
Journey to the green country junior group. "Journey to the green country" (safe behavior in the forest). Summary of classes on life safety for children of the older group. Senior preschool age Comprehensive open lesson on the topic: "Journey to a green country"


Lesson summary

"Journey to the Green Fairy Tale"

Second junior group

Tasks. Consolidation of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgreen color; enrichment of the dictionary with adjectives green, green, green. Learning to agree these adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case. Strengthening the differentiation of yellow and green colors. The development of speech breathing. The development of visual and auditory attention, coordinating words with movement.

Equipment. Doll in a green dress, frog toy, trees, grass, yellow and green leaves, 2 boxes, Sounds of the Forest.

Children, today we will remember the Green Fairy Tale. And for this we will go for a walk in the forest. Get in a circle.

We walk the paths

We are walking the paths.

We go with baskets

We're going with baskets.

Brook on the perch crossed

And we found a bright clearing.

And who did we find in the bright meadow? Yes, this is our girl. Sit on the chairs and let's remember what happened to our girl.

There lived a girl. She loved to travel through colorful fairy tales.

Where did the girl go? (In the forest.)

What did she wear?

What was green in the forest? (Green trees, green bushes, green grass, green frog.)

Who did the girl want to touch?

It's good that he ran away. He is so small. The girl could hurt him. It is better not to touch or offend those who are smaller and weaker than you.

Oh, guys, what is that noise in the forest? Yes, it was a breeze. Let's show how the wind sways the trees.

Wind exercise.

The wind is blowing in our face

And shakes the tree.

The wind is quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher and higher.

The wind blew and tore a large leaf from the tree.

Let's make a "breeze" and blow on a leaf.

Breathing exercise "Blow on a leaf."

Look, and the mischievous wind plucked not one leaf from the trees, but how many? (Lot.)

What color are these leaves? (Yellow and green.)

And now you need to go and find a green leaf and put it in a green box.

Now they found a yellow sheet and put it in a yellow box.

Well done. Everyone sat down on chairs.

Oh guys, look. Our girl is listening. What did she hear? (Some sounds.)

Who could the girl hear in the forest?

Sound imitation exercise.

How can a frog talk?

Sparrow can be heard in the forest?

And here is a cuckoo sitting on a bitch ...

What is the woodpecker doing?

Let us now listen to what the girl heard in the forest.

Listening to the recording "Sounds of the Forest".

Here are some interesting things we saw and heard while walking through the forest. Did you like it? And what did you like the most?

Summary of the lesson "Journey to a green country"

Target: expand the idea of ​​green, create a favorable emotional background.


    Expand ideas about the green color, develop the ability to subtly feel the color and select adequate adjectives to describe it.

    Develop dialogic speech.(Speech task) .

    Develop auditory and visual attention (Developing task) .

    Develop the ability to navigate in space(Developing) .

    Expand and generalize knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest(Educational task) .

    Continue to teach children to relieve emotional and bodily tension, develop the ability to quickly switch from active to passive activities.

    To cultivate the desire to live in peace and friendship, to teach children to rejoice themselves when they make others happy(educational) .

Equipment and materials: green items(bars, cubes, caps, paper leaves, tape, toy beads, ball, ball, threads, balls, buttons, pencil, plasticine, Christmas tree, snake toy) , tape recorder, green cloth.

Course progress.

Smooth, calm music sounds.


Green color caresses at noon with a shadow,

He gives peace to the soul and vision,

And the grasses are green, and the darkness in the forests,

Green color fluctuates in the eyes.

Hello guys! I am the Green Fairy and today I invite you to visit my magical green country. Do you want to get into it? Then you must try! I suggest you continue my poem and name everything green that you know. What could it be?(children's answers)

Each correctly named item is a ticket to my country and now you can go to a magnificent green meadow.

Exercise 1.

Here we are in the green country. Relax, relax your shoulders, lower free hands relax your face. I have a magic green box in my hands. See what's in it? That's right, there are a lot of items and they are all green. Look carefully at the objects, touch them.

Music plays, children watch for about 30 seconds.

How does this color seem to you: calm or disturbing? soothing or exciting? sad or happy? soft or hard?(warm, fresh, clean, calm, soft, beautiful)

Of course guys. Green is the color of harmony and balance. It combines cold and hot colors. He is neither cold nor hot. Green is able to soothe and establish peace in the soul. He is a wonderful healer. Green helps to take off Bad mood, relieve anxiety, reduce fatigue. It is no coincidence that being in nature, in the forest, surrounded by green grass and trees, we feel better, kinder, stronger.

Put all the items back in the box.

Exercise 2.

And now we're going to play a little. I will ask you all to stand next to me around our clearing. What color is she? Why is she green? We will take our little box, put a pen in it and guess what kind of object we found there. Then we will get this item and put it in any place of the green meadow. Look, I took this green cube and put it in the upper corner of the green meadow.

Answer options: I put the green car in the bottom corner of the green square, I put green flower near the green cube, I put a green butterfly on a green flower, I put a green pencil under the green flower.

Well done guys, I see that you are perfectly oriented in space, which means we can relax a bit.

Exercise 3

Sit down on the grass, close your eyes and listen to the green poem.

(music plays)

In the green, green, green forest

A green leaf, like a flag, I carry.

The green cone lies like a craft,

Green music sounds somewhere.

Green grasshopper in green country

Plays a green song for me.

Which resident of my country is referred to in this poem?

Of course, a grasshopper, but what other green forest inhabitants do you recognize?(green lizard, dragonfly, butterfly, snake, frog, caterpillar, bug, grasshopper)

And now each of you will turn into any green creature and when the music starts, you will move like your heroes. That is, a butterfly will fly, grasshoppers will jump, snakes will crawl. Show how your character will move, but when the music stops, your character should freeze in place.

(music repeats several times)

You showed me who lives in a real green forest. And I will tell you about one amazing inhabitant of my green country.

Fairy tale "Zelenushka"

One greenish ghost scared everyone. Appeared in the afternoon, and in the morning, and on the street, and in the store. People got scared and ran in all directions. Other ghosts reproached Zelenushka: "Don't scare everyone, what a panic you're making."(A child in the image of Zelenushka gives his answer. For example: I don’t scare, they themselves are scared. No one is friends with me, that’s why I scare people. My mood is bad, so I scare) .

Guys, so that Zelenushka is not so angry, let's teach her to be friends. And in order to be friends, what should we do? Of course, smile! After all, friendship begins with a smile!

And now let's draw our smiles and give them to each other, to our moms and dads. What wonderful smiles we got. And now we're all going back to kindergarten.

Did you like the lesson, and what did you like the most?

It was also a pleasure for me to communicate with you, and I hope that we will definitely meet again!

Complex abstracts

senior preschool age
Comprehensive open lesson on the topic:
"Journey to the Green Country"

Svergunova Tatyana Yuzikovna, educator MBDOU No. 37, Armavir

Target: expand the idea of ​​green, create a favorable emotional background.


  1. Expand ideas about green, develop the ability to subtly feel color and select adequate adjectives to describe it.
  2. Develop dialogic speech. (Speech task).
  3. Develop auditory and visual attention (Developing task).
  4. Develop the ability to navigate in space (Developing).
  5. Expand and generalize knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest (Educational task).
  6. Continue to teach children to relieve emotional and bodily tension, develop the ability to quickly switch from active to passive activity.
  7. To cultivate the desire to live in peace and friendship, to teach children to rejoice themselves when they make others happy (educational).

Equipment and materials: green items (bars, cubes, caps, paper leaves, tape, toy beads, ball, ball, threads, balls, buttons, pencil, plasticine, Christmas tree, snake toy), tape recorder, green cloth.

Course progress.

Smooth, calm music sounds.


Green color caresses at noon with a shadow,

He gives peace to the soul and vision,

And the grasses are green, and the darkness in the forests,

Green color fluctuates in the eyes.

Hello guys! I am the Green Fairy and today I invite you to visit my magical green country. Do you want to get into it? Then you must try! I suggest you continue my poem and name everything green that you know. What could it be? (children's answers)

Each correctly named item is a ticket to my country and now you can go to a magnificent green meadow.

Exercise 1.

Here we are in the green country. Relax, relax your shoulders, lower your free hands, relax your face. I have a magic green box in my hands. See what's in it? That's right, there are a lot of items and they are all green. Look carefully at the objects, touch them.

Music plays, children watch for about 30 seconds.

How does this color seem to you: calm or disturbing? soothing or exciting? sad or happy? soft or hard? (warm, fresh, clean, calm, soft, beautiful)

Of course guys. Green is the color of harmony and balance. It combines cold and hot colors. He is neither cold nor hot. Green is able to soothe and establish peace in the soul. He is a wonderful healer. Green helps relieve bad mood, relieve anxiety, reduce fatigue. It is no coincidence that being in nature, in the forest, surrounded by green grass and trees, we feel better, kinder, stronger.

Put all the items back in the box.

Exercise 2.

And now we're going to play a little. I will ask you all to stand next to me around our clearing. What color is she? Why is she green? We will take our little box, put a pen in it and guess what kind of object we found there. Then we will get this item and put it in any place of the green meadow. Look, I took this green cube and put it in the upper corner of the green meadow.

Answer options: I put the green car in the bottom corner of the green square, I put the green flower next to the green cube, I put the green butterfly on the green flower, I put the green pencil under the green flower.

Well done guys, I see that you are perfectly oriented in space, which means we can relax a bit.

Exercise 3

Sit down on the grass, close your eyes and listen to the green poem.

(music plays)

In the green, green, green forest

A green leaf, like a flag, I carry.

The green cone lies like a craft,

Green music sounds somewhere.

Green grasshopper in green country

Plays a green song for me.

Which resident of my country is referred to in this poem?

Of course, a grasshopper, but what other green forest inhabitants do you recognize? (green lizard, dragonfly, butterfly, snake, frog, caterpillar, bug, grasshopper)

And now each of you will turn into any green creature and when the music starts, you will move like your heroes. That is, a butterfly will fly, grasshoppers will jump, snakes will crawl. Show how your character will move, but when the music stops, your character should freeze in place.

(music repeats several times)

You showed me who lives in a real green forest. And I will tell you about one amazing inhabitant of my green country.

Fairy tale "Zelenushka"

One greenish ghost scared everyone. Appeared in the afternoon, and in the morning, and on the street, and in the store. People got scared and ran in all directions. Other ghosts reproached Zelenushka: "Don't scare everyone, what a panic you're making." (A child in the image of Zelenushka gives his answer. For example: I don’t scare, they themselves are scared. No one is friends with me, that’s why I scare people. My mood is bad, so I scare).

Guys, so that Zelenushka is not so angry, let's teach her to be friends. And in order to be friends, what should we do? Of course, smile! After all, friendship begins with a smile!

And now let's draw our smiles and give them to each other, to our moms and dads. What wonderful smiles we got. And now we're all going back to kindergarten.

Did you like the lesson, and what did you like the most?

It was also a pleasure for me to communicate with you, and I hope that we will definitely meet again!

Senior preschool age.

Comprehensive open class on the topic of:


Target : expand the idea of ​​green, create a favorable emotional background.

Tasks :

Expand ideas about the green color, develop the ability to subtly feel the color and select adequate adjectives to describe it.

Develop dialogic speech. (Speech task).

Develop auditory and visual attention (Developing task).

Develop the ability to navigate in space (Developing).

Expand and generalize knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest (Educational task).

Continue to teach children to relieve emotional and bodily tension, develop the ability to quickly switch from active to passive activities.

To cultivate the desire to live in peace and friendship, to teach children to rejoice themselves when they make others happy (Educational).

Equipment and materials: green objects (bars, cubes, caps, paper leaves, ribbon, toy beads, ball, ball, threads, balls, buttons, pencil, plasticine, Christmas tree, snake toy), tape recorder, green fabric.

Course progress.

Smooth, calm music sounds.


Green color caresses at noon with a shadow,

He gives peace to the soul and vision,

And the grasses are green, and the darkness in the forests,

Green color fluctuates in the eyes.

- Hello guys! I am the Green Fairy and today I invite you to visit my magical green country. Do you want to get into it? Then you must try! I suggest you continue my poem and name everything green that you know. What could it be?(children's answers)

- Each correctly named item is a ticket to my country and now you can go to a magnificent green meadow.

Exercise 1.

- Here we are in the green country. Relax, relax your shoulders, lower your free hands, relax your face. I have a magic green box in my hands. See what's in it? That's right, there are a lot of items and they are all green. Look closely at objects, touch them.

Music plays, children watch for about 30 seconds.

- How does this color seem to you: calm or disturbing? soothing or exciting? sad or happy? soft or hard?(warm, fresh, clean, calm, soft, beautiful)

- Of course guys. Green is the color of harmony and balance. It combines cold and hot colors. He is neither cold nor hot. Green is able to soothe and establish peace in the soul. He is a wonderful healer. Green helps relieve bad mood, relieve anxiety, reduce fatigue. It is no coincidence that being in nature, in the forest, surrounded by green grass and trees, we feel better, kinder, stronger..

Put all the items back in the box.

Exercise 2.

- And now we're going to play a little. I will ask you all to stand next to me around our clearing. What color is she? Why is she green? We will take our little box, put a pen in it and guess what kind of object we found there. Then we will get this item and put it in any place of the green meadow. Look, I took this green cube and put it in the upper corner of the green meadow.

Answer options: I put the green car in the bottom corner of the green square, I put the green flower next to the green cube, I put the green butterfly on the green flower, I put the green pencil under the green flower.

- Well done guys, I see that you are perfectly oriented in space, which means we can relax a bit.

Exercise 3

- Sit down on the grass, close your eyes and listen to the green poem.

(music plays)

In the green, green, green forest

A green leaf, like a flag, I carry.

The green cone lies like a craft,

Green music sounds somewhere.

Green grasshopper in green country

Plays a green song for me.

- Which resident of my country is referred to in this poem?

- Of course, a grasshopper, and what other green forest inhabitants do you recognize? (green lizard, dragonfly, butterfly, snake, frog, caterpillar, bug, grasshopper)

- And now each of you will turn into any green creature and when the music starts, you will move like your heroes. Those. a butterfly will fly, grasshoppers will jump, snakes will crawl. Show how your character will move, but when the music stops, your character should freeze in place.

(music repeats several times)

- You showed me who lives in a real green forest. And I will tell you about one amazing inhabitant of my green country.

Fairy tale "Zelenushka"

One greenish ghost scared everyone. Appeared in the afternoon, and in the morning, and on the street, and in the store. People got scared and ran in all directions. Other ghosts reproached Zelenushka: "Don't scare everyone, what a panic you're making."(A child in the image of Zelenushka gives her answer. For example: I don’t scare, they themselves are scared. No one is friends with me, that’s why I scare people. My mood is bad, so I scare them).

- Guys, so that Zelenushka is not so angry, let's teach her to be friends. And in order to be friends, what should we do? Of course, smile! After all, friendship begins with a smile.!

- And now let's draw our smiles and give them to each other, to our moms and dads. What wonderful smiles we got. And now we're all going back to kindergarten.

- Did you like the activity and what did you like the most??

- It was also a pleasure for me to communicate with you, and I hope that we will definitely meet again.!

VOUO DO Moscow

GOU kindergarten No. 000

Complex game

“Journey to the Green Country”

for children of the middle group


Teach children how to prevent colds;

Give an idea of ​​healthy food;

To consolidate in children the ability to perform basic types of movements (balance, crawling, jumping).


Little Red Riding Hood - doll, basket;

Doll - Rostik;

Building material (bricks);

"Tree" - a stretched elastic band on which fruits are suspended on threads;

Bear mask for an outdoor game, tambourine;

Fruit by the number of children;

Musical accompaniment.

Game progress

Children sit freely on chairs.

Educator. Guys, I received a telegram, guess from whom.

Here is the riddle:

The grandmother loved the girl very much,

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name

Well, tell me her name.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

Little Red Riding Hood enters to the music (the teacher brings in a doll) and greets the children.

Little Red Riding Hood (the teacher speaks for her). Guys, my beloved grandmother caught a cold and got sick. I really want to help her, but I don't know how. Teach me how to be healthy and not get sick. What needs to be done for this?

Children. Harden: do gymnastics, douse yourself with cool water, walk a lot, walk barefoot on the grass; gargle with medicinal herbs; eat more healthy food, etc.

Educator. Right! But you need to know which foods are healthy and which are not. And Rostik from the green country of Rostia will help us figure this out. After all, he is a young specialist in proper nutrition.

Let's go to this country together with Little Red Riding Hood.

And for this we need to sing the song “Health Lesson in Rostia”:

Here comes the bell again

We start the lesson.

Let's study food

We will know everything about food.

Rostik (doll) appears with the song, greets the children.

Rostik's song

(the teacher sings and speaks for him)

I am a green pod, Rostik.

I come to visit children.

We are with parsley, long onion

Who eats them for breakfast

Little by little it grows.

I teach to wash my hands with soap,

And only then eat and drink.

Study before meals

Wash fruits and vegetables with water.

Products to choose

And what is their use, to know for sure.

Chew them slowly

To not call a doctor.

Educator. Here is Rostik. We are very glad to have met you. We need your help. Please teach us how to choose healthy foods so that we don't get sick.

Rostik. Certainly. Listen carefully. You can eat a lot of greens, vegetables and fruits. They contain very healthy vitamins - magical grains of health in products.

But fatty, fried, sweet, salty should be eaten in moderation.

The main thing is to eat at least seven different vegetables and fruits every day.

To be healthy and strong

You need to love fruits, vegetables,

All without exception -

There is no doubt about it!

Little Red Riding Hood. Rostik, how can I cure my grandmother now, because she has already caught a cold?

Rostik. She will be helped by a medicine that is not sold in pharmacies. These are fruits that contain vitamin C. I know the way to where they grow..

So guys, let's hit the road, shall we?

Then go ahead!

Rostik. An impenetrable forest lies ahead. But there is no road through this forest. Let's look for where you can go through it. Here is some hole. Through it you can get to the other side of the forest. Let's try.

Crawling exercise “crawl through the pipe”.

Rostik. Hooray! We went with you to the other side of the mountain river, there is a very warm current here. Let's try to walk over the rocks to get to the other side of the river.

Balance exercise. Each child has two bricks, which they take turns rearranging in front of them and thus moving to the “other side of the river”.

Rostik. Let's have some rest and play on the river bank. But be careful, bears often come here to drink.

Outdoor game “Freeze” (repeat 2-3 times).

Jumping exercise.

Fruits are hanging on the threads, which the children are trying to pick. The children put the plucked fruits into the basket for Little Red Riding Hood.

Educator. Little Red Riding Hood, now you have a medicine that will help your grandmother.

These are apples, lemons, kiwi, oranges - fruits that contain vitamin "C".

Little Red Riding Hood. Thank you guys, Rostik, I'm so glad that I have these Good friends. Now I will definitely cure my grandmother and I myself am not afraid to get sick.

And now it's time for me. Goodbye.

Rostik. Guys, did you like my country?

What good fellows we are!

We not only helped Little Red Riding Hood and her beloved grandmother. But now you all know what you need to do in order not to catch a cold and not get sick, you have learned to choose food that is healthy for your health.

And now I suggest you draw the Country of Health. Then we will all look at your drawings together.