
What is the pension increase for pensioners with two children? Pension increase for children: to whom and how much Pension increase for those with 2 children


The legislation of the Russian Federation annually provides certain benefits for categories of citizens in need. In Russia there is a law that regulates benefits for citizens who have reached retirement age and have minor children under their guardianship.

Basic concept of pension supplements

A pension supplement for a citizen who has reached retirement age is a certain amount of money that is reimbursed to the pensioner if certain conditions are met. In most cases, a pensioner's supplement is provided if he has minor children or disabled children as his dependents.

Important!!! The pension supplement for children born after and before 1990 is not an automatic additional payment to the monthly pension amount, but is calculated based on certain conditions.

Basic conditions for receiving an allowance for minor children

A pension supplement is possible for both working and non-working pensioners. An important condition remains that the pensioner be a citizen of the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation puts forward the basic requirements for receiving a pension supplement:

  • The pensioner must retire no earlier than 01/01/2015;
  • The pensioner retired after this date, but did not report his existing children to the Pension Fund.

According to the old procedure for calculating pensions, maternity leave was not included in a woman’s total length of service, but was subtracted from it. Today, pensioners can recalculate their length of service taking into account points for maternity leave; this will also be a certain bonus to their pension.

Key points in receiving a pension supplement for minor children.

  • Those pensioners who retired after January 1, 2015 do not need to apply for recalculation, since the most profitable option has already been calculated for them and assigned for payment. Recalculation is required only if the woman has non-insurance periods that were not taken into account when assigning a pension before January 1, 2015 or taken into account according to the old rules, for which pension points are now awarded in accordance with the new law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.
  • There is no time limit for submitting an application for recalculation of women's pensions for children.
  • The pension supplement for children obtained as a result of recalculation is individual and is not guaranteed for all pensioners, since replacing work experience with a period of child care will not always be beneficial.

According to statistics, only in 20-30% of cases the amount of paid pension benefits can be increased, and the amount of the increase can range from several rubles to several hundred or, in some cases, can even exceed a thousand rubles.

Important!!! If the recalculation is obtained “with a minus sign,” then the current pension amount will not decrease (since the deterioration of pension provision is not allowed by current law), and the Pension Fund employees will make a decision on refusal.

Who is entitled to pension supplements for minor children?

According to Russian legislation, women of retirement age who have two or more children whose children were born after 1990 can receive a pension supplement. The earnings of these women were minimal and their work experience was not long. Also women who are dependent on minor children or children who are studying full-time. In order to receive a pension supplement, a woman must contact the pension fund of the Russian Federation at her place of registration with an application and a certain package of documents. This package of documents includes the following documents:

  • Application for accrual of a pension supplement for minor children;
  • A document confirming the presence of minor children;
  • A copy of the work record book, certified by a notary;
  • Certificates confirming the absence of allowances;

All bonuses and calculation of pensions are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, therefore, in order to receive a bonus, a certain procedure must be followed.

Submitting an application The application can be submitted in two ways:

· Through the Pension Fund, by contacting the Pension Fund employees with a package of documents and a written application;

· Through the government services website, which requires registration, then you need to go to the “pension calculation” menu and follow all the prompts.

Review of submitted documents. Pension fund employees accept the package of documents and the application; a period of no more than 10 days is allocated for consideration.
Decision making by PF employees. After 10 days after submitting the application, PF employees are required to notify the applicant of the decision, positive - the amount of the bonus is calculated or negative - the bonus is denied.

By following this procedure and having all the necessary documents, the pensioner is required to provide a pension supplement.

  • Maintenance of minor children;
  • If the child is a full-time student at an educational institution;
  • Caring for a disabled child.

That is, if a woman who retired upon reaching retirement age and at the same time has minor children to support, she has every right to apply to the Pension Fund to receive an increase to the available amount of the pension payment.

Additional payment for minor children

Russian legislation provides for the receipt of a supplement to the basic pension for pensioners who retired upon reaching retirement age and do not have other benefits and who have minor children as their dependents.

Basic bonus amounts.

Important!!! If a pensioner is officially employed, according to Russian law, he is entitled to a supplement to the basic pension in the amount of one third of the fixed pension amount.

Based on this article, we can conclude that the state provides financial support in every possible way to citizens who need it; the main condition for receiving a pension supplement for a minor child in 2020 is having citizenship of the Russian Federation.

More and more people are going to government agencies to request a recalculation. They are interested in additional payments to pensions for children born before 1990. This is a multiple payment, a permanent bonus. It makes sense to apply for it to improve your financial situation.

There are temporary periods when the company pays insurance premiums to the Pension Fund for subordinates. They are called insurance. Uninsurable time periods arise. Pension contributions are formed, but they are not transferred from companies to government agencies. The following non-insurance time periods are distinguished:
  • Care for pensioners and people with disabilities;
  • Serving in the army;
  • Pensions are being recalculated for children whose parents looked after them for up to one and a half years.

How is it carried out, what is required when recalculating for those born before 90.

The size of the increase depends on the nuances. The supplement to mothers' pensions for children born before 1990 is calculated based on:

  • Number of pupils.

Supplements are formed for 4 children, no more. When recalculating women for children born before 1990, for the first baby for 1 year they are entitled to 1.8 points, for the next - 3.6 points, for the third - 5.4 points. After a year and a half of maternity leave:

For the firstborn, 2.7 points are accrued; On the second – 5.4 points; On the third, subsequent one – 8.1 points. The more children there are, the more points they are entitled to.

The pension increase due to children will be directly proportional to their number. The Federal Law is written so that if a woman gives birth to 4 children while caring for them, she can receive 24 pension points. For those who have raised so many children, sometimes recalculation is not profitable.

It is better to seek advice on payment from specialists. They will take into account how many children were born and how much a pensioner is entitled to. They will tell you whether it is worth counting what you have.

  • Income for a specified period of time.

The pension supplement for children born before 1990 depends on the mother’s salary. If a woman worked while caring for babies, she can receive points for this, or points for caring. They are accrued if a woman did not officially work, but cared for children up to one and a half years old.

  • Cumulative work experience.

The increase in pension for children born before 1990 also depends on this parameter.

Calculation example

Let's look at how payments are calculated to pensioners for children born before 1991. Let's say citizen Petrova gave birth to a baby in 1988. In 2015, she applied for an increase in her pension. She is entitled to 2.7 points for a year and a half of care. The cost of a point is 78.58 rubles. It should be multiplied by 2.7 b. The increase is equal to 212.16 rubles.

An example of recalculating pensions for those born before 1990. Citizen Vasilyeva gave birth to 5 children before 1990. She spent 6 years caring for her. For 3 children care was provided up to one and a half years, for 2 - for 1.6 months, for the second - 365 days.

Additional payments to pensions for those born before 1990, in this case, are calculated as follows: (2.7 + 5.4 + 8.1 + 5.4) multiplied by 78.58 rubles. = 1697 rub.

List of documents

To receive a pension supplement for those born before 1991, you should come to the Pension Fund. The application must be written in person. There is an application form approved by law on the Internet; it should be printed, filled out, signed, and then sent to the Pension Fund.

To receive a pension supplement for adult children, you need to bring a package of documents:

  • Photocopies of birth certificates;
  • Papers stating that the pupil is one and a half years old;
  • Photocopies of SNILS;
  • Photocopy of passport.

A pension supplement for persons who gave birth to children before 1990 is accrued after submitting an application and documents. A citizen has the right to do this at any time by coming to the Pension Fund on his own, through government services, or the Russian Post.

If the application is submitted digitally, and the citizen’s file does not contain the documents necessary for recalculation, he will have to present them additionally. If the applicant does not provide them within the specified period, the application will be cancelled. Then there is no need to wait for recalculation.

Which category of citizens will be refused

The pension supplement for those born before 1991 is not provided to young pensioners who retired in 2016-2017. As for whether people who retired in 2015 can receive additional payment, the question is ambiguous - the document is raw, it is better to consult a specialist.

The pension supplement for children born before 1991 will be most noticeable for women with many children. If a woman’s pension is minimal, at the expense of social benefits. With additional payments, she will be able to cover the increase for pupils. Subsidies for pensioners for those born before 1990 may be unprofitable.

Citizens who have a fixed pension will not receive an increase for a newborn child. We are talking about those who lived in the Chernobyl disaster zone. An application for recalculation for children into the pension fund will not be able to be written by people who retired early or who worked at a preferential job. Women who have one child will not be able to calculate their income. There is no additional payment for children born if you receive a survivor's pension.

The pension fund specialist knows exactly who is entitled to recalculation for children. He will tell you whether it is profitable to do it or whether it is worth refusing. There is no time limit for seeking a solution to the problem.

Which category of citizens benefits from the offer?

The bonus for those born before 1991 is beneficial to people whose work experience is defined as “Soviet”. It is calculated according to non-insurance periods. Recalculation for children is beneficial if there are several of them, if the work experience is short, and the salary is low. Sometimes the addition for children born in the USSR gives more points than the previous accounting of periods of care.

Payments are divided into regional and federal. Federal payments:

  • Increase for military personnel and retired athletes;
  • Additional payments to the insurance part of the pension;
  • Supplements to social pension.

Sometimes citizens are entitled to one-time or monthly increases. As for additional payment for children, women can apply for it:

  • Working but over a certain age limit;
  • Citizens with dependents;
  • Residents of the Far North;
  • Have worked in the Far North for more than 25 years;
  • People whose age has exceeded 80 years;
  • Disabled people.

Regional surcharges are calculated depending on the region. Certain categories of citizens, for example, municipal employees, can receive them. The amount of the premium is determined by the authorities. They influence how much honorary mothers and other categories of citizens will receive. For example, in some regions they receive bonuses of 10 thousand rubles annually.

Who will be paid extra?

Who needs the supplement? The year of birth of babies does not play a decisive role. They can be born both before 90 and after it.

Pension supplements for children after 90-91. will be imperceptible. People whose work experience is predominantly Soviet will receive a large increase in payments. It is profitable for them to recalculate.

Payments to pensioners are due if they gave birth to babies after 90. However, not everyone who is entitled to additional payments seeks to receive them. Sometimes after applying it becomes clear that recalculation is unprofitable.

Who exactly should write a statement?

  • For those who have 2 or more children, and care was provided up to one and a half years;
  • Anyone who has children needs a raise; wages are below the Russian average;
  • Recalculation for 2 pupils should be done if twins or triplets were born;
  • Those whose pension payments are almost equal to the subsistence level;
  • Mothers who took care of them and were not in an employment relationship before going on maternity leave must apply for recalculation for pupils;
  • Those who have accrued minimum payments are entitled to an additional payment.

The law regarding those born before 1990 says that sometimes the increase may not be issued. These are cases such as:

  • Possessing a long work experience;
  • High salary;
  • 1 pupil.

The additional payment depends on the number of students, length of service, and earnings. Those who have 2 or more students, but wish to retire early, are not recommended to apply for an allowance. Otherwise, you won't be able to retire early.

Recalculation for children is also possible if a person is raising them. If the woman is under 80 years old, then:

  • For 1 pupil she will receive 3416 rubles;
  • The increase for 2 pupils will be 4270 rubles;
  • For 3 – 5124 rub.

Pensioners over the age of 80 can collect documents for recalculation. In this case:

  • For a pupil, the additional payment will be 5970 rubles;
  • For two – 6832 rubles;
  • For three – 7680 rub.

Disabled pensioners can collect the necessary documents. By filling out the application form for recalculation, they will be able to receive:

  • For a student – ​​from 4-11.2 thousand rubles;
  • Benefits for those who gave birth to 2 and are raising them will amount to 6.4-12.8 thousand rubles;
  • They will add 7.2-14.4 thousand rubles for 3 people.

The order on additional payments for babies born before 1990, according to the government decree, says that residents of the North are paid not as much as pensioners in other regions, but more. They will be able to receive 6-16 thousand rubles.

How does the bonus increase at the expense of children if they are already 18, but not 23, but they are still studying? Pensioners who have such pupils receive 1.5 thousand rubles. However, it is worth consulting with a pension fund employee. He will tell you exactly what the benefit should be for pensioners for adult children.

Example with additional payment for those born before 1980

Let's say there is an additional payment for children. Let the woman retire in 2010. She has two students and wants to get a raise. One baby was born in 1990, the second in 1980. The work experience is 30 years.

What is the pension supplement? 3 years of non-insurance period are deducted from 30 years of service. Women who are already 60 years old will receive 3.6 points for caring for two children under one and a half years old. The increase for pupils will be 424 rubles.

According to statistics, those who signed up for the supplement receive an increase in the amount in 25% of cases. As a result, payments increase by several hundred or thousand rubles.

If you find, fill out a sample form for recalculating the amount of your pension, write an application, and the amount comes out with a minus sign, a refusal from the Pension Fund will be issued.

What documents are required for two pupils for recalculation? A standard application will be required, as well as:

  • Identification;
  • SNILS;
  • Birth Saints;
  • To receive a pension supplement, documents are required confirming that they are already one and a half years old (passport, certificate).

The Russian Pension Fund simply accepts a birth certificate if it contains a stamp indicating that the student has already received a passport.

It is interesting that women who have raised 1, 2 or more people are given care leave for 3 years. Only 1/2 of the period is included in the insurance period. This is fair; for up to one and a half years, care benefits are paid every 30 days.

Example with bonuses for 3 pupils

What is the supplement for 3 children? Let’s say that retirement took place in 2012. There are three babies born before 1980 and after. Work experience is 30 years.

The question of additional payments to pensions for children has only now gained great popularity, although technically the possibility of such a recalculation has been around for a long time and arose from the moment the new law came into force “About insurance pensions” No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013 - that is, from January 1, 2015. However, previously the possibility of recalculating an already assigned pension in order to receive a supplement for children caused great controversy. Now, several years later, the legality of contacting the Pension Fund on this issue has already become recognized and is beyond doubt.

According to the new pension legislation, now when assigning a pension it is provided more profitable accounting of the period of child care, which is expressed in:

It is noteworthy that more favorable rules can be applied to similar periods, that took place before 01/01/2015. Therefore, those pensioners who have been eligible for it for a long time can also apply for additional payment to their pension - i.e. women, including adult children born before 1990 (during Soviet times).

Choosing the best option for accounting for non-insurance periods for child care (and, consequently, the possibility of recalculation) consists in choosing procedure for calculating the amount of insurance pension:

  • valid until 2015 (according to the provisions of Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001);
  • currently in force, starting from January 1, 2015 (according to the norms of the new law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013).

Upon detailed examination and comparison of all options for calculating pensions in practice, it often turns out that the new procedure for accounting for pension rights is more beneficial for the pensioner and can provide a significant monthly increase (see). Therefore, it is worth using this opportunity and contacting the Pension Fund with the appropriate information. Although the supplement to the pension for children not guaranteed for all pensioners(each case is individual), we can say exactly for whom it may be most likely.

What is the pension supplement for children and who is entitled to it?

The meaning of the child allowance consists of counting the so-called “non-insurance periods” (clause 1 of Article 12 of Law No. 400-FZ) into the length of service and accruing additional pension points, the sum of which (the so-called individual pension coefficient) directly determines the size of the pension. In this case, this will be the period of departure of one of the parents for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years(the maximum total can only be taken into account 6 year care period for all children, so if we talk strictly about the period of care for each child up to 1.5 years, then in total only four children can be counted in points).

The essence of the currently proposed recalculation for children is as follows:

  • for women who were in an employment relationship at the time of birth and child care, this is the possibility of counting this period in one of two ways: either as a period of work, or according to the new rules as a non-insurance period, if such a replacement would be beneficial to her;
  • for women who at that time have a break in work or combine the birth of a child with study, this is an opportunity to increase the size of their pension by including a new unaccounted non-insurance period in the length of service and adding the number of points that directly affect the amount of the pension paid (taking into account the new one).

It’s worth mentioning right away that not all pension recipients benefit apply for recalculation! There are categories of pensioners for whom there will be no additional payment during this procedure, and perhaps not at all - the amount received will go into the minus.

It is important that if, upon recalculation, you receive a smaller pension than it was before, the initial payment amount will not be reduced, and in response to the application for recalculation, PFR specialists will make a decision to refuse.

Considering all of the above, first of all, it is worth paying attention to those mothers who are given recalculation will most likely be beneficial:

  • women with at least two children;
  • those who received low wages and, accordingly, have a small coefficient applied to the calculation of payments;
  • who had a short work history.

Which pensioners will not receive additional payment during recalculation?

The amount of additional payment for recalculation, as well as the possibility of its implementation, are strictly individual. However, it is safe to say who shouldn't count on such an increase?. These categories of pensioners include the following persons:

  • retired after January 1, 2015(for them, all possible options had already been calculated, taking into account non-insurance periods for children, and the most profitable method was automatically selected);
  • recipients, paid in a fixed amount(established, among other things, for living in the zone of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant);
  • retired previously established retirement age if they have a preferential job that gives such a right (since as a result of replacing the insurance period with points for non-insurance periods, they may lose the right to due to the exclusion of this time from the special period of service - this is especially true for periods of child care before 06.10.1992);
  • having only one child;
  • recipients of pension payments.

For other citizens, applying for a recalculation may be beneficial.

In each individual case, the calculation of the pension, as well as the calculation of the amount of the additional payment, will be purely individual, and there is no need to talk about any fixed amount of the increase. For some, this will be an additional payment of 300 rubles or even more, while for others the additional payment will be equal to one ruble or zero.

How many points are added to the pension for children?

According to paragraph 12 of Art. 15 Federal Law No. 400 "About insurance pension" The number of points awarded for periods of child care depends on the following parameters:

  • birth order of the child;
  • amount of care time.

Data on the value of points taken into account when recalculating the additional payment for children is presented in the following table.

Table - Recalculation of pensions for women for children

It is worth considering some nuances when:

  • the period of care is less than a year - then the calculation of the coefficient is established based on its actual duration (clause 14, article 15 No. 400-FZ);
  • there are several such periods coinciding in time - then the sum of the coefficients for each child is determined (Clause 13, Article 15 of Law No. 400-FZ).

Let's look at the example of pension recalculation for a woman with 2 adult children, taking into account non-insurance periods for caring for each of them.

Example - Recalculation of pensions for pensioners with 2 or more children

Anna Ivanovna has been a pensioner since April 2014. In order to compare different options for calculating pensions (according to the old rules or the new ones), we will determine the number of points earned by a woman for each of them. Thus, we will determine the profitability of a possible recalculation and the chance of receiving an increase for children.

Required initial data for recalculation:

The woman’s total work experience is 18 years, of which 15 years were worked from 1978 to 1997 and 3 years from 2005 to 2008, during which the employer transferred 135 thousand rubles to her personal account for financing the insurance part of the pension (the funded part was not formed). The length of service until January 1, 1991 is 11 years. Anna Ivanovna has two children born before 1990 (in 1979 and 1985). The woman was on maternity leave for 1.5 years with each of them. The calculated wage coefficient is 0.8.

    The first option - as it was determined when the pension was assigned. When retiring before January 1, 2015, non-insurance periods counted towards the length of service as a period of work according to the provisions of Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001, because at that moment the pensioner was in an employment relationship.

    • The estimated pension until 2002 (Article 30 of Federal Law No. 173) amounted to 256.72 rubles. is ((0.55 × 0.8 × 1671 – 450) × 18 /20).
    • The estimated amount of valorization (Article 30.1 of Federal Law No. 173) is equal to 53.91 rubles. is (256.72 × (0.1 + 0.01 × 11 )).
    • The increase due to insurance premiums received after 2001 is 592.11 rubles. - this is 135,000 rubles. / 228 months
    • The total labor pension (excluding the base part and indexation) assigned to the pensioner was equal to 2336.24 rubles. is ((256.72 + 53.91) × 5.6148 + 592.11).

      Translated into pension coefficients, this amount will be 36.45 points- this is (2336.24 rubles / 64.10 rubles per 1 point).

  1. The second option is how it will be calculated when recalculating the pension for children. When recalculating according to the norms of the new law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, it is necessary to convert the received amount into pension points (including for non-insurance periods of caring for 2 children), dividing it by the cost of one such point in 2015 (64, 10 rubles), and subtract 3 years of experience from the previous calculations (1.5 years for each child).

Obviously, for Anna Ivanovna from the example considered, the recalculation of pensions for two adult children will be beneficial(39.45 points is more than 36.45). This is due to the fact that she had a small salary and short work experience, and she has two children.

Thus, the woman in the example considered will receive a permanent increase in her pension in the amount of 39.45 – 36.45 = 3 points. The cost of 1 pension coefficient from January 1, 2019, taking into account the indexations carried out, is 87.24 rubles.

That., the additional payment to her pension will be equal to 3 × 87.24 = 261.72 rubles.

How to apply for an additional payment to the pension for children?

Recalculation of pension payments, implying additional payment taking into account non-insurance periods, is carried out only by application if you have the necessary documents.

In order to receive an increase in pension for children, pensioners need to take a few steps:

At the same time, there is several ways such an appeal:

  • personally (or through a legal representative) make an appointment with the client service of the district administration of the Pension Fund;
  • contact the MFC at your place of residence;
  • send documents by mail;
  • submit an electronic appeal through a single portal of public services.

Despite all the calls from the Pension Fund not to create a stir around the topic of additional payments for adult children, the information presented about a possible increase in pensions worries a large number of citizens, and their desire to quickly get an appointment with Pension Fund specialists can be understood in view of the difficult economic situation in the country. However, some Pension Fund departments have already registered an entry on the issue of recalculation many months in advance.

Since the moment of recalculation will depend on the date of filing the application, women in large populated areas should pay attention to alternative methods of application, bypassing a personal appointment at the Pension Fund.

Application for recalculation of pension for children (sample)

An application for recalculation of a pension for children is a standard form for revising the amount of payment, carried out, among other things, for other reasons. The application form for additional payment can be filled out in advance by printing it from the website of government services or the Pension Fund (or you can download it). You can also fill it out in person at the Pension Fund or MFC under the guidance of specialists from these institutions (in this case, correct completion is guaranteed).

This document is drawn up in Russian and signed personally by the citizen or his legal representative (if there is a notarized power of attorney). Based on the content of the statement, one can distinguish its main points:

  • first, indicate the name of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where the citizen applies;
  • followed by personal data (full name, citizenship, registration address and actual place of residence);
  • clause 3 informs about the type of pension to be recalculated, and the last column of the same clause indicates the basis for the additional payment “including non-insurance periods”;
  • It is also necessary to list in writing the documents attached to the application.

The final signature of the applicant at the end of the document confirms the accuracy of the information provided by him.

What documents are needed to apply for an increase?

IN package of documents required to obtain an increase in payment includes:

  • identification document of the pensioner or his legal representative;
  • pension insurance certificate ();
  • application (a 4-page form is printed by a Pension Fund employee upon personal application or filled out by the applicant independently electronically on the government services website);
  • birth certificates of children or a birth certificate from the civil registry office;
  • documents confirming that the child is 1.5 years old, to choose from:
    • educational certificate;
    • child's passport.

If the child’s birth certificate contains a stamp indicating that he received a passport upon reaching 14 years of age, then there is no need to provide any additional documents to confirm that he is being cared for!

It is worth remembering that if you apply for recalculation through the post office, copies of the submitted documents must be notarized, and if you apply for an increase via the Internet, the documents necessary for the additional payment (except for the application completed directly on the website) should be brought to the Pension Fund within five working days.

The timing of the decision and when the increase will be

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 23 of Law No. 400-FZ, recalculation of the amount of the insurance pension is carried out from the first day, following the month of application. The revision of pension payments by including non-insurance periods for adult children is no exception in this sense.

Do not forget that the possibility of filing such an application for additional payment is not limited by any period. However, if you apply for an increase later, the pensioner will be able to start receiving a higher pension only from the next month - no additional payments for the previous time missed since the entry into force of the new law is not due.

But since additional payment to the pension is not guaranteed for absolutely everyone, it is possible to refuse recalculation. In this case, an appropriate decision will be made by the Pension Fund of Russia commission, of which the applicant will be notified at the telephone number or email address specified in the application, and in the absence of such, by postal notification.

Is there an additional payment to the pension for children born before 1990? I retired in 2005, I have three daughters born in 1974 and 1979. and born in 1985, each of whom was on maternity leave for a year. During these periods, I was in an employment relationship and this time was counted towards me when assigning a pension payment as work experience.

According to the norms of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, which came into force in January 2015, it became possible to count the time spent caring for children (one and a half years with no more than four) according to a more profitable option, including for periods until 2015.

The question of increasing pensions for children, including those who are already adults, is not raised precisely because of their date of birth before or after 1990. This recalculation is due to all women who have children and care for them at different times, including the Soviet period.

To compare several calculation options, you will need to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where your payment file is located with documents confirming your care, and write an application for recalculation.

If you have a short work experience and a low salary coefficient applied to the payment calculation, then if you have three children, such a recalculation will most likely be beneficial. If such a revision of the pension is unprofitable, its original amount will not be reduced, and the commission will make a decision on refusal.

And we monitor their implementation. So far, only one thing has been accomplished - doubling payments for the care of disabled children. And then another law came into force: it changed the rules for indexing pensions and additional payments to the subsistence level.

In a nutshell. The poorest pensioners will receive an increase so that their pension corresponds to the subsistence level, and on top of that there will also be indexation. The average increase is 400 rubles per month, or about 5 thousand rubles per year. For 4 million pensioners, this costs the budget 20 billion rubles a year.

Here's how the new indexation law works - and here's who will get the most money starting in May 2019.

Who is entitled to a pension increase?

The law is already in effect:

  1. The increase will be received by non-working pensioners whose pension is below the subsistence level in the region. Those who are higher will not receive it, because they have already been paid an increase since January.
  2. Pensioners with a small pension will have their accruals indexed from January 1 and will be paid this amount above the subsistence level. Additional payments will be made until July 1. Further payments will be based on indexation.
  3. Previously, indexation was included in the monthly supplement and was invisible. Now it will always be paid separately.
  4. The recalculation will be done automatically; you don’t need to formalize or write anything.
  5. Indexation does not apply to working pensioners: they have their own conditions and other deadlines.

Who does this concern?

This applies only to non-working pensioners who have received a pension less than the subsistence level. If a pensioner receives a pension, but still works, this is possible, but he is not entitled to raises and additional payments. Working pensioners have their own indexation taking into account insurance premiums; it is carried out in August, and their pensions are increased according to a different scheme.

Ekaterina Miroshkina


What kind of indexing are we talking about?

Every year the state indexes pensions. They are increased by a certain percentage. In 2019, there was the most noticeable indexation of insurance pensions - by 7.05%. As a result, the average old-age pension increased by 1,000 rubles per month. Social pensions have increased by 2% since April 1.

That is, the state tries to add some amount to pensions every year in order to compensate for the increase in prices for citizens who are not working due to age or disability.

What does the cost of living have to do with it?

Some pensioners have pensions below the subsistence level. Even if a teacher has worked at a school for 25 years, his old-age pension may still not exceed 8,000 rubles. Although the cost of living in the region is 8,700 rubles. And there are pensions of even 6,000 rubles, while for an elderly person this is the only source of income.

If the pension is less than the subsistence level in the region, the pensioner is paid extra. That is, the teacher will still receive 8,700 rubles - provided that he does not work. Money for additional payments is taken from the federal and regional budgets. All pensioners in Russia must receive no less than the minimum subsistence level in their region, regardless of the actual pension accrued: this is the law.

What was wrong with indexation and the living wage?

Let’s say a teacher has an old-age pension of 8,000 rubles. It is indexed by 7.05% - the increase is 564 rubles. But the cost of living in the region is 8,700 rubles.

Previously, payments were calculated as follows:

8000 R + 564 R = 8564 R is the accrued pension taking into account indexation;

8700 R − 8564 R = 136 R is an additional payment up to the subsistence level.

This means that the increase due to indexing did not increase the real payment to the pensioner, but reduced additional payments from the budget. The accrued pension became larger, the additional payment was smaller, and the pensioner received the same living wage. Millions of pensioners did not notice this indexation. The President noticed this and said to correct it. The government developed a bill, the Duma quickly adopted it, and it came into force on April 1. Now the pension increase will be calculated differently.

The increase will no longer be included in the minimum surcharge

Previously, pensions were indexed, and then they calculated how much they needed to pay in addition to the subsistence level.

Now pensions will be indexed as follows:

  1. First, they will calculate the increase taking into account indexation.
  2. The amount of the increase will be fixed.
  3. Then they will calculate how much you need to pay extra to the minimum subsistence level, taking into account the previous pension amount, before the increase.
  4. And only after that the fixed indexation amount will be added to the payment increased to the subsistence level. The increase will not reduce the additional payment to the minimum, but will increase the payment by the full amount.

Let’s do the math using the example of the same retired teacher, to whom the state generously awarded 8,000 rubles:

8000 R × 7.05% = 564 R - increase during indexation;

8700 R − 8000 R = 700 R - additional payment up to the subsistence level;

8000 R + 700 R + 564 R = 9264 R - the final pension amount, taking into account indexation and additional payments.

Last year's indexation will be taken into account when calculating the additional payment to the minimum

Next year the state will again index pensions. It is already known that from 2020 old age payments will increase by another 6.6%. That is, the same teacher’s pension, taking into account this indexation, will be 9,129 rubles. And this will definitely be more than the subsistence level, even if it increases by 150 rubles.

But in 2020, payments to this pensioner will be calculated as follows:

8564 R × 6.6% = 565 R - increase taking into account indexation in 2020;

8850 R − 8564 R = 286 R - additional payment up to the increased cost of living;

8564 R + 286 R + 565 R = 9415 R - the total amount of payments taking into account indexation and additional payments in 2020.

In 2021, the 2020 pension will be indexed. But the amount paid in 2020 will be compared with the 2021 cost of living. And only then will they calculate the additional payment and add a new indexation to it.

The teacher in our example will most likely no longer have additional payments by that time: the total indexation will be greater than the increase in the cost of living. His pension from 8,000 rubles in 2018 will increase to 9,704 rubles in 2021 due to indexation over three years: by 7.05%, 6.6% and 6.3%.

The general algorithm for calculating the increase in each subsequent year:

  1. Last year's pension is compared with the new year's cost of living.
  2. The difference between them is fixed - this is an additional payment.
  3. Then they calculate the increase in pension taking into account indexation.
  4. An additional payment to the new year's minimum and indexation are added to the previous year's pension.
  5. When last year's pension turns out to be greater than the new year's subsistence level, additional payment from the budget is no longer due. Each year they will only add indexation.

That is, it will not be the case that all indexations for previous years are paid in addition to the additional payment to the minimum: only for the current year. Each previous increase is already taken into account when calculating the additional payment.

How will insurance pensions be indexed?

At what year

How much will the pension increase?

The additional payment will be recalculated to the minimum from January 1, 2019

Insurance pensions were indexed by 7.05% back in January. All this time they paid extra to the minimum according to the old rules. The law on recalculation came into force on April 1, but it will be applied retroactively, that is, the increase and additional payment under the new scheme will be calculated from January.

It turns out that approximately 12% of pensioners are entitled to additional payment for January, February and March. For some it will be 500 rubles, and for others it will be 5000 rubles. These amounts will be paid to pensioners by July 1, 2019.

If the pension is more than the subsistence level, there will be no recalculation

The new scheme applies only to those pensioners whose accrued pension is less than the subsistence level. Only they are entitled to a monthly supplement. If in 2018 the pension was greater than the minimum in the region, it has already been indexed and an increase has been paid since January. You can't count on anything else for now.

The president’s order concerned those who did not notice the increase due to surcharges. And those who noticed it will continue to receive an increased pension as usual.

How to get an increase in pension above the additional payment to the minimum?

The pension fund itself will calculate who is entitled to it and pay the money. There is no need to go anywhere or apply. Documents about the amount of monthly additional payment are also not needed: the state has all the information.

Some pensioners will begin to receive additional payments in January as early as May. But not all at once: some will receive it only in June. If your neighbor got paid in May, but you didn’t, wait. The alarm should be sounded only after July 1, but there should be no problems. Everyone who is entitled to recalculation from January 1 will receive this money and will see an increase in their current pension.

Where does the money for the next indexation come from?

Unlike the laws on fake news and insulting the authorities, which do not seem to require expenditures from the budget, raising pensions definitely requires money. To pay additional indexation above the subsistence level, you need to allocate 60 billion rubles over three years. They will be taken from the federal budget, and there they will come from the sale of oil and the payment of taxes.

20 billion

rubles per year will be spent on additional payments to pensions under the new scheme

Will pensioners live better in Russia?

Hardly. In this case, we are talking about a monthly payment that is equal to or slightly exceeds the pensioner’s subsistence level. In Kaluga it is 8,708 rubles, in Moscow - 12,115 rubles, in Kirov and Ulyanovsk - 8,474, and in Krasnoyarsk - 8,846. In most regions, the cost of living for a pensioner is less than 9 thousand rubles. This means that the increase with indexation according to the new scheme will be, at best, 500-600 rubles per month. And instead of 8,700 rubles, the pensioner will receive 9,300. For pensioners who have no other income, even this increase is important. But is it possible to live with dignity on this money?

If you are not yet retired, read how to earn money for your old age so as not to rejoice at such news and not wait for 500 rubles at the behest of the president:

The modern methodology for calculating pension benefits has actually been in effect since January 1, 2015. Now the amount of payments in connection with reaching the age limit for compulsory employment depends on the points earned.

Those citizens who by this date have already become recipients of maintenance from the budget of the Pension Fund (PFR) are entitled to a pension supplement for children born before 1990.

general information

The essence of the method comes down to taking into account points for the birth of a baby and caring for him up to one and a half years. According to the new method, each offspring is entitled to a certain number per year:

  • for the first - 1.8;
  • for the second - 3.6;
  • for the third and fourth - 5.4 each.
Important: the pension supplement for women who have given birth to 2 children is calculated individually. This is not always beneficial.

The bonus is calculated in a fixed amount. There is an increase in benefits for a certain number of dependents who do not receive their own support. Thus, an additional payment is assigned for one, two or three minors, including full-time students under 23 years of age.

Hint: to calculate the supplement, you should contact the Pension Fund branch. You must have proof of eligibility with you.

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