Psk. To be under someone's guardianship, protection. SPP 2001, 31...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

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